# similarity_matrix <- km_macro
#' Compute fuzzy clusters of gene sets
#' Compute fuzzy clusters of different gene sets, aiming to identify grouped
#' categories that can better represent the distinct biological themes in the
#' enrichment results
#' @param res_enrich A `data.frame` object, storing the result of the functional
#' enrichment analysis. See more in the main function, [GeneTonic()], to check the
#' formatting requirements (a minimal set of columns should be present).
#' @param gtl A `GeneTonic`-list object, containing in its slots the arguments
#' specified above: `dds`, `res_de`, `res_enrich`, and `annotation_obj` - the names
#' of the list _must_ be specified following the content they are expecting
#' @param n_gs Integer value, corresponding to the maximal number of gene sets to
#' be displayed
#' @param gs_ids Character vector, containing a subset of `gs_id` as they are
#' available in `res_enrich`. Lists the gene sets to be displayed.
#' @param similarity_matrix A similarity matrix between gene sets. Can be e.g.
#' computed with [create_kappa_matrix()] or [create_jaccard_matrix()] or a similar
#' function, returning a symmetric matrix with numeric values (max = 1). If not
#' provided, this will be computed on the fly with [create_kappa_matrix()]
#' @param similarity_threshold A numeric value for the similarity matrix, used to
#' determine the initial seeds as in the implementation of DAVID. Higher values
#' will lead to more genesets being initially unclustered, leading to a functional
#' classification result with fewer groups and fewer geneset members. Defaults to 0.35,
#' recommended to not go below 0.3 (see DAVID help pages)
#' @param fuzzy_seeding_initial_neighbors Integer value, corresponding to the minimum
#' geneset number in a seeding group. Lower values will lead to the inclusion of more
#' genesets in the functional groups, and may generate a lot of small size groups.
#' Defaults to 3
#' @param fuzzy_multilinkage_rule Numeric value, comprised between 0 and 1. This
#' parameter will determine how the seeding groups merge with each other, by specifying
#' the percentage of shared genesets required to merge the two subsets into one
#' group. Higher values will give sharper separation between the groups of genesets.
#' Defaults to 0.5 (50%)
#' @references
#' See https://david.ncifcrf.gov/helps/functional_classification.html#clustering
#' for details on the original implementation
#' @return A data frame, shaped in a similar way as the originally provided
#' `res_enrich` object, containing two extra columns: `gs_fuzzycluster`, to specify
#' the identifier of the fuzzy cluster of genesets, and `gs_cluster_status`, which
#' can specify whether the geneset is the "Representative" for that cluster or
#' a simple "Member".
#' Notably, the number of rows in the returned object can be higher than the
#' original number of rows in `res_enrich`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(res_enrich_macrophage, package = "GeneTonic")
#' res_enrich <- shake_topGOtableResult(topgoDE_macrophage_IFNg_vs_naive)
#' # taking a smaller subset
#' res_enrich_subset <- res_enrich[1:100, ]
#' fuzzy_subset <- gs_fuzzyclustering(
#' res_enrich = res_enrich_subset,
#' n_gs = nrow(res_enrich_subset),
#' gs_ids = NULL,
#' similarity_matrix = NULL,
#' similarity_threshold = 0.35,
#' fuzzy_seeding_initial_neighbors = 3,
#' fuzzy_multilinkage_rule = 0.5
#' )
#' # show all genesets members of the first cluster
#' fuzzy_subset[fuzzy_subset$gs_fuzzycluster == "1", ]
#' # list only the representative clusters
#' head(fuzzy_subset[fuzzy_subset$gs_cluster_status == "Representative", ], 10)
gs_fuzzyclustering <- function(res_enrich,
gtl = NULL,
n_gs = nrow(res_enrich),
gs_ids = NULL,
similarity_matrix = NULL,
similarity_threshold = 0.35,
fuzzy_seeding_initial_neighbors = 3,
fuzzy_multilinkage_rule = 0.5) {
stopifnot(similarity_threshold >= 0 & similarity_threshold <= 1)
stopifnot(fuzzy_seeding_initial_neighbors >= 2)
stopifnot(fuzzy_multilinkage_rule > 0 & fuzzy_multilinkage_rule <= 1)
if (!is.null(gtl)) {
res_enrich <- gtl$res_enrich
if (similarity_threshold < 0.3) {
"You selected a small value for the similarity threshold. ",
"The resulting clusters might be driven by noisy similarity values."
