# regular R functions to be used in S4 functions
# reads gzipped files with data.table::fread
#' @noRd
fread.gzipped<-function(filepath, ..., skipDecompress = FALSE ){
# check if file exists
if(!file.exists(filepath) )
stop("No such file: ", filepath)
# check if file is not empty
if( !file.size(filepath) > 0 )
stop(sprintf("ERROR: File %s is empty.",filepath))
# check if file is gzipped (either gz or bgz)
if (R.utils::isGzipped(filepath, method = "content")){
message("Uncompressing file.")
# starting from v1.11.8 data.table supports reading compressed files,
# by using R.utils::decompressFile function, but they check for
# extensions .gz and .bz2, so we keep our own function.
# however uncompressed output will be written to temp files,
# so for now we do not remove them and keep them as cache.
ext = if( tools::file_ext(filepath) == "bgz") "bgz" else "gz"
tmpFile <- R.utils::gunzip(filepath,
temporary = TRUE,
overwrite = TRUE,
remove = FALSE,
skip = skipDecompress,
ext = ext,
FUN = gzfile)
filepath <- tmpFile
if( !file.size(filepath) > 0 )
stop(sprintf("ERROR: File %s is empty.",filepath))
# on.exit(unlink( tmpFile ), add = TRUE)
## finally we read in the uncompressed file
message("Reading file.")
df <- data.table::fread(file = filepath,...)
# reads a table in a fast way to a dataframe
#' @noRd
.readTableFast <- function(filename,
header = TRUE,
skip = 0,
sep = "auto",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
filepath = filename,
header = header,
skip = skip,
sep = sep,
stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors,
data.table = FALSE
# reformats a data.frame to a standard methylraw data.frame
# no matter what the alignment pipeline
#' @noRd
# remove data beyond mincoverage
data = data[data[,5] >= mincov,]
strand = rep("+",nrow(data))
strand[data[, 4] == "R"] = "-"
numCs = round(data[, 5] * data[, 6] / 100)
numTs = round(data[, 5] * data[, 7] / 100)
df <- data.frame(
chr = data[, 2],
start = data[, 3],
end = data[, 3],
strand = strand,
coverage = as.integer(data[, 5]),
numCs = as.integer(numCs),
numTs = as.integer(numTs),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# sort the data
df <- df[with(df,order(chr,start,end)),]
row.names(df) <- 1:nrow(df)
# reformats a generic structure data.frame to a standard methylraw data.frame
# based on the column number assignment and if freqC is fraction or not.
#' @noRd
.structureGeneric<-function(data, pipeline,mincov)
#coerce coverage column to integer
# remove data beyond mincoverage
data = data[data[,coverage.col] >= mincov,]
strand[data[,strand.col]=="R" | data[,strand.col]=="-"]="-"
adj=ifelse(fraction, 1, 100)
numTs=data[,coverage.col] - numCs
#id=paste(data[,chr.col], data[,start.col],sep=".")
df <- data.frame(
chr = data[, chr.col],
start = data[, start.col],
end = data[, end.col],
strand = strand,
coverage = as.integer(data[, coverage.col]),
numCs = as.integer(numCs),
numTs = as.integer(numTs),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# sort the data
df <- df[with(df,order(chr,start,end)),]
row.names(df) <- 1:nrow(df)
if(!all(c("fraction", "chr.col", "start.col", "end.col", "coverage.col",
"strand.col", "freqC.col") %in% names(pipeline))){
stop("Miss components for pipeline for the generic read.",
"Try amp, or bismark, or a list in the correct format for",
"for generic methylation file reading!")
values=c(pipeline$chr.col, pipeline$start.col, pipeline$coverage.col,
pipeline$strand.col, pipeline$freqC.col)
stop("Find duplicated column number among chr.col, start.col,",
"coverage.col, strand.col, freqC.col!")
# checks if dbdir in read-call for methylRawDB and methylRawListDB objects exists
.check.dbdir <- function(dir){
if(dir=="/"){ stop("ERROR: Cannot write in root dir.\nDid you mean set dbdir to './'?") }
if(dir==getwd() ){
tabixDir <- sprintf(fmt = "methylDB_%s_%s",
sample(c(0:9, letters, LETTERS), 3, replace = TRUE),
collapse = "")
dir <- file.path(dir,tabixDir)
message(paste("creating directory ",dir,sep = ""))
tryCatch(expr = { dir <- normalizePath(dir) },
warning = {
message(paste("creating directory",dir,"..."))
dir.create(dir,recursive = TRUE,showWarnings = FALSE) },
error = function(e) {
stop(paste("given directory cannot be created:\n",e))
# unfies forward and reverse strand CpGs on the forward strand if the if
# both are on the same CpG
# if that's the case their values are generally correlated
.CpG.dinuc.unify <- function(cpg)
oldSciPen <- options()$scipen
options(scipen = 999)
## silence R CMD check NOTE
coverage.x = coverage.y = NULL
numCs.x = numCs.y = NULL
numTs.x = numTs.y = NULL
cpg = data.table(cpg, key = c("chr", "start", "end"))
cpgF = cpg[strand == "+", ]
cpgR = cpg[strand == "-", ]
cpgR[, `:=`(start = start - 1L,
end = end - 1L,
strand = "+")]
cpgFR = merge(cpgF, cpgR, by = c("chr", "start", "end"))
cpgFR[, `:=`(
strand = "+",
coverage = coverage.x + coverage.y,
numCs = numCs.x + numCs.y,
numTs = numTs.x + numTs.y
)][, grep("x|y", names(cpgFR), value = TRUE) := NULL]
# res=data.table(
# chr =as.character(cpgFR$chr),
# start =as.integer(cpgFR$start),
# end =as.integer(cpgFR$start),
# strand =rep("+",nrow(cpgFR)),
# coverage=cpgFR$coverage.x + cpgFR$coverage.y,
# numCs =cpgFR$numCs.x + cpgFR$numCs.y ,
# numTs =cpgFR$numTs.x + cpgFR$numTs.y ,
# stringsAsFactors =FALSE
# )
Fid = paste(cpgF$chr, cpgF$start, cpgF$end)
Rid = paste(cpgR$chr, cpgR$start, cpgR$end)
FRid = paste(cpgFR$chr, cpgFR$start, cpgFR$end)
cpgFR = rbind(cpgFR, cpgF[!Fid %in% FRid,], cpgR[!Rid %in% FRid,])
cpgFR[, `:=`(
chr = as.character(chr),
strand = as.character(strand),
start = as.integer(start),
end = as.integer(end)
setorder(cpgFR, "chr", "start")
options(scipen = oldSciPen)
.CpG.dinuc.unifyOld <- function(cpg)
oldSciPen <- options()$scipen
options(scipen = 999)
cpgR = cpg[cpg$strand == "-", ]
cpgF = cpg[cpg$strand == "+", ]
cpgR$start = cpgR$start - 1L
cpgR$end = cpgR$end - 1L
cpgR$strand = "+"
cpgFR = merge(cpgF, cpgR, by = c("chr", "start", "end"))
#hemi =cpgFR[abs(cpgFR$freqC.x-cpgFR$freqC.y)>=50,]
res = data.frame(
chr = as.character(cpgFR$chr),
start = as.integer(cpgFR$start),
end = as.integer(cpgFR$start),
strand = rep("+", nrow(cpgFR)),
coverage = cpgFR$coverage.x + cpgFR$coverage.y,
numCs = cpgFR$numCs.x + cpgFR$numCs.y ,
numTs = cpgFR$numTs.x + cpgFR$numTs.y ,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
Fid = paste(cpgF$chr, cpgF$start, cpgF$end)
Rid = paste(cpgR$chr, cpgR$start, cpgR$end)
resid = paste(res$chr, res$start, res$end)
res = rbind(res, cpgF[!Fid %in% resid, ], cpgR[!Rid %in% resid, ])
res = res[order(res$chr, res$start), ]
rownames(res) <- NULL
options(scipen = oldSciPen)
#' Read bismark coverage file as a methylKit object
#' Bismark aligner can output methylation information per base in
#' multiple different formats. This function reads coverage files,
#' which have chr,start,end, number of cytosines (methylated bases)
#' and number of thymines (unmethylated bases).
