# db: the compound descriptor db. generated with cmp.parse(..)
# cutoff: cutoff used to build the clusters. Cutoff is the distance cutoff, not
# similarity cutoff. It can be a vector
# is.similarity: set when the cutoff is a similarity rather than a distance
# cutoff
# save.distance: whether to compute and save the distance matrix before
# clustering. It will prompt for a filename to save the distance matrix for
# future use.
# use.distance: the pre-computed distance matrix to use, if you have any.
# RETURN: a matrix giving the cluster ID for each compound in the db under
# different cutoffs. Each row corresponds to one compound, and each column
# corresponds to a cutoff
cmp.cluster <- function(db, cutoff, is.similarity=TRUE, save.distances=FALSE,
use.distances=NULL, quiet=FALSE, ...)
## ThG: added for compatibility with new S4 classes APset/AP
dbtype <- as.character(class(db))
if(dbtype=="APset") { db <- apset2descdb(db) }
if(dbtype=="FPset") { db <- list(descdb=as.list(as.data.frame(t(as.matrix(db)))), cids=cid(db), sdfsegs=NULL, source="FPset", type="FPset") }
## Note: 7-8 times better time performance if fingerprints are stored in list instead of matrix!!!
## ThG: end of lines
# see if db if file-backed
dbcon <- NULL
intsize <- 4
if (db$type == 'file-backed') {
for (i in 1:length(db$descdb)) {
if (.is.file.backed.desc(db$descdb[[i]])) {
dbcon <- file(paste(db$descdb[[i]][[2]], '.cdb', sep=''), 'rb')
seek(dbcon, 16)
intsize <- readBin(dbcon, integer(), n=1, size=1)
# prepare column names from cutoffs
colname_f <- function(x) {paste("CLID_", x, collapse="", sep="")}
colname <- apply(as.array(cutoff), 1, colname_f)
o_colname <- colname
# prepare cutoffs for real computation
if (is.similarity)
cutoff <- 1 - cutoff
if (save.distances != FALSE) {
distmat <- .calc.distmat(db$descdb, quiet=quiet,
dbcon.a=dbcon, dbcon.b=dbcon,
db.intsize.a=intsize, db.intsize.b=intsize,
if ('character' %in% class(save.distances)) {
save(distmat, file=save.distances)
distf <- function(i, j) {
return(distmat[i, j])
else if (! is.null(use.distances)) {
distf <- function(i, j) {
return(use.distances[i, j])
## ThG: added to make function easier to use with new S4 classes APset/AP
else if (db$type=="FPset") {
distf <- function(i, j) {
return(1-fpSim(db$descdb[[i]], db$descdb[[j]], top=1, ...))
## ThG: end of lines
} else {
distf <- function(i,j) {
args <- list(...)
if (! is.null(args$worst) || ! is.null(args$mode))
return(1 - .cmp.similarity(db$descdb[[i]], db$descdb[[j]],
dbcon.a=dbcon, dbcon.b=dbcon,
db.intsize.a=intsize, db.intsize.b=intsize,
return(1 - .cmp.similarity(db$descdb[[i]], db$descdb[[j]],
dbcon.a=dbcon, dbcon.b=dbcon,
db.intsize.a=intsize, db.intsize.b=intsize,
mode=1, worst=1 - cutoff[[1]], ...))
if (!is.null(dbcon)) close(dbcon)
# sort cutoffs decreasingly
o <- order(cutoff, decreasing=TRUE)
cutoff <- cutoff[o]
colname <- colname[o]
n_cutoff <- length(cutoff)
# record of current clustering result
cluster_id <- matrix(0, ncol=n_cutoff, nrow=length(db$descdb))
colnames(cluster_id) <- colname
# all nodes to label/cluster
all <- 1:length(db$descdb)
# for progress bar
perstep <- round(length(db$descdb) / 100) + 1
for (i in all) {
# has i already been clustered?
if (cluster_id[[i, 1]] != 0)
# else, use i as the lead to get all neighbors
cluster_id <- .cluster_g(i, all, distf, cutoff, cluster_id, quiet=quiet)
# progress bar
ratio <- floor(sum(cluster_id[, 1] != 0) / perstep)
if (! quiet) .progress_bar(paste(min(ratio, 100), "%", collapse=""))
cluster_id <- as.data.frame(cluster_id)
cluster_id$ids <- 1:length(cluster_id[,1])
# convert each column to factor; compute cluster size
for(i in 1:n_cutoff) {
col_label <- colname[[i]]
# size
clsize <- as.data.frame(table(cluster_id[,col_label]))
# add column of cluster size
cluster_id <- merge(cluster_id, clsize, by.x=col_label, by.y=1, all.x=T)
names(cluster_id)[length(cluster_id)] <- gsub('CLID', 'CLSZ', col_label)
cat("sorting result...")
