fit_ssm: Fit Continuous-Time State-Space Models to filter Argos...

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fit_ssmR Documentation

Fit Continuous-Time State-Space Models to filter Argos satellite geolocation data


fits: i) a simple random walk (rw) ii) a correlated random walk (crw - a random walk on velocity), or iii) a time-varying move persistence model (mp), all in continuous-time, to filter Argos LS, and/or KF/KS location data, GPS data, and/or generic locations with associated standard errors (e.g., processed light-level geolocation data, or high-resolution acoustic telemetry data). Location data of different types can combined in a single data frame (see details). Predicts locations at user-specified time intervals (regular or irregular).


  vmax = 5,
  ang = c(15, 25),
  distlim = c(2500, 5000),
  spdf = TRUE,
  min.dt = 0,
  pf = FALSE,
  model = "crw",
  time.step = NA,
  emf = NULL,
  map = NULL,
  parameters = NULL, = TRUE,
  control = ssm_control(),
  inner.control = NULL,



a data.frame, tibble or sf-tibble of observations, depending on the tracking data type. See more in the Details section, below, and the Overview vignette vignette("Overview", package = "aniMotum").


max travel rate (m/s) to identify implausible locations


angles (deg) of implausible location "spikes"


lengths (m) of implausible location "spikes"


(logical) turn pre-filtering on (default; TRUE) or off


minimum allowable time difference between observations; dt <= min.dt will be ignored by the SSM. Default is 0: all time differences > 0 are allowed.


just pre-filter the data, do not fit the SSM (default is FALSE)


fit a simple random walk (rw), correlated random walk (crw), or a time-varying move persistence model (mp), all as continuous-time process models


options: 1) the regular time interval, in hours, to predict to; 2) a vector of prediction times, possibly not regular, must be specified as a data.frame with id and POSIXt dates; 3) NA - turns off prediction and locations are only estimated at observation times.


optionally supplied data.frame of error multiplication factors for Argos location quality classes. Default behaviour is to use the factors supplied by emf


a named list of parameters as factors that are to be fixed during estimation, e.g., list(psi = factor(NA))


a list of initial values for all model parameters and unobserved states, default is to let sfilter specify these. Only play with this if you know what you are doing

fit the SSM to the data subset determined by prefilter (default is TRUE)


list of control settings for the outer optimizer (see ssm_control for details)


list of control settings for the inner optimizer (see TMB::MakeADFun for additional details)


variable name arguments passed to format_data, see format_data for details


x is a data.frame, tibble, or sf-tibble with 5, 7 or 8 columns (the default format), depending on the tracking data type. Argos Least-Squares and GPS data should have 5 columns in the following order: id, date, lc, lon, lat. Where date can be a POSIX object or text string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format. If a text string is supplied then the time zone is assumed to be UTC. lc (location class) can include the following values: 3, 2, 1, 0, A, B, Z, G, or GL. The latter two are for GPS locations and 'Generic Locations', respectively. Class Z values are assumed to have the same error variances as class B. By default, class G (GPS) locations are assumed to have error variances 10x smaller than Argos class 3 variances, but unlike Argos error variances the GPS variances are the same for longitude and latitude.

The format_data function can be used as a data pre-processing step or called automatically within fit_ssm to restructure data that is not in one of the above default formats. The minimum essential variables: id, date, lc, lon, lat must exist in the input data but they can have different names and exist in a different column order. See format_data for details.

See emf for details on how to modify these assumptions.

Argos Kalman Filter (or Kalman Smoother) data should have 8 columns, including the above 5 plus smaj, smin, eor that contain Argos error ellipse variables (in m for smaj, smin and deg for eor).

Generic locations can be modelled provided each longitude and latitude (or X and Y) coordinate has a corresponding standard error. These data should have 7 columns, including the above 5 plus two extra columns, typically named, that provide the standard errors for the longitude, latitude (or X, Y) coordinates. Longitude and latitude standard errors should be in degrees, whereas X and Y standard errors should be in m. In either case, all lc values should be set to GL (Generic Location), the helper function format_data will add the lc variable to the input data automatically.

Multiple location data types can be combined in a single data frame (see the Overview vignette for examples).

When data are provided as an sf-tibble, the user-specified projection is respected, although projected units are always transformed to km to improve SSM convergence efficiency. Otherwise, longlat data are re-projected internally to a global Mercator grid and provided as the default output. A simple tibble, without a geom, of ⁠lon,lat⁠ and ⁠x,y⁠ location estimates can be obtained by using grab with the argument as_sf = FALSE.


a list with components

  • call the matched call

  • predicted an sf tbl of predicted location states

  • fitted an sf tbl of fitted locations

  • par model parameter summary

  • data an augmented sf tbl of the formatted input data

  • inits a list of initial values

  • pm the process model fit, either "rw" or "crw"

  • ts time time.step in h used

  • opt the object returned by the optimizer

  • tmb the TMB object

  • rep TMB sdreport

  • aic the calculated Akaike Information Criterion

  • time the processing time for sfilter


Jonsen ID, Patterson TA, Costa DP, et al. (2020) A continuous-time state-space model for rapid quality-control of Argos locations from animal-borne tags. Movement Ecology 8:31

Jonsen ID, McMahon CR, Patterson TA, et al. (2019) Movement responses to environment: fast inference of variation among southern elephant seals with a mixed effects model. Ecology. 100(1):e02566


## fit crw model to Argos LS data
fit <- fit_ssm(ellie, vmax = 4, model = "crw", time.step = 24, 
control = ssm_control(verbose = 0)) 

## time series plots of fitted values and observations
plot(fit, what = "fitted", type = 1, ask = FALSE)

## 2-D tracks plots of predicted values and observations
plot(fit, what = "predicted", type = 2, ask = FALSE)

ianjonsen/foieGras documentation built on Jan. 17, 2025, 11:15 p.m.