#' @param location a list or vector of file paths to coverage files
#' @param mincov a numeric value for minimum coverage. Bases that have coverage
#' below this value will be removed.
#' @return data.frame
#' @noRd
.procBismarkCoverage<-function( df,mincov=10)
# remove low coverage stuff
df=df[ (df[,5]+df[,6]) >= mincov ,]
# make the object (arrange columns of df), put it in a list
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' Read bismark cytosine report file as a methylKit object
#' Bismark aligner can output methylation information per base in
#' multiple different formats. This function reads cytosine report files,
#' which have chr,start, strand, number of cytosines (methylated bases)
#' and number of thymines (unmethylated bases),context, trinucletide context.
#' @param location file path to coverage files
#' @param mincov a numeric value for minimum coverage. Bases that have coverage
#' below this value will be removed.
#' @param context methylation context string, CpG,CHG,CHH
#' @return data.frame
#' @noRd
.procBismarkCytosineReport <- function(df, mincov = 10, context) {
if (context == "CpG") context = "CG"
# remove low coverage stuff
df=df[ (df[,4]+df[,5]) >= mincov ,]
df=df[ df[,6] == context ,]
# make the object (arrange columns of df), put it in a list
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# end of regular functions to be used in S4 functions
valid.methylRawObj <- function(object) {
check1=( (object@resolution == "base") | (object@resolution == "region") )
check3=(length(object@sample.id) == 1)
if(all(check1, check2, check3) ) {
else if (! check1 ){
cat("resolution slot has to be either 'base' or 'region':",
"other values not allowed\n")
else if(! check2){
cat("data part of methylRaw have",ncol(data),
"columns, expected 7 columns\n")
else if (! check3 ){
cat("object has more than one sample id:",object@sample.id,"\n",
"only one allowed\n")
#' An S4 class for holding raw methylation data from an alignment pipeline.
#' This object stores the raw mehylation data that is read in through read
#' function and extends \code{data.frame}.The raw methylation data is basically
#' percent methylation values and read coverage values per genomic base/region.
#' @section Slots:\describe{
#' \item{\code{sample.id}:}{string for an identifier of the sample}
#' \item{\code{assembly}:}{string for genome assembly, ex: hg18,hg19,mm9}
#' \item{\code{context}:}{ methylation context string, ex: CpG,CpH,CHH, etc.}
#' \item{\code{resolution}:}{ resolution of methylation information, 'base' or
#' 'region'}
#' }
#' @section Details:
#' \code{methylRaw} class extends \code{\link{data.frame}} class therefore
#' providing novice and experienced R users with a data structure that is well
#' known and ubiquitous in many R packages.
#' @section Subsetting:
#' In the following code snippets, \code{x} is a \code{methylRaw}.
#' Subsetting by \code{x[i,]} will produce a new object if subsetting is done on
#' rows. Column subsetting is not directly allowed to prevent errors in the
#' downstream analysis. see ?methylKit[ .
#' @section Accessors:
#' The following functions provides access to data slots of methylDiffDB:
#' - \code{\link{getData}}: get the data slot from the methylKit objects,
#' - \code{\link{getAssembly}}: get assembly of the genome,
#' - \code{\link{getContext}}: get the context of methylation
#' @section Coercion:
#' \code{methylRaw} object can be coerced to
#' \code{\link[GenomicRanges:GRanges-class]{GRanges}} object via \code{\link{as}} function.
#' @examples
#' # example of a raw methylation data as a text file
#' read.table(system.file("extdata", "control1.myCpG.txt",
#' package = "methylKit"),
#' header=TRUE,nrows=5)
#' data(methylKit)
#' # example of a methylRaw object
#' head(methylRawList.obj[[1]])
#' str(head(methylRawList.obj[[1]]))
#' library(GenomicRanges)
#' #coercing methylRaw object to GRanges object
#' my.gr=as(methylRawList.obj[[1]],"GRanges")
#' @name methylRaw-class
#' @aliases methylRaw
#' @docType class
#' @rdname methylRaw-class
#' @export
setClass("methylRaw", contains= "data.frame",representation(
sample.id = "character", assembly = "character",context="character",
#' An S4 class for holding a list of methylRaw objects.
#' This class stores the list of \code{\link{methylRaw}} objects.
#' Functions such as \code{lapply} can be used on this list. It extends
#' \code{\link[base]{list}} class. This object is primarily produced
#' by \code{\link{methRead}} function.
#' @section Slots:\describe{
#' \item{\code{treatment}}{numeric vector denoting control
#' and test samples}
#' \item{\code{.Data}}{a list of
#' \code{\link{methylRaw}} objects }
#' }
#' @section Constructor:\describe{
#' \item{\code{methylRawList(...)}}{combine multiple methylRaw
#' objects supplied in ... into a methylRawList object.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' data(methylKit)
#' #applying functions designed for methylRaw on methylRawList object
#' lapply(methylRawList.obj,"getAssembly")
#' @name methylRawList-class
#' @aliases methylRawList
#' @docType class
#' @rdname methylRawList-class
#' @export
setClass("methylRawList", representation(treatment = "numeric"),contains = "list")
### validity
valid.methylRawListObj <- function(object) {
# if all elements are methyl
if(!all(sapply(object,class) == "methylRaw")){
else if ( length(object) != length(object@treatment) ){
message("The number of samples is different from the number of treatments, ","
check the length of 'treatment'")
### constructor function
#' @param ... vector of methylRaw objects
#' @param treatment vector of treatment values
#' @name methylRawList-class
#' @aliases methylRawList
#' @rdname methylRawList-class
#' @export
methylRawList <- function(..., treatment) {
if (missing(treatment)) {
stop("no treatment vector given.")
listData <- list(...)
## check if input is really of type methylRaw
if (length(listData) == 0L) {
stop("no methylRaw object given.")
## flatten listData if '...' was list
if (length(listData) == 1L && is.list(listData[[1L]])) {
listData <- listData[[1L]]
## check if input is really of type methylRaw
if (!all(sapply(listData, is, "methylRaw"))) {
stop("all elements in '...' must be methylRaw objects")
## create new object
mrl <- new("methylRawList", listData, treatment = treatment)
## return if valid
if (valid.methylRawListObj(mrl)) {
#' read file(s) to methylRaw or methylRawList objects
#' The function reads a list of files or single files with methylation
#' information for bases/region in the genome and creates a methylrawList or
#' methylraw object.
#' The information can be stored as flat file database by creating a
#' methylrawlistDB or methylrawDB object.
#' @param location file location(s), either a list of locations (each a
#' character string) or one location string
#' @param sample.id sample.id(s)
#' @param assembly a string that defines the genome assembly such as hg18, mm9.
#' this is just a string for book keeping. It can be any string. Although,
#' when using multiple files from the same assembly, this string should be
#' consistent in each object.
#' @param dbtype type of the flat file database, currently only option
#' other than NA is "tabix". When "tabix" is given the objects are
#' stored in tabix files, which are compressed and indexed.
#' The default value is NA, in which case the objects are stored in
#' memory.
#' @param header if the input file has a header or not (default: TRUE)
#' @param skip number of lines to skip when reading. Can be set to 1 for bed
#' files with track line (default: 0)
#' @param sep seperator between fields, same as \code{\link{read.table}} argument
#' (default: "\\t")
#' @param pipeline name of the alignment pipeline, it can be either "amp",
#' "bismark","bismarkCoverage", "bismarkCytosineReport" or a list (default:'amp').