# reorder columns based on user-supplied order
all_col_labels = array("ids")
for (i in 1:n_cutoff) {
all_col_labels[[2 * i]] <- gsub('CLID', 'CLSZ', o_colname[[i]])
all_col_labels[[2 * i + 1]] <- o_colname[[i]]
cluster_id <- cluster_id[,all_col_labels]
# sort by cluster size corresponding to the first clustering cutoff
if (n_cutoff == 1)
cluster_id <- cluster_id[order(-cluster_id[,2], cluster_id[,3],
cluster_id <- cluster_id[order(-cluster_id[,2], cluster_id[,3],
-cluster_id[,4], cluster_id[,5], cluster_id[,1]),]
rownames(cluster_id) <- cluster_id[,1]
## ThG: added to make function easier to use with new S4 classes APset/AP
if(dbtype=="APset") { cluster_id[,"ids"] <- db$cids[cluster_id[,"ids"]] }
if(dbtype=="FPset") { cluster_id[,"ids"] <- db$cids[cluster_id[,"ids"]] }
## ThG: end of lines
.calc.distmat <- function(descdb, quiet=FALSE, ...) {
if(class(descdb)=="FPset") {
return(1 - sapply(cid(descdb), function(x) fpSim(descdb[x], descdb, sorted=FALSE)))
} else {
if (!quiet) cat("calculating distance matrix\n")
len = length(descdb)
distmat <- matrix(1, ncol=len, nrow=len)
distmat[len,len] <- 0 #we never reach i=len in loop below, so set this diagonal element here
for (i in 1:(len-1)) {
distmat[i, i] <- 0
for (j in (i+1):len) {
d <- 1 - .cmp.similarity(descdb[[i]], descdb[[j]], ...)
distmat[i, j] <- d
distmat[j, i] <- d
prog_ratio <- i / (len - 1)
prog_ratio <- prog_ratio * 2 - prog_ratio * prog_ratio
if (! quiet)
.progress_bar(paste(min(prog_ratio * 100, 100), "%", collapse=""))
if (!quiet) cat("distance matrix is successfully generated\n")
# will only consider the first cluster cutoff, if multiple cutoffs are used
# generating the cluster
cluster.sizestat <- function(cls, cluster.result=1)
st <- data.frame(table(factor(cls[,cluster.result * 2])))
# count clusters of each size
st[,2] <- st[,2] / as.numeric(as.vector(st[,1]))
names(st) <- c("cluster size", "count")
# visualize a cluster. db is the database generated by cmp.parse. cls is the
# cluster generated by cluster, and size_cutoff the cutoff size for the
# clusters to be considered - clusters with smaller size will be ignored in the
# visualization. The distance matrix will be calculated on fly for compounds in
# the cluster under concern, but you can provide the (full) distance matrix in
# distmat, which must cover all compounds in db. colors of points will be
# selected randomly, but you can also provide color.vector.
# non.interactive can be set to a filename
cluster.visualize <- function(db, cls, size.cutoff, distmat=NULL,
color.vector=NULL, non.interactive="", cluster.result=1,
dimensions=2, quiet=FALSE, highlight.compounds=NULL,
highlight.color=NULL, ...)
## ThG: added for compatibility with new S4 classes APset/AP
dbtype <- as.character(class(db))
if(dbtype=="APset") { db <- apset2descdb(db) }
## ThG: end of lines
cluster_col <- cluster.result * 2 + 1
cls_is_large <- cls[,2] >= size.cutoff
cls_sel <- cls[cls_is_large,]
cluster_ids <- levels(as.factor(cls_sel[,cluster_col]))
if (is.null(color.vector)) {
.colors <- rainbow(length(cluster_ids))
color.vector <- sample(.colors, length(.colors))
if (is.null(distmat)) {
descdb_sel <- db$descdb[cls_sel[,1]]
distmat_sel <- .calc.distmat(descdb_sel, quiet=quiet, ...)
