# R Package for Cancer Genomic Data Visualization (caOmicsV)
# __________________________________________________________________________
# Data types to be visualized included:
# 1). Clinical information
# 2). Gene expression from microarray or Next Generation Sequencing
# 3). Copy number variations (deletions, insertions, and amplifications)
# 4). Mutations (mutation status presented with binary 0/1)
# 5). Methylations
# Layouts included:
# 1) BioNetCircos: circos plot on network layout
# 2) Biomatix: matrix layout
# Created on August 8, 2014
# Revised on March 18, 2015 in compliance with Bioconductor coding style
# by Hongen Zhang, Ph.D. (hzhang@mail.nih.gov)
# Genetics Branch
# Center for Cancer Research
# National Cancer Institute
# National Institutes of Health
# Bethesda, Maryland 20892
# Private Environment to hold caOmicsV objects such as node diameters,
# coordinates of each node center, coordinates of each data point ...
# __________________________________________________________________________
# **************************************************************************
CA_OMICS_ENV <- new.env()
# __________________________________________________________________________
# **************************************************************************
# A easy way to plot cancer genomic data with bioNetCircos layout
# Arguments:
# dataSet: A list of objects containing all plot datasets, include:
# sampleNames: character vector, sample names to be plotted
# geneNames: character vector, names of genes for each row
# sampleInfo: data frame, sample information such as tissue type,
# diagnosis, gender, age, et al.
# heatmapData: list of data frames, numeric data, maximum number
# of datasets included: 2, values should be log2
# transformed. The first column in each dataset must
# be gene names same as geneNames above and column
# names must be same as sampleNames above
# categoryData: list of data frames with categorical data, maximum
# number of datasets included: 2. The first column of
# each dataset must be gene names same as geneNames
# above and column names must be same as sampleNames
# binaryData: list of data frames with binary data (0/1), maximum
# number of datasets included: 3. The first column in
# each dataset must be gene names same as geneNames
# ablove and column names must be same as sampleNames
# summaryData: list of data frames, summarization for genes or for
# samples. Summary data for gene must have length of
# sampleNames and summary data for samples must have
# length of geneNames
# graph: an igraph object for customized graph plot. Total
# number of nodes cannot be less than total number of
# genes in each dataset.
# heatmapColor: character vector, one of
# BlueWhiteRed: from blue to white then red
# GreenWhiteRed: from green to white then red
# GreenYellowRed: from green to yellow then red
# GreenBlackRed: from green to black then red
# YellowToRed: from yellow to red
# BlackOnly: default black colors
# Returned value: None
# example: plotBioNetCircos(dataSet)
# Last revised on January 26, 2015
plotBioNetCircos<-function(dataSet, graph=NULL, heatmapMax=NULL,
heatmapMin=NULL, heatmapColor="BlueWhiteRed") {
sampleNames <- dataSet$sampleNames
geneNames <- dataSet$geneNames
numOfSamples <- length(sampleNames)
widthOfSample <- 100
widthBetweenNode <- 3
lengthOfRadius <- 10;
numOfSampleInfo <- nrow(dataSet$sampleInfo) - 1
numOfSummary <- ifelse(dataSet$summaryByRow, 0, col(dataSet$summaryInfo)-1)
numOfHeatmap <- length(dataSet$heatmapData)
numOfCategory <- length(dataSet$categoryData)
numOfBinary <- length(dataSet$binaryData)
dataNum <- sum(numOfSampleInfo, numOfSummary, numOfHeatmap,
numOfCategory, numOfBinary)
trackheight <- 1.5
widthOfPlotArea <- dataNum*2*trackheight
if(is.igraph(graph)) {
bioNet <- graph;
} else {
if(numOfHeatmap<1) {stop("Data for graph not found.") }
expr <- dataSet$heatmapData[[1]]
bioNet <- bc3net(expr)
initializeBioNetCircos(bioNet, numOfSamples, widthOfSample,
lengthOfRadius, widthBetweenNode, widthOfPlotArea)
caOmicsVColors <- getCaOmicsVColors()
supportedType <- getCaOmicsVPlotTypes()
labelColor=caOmicsVColors[3], labelLocation="bottom",
inner <- lengthOfRadius/2
outer <- inner + trackheight
# sample data is in a data frame. First row is sample ID
for(aSam in seq_len(nrow(dataSet$sampleInfo))[-1]) {
print(paste("plot", supportedType[1]))
groupInfo <- as.character(dataSet$sampleInfo[aSam, ])
sampleType <- unique(groupInfo)
colorSet <- caOmicsVColors
colorSet <- rainbow(length(sampleType))
sampleColors <- rep(colorSet[1], length(sampleNames))
for(colorItem in seq_len(length(sampleType))[-1]) {
smapleIndex <- which(groupInfo == sampleType[colorItem])
sampleColors[smapleIndex] <- colorSet[colorItem]
groupInfo <- matrix(groupInfo, nrow=1)
bioNetCircosPlot(dataValues=groupInfo, supportedType[1],
outer, inner, sampleColors)
inner <- outer + 0.5;
outer <- inner + trackheight
for(aMap in seq_along(dataSet$heatmapData)) {
print(paste("plot", supportedType[4]))
exprData <- dataSet$heatmapData[[aMap]]
bioNetCircosPlot(exprData, supportedType[4], outer, inner,
plotColors=heatmapColor, heatmapMax, heatmapMin)
