#' Predict protein domain families from coding transcripts
#' @param x
#' Can be a GRanges object containing 'CDS' features in GTF format
#' Can be a GRangesList object containing CDS ranges for each transcript
#' @param fasta
#' BSgenome or Biostrings object containing genomic sequence
#' @param ...
#' Logical conditions to pass to dplyr::filter to subset transcripts for
#' analysis. Variables are metadata information found in `x` and multiple
#' conditions can be provided delimited by comma.
#' Example: transcript_id == "transcript1"
#' @param plot
#' Argument whether to plot out protein domains (Default: FALSE).
#' Note: only first 20 proteins will be plotted
#' @param progress_bar
#' Argument whether to show progress bar (Default: FALSE). Useful to track
#' progress of predicting a long list of proteins.
#' @param ncores
#' Number of cores to utilise to perform prediction
#' @return
#' Dataframe containing protein features for each cds entry
#' @examples
#' ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#' ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Load Mouse genome sequence
#' library(BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10)
#' # Load dataset
#' data(new_query_gtf)
#' # predict domains of all CDSs in query GTF
#' predictDomains(new_query_gtf, Mmusculus, ncores=1)
#' # predict domains of CDSs from Ptbp1 gene
#' predictDomains(new_query_gtf, Mmusculus, gene_name == "Ptbp1",ncores=1)
#' # predict domains of CDSs from Ptbp1 gene and plot architecture out
#' predictDomains(new_query_gtf, Mmusculus, gene_name == "Ptbp1", plot = TRUE,ncores=1)
#' @author Fursham Hamid
#' @export
predictDomains <- function(x, fasta, ..., plot = FALSE,
progress_bar = FALSE, ncores = 4) {
# catch missing args
mandargs <- c("x", "fasta")
passed <- names(as.list(match.call())[-1])
if (any(!mandargs %in% passed)) {
"missing values for",
paste(setdiff(mandargs, passed), collapse = ", ")
# get argnames and carry out checks
argnames <- as.character(match.call())[-1]
cds <- .extractCDSchecks(x, fasta, argnames, ...)
# define global variables
. <- id <- NULL
# get sequence
aaSeq <- .getSequence(cds, fasta)
output_table <- .runDomainSearch(aaSeq, plot, progress_bar, ncores)
.extractCDSchecks <- function(cds, fasta, argnames, ...) {
# define global variables
exonorder <- NULL
if (!has_consistentSeqlevels(cds, fasta, verbose = FALSE)) {
"`%s` and `%s` has unmatched seqlevel styles.
Try running: %s <- matchChromosomes(%s, %s)",
argnames[1], argnames[2], argnames[1], argnames[1], argnames[2]
# catch wrong cds class
if (is_gtf(cds)) {
cds <- S4Vectors::split(cds[cds$type == "CDS"], ~transcript_id)
if (length(cds) == 0) {
"`%s` do not contain CDS information", argnames[1]
if (!is(cds, "GRangesList")) {
rlang::abort("cds class type is not GRanges GTF or GRangesList")
cds <- filtereach(cds, ...)
if (length(cds) == 0) {
rlang::abort("No CDS to display")
return(sorteach(cds, exonorder))
.getSequence <- function(cds, fasta) {
x <- y <- instop <- NULL
rlang::inform("Checking CDSs and translating protein sequences")
cdsSeq <- GenomicFeatures::extractTranscriptSeqs(fasta, cds)
aaSeq <- suppressWarnings(
Biostrings::translate(cdsSeq, if.fuzzy.codon = "solve")) %>%
as.data.frame() %>%
tibble::rownames_to_column("id") %>%
dplyr::rowwise() %>%
dplyr::mutate(y = strsplit(x, split = "")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(noATG = ifelse(y[[1]] != "M", TRUE, FALSE)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(instop = ifelse("*" %in% y, TRUE, FALSE)) %>%
# check for ATG and internal stop_codon, truncate proteins with internal
# stop codon
## and remove entries without proteins after truncation
if (TRUE %in% aaSeq$noATG) {
rlang::warn(sprintf("%s CDSs do not begin with ATG", sum(aaSeq$noATG)))
if (TRUE %in% aaSeq$instop) {
aaSeq <- suppressWarnings(aaSeq %>%
dplyr::rowwise() %>%
dplyr::mutate(x = ifelse(instop == TRUE,
