#' Preprocess Short Reads
#' Truncate sequences, remove parts matching to adapters and filter out low
#' quality or low complexity sequences from (compressed) 'fasta' or 'fastq' files.
#' Sequence files can be in fasta or fastq format, and can be compressed by
#' either gzip, bzip2 or xz (extensions .gz, .bz2 or .xz). Multiple files
#' can be processed by a single call to \code{preprocessReads}; in that
#' case all sequence file vectors must have identical lengths.
#' \code{nrec} can be used to limit the memory usage when processing
#' large input files. \code{preprocessReads} iteratively loads chunks of
#' \code{nrec} sequences from the input until all data been processed.
#' Sequence pairs from paired-end experiments can be processed by
#' specifying pairs of input and output files (\code{filenameMate} and
#' \code{outputFilenameMate} arguments). In that case, it is assumed that
#' pairs appear in the same order in the two input files, and only pairs
#' in which both reads pass all filtering criteria are written to the
#' output files, maintaining the consistent ordering.
#' If output files are compressed, the processed sequences are first
#' written to temporary files (created in the same directory as the final
#' output file), and the output files are generated at the end by compressing
#' the temporary files.
#' For the trimming of left and/or right flanking sequences (adapters) from
#' sequence reads, the \code{\link[Biostrings]{trimLRPatterns}} function
#' from package \pkg{Biostrings} is used, and the arguments \code{Lpattern},
#' \code{Rpattern}, \code{max.Lmismatch}, \code{max.Rmismatch},
#' \code{with.Lindels} and \code{with.Rindels} are used in the call to
#' \code{trimLRPatterns}. \code{Lfixed} and \code{Rfixed} arguments
#' of \code{trimLRPatterns} are set to \code{TRUE}, thus only fixed
#' patterns (without IUPAC codes for ambigous bases) can be
#' used. Currently, trimming of adapters is only supported for single read
#' experiments.
#' Sequence complexity (\eqn{H}) is calculated based on the dinucleotide
#' composition using the formula (Shannon entropy): \deqn{H = -\sum_i {f_i \log_2 f_i},}
#' where \eqn{f_i} is the fraction of dinucleotide \eqn{i} from all
#' dinucleotides in the sequence. Sequence reads that fulfill the condition
#' \eqn{H/H_r \ge c} are retained (not filtered out), where \eqn{H_r =
#' 3.908} is the reference complexity in bits obtained from the human
#' genome, and \eqn{c} is the value given to the argument \code{complexity}.
#' If an object that inherits from class \code{cluster} is provided to
#' the \code{clObj} argument, for example an object returned by
#' \code{\link[parallel]{makeCluster}} from package \pkg{parallel},
#' multiple files will be processed in parallel using
#' \code{\link[parallel:clusterApply]{clusterMap}} from package \pkg{parallel}.
#' @param filename the name(s) of the input sequence file(s).
#' @param outputFilename the name(s) of the output sequence file(s).
#' @param filenameMate for paired-end experiments, the name(s) of the
#' input sequence file(s) containing the second read (mate) of each pair.
#' @param outputFilenameMate for paired-end experiments, the name(s) of the
#' output sequence file(s) containing the second read (mate) of each pair.
#' @param truncateStartBases integer(1): the number of bases to be truncated
#' (removed) from the beginning of each sequence.
#' @param truncateEndBases integer(1): the number of bases to be truncated
#' (removed) from the end of each sequence.
#' @param Lpattern character(1): the left (5'-end) adapter sequence.
#' @param Rpattern character(1): the right (3'-end) adapter sequence.
#' @param max.Lmismatch mismatch tolerance when searching for matches of
#' \code{Lpattern} (see \sQuote{Details}).
#' @param max.Rmismatch mismatch tolerance when searching for matches of
#' \code{Rpattern} (see \sQuote{Details}).