inner <- outer + 0.5;
outer <- inner + trackheight
for(aGroup in seq_along(dataSet$categoryData)) {
print(paste("plot", supportedType[2]))
categoryData <- dataSet$categoryData[[aGroup]]
plotColors <- rep(caOmicsVColors[1], ncol(categoryData))
bioNetCircosPlot(categoryData, supportedType[2], outer,
inner, plotColors)
inner <- outer + 0.5;
outer <- inner + trackheight;
for(aGroup in seq_along(dataSet$binaryData)) {
print(paste("plot", supportedType[3]))
binaryData <- dataSet$binaryData[[aGroup]]
plotColors <- rep(caOmicsVColors[1], ncol(binaryData))
bioNetCircosPlot(binaryData, supportedType[3], outer,
inner, plotColors)
inner <- outer + 0.5;
outer <- inner + trackheight
# __________________________________________________________________________
# **************************************************************************
# A easy way to plot cancer genomic data with bioMAtrix layout
# Arguments:
# dataSet: A list object containing all plot datasets, include:
# sampleNames: character vector, sample names to be plotted
# geneNames: character vector, names of genes for each row
# sampleInfo: data frame, sample information such as tissue type,
# diagnosis, gender, age, et al.
# heatmapData: list of data frames, numeric data, maximum number
# of datasets included: 2, values should be log2
# transformed. The first column in each dataset must
# be gene names same as geneNames above and column
# names must be same as sampleNames above
# categoryData: list of data frames with categorical data, maximum
# number of datasets included: 2. The first column of
# each dataset must be gene names same as geneNames
# above and column names must be same as sampleNames
# binaryData: list of data frames with binary data (0/1), maximum
# number of datasets included: 3. The first column in
# each dataset must be gene names same as geneNames
# ablove and column names must be same as sampleNames
# summaryData: list of data frames, summarization for genes or for
# samples. Summary data for gene must have length of
# sampleNames and summary data for samples must have
# length of geneNames
# graph: an igraph object for customized graph plot. Total
# number of nodes cannot be less than total number of
# genes in each dataset.
# heatmapColor: character vector, one of
# BlueWhiteRed: from blue to white then red
# GreenWhiteRed: from green to white then red
# GreenYellowRed: from green to yellow then red
# GreenBlackRed: from green to black then red
# YellowToRed: from yellow to red
# BlackOnly: default black colors
# Returned value: None
# Example: plotBioMatrix(dataSet, summaryType="text", summarybyRow=TRUE);
# Last revised on November 24, 2014
plotBioMatrix <- function(dataSet, summaryType=c("text", "bar"),
summarybyRow=TRUE, heatmapMax=NULL, heatmapMin=NULL,
heatmapColor="BlueWhiteRed") {
if(is.null(dataSet$geneNames)) stop("Gene names must be provided.")
numOfGenes <- length(dataSet$geneNames);
if(is.null(dataSet$sampleNames)) stop("Sample names must be provided.")
numOfSamples <- length(dataSet$sampleNames);
numOfPhenotypes <- nrow(dataSet$sampleInfo)-1;
if(numOfPhenotypes<1) stop("Sample info must have two or more columns.")
numOfHeatmap <- length(dataSet$heatmapData);
if(numOfHeatmap>2) stop("Number of headmap data is limited to 2.")
numOfSummary <- length(dataSet$summaryData);
phenotypes <- rownames(dataSet$sampleInfo)[-1];
initializeBioMatrixPlot(numOfGenes, numOfSamples, numOfPhenotypes,
sampleHeight, sampleWidth, samplePadding, rowPadding,
geneNameWidth, remarkWidth, summaryWidth, sampleNameHeight);
showBioMatrixPlotLayout(dataSet$geneNames, dataSet$sampleNames,
phenotypes, dataSet$secondGeneNames);
caOmicsVColors <- getCaOmicsVColors()
for(aType in seq_len(numOfPhenotypes)) {
rowIndex <- aType+1;
sampleGroup <- as.character(dataSet$sampleInfo[rowIndex,])
sampleTypes <- unique(sampleGroup);
plotColors <- caOmicsVColors
if (length(sampleTypes)>length(plotColors))
plotColors <- rainbow(length(sampleTypes))
sampleColors <- rep(plotColors[1], length(sampleGroup))
for(aColor in seq_len(length(sampleTypes))[-1]) {
sampleIndex <- grep(sampleTypes[aColor], sampleGroup)
sampleColors[sampleIndex] <- plotColors[aColor]
plotBioMatrixSampleData(aType, "phenotype", sampleColors)
geneLabelX <- getBioMatrixGeneLabelWidth()
maxAreaX <- getBioMatrixDataAreaWidth()
legendH <- getBioMatrixLegendHeight()
plotAreaH <- getBioMatrixPlotAreaHeigth()
sampleH <- getBioMatrixSampleHeight()
sampleLegendX <- geneLabelX + maxAreaX
sampleLegendY <- plotAreaH + legendH - length(sampleTypes)*sampleH
colors <- plotColors[1:length(sampleTypes)]
legend(sampleLegendX, sampleLegendY, legend=sampleTypes,
fill=colors, bty="n", xjust=0)
for(aHeatmap in seq_len(numOfHeatmap)) {
topStart <- ifelse(aHeatmap==1, 0, sampleHeight/2)
heatmapData <- dataSet$heatmapData[[aHeatmap]]
plotBioMatrixHeatmap(heatmapData, topAdjust=topStart,
maxValue=heatmapMax, minValue=heatmapMin)
for(aCat in seq_along(dataSet$categoryData)) {
categoryData <- dataSet$categoryData[[aCat]]
totalCategory <- length(unique(as.numeric(categoryData)))
plotColors <- rev(getCaOmicsVColors())
if(totalCategory > length(plotColors)) {
stop("Too many categories to plot.")
