#' fct_database.R: A fie with all functions to deal with database
#' @section fct_database.R functions:
#' \code{connect_convert_db} connects to the converID.db
#' and returns the objects.
#' @name fct_database.R
#' Connect to the convertIDs database and return the
#' objects.
#' Create a database connection with the DBI package.
#' @param datapath Folder path to the data file
#' @export
#' @return Database connection.
connect_convert_db <- function(datapath = DATAPATH) {
if (!file.exists(org_info_file)) {
# download org_info and demo files to current folder
withProgress(message = "Download demo data and species database", {
file_name <- paste0(db_ver, ".tar.gz")
options(timeout = 3000)
url = paste0(db_url, db_ver, "/", file_name),
destfile = file_name,
mode = "wb",
quiet = FALSE
untar(file_name) # untar and unzip the files
file.remove(file_name) # delete the tar file to save storage
drv = RSQLite::dbDriver("SQLite"),
dbname = org_info_file,
flags = RSQLite::SQLITE_RO
#' Connect to the convertIDs database for the species and return the
#' objects.
#' Create a database connection with the DBI package.
#' @param datapath Folder path to the data file
#' @param select_org The slected species
#' @param idep_data Data object that includes org_info
#' @export
#' @return Database connection.
connect_convert_db_org <- function(datapath = DATAPATH, select_org, idep_data) {
ix <- which(idep_data$org_info$id == select_org)
if(select_org == "NEW" || length(ix) == 0) {
db_file <- idep_data$org_info[ix, "file"]
drv = RSQLite::dbDriver("SQLite"),
dbname = paste0(datapath, "db/", db_file),
flags = RSQLite::SQLITE_RO
#' Load iDEP data
#' Use this function call to load data that is
#' used in other functions.
#' @param datapath Folder path to the iDEP data
#' @export
#' @return Large list of the iDEP data.
#' 1. kegg_species_id: KEGG species list
#' 2. gmt_files: list of pathway files
#' 3. gene_info_files: list of geneInfo files
#' 4. demo_data_file: demo data file
#' 5. demo_metadata_file: experimental design file for demo data
#' 6. quotes: quotes
#' 7. string_species_go_data: List of STRING species
#' 8. org_info: orgInfo for Ensembl species
#' 9. annotated_species_count: total number of annotated species
#' 10. go_levels: GO levels
#' 11. go_level_2_terms: mapping of GO levels to terms
#' 12. id_index: idtype and index
#' 13. species_choice: list of species for populating selection.
get_idep_data <- function(datapath = DATAPATH) {
conn_db <- connect_convert_db()
# demo_data_info.csv file
# columns: ID, expression, design, type, name
# ID column must be unique
# The type column 1- read counts, 2- normalized , 3 LFC&Pval
# The files must be available in the demo folder of the database.
# Leave blank if design file is missing
# Default file have smallest ID, within the same type.
demo_file_info <- read.csv(
paste0(datapath, "demo/demo_data_info.csv")
# add path for expression matrix
demo_file_info$expression <- paste0(
# add path for design file if exist
ix <- which(nchar(demo_file_info$design) > 2)
demo_file_info$design[ix] <- paste0(
org_info <- DBI::dbGetQuery(
conn = conn_db,
statement = "select * from orgInfo;"
annotated_species_count <- sort(table(org_info$group))
species_choice <- setNames(as.list(org_info$id), org_info$name2)
species_choice <- append(
setNames("NEW", "**NEW SPECIES**"),
#species_choice <- append(
# setNames("BestMatch", "Best matching species"),
# species_choice
top_choices <- c(
#"Best matching species",
"Human", "Mouse", "Rat", "Cow",
"Zebrafish", "Pig", "Chicken", "Macaque", "Dog", "Drosophila melanogaster",
"Caenorhabditis elegans", "Saccharomyces cerevisiae",
"Arabidopsis thaliana", "Zea mays", "Glycine max",
"Oryza sativa Indica Group", "Oryza sativa Japonica Group", "Vitis vinifera"
other_choices <- names(species_choice)[
!(names(species_choice) %in% top_choices)
species_choice <- species_choice[c(top_choices, other_choices)]
#org_info <- org_info[order(org_info$group), ]
ix <- match(org_info$name2, top_choices)
org_info <- org_info[order(ix), ]
org_info <- org_info[order(org_info$group == "STRINGv11.5"), ]
# GO levels
go_levels <- DBI::dbGetQuery(
conn = conn_db,
statement = "select distinct id, level from GO
WHERE GO = 'biological_process'"
go_level_2_terms <- go_levels[which(go_levels$level %in% c(2, 3)), 1]
quotes <- DBI::dbGetQuery(
conn = conn_db,
statement = "select quotes from quotes;"
quotes <- quotes[, 1]
DBI::dbDisconnect(conn = conn_db)
# id_index <- DBI::dbGetQuery(
# conn = conn_db,
# statement = "select distinct * from idIndex"
# )
# kegg_species_id = kegg_species_id,
# gmt_files = gmt_files,
# gene_info_files = gene_info_files,
demo_file_info = demo_file_info,
quotes = quotes,
# string_species_go_data = string_species_go_data,
org_info = org_info,
