MLSeqMetaData-class: 'MLSeqMetaData' object

Description Details Slots Note See Also


This object is a subclass for the MLSeq class. It contains metadata information, i.e. information on modified and/or updated elements, raw data etc..


Objects can be created by calls of the form new("MLSeqMetaData", ...). This type of objects is created as a result of classify function of MLSeq package. It is then used in update function for updating the object in given object.


updated, modified:

a logical. See notes for details.


a list containing the modified elements in MLSeq obejct.


raw data which is used for classification.


a character string indicating the name of class variable.


The function update is used to re-run classification task with modified elements in MLSeq object. This function is useful when one wish to perform classification task with modified options without running classify function from the beginning. MLSeqMetaData object is used to store information on updated and/or modified elements in MLSeq object.

If an MLSeq object is modified, i.e. one or more elements in MLSeq object is replaced using related setter functions such as method, ref etc., the slot modified becomes TRUE. Similarly, the slot updated stores the information that the MLSeq object is updated (or classification task is re-runned) or not. If updated slot is FALSE and modified slot is TRUE, one should run update to obtain the classification results by considering the modified elements.

See Also

update, isUpdated, isModified

dncR/MLSeq documentation built on May 17, 2020, 6:45 p.m.