##' @title plot
##' @description visualize fits from an mpm object
##' @param x a `aniMotum` `mpm` fit object with class `mpm_df`
##' @param y optional `ssm` fit object with class `ssm_df` corresponding to x.
##' If absent, 1-d plots of `gamma_t` time series are rendered
##' otherwise, 2-d track plots with locations coloured by `gamma_t`` are rendered.
##' @param se logical (default = FALSE); should points be scaled by `gamma_t`
##' uncertainty (ignored if y is not supplied)
##' @param pages plots of all individuals on a single page (pages = 1; default)
##' or each individual on a separate page (pages = 0)
##' @param ncol number of columns to use for faceting. Default is ncol = 1 but
##' this may be increased for multi-individual objects. Ignored if pages = 0
##' @param ask logical; if TRUE (default) user is asked for input before each
##' plot is rendered. set to FALSE to return ggplot objects
##' @param pal [grDevices::hcl.colors] palette to use (default: "Plasma";
##' see [grDevices::hcl.pals] for options)
##' @param rev reverse colour palette (logical)
##' @param ... additional arguments to be ignored
##' @return a ggplot object with either: 1-d time series of `gamma_t` estimates
##' (if y not provided), with estimation uncertainty ribbons (95 % CI's);
##' or 2-d track plots (if y provided) coloured by `gamma_t`, with smaller points
##' having greater uncertainty (size is proportional to `SE^-2`, if `se = TRUE`).
##' Plots can be rendered all on a single page (pages = 1) or on separate pages.
##' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_point geom_path theme_minimal labs
##' @importFrom ggplot2 element_blank xlab ylab geom_ribbon ylim coord_fixed scale_size
##' @importFrom stats qlogis
##' @importFrom patchwork wrap_plots
##' @importFrom grDevices hcl.colors hcl.pals devAskNewPage
##' @method plot mpm_df
##' @examples
##' # generate a ssm fit object (call is for speed only)
##' xs <- fit_ssm(sese2, spdf=FALSE, model = "rw", time.step=72, control = ssm_control(verbose = 0))
##' # fit mpm to ssm fits
##' xm <- fit_mpm(xs, model = "jmpm")
##' # plot 1-D mp timeseries on 1 page
##' plot(xm, pages = 1)
##' @export
##' @md
plot.mpm_df <-
y = NULL,
se = FALSE,
pages = 0,
ncol = 1,
ask = TRUE,
pal = "Plasma",
rev = FALSE,
if (length(list(...)) > 0) {
warning("additional arguments ignored")
stopifnot("palette is not an hcl.palette, type 'hcl.pals()' to see the list of palettes" =
pal %in% hcl.pals())
cpal <- hcl.colors(n = 5, pal)
if(inherits(x, "mpm_df") & (inherits(y, "ssm_df") | is.null(y))) {
d <- grab(x)
## deal with old "fG_mpm" class
if(all(c("g","g.se") %in% names(d))) {
d$logit_g <- with(d,
qlogis(ifelse(g < 0.001, 0.001,
ifelse(g > 0.999, 0.999, g))))
d$logit_g.se <- d$g.se
gse.pos <- which(names(d) == "g.se")
d <- d[, -gse.pos]
d <- d[, c("id", "date", "logit_g", "logit_g.se", "g")]
d <- split(d, d$id)
if(is.null(y)) {
p <- lapply(1:length(d), function(i) {
ggplot(d[[i]]) +
ymin = plogis(logit_g - 1.96 * logit_g.se),
ymax = plogis(logit_g + 1.96 * logit_g.se)
fill = grey(0.5),
alpha = 0.25) +
geom_point(aes(date, g, colour = g), size = 1.25) +
scale_colour_gradientn(colours = hcl.colors(n=100, palette = pal, rev = rev),
limits = c(0,1),
name = expression(gamma[t])
) +
ylab(expression(gamma[t])) +
xlab(element_blank()) +
ylim(0,1) +
labs(title = paste("id:", d[[i]]$id[1])) +
names(p) <- sapply(d, function(x) x$id[1])
if (!pages) {
if(ask) {
devAskNewPage(ask = TRUE)
devAskNewPage(ask = FALSE)
} else {
} else if (pages) {
wrap_plots(p, ncol = ncol, byrow = TRUE, guides = "collect")
} else if(!is.null(y)) {
if(nrow(grab(y, "predicted")) != nrow(grab(x, "fitted"))) {
if(nrow(grab(y, "fitted")) != nrow(grab(x, "fitted"))) {
stop("x and y have unequal numbers of estimated values")
} else {
xy <- join(y, x, what.ssm = "fitted", as_sf = FALSE)
xy <- split(xy, xy$id)
} else {
xy <- join(y, x, as_sf = FALSE)
xy <- split(xy, xy$id)
p <- lapply(xy, function(x) {
px <- ggplot(x) +
geom_path(aes(lon, lat),
linewidth = 0.25,
col = cpal[1],
alpha = 0.75)
if(se) {
## SE inidicative only
px <- px +
geom_point(aes(lon, lat, colour = g, size = logit_g.se ^ -2),
show.legend = c("colour" = TRUE, "size" = FALSE)) +
scale_size(range = c(0.1, 2.5))
} else if(!se) {
px <- px +
geom_point(aes(lon, lat, colour = g), size = 1)
px <- px + scale_colour_gradientn(
breaks = c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1),
colours = hcl.colors(n = 100, palette = pal, rev = rev),
limits = c(0, 1),
name = expression(gamma[t])
) +
labs(title = paste("id:", unique(x$id))) +
xlab(element_blank()) +
ylab(element_blank()) +
coord_fixed() +
names(p) <- y$id
if (!pages) {
if(ask) {
devAskNewPage(ask = TRUE)
devAskNewPage(ask = FALSE)
} else {
} else if (pages) {
wrap_plots(p, ncol = ncol, heights = rep(2, ceiling(length(p)/ncol)),
guides = "collect")
} else {
stop("x must be a mpm fit object with class `mpm_df` and y must either be NULL or an ssm fit object with class `ssm_df`")
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