#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off pdf
#' @importFrom graphics lines par plot title
#' @importFrom stats anova aov as.dist cor cutree dbeta density dnorm hclust lm optim prcomp qqline qqnorm qqplot quantile rgamma t.test var wilcox.test
#' @importFrom utils download.file read.csv tail untar write.table
#' The ComBat_NoFiles function
#' Internal. Performs batch correction.
#' @param dat dat
#' @param saminfo saminfo
#' @param type currently supports two data file types 'txt' for a tab-delimited text file and 'csv' for an Excel .csv file (sometimes R handles the .csv file better, so use this if you have problems with a .txt file!).
#' @param write if 'T' ComBat writes adjusted data to a file, and if 'F' and ComBat outputs the adjusted data matrix if 'F' (so assign it to an object! i.e. NewData <- ComBat('my expression.xls','Sample info file.txt', write=F)).
#' @param covariates 'covariates=all' will use all of the columns in your sample info file in the modeling (except array/sample name), if you only want use a some of the columns in your sample info file, specify these columns here as a vector (you must include the Batch column in this list).
#' @param par.prior if 'T' uses the parametric adjustments, if 'F' uses the nonparametric adjustments--if you are unsure what to use, try the parametric adjustments (they run faster) and check the plots to see if these priors are reasonable.
#' @param filter 'filter=value' filters the genes with absent calls in > 1-value of the samples. The defaut here (as well as in dchip) is .8.
#' Filter if you can as the EB adjustments work better after filtering.
#' Filter must be numeric if your expression index file contains presence/absence calls (but you can set it >1 if you don't want to filter any genes) and must be 'F' if your data doesn't have presence/absence calls;
#' @param skip is the number of columns that contain probe names and gene information, so 'skip=5' implies the first expression values are in column 6
#' @param prior.plots if true will give prior plots with black as a kernal estimate of the empirical batch effect density and red as the parametric estimate.
#' @return Results.
#' @keywords internal
ComBat_NoFiles <- function(dat, saminfo, type='txt', write=F, covariates='all', par.prior=F, filter=F, skip=0, prior.plots=T){
#debug: expression_xls='exp.txt'; sample_info_file='sam.txt'; type='txt'; write=T; covariates='all'; par.prior=T; filter=F; skip=0; prior.plots=T
# 'expression_xls' is the expression index file (e.g. outputted by dChip). I think it was replaced by dat, a matrix
# 'sample_info_file' is a tab-delimited text file containing the colums: Array name, sample name, Batch, and any other covariates to be included in the modeling. Also I think it was replaced by the data as R objects.
cat('Reading Sample Information File\n')
#saminfo <- read.table(sample_info_file, header=T, sep='\t',comment.char='')
if(sum(colnames(saminfo)=="Batch")!=1){return('ERROR: Sample Information File does not have a Batch column!')}
cat('Reading Expression Data File\n')
# if(type=='csv'){
# dat <- read.csv(expression_xls,header=T,row.names=1,as.is=T)
# #print(dat[1:2,])
# # dat <- dat[,trim.dat(dat)]
# #print(colnames(dat))
# #colnames(dat)=scan(expression_xls,what='character',nlines=1,sep=',',quiet=T)[1:ncol(dat)]
# #print(colnames(dat))
# } else {
#dat <- read.table(expression_xls,header=T,comment.char='',fill=T,sep='\t', as.is=T)
dat <- dat[,trim.dat(dat)]
# }
if (skip>0){
geneinfo <- as.matrix(dat[,1:skip])
dat <- dat[,-c(1:skip)]
} else {
ngenes <- nrow(dat)
col <- ncol(dat)/2
present <- apply(dat, 1, filter.absent, filter)