#' @param with.Lindels if \code{TRUE}, indels are allowed in the alignments of
#' the suffixes of \code{Lpattern} with the subject, at its beginning
#' (see \sQuote{Details}).
#' @param with.Rindels same as \code{with.Lindels} but for alignments of the
#' prefixes of \code{Rpattern} with the subject, at its end (see
#' \sQuote{Details}).
#' @param minLength integer(1): the minimal allowed sequence length.
#' @param nBases integer(1): the maximal number of Ns allowed per sequence.
#' @param complexity \code{NULL} (default) or numeric(1): If not \code{NULL},
#' the minimal sequence complexity, as a fraction of the average complexity
#' in the human genome (~3.9bits). For example, \code{complexity = 0.5} will
#' filter out sequences that do not have at least half the complexity of the
#' human genome. See \sQuote{Details} on how the complexity is calculated.
#' @param nrec integer(1): the number of sequence records to read at a time.
#' @param clObj a cluster object to be used for parallel processing of multiple
#' files (see \sQuote{Details}).
#' @name preprocessReads
#' @aliases preprocessReads
#' @returns
#' A matrix with summary statistics on the processed sequences, containing:
#' \itemize{
#' \item One column per input file (or pair of input files for paired-end
#' experiments).
#' \item The number of sequences or sequence pairs in rows:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{totalSequences}}{ - the total number in the input}
#' \item{\code{matchTo5pAdaptor}}{ - matching to \code{Lpattern}}
#' \item{\code{matchTo3pAdaptor}}{ - matching to \code{Rpattern}}
#' \item{\code{tooShort}}{ - shorter than \code{minLength}}
#' \item{\code{tooManyN}}{ - more than \code{nBases} Ns}
#' \item{\code{lowComplexity}}{ - relative complexity below \code{complexity}}
#' \item{\code{totalPassed}}{ - the number of sequences/sequence pairs
#' that pass all filtering criteria and were written to the output file(s).}
#' }
#' }
#' @author Anita Lerch, Dimos Gaidatzis and Michael Stadler
#' @keywords utilities misc
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[Biostrings]{trimLRPatterns}} from package \pkg{Biostrings},
#' \code{\link[parallel]{makeCluster}} from package \pkg{parallel}
#' @importFrom parallel clusterEvalQ clusterMap
#' @importFrom ShortRead nFilter SRFilterResult
#' @importFrom tools file_path_sans_ext file_ext
#' @importFrom S4Vectors active
#' @examples
#' # sample files
#' infiles <- system.file(package="QuasR", "extdata",
#' c("rna_1_1.fq.bz2","rna_1_2.fq.bz2"))
#' outfiles <- paste(tempfile(pattern=c("output_1_","output_2_")),".fastq",sep="")
#' # single read example
#' preprocessReads(infiles, outfiles, nBases=0, complexity=0.6)
#' unlink(outfiles)
#' # paired-end example
#' preprocessReads(filename=infiles[1],
#' outputFilename=outfiles[1],
#' filenameMate=infiles[2],
#' outputFilenameMate=outfiles[2],
#' nBases=0, complexity=0.6)
#' unlink(outfiles)
preprocessReads <- function(filename, outputFilename = NULL,
filenameMate = NULL, outputFilenameMate = NULL,
truncateStartBases = NULL, truncateEndBases = NULL,
Lpattern = "", Rpattern = "",
max.Lmismatch = rep(0:2, c(6, 3, 100)),
max.Rmismatch = rep(0:2, c(6, 3, 100)),
with.Lindels = FALSE, with.Rindels = FALSE,
minLength = 14L, nBases = 2L, complexity = NULL,
nrec = 1000000L, clObj = NULL) {
## check parameters
if (!is.character(filename))
stop("'filename' must be of type character.")
