#' Wrapper to get paths to .fastq files depending on the layout
#' @param fastqdir Path to the directory where .fastq files will be stored.
#' @param run Run accession.
#' @param cmd What command to run. One of "S", "P1", or "P2". S will
#' run the command for single-end reads. P1 will run the command for
#' the first pair of paired-end reads. P2 will run the command for
#' the second pair.
#' @return Character with the path to .fastq file.
#' @noRd
get_fastq_paths <- function(fastqdir, run, cmd = "S") {
fastqfile <- NULL
if(cmd == "S") {
if(file.exists(paste0(fastqdir, "/", run, ".fastq.gz"))) {
fastqfile <- paste0(fastqdir, "/", run, ".fastq.gz")
} else { message("File not found") }
} else if(cmd == "P1") {
if(file.exists(paste0(fastqdir, "/", run, "_1.fastq.gz"))) {
fastqfile <- paste0(fastqdir, "/", run, "_1.fastq.gz")
} else { message("File not found.") }
} else {
if(file.exists(paste0(fastqdir, "/", run, "_2.fastq.gz"))) {
fastqfile <- paste0(fastqdir, "/", run, "_2.fastq.gz")
} else { message("File not found.") }
#' Get mapping summary statistics from STAR
#' @param star_dir Directory where STAR .log files are stored.
#' Default: results/03_read_mapping.
#' @return A data frame with STAR summary stats for each sample containing the
#' following variables (all numeric, except \strong{Sample}):
#' * Sample
#' * total_reads
#' * avg_input_read_length
#' * uniquely_mapped
#' * uniquely_mapped_percent
#' * avg_mapped_read_length
#' * num_splices
#' * num_annotated_splices
#' * num_GTAG_splices
#' * num_GCAG_splices
#' * num_ATAC_splices
#' * num_noncanonical_splices
#' * mismatch_rate
#' * deletion_rate
#' * deletion_length
#' * insertion_rate
#' * insertion_length
#' * multimapped
#' * multimapped_percent
#' * multimapped_toomany
#' * multimapped_toomany_percent
#' * unmapped_mismatches_percent
#' * unmapped_tooshort_percent
#' * unmapped_other_percent
#' * unmapped_mismatches
#' * unmapped_tooshort
#' * unmapped_other
#' @export
#' @rdname summary_stats_star
#' @examples
#' star_dir <- system.file("extdata", package = "bears")
#' qc_table <- summary_stats_star(star_dir)
summary_stats_star <- function(star_dir = "results/03_read_mapping") {
star_output <- list.files(
star_dir, pattern = "Log.final.out$", full.names = TRUE
val <- function(df, p) {
res <- df$value[grep(p, df$key)]
if(endsWith(res, "%")) { res <- gsub("%", "", res) }
parsed <- Reduce(rbind, lapply(seq_along(star_output), function(x) {
l <- readLines(star_output[x])
sl <- strsplit(l, " \\|\\\t")
sl <- sl[vapply(sl, length, numeric(1)) == 2]
df <- Reduce(rbind, lapply(sl, function(y) {
return(data.frame(key = y[1], value = y[2]))
# Create a data frame of summary stats for sample x
stats_df <- data.frame(
Sample = gsub("Log.*", "", basename(star_output[x])),
total_reads = val(df, "input reads"),
avg_input_read_length = val(df, "Average input"),
uniquely_mapped = val(df, "Uniquely mapped reads number"),
uniquely_mapped_percent = val(df, "Uniquely mapped reads %"),
avg_mapped_read_length = val(df, "Average mapped length"),
num_splices = val(df, "Number of splices: Total"),
num_annotated_splices = val(df, "Number of splices: Annotated"),
num_GTAG_splices = val(df, "GT/AG"),
num_GCAG_splices = val(df, "GC/AG"),
num_ATAC_splices = val(df, "AT/AC"),
num_noncanonical_splices = val(df, "Non-canonical"),
mismatch_rate = val(df, "Mismatch rate"),
deletion_rate = val(df, "Deletion rate"),
deletion_length = val(df, "Deletion average length"),
insertion_rate = val(df, "Insertion rate"),
insertion_length = val(df, "Insertion average length"),
multimapped = val(df, "Number of reads mapped to multiple"),
multimapped_percent = val(df, "% of reads mapped to multiple"),
multimapped_toomany = val(df, "Number of reads mapped to too"),
multimapped_toomany_percent = val(df, "% of reads mapped to too"),
unmapped_mismatches_percent = val(df, "% of reads unmapped: too many"),
unmapped_tooshort_percent = val(df, "% of reads unmapped: too short"),
unmapped_other_percent = val(df, "% of reads unmapped: other"),
unmapped_mismatches = val(df, "Number of reads unmapped: too many mis"),
unmapped_tooshort = val(df, "Number of reads unmapped: too short"),
unmapped_other = val(df, "Number of reads unmapped: other")
#' Get read quality summary statistics from fastp
#' @param fastp_qcdir Character with path to the directory where .json files
#' from fastp are stored. Default: results/QC_dir/fastp_stats.