} else
distmat_sel <- distmat[cls_sel[,1], cls_sel[,1]]
mds_points <- cmdscale(distmat_sel, k=dimensions)
if (dimensions != 2) {
coord <- cbind(mds_points, cls_sel[,cluster_col])
rownames(coord) <- cls_sel$ids
colnames(coord) <-
c(paste('V', 1:dimensions, sep=''), colnames(cls_sel)[cluster_col])
if (non.interactive != "") {
if (length(grep('\\.pdf$', non.interactive)) != 0)
else if (length(grep('\\.ps$', non.interactive)) != 0 ||
length(grep('\\.eps$', non.interactive)) != 0)
postscript(non.interactive, onefile=TRUE, horizontal=FALSE)
else {
warning("The filename you supplied has an unsupported extension.",
" We will add .pdf to the name.")
pdf(paste(non.interactive, 'pdf', sep='.'))
# set up the plot
plot(range(mds_points[,1]), range(mds_points[,2]), type="n", xlab="",
ylab="", main="Clustering Result")
# check highlight
if (!is.null(highlight.compounds)) {
cls_is_highlight <- cls[,1] %in% highlight.compounds
cls_sel_is_highlight <- cls_is_highlight[cls_is_large]
for (i in 1:length(cluster_ids)) {
col <- color.vector[i%%length(color.vector) + 1]
cid <- cluster_ids[[i]]
if (! quiet) {
cat(paste("cluster", cid, "colored", col))
# indices of points in this cluster
in_cluster <- seq(1, length(cls_sel[,1]))[cls_sel[,cluster_col] == cid]
points(mds_points[in_cluster,1], mds_points[in_cluster,2], col=col)
# check highlight
if (!is.null(highlight.compounds)) {
highlight_in_cluster <- cls_sel_is_highlight & cls_sel[,cluster_col] == cid
if (is.null(highlight.color)) .col <- col
else .col <- highlight.color
points(mds_points[highlight_in_cluster,1], mds_points[highlight_in_cluster,2], col=.col, pch=19)
# interactive
all.clicked <- rep(FALSE, length(cls_sel[,1]))
if (non.interactive == "") {
cat("| Click points in a plot to get information on compounds |\n")
cat("| they represent. |\n")
cat("| |\n")
g_dev <- .Platform$GUI
if (is.character(g_dev) && g_dev == 'X11')
"| right click on the plot to stop. |\n")
"| press ESC key in the plot window to stop. |\n")
while(TRUE) {
clicked <- identify(mds_points[,1], y=mds_points[,2],
labels=cls_sel$ids, n=1)
if (length(clicked) == 0) break
index <- cls_sel$ids[clicked]
all.clicked[clicked] <- TRUE
output <- data.frame(c(db$cids[index], cls[cls$ids==index,]))
names(output) <- c('Compound ID', colnames(cls))
} else {
coord <- cbind(mds_points, cls_sel[,cluster_col], all.clicked)
rownames(coord) <- cls_sel$ids
colnames(coord) <- c(paste('V', 1:dimensions, sep=''),
colnames(cls_sel)[cluster_col], 'Clicked')
# fast detection of duplicated compounds
# first all descriptors are concatenated as character strigns. then `duplicated'
# are called to detect (potentially) duplicated compounds
cmp.duplicated <- function(db, sort=FALSE, type=1)
## ThG: added for compatability with new S4 classes APset/AP
dbtype <- as.character(class(db))
if(dbtype=="APset") { db <- apset2descdb(db) }
## ThG: end of lines
if (!sort)
f <- function(x) {paste(x, collapse=" ")}
f <- function(x) {paste(sort(x), collapse=" ")}
db_str <- lapply(db$descdb, f)
## ThG: added to also return duplicates in a cluster data frame
if(type==1) {
dup <- duplicated(db_str)
if(type==2) {
names(db_str) <- db$cids;
db_str <- tapply(names(db_str), as.character(db_str), paste)
names(db_str) <- 1:length(db_str)
clsz <- sapply(db_str, length)
dup <- data.frame(ids=unlist(db_str), CLSZ_100=rep(clsz, clsz), CLID_100=rep(1:length(db_str), clsz))
## ThG: end of lines
# helper function used by cluster.visualization
# given a set of points and a point, find the nearest match of point in the set
.search.nearest <- function(mds_points, point)
