#' @keywords internal
displayNames <- function(proj) { # create unique names for each sequence file
if (!inherits(proj, "qProject", which = FALSE))
stop("'proj' must be an object of type 'qProject' (returned by 'qAlign')")
samples <- proj@alignments$SampleName
ndigits <- nchar(as.character(length(samples)))
sprintf(paste("s%0", ndigits, "i_%s", sep = ""), seq_along(samples), samples)
#' Internal function to get seqlengths, mapped and unmapped counts for a bam file
#' @param bf Character scalar with the path and filename to a bam file (index
#' is assumed to be already existing)
#' @return a named numeric vector with elements 'seqlength', 'mapped' and 'unmapped'
#' @keywords internal
.get_alnstats_for_bam <- function(bf) {
tmp <- .Call(idxstatsBam, bf)
im <- tmp$seqname != "*"
c(seqlength = sum(as.numeric(tmp$seqlength[im])),
# remark: also count reads with flag 'unmapped' but available alignment
# coordinates as mapped (hisat2 in paired-end mode may generate
# such alignments), in order to make qCount, qQCReport and
# alignmentStats consisten with each other
mapped = sum(as.numeric(tmp$mapped[im]),
unmapped = tmp$unmapped[!im])
#' Get statistics on alignments
#' Get statistics on alignments from bam file or \code{qProject} object.
#' Internally, \code{alignmentStats} queries the bam index files similar
#' to 'idxstats' from samtools. Please note that this does not discriminate
#' for example between primary and secondary alignments. If you need more
#' statistics, see for example \code{\link[Rsamtools]{quickBamFlagSummary}}
#' from package \pkg{Rsamtools}.
#' If \code{x} is a \code{qProject} object, the auxiliary bam files will not
#' contain any unmapped reads, and the corresponding unmapped counts are
#' calculated by subtracting auxiliary mapped counts from the total reads.
#' The latter correspond to the unmapped counts from the corresponding genome
#' bam files.
#' @param x the source of alignment bam files, one of:
#' \itemize{
#' \item a \code{character} vector with bam files
#' \item a \code{qProject} object
#' }
#' @param collapseBySample If \code{TRUE} and \code{x} is a \code{qProject}
#' object, sum counts for bam files with identical sample names.
#' @return A \code{matrix} with one row per bam file and three columns
#' ("seqlength", "mapped" and "unmapped").
#' @author Anita Lerch, Dimos Gaidatzis and Michael Stadler
#' @export
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[=qProject-class]{qProject}},
#' \code{\link[Rsamtools]{quickBamFlagSummary}} from package \pkg{Rsamtools}
#' @name alignmentStats
#' @aliases alignmentStats
#' @keywords utilities misc
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # see qProject manual page for an example
#' example(qProject)
#' }
#' @importFrom stats aggregate
alignmentStats <- function(x, collapseBySample = TRUE) {
# check argument and extract named vector of 'bamfiles'
if (is.character(x)) {
bamfiles <- x
names(bamfiles) <- basename(x)
} else if (inherits(x, "qProject", which = FALSE)) {
aln <- alignments(x)
bamfiles <- c(aln$genome$FileName, unlist(aln$aux, use.names = FALSE))
iGenome <- seq_along(aln$genome$SampleName)
names(bamfiles) <- if (collapseBySample)
c(sprintf("%s:genome", aln$genome$SampleName),
sprintf("%s:%s", rep(colnames(aln$aux), each = nrow(aln$aux)),
c(sprintf("%s:genome", displayNames(x)),
sprintf("%s:%s", rep(displayNames(x), each = nrow(aln$aux)),
} else {
stop("'x' must be of type 'character' or 'qProject'")