dat <- dat[present, -(2*(1:col))]
if (skip>0){geneinfo <- geneinfo[present,]}
cat('Filtered genes absent in more than',filter,'of samples. Genes remaining:',nrow(dat),'; Genes filtered:',ngenes-nrow(dat),'\n')
if(any(apply(dat,2,mode)!='numeric')){return('ERROR: Array expression columns contain non-numeric values! (Check your .xls file for non-numeric values and if this is not the problem, make a .csv file and use the type=csv option)')}
tmp <- match(colnames(dat),saminfo[,1])
if(any(is.na(tmp))){return('ERROR: Sample Information File and Data Array Names are not the same!')}
tmp1 <- match(saminfo[,1],colnames(dat))
saminfo <- saminfo[tmp1[!is.na(tmp1)],]
if(any(covariates != 'all')){saminfo <- saminfo[,c(1:2,covariates)]}
design <- design.mat(saminfo)
batches <- list.batch(saminfo)
n.batch <- length(batches)
n.batches <- sapply(batches, length)
n.array <- sum(n.batches)
## Check for missing values
NAs = any(is.na(dat))
if(NAs){cat(c('Found',sum(is.na(dat)),'Missing Data Values\n'),sep=' ')}
##Standardize Data across genes
cat('Standardizing Data across genes\n')
if (!NAs){B.hat <- solve(t(design)%*%design)%*%t(design)%*%t(as.matrix(dat))}else{B.hat=apply(dat,1,Beta.NA,design)} #Standarization Model
grand.mean <- t(n.batches/n.array)%*%B.hat[1:n.batch,]
if (!NAs){var.pooled <- ((dat-t(design%*%B.hat))^2)%*%rep(1/n.array,n.array)}else{var.pooled <- apply(dat-t(design%*%B.hat),1,var,na.rm=T)}
stand.mean <- t(grand.mean)%*%t(rep(1,n.array))
if(!is.null(design)){tmp <- design;tmp[,c(1:n.batch)] <- 0;stand.mean <- stand.mean+t(tmp%*%B.hat)}
s.data <- (dat-stand.mean)/(sqrt(var.pooled)%*%t(rep(1,n.array)))
##Get regression batch effect parameters
cat("Fitting L/S model and finding priors\n")
batch.design <- design[,1:n.batch]
if (!NAs){gamma.hat <- solve(t(batch.design)%*%batch.design)%*%t(batch.design)%*%t(as.matrix(s.data))}else{gamma.hat=apply(s.data,1,Beta.NA,batch.design)}
delta.hat <- NULL
for (i in batches){
delta.hat <- rbind(delta.hat,apply(s.data[,i], 1, var,na.rm=T))
##Find Priors
gamma.bar <- apply(gamma.hat, 1, mean)
t2 <- apply(gamma.hat, 1, var)
a.prior <- apply(delta.hat, 1, aprior)
b.prior <- apply(delta.hat, 1, bprior)
##Plot empirical and parametric priors
if (prior.plots & par.prior){
tmp <- density(gamma.hat[1,])
plot(tmp, type='l', main="Density Plot")
xx <- seq(min(tmp$x), max(tmp$x), length=100)
lines(xx,dnorm(xx,gamma.bar[1],sqrt(t2[1])), col=2)
qqline(gamma.hat[1,], col=2)
tmp <- density(delta.hat[1,])
invgam <- 1/rgamma(ncol(delta.hat),a.prior[1],b.prior[1])
tmp1 <- density(invgam)
plot(tmp, typ='l', main="Density Plot", ylim=c(0,max(tmp$y,tmp1$y)))
lines(tmp1, col=2)
qqplot(delta.hat[1,], invgam, xlab="Sample Quantiles", ylab='Theoretical Quantiles')
title('Q-Q Plot')
##Find EB batch adjustments
gamma.star <- delta.star <- NULL
cat("Finding parametric adjustments\n")
for (i in 1:n.batch){
temp <- it.sol(s.data[,batches[[i]]],gamma.hat[i,],delta.hat[i,],gamma.bar[i],t2[i],a.prior[i],b.prior[i])
gamma.star <- rbind(gamma.star,temp[1,])
delta.star <- rbind(delta.star,temp[2,])
cat("Finding nonparametric adjustments\n")
for (i in 1:n.batch){
temp <- int.eprior(as.matrix(s.data[,batches[[i]]]),gamma.hat[i,],delta.hat[i,])
gamma.star <- rbind(gamma.star,temp[1,])
delta.star <- rbind(delta.star,temp[2,])
### Normalize the Data ###
cat("Adjusting the Data\n")
bayesdata <- s.data
j <- 1
for (i in batches){
bayesdata[,i] <- (bayesdata[,i]-t(batch.design[i,]%*%gamma.star))/(sqrt(delta.star[j,])%*%t(rep(1,n.batches[j])))
j <- j+1
bayesdata <- (bayesdata*(sqrt(var.pooled)%*%t(rep(1,n.array))))+stand.mean
if(write) {