best <- 1
dist <- (mds_points[1,1] - point$x)^2 + (mds_points[1,2] - point$y)^2
for (i in 2:length(mds_points[,1])) {
d <- (mds_points[i,1] - point$x)^2 + (mds_points[i,2] - point$y)^2
if (d < dist) {
best <- i
dist <- d
# intertanl cluster procedure. It takes a leader compounds, and use graph
# traversal to find all compounds that should be grouped in the cluster leaded
# by the leader. If multiple cutoffs are given, it will use the loosest one;
# but at the same time, clusters for stricter cutoffs are also built as a
# desired side-effect, without need to recompute the distance.
# RETURN: the new cluster_id matrix
.cluster_g <- function(lead, all, dist_func, cutoff, cluster_id,
symmetric=TRUE, quiet=FALSE)
n_cutoff <- length(cutoff)
# where to start in finding the elements in cluster
start_from <- 1
if (symmetric)
start_from <- lead + 1
# queue to store the visited and to-visit nodes
# queue will be sorted by number of "unknowns"
queue <- c(lead)
if (cluster_id[lead, 1] == 0)
cluster_id[lead,] <- lead
current_id <- cluster_id[lead, ]
# head points to node currently being visited
head <- 1
# tail points to tail of queue, ie where to add new nodes
tail <- 2
# do we really need to search?
if (start_from > length(all))
while (head != tail) {
if (! quiet) .progress_bar()
# pop from head
elem <- queue[[head]]
# init cluster IDs for elem: clear the unknowns
cluster_id[elem,cluster_id[elem,] == 0] <- elem
# find neighbors
for (i in all[start_from:length(all)]) {
# does i contain any unknown? only need to check
# strictest cutoff
if (cluster_id[i,n_cutoff] != 0)
# else, update
d = dist_func(elem, i)
indices <- (d <= cutoff)
cluster_id[i, indices] <- cluster_id[elem, indices]
# satisfying the loosest cutoff?
if (indices[[1]]) {
# add i to queue
num_unknowns <- sum(cluster_id[i,] == 0)
# is it already in the queue?
if (length(queue[queue == i]))
pos <- (1:length(queue))[queue == i]
else {
pos <- tail
tail <- tail + 1
while (pos > head && num_unknowns <
sum(cluster_id[queue[[pos - 1]],] == 0)) {
queue[[pos]] <- queue[[pos - 1]]
pos <- pos - 1
queue[[pos]] <- i
head <- head + 1
jarvisPatrick_c <- function(neighbors,minNbrs,fast=TRUE,bothDirections=FALSE,linkage = "single"){
linkage = if(linkage == "single") 0
else if(linkage == "average") 1
else if(linkage == "complete") 2
n=if(is.list(neighbors)) Map(as.integer,neighbors)
else if(is.matrix(neighbors)) matrix(as.integer(neighbors),nrow(neighbors),ncol(neighbors))
else stop("neighbors must be an integer valued list or matrix, but found: ",class(neighbors))