# files exist?
if (any(i <- ! file.exists(bamfiles)))
stop(sprintf("cannot access bam files: %s", paste(bamfiles[i], collapse = ", ")))
# call idxstats_bam and collapse counts (seqlength, mapped and unmapped)
res <- do.call(rbind, lapply(bamfiles, .get_alnstats_for_bam))
# fix unmapped counts for auxiliaries
if (inherits(x, "qProject", which = FALSE))
res[-iGenome, "unmapped"] <- rep(res[iGenome, "unmapped"],
each = nrow(aln$aux)) -
res[-iGenome, "mapped"]
# collapse by sample
if (collapseBySample) {
res_old <- res
tmp <- stats::aggregate(res, list(factor(rownames(res),
levels = unique(rownames(res)))), sum)
res <- as.matrix(tmp[, -1])
rownames(res) <- as.character(tmp[, 1])
res[, "seqlength"] <- res_old[rownames(res), "seqlength"]
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom parallel clusterCall
loadQuasR <- function(clObj, pkgNm = "QuasR") {
# load package on cluster nodes
message("preparing to run on ", length(clObj), " nodes...", appendLF = FALSE)
err <- try(ret <- parallel::clusterCall(clObj, library, package = pkgNm,
character.only = TRUE),
silent = FALSE)
# check if it was loaded on all nodes
if (is(err, "try-error") ||
!all(vapply(ret, function(x) pkgNm %in% x, TRUE))) {
stop("'", pkgNm, "' package could not be loaded on all ",
"nodes in 'clObj'", call. = FALSE)
} else {
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom tools file_path_as_absolute
freeDiskSpace <- function(path) {
# return the number of free bytes at 'path' as reported by operating system utilities
path <- sub("(\\\\|/)$", "", path)
res <- NA
if (file.exists(path)) {
path <- tools::file_path_as_absolute(path)
tryCatch({ # fail silently, just return NA
if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
ret <- system2("df", shQuote(path), stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE)
if (grepl("^.*[0-9]+ +[0-9]+ +[0-9]+.*$", perl = TRUE, ret[length(ret)]))
res <- as.numeric(sub("^.*[0-9]+ +[0-9]+ +([0-9]+) .*$", "\\1",
perl = TRUE, ret[length(ret)])) * 1024
} else if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
ret <- shell(paste("dir", shQuote(path)), intern = TRUE,
translate = TRUE, mustWork = NA)
ret <- ret[nchar(ret) > 0]
if (grepl("^.* [0-9,]+ bytes free.*$", ret[length(ret)]))
res <- as.numeric(gsub(",", "", sub("^.* ([0-9,]+) bytes free.*$",
"\\1", ret[length(ret)])))
}}, error = function(ex) NULL, warning = function(ex) NULL)
} else {
warning("'", path, "' does not exist")
#' @keywords internal
truncPath <- function(path, w = getOption("width")) {
# always print full basename, but shorten path if longer than w
truncpath <- lapply(path, function(p) {
if (nchar(p[1]) > w)
file.path(paste(substr(p, 1, w - nchar(basename(p)) - 4),
"...", sep = ""), basename(p))
return(unlist(truncpath, use.names = FALSE))
#' @keywords internal
truncString <- function(s, w = getOption("width")) {
# truncate 's' in the middle
truncs <- lapply(s, function(ss) {
if (!is.na(ss[1]) && (l <- nchar(ss[1])) > w)
paste(substr(ss, 1, floor(w / 2) - 2),
substr(ss, floor(l - w / 2) + 2, l),
sep = "...")