if (is.null(outputFilename)) {
outputFilename <- paste(tools::file_path_sans_ext(filename), "_prep.",
tools::file_ext(filename), sep = "")
message(paste(c("using default 'outputFilename':",
truncPath(outputFilename)), collapse = "\n "), "\n")
if (!is.character(outputFilename))
stop("'outputFilename' must be of type character.")
if (length(filename) != length(outputFilename))
stop("'filename' and 'outputFilename' must have equal length.")
if (any(f <- !file.exists(filename)))
stop("non-existing input file(s): ",
paste(filename[f], collapse = ", "))
if (any(f <- file.exists(outputFilename)))
stop("existing output file(s): ",
paste(outputFilename[f], collapse = ", "))
fileformat <- consolidateFileExtensions(filename, compressed = TRUE)
if (any(f <- !(fileformat %in% c("fasta","fastq"))))
stop("unsupported file format (must be one of 'fasta' or 'fastq'): ",
paste(filename[f], collapse = ", "))
if (any(fileformat != consolidateFileExtensions(outputFilename, compressed = TRUE)))
stop("format of 'filename' and 'outputFilename' must be identical")
filecompr <- compressedFileFormat(outputFilename)
if (any(fileformat == "fasta") && any(compressedFileFormat(filename) != "none"))
stop("compressed 'fasta' input is not yet supported")
paired <- !is.null(filenameMate)
if (paired) {
paired <- TRUE
if (Lpattern != "" || Rpattern != "")
stop("Removing adapters from paired-end samples is not yet ",
"supported ('Lpattern' and 'Rpattern' must be set to \"\").")
if (!is.character(filenameMate))
stop("'filenameMate' must be of type character.")
if (is.null(outputFilenameMate)) {
outputFilenameMate <- paste(tools::file_path_sans_ext(filenameMate),
"_prep.", tools::file_ext(filenameMate), sep = "")
message(paste(c("using default 'outputFilenameMate':",
truncPath(outputFilenameMate)), collapse = "\n "), "\n")
if (!is.character(outputFilenameMate))
stop("'outputFilenameMate' must be of type character.")
if (length(filenameMate) != length(outputFilenameMate))
stop("'filenameMate' and 'outputFilenameMate' must have equal length.")
if (length(filename) != length(filenameMate))
stop("'filename' and 'filenameMate' must have equal length.")
if (any(f <- file.exists(outputFilenameMate)))
stop("existing output files: ", paste(outputFilenameMate[f], collapse = ", "))
if (any(fileformat != consolidateFileExtensions(filenameMate, compressed = TRUE)))
stop("format of 'filename' and 'filenameMate' must be identical")
if (any(fileformat != consolidateFileExtensions(outputFilenameMate, compressed = TRUE)))
stop("format of 'filenameMate' and 'outputFilenameMate' must be identical")
if (any(filecompr != compressedFileFormat(outputFilenameMate)))
stop("compression format of 'outputFilename' and 'outputFilenameMate' must be identical")
## set 'from' and 'to' for truncation (from=1 is the first base, to=-1 is the last one)
truncateFromBase <- ifelse(is.null(truncateStartBases), 1, truncateStartBases + 1)
truncateToBase <- ifelse(is.null(truncateEndBases), -1, -(truncateEndBases + 1))
## initialize filters
activeFilters <- c(!is.null(nBases),
nFilt <- ShortRead::nFilter(threshold = ifelse(activeFilters[1], nBases[1], 0L))
cFilt <- filterLowComplexity(threshold = ifelse(activeFilters[2], complexity[1], 0.5))
lFilt <- filterLength(threshold = ifelse(activeFilters[3], minLength, 0L))
filters <- c(nFilt, cFilt, lFilt)
S4Vectors::active(filters) <- activeFilters
## parallel execution?
if (!is.null(clObj) & inherits(clObj, "cluster", which = FALSE)) {
message("preparing to run on ", length(clObj), " nodes...", appendLF = FALSE)
myapply <- function(...) do.call(cbind, parallel::clusterMap(clObj, ...))
