## voom ve NSC turu sonuclarda predict edebilmesi icin MLSeq sinifi metaData icerisine bir type argumani eklenecek
## Bu argumana göre predict farkli sekillerde davranacak.
#' @title Extract predictions from \code{classify()} object
#' @description This function predicts the class labels of test data for a given model.
#' \code{predictClassify} and \code{predict} functions return the predicted class information along with trained model.
#' Predicted values are given either as class labels or estimated probabilities of each class for
#' each sample. If \code{type = "raw"}, as can be seen in the example below, the predictions are
#' extracted as raw class labels.In order to extract estimated class probabilities, one should follow the steps below:
#' \itemize{
#' \item set \code{classProbs = TRUE} within \code{control} arguement in \code{\link{classify}}
#' \item set \code{type = "prob"} within \code{predictClassify}
#' }
#' @param object a model of \code{MLSeq} class returned by \code{\link{classify}}
#' @param test.data a \code{DESeqDataSet} instance of new observations.
#' @param \dots further arguments to be passed to or from methods. These arguements are used in
#' \code{\link[caret]{predict.train}} from caret package.
#' @return \code{MLSeqObject} an MLSeq object returned from \code{classify}. See details.
#' @return \code{Predictions} a data frame or vector including either the predicted class
#' probabilities or class labels of given test data.
#' @note \code{predictClassify(...)} function was used in \code{MLSeq} up to package version 1.14.x. This function is alliased with
#' generic function \code{predict}. In the upcoming versions of MLSeq package, \code{predictClassify} function will be ommitted. Default
#' function for predicting new observations will be \code{predict} from version 1.16.x and later.
#' @author Dincer Goksuluk, Gokmen Zararsiz, Selcuk Korkmaz, Vahap Eldem, Ahmet Ozturk and Ahmet Ergun Karaagaoglu
#' @keywords RNA-seq classification
#' @seealso \code{\link{classify}}, \code{\link[caret]{train}}, \code{\link[caret]{trainControl}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(DESeq2)
#' data(cervical)
#' # a subset of cervical data with first 150 features.
#' data <- cervical[c(1:150), ]
#' # defining sample classes.
#' class <- data.frame(condition = factor(rep(c("N","T"), c(29, 29))))
#' n <- ncol(data) # number of samples
#' p <- nrow(data) # number of features
#' # number of samples for test set (30% test, 70% train).
#' nTest <- ceiling(n*0.3)
#' ind <- sample(n, nTest, FALSE)
#' # train set
#' data.train <- data[ ,-ind]
#' data.train <- as.matrix(data.train + 1)
#' classtr <- data.frame(condition = class[-ind, ])
#' # train set in S4 class
#' data.trainS4 <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = data.train,
#' colData = classtr, formula(~ 1))
#' # test set
#' data.test <- data[ ,ind]
#' data.test <- as.matrix(data.test + 1)
#' classts <- data.frame(condition=class[ind, ])
# test set in S4
#' data.testS4 <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = data.test,
#' colData = classts, formula(~ 1))
#' ## Number of repeats (repeats) might change model accuracies ##
#' # Classification and Regression Tree (CART) Classification
#' cart <- classify(data = data.trainS4, method = "rpart",
#' ref = "T", preProcessing = "deseq-vst",
#' control = trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", number = 5,
#' repeats = 3, classProbs = TRUE))
#' cart
#' # predicted classes of test samples for CART method (class probabilities)
#' pred.cart = predictClassify(cart, data.testS4, type = "prob")
#' pred.cart
#' # predicted classes of test samples for RF method (class labels)
#' pred.cart = predictClassify(cart, data.testS4, type = "raw")
#' pred.cart
#' @name predict
#' @rdname predict
#' @importFrom caret predict.train
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assay mcols 'mcols<-'
#' @method predict MLSeq
predict.MLSeq <- function (object, test.data, ...){
# Args:
# object: a model of "MLSeq" class returned by classify(...)
# test.data: a DESeqDataSet instance of new observations.
test.pred <- NULL
model <- object
if (class(model) != "MLSeq"){
stop("'model' arguement should be an \"MLSeq\" object.")
if (!("DESeqDataSet" %in% class(test.data))){
stop("'test.data' arguement should be a \"DESeqDataSet\" object.")
## Prediction steps for "caret" based classifications.
if (class(trained(model)) == "train"){
if (normalization(model) == "deseq" & transformation(model) == "vst"){ # "deseq-vst"
counts.test <- counts(test.data)
counts.train <- counts(model@inputObject$rawData) ### Raw Counts icin getter yazilinca burada kullanilacak. rawCounts(...) adinda bir getter kullanilabilir.
#Calculation of test set size factors using geometric means from training data
#Genes in the row, samples in the column
geomts = counts.test / exp(rowMeans(log(counts.train))) ## Geometric mean of test data using estimators from train data
sizeF.ts = apply(geomts, 2, function(x) median(x))
test.dataSF <- estimateSizeFactors(test.data) # Estimate Size factors:
sizeFactors(test.dataSF) <- sizeF.ts # Replace size factors with size factors which are estimates using train set parameters.
## Change dispersion function of test data with dispersion function of train data
dispersionFunction(test.dataSF) <- trainParameters(model)$disperFunc
transformedData <- varianceStabilizingTransformation(test.dataSF, fitType = "local", blind = FALSE)
dataVST <- t(as.matrix(assay(transformedData)))
input <- dataVST ## Input data from transformed expression data.
} else if (normalization(model) == "deseq" & transformation(model) == "rlog"){ # "deseq-rlog"
counts.test <- counts(test.data)
counts.train <- counts(model@inputObject$rawData) ### Raw Counts icin setter yazilinca burada kullanilacak. rawCounts(...)
