#' Identify the genes most specifically expressed in groups of cells
#' @param cds A cell_data_set object to calculate top markers for.
#' @param group_cells_by String indicating what to group cells by for
#' comparison. Default is "cluster".
#' @param genes_to_test_per_group Numeric, how many genes of the top ranked
#' specific genes by Jenson-Shannon to do the more expensive regression test
#' on.
#' @param reduction_method String indicating the method used for dimensionality
#' reduction. Currently only "UMAP" is supported.
#' @param marker_sig_test A flag indicating whether to assess the discriminative
#' power of each marker through logistic regression. Can be slow, consider
#' disabling to speed up top_markers().
#' @param reference_cells If provided, top_markers will perform the marker
#' significance test against a "reference set" of cells. Must be either a list
#' of cell ids from colnames(cds), or a positive integer. If the latter, top_markers()
#' will randomly select the specified number of reference cells. Accelerates
#' the marker significance test at some cost in sensitivity.
#' @param speedglm.maxiter Maximum number of iterations allowed for fitting GLM
#' models when testing markers for cell group.
#' @param cores Number of cores to use.
#' @param verbose Whether to print verbose progress output.
#' @return a data.frame where the rows are genes and the columns are
#' * gene_id vector of gene names
#' * gene_short_name vector of gene short names
#' * cell_group character vector of the cell group to which the cell belongs
#' * marker_score numeric vector of marker scores as the fraction expressing scaled by the specificity. The value ranges from 0 to 1.
#' * mean_expression numeric vector of mean normalized expression of the gene in the cell group
#' * fraction_expressing numeric vector of fraction of cells expressing the gene within the cell group
#' * specificity numeric vector of a measure of how specific the gene's expression is to the cell group based on the Jensen-Shannon divergence. The value ranges from 0 to 1.
#' * pseudo_R2 numeric vector of pseudo R-squared values, a measure of how well the gene expression model fits the categorical data relative to the null model. The value ranges from 0 to 1.
#' * marker_test_p_value numeric vector of likelihood ratio p-values
#' * marker_test_q_value numeric vector of likelihood ratio q-values
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(dplyr)
#' cell_metadata <- readRDS(system.file('extdata',
#' 'worm_embryo/worm_embryo_coldata.rds',
#' package='monocle3'))
#' gene_metadata <- readRDS(system.file('extdata',
#' 'worm_embryo/worm_embryo_rowdata.rds',
#' package='monocle3'))
#' expression_matrix <- readRDS(system.file('extdata',
#' 'worm_embryo/worm_embryo_expression_matrix.rds',
#' package='monocle3'))
#' cds <- new_cell_data_set(expression_data=expression_matrix,
#' cell_metadata=cell_metadata,
#' gene_metadata=gene_metadata)
#' cds <- preprocess_cds(cds)
#' cds <- reduce_dimension(cds)
#' cds <- cluster_cells(cds)
#' marker_test_res <- top_markers(cds, group_cells_by="partition", reference_cells=1000)
#' top_specific_markers <- marker_test_res %>%
#' filter(fraction_expressing >= 0.10) %>%
#' group_by(cell_group) %>%
#' top_n(1, pseudo_R2)
#' top_specific_marker_ids <- unique(top_specific_markers %>% pull(gene_id))
#' }
#' @importFrom dplyr n
#' @export
top_markers <- function(cds,
verbose=FALSE) {
rowname <- cell_group <- marker_score <- cell_id <- mean_expression <- NULL # no visible binding
