#' Create a multi-assay experiment from PathoScope 2.0 output for usage with
#' animalcules
#' This function serves as a legacy integration method for usage with
#' PathoScope 2.0 outputs. Upon completion of the PathoScope 2.0 pipeline, users can analyze and visualize
#' abundances in their samples using the animalcules package. After running this function, the user should save the returned MAE
#' to an RDS file using a function like \code{saveRDS} to upload the output into
#' the \code{animalcules} package.
#' @param patho_counts Character string, a directory filepath to the counts ID CSVs output by
#' \code{metascope_id()}.
#' @param annot_path The filepath to the CSV annotation file for the samples.
#' @param end_string The end string used at the end of the metascope_id files.
#' Default is ".metascope_id.csv".
#' @param which_annot_col The name of the column of the annotation file
#' containing the sample IDs. These should be the same as the
#' \code{meta_counts} root filenames.
#' @returns Returns a MultiAssay Experiment file of combined sample counts data.
#' The MultiAssay Experiment will have a counts assay ("MGX").
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang .data
convert_animalcules_patho <- function(patho_counts, annot_path,
end_string = "-sam-report.tsv") {
count_table <- animalcules::read_pathoscope_data(
input_dir = patho_counts,
pathoreport_file_suffix = end_string)$countdat
# Choose only the samples in metadata that have counts data as well
metadata_table <- readr::read_csv(annot_path, show_col_types = FALSE) |>
rownames(metadata_table) <- metadata_table[, which_annot_col]
sample_overlap <- base::intersect(colnames(count_table), rownames(metadata_table))
if (length(sample_overlap) < length(colnames(count_table))){
print(paste("The following samples don't have metadata info:",
paste(colnames(count_table)[which(!colnames(count_table) %in% sample_overlap)],
collapse = ",")))
count_table <- count_table[,which(colnames(count_table) %in% sample_overlap)]
metadata_table <- metadata_table[match(colnames(count_table),
rownames(metadata_table)), , drop = FALSE]
# Test and fix the constant/zero row
row.remove.index <- c()
if (sum(base::rowSums(as.matrix(count_table)) == 0) > 0){
row.remove.index <- which(base::rowSums(as.matrix(count_table)) == 0)
count_table <- count_table[-row.remove.index,]
ids <- rownames(count_table)
tids <- unlist(lapply(ids, FUN = animalcules::grep_tid))
if (sum(is.na(tids)) > 0){
tid_remove <- which(is.na(tids))
ids <- ids[-tid_remove]
tids <- tids[-tid_remove]
count_table <- count_table[-tid_remove,]
taxonLevels <- animalcules::find_taxonomy(tids)
tax_table <- animalcules::find_taxon_mat(ids, taxonLevels)
# replace spaces in tax name with underscore
tax_table <- as.data.frame(apply(tax_table,
function(x) gsub('\\s+', '_',x)))
# create MAE object
se_mgx <-
count_table |>
base::data.matrix() |>
S4Vectors::SimpleList() |>
# Read in metadata
se_colData <-
metadata_table |>
se_rowData <-
tax_table |>
base::data.frame() |>
dplyr::mutate_all(as.character) |>
dplyr::select("superkingdom", "phylum", "class", "order",
"family", "genus", "species") |>
microbe_se <-
SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment(assays = se_mgx,
colData = se_colData,
rowData = se_rowData)
mae_experiments <-
S4Vectors::SimpleList(MicrobeGenetics = microbe_se)
MAE <-
MultiAssayExperiment::MultiAssayExperiment(experiments = mae_experiments,
colData = se_colData)
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