## -- Common functions related to visualization in spatial space.
#' @title A basic function for pseudotissue visualization
#' @description Adapted function from Giotto package [Dries et al, 2021], rewrite for use in scdrake package in a SingleCellExperiment object
#' @param sce A `SingleCellExperiment` object.
#' @param cell_color,color_as_factor,cell_color_code,... Passed to ggplot2 object in plot_spat_point_layer_ggplot function
#' @return A `ggplot2` object.
#' @concept spatial_visualization
visualized_spots <- function(sce,
sdimx = "Dims_x",
sdimy = "Dims_y",
spat_enr_names = NULL,
cell_color = NULL,
color_as_factor = F,
cell_color_code = NULL,
cell_color_gradient = c("navy", "lightcyan", "red"),
gradient_midpoint = NULL,
gradient_limits = NULL,
select_cells = NULL,
point_shape = c("border", "no_border"),
point_size = 3,
point_alpha = 1,
point_border_col = "black",
point_border_stroke = 0.1,
label_size = 4,
label_fontface = "bold",
show_other_cells = T,
other_cell_color = "lightgrey",
other_point_size = 1,
other_cells_alpha = 0.1,
coord_fix_ratio = NULL,
title = NULL,
show_legend = T,
legend_text = 8,
legend_symbol_size = 1,
background_color = "white",
axis_text = 8,
axis_title = 8) {
## point shape ##
point_shape <-
match.arg(point_shape, choices = c("border", "no_border"))
## get spatial cell locations
cell_locations <- metadata(sce)$spatial_locs
## get cell metadata
cell_metadata <-
colData(sce)[, c("Barcode", cell_color, sdimx, sdimy)]
cell_metadata <- as.data.frame(cell_metadata)
if (nrow(cell_metadata) == 0) {
cell_locations_metadata <- cell_locations
} else {
cell_locations_metadata <- cell_metadata
## create subsets if needed
if (!is.null(select_cells)) {
cat("You have selected individual cell IDs \n")
cell_locations_metadata_other <-
cell_locations_metadata[!cell_locations_metadata$Barcode %in% select_cells, ]
cell_locations_metadata_selected <-
cell_locations_metadata[cell_locations_metadata$Barcode %in% select_cells, ]
} else if (is.null(select_cells)) {
cell_locations_metadata_selected <- cell_locations_metadata
cell_locations_metadata_other <- NULL
# data.table and ggplot variables
sdimx_begin <- sdimy_begin <- sdimx_end <- sdimy_end <- x_start <- x_end <- y_start <- y_end <- NULL
### create 2D plot with ggplot ###
# cat('create 2D plot with ggplot \n')
pl <- ggplot2::ggplot()
pl <- pl + ggplot2::theme_bw()
## plot point layer
if (point_shape == "border") {
pl <- plot_spat_point_layer_ggplot(
ggobject = pl,
sdimx = sdimx,
sdimy = sdimy,
cell_locations_metadata_selected = cell_locations_metadata_selected,
cell_locations_metadata_other = cell_locations_metadata_other,
cell_color = cell_color,
color_as_factor = color_as_factor,
cell_color_code = cell_color_code,
cell_color_gradient = cell_color_gradient,
gradient_midpoint = gradient_midpoint,
gradient_limits = gradient_limits,
select_cells = select_cells,
point_size = point_size,
point_alpha = point_alpha,
point_border_stroke = point_border_stroke,
point_border_col = point_border_col,
label_size = label_size,
label_fontface = label_fontface,
show_other_cells = show_other_cells,
other_cell_color = other_cell_color,
other_point_size = other_point_size,
show_legend = show_legend
} else if (point_shape == "no_border") {
pl <- plot_spat_point_layer_ggplot(
ggobject = pl,
sdimx = sdimx,
sdimy = sdimy,
cell_locations_metadata_selected = cell_locations_metadata_selected,
cell_locations_metadata_other = cell_locations_metadata_other,
cell_color = cell_color,
color_as_factor = color_as_factor,
cell_color_code = cell_color_code,
cell_color_gradient = cell_color_gradient,
gradient_midpoint = gradient_midpoint,
gradient_limits = gradient_limits,