return(unlist(truncs, use.names = FALSE))
#' @keywords internal
consolidateFileExtensions <- function(filename, compressed = FALSE) {
# convert various sequence file extension to one representative
if (compressed) {
fileExtension <- tolower(tools::file_ext(sub("[.](gz|bz2|xz)$", "", filename)))
} else {
fileExtension <- tolower(tools::file_ext(filename))
fileExtension[fileExtension %in% c("fa", "fna", "fasta")] <- "fasta"
fileExtension[fileExtension %in% c("fq", "fastq")] <- "fastq"
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom tools file_ext
compressedFileFormat <- function(filename) {
ifelse(grepl("[.](gz|bz2|xz)$", filename),
c("gz" = "gzip", "bz2" = "bzip2", "xz" = "xz")[tools::file_ext(filename)],
#' @keywords internal
compressFile <- function(filename, destname, level = 6,
overwrite = FALSE, remove = TRUE, BFR.SIZE = 1e+07) {
# gzip/gunzip a file - based on R.utils::gzip.default and R.utils::tar
if (filename == destname)
stop(sprintf("'filename' and 'destname' are identical: %s", filename))
if (!overwrite && file.exists(destname))
stop(sprintf("'destname' already exists: %s", destname))
#inn <- file(filename, "rb")
inn <- switch(compressedFileFormat(filename),
"none" = file(filename, "rb"),
"gzip" = gzfile(filename, "rb"),
"bzip2" = bzfile(filename, "rb"),
"xz" = xzfile(filename, "rb"))
on.exit(if (!is.null(inn)) close(inn))
outComplete <- FALSE
out <- switch(compressedFileFormat(destname),
"none" = file(destname, "wb"),
"gzip" = gzfile(destname, "wb", compression = level),
"bzip2" = bzfile(destname, "wb", compression = level),
"xz" = xzfile(destname, "wb", compression = level))
if (!outComplete) {
}, add = TRUE)
nbytes <- 0
repeat {
bfr <- readBin(inn, what = raw(0), size = 1, n = BFR.SIZE)
n <- length(bfr)
if (n == 0)
nbytes <- nbytes + n
writeBin(bfr, con = out, size = 1)
outComplete <- TRUE
if (remove) {
inn <- NULL
# grangesFromGff <-
# function(con, version="2", split=NULL) {
# # create a GRangesList object from regions defined in a GFF/GTA file, split by 'type'
# if (requireNamespace("rtracklayer", quietly=TRUE)) {
# gr <- rtracklayer::import.gff(con, version=version,
# colnames=c("strand", "type", "source", "gene_id", "transcript_id", "exon_number"))
# if(is.null(split) || !(split %in% colnames(mcols(gr))))
# return(gr)
# else
# #return(lapply(split(seq.int(length(gr)), mcols(gr)[[split]]), function(i) gr[i])) # creates a list() of GRanges
# return(split(gr, mcols(gr)[[split]])) # creates a GRangesList (compound elements, e.g. in findOverlaps)
# } else {
# stop("rtracklayer package not found - aborting grangesFromGff")
# }
# }
# concatenateFiles <-
# function(filenames, destname, BFR.SIZE=1e+07) {
# # concatenate 'filenames' to 'destname'
# if(any(f <- !(file.exists(filenames))))
# stop("'filenames' don't exist: ", paste(filenames[f], collapse=", "))
# if(!is.character(destname) || length(destname)!=1)
# stop("'destname' needs to be a single output file name")
# if(file.exists(destname))
# stop(sprintf("'destname' already exists: %s", destname))
# outComplete <- FALSE
# out <- file(destname, "wb")
# on.exit({
# close(out)
# if (!outComplete) {
# file.remove(destname)
# }
# })
# nbytes <- 0
# for(filename in filenames) {
# inn <- file(filename, "rb")
# repeat {
# bfr <- readBin(inn, what = raw(0), size = 1, n = BFR.SIZE)
# n <- length(bfr)
# if (n == 0)
# break
# nbytes <- nbytes + n
# writeBin(bfr, con = out, size = 1)
# }
# close(inn)
# }
# outComplete <- TRUE
# invisible(nbytes)
# }
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom tools md5sum
md5subsum <- function(filenames) {