annotated_species_count = annotated_species_count,
go_levels = go_levels,
go_level_2_terms = go_level_2_terms,
# id_index = id_index,
species_choice = species_choice
#' Find the ID type
#' Using an inputted ID, find the type of IDs
#' @param id ID to find the type from
#' @param id_index Index of IDs to use
#' @export
find_id_type_by_id <- function(id, id_index) {
# find idType based on index
#' Find a species by ID
#' Find a species in the iDEP database with an
#' ID.
#' @param species_id Species ID to search the database with
#' @param org_info iDEP data org_info file
#' @export
#' @return Species information in \code{org_info} from the
#' matched ID.
find_species_by_id <- function(species_id, org_info) {
return(org_info[which(org_info$id == species_id), ])
#' Find a species by ID
#' Find a species in the iDEP database with an
#' ID.
#' @param species_id Species ID to search the database with
#' @param org_info iDEP data org_info file
#' @export
#' @return Only return the species name with this function.
find_species_by_id_name <- function(species_id, org_info) {
# find species name use id
return(org_info[which(org_info$id == species_id), 3])
#' Find a species id by ensembl dataset name
#' Find a species in the iDEP database with an
#' ID.
#' @param species_id Species ID to search the database with
#' @param org_info iDEP data org_info file
#' @export
#' @return Only return the species name with this function.
find_species_id_by_ensembl <- function(ensembl_dataset, org_info) {
# find species name use id
return(org_info[which(org_info$ensembl_dataset == ensembl_dataset), "id"])
#' Convert gene IDs to ensembl data.
#' @param query A character vector of gene IDs
#' @param idep_data A instance of the output from \code{\link{get_idep_data}()}
#' @param select_org A character of the species that wants to be looked up,
#' default to \code{"BestMatch"}
#' @param max_sample_ids The number of gene ids used to determine species
#' @export
#' @return A large list of the conversion ID information that was gathered
#' from querying the database with the original IDs.
convert_id <- function(query,
select_org = "BestMatch",
max_sample_ids = 100) {
# Solves the issue of app shut down when species
# is deleted after genes are uploaded.
if (is.null(select_org)) {
} else if(select_org == "NEW") {
query <- gsub(pattern = "\"|\'", "", x = query)
# remove " in gene ids, mess up SQL query
# remove ' in gene ids
# |\\.[0-9] remove anything after A35244.1 -> A35244
# some gene ids are like Glyma.01G002100
query_set <- clean_query(query_input = query)
query_string <- paste0("('", paste(query_set, collapse = "', '"), "')")
# use a small set of genes to guess species and idType; to improve speed
# use a small set of gene ids, with the max #
# when the query is small, use the quary
# acutal number of samples, for calculating % later
n_sample_ids <- length(query_set)
test_query_string <- query_string
if (length(query_set) > max_sample_ids) {
n_sample_ids <- max_sample_ids
test_query_set <- sample(query_set, max_sample_ids)
test_query_string <- paste0(
paste(test_query_set, collapse = "', '"),
conn_db <- connect_convert_db_org(
select_org = select_org,
idep_data = idep_data
# if database connection error
# see ? try
if(inherits(conn_db, "try-error")) {
# if species is selected ---------------------------------------------------
query_statement <- paste0(
"select id,ens,idType from mapping where id IN ",
result <- DBI::dbGetQuery(conn_db, query_statement)
if (nrow(result) == 0) {
# resolve multiple ID types, get the most matched
best_id_type <- as.integer(
decreasing = TRUE
result <- result[result$idType == best_id_type, ]
matched <- as.data.frame(paste(
species_id = select_org,
org_info = idep_data$org_info
# Needs review---------------------------------------
# one to many, keep one ensembl id, randomly
# remove duplicates in query gene ids
result <- result[which(!duplicated(result[, 1])), ]
# many user id to one ensembl id mapping, keep all
# remove duplicates in ensembl_gene_id
# result <- result[which(!duplicated(result[, 2])), ]
colnames(matched) <- c("Matched Species")
conversion_table <- result[, 1:2]
colnames(conversion_table) <- c("User_input", "ensembl_gene_id")
conversion_table$Species <- find_species_by_id_name(
species_id = as.integer(select_org),
org_info = idep_data$org_info
species <- find_species_by_id(
species_id = as.integer(select_org),
org_info = idep_data$org_info
origninal_ids = query_set,
ids = unique(result[, 2]),
species = species,
species_match = matched,
conversion_table = conversion_table
#' Read pathway sets for gene query
#' This function provides the gene set information
#' to perform enrichment analysis on the provided
#' query.