# load libraries on nodes
# avoid nested parallelization
nthreads <- parallel::clusterEvalQ(clObj, .Call(ShortRead:::.set_omp_threads, 1L))
on.exit(parallel::clusterMap(clObj, function(n) .Call(ShortRead:::.set_omp_threads, n), nthreads))
} else {
myapply <- mapply
## do the filtering
if (paired) {
#message("start filtering (paired-end mode)")
filterReport <- myapply(preprocessPairedReads,
filename = filename, filenameMate = filenameMate,
outputFilename = outputFilename,
outputFilenameMate = outputFilenameMate,
fileformat = fileformat, filecompr = filecompr,
MoreArgs = list(
truncateFromBase = truncateFromBase,
truncateToBase = truncateToBase,
filters = filters,
nrec = nrec))
colnames(filterReport) <- paste(basename(filename),
basename(filenameMate), sep = ":")
} else {
#message("start filtering (single read mode)")
filterReport <- myapply(preprocessSingleReads,
filename = filename,
outputFilename = outputFilename,
fileformat = fileformat, filecompr = filecompr,
MoreArgs = list(
truncateFromBase = truncateFromBase,
truncateToBase = truncateToBase,
Lpattern = Lpattern, Rpattern = Rpattern,
max.Lmismatch = max.Lmismatch,
max.Rmismatch = max.Rmismatch,
with.Lindels = with.Lindels,
with.Rindels = with.Rindels,
filters = filters,
nrec = nrec))
colnames(filterReport) <- basename(filename)
#message("finished filtering")
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom ShortRead readFasta writeFastq FastqStreamer yield narrow
#' SRFilterResult
#' @importFrom Biostrings trimLRPatterns
#' @importFrom S4Vectors evalSeparately
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics width start end
preprocessSingleReads <- function(filename, outputFilename, fileformat, filecompr,
truncateFromBase, truncateToBase,
Lpattern, Rpattern,
max.Lmismatch, max.Rmismatch,
with.Lindels, with.Rindels,
nrec) {
message(" filtering ", truncPath(filename, getOption('width') - 13))
## create (temporary) output file name, will be compressed if filecompr!="none"
tmpOutputFilename <- if (filecompr != "none") tempfile(pattern = "preprocessReadsTemp")
else outputFilename
## extend R/Lpattern by Ns
numNs <- 90
if (nchar(Lpattern) > 0) {
max.Lmismatch <- max.Lmismatch[seq_len(nchar(Lpattern))]
max.Lmismatch <- c(max.Lmismatch, seq_len(numNs) + max(max.Lmismatch))
Lpattern <- paste(c(rep("N", numNs), Lpattern), collapse = "")
if (nchar(Rpattern) > 0) {
max.Rmismatch <- max.Rmismatch[seq_len(nchar(Rpattern))]
max.Rmismatch <- c(max.Rmismatch, seq_len(numNs) + max(max.Rmismatch))
Rpattern <- paste(c(Rpattern, rep("N", numNs)), collapse = "")
## filter chunks
filterReport <- c(totalSequences = 0, matchTo5pAdapter = 0,
matchTo3pAdapter = 0, tooShort = 0, tooManyN = 0,
lowComplexity = 0, totalPassed = 0)
if (fileformat == "fasta") {
mode <- 'w'
cycle <- 1L
while (length(chunks <- ShortRead::readFasta(filename, nrec = nrec,
skip = (cycle - 1) * nrec)) != 0L) {
filterReport['totalSequences'] <- filterReport['totalSequences'] +
## truncate start or end bases
chunks <- ShortRead::narrow(x = chunks, start = truncateFromBase,
end = truncateToBase)
## trim adaptor
ranges <- Biostrings::trimLRPatterns(
subject = chunks, Lpattern = Lpattern, Rpattern = Rpattern,
max.Lmismatch = max.Lmismatch, max.Rmismatch = max.Rmismatch,
with.Lindels = with.Lindels, with.Rindels = with.Rindels,
ranges = TRUE
filterReport['matchTo5pAdapter'] <- filterReport['matchTo5pAdapter'] +
sum(BiocGenerics::start(ranges) != 1)
filterReport['matchTo3pAdapter'] <- filterReport['matchTo3pAdapter'] +
sum(BiocGenerics::end(ranges) != BiocGenerics::width(chunks))
chunks <- ShortRead::narrow(x = chunks,
start = BiocGenerics::start(ranges),
end = BiocGenerics::end(ranges))
## filter and write short reads
filterResults <- S4Vectors::evalSeparately(filters, chunks)
if (is.list(filterResults)) # return value of evalSeparately?