select_cells = select_cells,
point_size = point_size,
point_alpha = point_alpha,
label_size = label_size,
label_fontface = label_fontface,
show_other_cells = show_other_cells,
other_cell_color = other_cell_color,
other_point_size = other_point_size,
show_legend = show_legend
## adjust theme settings
pl <- pl + ggplot2::theme(
plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(hjust = 0.5),
legend.title = ggplot2::element_blank(),
legend.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = legend_text),
axis.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = axis_title),
axis.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = axis_text),
panel.grid = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.background = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = background_color)
## change symbol size of legend
if (color_as_factor == TRUE) {
if (point_shape == "border") {
pl <-
pl + ggplot2::guides(fill = ggplot2::guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = legend_symbol_size)))
} else if (point_shape == "no_border") {
pl <-
pl + ggplot2::guides(color = ggplot2::guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = legend_symbol_size)))
# fix coord ratio
if (!is.null(coord_fix_ratio)) {
pl <- pl + ggplot2::coord_fixed(ratio = coord_fix_ratio)
# provide x, y and plot titles
if (is.null(title)) {
title <- cell_color
pl <-
pl + ggplot2::labs(x = "x coordinates", y = "y coordinates", title = title)
#' @title A function for pseudotissue visualization
#' @description Adapted function from Giotto package [Dries et al, 2021], rewrite for use in scdrake package in a SingleCellExperiment object.
#' @param ggobject An inheriated object from visualized_spots.
#' @param cell_locations_metadata_selected,cell_locations_metadata_other,cell_color,... Inheriated, passed to ggplot2 object.
#' @return A `ggplot2` object.
#' @concept spatial_visualization
plot_spat_point_layer_ggplot <- function(ggobject,
sdimx = NULL,
sdimy = NULL,
cell_color = NULL,
color_as_factor = T,
cell_color_code = NULL,
cell_color_gradient = c("yellow", "white", "red"),
gradient_midpoint = NULL,
gradient_limits = NULL,
select_cells = NULL,
point_size = 2,
point_alpha = 1,
point_border_col = "lightgrey",
point_border_stroke = 0.1,
label_size = 4,
label_fontface = "bold",
show_other_cells = T,
other_cell_color = "lightgrey",
other_point_size = 1,
show_legend = TRUE) {
## specify spatial dimensions first
if (is.null(sdimx) | is.null(sdimy)) {
"plot_method = ggplot, but spatial dimensions for sdimx and/or sdimy are not specified. \n
It will default to the 'sdimx' and 'sdimy' "
sdimx <- "Dims_x"
sdimy <- "Dims_y"
## ggplot object
pl <- ggobject
## first plot other non-selected cells
if (!is.null(select_cells) & show_other_cells == TRUE) {
pl <-
pl + ggplot2::geom_point(
data = cell_locations_metadata_other,
ggplot2::aes(x = .data[[sdimx]], y = .data[[sdimy]]),
color = other_cell_color,
show.legend = F,
size = other_point_size,
alpha = point_alpha
## order of color
# 1. if NULL then default to lightblue
# 2. if character vector
# 2.1 if length of cell_color is longer than 1 and has colors
# 2.2 if not part of metadata then suppose its color
# 2.3 part of metadata
# 2.3.1 numerical column
# 2.3.2 factor column or character to factor
# cell color default
if (is.null(cell_color)) {
cell_color <- "lightblue"
pl <-
pl + ggplot2::geom_point(
data = cell_locations_metadata_selected,
ggplot2::aes(x = .data[[sdimx]], y = .data[[sdimy]]),
show.legend = show_legend,
shape = 21,
fill = cell_color,
size = point_size,
stroke = point_border_stroke,
color = point_border_col,
alpha = point_alpha
} else if (length(cell_color) > 1) {
