#' @title Binary SNV profile comparisons
#' @description Overlap and compare genotypes in two SNV profiles.
#' @details This is a function for finding overlapping variants in two
#' different SNV profiles (stored as GenomicRanges objects), followed by
#' comparing the genotypes of the overlapping variants. The "compare_overlaps"
#' function calls the "add_metadata" function twice in succession in order to
#' merge the metadata for the two profiles (supplied as GRanges objects),
#' returns the results as a dataframe, compares the genotypes of the
#' overlapping variants using the "compare_genotypes" function and, finally,
#' returns the final dataframe with all variant overlaps and their similarity.
#' @export
#' @rdname compare_profiles
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @param profile_1 The first SNV profile (GRanges object).
#' @param profile_2 The second SNV profile (GRanges object).
#' @param mode Merge profiles using "union" or "intersection" (character).
#' @return A dataframe.
#' @examples
#' # Load test data
#' data(test_profile_1)
#' data(test_profile_2)
#' # Compare the two profiles
#' comparison <- compare_profiles(test_profile_1, test_profile_2)
compare_profiles <- function(profile_1,
mode = "intersection") {
# Find sample names
sample_1 <- unique(profile_1$sample)
sample_2 <- unique(profile_2$sample)
# Message
message("Comparing ", sample_1, " and ", sample_2, " ...")
# Convert data frames to GenomicRanges (if applicable)
profile_1 <- df_to_gr(profile_1)
profile_2 <- df_to_gr(profile_2)
# Find the overlaps of all ranges in both objects
if (tolower(mode) == "union") {
data_gr <- S4Vectors::union(profile_1, profile_2)
} else if (tolower(mode) == "intersection") {
data_gr <- S4Vectors::intersect(profile_1, profile_2)
} else {
stop("`mode` must be either 'union' or 'intersection'")
# Add metadata from both objects to the union object
data_gr <- add_metadata(data_gr,
paste0(".", sample_1))
data_gr <- add_metadata(data_gr,
paste0(".", sample_2))
# Convert to data frame
data <- GenomicRanges::as.data.frame(data_gr)
# Compare genotypes in each overlapping SNV
data <- compare_genotypes(data, sample_1, sample_2)
# Collate metadata columns
data <- collate_metadata(data, sample_1, sample_2)
# Return the final data frame
# Function for converting data frames to GRanges objects
df_to_gr <- function(profile) {
# Check if input profile is a data frame
if (is(profile, "data.frame")) {
# Convert to GRanges object
profile_gr <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(profile,
keep.extra.columns = TRUE,
ignore.strand = TRUE,
seqinfo = NULL,
seqnames.field = "chr",
start.field = "pos",
end.field = "pos",
starts.in.df.are.0based = FALSE)
# Remove "chr" from seqlevels
GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(profile_gr) <-
gsub("chr", "", GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(profile_gr))
} else {
profile_gr <- profile
# Return GRanges object
# Function for adding metadata from a GRanges <subject> to a GRanges <query>,
# while adding <column_suffix> to the added metadata columns.
add_metadata <- function(query,
column_suffix) {
# Find overlapping ranges
hits <- IRanges::findOverlaps(query, subject)
for (column in names(S4Vectors::mcols(subject))) {
# Create empty metadata column to be filled
S4Vectors::mcols(query)[paste(column, column_suffix, sep = "")] <- NA
# Convert DNAStringSet / DNAStringSetList columns to character vectors
if (is(S4Vectors::mcols(subject)[[column]][1], "DNAStringSet")) {
S4Vectors::mcols(subject)[column] <-
} else if (is(S4Vectors::mcols(subject)[[column]][1],
"DNAStringSetList")) {
S4Vectors::mcols(subject)[column] <-
# Add subject metadata to query
paste(column, column_suffix, sep = "")] <-
S4Vectors::mcols(subject)[S4Vectors::subjectHits(hits), column]
# Function for comparing genotypes in overlapping SNVs
compare_genotypes <- function(data, sample_1, sample_2) {
# Remove non-complete variants
alleles <- paste(c("A1", "A1", "A2", "A2"),
c(sample_1, sample_2),
sep = ".")