#' The methylation text files generated from other pipelines can be
#' read as generic methylation text files by supplying a named
#' \code{\link[base]{list}} argument as "pipeline" argument.
#' The named \code{list} should containt column numbers which denotes which
#' column of the text file corresponds to values and genomic location of the
#' methylation events. See Details for more on possible values for this
#' argument.
#' @param resolution designates whether methylation information is base-pair
#' resolution or regional resolution. allowed values 'base' or 'region'.
#' Default 'base'
#' @param treatment a vector contatining 0 and 1 denoting which samples are
#' control which samples are test
#' @param context methylation context string, ex: CpG,CHG,CHH, etc. (default:CpG)
#' @param dbdir directory where flat file database(s) should be stored, defaults
#' to getwd(), working directory.
#' @param mincov minimum read coverage to be included in the methylKit objects.
#' defaults to 10. Any methylated base/region in the text files
#' below the mincov value will be ignored.
#' @examples
#' # this is a list of example files, ships with the package
#' # for your own analysis you will just need to provide set of paths to files
#' # you will not need the "system.file(..." part
#' file.list=list(
#' system.file("extdata", "test1.myCpG.txt", package = "methylKit"),
#' system.file("extdata", "test2.myCpG.txt", package = "methylKit"),
#' system.file("extdata", "control1.myCpG.txt", package = "methylKit"),
#' system.file("extdata", "control2.myCpG.txt", package = "methylKit")
#' )
#' # read the files to a methylRawList object: myobj
#' myobj=methRead(file.list,
#' sample.id=list("test1","test2","ctrl1","ctrl2"),
#' assembly="hg18",treatment=c(1,1,0,0))
#' # read one file as methylRaw object
#' myobj=methRead( file.list[[1]],
#' sample.id="test1",assembly="hg18")
#' # read a generic text file containing CpG methylation values
#' # let's first look at the content of the file
#' generic.file=system.file("extdata", "generic1.CpG.txt",package = "methylKit")
#' read.table(generic.file,header=TRUE)
#' # And this is how you can read that generic file as a methylKit object
#' myobj=methRead( generic.file,
#' pipeline=list(fraction=FALSE,chr.col=1,start.col=2,end.col=2,
#' coverage.col=4,strand.col=3,freqC.col=5),
#' sample.id="test1",assembly="hg18")
#' # This creates tabix files that save methylation data
#' # Without specified dbdir first creates a folder named the following
#' # in working directory:
#' # paste("methylDB",Sys.Date(),paste(sample(c(0:9, letters, LETTERS),3,
#' # replace=TRUE),collapse=""))
#' #
#' # Then, saves tabix files from methylKit objects there
#' myobj=methRead( file.list,
#' sample.id=list("test1","test2","ctrl1","ctrl2"),
#' assembly="hg18",treatment=c(1,1,0,0),
#' dbtype="tabix")
#' # This creates a single tabix files that saves methylation data
#' # first creates a "methylDB_objects" directory
#' # Then, saves tabix file from methylKit objects there
#' myobj=methRead(file.list[[1]],
#' sample.id="test1",
#' assembly="hg18",
#' dbtype="tabix",dbdir="methylDB_objects")
#' # tidy up
#' rm(myobj)
#' unlink(list.files(pattern = "methylDB",full.names = TRUE),recursive = TRUE)
#' @section Details:
#' The output of \code{methRead} is determined by specific input arguments,as there
#' are \code{location}, \code{sample.id}, \code{assembly} and \code{dbtype}.
#' The first three are obligatory, while if the last argument is given database
#' features are enabled.
#' If then \code{location} refers to an uncompressed file the function will
#' create a flat file database and
#' the associated methylRawDB object will link to this database.
#' If then \code{location} refers to an earlier created database file then the
#' object will directly link to this database,
#' skipping the preprocessing steps.
#' When \code{pipeline} argument is a list, it is exptected to provide a named
#' list with following names.
#' 'fraction' is a logical value, denoting if the column frequency of Cs has a
#' range from [0-1] or [0-100]. If true it assumes range is [0-1].
#' 'chr.col" is the number of the column that has chrosome string.
#' 'start.col' is the number of the column that has start coordinate of the
#' base/region of the methylation event.
#' 'end.col' is the number of the column that has end coordinate of the
#' base/region of the methylation event.
#' 'coverage.col' is the number of the column that has read coverage values.
#' 'strand.col' is the number of the column that has strand information, the
#' strand information in the file has to be in the form of '+' or '-',
#' 'freqC.col' is the number of the column that has the frequency of Cs.
#' See examples to see how to read a generic methylation text file.
#' Other possible values for \code{pipeline} argument are 'amp','bismark',
#' 'bismarkCoverage' and 'bismarkCytosineReport'. For 'amp' and 'bismark'
#' the function expects a tabular format shown in the webpage
#' (http://github.com/al2na/methylKit).
#' "amp" and "bismark" expect identical input and are kept for historical
#' reasons. 'amp' was a pipeline used in Akalin et al. 2012 Plos Genetics
#' paper, publicly available in googlecode.
#' Bismark aligner can output methylation information per
#' base in
#' multiple formats. With \code{pipeline='bismarkCoverage'},
#' the function reads bismark coverage files,
#' which have chr,start,end, number of cytosines (methylated bases)
#' and number of thymines (unmethylated bases) format.
#' If bismark coverage files are used the function will not have
#' the strand information,so beware of that fact.
#' With \code{pipeline='bismarkCytosineReport'}, the function expects
#' cytosine report files from Bismark,
#' which have chr,start, strand, number of cytosines (methylated bases)
#' , number of thymines (unmethylated bases),context and trinucletide context
#' format.
#' The function can also read gzipped files. On unix systems, this is achieved
#' by using \code{zcat filename} and feeding that into \code{data.table::fread}
#' . On Windows, the file is first uncompressed then read into R using
#' \code{data.table::fread}.
#' @return returns methylRaw, methylRawList, methylRawDB, methylRawListDB object
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname methRead-methods
setGeneric("methRead", function(location,sample.id,assembly,dbtype=NA,
#' @rdname methRead-methods
#' @aliases methRead,character,character,character-method
setMethod("methRead", signature(location = "character",sample.id="character",
message("Received single location.")
if(! file.exists(location)){
stop(location,", That file doesn't exist !!!")}
if( tools::file_ext(location)=="bgz" ) {
if(!is.na(dbtype)) {
if(dbtype == "tabix") {
obj = readMethylRawDB(dbpath = location,dbtype = dbtype,
sample.id = sample.id,
assembly = assembly, context = context,
resolution = resolution)
} else {
stop(paste("file",location,"is compressed,", "\nplease use dbtype='tabix' ",
"or provide uncompressed file with supported pipeline."))
} else {
data<- .readTableFast(location,header=header,skip=skip,sep=sep)# read data
if(length(pipeline)==1 ){
if(pipeline %in% c("amp","bismark") )
data<- .structureAMPoutput(data,mincov)
}else if(pipeline == "bismarkCytosineReport"){
if (!context %in% c("CpG","CHG","CHH")) {
stop("Unknown bismark context given, supported contexts are:",
"'CpG', 'CHG' or 'CHH'")
message("Filtering for context: ",context,".")
data= .procBismarkCytosineReport(data,mincov,context)
}else if(pipeline == "bismarkCoverage"){
data= .procBismarkCoverage(data,mincov)
stop("unknown 'pipeline' argument, supported processing pipelines are: ",
"'bismarkCytosineReport','bismarkCoverage','amp' or 'bismark' " )
data<- .structureGeneric(data, pipeline,mincov)
dbdir <- .check.dbdir(dir = dbdir)
## if only the location given we assume the file is compressed and contains header,
## if this is not the case error is returned
# @return returns a methylRawDB object
#' @rdname methRead-methods
#' @aliases methRead,character-method
setMethod("methRead", signature(location = "character"),
message("Received single location.")
if(! file.exists(location)){
stop(location,", That file doesn't exist !!!")}
if( tools::file_ext(location)=="bgz" ) {
if(!is.na(dbtype)) {
if(dbtype == "tabix") {
obj = readMethylRawDB(dbpath = location,dbtype = dbtype,
sample.id = sample.id,
assembly = assembly, context = context,
resolution = resolution)
} else {
stop(paste("dbtype unspecified but file is compressed:\n",location,
"\n\nPlease use dbtype='tabix' or",
"\nprovide uncompressed file with supported pipeline."))