if (is.numeric(cell_color) | is.factor(cell_color)) {
if (nrow(cell_locations_metadata_selected) != length(cell_color)) {
stop("\n vector needs to be the same lengths as number of cells \n")
cell_locations_metadata_selected[["temp_color"]] <- cell_color
pl <-
pl + ggplot2::geom_point(
data = cell_locations_metadata_selected,
x = .data[[sdimx]],
y = .data[[sdimy]],
fill = "temp_color"
show.legend = show_legend,
shape = 21,
size = point_size,
color = point_border_col,
stroke = point_border_stroke,
alpha = point_alpha
} else if (is.character(cell_color)) {
if (!all(cell_color %in% grDevices::colors())) {
stop("cell_color is not numeric, a factor or vector of colors \n")
pl <-
pl + ggplot2::geom_point(
data = cell_locations_metadata_selected,
ggplot2::aes(x = .data[[sdimx]], y = .data[[sdimy]]),
show.legend = show_legend,
shape = 21,
fill = cell_color,
size = point_size,
color = point_border_col,
stroke = point_border_stroke,
alpha = point_alpha
} else if (is.character(cell_color)) {
if (!cell_color %in% colnames(cell_locations_metadata_selected)) {
if (!cell_color %in% grDevices::colors()) {
stop(cell_color, " is not a color or a column name \n")
pl <-
pl + ggplot2::geom_point(
data = cell_locations_metadata_selected,
ggplot2::aes(x = .data[[sdimx]], y = .data[[sdimy]]),
show.legend = show_legend,
shape = 21,
fill = cell_color,
size = point_size,
color = point_border_col,
stroke = point_border_stroke,
alpha = point_alpha
} else {
class_cell_color <-
if ((class_cell_color == "integer" |
class_cell_color == "numeric") &
color_as_factor == FALSE) {
# set upper and lower limits
if (!is.null(gradient_limits) &
is.vector(gradient_limits) &
length(gradient_limits) == 2) {
lower_lim <- gradient_limits[[1]]
upper_lim <- gradient_limits[[2]]
numeric_data <-
limit_numeric_data <-
numeric_data > upper_lim,
ifelse(numeric_data < lower_lim, lower_lim, numeric_data)
cell_locations_metadata_selected[[cell_color]] <-
pl <-
pl + ggplot2::geom_point(
data = cell_locations_metadata_selected,
x = .data[[sdimx]],
y = .data[[sdimy]],
fill = .data[[cell_color]]
show.legend = show_legend,
shape = 21,
size = point_size,
color = point_border_col,
stroke = point_border_stroke,
alpha = point_alpha
} else {
# convert character or numeric to factor
if (color_as_factor == TRUE) {
factor_data <- factor(cell_locations_metadata_selected[[cell_color]])
cell_locations_metadata_selected[[cell_color]] <-
pl <-
pl + ggplot2::geom_point(
data = cell_locations_metadata_selected,
x = .data[[sdimx]],
y = .data[[sdimy]],
fill = .data[[cell_color]]
show.legend = show_legend,
shape = 21,
size = point_size,
color = point_border_col,
stroke = point_border_stroke,
alpha = point_alpha
## specificy colors to use
if (!is.null(cell_color_code)) {
pl <- pl + ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = cell_color_code)
} else if (color_as_factor == T) {
number_colors <- length(unique(factor_data))
cell_color_code <- getDistinctColors(n = number_colors)
names(cell_color_code) <- unique(factor_data)
pl <-
pl + ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = cell_color_code)
} else if (color_as_factor == F) {
if (is.null(gradient_midpoint)) {
gradient_midpoint <-
pl <-
pl + ggplot2::scale_fill_gradient2(
low = cell_color_gradient[[1]],
mid = cell_color_gradient[[2]],
high = cell_color_gradient[[3]],
midpoint = gradient_midpoint
pl <- pl + ggplot2::scale_y_reverse()
#' @title A helper function for asigning colors in pseudotissue visualization
#' @description Adapted function from Giotto package [Dries et al, 2021], rewrite for use in scdrake package for a SingleCellExperiment object
#' @param n Number of desired colors.
#' @return A character vector of distinct colors.