## Jarvis-Patrick Clustering ##
## Added by ThG on 28-Oct-12
## Function to perform Jarvis-Patrick clustering. The algorithm requires a
## nearest neighbor table, which consists of 'j' nearest neighbors for each item
## in the dataset. This information is then used to join items into clusters
## with the following requirements:
## (a) they are contained in each other's neighbor list
## (b) they share at least 'k' nearest neighbors
## The values for 'j' and 'k' are user-defined parameters. The jarvisPatrick()
## function can generate the nearest neighbor table for APset and FPset objects
## and then perform Jarvis-Patrick clustering on that table. It also accepts
## a precomputed nearest neighbor table in form of an object of class matrix.
## The output is a cluster vector with the item labels in the name slot and the
## cluster IDs in the data slot. Alternatively, the function can return the nearest
## neighbor matrix. As third parameter the user can set a minimum similarity value for generating
## the nearest neighbor table. The latter is an optional setting that is not part
## of the original Jarvis-Patrick algorithm. It allows to generate more tight
## clusters and minimizes some limitations of this method, such as joining unrelated
## items when clustering small datasets.
#jarvisPatrick <- function(x, j, k, cutoff=NA, type="cluster", mode="a1a2b", linkage="single", ...) {
# ## Check inputs
# if(!any(c("APset", "FPset", "matrix") %in% class(x))) stop("class(x) needs to be APset, FPset or matrix")
# if(!any(c("a1a2b", "a1b", "b") %in% mode)) stop("mode argument can only be assigned a1a2b, a1b or b")
# ## If class(x) is APset or FPset, generate nearest neighbor matrix (nnm)
# if(any(c("APset", "FPset") %in% class(x))) {
# if(is.na(cutoff)) { # Standard Jarvis-Patrick clustering without cutoff
# if(class(x)=="FPset") {
# nameToNum = 1:length(x)
# names(nameToNum)=cid(x)
# nnm <- t(sapply(seq(along=x), function(y) nameToNum[names(fpSim(x[y], x, top=j, ...))]))
# }
# if(class(x)=="APset") {
# nnm <- t(sapply(seq(along=x), function(y) cmp.search(x, x[y], type=1, cutoff=j, quiet = TRUE, ...)))
# }
# rownames(nnm) <- cid(x)
# colnames(nnm) <- seq(along=nnm[1,])
# }
# if(is.numeric(cutoff) & cutoff <= 1) { # Non-standard Jarvis-Patrick clustering with cutoff
# #nnm <- matrix(NA, length(x), j)
# nnm <- vector("list",length(x))
# names(nnm) = cid(x)
# if(class(x)=="FPset") {
# nameToNum = 1:length(x)
# names(nameToNum)=cid(x)
# for(i in seq(length(x))) {
# #tmp <- names(fpSim(x[i], x, cutoff=cutoff, top=j, ...))
# #nnm[i,1:length(tmp)] <- nameToNum[tmp]
# nnm[[i]] <- as.integer(nameToNum[names(fpSim(x[i], x, cutoff=cutoff, ...))])
# }
# }
# if(class(x)=="APset") {
# for(i in seq(length(x))) {
# #tmp <- cmp.search(x, x[i], type=1, cutoff=cutoff, quiet = TRUE, ...)[1:j]
# #nnm[i,1:length(tmp)] <- tmp
# nnm[[i]] <- cmp.search(x, x[i], type=1, cutoff=cutoff, quiet = TRUE, ...)
# }
# }
# }
# }
# if(type=="matrix") {
# return(nnm)
# }
# ## Run Jarvis-Patrick clustering on nearest neighbor matrix (nnm)
# if(type=="cluster") {
# if(any(c("matrix", "data.frame") %in% class(x))) nnm <- x # If pre-generated matrix is provided
# #print(nnm)
# clusters = if(mode=="a1a2b")
# jarvisPatrick_c(nnm,k,fast=TRUE,bothDirections=TRUE,linkage=linkage)
# else if(mode=="a1b")
# jarvisPatrick_c(nnm,k,fast=TRUE,bothDirections=FALSE,linkage=linkage)
# else # if(mode=="b") only remaining option
# jarvisPatrick_c(nnm,k,fast=FALSE,linkage=linkage)
# clusters=rownames(nnm,do.NULL=FALSE,prefix="cl")[clusters]
# names(clusters)=rownames(nnm,do.NULL=FALSE,prefix="cl")
# #print(clusters)
# ## Assign continuous numbers as cluster names
# clusterstmp <- sort(clusters)
# tmp <- 1:length(unique(clusterstmp)); names(tmp) <- unique(clusterstmp)
# tmp <- tmp[as.character(clusterstmp)]; names(tmp) <- names(clusterstmp)
# clusters <- tmp[names(clusters)]
# return(clusters)
# }
## Jarvis-Patrick Clustering ##
## Added by ThG on 28-Oct-12
## Function to perform Jarvis-Patrick clustering. The algorithm requires a
## nearest neighbor table, which