# output_file <- paste(expression_xls,'Adjusted','.txt',sep='_')
output_file <- 'Adjusted.txt'
#suppressWarnings(write.table(cbind(geneinfo,formatC(as.matrix(bayesdata), format = "f")), file=output_file, sep="\t", quote=F,row.names=F,col.names=F,append=T))
outdata <- cbind(ProbeID=rownames(dat), bayesdata)
write.table(outdata, file=output_file, sep="\t")
cat("Adjusted data saved in file:",output_file,"\n")
} else {
# filters data based on presence/absence call
filter.absent <- function(x,pct){
present <- T
col <- length(x)/2
pct.absent <- (sum(x[2*(1:col)]=="A") + sum(x[2*(1:col)]=="M"))/col
if(pct.absent > pct){present <- F}
# Next two functions make the design matrix (X) from the sample info file
build.design <- function(vec, des=NULL, start=2){
tmp <- matrix(0,length(vec),nlevels(vec)-start+1)
for (i in 1:ncol(tmp)){tmp[,i] <- vec==levels(vec)[i+start-1]}
design.mat <- function(saminfo){
tmp <- which(colnames(saminfo) == 'Batch')
tmp1 <- as.factor(saminfo[,tmp])
design <- build.design(tmp1,start=1)
ncov <- ncol(as.matrix(saminfo[,-c(1:2,tmp)]))
for (j in 1:ncov){
tmp1 <- as.factor(as.matrix(saminfo[,-c(1:2,tmp)])[,j])
design <- build.design(tmp1,des=design)
# Makes a list with elements pointing to which array belongs to which batch
list.batch <- function(saminfo){
tmp1 <- as.factor(saminfo[,which(colnames(saminfo) == 'Batch')])
batches <- NULL
for (i in 1:nlevels(tmp1)){batches <- append(batches, list((1:length(tmp1))[tmp1==levels(tmp1)[i]]))}
# Trims the data of extra columns, note your array names cannot be named 'X' or start with 'X.'
trim.dat <- function(dat){
tmp <- strsplit(colnames(dat),'\\.')
tr <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(tmp)){tr <- c(tr,tmp[[i]][1]!='X')}
# Following four find empirical hyper-prior values
aprior <- function(gamma.hat){m=mean(gamma.hat); s2=var(gamma.hat); (2*s2+m^2)/s2}
bprior <- function(gamma.hat){m=mean(gamma.hat); s2=var(gamma.hat); (m*s2+m^3)/s2}
postmean <- function(g.hat,g.bar,n,d.star,t2){(t2*n*g.hat+d.star*g.bar)/(t2*n+d.star)}
postvar <- function(sum2,n,a,b){(.5*sum2+b)/(n/2+a-1)}
# Pass in entire data set, the design matrix for the entire data, the batch means, the batch variances, priors (m, t2, a, b), columns of the data matrix for the batch. Uses the EM to find the parametric batch adjustments
it.sol <- function(sdat,g.hat,d.hat,g.bar,t2,a,b,conv=.0001){
n <- apply(!is.na(sdat),1,sum)
g.old <- g.hat
d.old <- d.hat
change <- 1
count <- 0
g.new <- postmean(g.hat,g.bar,n,d.old,t2)
sum2 <- apply((sdat-g.new%*%t(rep(1,ncol(sdat))))^2, 1, sum,na.rm=T)
d.new <- postvar(sum2,n,a,b)
change <- max(abs(g.new-g.old)/g.old,abs(d.new-d.old)/d.old)
g.old <- g.new
d.old <- d.new
count <- count+1
#cat("This batch took", count, "iterations until convergence\n")
adjust <- rbind(g.new, d.new)
rownames(adjust) <- c("g.star","d.star")
#likelihood function used below
L <- function(x,g.hat,d.hat){prod(dnorm(x,g.hat,sqrt(d.hat)))}
# Monte Carlo integration function to find the nonparametric adjustments
int.eprior <- function(sdat,g.hat,d.hat){
g.star <- d.star <- NULL
r <- nrow(sdat)
for(i in 1:r){
g <- g.hat[-i]
d <- d.hat[-i]
x <- sdat[i,!is.na(sdat[i,])]
n <- length(x)
j <- numeric(n)+1
dat <- matrix(as.numeric(x),length(g),n,byrow=T)
resid2 <- (dat-g)^2
sum2 <- resid2%*%j
LH <- 1/(2*pi*d)^(n/2)*exp(-sum2/(2*d))
g.star <- c(g.star,sum(g*LH)/sum(LH))
d.star <- c(d.star,sum(d*LH)/sum(LH))
adjust <- rbind(g.star,d.star)
rownames(adjust) <- c("g.star","d.star")
#fits the L/S model in the presence of missing data values
Beta.NA = function(y,X){
B <- solve(t(des)%*%des)%*%t(des)%*%y1
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