plotBioMatrixCategoryData(categoryData, areaName="omicsData",
for(aBinary in seq_along(dataSet$binaryData)) {
binaryData <- dataSet$binaryData[[aBinary]];
plotBioMatrixBinaryData(binaryData, sampleColor=caOmicsVColors[4]);
if(length(dataSet$binaryData)>1) {
binaryData <- dataSet$binaryData[[2]];
binaryData <- as.matrix(binaryData[,-1])
plotBioMatrixBinaryData(binaryData, sampleColor=caOmicsVColors[3])
for(aSum in seq_along(dataSet$summaryInfo)) {
summaryData <- dataSet$summaryInfo[[aSum]][, 2];
summaryTitle <- colnames(dataSet$summaryInfo[[aSum]])[2];
if(length(dataSet$heatmapData)>1) {
remarkWidth <- getBioMatrixRemarkWidth();
sampleWidth <- getBioMatrixSampleWidth();
col2skip <- remarkWidth/sampleWidth + 2;
} else { col2skip <- 1; }
plotBioMatrixRowNames(summaryTitle, areaName="phenotype",
colors="black", side="right", skipPlotColumns=col2skip);
if(summaryType == "text") {
plotBioMatrixRowNames(summaryData, "omicsData",
colors=caOmicsVColors[3], side="right",
} else {
plotBioMatrixBars(summaryData, caOmicsVColors[1],
areaName="omicsData", byRow=TRUE);
# ________________________________________________________________________
# ************************************************************************
# Methods to get and set NA strings used by caOmicsV package
getDefaultNaStrings <- function() {
caOmicsVEnvironment <- NULL
caOmicsVEnvironment <- get(CA_OMICS_NAME, envir=globalenv())
return (caOmicsVEnvironment[["CA_OMICS_NA_STRING"]])
setDefaultNaStrings <- function(nullStrings) {
caOmicsVEnvironment <- NULL
caOmicsVEnvironment <- get(CA_OMICS_NAME, envir=globalenv())
caOmicsVEnvironment[["CA_OMICS_NA_STRING"]] <- nullStrings
# ________________________________________________________________________
# ************************************************************************
# Methods to get and set default plot colors for caOmicsV plot
getCaOmicsVColors <- function() {
caOmicsVEnvironment <- NULL
caOmicsVEnvironment <- get(CA_OMICS_NAME, envir=globalenv())
setCaOmicsVColors <- function(colorList=NULL)
if(is.null(colorList)) {
colorList <- c("red", "blue", "black", "green", "cyan",
"brown", "magenta", "gold")
caOmicsVEnvironment <- NULL
caOmicsVEnvironment <- get(CA_OMICS_NAME, envir=globalenv())
caOmicsVEnvironment[["CA_OMICS_COLORS"]] <- colorList
# __________________________________________________________________________
# **************************************************************************
# Method to get supported plot types
getCaOmicsVPlotTypes <- function() {
supportedPlotTypes <- c("polygon", "bar", "points", "heatmap",
"line", "category", "binary")
return (supportedPlotTypes)