fraction_expressing <- specificity <- pseudo_R2 <- NULL # no visible binding
lrtest_p_value <- lrtest_q_value <- gene_short_name <- NULL # no visible binding
# Yes, it's stupid we have cell ids both as a column and as the rownames.
cell_group_df <- data.frame(row.names=row.names(colData(cds)),
# Set up the table that partitions the cells into groups.
# Must be either a column in colData or one of "cluster" or "partition.
# FIXME: Should check its not a column you can't really use for grouping
# (i.e. a floating point value)
if (group_cells_by == "cluster"){
cell_group_df$cell_group <-
tryCatch({clusters(cds, reduction_method = reduction_method)},
error = function(e) {NULL})
} else if (group_cells_by == "partition") {
cell_group_df$cell_group <-
tryCatch({partitions(cds, reduction_method = reduction_method)},
error = function(e) {NULL})
} else{
cell_group_df$cell_group <- colData(cds)[,group_cells_by]
cell_group_df$cell_group <- as.character(cell_group_df$cell_group)
if (verbose)
message("Aggregating gene expression values for groups")
# For each gene compute the fraction of cells expressing it within each group
# in a matrix thats genes x cell groups
cluster_binary_exprs = as.matrix(aggregate_gene_expression(cds,
cluster_mean_exprs = as.matrix(aggregate_gene_expression(cds,
if (verbose)
message("Computing Jensen-Shannon specificities")
# Now compute a Jensen Shannon specificity score for each gene w.r.t each group
cluster_spec_mat = specificity_matrix(cluster_mean_exprs, cores=cores)
cluster_marker_score_mat = as.matrix(cluster_binary_exprs * cluster_spec_mat)
if (verbose)
message("Gathering score tables")
cluster_marker_score_table = tibble::rownames_to_column(as.data.frame(cluster_marker_score_mat))
cluster_marker_score_table = tidyr::gather(cluster_marker_score_table, "cell_group", "marker_score", -rowname)
cluster_spec_table = tibble::rownames_to_column(as.data.frame(cluster_spec_mat))
cluster_spec_table = tidyr::gather(cluster_spec_table, "cell_group", "specificity", -rowname)
cluster_expr_table = tibble::rownames_to_column(as.data.frame(cluster_mean_exprs))
cluster_expr_table = tidyr::gather(cluster_expr_table, "cell_group", "mean_expression", -rowname)
cluster_fraction_expressing_table = tibble::rownames_to_column(as.data.frame(cluster_binary_exprs))
cluster_fraction_expressing_table = tidyr::gather(cluster_fraction_expressing_table, "cell_group", "fraction_expressing", -rowname)
# spec_model_df = data.frame(rowname=row.names(cluster_spec_score_mat),
# num_expressing=Matrix::rowSums(SingleCellExperiment::counts(cds) > 0),
# mean_exprs=Matrix::rowMeans(cluster_agg_exprs),
# max_spec=rowMaxs(cluster_spec_score_mat))
# # Now compute the expected max specificity as a function of how many cells express a given gene
# # Genes that are expressed in few cells tend to have very high specificity, so we want to
# # control for this trend when ranking genes by specificity later on
# spec_model_df = spec_model_df %>% dplyr::mutate(quantile = dplyr::ntile(num_expressing, expression_bins))
# spec_summary = spec_model_df %>% dplyr::group_by(quantile) %>% dplyr::summarize(log_spec_mean = mean(log(max_spec)), log_spec_sd = sd(log(max_spec)))
# spec_model_df = dplyr::left_join(spec_model_df, spec_summary)
# # Compute the "specifity above expectation" for each gene w.r.t. each group:
# cluster_spec_table = dplyr::left_join(cluster_spec_table, spec_model_df)
# cluster_spec_table = cluster_spec_table %>% dplyr::mutate(log_spec=log(specificity),
# pval_excess_spec = pnorm(log(specificity),log_spec_mean, log_spec_sd, lower.tail=FALSE))
cluster_marker_score_table$specificity = cluster_spec_table$specificity
cluster_marker_score_table$mean_expression = cluster_expr_table$mean_expression
cluster_marker_score_table$fraction_expressing = cluster_fraction_expressing_table$fraction_expressing
cluster_marker_score_table = cluster_marker_score_table %>%
#filter(num_expressing > 10) %>%
dplyr::group_by(cell_group) %>%
dplyr::top_n(genes_to_test_per_group, marker_score)
cell_group_df$cell_id <- as.character(cell_group_df$cell_id)
cell_group_df$cell_group <- as.character(cell_group_df$cell_group)
if (marker_sig_test){
if (verbose)
message("Running marker significance tests")
# Temporarily disable OpenMP threading in functions to be run in parallel
old_omp_num_threads = as.numeric(Sys.getenv("OMP_NUM_THREADS"))
if (is.na(old_omp_num_threads)){
old_omp_num_threads = 1
# Temporarily set the number of threads the BLAS library can use to be 1
old_blas_num_threads = as.numeric(Sys.getenv("OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS"))
if (is.na(old_omp_num_threads)){
old_blas_num_threads = 1
# Set up a balanced "reference" panel of cells from each group
if (is.null(reference_cells) == FALSE){
num_ref_cells_per_group = reference_cells / length(unique(cell_group_df$cell_group))
reference_cells = cell_group_df %>% dplyr::group_by(cell_group) %>%
dplyr::sample_n(min(num_ref_cells_per_group, dplyr::n())) %>%
#reference_cells = sample(colnames(cds), reference_cells)
} else {
# TODO: check that reference cells is a list of valid cell ids.
marker_test_res = tryCatch({pbmcapply::pbmcmapply(test_marker_for_cell_group,
MoreArgs=list(cell_group_df, cds, reference_cells,
ignore.interactive = TRUE,
finally = {
# Check for possible convergence failure or other problems. Issue: #383
if('warning' %in% marker_test_res) {
warning('test_marker_for_cell_group() caught warning: possible convergence failure.')