data <- data[rowSums(is.na(data[, alleles])) == 0 |
rowSums(is.na(data[, alleles])) == 2, ]
# Check if there are no variants in the data
if (nrow(data) == 0) {
# Manually add sample names and status
data[1, "sample_1"] <- sample_1
data[1, "sample_2"] <- sample_2
data$match <- "no overlaps"
# Return empty data
# Add sample names
data$sample_1 <- sample_1
data$sample_2 <- sample_2
# Set all to "mismatch"
data$match <- "mismatch"
# Construct alleles
data_alleles <- data[alleles]
data_alleles$in_1 <- paste(data_alleles[, 1], data_alleles[, 3], sep = ":")
data_alleles$in_2 <- paste(data_alleles[, 2], data_alleles[, 4], sep = ":")
data_alleles$rev <- paste(data_alleles[, 3], data_alleles[, 1], sep = ":")
# Check and set matching genotypes as appropriate
idx_match_1 <- apply(data_alleles, 1, function(x) x["in_1"] %in% x["in_2"])
idx_match_2 <- apply(data_alleles, 1, function(x) x["rev"] %in% x["in_2"])
data[idx_match_1, "match"] <- "match"
data[idx_match_2, "match"] <- "match"
# Check and set non-overlapping variants as appropriate
alleles_1 <- paste(c("A1", "A2"), sample_1, sep = ".")
alleles_2 <- paste(c("A1", "A2"), sample_2, sep = ".")
data[rowSums(is.na(data[, alleles_1])) == 0 &
rowSums(is.na(data[, alleles_2])) != 0, "match"] <-
paste0(sample_1, "_only")
data[rowSums(is.na(data[, alleles_2])) == 0 &
rowSums(is.na(data[, alleles_1])) != 0, "match"] <-
paste0(sample_2, "_only")
# Return the results
# Function for collating metadata columns from both samples
collate_metadata <- function(data, sample_1, sample_2) {
# Remove redundant sample name columns
to_remove <- paste0("sample.", c(sample_1, sample_2))
data <- data[, !(names(data) %in% to_remove)]
# Find common, sample-specific metadata columns
s1 <- paste0("\\.", sample_1)
s2 <- paste0("\\.", sample_2)
mcols_sample_1 <- gsub(s1, "", grep(s1, names(data), value = TRUE))
mcols_sample_2 <- gsub(s2, "", grep(s2, names(data), value = TRUE))
mcols <- mcols_sample_1[mcols_sample_1 %in% mcols_sample_2]
# Remove data-specific metadata columns
mcols <- grep("DP|AD1|AD2|A1|A2|FILTER|warnings", mcols,
value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
# Loop over metadata columns and merge as applicable
for (mcol in mcols) {
# Current metadata column name
mcol_s1 <- paste0(mcol, ".", sample_1)
mcol_s2 <- paste0(mcol, ".", sample_2)
# Create merged metadata column as appropriate
if (!(all(is.na(data[[mcol_s1]]), is.na(data[[mcol_s2]])))) {
# Get index for identical metadata
idx <- data[[mcol_s1]] == data[[mcol_s2]]
idx_na <- is.na(idx)
idx[is.na(idx)] <- TRUE
# Create merged metadata
data[idx & !is.na(idx), mcol] <- data[idx, mcol_s1]
data[is.na(data[idx, mcol]), mcol] <-
data[is.na(data[idx, mcol]), mcol_s2]
data[idx & is.na(idx), mcol] <- paste0(data[is.na(idx), mcol_s1],
data[is.na(idx), mcol_s2])
data[!idx & !is.na(!idx), mcol] <-
paste0("[", data[!idx, mcol_s1],
",", data[!idx, mcol_s2], "]")
# Remove old metadata columns
data <- data[, !(names(data) %in% c(mcol_s1, mcol_s2))]
# Delete unneccesary columns
to_remove <- c("end", "width", "strand")
data <- data[, !(names(data) %in% to_remove)]
# Rename columns
names(data)[c(1, 2)] <- c("chr", "pos")
# Fix column names for COSMIC comparisons
cols <- c("rsID", "ENSGID", "ENSTID", "impact",
"effect", "feature", "biotype")
for (col in cols) {
names(data)[grep(col, names(data))] <- col
# Re-order columns
with_sample <- grep("\\.", names(data), value = TRUE)
without_sample <- grep("\\.", names(data), value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
firsts <- c("chr", "pos", "sample_1", "sample_2", "match")
without_sample <- setdiff(without_sample, firsts)
data <- data[c(firsts, without_sample, with_sample)]
# Remove redundant columns for comparisons without overlaps
if (nrow(data) == 1 & data[1, "match"] == "no overlaps") {
data <- data[c("sample_1", "sample_2", "match")]
# Remove "<NA>" strings
data[is.na(data)] <- ""
# Return final data
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