} else {
stop(paste("Cannot directly load uncompressed file:\n",location,"\n\nPlease provide sample.id",
"and assembly."))
# @param dbtype type of the flat file database, currently only option is "tabix"
# @param dbdir directory where flat file database(s) should be stored, defaults
# @return returns a methylRawListDB object
#' @rdname methRead-methods
#' @aliases methRead,list,list,character-method
setMethod("methRead", signature(location = "list",sample.id="list",
message("Received list of locations.")
stop("Treatment vector is missing.")
#check if the given arugments makes sense
if(length(location) != length(sample.id)){
stop("length of 'location' and 'name' should be same\n")
if( (length(treatment) != length(sample.id)) & (length(treatment) !=0) ){
stop("length of 'treatment', 'name' and 'location' should be same\n")
if(all(tools::file_ext(location)=="bgz")) {
if(!is.na(dbtype)) {
if(dbtype == "tabix") {
for(i in 1:length(location))
obj = readMethylRawDB(dbpath = location[[i]],dbtype = dbtype,
sample.id = sample.id[[i]],
assembly = assembly, context = context,
resolution = resolution)
} else {
stop("files are compressed,\nplease use dbtype 'tabix' or provide uncompressed file with supported pipeline.")
} else if( any(tools::file_ext(location)=="bgz") ) {
stop("one or more files are compressed,\nplease process uncompressed files beforehand and provide only either only compressed or only uncompressed files.")
} else {
if(!is.na(dbtype)) dbdir <- .check.dbdir(dbdir)
# read each given location and record it as methylraw object
for(i in 1:length(location))
data<- .readTableFast(location[[i]],header=header,skip=skip,
sep=sep)# read data
if(length(pipeline)==1 )
if(pipeline %in% c("amp","bismark")){
data<- .structureAMPoutput(data,mincov)
}else if(pipeline == "bismarkCytosineReport"){
data= .procBismarkCytosineReport(data, mincov, context)
}else if(pipeline == "bismarkCoverage"){
data= .procBismarkCoverage(data,mincov)
} else {
stop("unknown 'pipeline' argument, supported processing pipelines are: ",
"'bismarkCytosineReport','bismarkCoverage','amp' or 'bismark' ",
"\nIf you do not have these formats, please give",
"\na parameter list containing the format information of",
"\nthe data. Please refer details in the function help page")
#stop("unknown 'pipeline' argument, supported alignment
# pipelines: amp")
data<- .structureGeneric(data, pipeline,mincov)
if(is.na(dbtype) ){
## if only the location given we assume the file is compressed and contains header,
## if this is not the case error is returned
# @return returns a methylRawDB object
#' @rdname methRead-methods
#' @aliases methRead,list,list,character-method
setMethod("methRead", signature(location = "list"),
message("Received list of locations.")
stop("Treatment vector is missing.")
if( (length(treatment) != length(location)) & (length(treatment) !=0) ){
stop("length of 'treatment', 'name' and 'location' should be same\n")
if(all(tools::file_ext(location)=="bgz")) {
if(!is.na(dbtype)) {
if(dbtype == "tabix") {
for(i in 1:length(location))
obj = readMethylRawDB(dbpath = location[[i]],dbtype = dbtype,
sample.id = sample.id[[i]],
assembly = assembly, context = context,
resolution = resolution)
} else {
stop(paste("dbtype unspecified but files are compressed.",
"\n\nPlease use dbtype='tabix' or",
"\nprovide uncompressed file with supported pipeline."))
} else if( any(tools::file_ext(location)=="bgz") ) {
stop("one or more files are compressed,\nplease process uncompressed files beforehand and provide only either only compressed or only uncompressed files.")
} else {
stop(paste("file",location,"is uncompressed,", "\nplease provide sample.id",
"and assembly."))
#' Filter methylRaw, methylRawDB, methylRawList and methylRawListDB object
#' based on read coverage
#' This function filters \code{methylRaw}, \code{methylRawDB},
#' \code{methylRawList} and \code{methylRawListDB} objects.
#' You can filter based on lower read cutoff or high read cutoff.
#' Higher read cutoff is usefull to eliminate PCR effects
#' Lower read cutoff is usefull for doing better statistical tests.
#' @param methylObj a \code{methylRaw}, \code{methylRawDB}, \code{methylRawList}
#' or \code{methylRawListDB} object
#' @param lo.count An integer for read counts.Bases/regions having lower
#' coverage than this count is discarded
#' @param lo.perc A double [0-100] for percentile of read counts. Bases/regions
#' having lower coverage than this percentile is discarded
#' @param hi.count An integer for read counts. Bases/regions having higher
#' coverage than this is count discarded
#' @param hi.perc A double [0-100] for percentile of read counts. Bases/regions
#' having higher coverage than this percentile is discarded
#' @param chunk.size Number of rows to be taken as a chunk for processing the
#' \code{methylRawDB} or \code{methylRawListDB} objects, default: 1e6
#' @param save.db A Logical to decide whether the resulting object should be
#' saved as flat file database or not, default: explained in Details sections
#' @param ... optional Arguments used when save.db is TRUE
#' \code{suffix}
#' A character string to append to the name of the output
#' flat file database,
#' only used if save.db is true, default actions: append
#' \dQuote{_filtered} to current filename
#' if database already exists or generate new file with
#' filename \dQuote{sampleID_filtered}
#' \code{dbdir}
#' The directory where flat file database(s) should be stored,
#' defaults
#' to getwd(), working directory for newly stored databases
#' and to original directory for already existing database
#' \code{dbtype}
#' The type of the flat file database, currently only
#' option is "tabix"
#' (only used for newly stored databases)
#' @examples
#' data(methylKit)
#' # filter out bases with covereage above 500 reads
#' filtered1=filterByCoverage(methylRawList.obj,lo.count=NULL,lo.perc=NULL,
#' hi.count=500,hi.perc=NULL)
#' # filter out bases with cread coverage above 99.9th percentile of coverage
#' # distribution
#' filtered2=filterByCoverage(methylRawList.obj,lo.count=NULL,lo.perc=NULL,
#' hi.count=NULL,hi.perc=99.9)
#' # filter out bases with covereage above 500 reads and save to database
#' # "test1_max500.txt.bgz"
#' # in directory "methylDB", filtered3 now becomes a \code{methylRawDB} object
#' filtered3=filterByCoverage(methylRawList.obj[[1]], lo.count=NULL,lo.perc=NULL,
#' hi.count=500, hi.perc=NULL, save.db=TRUE,
#' suffix="max500", dbdir="methylDB")
#' # tidy up
#' rm(filtered3)
#' unlink("methylDB",recursive=TRUE)
#' @section Details:
#' The parameter \code{chunk.size} is only used when working with
#' \code{methylRawDB} or \code{methylRawListDB} objects,
#' as they are read in chunk by chunk to enable processing large-sized objects
#' which are stored as flat file database.
#' Per default the chunk.size is set to 1M rows, which should work for most
#' systems. If you encounter memory problems or
#' have a high amount of memory available feel free to adjust the
#' \code{chunk.size}.
#' The parameter \code{save.db} is per default TRUE for methylDB objects as
#' \code{methylRawDB} and \code{methylRawListDB},
#' while being per default FALSE for \code{methylRaw} and \code{methylRawList}.