marker_test_res = t(marker_test_res)
marker_test_res = as.matrix(marker_test_res)
colnames(marker_test_res) = c("pseudo_R2", "lrtest_p_value")
#marker_test_res = as.data.frame(marker_test_res)
marker_test_res = dplyr::bind_cols(cluster_marker_score_table, as.data.frame(marker_test_res))
marker_test_res$lrtest_q_value = stats::p.adjust(marker_test_res$lrtest_p_value,
marker_test_res = marker_test_res %>% dplyr::select(rowname,
marker_test_res = marker_test_res %>% dplyr::rename(gene_id=rowname, marker_test_p_value=lrtest_p_value, marker_test_q_value=lrtest_q_value)
marker_test_res$pseudo_R2 = unlist(marker_test_res$pseudo_R2)
marker_test_res$marker_test_p_value = unlist(marker_test_res$marker_test_p_value)
if ("gene_short_name" %in% colnames(rowData(cds))){
marker_test_res = rowData(cds) %>%
as.data.frame %>%
tibble::rownames_to_column() %>%
dplyr::select(rowname, gene_short_name) %>%
dplyr::inner_join(marker_test_res, by=c("rowname"="gene_id"))
marker_test_res = marker_test_res %>% dplyr::rename(gene_id=rowname)
} else {
marker_test_res = cluster_marker_score_table
marker_test_res = marker_test_res %>% dplyr::rename(gene_id=rowname)
if (verbose)
# Calculate the probability vector
makeprobsvec <- function(p) {
phat <- p/sum(p)
phat[is.na(phat)] = 0
# Calculate the probability matrix for a relative abundance matrix
makeprobs <- function(a) {
b <- Matrix::t(Matrix::t(a)/colSums)
b[is.na(b)] = 0
# Calculate the Shannon entropy based on the probability vector
shannon.entropy <- function(p) {
if (min(p) < 0 || sum(p) <=0)
p.norm <- p[p>0]/sum(p)
# Calculate the Jessen-Shannon distance for two probability distribution
JSdistVec <- function (p, q)
JSdiv <- shannon.entropy((p + q)/2) - (shannon.entropy(p) +
shannon.entropy(q)) * 0.5
JSdiv[is.infinite(JSdiv)] <- 1
JSdiv[JSdiv < 0] <- 0
JSdist <- sqrt(JSdiv)
specificity_matrix <- function(agg_expr_matrix, cores=1){
if(ncol(agg_expr_matrix) < 1) warning('bad loop: ncol(agg_expr_matrix) < 1')
specificity_mat <-
FUN = function(x) {
agg_exprs = as.numeric(agg_expr_matrix[x,])
agg_exprs = makeprobsvec(agg_exprs)
perfect_spec_matrix = diag(ncol(agg_expr_matrix))
sapply(1:ncol(agg_expr_matrix), function(col_idx) {
1 - JSdistVec(agg_exprs,
}, mc.cores=cores,
ignore.interactive = TRUE)
specificity_mat = do.call(rbind, specificity_mat)
colnames(specificity_mat) = colnames(agg_expr_matrix)
row.names(specificity_mat) = row.names(agg_expr_matrix)
enrichment_matrix <- function(agg_expr_matrix, cores=1){
if(ncol(agg_expr_matrix) < 1) warning('bad loop: ncol(agg_expr_matrix) < 1')
specificity_mat = pbmcapply::pbmclapply(row.names(agg_expr_matrix),
FUN = function(x)
agg_exprs = as.numeric(agg_expr_matrix[x,])
agg_exprs = makeprobsvec(agg_exprs)
perfect_spec_matrix = diag(ncol(agg_expr_matrix))
sapply(1:ncol(agg_expr_matrix), function(col_idx) {
1 - JSdistVec(agg_exprs, perfect_spec_matrix[,col_idx])
}, mc.cores=cores,
ignore.interactive = TRUE)
specificity_mat = do.call(rbind, specificity_mat)
colnames(specificity_mat) = colnames(agg_expr_matrix)
row.names(specificity_mat) = row.names(agg_expr_matrix)
test_marker_for_cell_group = function(gene_id, cell_group, cell_group_df, cds,
reference_cells=NULL, speedglm.maxiter=25){
#print (length(reference_cells))
results <- tryCatch({
f_expression <-
log(as.numeric(SingleCellExperiment::counts(cds)[gene_id,]) / size_factors(cds) + 0.1)
#print(sum(SingleCellExperiment::counts(cds)[gene_id,] > 0))
is_member <-
as.character(cell_group_df[colnames(cds),2]) == as.character(cell_group)
names(is_member) = names(f_expression) = colnames(cds)
is_member[is.na(is_member)] = FALSE
is_member[is.null(is_member)] = FALSE
if (is.null(reference_cells) == FALSE){
# Exclude cells that aren't in either the cell_group or the
# reference_panel
f_expression <- f_expression[is_member | names(f_expression) %in%
is_member <- is_member[is_member | names(is_member) %in% reference_cells]
if (sum(is.na(f_expression)) > 0 || sum(is.na(is_member)) > 0){
stop("Expression and group membership can't be NA")
model <- speedglm::speedglm(is_member ~ f_expression,
acc=1e-3, model=FALSE,
assertthat::assert_that(model$convergence == TRUE, msg=paste0('speedglm model failed to converge in ',speedglm.maxiter, ' iterations.'))