paste(y[seq_len(which(y == "*") - 1)], collapse = ""),
)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(y = strsplit(x, split = "")) %>%
rlang::warn(sprintf(paste0("%s CDSs contain internal stop codon. ",
"Truncating CDS sequence to retain ORF"),
if ("" %in% aaSeq$x) {
"After truncation, %s cds have no ",
"coding sequences. These CDSs were not analyzed"),
sum(aaSeq$x == "")))
aaSeq <- aaSeq[aaSeq$x != "", ]
"Predicting domain families for %s proteins", nrow(aaSeq)))
.getdomains <- function(url, curl.opts, seq, id, length, n) {
type <- famdesc <- fameval <- begin <- NULL
hmm <- ""
while(!grepl("data name=\"results\"", hmm)){
hmm <- RCurl::postForm(url,
hmmdb = "superfamily", seqdb = NULL,
seq = seq, style = "POST", .opts = curl.opts,
.contentEncodeFun = RCurl::curlPercentEncode,
.checkParams = TRUE
if (grepl("status=\"PEND\"", hmm)) {
xml <- XML::xmlParse(hmm)
domains <- XML::xpathSApply(xml, "///domains", XML::xpathSApply, "@*")
family <- XML::xpathSApply(xml, "///family", XML::xpathSApply, "@*")
family[2,] <- domains['alihmmdesc',]
segment <- XML::xpathSApply(xml, "///segments", XML::xpathSApply, "@*")
if (ncol(family) != ncol(segment)) {
ndomains <- XML::xpathSApply(xml, "///domains",
XML::xpathSApply, "count(segments)")
family2 <- suppressMessages(lapply(seq_along(ndomains), function(x) {
return(family[, rep(x, each = ndomains[x])])
}) %>% dplyr::bind_cols() %>% as.matrix())
rownames(family2) <- rownames(family)
data <- rbind(family2, segment)
} else {
data <- rbind(family, segment)
data <- as.data.frame(t(data), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
dplyr::mutate(type = "DOMAIN",
begin = as.numeric(start),
end = as.numeric(end)) %>%
dplyr::select(type, description = famdesc,
eval = fameval, begin, end) %>%
dplyr::mutate(entryName = id)
# dplyr::mutate(order = n)
.runDomainSearch <- function(aaSeq, plot, progress_bar, ncores) {
type <- entryName <- description <- begin <- id <- NULL
# prepare URL
url <- paste("https://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/hmmer/search/hmmscan")
url.opts <- list(
httpheader = "Expect:", httpheader = "Accept:text/xml",
verbose = FALSE, followlocation = TRUE
# run search for each protein sequence
output <- BiocParallel::bplapply(seq_len(nrow(aaSeq)), function(y) {
# account for return errors
report <- tryCatch(
.getdomains(url, url.opts, aaSeq[y, ]$x,
aaSeq[y, ]$id, nchar(aaSeq[y, ]$x), y),
error = function(e) NULL
if (is.null(report)) {
return(tibble::tibble(type = "CHAIN",
description = aaSeq[y, ]$id,
begin = 1,
end = nchar(aaSeq[y, ]$x),
entryName = aaSeq[y, ]$id))
} else {
tibble::tibble(type = "CHAIN",
description = aaSeq[y, ]$id,
begin = 1,
end = nchar(aaSeq[y, ]$x),
entryName = aaSeq[y, ]$id)
}, BPPARAM = BiocParallel::MulticoreParam(progressbar = progress_bar,
workers = ncores)) %>%
# plot protein domains if requested
if (plot) {
datatoplot <- output %>%
output %>%
dplyr::select(entryName) %>%
dplyr::distinct() %>%
dplyr::mutate(order = dplyr::row_number()),
by = "entryName"
if (max(datatoplot$order) > 20) {
datatoplot <- datatoplot[datatoplot$order <= 20, ]
rlang::warn("Plotting only first 20 proteins")
print(drawProteins::draw_canvas(datatoplot) %>%
drawProteins::draw_chains(datatoplot) %>%
drawProteins::draw_domains(datatoplot, label_domains = FALSE) +
ggplot2::theme_bw() + # white background
panel.grid.minor = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_blank()
) +
axis.ticks = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_blank()
) +
ggplot2::theme(panel.border = ggplot2::element_blank()))
# prepare output table
if ("DOMAIN" %in% output$type) {
table.out <- output %>%
tibble::as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::filter(type == "DOMAIN") %>%
dplyr::select(transcript = entryName, description,
eval, begin, end)
} else {
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