# __________________________________________________________________________
# **************************************************************************
# Make plot dataset from data frames so that the plot could be handled
# automatically.
# The input data should included:
# 1. Sample information: required
# 2. Continue (expression) numeric data for heatmap plot. Maximum two
# for bioMatrix layout
# 3. One or more categorical dataset for colored outline of samples
# for bioMatrix layout or colored polygons for bioNetCircos layout
# 4. One or more (total no more than 3) of binary dataset for point
# plots in bioMatrix layout or colored polygons in bioNetCircos layout
# 5. Summary data (usually percentage in number or text) for extra rows
# below omics data area or extra columns on remark area in biomatrix
# layout or bar plot in bioNetCircos layout
# All dataset should be sorted by row names and column names where apply.
# This could be done with supplemented methods in this script.
# Arguments:
# sampleNames: character vector, names of samples to plot
# geneNames: character vector, names of genes to plot
# sampleData: data frame, sample information, with rows for samples
# and columns for features. The first column must be
# sample names
# heatmapData: list of data frames, continue numeric data, maximum of 2
# categoryData: list of data frames, categorical data, maximum of 2
# binaryData: list of data frames, binary data (0/1), maximum of 2
# summaryData: list of data frames, summarization for genes or samples
# secondGeneNames: character vector, names of second set of genes to
# select
# Returned value: A list containing all data objects. Omics data will
# be in data matrix with row and column names
# Example: dataSet <- getPlotDataSet(sampleNames, geneNames, sampleData,
# heatmapData=list(A, B), categoryData=list(C, D),
# binaryData=list(E, F), summaryData=list(G, H))
# Last revised on March 4, 2015
getPlotDataSet<-function(sampleNames, geneNames, sampleData, heatmapData=list(),
categoryData=list(), binaryData=list(), summaryData=list(),
secondGeneNames=NULL ) {
numDataset <- c(length(heatmapData),length(categoryData),
if(sum(numDataset) == 0) {
stop("There is at least one omics data to plot.")
if(is.null(sampleNames) || is.null(geneNames))
{ stop("Missing sampleNames or geneNames.") }
sampleData <- data.frame(t(sampleData))
sampleData <- as.matrix(sampleData)
numOfHeatmapData <- length(heatmapData);
if(numOfHeatmapData>0) {
for(aData in 1:numOfHeatmapData) {
theData <- heatmapData[[aData]]
rownames(theData) <- as.character(theData[,1])
heatmapData[[aData]] <- as.matrix(theData[,-1])
numOfCategoryData <- length(categoryData);
if(numOfCategoryData>0) {
for(aData in 1:numOfCategoryData) {
theData <- categoryData[[aData]]
rownames(theData) <- as.character(theData[,1])
categoryData[[aData]] <- as.matrix(theData[,-1])
numOfBianryData <- length(binaryData)
if(numOfBianryData>0) {
for(aData in 1:numOfBianryData) {
theData <- binaryData[[aData]]
rownames(theData) <- as.character(theData[,1])
binaryData[[aData]] <- as.matrix(theData[,-1])
numOfSummaryData <- length(summaryData)
if(numOfSummaryData>0) {
for(aData in 1:numOfSummaryData) {
theData <- summaryData[[aData]]
rownames(theData) <- as.character(theData[,1])
summaryData[[aData]] <- as.matrix(theData)
return (list(sampleNames=sampleNames, geneNames=geneNames,
secondGeneNames=secondGeneNames, sampleInfo=sampleData,
heatmapData=heatmapData, categoryData=categoryData,
binaryData=binaryData, summaryInfo=summaryData) )
# __________________________________________________________________________
# **************************************************************************
# Extract subset of sample information.
# Arguments:
# sampleNames: character vector, names of samples to select
# sampleData: data frame, column 1 must be sample names
# Returned value: a data frame with subset of input sample data with the
# order same as sample names
# Example: sampleNames <- colnames(sampleData)[1:10]
# sampleInfor <- getPlotSampleData(sampleData, sampleNames)
# Last revised on October 24, 2014
getPlotSampleData<-function(sampleData, sampleNames) {
if(is.data.frame(sampleData) == FALSE ) {
stop("sampleData must be a data frame.")
if(length(sampleNames) == 0) stop("Sample names missing.")
columns <- which(as.character(sampleData[,1]) %in% sampleNames)
stop("Missing or redundant samples found in sample data.")
sampleData <- sampleData[columns,]
sampleNameOrder <- order(sampleNames);
rowOrder <- order(as.character(sampleData[,1]))
sampleData <- sampleData[rowOrder , ]
sampleData <- sampleData[order(sampleNameOrder) , ]
return (sampleData)
# __________________________________________________________________________
# **************************************************************************
# Extract required rows and columns from a omics data set and sort both row
# and columns based on the order of gene names and sample names.
# Arguments:
# omicsData: data frame with all samples and all genes
# colNames: character vector, names of columns to be extracted
# rowNames: character vector, names of rows to be extracted
# Returned value: data frame with subset of input data
# Example: exprData <- getPlotData(omicsData, colNames, rowNames)
# Last revised on September 12, 2014
getPlotOmicsData<-function(omicsData, sampleNames, geneNames) {
if(!is.data.frame(omicsData)) stop("OmicsData must be in data frame.")
totalSamples <- length(sampleNames)
totalGenes <- length(geneNames)
columns <- which(colnames(omicsData) %in% sampleNames)
if(length(columns)!=totalSamples) stop("Unable to match all samples.")
subSet <- omicsData[, c(1, columns)]
rows <- which(as.character(subSet[,1]) %in% geneNames)
if(length(rows)!=totalGenes) stop("Unable to match all genes.")