null_model <- speedglm::speedglm(is_member ~ 1,
acc=1e-3, model=FALSE,
assertthat::assert_that(model$convergence == TRUE, msg=paste0('speedglm null model failed to converge in ',speedglm.maxiter, ' iterations.'))
lr.stat <- lmtest::lrtest(null_model, model)
#print (summary(model))
# #print(summary(null_model))
# #print (lr.stat)
#print (str(lr.stat))
pseudo_R2 <-
(1-exp(-as.numeric(lr.stat$Chisq[2])/n)) /
LR_test_pval = lr.stat$`Pr(>Chisq)`[2]
# model_summary = summary(model)
# #print(model_summary)
# #pval = as.numeric(as.character(model_summary$coefficients[2,4]))
# pseudo_R2
return (list(pseudo_R2, LR_test_pval))
}, error = function(e) { return(list(0.0, 1.0)) })
#' Generate a Garnett marker file from top_markers output.
#' @param marker_test_res Tibble of top markers, output of
#' \code{\link{top_markers}}.
#' @param file Path to the marker file to be generated. Default is
#' "./marker_file.txt".
#' @param max_genes_per_group Numeric, the maximum number of genes to output
#' per cell type entry. Default is 10.
#' @param remove_duplicate_genes Logical indicating whether marker genes that
#' mark multiple cell groups should be excluded. Default is FALSE. When
#' FALSE, a message will be emitted when duplicates are present.
#' @return None, marker file is written to \code{file} parameter location.
#' @export
generate_garnett_marker_file <- function(marker_test_res,
file = "./marker_file.txt",
max_genes_per_group = 10,
remove_duplicate_genes = FALSE) {
group_name <- marker_score <- NULL # no visible binding
marker_test_res <- as.data.frame(marker_test_res)
if(is.null(marker_test_res$group_name)) {
marker_test_res$group_name <- paste("Cell type", marker_test_res$cell_group)
group_list <- unique(marker_test_res$group_name)
good_markers <- marker_test_res %>% dplyr::group_by(group_name) %>%
dplyr::top_n(max_genes_per_group, marker_score)
dups <- good_markers$gene_id[duplicated(good_markers$gene_id)]
if ("gene_short_name" %in% colnames(good_markers)) {
dups_gsn <- good_markers$gene_short_name[duplicated(good_markers$gene_short_name)]
if(remove_duplicate_genes) {
good_markers <- good_markers[!good_markers$gene_id %in% dups,]
} else {
if (length(dups) > 0) {
if("gene_short_name" %in% colnames(good_markers)) {
message("The following marker genes mark multiple cell groups. ",
"Prior to using Garnett, we recommend either excluding ",
"these genes using remove_duplicate_genes = TRUE, or ",
"modifying your marker file to make the cell types with ",
"the shared marker subtypes in a hierarchy. ",
paste(dups_gsn, collapse = ", "))
} else {
message("The following marker genes mark multiple cell groups. ",
"Prior to using Garnett, we recommend either excluding ",
"these genes using remove_duplicate_genes = TRUE, or ",
"modifying your marker file to make the cell types with ",
"the shared marker subtypes in a hierarchy. ",
paste(dups, collapse = ", "))
output <- list()
for (group in group_list) {
if (sum(good_markers$group_name == group) == 0) {
message(group, " did not have any markers above the q-value ",
"threshold. It will be skipped.")
good_name <- gsub("\\(|\\)|:|>|,|#", ".", group)
if (good_name != group) {
warning("Group name contained an illegal character for a Garnett ",
"marker file. ", group, " will be substituted for ",
good_name, ".")
sub <- good_markers[good_markers$group_name == group,]
if (nrow(sub) > max_genes_per_group) {
if(max_genes_per_group < 1) warning('bad loop: max_genes_per_group < 1')
sub <- sub[order(sub$marker_test_q_value),][1:max_genes_per_group,]
if ("gene_short_name" %in% colnames(sub)){
entry <- paste0("> ", good_name, "\n", "expressed: ",
paste(sub$gene_short_name, collapse = ", "), "\n")
} else {
entry <- paste0("> ", good_name, "\n", "expressed: ",
paste(sub$gene_id, collapse = ", "), "\n")
output <- append(output, entry)
all <- paste(output, collapse = "\n")
write(all, file=file)
message("Garnett marker file written to ", file)
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