#' @param all_gene_names_query Subsetted data frame of genes names from
#' \code{\link{get_all_gene_names}()} to query database with.
#' @param converted List of conversion information on the original
#' IDs returned from the \code{\link{convert_id}()}.
#' @param go String designating the section of the database to query for pathway
#' analysis. See \code{\link{gmt_category}()} for choices.
#' @param select_org String designating what organism is being analyzed.
#' @param gmt_file For NEW species the gmt file to use
#' for the pathway analysis
#' @param idep_data Data built in to idep
#' @param gene_info The gene info from the converted IDs and
#' the function gene_info()
#' @export
#' @return This function returns a list with values that are
#' used in the find_overlap function. The list contains
#' pathway_table which is the overlap and total genes for
#' each pathway that is enriched in the query. The list
#' also contains the query_set of genes, the total_genes
#' number which is used in the calculation of the p-values
#' and the pathway files that contain gmt information on
#' the mathced species.
read_pathway_sets <- function(all_gene_names_query,
gene_info) {
id_not_recognized <- as.data.frame("ID not recognized!")
query_set <- all_gene_names_query[, 2]
if (select_org == "NEW" && is.null(gmt_file)) {
return(as.data.frame("No GMT file provided!"))
} else if (!is.null(gmt_file)) {
in_file <- gmt_file
in_file <- in_file$datapath
gene_sets <- read_gmt_robust(in_file)
pathway_table = gene_sets,
query_set = query_set,
total_genes = NULL
if (ncol(all_gene_names_query) == 1) {
# if (!is.null(gene_info)) {
# if (dim(gene_info)[1] > 1) {
# gene_info <- gene_info[which(
# gene_info$gene_biotype == "protein_coding"
# ), ]
# query_set <- intersect(query_set, gene_info[, 1])
# }
# }
if (length(query_set) == 0) {
pathway <- connect_convert_db_org(
select_org = select_org,
idep_data = idep_data
# if database connection error
if(inherits(pathway, "try-error")) {
# does the db file has a categories table?
ix <- grep(
pattern = "pathway",
x = DBI::dbListTables(pathway)
if (length(ix) == 0) {
if (is.null(go)) {
go <- "GOBP"
sql_query <- build_pathway_query(go, query_set)
result <- DBI::dbGetQuery(pathway, sql_query)
if (dim(result)[1] == 0) {
return(pathway_table <- NULL)
# List pathways and frequency of genes
pathway_ids <- stats::aggregate(
by = list(unique_values = result$pathwayID),
FUN = length
colnames(pathway_ids) <- c("pathway_id", "overlap")
if (dim(pathway_ids)[1] == 0) {
return(pathway_table <- NULL)
} else {
pathway_info <- DBI::dbGetQuery(
"SELECT DISTINCT id,n,Description,memo FROM pathwayInfo WHERE id IN ('",
paste(pathway_ids[, 1], collapse = "', '"), "') ",
sep = ""
# if duplicates pathway_info, remove
# sorted so that if some GO categories are repeated, keep the one with URL
pathway_info <- pathway_info[
decreasing = TRUE
pathway_info <- pathway_info[!duplicated(pathway_info$id), ]
pathway_merge <- merge(
x = pathway_ids,
y = pathway_info,
by.x = "pathway_id",
by.y = "id",
all = TRUE
# Convert pathways into lists
gene_sets <- lapply(
function(x) result[which(result$pathwayID == x), 1]