subSet <- subSet[rows, ]
subSet <- sortOmicsDataByColumn(subSet, sampleNames)
subSet <- sortOmicsDataByRow(subSet, geneNames)
return (subSet)
# __________________________________________________________________________
# **************************************************************************
# Extract required rows and columns from a summary data set sorted by the
# order of genes names or the order of sample names
# Arguments:
# summaryData: data frame with summary data for each gene (rows are for
# genes and columns are summary values) or for each sample
# (rows are summary values and columns are sample names)
# sampleNames: character vector, names of samples to be extracted
# geneNames: character vector, names of gene to be extracted
# Returned value: data frame with subset of input data
# Example: mutatPercentage <- getPlotSummaryData(summaryData,
# sampleNames, geneNames)
# Last revised on September 12, 2014
getPlotSummaryData <- function(summaryData, sampleNames=NULL, geneNames=NULL) {
if(is.data.frame(summaryData) == FALSE)
{ stop("Summary data must be in data frame.") }
if(is.null(sampleNames) && is.null(geneNames))
{ stop("Either sample names or gene names must be defined.") }
sampleID <- colnames(summaryData)[-1]
geneID <- as.character(summaryData[,1])
if(is.null(geneNames)) {
columns <- which(sampleID %in% sampleNames)
if(length(columns) == 0) { stop("No column found.") }
subSet <- summaryData[, c(1, columns+1)]
subSet <- sortOmicsDataByColumn(subSet, sampleNames)
} else if(is.null(sampleNames)) {
rows <- which(geneID %in% geneNames)
if(length(rows) == 0) { stop("No row found.") }
subSet <- summaryData[rows, ]
subSet <- sortOmicsDataByRow(subSet, geneNames)
} else { stop("Unable to get subset from summary data.") }
return (subSet);
# __________________________________________________________________________
# **************************************************************************
# Extract a subset of plot data that are associated to other plot data such
# as miRNA expression or DNA copy number variants that are related to a set
# of differentially expressed genes
# Arguments:
# omicsData: data frame, the dataset from which subset is extracted
# linkData: data frame, gene names and their related items. The first
# column must be the item to which the second is linked to
# geneNames: character vector, names of genes to which the second item
# are linked
# Returned value: a data frame of subset data
# Example: plotdata <- getRelatedPlotData(omicsData=miRNASeq,
# linkData=RNA_miRNA_link, geneNames=deGenes);
getRelatedPlotData<-function(omicsData, linkData, geneNames) {
if(is.data.frame(omicsData) == FALSE || is.data.frame(linkData) == FALSE)
stop("OmicsData and link data must be in data frame.")
if(is.character(geneNames) == FALSE || is.vector(geneNames) == FALSE ||
length(geneNames) == 0) {
stop("Incorrect gene names defined.");
totalGenes <- length(geneNames);
totalSams <- ncol(omicsData)-1;
totalCol <- ncol(omicsData);
subset <- data.frame(linkData[, 2], matrix(rep(0, totalGenes*totalSams),
colnames(subset) <- colnames(omicsData);
for(aRow in 1:length(geneNames)) {
aGene <- as.character(geneNames[aRow]);
linkRow <- which(as.character(linkData[,1]) == aGene);
anItem <- as.character(linkData[linkRow , 2])
omicsRow <- which(as.character(omicsData[,1]) == anItem);
if(length(omicsRow)!=1) stop("Incorrect defined items in omicsData.")
subset[aRow, ] <- omicsData[omicsRow, ]
return (subset);
# __________________________________________________________________________
# **************************************************************************
# Sort the clinical data by one column defined by the byItem.
# Arguments:
# clinicalData: A data frame with rows for samples and columns for
# features. Sample names must be in the first column.
# byItem: Character vector of a group feature (column header)
# Return value: ordered clinical dataset
# Example: clinicalData <- sortClinicalData(clinicalData,"diagnosis")
# Last revisited on June 19, 2014
sortClinicalData <- function(clinicalData, byItem) {
if(is.null(clinicalData) || is.null(byItem))
stop("Missing input data or sort item.\n")
if(is.data.frame(clinicalData) == FALSE)
stop("Input dataset must be data frame!\n")
if(is.character(byItem) == FALSE || is.vector(byItem) == FALSE)
stop("Sort item must be a character vector.\n")
theCol <- which(colnames(clinicalData) == byItem)
if(length(theCol) == 0)
stop(paste(byItem, "column not find!\n"))
stop(paste("Find more than one column for", byItem, "!\n"))
groupData <- clinicalData[order(as.character(clinicalData[, 1])), ]
clinicalData <- groupData[order(groupData[, theCol]), ]