gs_to_use <- unique(
res_enrich$gs_id[seq_len(n_gs)], # the ones from the top
gs_ids[gs_ids %in% res_enrich$gs_id] # the ones specified from the custom list
# TODO: subset here res_enrich AND matrix if provided?
# if simmat not provided, compute it on the fly
if (is.null(similarity_matrix)) {
similarity_matrix <- create_kappa_matrix(res_enrich,
n_gs = n_gs,
gs_ids = gs_ids
# rownames(similarity_matrix) <- colnames(similarity_matrix) <- res_enrich$gs_id
# stopifnot(all(colnames(similarity_matrix) %in% res_enrich$gs_id))
stopifnot(any(similarity_matrix <= 1))
# reworking on the example depicted in https://david.ncifcrf.gov/helps/functional_classification.html#clustering
# but using gene sets similarity instead of pure gene similarity
# Fuzzy seeding
fuzzy_seeds <- list()
seed_id <- 1
for (i_gs in seq_len(nrow(similarity_matrix))) {
cur_gs <- rownames(similarity_matrix)[i_gs]
cur_gs_simmat <- similarity_matrix[i_gs, ]
gs_over_threshold <- cur_gs_simmat >= similarity_threshold
if (sum(gs_over_threshold) > fuzzy_seeding_initial_neighbors) {
similar_genesets <- names(cur_gs_simmat)[gs_over_threshold]
all_seed_gs <- unique(c(cur_gs, similar_genesets)) # if similarity with itself is not reported
# restricting on the initial seed members
seed_kappa <- similarity_matrix[rownames(similarity_matrix) %in%
all_seed_gs, colnames(similarity_matrix) %in% all_seed_gs]
diag(seed_kappa) <- 0
if (mean(seed_kappa >= similarity_threshold) >= fuzzy_multilinkage_rule) {
# assign members and name the seed
fuzzy_seeds[[seed_id]] <- similar_genesets
names(fuzzy_seeds)[seed_id] <- cur_gs
seed_id <- seed_id + 1
# Iteratively merging the above qualified fuzzy seeds
fuzzy_seeds_unique <- unique(fuzzy_seeds)
i_seed <- 1
j_seed <- i_seed + 1
while (i_seed < length(fuzzy_seeds_unique)) {
shared_genesets <- intersect(fuzzy_seeds_unique[[i_seed]], fuzzy_seeds_unique[[j_seed]])
all_genesets <- union(fuzzy_seeds_unique[[i_seed]], fuzzy_seeds_unique[[j_seed]])
if (length(shared_genesets) / length(all_genesets) > fuzzy_multilinkage_rule & i_seed != j_seed) {
# message("merging...")
# is sharing majority and not the same seed, merge and drop the seed
fuzzy_seeds_unique[[i_seed]] <- all_genesets
fuzzy_seeds_unique[[j_seed]] <- NULL
i_seed <- 1
j_seed <- i_seed + 1
} else if (j_seed < length(fuzzy_seeds_unique)) {
# message("updating j")
j_seed <- j_seed + 1
} else {
# message("updating i")
i_seed <- i_seed + 1
j_seed <- 1
# Rescuing the singletons
gs_singletons <-
res_enrich[!(res_enrich$gs_id %in% unlist(fuzzy_seeds_unique)), "gs_id"]
for (gs_singleton in gs_singletons) {
fuzzy_seeds_unique[[gs_singleton]] <- gs_singleton
names(fuzzy_seeds_unique) <- seq_len(length(fuzzy_seeds_unique))
# return(fuzzy_seeds_unique)
# Making the list into matrix
fuzzy_clusters_mat <- matrix(FALSE,
nrow = nrow(res_enrich),
ncol = length(fuzzy_seeds_unique),
dimnames = list(
res_enrich[, "gs_id"],
for (i_clu in names(fuzzy_seeds_unique)) {
# message(i_clu)
cluster_gs <- fuzzy_seeds_unique[[i_clu]]
fuzzy_clusters_mat[cluster_gs, i_clu] <- TRUE
# return(fuzzy_clusters_mat)
gs_list <- list()
for (i_gs in rownames(fuzzy_clusters_mat)) {
gs_list[[i_gs]] <- which(fuzzy_clusters_mat[i_gs, ])
res_enrich_norownames <- res_enrich
rownames(res_enrich_norownames) <- NULL
buildup_res_enrich <- c()
for (i_gs in seq_len(nrow(res_enrich_norownames))) {
cur_gs <- res_enrich_norownames[i_gs, ]
cur_clusters <- gs_list[[cur_gs[, "gs_id"]]]
for (i_fc in cur_clusters) {
buildup_res_enrich <- rbind(
gs_fuzzycluster = i_fc
res_enrich <- buildup_res_enrich
gs_mostsig <- res_enrich %>%
group_by(.data$gs_fuzzycluster) %>%
arrange(.data$gs_pvalue) %>%
slice(1) %>%
select("gs_id", "gs_fuzzycluster")
# handling this with tuple to account where the gene set is most representative
gs_mostsig_tuple <- paste0(gs_mostsig$gs_id, "|", gs_mostsig$gs_fuzzycluster)
res_enrich <- res_enrich[order(res_enrich$gs_fuzzycluster,
decreasing = FALSE
), ]
re_tuple <- paste0(res_enrich$gs_id, "|", res_enrich$gs_fuzzycluster)
gs_cluster_status <- re_tuple %in% gs_mostsig_tuple
res_enrich$gs_cluster_status <- ifelse(gs_cluster_status, "Representative", "Member")
# restoring row names making them unique
rownames(res_enrich) <- make.unique(res_enrich$gs_id, sep = "_")
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