#' @return A data frame of fastp summary stats for each sample with the
#' following variables:
#' * Sample
#' * sequencing
#' * before_nreads
#' * before_nbases
#' * before_q20bases
#' * before_q30bases
#' * before_q20rate
#' * before_q30rate
#' * before_GCcontent
#' * before_meanlength
#' * after_nreads
#' * after_nbases
#' * after_q20bases
#' * after_q30bases
#' * after_q20rate
#' * after_q30rate
#' * after_GCcontent
#' * after_meanlength
#' * filter_n_passed
#' * filter_n_lowquality
#' * filter_n_too_many_N
#' * filter_n_tooshort
#' * filter_n_toolong
#' * duplication_rate
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @export
#' @rdname summary_stats_fastp
#' @examples
#' fastp_qcdir <- system.file("extdata", package = "bears")
#' fastp_stats <- summary_stats_fastp(fastp_qcdir)
summary_stats_fastp <- function(fastp_qcdir = "results/QC_dir/fastp_stats") {
file <- list.files(fastp_qcdir, pattern = "\\.json$", full.names = TRUE)
parsed <- Reduce(rbind, lapply(seq_along(file), function(x) {
j <- jsonlite::fromJSON(file[x])
js <- as.data.frame(j$summary)
jf <- as.data.frame(j$filtering_result)
before_length_idx <- intersect(
grep("mean_length", names(js)), grep("before", names(js))
after_length_idx <- intersect(
grep("mean_length", names(js)), grep("after", names(js))
stats_df <- data.frame(
Sample = gsub("\\.json", "", basename(file[x])),
sequencing = js$sequencing,
# Before
before_nreads = js$before_filtering.total_reads,
before_nbases = js$before_filtering.total_bases,
before_q20bases = js$before_filtering.q20_bases,
before_q30bases = js$before_filtering.q30_bases,
before_q20rate = js$before_filtering.q20_rate,
before_q30rate = js$before_filtering.q30_rate,
before_GCcontent = js$before_filtering.gc_content,
before_meanlength = js[[before_length_idx]],
# After
after_nreads = js$after_filtering.total_reads,
after_nbases = js$after_filtering.total_bases,
after_q20bases = js$after_filtering.q20_bases,
after_q30bases = js$after_filtering.q30_bases,
after_q20rate = js$after_filtering.q20_rate,
after_q30rate = js$after_filtering.q30_rate,
after_GCcontent = js$after_filtering.gc_content,
after_meanlength = js[[after_length_idx]],
# Filtering summary
filter_n_passed = jf$passed_filter_reads,
filter_n_lowquality = jf$low_quality_reads,
filter_n_too_many_N = jf$too_many_N_reads,
filter_n_tooshort = jf$too_short_reads,
filter_n_toolong = jf$too_long_reads,
duplication_rate = j$duplication$rate
#' Get salmon mapping rate for each BioSample
#' @param salmondir Path to the directory where salmon
#' output files are.
#' @param biosamples A character vector of BioSample IDs that were
#' quantified with salmon.
#' @return A 2-column data frame with the following variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{BioSample}{Character, BioSample IDs.}
#' \item{Mapping_rate}{Numeric, mapping rate. Values range from 0 to 100.}
#' }
#' @export
#' @rdname summary_stats_salmon
#' @examples
#' salmondir <- system.file("extdata", package = "bears")
#' biosamples <- "SAMN02422669"
#' summary_stats_salmon(salmondir, biosamples)
summary_stats_salmon <- function(salmondir, biosamples) {
map_rate <- Reduce(rbind, lapply(biosamples, function(x) {
logpath <- file.path(salmondir, x, "logs", "salmon_quant.log")
lines <- readLines(logpath)
rate <- lines[grep("Mapping rate", lines)]
rate <- gsub(".* Mapping rate = ", "", rate)
rate <- as.numeric(gsub("%", "", rate))
if(length(rate) < 1) {
rate <- NA
rate_summary <- data.frame(
BioSample = x,
Mapping_rate = rate
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