filterResults <- do.call(cbind, filterResults)
#filterReport['tooManyN'] <- filterReport['tooManyN'] + sum(!filterResults[, 'CleanNFilter'])
# workaround for filter being renamed to 'CleanNFilter.other' if nrec=1:
filterReport['tooManyN'] <- filterReport['tooManyN'] +
sum(!filterResults[, grep('CleanNFilter',colnames(filterResults))[1]])
filterReport['tooShort'] <- filterReport['tooShort'] + sum(!filterResults[, 'LengthFilter'])
filterReport['lowComplexity'] <- filterReport['lowComplexity'] +
sum(!filterResults[, 'LowComplexityFilter'])
filter <- apply(filterResults, 1, all)
filterReport['totalPassed'] <- filterReport['totalPassed'] + sum(filter)
if (sum(filter))
ShortRead::writeFasta(chunks[filter], tmpOutputFilename,
mode = mode, compress = FALSE)
mode <- 'a'
cycle <- cycle + 1
} else if (fileformat == "fastq") {
fs1 <- ShortRead::FastqStreamer(filename, n = nrec)
on.exit(rm(fs1), add = TRUE)
mode <- 'w'
while (length(chunks <- ShortRead::yield(fs1)) != 0L) {
filterReport['totalSequences'] <- filterReport['totalSequences'] + length(chunks)
## truncate start or end bases
chunks <- ShortRead::narrow(x = chunks, start = truncateFromBase,
end = truncateToBase)
## trim adaptor
ranges <- Biostrings::trimLRPatterns(
subject = chunks, Lpattern = Lpattern, Rpattern = Rpattern,
max.Lmismatch = max.Lmismatch, max.Rmismatch = max.Rmismatch,
with.Lindels = with.Lindels, with.Rindels = with.Rindels,
ranges = TRUE
filterReport['matchTo5pAdapter'] <- filterReport['matchTo5pAdapter'] +
sum(BiocGenerics::start(ranges) != 1)
filterReport['matchTo3pAdapter'] <- filterReport['matchTo3pAdapter'] +
sum(BiocGenerics::end(ranges) != BiocGenerics::width(chunks))
chunks <- ShortRead::narrow(x = chunks,
start = BiocGenerics::start(ranges),
end = BiocGenerics::end(ranges))
## filter and write short reads
filterResults <- S4Vectors::evalSeparately(filters, chunks)
#filterReport['tooManyN'] <- filterReport['tooManyN'] + sum(!filterResults[, 'CleanNFilter'])
# workaround for filter being renamed to 'CleanNFilter.other' if nrec=1:
filterReport['tooManyN'] <- filterReport['tooManyN'] +
sum(!filterResults[, grep('CleanNFilter',colnames(filterResults))[1]])
filterReport['tooShort'] <- filterReport['tooShort'] + sum(!filterResults[, 'LengthFilter'])
filterReport['lowComplexity'] <- filterReport['lowComplexity'] +
sum(!filterResults[, 'LowComplexityFilter'])
filter <- apply(filterResults, 1, all)
filterReport['totalPassed'] <- filterReport['totalPassed'] + sum(filter)
if (sum(filter))
ShortRead::writeFastq(chunks[filter], tmpOutputFilename,
mode = mode, qualityType = "Auto", compress = FALSE)
mode <- 'a'
} else {
stop("unknown file format: ", fileformat)
if(filecompr != "none")
compressFile(tmpOutputFilename, destname = outputFilename, remove = TRUE)
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom ShortRead readFasta writeFastq FastqStreamer yield narrow
#' @importFrom Biostrings trimLRPatterns
#' @importFrom S4Vectors evalSeparately
preprocessPairedReads <- function(filename, filenameMate, outputFilename,