# use RNG kind for sample() from R version 3.5 and earlier
# (non-uniform, see https://bugs.r-project.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=17494,
# but QuasR on R-3.6 would otherwise re-create all bam files created by QuasR on R-3.5 or earlier)
suppressWarnings(rng.orig <- RNGkind(kind = "Mersenne-Twister",
normal.kind = "Inversion",
sample.kind = "Rounding"))
on.exit(suppressWarnings(RNGkind(kind = rng.orig[1],
normal.kind = rng.orig[2],
sample.kind = rng.orig[3])))
# calculate md5sum() on a reproducible random subset of the file's content
unlist(lapply(filenames, function(fname) {
funit <- 1e6
fs <- floor(file.info(fname)$size / funit)
if (!is.na(fs) && fs == 0) {
funit <- 1
fs <- floor(file.info(fname)$size)
if (!is.na(fs)) {
inn <- file(fname, "rb")
outname <- tempfile()
out <- file(outname, "wb")
for (pos in c(0, funit * sort(sample.int(n = fs, size = 20, replace = TRUE)))) {
seek(inn, where = pos)
bfr <- readBin(inn, what = raw(0), size = 1, n = 10000)
if (length(bfr) == 0)
writeBin(bfr, con = out, size = 1)
res <- tools::md5sum(outname)
} else {
warning(sprintf("could not stat file '%s'; returning 'NA' as md5subsum", fname))
}), use.names = FALSE)
# return a list(2) of BiocParallel::BiocParallelParam for nested parallelization
# [[1]] is used to parallelize across files
# [[2]] is used to parallelize across threads (accessing a single file) -> has to be a MulticoreParam or SerialParam object
# for downwards compatibility, a parallel::cluster object can be passed that will be used to create the BiocParallel parameter objects
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom BiocParallel SerialParam MulticoreParam
#' @importFrom parallel clusterEvalQ
#' @importFrom methods as
getListOfBiocParallelParam <- function(clObj = NULL) {
if (is.null(clObj)) { # no 'clObj' argument
bppl <- list(BiocParallel::SerialParam(), BiocParallel::SerialParam())
} else { # have 'clObj' argument
if (inherits(clObj, "SOCKcluster")) {
if (identical(.Platform$OS.type, "windows")) {
# MulticoreParam is not supported on windows -> keep the current clObj
bppl <- list(methods::as(clObj, "SnowParam"),
} else {
# non-windows platforms:
# get node names
nodeNames <- unlist(parallel::clusterEvalQ(clObj, Sys.info()["nodename"]))
}, error = function(ex) {
stop("The cluster object does not work properly on this system. Please consult the manual of the package 'parallel'\n", call. = FALSE)
coresPerNode <- table(nodeNames)
# subset cluster object (represent each node just a single time)
clObjSub <- clObj[!duplicated(nodeNames)]
bppl <- if (min(coresPerNode) == 1)
list(methods::as(clObj, "SnowParam"), BiocParallel::SerialParam())
list(methods::as(clObjSub, "SnowParam"),
BiocParallel::MulticoreParam(workers = min(coresPerNode)))
} else if (is.list(clObj) &&
all(vapply(clObj, FUN = inherits,
FUN.VALUE = TRUE, "BiocParallelParam"))) {
bppl <- clObj
if (length(bppl) == 1)
bppl[[2]] <- BiocParallel::SerialParam()
if (!inherits(bppl[[2]], c("MulticoreParam", "SerialParam")))
stop('Error configuring the parallel backend. The second registered backend (registered()[[2]] or clObj[[2]]) has to be of class "MulticoreParam" or "SerialParam"')
#' Build a formatted message for outputting to log files
#' @keywords internal
worker_message <- function(..., sep = "", appendLF = TRUE) {
# all used functions are from base R
if (identical(sep, "")) {
spacer <- " "
} else {
spacer <- ""
cat(paste0("[", format(Sys.time(), format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
tz = "UTC", usetz = TRUE), "] ",
"(", Sys.info()["user"], "@pid", Sys.getpid(), "/",
Sys.info()["nodename"], ")", spacer),
..., sep = sep)
if (appendLF) {
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