names(gene_sets) <- pathway_merge$description
# note this might cause errors if length differs.
# which could happen if
pathway_merge$gene_sets <- gene_sets
# list of query genes that have at least one pathway in db
query_set_db <- unique(result$gene)
query_set <- query_set_db # only use genes included in DB
# total number of genes in pathway db
sql_query <- "SELECT COUNT ( DISTINCT gene ) FROM pathway"
if (go != "All") {
sql_query <- paste(
" WHERE category='", go, "'",
sep = ""
total_genes_db <- DBI::dbGetQuery(
total_genes_db <- as.integer(total_genes_db)
total_genes <- total_genes_db
# Gene sets and info for the enrichment analysis
pathway_table = pathway_merge,
query_set = query_set,
total_genes = total_genes
# pathway_files = pathway_files
#' Background gene pathway sets
#' This function reads the pathway sets for the filtered
#' gene IDs and performs pathway analysis for the query
#' with the filtered background.
#' @param processed_data Matrix of gene data that has been through
#' \code{\link{pre_process}()}
#' @param gene_info Dataframe of converted IDs information from the function
#' \code{\link{gene_info}()}
#' @param sub_query Vector of IDs that the enrichment
#' analysis should be performed on. This list is also returned from
#' \code{\link{read_pathway_sets}()}.
#' @param go String designating the section of the database to query for pathway
#' analysis. See \code{\link{gmt_category}()} for choices.
#' @param pathway_table Data frame of results from
#' \code{\link{read_pathway_sets}()}. If this data frame is NULL or 0 rows
#' there this function will return no significant enrichment.
#' @param idep_data List of data returned from \code{\link{get_idep_data}()}
#' @param select_org Species selected.
#' @export
#' @return Pathway gene set table for the background genes. Used
#' in find_overlap to calculate pvals for the filtered background
#' @seealso This function is used internally in \code{\link{find_overlap}()}
background_pathway_sets <- function(processed_data,
select_org) {
query_set <- rownames(processed_data)
# if (!is.null(gene_info)) {
# if (dim(gene_info)[1] > 1) {
# query_set <- intersect(
# query_set,
# gene_info[which(gene_info$gene_biotype == "protein_coding"), 1]
# )
# }
# }
pathway <- connect_convert_db_org(
select_org = select_org,
idep_data = idep_data
# if database connection error
if(inherits(pathway, "try-error")) {
if (length(intersect(query_set, sub_query)) == 0) {
# If none of the selected genes are in background genes
bg_result = as.data.frame(
"None of the selected genes are in the background genes!"
# Make sure the background set includes the query set
query_set <- unique(c(query_set, sub_query))
if (is.null(go)) {
go <- "GOBP"
# this is slow when gene lists are big
#sql_query <- build_pathway_query(go, query_set)
#results <- DBI::dbGetQuery(pathway, sql_query)
# retrieve all pathways for the category
sql_query <- "SELECT gene, pathwayID FROM pathway "
if (go != "All") {
sql_query <- paste0(sql_query, " WHERE category = '", go, "'")
# since there are so many genes, this takes a long time
# we are not using the genes, just query all the pathways for the category
#sql_query <- build_pathway_query(go, query_set)
results <- DBI::dbGetQuery(pathway, sql_query)
# only keep genes in the query_set, this is faster than query using SQL
results <- results[results$gene %in% query_set, ]
if (dim(results)[1] == 0) {
bg_result = as.data.frame("No matching species or gene ID file!")
bg_result <- table(results$pathwayID)
bg_result <- as.data.frame(bg_result)
colnames(bg_result) <- c("pathway_id", "overlap_bg")
pathway_table_bg <- merge(
by = "pathway_id",
all.x = TRUE
# list of background genes that have at least one pathway in db
pathway_table_bg$total_genes_bg <- length(unique(results$gene))
#' Database choices for the converted IDs
#' This function provides a list of the portions of the
#' database to query that contain genes from the converted
#' IDs.