#' If you wish to save the result of an
#' in-memory-calculation as flat file database or if the size of the database
#' allows the calculation in-memory,
#' then you might change the value of this parameter.
#' @return \code{methylRaw}, \code{methylRawDB}, \code{methylRawList} or
#' \code{methylRawListDB} object depending on input object
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname filterByCoverage-methods
standardGeneric("filterByCoverage") )
#' @aliases filterByCoverage,methylRaw-method
#' @rdname filterByCoverage-methods
setMethod("filterByCoverage", signature(methylObj="methylRaw"),
if( is.null(lo.count) & is.null(lo.perc) & is.null(hi.count) &
is.null(hi.perc) ){return(methylObj)}
data=getData(methylObj) # get the data part
#figure out which cut-offs to use, maybe there is more elagent ways,
# quick&dirty works for now
if(is.numeric(lo.count) ){lo.count=lo.count}
if(!save.db) {
} else {
# catch additional args
args <- list(...)
if( !( "dbdir" %in% names(args)) ){
dbdir <- .check.dbdir(getwd())
} else { dbdir <- .check.dbdir(args$dbdir) }
# if(!( "dbtype" %in% names(args) ) ){
# dbtype <- "tabix"
# } else { dbtype <- args$dbtype }
if(!( "suffix" %in% names(args) ) ){
suffix <- paste0("_","filtered")
} else {
suffix <- args$suffix
suffix <- paste0("_",suffix)
# create methylRawDB
#message(paste("creating file",paste0(methylObj@sample.id,suffix,".txt")))
obj <- makeMethylRawDB(df=data,dbpath=dbdir,dbtype="tabix",
obj@sample.id <- methylObj@sample.id
#' @aliases filterByCoverage,methylRawList-method
#' @rdname filterByCoverage-methods
setMethod("filterByCoverage", signature(methylObj="methylRawList"),
if( is.null(lo.count) & is.null(lo.perc) & is.null(hi.count) &
is.null(hi.perc) ){
if(!save.db) {
new("methylRawList", new.list,treatment=methylObj@treatment)
} else {
args <- list(...)
if( !( "dbdir" %in% names(args)) ){
dbdir <- .check.dbdir(getwd())
} else { dbdir <- .check.dbdir(args$dbdir) }
new("methylRawListDB", new.list,treatment=methylObj@treatment)
#' An S4 class for methylation events sampled in multiple experiments
#' This class is designed to contain methylation information such as coverage,
#' number of methylated bases, etc..
#' The methylation events contained in the class must be sampled in multiple
#' experiments (ex: only CpG bases covered in multiple experiments are stored
#' in the object of this class).
#' The class extends \code{data.frame} and creates an object that holds
#' methylation information and genomic location.
#' The object belonging to this class is produced by \code{\link{unite}} function.
#' @section Slots:\describe{
#' \item{\code{sample.ids}:}{character vector for ids of
#' samples in the object}
#' \item{\code{assembly}:}{name of the genome assembly}
#' \item{\code{context}:}{context of methylation.
#' Ex: CpG,CpH,CHH, etc}
#' \item{\code{treatment}:}{treatment vector denoting which
#' samples are test and control}
#' \item{\code{coverage.index}:}{vector denoting which columns
#' in the data correspons to coverage values}
#' \item{\code{numCs.index}:}{vector denoting which columns in
#' the data correspons to number of methylatedCs values}
#' \item{\code{numTs.index}:}{vector denoting which columns
#' in the data correspons to number of unmethylated Cs values}
#' \item{\code{destranded}:}{ logical value. If \code{TRUE}
#' object is destranded, if \code{FALSE} it is not.}
#' \item{\code{resolution}:}{ resolution of methylation
#' information, allowed values: 'base' or 'region'}
#' }
#' @section Details:
#' \code{methylBase} class extends \code{\link{data.frame}} class
#' therefore providing novice and experienced R users with a data
#' structure that is well known and ubiquitous in many R packages.
#' @section Subsetting:
#' In the following code snippets, \code{x} is a \code{methylBase}.
#' Subsetting by \code{x[i,]} will produce a new object if subsetting is done on
#' rows. Column subsetting is not directly allowed to prevent errors in the
#' downstream analysis. see ?methylKit[ .
#' @section Accessors:
#' The following functions provides access to data slots of methylDiffDB:
#' - \code{\link{getData}}: get the data slot from the methylKit objects,
#' - \code{\link{getAssembly}}: get assembly of the genome,
#' - \code{\link{getContext}}: get the context of methylation
#' @section Coercion:
#' \code{methylBase} object can be coerced to
#' \code{\link[GenomicRanges:GRanges-class]{GRanges}} object via \code{\link{as}} function.
#' @examples
#' data(methylKit)
#' library(GenomicRanges)
#' my.gr=as(methylBase.obj,"GRanges")
#' @name methylBase-class
#' @aliases methylBase
#' @docType class
#' @rdname methylBase-class
#' @export
sample.ids = "character", assembly = "character",context = "character",
destranded="logical",resolution = "character"))
#' unite methylRawList to a single table
#' This functions unites \code{methylRawList} and \code{methylRawListDB}
#' objects that only bases with coverage from all samples are retained.
#' The resulting object is either of class \code{methylBase} or
#' \code{methylBaseDB} depending on input.
#' @param object a methylRawList or methylRawListDB object to be merged by
#' common locations covered by reads
#' @param destrand if TRUE, reads covering both strands of a CpG dinucleotide
#' will be merged,
#' do not set to TRUE if not only interested in CpGs (default: FALSE).
#' If the methylRawList object
#' contains regions rather than bases setting destrand to TRUE will have no
#' effect.
#' @param min.per.group an integer denoting minimum number of samples per
#' replicate needed to cover a region/base. By default only regions/bases that
#' are covered in all samples
#' are united as methylBase object, however by supplying an integer for
#' this argument users can control how many samples needed to cover
#' region/base to be united as methylBase object.
#' For example, if min.per.group set to 2 and there are 3 replicates per
#' condition, the bases/regions that are covered in at least 2 replicates
#' will be united and missing data for uncovered bases/regions will appear
#' as NAs.
#' @param chunk.size Number of rows to be taken as a chunk for processing the
#' \code{methylRawListDB} objects, default: 1e6
#' @param mc.cores number of cores to use when processing \code{methylRawListDB}
#' objects, default: 1, but always 1 for Windows)
#' @param save.db A Logical to decide whether the resulting object should be
#' saved as flat file database or not, default: explained in Details sections
#' @param ... optional Arguments used when save.db is TRUE
#' \code{suffix}
#' A character string to append to the name of the output
#' flat file database,
#' only used if save.db is true, default actions:
#' The default suffix is a 13-character random string appended
#' to the fixed prefix \dQuote{methylBase}, e.g.
#' \dQuote{methylBase_16d3047c1a254.txt.bgz}.
#' \code{dbdir}
#' The directory where flat file database(s) should be stored,
#' defaults
#' to getwd(), working directory for newly stored databases
#' and to same directory for already existing database
#' \code{dbtype}
#' The type of the flat file database, currently only
#' option is "tabix"
#' (only used for newly stored databases)
#' @return a methylBase or methylBaseDB object depending on input
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(methylKit)
#' ## Following
#' my.methylBase=unite(methylRawList.obj)
#' my.methylBase=unite(methylRawList.obj,destrand=TRUE)
#' @section Details:
#' The parameter \code{chunk.size} is only used when working with
#' \code{methylRawDB} or \code{methylRawListDB} objects,
#' as they are read in chunk by chunk to enable processing large-sized
#' objects which are stored as flat file database.
#' Per default the chunk.size is set to 1M rows, which should work
#' for most systems. If you encounter memory problems or
#' have a high amount of memory available feel free to adjust the
#' \code{chunk.size}.
#' The parameter \code{save.db} is per default TRUE for methylDB objects as
#' \code{methylRawListDB},
#' while being per default FALSE for \code{methylRawList}.