# __________________________________________________________________________
# **************************************************************************
# Sort the omics data by column header so that the columns of omics data
# will be in a specific order, e.g, all tumors followed by all normals.
# Arguments:
# omicsData: A data frame that holds genomic data such as gene
# expression, SNV, RNASeq .... The column must be
# the sample names that are same as the sample names
# in clinical data.
# sampleNames: Character vector, sample names in a given order
# (such as diagnosis). No redundant allowed
# Return value: Ordered omics dataset in a data frame
# Example: omicsData <- sortOmicsDataByColumn(omicsData, sampleNames)
# Last revisited on October 20, 2014
sortOmicsDataByColumn <- function(omicsData, sampleNames) {
if( is.null(omicsData) || length(sampleNames) == 0)
stop("Missing input data or sort item.\n")
if( is.data.frame(omicsData) == FALSE)
stop("Input data must be in a data frame!\n")
if((ncol(omicsData)-1) != length(sampleNames))
stop("Sample sizes different!\n")
if(length(unique(sampleNames)) != length(sampleNames))
stop("Find redundant column headers!\n")
omicsSamples <- colnames(omicsData)[-1]
if(length(unique(omicsSamples)) != length(omicsSamples))
stop("Find redundent sample names in omics data!\n")
sampleNameOrder <- order(sampleNames)
omicsSampleOrder <- order(omicsSamples);
groupSamples <- sampleNames[sampleNameOrder ]
omicsSamples <- omicsSamples[omicsSampleOrder];
if(sum(groupSamples == omicsSamples) != length(sampleNames))
stop("Sample name mismatch Found.");
omicsData <- omicsData[, c(1, omicsSampleOrder+1)]
omicsData <- omicsData[, c(1, order(sampleNameOrder)+1)]
omicsSamples <- colnames(omicsData)[-1]
if(sum(sampleNames == omicsSamples) != length(sampleNames))
stop("This message should never be reported!\n")
return (omicsData)
# __________________________________________________________________________
# **************************************************************************
# Sort omics data by row (genes) so that the rows of omics data is in an
# specific order same as the geneNames
# Arguments:
# omicsData: A data frame that holds genomic data such as gene
# expression, SNV, RNASeq .... The column must be the
# sample names that are same as the sample names in
# clinical data.
# geneNames: Character vector, gene names in a given order (such as by
# p values). Redundant gene names is allowed.
# Return value: Ordered omics dataset in a data frame
# Example: omicsData <- sortOmicsDataByRow(omicsData, geneNames)
# Last revisited on October 20, 2014
sortOmicsDataByRow <- function(omicsData, geneNames) {
if( is.null(omicsData) || length(geneNames) == 0)
stop("Missing input data or sort item.\n")
if( is.data.frame(omicsData) == FALSE)
stop("Input data must be in a data frame!\n")
if(nrow(omicsData) != length(geneNames))
stop("Row sizes different!\n")
omicsGenes <- as.character(omicsData[, 1])
geneNameOrder <- order(geneNames)
omicsGeneOrder <- order(omicsGenes)
theGeneNames <- geneNames[geneNameOrder]
theomicsGenes <- omicsGenes[omicsGeneOrder];
if(sum(theGeneNames == theomicsGenes) != length(geneNames))
stop("Gene name mismatch Found.")
omicsData <- omicsData[omicsGeneOrder, ]
omicsData <- omicsData[order(geneNameOrder), ]
omicsGenes <- as.character(omicsData[, 1])
if(sum(geneNames == omicsGenes) != length(geneNames))
stop("This message should never be reported!\n")
return (omicsData)
# __________________________________________________________________________
# **************************************************************************
# Print out supported circos plot types for biological network plot
# Arguments: None
# Returned value: None
# Example: supportedBioNetCircosPlotType()
# Last revised on July 14, 2014
showSupportedBioNetCircosPlotType <- function() {
cat("Currently supported plot type:\n\n")
cat("1. group (for sample inforamtion, such as case/control),\n")
cat("2. bar (for data values between 0 an 1),\n")
cat("3. points (such as copy number variation),\n")
cat("4. heatmap (such as gene expression),\n")
cat("5. line\n")
# __________________________________________________________________________
# **************************************************************************
# Create color map for heatmap plot. This is adopted from RCircos package
# Arguments:
# colorType: character vector, one of following:
# BlueWhiteRed: colors from blue to white then red
# GreenWhiteRed: colors from green to white then red
# GreenYellowRed: colors from green to yellow then red
# GreenBlackRed: colors from green to black then red
# YellowToRed: colors from yellow to red
# BlackOnly: default black colors
# Example: internal use only
# Last revised on October 28, 2013
getHeatmapColorScales<-function(colorType) {
allOnes <- seq(1, 1, length=256)
allZeros <- seq(0, 0, length=256)
one2zeor <- seq(1, 0, length=256)
zero2one <- seq(0, 1, length=256)
# Blue, White, and Red
# +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
if(colorType == "BlueWhiteRed") {
blueRamp <- rgb(zero2one, zero2one, allOnes)
redRamp <- rgb(allOnes, one2zeor, one2zeor)
colorRamp <- cbind(blueRamp, redRamp)
# Green, White, and Red
# +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
} else if (colorType == "GreenWhiteRed") {
redRamp <- rgb(allOnes, one2zeor, one2zeor)
greenRamp <- rgb(zero2one, allOnes, zero2one)
colorRamp <- cbind(greenRamp, redRamp)
# Green, Yellow, and Red
# +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
} else if (colorType == "GreenYellowRed"){
redRamp <- rgb(allOnes, one2zeor, allZeros)
greenRamp <- rgb(zero2one, allOnes, allZeros)
colorRamp <- cbind(greenRamp, redRamp)
# Green, Black, and Red
# +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
} else if (colorType == "GreenBlackRed"){
redRamp <- rgb( zero2one, allZeros, allZeros)
greenRamp <- rgb(allZeros, one2zeor, allZeros)
colorRamp <- cbind(greenRamp, redRamp)
# Yellow to Red
# +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
} else if (colorType == "YellowToRed") {
colorRamp <- rgb(allOnes, one2zeor, allZeros)
# black only
# +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
} else {
colorRamp <- rgb(one2zeor, one2zeor, one2zeor)
cat(paste("Warning: an unsupported color type",
"defined and black will be used!\n"))
return (colorRamp)