#Calculation of test set size factors using geometric means from training data
#Genes in the row, samples in the column
geomts = counts.test / exp(rowMeans(log(counts.train))) ## Geometric mean of test data using estimators from train data
sizeF.ts = apply(geomts, 2, function(x) median(x))
test.dataSF <- estimateSizeFactors(test.data) # Estimate Size factors:
sizeFactors(test.dataSF) <- sizeF.ts
test.dataDisp <- estimateDispersions(test.dataSF, fitType = "local")
## Required train parameters for test data
mcols(test.dataDisp)$dispFit <- trainParameters(model)$dispFit
betaPrior <- trainParameters(model)$betaPrior
intercept <- trainParameters(model)$intercept
test.dataRLOG <- rlog(test.dataDisp, blind = FALSE,
intercept = intercept, betaPriorVar = betaPrior)
dataRLOG = t(assay(test.dataRLOG))
input <- dataRLOG ## Input data from transformed expression data.
} else if (normalization(model) == "deseq" & transformation(model) == "logcpm"){ ## deseq-logcpm
rawCounts = counts(test.data, normalized = FALSE)
countsDGE <- DGEList(counts = rawCounts, genes = rownames(rawCounts))
counts.train <- counts(model@metaData$metaData@rawData.DESeqDataSet) ### Raw Counts icin setter yazilinca burada kullanilacak. rawCounts(...)
#Calculation of test set size factors using geometric means from training data
#Genes in the row, samples in the column
geomts = rawCounts / exp(rowMeans(log(counts.train))) ## Geometric mean of test data using estimators from train data
sizeF.ts = apply(geomts, 2, function(x) median(x))
RLE <- sizeF.ts / colSums(rawCounts)
normFactors <- RLE / exp(mean(log(RLE)))
countsDGE.normalized <- calcNormFactors(countsDGE, method = "RLE") ## RLE: DESeq mantigi ile normalize ediyor.
countsDGE.normalized$samples$norm.factors <- normFactors ### Replace normFactors using normFactors obtained from train set parameters.
countsDGE.transformed <- cpm(countsDGE.normalized, log = TRUE, prior.count = 1) ### prior Count daha sonra duzenlenecek
input <- t(countsDGE.transformed) ## Input data from transformed expression data.
} else if (normalization(model) == "none" & transformation(model) == "logcpm"){
rawCounts = counts(test.data, normalized = FALSE)
countsDGE <- DGEList(counts = rawCounts, genes = rownames(rawCounts))
countsDGE.transformed <- cpm(countsDGE, log = TRUE, prior.count = 1) ### prior Count daha sonra duzenlenecek
input <- t(countsDGE.transformed) ## Input data from transformed expression data.
} else if (normalization(model) == "tmm" & transformation(model) == "logcpm"){
rawCounts = counts(test.data, normalized = FALSE)
referenceSample <- trainParameters(model)$refSample
## Chech if the feature names of reference sample are in the same order with rawCounts.
if (identical(rownames(rawCounts), names(referenceSample))){
rawCounts <- cbind(rawCounts, referenceSample)
} else {
stop(warning("Reference sample either does not have same features or the features are not in the same order as test set. Calculation stops.."))
countsDGE <- DGEList(counts = rawCounts, genes = rownames(rawCounts))
## Reference column is selected from train set.
countsDGE.normalized <- calcNormFactors(countsDGE, method = "TMM", refColumn = ncol(countsDGE)) ## RLE: DESeq mantigi ile normalize ediyor.
countsDGE.transformed <- cpm(countsDGE.normalized, log = TRUE, prior.count = 1) ### prior Count daha sonra duzenlenecek.
input <- t(countsDGE.transformed) ## Input data from transformed expression data.
input <- input[-nrow(input), ] ## Remove reference sample from test data.
test.pred = predict(trained(model), input, ...) ## Predicted classes.
} else if (class(trained(model)) == "voom.train"){
if (method(model) %in% c("voomDLDA", "voomDQDA")){
test.pred <- predict.voomDDA(object = trained(model)@finalModel$model, newdata = counts(test.data), ...)
test.pred <- as.factor(test.pred)
} else {
test.pred <- predict.voomNSC(fit = trained(model)@finalModel$model, newdata = counts(test.data), ...)
test.pred <- as.factor(test.pred)
} else if (class(trained(model)) == "discrete.train"){
## Predictions for PLDA and PLDA2
if (method(model) %in% c("PLDA", "PLDA2")){
args <- list(x = input(model)$rawData,
y = input(model)$conditions,
xte = t(counts(test.data)),
rho = model@modelInfo@trainedModel@finalModel$rho,
beta = control(model)$beta,
type <- normalization(model),
prior <- control(model)$prior,
transform <- ifelse(method(model) == "PLDA", FALSE, TRUE),
alpha <- model@modelInfo@trainedModel@finalModel$alpha,
null.out <- model@modelInfo@trainParameters,
ds = model@modelInfo@trainedModel@finalModel$ds)
test.pred <- do.call("predictPLDA", args)
} else if (method(model) == "NBLDA"){
args <- list(x = input(model)$rawData,
y = input(model)$conditions,
xte = t(counts(test.data)),
beta = control(model)$beta,
type = normalization(model),
prior = control(model)$prior,
truephi = control(model)$truephi,
null.out = model@modelInfo@trainedModel@finalModel$trainParameters,
ds = model@modelInfo@trainedModel@finalModel$ds,
disperhat = model@modelInfo@trainedModel@finalModel$disp)
test.pred <- do.call("predictNBLDA", args)
# res <- list(MLSeqObject = model, Predictions = test.pred)
## Previous function predictClassify
#' @rdname predict
#' @export
predictClassify <- predict.MLSeq
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