outputFilenameMate, fileformat, filecompr,
truncateFromBase, truncateToBase,
nrec) {
message(" filtering ", truncPath(filename, getOption('width') - 17), " and\n ",
truncPath(filenameMate, getOption('width') - 16))
## create (temporary) output file names, will be compressed if filecompr!="none"
if (filecompr != "none") {
tmpOutputFilename <- tempfile(pattern = "preprocessReadsTemp")
tmpOutputFilenameMate <- tempfile(pattern = "preprocessReadsTemp")
} else {
tmpOutputFilename <- outputFilename
tmpOutputFilenameMate <- outputFilenameMate
## filter chunks
nrec <- round(nrec/2) # only load half the number of pairs
filterReport <- c(totalSequences = 0, matchTo5pAdapter = NA,
matchTo3pAdapter = NA, tooShort = 0, tooManyN = 0,
lowComplexity = 0, totalPassed = 0)
if (fileformat == "fasta") {
mode <- 'w'
cycle <- 1L
while(length(chunks <- ShortRead::readFasta(filename, nrec = nrec,
skip = (cycle - 1)*nrec)) != 0L) {
chunksMate <- ShortRead::readFasta(filenameMate, nrec = nrec,
skip = (cycle - 1)*nrec)
filterReport['totalSequences'] <- filterReport['totalSequences'] + length(chunks)
chunks <- ShortRead::narrow(x = chunks, start = truncateFromBase,
end = truncateToBase)
chunksMate <- ShortRead::narrow(x = chunksMate,
start = truncateFromBase,
end = truncateToBase)
## filter and write short reads
filterResults <- S4Vectors::evalSeparately(filters, chunks)
if (is.list(filterResults)) # return value of evalSeparately?
filterResults <- do.call(cbind, filterResults)
filterResultsMate <- S4Vectors::evalSeparately(filters, chunksMate)
if (is.list(filterResultsMate)) # return value of evalSeparately?
filterResults <- do.call(cbind, filterResultsMate)
#filterReport['tooManyN'] <- filterReport['tooManyN'] + sum(!(filterResults[, 'CleanNFilter'] & filterResultsMate[, 'CleanNFilter']))
# workaround for filter being renamed to 'CleanNFilter.other' if nrec=1:
filterReport['tooManyN'] <- filterReport['tooManyN'] +
sum(!(filterResults[, grep('CleanNFilter',colnames(filterResults))[1]] &
filterResultsMate[, grep('CleanNFilter', colnames(filterResultsMate))[1]]))
filterReport['tooShort'] <- filterReport['tooShort'] +
sum(!(filterResults[, 'LengthFilter'] &
filterResultsMate[, 'LengthFilter']))
filterReport['lowComplexity'] <- filterReport['lowComplexity'] +
sum(!(filterResults[, 'LowComplexityFilter'] &
filterResultsMate[, 'LowComplexityFilter']))
filter <- apply(cbind(filterResults, filterResultsMate), 1, all)
filterReport['totalPassed'] <- filterReport['totalPassed'] + sum(filter)
if (sum(filter)) {
ShortRead::writeFasta(chunks[filter], tmpOutputFilename,
mode = mode, compress = FALSE)
ShortRead::writeFasta(chunksMate[filter], tmpOutputFilenameMate,
mode = mode, compress = FALSE)
mode <- 'a'
cycle <- cycle + 1
} else if (fileformat == "fastq") {
fs1 <- ShortRead::FastqStreamer(filename, n = nrec)
fs2 <- ShortRead::FastqStreamer(filenameMate, n = nrec)
on.exit(close(fs2), add = TRUE)
on.exit(rm(fs1, fs2), add = TRUE)
mode <- 'w'
