similarity_flag: Add similarity flag value to a 'sim_fit' object

View source: R/similarity_flag.R

similarity_flagR Documentation

Add similarity flag value to a sim_fit object


Calculate the similarity between a single path generated by sim_fit and the observed path used in the SSM fit. In this context, similarity is calculated as the sum of normalised differences in net displacement (km) and overall bearing (deg) between the SSM-estimated path and the simulated paths. Similarity flag values are based on two interpretations of the difference in overall distance and bearing between the two paths.


similarity_flag(track, sim_track, flag = 2, cpf)



a dataframe containing longitude and latitudes of the observed path used in the SSM fit


a dataframe containing the longitude and latitude of a single simulated path from sim_fit


set to either 1 or 2 to define similarity index (see details)


logical; are tracks simulated as central place foraging trips. If cpf = TRUE then distance & bearing are calculated from the first location to the most distant location, otherwise distance & bearing are calculated from the first to the last location on each track.


flag = 1 will use an index based on Hazen (2017)
flag = 2 (the default) will use a custom index


a single value representing the similarity in distance and bearing between the two paths

ianjonsen/foieGras documentation built on Jan. 17, 2025, 11:15 p.m.