#' If you wish to save the result of an
#' in-memory-calculation as flat file database or if the size of the database
#' allows the calculation in-memory,
#' then you might change the value of this parameter.
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname unite-methods
setGeneric("unite", function(object,destrand=FALSE,min.per.group=NULL,
unite.methylRawList <- function(object,destrand=FALSE,min.per.group=NULL,
#check if assemblies,contexts and resolutions are same type NOT IMPLEMENTED
if( length(unique(vapply(object,function(x) x@context,
FUN.VALUE="character"))) > 1)
stop("supplied methylRawList object have different methylation ",
"contexts:not all methylation events from the same bases")
if( length(unique(vapply(object,function(x) x@assembly,
FUN.VALUE="character"))) > 1)
stop("supplied methylRawList object have different genome assemblies")
if( length(unique(vapply(object,function(x) x@resolution
,FUN.VALUE="character"))) > 1)
stop("supplied methylRawList object have different methylation ",
"resolutions:some base-pair some regional")
if( (!is.null(min.per.group)) & ( ! is.integer( min.per.group ) ) ){
stop("min.per.group should be an integer\n",
"try providing integers as 1L, 2L,3L etc.\n")}
if( any(min.per.group > min(table(object@treatment))) ){
stop("min.per.group can not be higher than\n",
"number of samples in smallest group\n")}
#merge raw methylation calls together
if(destrand & (object[[1]]@resolution == "base") ){
contexts =c(object[[1]]@context)
for(i in 2:length(object))
if(destrand & (object[[1]]@resolution == "base") ){
if( is.null(min.per.group) ){
# merge the dat to a data.frame
suffixes=c(as.character(i-1),as.character(i) ) )
#df=df[df2, nomatch=FALSE]
df2=data.table(df2,key=c("chr","start","end","strand") )
# using hacked data.table merge called merge2: temporary fix
suffixes=c(as.character(i-1),as.character(i) ) ,all=TRUE)
#df=df[df2, nomatch=FALSE]
if( length( unique(assemblies) ) != 1 ){
stop("assemblies of methylrawList elements should be same\n")}
if( ! is.null(min.per.group) ){
# if the the min.per.group argument is supplied,
#remove the rows that doesn't have enough coverage
# get indices of coverage,numCs and numTs in the data frame
numCs.ind =coverage.ind+1
numTs.ind =coverage.ind+2
start.ind =2 # will be needed to weed out NA values on chr/start/end/strand
for(i in unique(object@treatment) ){
ldat = !is.na(df[,my.ind,with=FALSE])
if( is.null(dim(ldat)) ){ # if there is only one dimension
# get all location columns, they are now duplicated with possible NA values
# get location matrix
#locs=t(apply(mat,1,function(x) unique(x[!is.na(x)]) ) )
#if(ncol(locs)==3){ # if the resolution is base
# df[,c(2:5)]=data.frame(chr=locs[,1],start=as.numeric(locs[,2]),
# end=as.numeric(locs[,2]),strand=locs[,3])
#}else{ # if the resolution is region
# df[,c(2:5)]=data.frame(chr=locs[,1],start=as.numeric(locs[,2]),
# end=as.numeric(locs[,3]),strand=locs[,4])
# will be needed to weed out NA values on chr/start/end/strand
#start.ind =seq(10,by=7,length.out=length(object))
# get indices of coverage,numCs and numTs in the data frame
numCs.ind =coverage.ind+1
numTs.ind =coverage.ind+2
# change column names
names(df)[coverage.ind]=paste(c("coverage"),1:length(object),sep="" )
names(df)[numCs.ind] =paste(c("numCs"),1:length(object),sep="" )
names(df)[numTs.ind] =paste(c("numTs"),1:length(object),sep="" )
if(!save.db) {
#make methylbase object and return the object
resolution=object[[1]]@resolution )
if(nrow(obj) == 0)
stop(sprintf("no %s were united. try adjusting 'min.per.group'.",
} else {
# catch additional args
args <- list(...)
# print(args)
if( !( "dbdir" %in% names(args)) ){
dbdir <- .check.dbdir(getwd())
} else { dbdir <- .check.dbdir(args$dbdir) }
if(!( "dbtype" %in% names(args) ) ){
dbtype <- "tabix"
} else { dbtype <- args$dbtype }
if(!( "suffix" %in% names(args) ) ){
suffix <- NULL
} else {
suffix <- args$suffix
suffix <- paste0("_",suffix)
# create methylBaseDB
#message(paste("creating file",paste0(methylObj@sample.id,suffix,".txt")))
obj <- tryCatch(expr = {
error = function(e) {
stop(sprintf("no %s were united. try adjusting 'min.per.group'.",
obj@sample.ids <- sample.ids
message(paste0("flatfile located at: ",obj@dbpath))
#' @rdname unite-methods
#' @aliases unite,methylRawList-method
setMethod("unite", "methylRawList",unite.methylRawList)
#### getCorrelation ####
#' get correlation between samples in methylBase or methylBaseDB object
#' The functions returns a matrix of correlation coefficients and/or a set
#' of scatterplots showing the relationship between samples. The scatterplots
#' will contain also fitted lines using \code{lm()} for linear regression
#' and \code{lowess} for polynomial regression.
#' @param object a methylBase or methylBaseDB object
#' @param method a character string indicating which correlation coefficient
#' (or covariance) is to be computed (default:"pearson", other options are
#' "kendall" and "spearman")
#' @param plot scatterPlot if TRUE (default:FALSE)
#' @param nrow a numeric giving the number of lines to read in of methylBaseDB
#' object, defaults to 2e6
#' @return a correlation matrix object and plot scatterPlot
#' @usage getCorrelation(object,method="pearson",plot=FALSE,nrow)
#' @examples
#' data(methylKit)
#' getCorrelation(methylBase.obj,method="pearson",plot=FALSE)
#' # create methylBaseDB
#' methylBaseDB.obj <- unite(methylRawList.obj,save.db=TRUE,dbdir="methylDB")
#' getCorrelation(methylBaseDB.obj,method="pearson",plot=FALSE,nrow=10000)
#' # remove Database again
#' rm(methylBaseDB.obj)
#' unlink("methylDB",recursive=TRUE)
#' @section Details: The argument 'nrow' is only evaluated if the
#' input is a \code{methylBaseDB} object.
#' If 'nrow' is not specified \code{getCorrelation} will read the
#' first 2M records of the given object,
#' but if you want to read all records 'nrow' has to be NULL.
#' You should change 'nrow' if using \code{getCorrelation} with
#' all records of the methylBaseDB object would take too long.
#' If the scatter plot is plotted, the red line in the plot is from linear
#' regression fit and the green line is from polynomial regression fit with
#' \code{stats::lowess}.