while (length(chunks <- ShortRead::yield(fs1)) != 0L) {
chunksMate <- ShortRead::yield(fs2)
filterReport['totalSequences'] <- filterReport['totalSequences'] + length(chunks)
chunks <- ShortRead::narrow(x = chunks, start = truncateFromBase,
end = truncateToBase)
chunksMate <- ShortRead::narrow(x = chunksMate,
start = truncateFromBase,
end = truncateToBase)
## filter and write short reads
filterResults <- S4Vectors::evalSeparately(filters, chunks)
filterResultsMate <- S4Vectors::evalSeparately(filters, chunksMate)
#filterReport['tooManyN'] <- filterReport['tooManyN'] + sum(!(filterResults[, 'CleanNFilter'] & filterResultsMate[, 'CleanNFilter']))
# workaround for filter being renamed to 'CleanNFilter.other' if nrec=1:
filterReport['tooManyN'] <- filterReport['tooManyN'] +
sum(!(filterResults[, grep('CleanNFilter',colnames(filterResults))[1]] &
filterResultsMate[, grep('CleanNFilter',colnames(filterResultsMate))[1]]))
filterReport['tooShort'] <- filterReport['tooShort'] +
sum(!(filterResults[, 'LengthFilter'] &
filterResultsMate[, 'LengthFilter']))
filterReport['lowComplexity'] <- filterReport['lowComplexity'] +
sum(!(filterResults[, 'LowComplexityFilter'] &
filterResultsMate[, 'LowComplexityFilter']))
filter <- apply(cbind(filterResults, filterResultsMate), 1, all)
filterReport['totalPassed'] <- filterReport['totalPassed'] + sum(filter)
if (sum(filter)) {
ShortRead::writeFastq(chunks[filter], tmpOutputFilename,
mode = mode, qualityType = "Auto", compress = FALSE)
ShortRead::writeFastq(chunksMate[filter], tmpOutputFilenameMate,
mode = mode, qualityType = "Auto", compress = FALSE)
mode <- 'a'
} else {
stop("unknown file format: ", fileformat)
if (filecompr != "none") {
compressFile(tmpOutputFilename, destname = outputFilename, remove = TRUE)
compressFile(tmpOutputFilenameMate, destname = outputFilenameMate, remove = TRUE)
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom ShortRead srFilter
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics width
filterLength <- function(threshold = 0L, .name = "LengthFilter") {
#.check_type_and_length(threshold, "numeric", 1)
ShortRead::srFilter(function(x) {
BiocGenerics::width(x) >= threshold
}, name = .name)
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom ShortRead srFilter sread
#' @importFrom Biostrings dinucleotideFrequency
filterLowComplexity <- function(threshold = 0.5, referenceEntropy = 3.908135,
.name = "LowComplexityFilter") {
ShortRead::srFilter(function(x) {
# less than half the average entropy per dinucleotide of non-random
# chromosomes in hg18 (3.908135 bits):
# entropy(x)/3.908135 >= threshold
diNucFreq <- Biostrings::dinucleotideFrequency(ShortRead::sread(x))
if (is.null(dim(diNucFreq))) {
diNucFreq <- diNucFreq/sum(diNucFreq)
H <- -sum(diNucFreq * log2(diNucFreq), na.rm = TRUE)
} else {
diNucFreq <- diNucFreq/rowSums(diNucFreq)
H <- -rowSums(diNucFreq * log2(diNucFreq), na.rm = TRUE)
H/referenceEntropy >= threshold
}, name = .name)
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