#' @param converted List of converted gene information from
#' \code{\link{convert_id}()}
#' @param converted_data Data matrix element with the converted ensembl_IDs from
#' the list returned from \code{\link{convert_data}()}
#' @param select_org String designating the organism being analyzed
#' @param gmt_file For NEW species the gmt file to use
#' for the pathway analysis, otherwise \code{NULL}
#' @param idep_data List of data returned from \code{\link{get_idep_data}()}
#' @export
#' @return A character vector of names of the section of data to perform
#' pathway analysis on
gmt_category <- function(converted,
idep_data) {
if (!is.null(gmt_file)) {
return(list(custom_gene_set = "Custom"))
id_not_recognized <- as.data.frame("ID not recognized!")
if (is.null(converted)) {
query_set <- rownames(converted_data)
if (length(query_set) == 0) {
conn_db <- connect_convert_db_org(
select_org = select_org,
idep_data = idep_data
# if database connection error
if(inherits(conn_db, "try-error")) {
# does the db file has a categories table?
ix <- grep(
pattern = "categories",
x = DBI::dbListTables(conn_db)
if (length(ix) == 0) {
# Generate a list of geneset categories such as "GOBP", "KEGG" from file
gene_set_category <- DBI::dbGetQuery(conn_db, "select distinct * from categories")
gene_set_category <- sort(gene_set_category[, 1])
category_choices <- setNames(as.list(gene_set_category), gene_set_category)
# Set order of popular elements
top_choices <- c("GOBP", "GOCC", "GOMF", "KEGG")
# if KEGG or others are not in the list, remove
top_choices <- top_choices[top_choices %in% gene_set_category]
other_choices <- names(category_choices)[
!(names(category_choices) %in% top_choices)
category_choices <- category_choices[c(top_choices, other_choices)]
# Change names to the full description for display
names(category_choices)[match("GOBP", category_choices)] <- "GO Biological Process"
names(category_choices)[match("GOCC", category_choices)] <- "GO Cellular Component"
names(category_choices)[match("GOMF", category_choices)] <- "GO Molecular Function"
category_choices <- append(setNames("All", "All available gene sets"), category_choices)
#' Read pathway gene sets
#' Use the IDs from the converted database to find the
#' gene sets for all the pathways in the database. Returns
#' a list with each entry a vector of IDs corresponding to
#' a description of a pathway in the database.
#' @param converted List of converted gene information from
#' \code{\link{convert_id}()}
#' @param all_gene_names Data frame of gene names from
#' \code{\link{get_all_gene_names}()}
#' @param go String designating the section of the database to query for pathway
#' analysis. See \code{\link{gmt_category}()} for choices.
#' @param select_org String designating with organism is being analyzed
#' @param idep_data List of data returned from \code{\link{get_idep_data}()}
#' @param my_range Vector of the (min_set_size, max_set_size)
#' @export
#' @return A list with each entry a list of gene IDs that correspond to
#' a pathway.
read_gene_sets <- function(converted,
my_range) {
id_not_recognized <- as.data.frame("ID not recognized!")
if (is.null(converted)) {
if (!is.null(all_gene_names[, 2])) {
query_set <- all_gene_names[, 2]
if (is.null(query_set) || length(query_set) == 0) {
pathway <- connect_convert_db_org(
select_org = select_org,
idep_data = idep_data
# for testing
#pathway <- DBI::dbConnect(
# drv = RSQLite::dbDriver("SQLite"),
# dbname = "C:/work/iDEP_data/data104b/pathwayDB/Human__hsapiens_gene_ensembl.db",
# flags = RSQLite::SQLITE_RO
# )
# if database connection error
if(inherits(pathway, "try-error")) {
# does the db file has a categories table?
ix <- grep(
pattern = "pathway",
x = DBI::dbListTables(pathway)
if (length(ix) == 0) {
if (is.null(go)) {
go <- "GOBP"
# retrieve all pathways for the category
sql_query <- "SELECT gene, pathwayID FROM pathway "
if (go != "All") {
sql_query <- paste0(sql_query, " WHERE category = '", go, "'")
# since there are so many genes, this takes a long time
# we are not using the genes, just query all the pathways for the category
#sql_query <- build_pathway_query(go, query_set)
result <- DBI::dbGetQuery(pathway, sql_query)
# only keep genes in the query_set, this is faster than query using SQL
result <- result[result$gene %in% query_set, ]
if (dim(result)[1] == 0) {
return(list(x = as.data.frame("No matching species or gene ID file!")))