#' @concept spatial_visualization
getDistinctColors <- function(n) {
qual_col_pals <-
RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info[RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info$category == "qual", ]
col_vector <-
if (n > length(col_vector)) {
# get all possible colors
all_colors <- grDevices::colors()
all_colors_no_grey <-
x = all_colors,
pattern = "grey|gray",
value = T,
invert = T
grey_colors <-
x = all_colors,
pattern = "grey",
value = T,
invert = F
admitted_grey_colors <- grey_colors[seq(1, 110, 10)]
broad_colors <- c(all_colors_no_grey, admitted_grey_colors)
# if too many colors stop
if (n > length(broad_colors)) {
warning("\n not enough unique colors in R, maximum = 444 \n")
col_vector <- sample(
x = broad_colors,
size = n,
replace = T
} else {
col_vector <- sample(
x = broad_colors,
size = n,
replace = F
} else {
xxx <- grDevices::col2rgb(col_vector)
dist_mat <- as.matrix(stats::dist(t(xxx)))
diag(dist_mat) <- 1e10
while (length(col_vector) > n) {
minv <- apply(dist_mat, 1, function(x) {
idx <- which(minv == min(minv))[1]
dist_mat <- dist_mat[-idx, -idx]
col_vector <- col_vector[-idx]
#' @title A function for visualization selected qc matrices in pseudotissue visualization
#' @description Adapted function from Giotto package [Dries et al, 2021], rewrite for use in scdrake package for a SingleCellExperiment object. Helper function for users, not in core scdrake package.
#' @param sce A `SingleCellExperiment` object.
#' @return A list of plots.
#' @concept spatial_visualization
plot_spat_visuals <- function(sce) {
to_plot <- c(
plist <- list()
n <- 1
for (j in to_plot) {
plist[[n]] <-
sce = sce,
sdimx = "Dims_x",
sdimy = "Dims_y",
cell_color = j,
point_size = 2,
point_shape = "border",
color_as_factor = F,
point_alpha = 1,
show_legend = T
n <- n + 1
#' @title A function for visualization selected genes in pseudotissue visualization
#' @description Adapted function from Giotto package [Dries et al, 2021], rewrite for use in scdrake package for a SingleCellExperiment object
#' @param sce A `SingleCellExperiment` object.
#' @return A ggplot2 object.
#' @concept spatial_visualization
spatGenePlot2Dsce <- function(sce,
sdimx = "Dims_x",
sdimy = "Dims_y",
expression_values = c("counts", "logcounts"),
cell_color_gradient = c("blue", "white", "red"),
gradient_midpoint = NULL,
gradient_limits = NULL,
edge_alpha = NULL,
# midpoint = 0,
scale_alpha_with_expression = FALSE,
point_shape = c("border", "no_border"),
point_size = 1,
point_alpha = 1,
point_border_col = "black",
point_border_stroke = 0.1,
show_legend = T,
legend_text = 8,
background_color = "white",
axis_text = 8,
axis_title = 8,
cow_n_col = 2,
cow_rel_h = 1,
cow_rel_w = 1,
cow_align = "h") {
# data.table variables
Barcode <- NULL
# point shape
point_shape <-
match.arg(point_shape, choices = c("border", "no_border"))
# expression values
values <- match.arg(expression_values, c("counts", "logcounts"))
expr_values <- as.matrix(assay(sce, values))
colnames(expr_values) <- colData(sce)[["Barcode"]]
# only keep genes that are in the dataset
selected_genes <- genes
selected_genes <-
selected_genes[selected_genes %in% rownames(expr_values)]
if (length(selected_genes) == 1) {
selected_genes <- selected_genes[1]
subset_expr_data <-
expr_values[rownames(expr_values) %in% selected_genes, ]
# t_sub_expr_data_DT = data.table::data.table('selected_gene' = subset_expr_data, 'Barcode' = colnames(expr_values))
t_sub_expr_data_DT <-
tibble::tibble({{ selected_genes }} := unname(subset_expr_data), "Barcode" = names(subset_expr_data))
# data.table::setnames(t_sub_expr_data_DT, 'selected_gene', selected_genes)
} else {
subset_expr_data <-
expr_values[rownames(expr_values) %in% selected_genes, ]
t_sub_expr_data <- t(subset_expr_data)
t_sub_expr_data_DT <- tibble::as.tibble(t_sub_expr_data)
# t_sub_expr_data_DT <- data.table::as.data.table(t_sub_expr_data)
t_sub_expr_data_DT <- t_sub_expr_data_DT %>%