# __________________________________________________________________________
# **************************************************************************
# Plot a color scale for heatmap. This function is called by legend plot
# function and is not intended for direct call by users.
# Arguments:
# coorX: numeric, x coordinates for the top left of color scale
# coorY: numeric, y coordinates for the top left of color scale
# scaleWidth: non-negative numeric, width of color scale
# scaleHeight: non-negative numeric, height of color scale
# colorType: character vector, one of following:
# BlueWhiteRed: colors from blue to white then red
# GreenWhiteRed: colors from green to white then red
# GreenYellowRed: colors from green to yellow then red
# GreenBlackRed: colors from green to black then red
# YellowToRed: colors from yellow to red
# BlackOnly: default black colors
# minValue: The smallest value associated with the lowest color
# maxValue: The highest value associated with the highest color
# direction: character, either "h" for horizotal or "v" for vertical
# Returned value: None
# Example: plotHeatmapColorScale(coorX=100, coorY=-300,
# scaleWidth=100, scaleHeight=10,
# colorType="BlueWhiteRed",
# minValue=-10, maxValue=10)
# Last revised on September 24, 2014
plotHeatmapColorScale <- function(coorX, coorY, colorType="BlueWhiteRed",
scaleWidth, scaleHeight, minValue, maxValue, direction="h") {
if(length(coorX) == 0 || length(coorY) == 0)
stop("x and y coordinatges for color scale must be defined.")
if(length(scaleWidth) == 0 || length(scaleHeight) == 0 ||
scaleWidth<0 || scaleHeight<0)
stop("scaleWidth and scaleHeight must be defined as non-negative.")
if(is.null(minValue) || is.null(maxValue) ) {
stop("minValue and maxValue must be defined.")
direction <- tolower(direction)
if(direction != "h" && direction != "v")
stop("Color scale direction should be h or v")
colorRamp <- getHeatmapColorScales(colorType)
totalRect <- nrow(colorRamp)*ncol(colorRamp)
if(direction == "h") {
rectWidth <- scaleWidth/totalRect
rectHeight <- scaleHeight
yTop <- coorY
yBottom <- yTop - scaleHeight
for(aRect in 1:totalRect) {
xLeft <- coorX + (aRect-1)*rectWidth
xRight <- xLeft + rectWidth
rect(xLeft, yBottom, xRight, yTop, col=colorRamp[aRect],
border = NA)
text(coorX, coorY-(scaleHeight/2), minValue, pos=2)
text(coorX+scaleWidth, coorY-(scaleHeight/2), maxValue, pos=4)
} else {
rectWidth <- scaleHeight
rectHeight <- scaleWidth/totalRect
xLeft <- coorX
xRight <- xLeft + rectWidth
for(aRect in totalRect:1) {
yTop <- coorY - (aRect-1)*rectHeight
yBottom <- yTop - rectHeight
rect(xLeft, yBottom, xRight, yTop, col=colorRamp[aRect],
border = NA)
text(coorX+(rectWidth/2), coorY, minValue, pos=3)
text(coorX+(rectWidth/2), coorY-scaleHeight, maxValue, pos=1)
# __________________________________________________________________________
# **************************************************************************
# Convert numeric matrix to z-scores by row
# Argument: a data frame with first column as row ID
# Returned value: A data frame with z scores for each row
# Example: zscores <- getZScores(exprData);
# Last revised on Dec 16, 2014
convertToZScores <- function(exprData) {
if(is.data.frame(exprData) == FALSE)
stop("Input data must be data frame with first column as row ID.")
