# ------------------------------------------
# Set working directory and load libraries
# ------------------------------------------
if (interactive()) {cur.dir <- dirname(parent.frame(2)$ofile); setwd(cur.dir)}
R.utils::sourceDirectory("../../lib", modifiedOnly = FALSE)
indep_cpg_analysis <- function(opts, sim){
# Initialize lists
indep_prof = indep_mean = eval_perf <- vector("list", length = length(opts$cpg_train_prcg))
# Load synthetic data
io <- list(data_file = paste0("high_noise_encode_data_", sim, ".rds"),
data_dir = "../../local-data/melissa/synthetic/imputation/coverage/raw/data-sims/")
obj <- readRDS(paste0(io$data_dir, io$data_file))
i <- 1
# Iterate
for (cpg_iter in opts$cpg_train_prcg) {
# Partition to training and test sets
dt <- partition_dataset(X = obj$synth_data$X, region_train_prcg = opts$region_train_prcg,
cpg_train_prcg = cpg_iter, is_synth = TRUE)
# List of genes with no coverage for each cell
region_ind <- lapply(X = 1:opts$N, FUN = function(n) which(!is.na(dt$train[[n]])))
na_ind <- lapply(X = 1:opts$N, FUN = function(n) which(is.na(dt$train[[n]])))
# List of cells with no coverage for each genomic region
cell_ind <- lapply(X = 1:opts$M, FUN = function(m) which(!is.na(lapply(dt$train, "[[", m))))
# Infer MLE methylation profiles for each cell and region
if (opts$is_parallel) { W_vb_prof <- parallel::mclapply(X = 1:opts$N, FUN = function(n)
infer_profiles_mle(X = dt$train[[n]][region_ind[[n]]], model = "bernoulli",
basis = opts$basis_prof, lambda = 1/10, opt_itnmax = 40)$W,
mc.cores = opts$no_cores)
}else{W_vb_prof <- lapply(X = 1:opts$N, FUN = function(n)
infer_profiles_mle(X = dt$train[[n]][region_ind[[n]]], model = "bernoulli",
basis = opts$basis_prof, lambda = 1/10, opt_itnmax = 40)$W)
# Infer MLE methylation rate for each cell and region
if (opts$is_parallel) { W_vb_mean <- parallel::mclapply(X = 1:opts$N, FUN = function(n)
infer_profiles_mle(X = dt$train[[n]][region_ind[[n]]], model = "bernoulli",
basis = opts$basis_mean, lambda = 1/10, opt_itnmax = 40)$W,
mc.cores = opts$no_cores)
}else{W_vb_mean <- lapply(X = 1:opts$N, FUN = function(n)
infer_profiles_mle(X = dt$train[[n]][region_ind[[n]]], model = "bernoulli",
basis = opts$basis_mean, lambda = 1/10, opt_itnmax = 40)$W)
# Store data in array objects
W_prof <- array(data = 0, dim = c(opts$M, opts$basis_prof$M + 1, opts$N))
W_mean <- array(data = 0, dim = c(opts$M, 1, opts$N))
for (n in 1:opts$N) { # Iterate over each cell
# Store optimized W to an array object (genes x basis x cells)
W_prof[region_ind[[n]],,n] <- W_vb_prof[[n]]
W_mean[region_ind[[n]],,n] <- W_vb_mean[[n]]
# Cases when we have empty genomic regions, sample randomly from other cell
# methylation profiles
for (cell in 1:opts$N) {
if (length(na_ind[[cell]]) > 0) {
for (m in na_ind[[m]]) {
ind_cell <- sample(cell_ind[[cell]], 1)
W_prof[m, , cell] <- W_prof[m, , ind_cell]
W_mean[m, , cell] <- W_mean[m, , ind_cell]
indep_prof[[i]] <- W_prof
indep_mean[[i]] <- W_mean
# Evalute model performance
eval_prof <- eval_performance(obj = W_prof, test = dt$test, basis = opts$basis_prof)
eval_mean <- eval_performance(obj = W_mean, test = dt$test, basis = opts$basis_mean)
eval_perf[[i]] <- list(eval_prof = eval_prof, eval_mean = eval_mean)
message("Computing AUC...")
pred_prof <- prediction(eval_prof$pred_obs, eval_prof$act_obs)
# roc_prof <- performance(pred_prof, "tpr", "fpr")
auc_prof <- performance(pred_prof, "auc")
auc_prof <- unlist(auc_prof@y.values)
pred_mean <- prediction(eval_mean$pred_obs, eval_mean$act_obs)
# roc_mean <- performance(pred_mean, "tpr", "fpr")
auc_mean <- performance(pred_mean, "auc")
auc_mean <- unlist(auc_mean@y.values)
i <- i + 1 # Increase counter
obj <- list(indep_prof = indep_prof, indep_mean = indep_mean,
eval_perf = eval_perf, opts = opts)
# Load synthetic data
io <- list(data_file = paste0("raw/data-sims/high_noise_encode_data_1.rds"),
out_dir = "../../local-data/melissa/synthetic/imputation/coverage/")
obj <- readRDS(paste0(io$out_dir, io$data_file))
opts <- obj$opts # Get options
opts$data_train_prcg <- 0.1 # % of data to keep fully for training
opts$region_train_prcg <- 1 # % of regions kept for training
opts$cpg_train_prcg <- seq(.1,.9,.1) # % of CpGs kept for training
opts$is_parallel <- TRUE # Use parallelized version
opts$no_cores <- 3 # Number of cores
# Parallel analysis
no_cores_out <- BPRMeth:::.parallel_cores(no_cores = opts$total_sims,
is_parallel = TRUE)
obj <- parallel::mclapply(X = 1:opts$total_sims, FUN = function(sim)
indep_cpg_analysis(opts = opts, sim = sim), mc.cores = no_cores_out)
message("Storing results...")
saveRDS(obj, file = paste0(io$out_dir, "high_noise_encode_indep_K", opts$K,
"_rbf", opts$basis_prof$M,
"_dataTrain", opts$data_train_prcg,
"_regionTrain", opts$region_train_prcg,
"_clusterVar", opts$cluster_var, ".rds") )
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