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname getCorrelation-methods
setGeneric("getCorrelation", function(object, method = "pearson",
plot = FALSE, nrow = "numeric")
## simple S3 function gets called by S4 mthod
.plotCorrelation <- function(meth.mat,
plot=FALSE ){
## define dynamic correlation panel
.panel.cor <- function(x, y, digits=2, prefix="", cex.cor, method,...)
usr <- par("usr"); on.exit(par(usr))
par(usr = c(0, 1, 0, 1))
r <- abs(cor(x, y, method=method, use = "na.or.complete"))
txt <- format(c(r, 0.123456789), digits=digits)[1]
txt <- paste(prefix, txt, sep="")
if(missing(cex.cor)) cex.cor <- 0.8/strwidth(txt)
text(0.5, 0.5, txt, cex = cex.cor * r)
panel.my.smooth2 <- function(x, y, col = par("col"), bg = NA,
pch = par("pch"), cex = 1,
col.smooth = "darkgreen", span = 2/3,
iter = 3, ...)
par(new = TRUE) #par(usr = c(usr[1:2], 0, 1.5) )
smoothScatter(x, y,colramp=colorRampPalette(topo.colors(100)), bg = bg)
ok <- is.finite(x) & is.finite(y)
if (any(ok))
lines(stats::lowess(x[ok], y[ok], f = span, iter = iter),
col = col.smooth, ...)
abline(lm(y[ok]~x[ok]), col="red")
panel.my.smooth <- function(x, y, col = par("col"), bg = NA,
pch = par("pch"), cex = 0.3,
col.smooth = "green", span = 2/3, iter = 3, ...)
points(x, y,
pch = 20,
col = densCols(x, y, colramp = colorRampPalette(topo.colors(20))),
bg = bg,
cex = 0.1)
ok <- is.finite(x) & is.finite(y)
if (any(ok)){
lines(stats::lowess(x[ok], y[ok], f = span, iter = iter),
col = col.smooth, ...);
abline(lm(y[ok]~x[ok]), col="red")}
panel.hist <- function(x, ...)
usr <- par("usr"); on.exit(par(usr))
par(usr = c(usr[1:2], 0, 1.5) )
h <- hist(x, plot = FALSE)
breaks <- h$breaks; nB <- length(breaks)
y <- h$counts; y <- y/max(y)
rect(breaks[-nB], 0, breaks[-1], y, col="cyan", ...)
## fix correlation panel with given method
panel.cor <- function(...,mymethod=method) {
.panel.cor(..., method = mymethod)
lower.panel = panel.my.smooth2,
upper.panel = panel.cor,
diag.panel = panel.hist,
main = title#,
#oma=c(4,4,6,12) ## if legend is required
# # allow plotting of the legend outside the figure region
# # (ie within the space left by making the margins big)
# par(xpd=TRUE)
# legend(0.85, 0.7, as.vector(unique(iris$Species)),
# fill=c("red", "green3", "blue"))
# legend("topright",legend = c("hah"))
#' @rdname getCorrelation-methods
#' @aliases getCorrelation,methylBase-method
setMethod("getCorrelation", "methylBase",
function(object,method = c("pearson","kendall","spearman"),plot){
meth.mat = getData(object)[, object@numCs.index]/
(getData(object)[,object@numCs.index] +
getData(object)[,object@numTs.index] )
method <- match.arg(method)
print( cor(meth.mat,method=method, use = "na.or.complete") )
if (plot) {
.plotCorrelation(meth.mat = meth.mat,
title = paste(object@context, object@resolution , method, "cor."),
method = method)
#' get coverage stats from methylRaw object
#' The function returns basic statistics about read coverage per base.
#' It can also plot a histogram of read coverage values.
#' @param object a \code{methylRaw} or \code{methylRawDB} object
#' @param plot plot a histogram of coverage if TRUE (default:FALSE)
#' @param both.strands do stats and plot for both strands if TRUE
#' (default:FALSE)
#' @param labels should the bars of the histrogram have labels showing
#' the percentage of values in each bin (default:TRUE)
#' @param ... options to be passed to \code{\link[graphics]{hist}} function
#' @param chunk.size Number of rows to be taken as a chunk for processing the
#' \code{methylRawDB} objects (default: 1e6)
#' @examples
#' data(methylKit)
#' # gets coverage stats for the first sample in methylRawList.obj object
#' getCoverageStats(methylRawList.obj[[1]],plot=TRUE,
#' both.strands=FALSE,labels=TRUE)
#' @section Details:
#' The parameter \code{chunk.size} is only used when working with
#' \code{methylRawDB} or \code{methylRawListDB} objects,
#' as they are read in chunk by chunk to enable processing large-sized objects
#' which are stored as flat file database.
#' Per default the chunk.size is set to 1M rows, which should work for most
#' systems. If you encounter memory problems or
#' have a high amount of memory available feel free to adjust the
#' \code{chunk.size}.
#' @return a summary of coverage statistics or plot a histogram of coverage
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname getCoverageStats-methods
setGeneric("getCoverageStats", function(object,plot=FALSE,both.strands=FALSE,
#' @rdname getCoverageStats-methods
#' @aliases getCoverageStats,methylRaw-method
setMethod("getCoverageStats", "methylRaw",
qts=seq(0,0.9,0.1) # get quantiles
cat("read coverage statistics per base\n\n")
print( summary( plus.cov ) )
print(quantile( plus.cov,p=qts ))
print( summary( mnus.cov ) )
print(quantile( mnus.cov,p=qts ))
cat("read coverage statistics per base\n")
print( summary( all.cov ) )
print(quantile( all.cov,p=qts ))
xlab=paste("log10 of read coverage per",object@resolution),
main=paste("Histogram of", object@context,
"coverage: Forward strand"),
mtext(object@sample.id, side = 3)
xlab=paste("log10 of read coverage per",object@resolution),
main=paste("Histogram of", object@context,
"coverage: Reverse strand"),
mtext(object@sample.id, side = 3)
all.cov= object$coverage
xlab=paste("log10 of read coverage per",object@resolution),
main=paste("Histogram of", object@context, "coverage"),
mtext(object@sample.id, side = 3)
#' get Methylation stats from methylRaw or methylRawDB object
#' The function returns basic statistics about % methylation per base/region.
#' It can also plot a histogram of % methylation values.
#' @param object a \code{methylRaw} or \code{methylRawDB} object
#' @param plot plot a histogram of Methylation if TRUE (deafult:FALSE)
#' @param both.strands do plots and stats for both strands seperately if
#' TRUE (deafult:FALSE)
#' @param labels should the bars of the histrogram have labels showing the
#' percentage of values in each bin (default:TRUE)
#' @param ... options to be passed to \code{\link[graphics]{hist}} function.
#' @param chunk.size Number of rows to be taken as a chunk for processing the
#' \code{methylRawDB} objects (default: 1e6)
#' @examples
#' data(methylKit)
#' # gets Methylation stats for the first sample in methylRawList.obj object
#' getMethylationStats(methylRawList.obj[[1]],plot=TRUE,
#' both.strands=FALSE,labels=TRUE)
#'@section Details:
#' The parameter \code{chunk.size} is only used when working with
#' \code{methylRawDB} or \code{methylRawListDB} objects,
#' as they are read in chunk by chunk to enable processing large-sized
#' objects which are stored as flat file database.
#' Per default the chunk.size is set to 1M rows, which should work for most
#' systems. If you encounter memory problems or
#' have a high amount of memory available feel free to adjust the
#' \code{chunk.size}.