zscore <- as.matrix(exprData[,-1])
for(aRow in 1:nrow(exprData)) {
theExpr <- as.numeric(zscore[aRow,]);
aMean <- mean(theExpr);
aSD <- sd(theExpr);
zscore[aRow,] <- (theExpr-aMean)/aSD;
return (data.frame(Gene=as.character(exprData[,1]), zscore));
# __________________________________________________________________________
# **************************************************************************
# Add legend to biomatrix layout to show heatmap scale, category definition,
# and binary data definition.
# Arguments:
# heatmapNames: character vector, names of heatmap data
# categoryNames: character vector, definition of categories
# bionaryNames: character vector, definition of binary items
# HeatmapMin: numeric, minimum value for heatmap
# HeatmapMax: numeric, maximum value for heatmap
# colorType: character vector, default: "BlueWhiteRed",
# other valid values are "GreenWhiteRed", "GreenYellowRed",
# "GreenBlackRed", "YellowToRed", and "BlackOnly"
# Returned value: none
# Example: bioMatrixLegend(heatmapNames=c("RNA", "miRNA"),
# categoryNames=c("Methylation High", "Methylation Low")
# binaryNames=c("DNA Amplification", "DNA deletion") )
# Last revised on: January 30, 2015
bioMatrixLegend <- function(heatmapNames=NULL, categoryNames=NULL,
binaryNames=NULL, heatmapMin=-3, heatmapMax=3,
colorType="BlueWhiteRed") {
if(length(heatmapNames)>0) {
colScalePosX <- getBioMatrixGeneLabelWidth();
colScalePosY <- 0.25;
scaleLength <- floor(getBioMatrixDataAreaWidth()/3);
plotHeatmapColorScale(coorX=colScalePosX, coorY=colScalePosY,
colorType=colorType, scaleWidth=scaleLength, scaleHeight=0.4,
minValue=heatmapMin, maxValue=heatmapMax);
textPosX <- getBioMatrixGeneLabelWidth();
textPosY <- -0.45;
if (length(heatmapNames) == 1) {
scaleText <- heatmapNames;
} else if(length(heatmapNames) == 2) {
scaleText <- paste("Top: ", heatmapNames[1], " ",
"Bottom: ", heatmapNames[2])
} else { stop("Incorrect heatmap names defined.") }
text(textPosX, textPosY, scaleText, pos=4, offset=0)
if(length(categoryNames)>0) {
legendX <- floor(getBioMatrixDataAreaWidth()/2) + 1
legendY <- 0.5
borderColors <- rev(getCaOmicsVColors())
legend(legendX, legendY, legend=categoryNames, fill="white",
border=borderColors[1:length(categoryNames)], bty="n",
xjust=0, yjust=1)
if(length(binaryNames)>0) {
legendX <- floor(getBioMatrixDataAreaWidth()/4*3) + 2
legendY <- 0.5
caOmicsVColors <- getCaOmicsVColors()
legend(legendX, legendY, legend=binaryNames, pch=19,
col=c(caOmicsVColors[4], caOmicsVColors[3]),
bty="n", xjust=0, yjust=1)
# __________________________________________________________________________
# **************************************************************************
# Add legend to bioNetCircos layout to show heatmap scale, category
# definition, and binary data definition.
# Arguments:
# dataNames: character vector, names of dataset(s) to be ploted
# textCoor: numeric vector of length 2, x and y coordinates to
# plot text
# heatmapCoor: numeric vector of length 2, x and y coordinates to
# plot color scale
# scaleWidth: non-negative numeric , width of color scale in inch
# scaleHeight: non-negative numeric , height of color scale in inch
# minHeatmap: numeric, minimum value for heatmap, default -3
# maxHeatmap: numeric, maximum value for heatmap, default 3
# colorType: character vector, default: "BlueWhiteRed", other valid
# values are "GreenWhiteRed", "GreenYellowRed",
# "GreenBlackRed", "YellowToRed", and "BlackOnly"
# direction: character, either "h" for horizontal or "v" for vertical
# Returned value: none
# Example: bioMatrixLegend(dataNames=c("RNASeq", "miRNASeq",
# "Methylation", "DNA Amplification"), textCoor=c(10, 10)
# scaleWidth=4, scaleHeight=0.25)
# Last revised on: January 30, 2015
bioNetLegend <- function(dataNames, textCoor=NULL, heatmapCoor=NULL,
scaleWidth, scaleHeight, heatmapMin=-3, heatmapMax=3,
colorType="BlueWhiteRed", direction="h") {
bioNetGraph <- getBioNetGraph()
if(is.null(bioNetGraph$layout) == TRUE)
stop("Node layout has not been initialized.\n")
RangeX <- range(bioNetGraph$layout[,1])
RangeY <- range(bioNetGraph$layout[,2])
if(length(heatmapCoor) != 2) {
heatmapCoor <- c(RangeX[2], RangeY[2])
scaleWidth <- RangeX[2]*0.25
scaleHeight <- RangeY[2]*0.05
coorY=heatmapCoor[2], colorType=colorType,
scaleWidth=scaleWidth, scaleHeight=scaleHeight,
minValue=heatmapMin, maxValue=heatmapMax,
if(length(textCoor) !=2 )
textCoor <- c(RangeX[2], RangeY[2]-scaleHeight*2)
text(textCoor[1], textCoor[2], "From center to outer:", pos=4)
legend(textCoor[1], textCoor[2], legend=dataNames, pch=19,
bty="n", xjust=0, yjust=1);
# Last modified on May 18, 2015
# __________________________________________________________________________
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