
Defines functions bic.mixture.multivariate

Documented in bic.mixture.multivariate

#' @title Multivariate BIC mixture
#' @description Latent class analysis based on (infinite) Gaussian mixture
#' model.
#' If the input (dat) is data matrix, a multivariate model is fitted. 
#' @param x matrix (for multivariate analysis)
#' @param max.modes Maximum number of modes to be checked for mixture
#' model selection
#' @param bic.threshold BIC threshold which needs to be exceeded before a
#' new mode is added to the mixture.
#' @param min.modes Minimum number of modes to be checked for mixture
#' model selection
#' @param ... Further optional arguments to be passed
#' @return Fitted latent class model (parameters and free energy)
#' @references See citation('netresponse') 
#' @author Contact: Leo Lahti \email{leo.lahti@@iki.fi}
#' @keywords utilities
bic.mixture.multivariate <- function(x, max.modes, bic.threshold = 0, min.modes = 1, 
    ...) {

    # x <- mat; max.modes = params$max.responses; bic.threshold =
    # params$bic.threshold
    best.mode <- bic.select.best.mode(x, max.modes, bic.threshold, min.modes)
    mcl <- Mclust(x, G = best.mode)
    bic <- try(-mclustBIC(x, G = best.mode)[, "VVV"])
    if (is.na(bic)) 
            bic <- Inf
        }  # infinitely bad = Inf
    means <- t(mcl$parameters$mean)
    vars <- t(apply(mcl$parameters$variance$sigma, 3, function(x) {
    sds <- sqrt(vars)
    ws <- as.vector(mcl$parameters$pro)
    if (is.null(ws)) {
        ws <- 1
    Nparams <- prod(dim(means)) + prod(dim(sds)) + length(ws)
    # Determine the most likely mode for each sample (-> hard clusters)
    qofz <- P.r.s(t(x), list(mu = means, sd = sds, w = ws), log = FALSE)
    rownames(qofz) <- rownames(x)
    colnames(qofz) <- paste("Mode", seq_len(ncol(qofz)), sep = "-")
    rownames(means) <- rownames(sds) <- names(ws) <-
        paste("Mode", seq_len(length(ws)), 
        sep = "-")
    colnames(means) <- colnames(sds) <- colnames(x)
    list(means = means, sds = sds, ws = ws, Nparams = Nparams,
        free.energy = -mcl$loglik, 
        qofz = qofz, bic = bic)
antagomir/netresponse documentation built on March 30, 2023, 7:24 a.m.