# List pathways and frequency of genes
pathway_ids <- aggregate(
by = list(unique.values = result$pathwayID),
FUN = length
pathway_ids <- pathway_ids[which(pathway_ids[, 2] >= my_range[1]), ]
pathway_ids <- pathway_ids[which(pathway_ids[, 2] <= my_range[2]), ]
if (dim(pathway_ids)[1] == 0) {
gene_sets <- NULL
# filter pathways
result <- result[result$pathwayID %in% pathway_ids[, 1], ]
# convert into lists using the split funciton.
gene_sets <- split(result$gene, result$pathwayID)
pathway_info <- DBI::dbGetQuery(
"select distinct id,Description,memo from pathwayInfo where id IN ('",
paste(pathway_ids[, 1], collapse = "', '"),
"') ",
sep = ""
# add pathway name to gene sets
ix <- match(names(gene_sets), pathway_info[, 1])
names(gene_sets) <- pathway_info[ix, 2]
gene_lists = gene_sets,
pathway_info = pathway_info
#' Convert IDs from ensembl to entrez
#' Convert an ID qeury for a species from the ensembl
#' ID type to entrez type.
#' @param query Vector of IDs to convert
#' @param species String designating the organism being analyzed
#' @param org_info org_info file from the list returned from
#' \code{link{get_idep_data}()}
#' @param idep_data Data object with species info for connecting to database
#' @export
#' @return The queried genes with converted IDs.
convert_ensembl_to_entrez <- function(query,
idep_data) {
query_set <- clean_gene_set(
unlist(strsplit(toupper(names(query)), "\t| |\n|\\, "))
# Note uses species Identifying
species_id <- org_info$id[which(org_info$ensembl_dataset == species)]
# idType 6 for entrez gene ID
convert <- connect_convert_db_org(
select_org = species_id,
idep_data = idep_data
# if database connection error
if(inherits(convert, "try-error")) {
id_type_entrez <- DBI::dbGetQuery(
"select distinct * from idIndex where idType = 'entrezgene_id'"
if (dim(id_type_entrez)[1] != 1) {
cat("Warning! entrezgene ID not found!")
id_type_entrez <- as.numeric(id_type_entrez[1, 1])
result <- DBI::dbGetQuery(
"select id,ens from mapping where ",
" idType ='", id_type_entrez, "' ",
" AND ens IN ('", paste(query_set, collapse = "', '"), "')"
if (dim(result)[1] == 0) {
ix <- match(result$ens, names(query))
tem <- query[ix]
names(tem) <- result$id
#' Create SQL query statement for reading pathway db
#' Convert an ID qeury for a species from the ensembl
#' ID type to entrez type.
#' @param go Pathway category "KEGG", "GOBP"
#' @param query_set List of genes
#' @export
#' @return The SQL SELECT statement
build_pathway_query <- function(go, query_set) {
sql_query <- "SELECT gene, pathwayID FROM pathway WHERE "
# faster if category is first
if (go != "All") {
sql_query <- paste0(sql_query, " category = '", go, "' AND ")
# Get Gene sets
sql_query <- paste(
" gene IN ('",
paste(query_set, collapse = "', '"),
sep = ""
#' retrieve source info for pathway db
#' @param go Pathway category "KEGG", "GOBP"
#' @param pathway_file pathway file
#' @param select_org selected species
#' @param idep_data Data object with species info for connecting to database
#' @export
#' @return A vector with the source information
pathway_source_info <- function(pathway_file, go, select_org, idep_data) {
conn_db <- connect_convert_db_org(
select_org = select_org,
idep_data = idep_data
# if database connection error
if(inherits(conn_db, "try-error")) {
# does the db file has a categories table?
ix <- grep(
pattern = "source",
x = DBI::dbListTables(conn_db)
if (length(ix) == 0) {
pathway_info <- DBI::dbGetQuery(
# table.file is an SQL keyword, so use []
"SELECT * FROM source WHERE [Subtype.Database.name] = '",
if(nrow(pathway_info) == 0) { # no record found.
} else {
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