dplyr::mutate(Barcode = rownames(t_sub_expr_data))
# t_sub_expr_data_DT[, Barcode := rownames(t_sub_expr_data)]
## get spatial cell locations
cell_locations <- metadata(sce)$spatial_locs
## get cell metadata
cell_metadata <- colData(sce)[, c("Barcode", sdimx, sdimy)]
cell_metadata <- as.data.frame(cell_metadata)
if (nrow(cell_metadata) == 0) {
cell_locations_metadata <- cell_locations
} else {
cell_locations_metadata <- cell_metadata
cell_locations_metadata_genes <-
merge(cell_locations_metadata, t_sub_expr_data_DT, by = "Barcode")
## plotting ##
savelist <- list()
for (gene in selected_genes) {
pl <- ggplot2::ggplot() +
pl <- pl + ggplot2::theme_classic()
### plot cells ###
## set gradient limits if needed ##
if (!is.null(gradient_limits) &
is.vector(gradient_limits) & length(gradient_limits) == 2) {
lower_lim <- gradient_limits[[1]]
upper_lim <- gradient_limits[[2]]
numeric_data <- cell_locations_metadata_genes[[gene]]
limit_numeric_data <-
numeric_data > upper_lim,
ifelse(numeric_data < lower_lim, lower_lim, numeric_data)
cell_locations_metadata_genes[[gene]] <- limit_numeric_data
## with border ##
if (point_shape == "border") {
if (scale_alpha_with_expression == TRUE) {
pl <-
pl + ggplot2::geom_point(
data = cell_locations_metadata_genes,
x = sdimx,
y = sdimy,
fill = gene,
alpha = gene
shape = 21,
color = point_border_col,
size = point_size,
stroke = point_border_stroke,
show.legend = show_legend
} else {
pl <-
pl + ggplot2::geom_point(
data = cell_locations_metadata_genes,
x = sdimx,
y = sdimy,
fill = gene
shape = 21,
color = point_border_col,
size = point_size,
stroke = point_border_stroke,
show.legend = show_legend,
alpha = point_alpha
## scale and labs ##
if (is.null(gradient_midpoint)) {
gradient_midpoint <- stats::median(
NA^(cell_locations_metadata_genes[[gene]] == 0) * cell_locations_metadata_genes[[gene]],
na.rm = TRUE
pl <- pl + ggplot2::scale_alpha_continuous(guide = "none")
pl <-
pl + ggplot2::scale_fill_gradient2(
low = cell_color_gradient[[1]],
mid = cell_color_gradient[[2]],
high = cell_color_gradient[[3]],
midpoint = gradient_midpoint,
guide = ggplot2::guide_colorbar(title = "")
pl <-
pl + ggplot2::labs(x = "coord x", y = "coord y", title = gene)
## no border ##
if (point_shape == "no_border") {
if (scale_alpha_with_expression == TRUE) {
pl <-
pl + ggplot2::geom_point(
data = cell_locations_metadata_genes,
x = sdimx,
y = sdimy,
color = gene,
alpha = gene
shape = 19,
size = point_size,
show.legend = show_legend
} else {
pl <-
pl + ggplot2::geom_point(
data = cell_locations_metadata_genes,
x = sdimx,
y = sdimy,
color = gene
shape = 19,
size = point_size,
show.legend = show_legend,
alpha = point_alpha
## scale and labs ##
if (is.null(gradient_midpoint)) {
gradient_midpoint <- stats::median(
NA^(cell_locations_metadata_genes[[gene]] == 0) * cell_locations_metadata_genes[[gene]],
na.rm = TRUE
pl <- pl + ggplot2::scale_alpha_continuous(guide = "none")
pl <-
pl + ggplot2::scale_color_gradient2(
low = cell_color_gradient[[1]],
mid = cell_color_gradient[[2]],
high = cell_color_gradient[[3]],
midpoint = gradient_midpoint,
guide = ggplot2::guide_colorbar(title = "")
pl <-
pl + ggplot2::labs(x = "coord x", y = "coord y", title = gene)
## theme ##
pl <-
pl + ggplot2::theme(
plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(hjust = 0.5),
legend.title = ggplot2::element_blank(),
legend.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = legend_text),
axis.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = axis_title),
axis.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = axis_text),
panel.grid = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.background = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = background_color)
savelist[[gene]] <- pl
# combine plots with cowplot
combo_plot <- cowplot::plot_grid(
plotlist = savelist,
ncol = cow_n_col,
rel_heights = cow_rel_h,
rel_widths = cow_rel_w,
align = cow_align
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