consists of neighbors for each item
## in the dataset. This information is then used to join items into clusters
## with the following requirements:
## (a) they are contained in each other's neighbor list
## (b) they share at least 'k' nearest neighbors
## The mode parameter can be used to relax some of these requirements. If mode='a1a2b' (default),
## then all requirements are used, if mode='a1b' than condition a is relaxed to just
## require that one item is contained in the others neighbors list. If mode='b', than
## only condition b is used. This mode increases the time complexity from linear to
## quadratic in the number of items hoewever.
## The linkage parameter can be used to set the cluster merging criteria to either
## 'single' (default), 'average', or 'complete'.
## The output is a cluster vector with the item labels in the name slot and the
## cluster IDs in the data slot.
jarvisPatrick <- function(nnm, k, mode="a1a2b", linkage="single") {
## Run Jarvis-Patrick clustering on nearest neighbor matrix (nnm)
clusters = if(mode=="a1a2b")
else if(mode=="a1b")
else # if(mode=="b") only remaining option
origClusterNames = unique(clusters)
origToNewNames = 1:length(origClusterNames)
names(origToNewNames) = origClusterNames
clusters = origToNewNames[as.character(clusters)]
## Usage:
# library(ChemmineR)
# data(apset)
# fpset <- desc2fp(apset)
# jarvisPatrick(x=apset, j=6, k=5)
# jarvisPatrick(x=fpset, j=6, k=2, cutoff=0.4)
# jarvisPatrick(x=fpset, j=2, k=2, type="matrix")
nearestNeighbors <- function(x, numNbrs=NULL,cutoff=NULL,...){
if(any(c("APset", "FPset") %in% class(x))) {
if(!is.null(numNbrs) && is.null(cutoff)) { # Standard Jarvis-Patrick clustering without cutoff
buildNnm = function(set,simFun){
nameToNum = 1:length(set)
nnm = list()
for(i in 1:length(set)){
sim = simFun(set[i],set)
nnm$indexes = rbind(nnm$indexes, nameToNum[names(sim)])
#nnm$names = rbind(nnm$names, names(sim))
nnm$similarities = rbind(nnm$similarities,sim)
if(class(x)=="FPset") {
nnm = buildNnm(x,function(item,set) fpSim(item,set,top=numNbrs,...))
if(class(x)=="APset") {
nnm = buildNnm(x,function(item,set) cmp.search(set,item,type=2,cutoff=numNbrs,quiet=TRUE,...))
#rownames(nnm) <- cid(x)
#colnames(nnm) <- seq(along=nnm[1,])
else if(! is.null(cutoff) && is.numeric(cutoff) && cutoff <= 1) { # Non-standard Jarvis-Patrick clustering with cutoff
buildNnm = function(set,simFun){
nnm$indexes <- vector("list",N)
nnm$names <- vector("list",N)
nnm$similarities<- vector("list",N)
#names(nnm) = cid(x)
nameToNum = 1:N
for(i in 1:N) {
sim = simFun(set[i],set)
nnm$indexes[[i]] = as.integer(nameToNum[names(sim)])
#nnm$names[[i]] = names(sim)
if(class(x)=="FPset") {
nnm = buildNnm(x,function(item,set) fpSim(item,set,cutoff=cutoff,...))
if(class(x)=="APset") {
nnm = buildNnm(x,function(item,set) cmp.search(set,item,type=2,cutoff=cutoff,quiet=TRUE,...))
stop("some input requirement not met. Either numNbrs or cutoff must be given, if cutoff is given, ",
"it must be a number between 0 and 1")
stop("class(x) needs to be APset or FPset")
trimNeighbors <- function(nnm,cutoff){
if(is.matrix(nnm$similarities) ){
for(i in 1:nrow(nnm$similarities)){
nonMatches = nnm$similarities[i,] < cutoff
nnm$similarities[i,nonMatches] = NA
nnm$indexes[i,nonMatches] = NA
#nnm$names[i,nonMatches] = NA
}else if(is.list(nnm$similarities) ){
for(i in 1:length(nnm$similarities)){
matches = nnm$similarities[[i]] >= cutoff
nnm$similarities[[i]] = nnm$similarities[[i]][matches]
nnm$indexes[[i]] = nnm$indexes[[i]][matches]
#nnm$names[[i]] = nnm$names[[i]][matches]
stop("don't know how to handle nnm$similarities of type ",class(nnm$similarities))
fromNNMatrix<- function(data,names=rownames(data)){
list(indexes = data, names=names)
byCluster <- function(clustering,excludeSingletons=TRUE){
sizes = table(clustering)
clusters = list()
for(mol in names(clustering)){
cid = as.character(clustering[[mol]])
if(!excludeSingletons || (excludeSingletons && sizes[[cid]] > 1))
clusters[[cid]] = c(clusters[[cid]], mol)
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