#' @return a summary of Methylation statistics or plot a histogram of coverage
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname getMethylationStats-methods
setGeneric("getMethylationStats", function(object,plot=FALSE,both.strands=FALSE,
#' @rdname getMethylationStats-methods
#' @aliases getMethylationStats,methylRaw-method
setMethod("getMethylationStats", "methylRaw",
plus.met=100* object[object$strand=="+",]$numCs/object[object$strand=="+",]$coverage
mnus.met=100* object[object$strand=="-",]$numCs/object[object$strand=="-",]$coverage
all.met =100* object$numCs/object$coverage
qts=seq(0,0.9,0.1) # get quantiles
cat("methylation statistics per base\n\n")
print( summary( plus.met ) )
print(quantile( plus.met,p=qts ))
print( summary( mnus.met ) )
print(quantile( mnus.met,p=qts ))
cat("methylation statistics per base\n")
print( summary( all.met ) )
print(quantile( all.met,p=qts ))
xlab=paste("% methylation per",object@resolution),
main=paste("Histogram of %", object@context,"methylation: Forward strand"),
mtext(object@sample.id, side = 3)
xlab=paste("% methylation per",object@resolution),
main=paste("Histogram of %", object@context,"methylation: Reverse strand"),
mtext(object@sample.id, side = 3)
xlab=paste("% methylation per",object@resolution),
main=paste("Histogram of %", object@context,"methylation"),
mtext(object@sample.id, side = 3)
# get distribution of difference between samples in methylBase object
# unites methylrawlist objects based on chromosomal positions of CpG dinucleotides
#setGeneric("getDifference", function(object,plot=F) standardGeneric("getCorrelation"))
#setMethod("getDifference", "methylBase",
# function(object,plot){
# meth.mat = object@data[, object@numCs.index]/(object@data[,object@numCs.index] + object@data[,object@numTs.index] )
# names(meth.mat)=object@sample.ids
# ind=t(combn(1:4,2) )
# d.list=(meth.mat[,ind[1,1]]-meth.mat[,ind[1,2]])
# for(i in 2:nrow(ind))
# {
# d.list=cbind(d.list,meth.mat[,ind[i,1]]-meth.mat[,ind[i,2]])
# }
# }
# )
# methylBase accessor and show functions
#' show method for methylKit classes
#' The show method works for \code{methylRaw},\code{methylRawDB},
#' \code{methylRawList},\code{methylRawListDB},
#' \code{methylBase},\code{methylBaseDB} and \code{methylDiff} objects
#' @param object any methylKit object
#' @examples
#' data(methylKit)
#' methylDiff.obj
#' show(methylDiff.obj)
#' @rdname show-methods
#' @aliases show,methylBase
setMethod("show", "methylBase", function(object) {
cat("methylBase object with",nrow(object),"rows\n--------------\n")
cat("context:", object@context,"\n")
cat("treament:", object@treatment,"\n")
cat("resolution:", object@resolution,"\n")
#' @rdname show-methods
#' @aliases show,methylRaw
setMethod("show", "methylRaw", function(object) {
cat("methylRaw object with",nrow(object),"rows\n--------------\n")
cat("context:", object@context,"\n")
cat("resolution:", object@resolution,"\n\n")
#' @rdname show-methods
#' @aliases show,methylRawList
setMethod("show", "methylRawList", function(object) {
cat("methylRawList object with",length(object),"methylRaw objects\n\n")
cat("treatment:", object@treatment,"\n")
#' get assembly of the genome
#' The function returns the genome assembly stored in any of the
#' \code{\link{methylBase}},\code{\link{methylBaseDB}},\code{\link{methylRaw}},
#' \code{\link{methylRawDB}},\code{\link{methylDiff}} objects
#' @param x an \code{\link{methylBase}},\code{\link{methylBaseDB}},
#' \code{\link{methylRaw}},\code{\link{methylRawDB}} or \code{\link{methylDiff}} object
#' @usage getAssembly(x)
#' @examples
#' data(methylKit)
#' getAssembly(methylBase.obj)
#' getAssembly(methylDiff.obj)
#' getAssembly(methylRawList.obj[[1]])
#' @return the assembly string for the object
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname getAssembly-methods
setGeneric("getAssembly", def=function(x) standardGeneric("getAssembly"))
#' @rdname getAssembly-methods
#' @aliases getAssembly,methylBase-method
setMethod("getAssembly", signature="methylBase", definition=function(x) {
#' @rdname getAssembly-methods
#' @aliases getAssembly,methylRaw-method
setMethod("getAssembly", signature="methylRaw", definition=function(x) {
#' get the context of methylation
#' The function returns the context of methylation. For example: "CpG","CHH" or "CHG"
#' @param x an \code{\link{methylBase}},\code{\link{methylBaseDB}},
#' \code{\link{methylRaw}},\code{\link{methylRawDB}} or an
#' \code{\link{methylDiff}} object
#' @usage getContext(x)
#' @examples
#' data(methylKit)
#' getContext(methylBase.obj)
#' getContext(methylDiff.obj)
#' getContext(methylRawList.obj[[1]])
#' @return a string for the context methylation
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname getContext-methods
setGeneric("getContext", def=function(x) standardGeneric("getContext"))
#' @rdname getContext-methods
#' @aliases getContext,methylBase-method
setMethod("getContext", signature="methylBase", definition=function(x) {
#' @rdname getContext-methods
#' @aliases getContext,methylRaw-method
setMethod("getContext", signature="methylRaw", definition=function(x) {
#' get the data slot from the methylKit objects
#' The functions retrieves the table containing methylation information from
#' \code{methylKit} Objects.
#' The data retrived from this function is of a \code{\link{data.frame}}.
#' This is basically containing all relevant methylation information per
#' genomic region or base.
#' @param x an \code{\link{methylBase}},\code{\link{methylBaseDB}},
#' \code{\link{methylRaw}},\code{\link{methylRawDB}} or
#' \code{\link{methylDiff}} object
#' @usage getData(x)
#' @examples
#' data(methylKit)
#' # following commands show first lines of returned
#' # data.frames from getData() function
#' head(
#' getData(methylBase.obj)
#' )
#' head( getData(methylDiff.obj))
#' head(getData(methylRawList.obj[[1]]))
#' @return data frame for methylation events
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname getData-methods
setGeneric("getData", def=function(x) standardGeneric("getData"))
#' @rdname getData-methods
#' @aliases getData,methylBase-method
setMethod("getData", signature="methylBase", definition=function(x) {
return(S3Part(x, strictS3 = TRUE))
#' @rdname getData-methods
#' @aliases getData,methylRaw-method
setMethod("getData", signature="methylRaw", definition=function(x) {
return(S3Part(x, strictS3 = TRUE))
## CONVERTOR FUNCTIONS FOR methylRaw/methylRawDB and methylBase/methylBaseDB OBJECT
#convert methylRaw to GRanges
setAs("methylRaw", "GRanges", function(from)
ranges=IRanges(start=from2$start, end=from2$end),
numCs =from2$numCs,
numTs =from2$numTs
setAs("methylBase", "GRanges", function(from)
ranges=IRanges(start=from$start, end=from$end),
### subset methylBase and methylRaw objects
#' selects rows from of methylKit objects
#' The function returns a subset of data contained in the \code{methylKit}
#' objects.
#' @param x an \code{\link{methylBase}},\code{\link{methylBaseDB}},
#' \code{\link{methylRaw}},\code{\link{methylRawDB}} or
#' \code{\link{methylDiff}} object
#' @param i a numeric or logical vector. This vector corresponds to bases or
#' regions contained in \code{methylKit} objects.The vector is used to
#' subset the data.
#' @usage select(x,i)
#' @examples
#' data(methylKit)
#' methylRawDB.obj=methRead( system.file("extdata","test1.txt.bgz",package="methylKit"),
#' sample.id="test1", assembly="hg18",
#' dbtype = "tabix",dbdir = "methylDB")
#' methylBaseDB.obj=unite(methylRawList.obj,save.db=TRUE,dbdir="methylDB")
#' # selects first hundred rows, returns a methylRaw object
#' subset1=select(methylRawList.obj[[1]],1:100)
#' subset1=select(methylRawDB.obj,1:100)
#' # selects first hundred rows, returns a methylBase object
#' subset2=select(methylBase.obj,1:100)
#' subset2=select(methylBaseDB.obj,1:100)
#' # selects first hundred rows, returns a methylDiff object
#' subset3=select(methylDiff.obj,1:100)
#' # remove Database again
#' rm(methylBaseDB.obj)
#' rm(methylRawDB.obj)
#' unlink("methylDB",recursive=TRUE)
#' @return a \code{\link{methylBase}},\code{\link{methylRaw}} or
#' \code{\link{methylDiff}} object depending on the input object.
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname select-methods
setGeneric("select", def=function(x,i) standardGeneric("select"))
#' @aliases select,methylBase-method
#' @rdname select-methods
setMethod("select", "methylBase",
function(x, i)
if( max(i) > nrow(x) )
stop("subscript contains out-of-bounds indices")
sample.ids = x@sample.ids,
assembly = x@assembly,
context = x@context,
resolution =x@resolution)
#' @aliases select,methylRaw-method
#' @rdname select-methods
setMethod("select", "methylRaw",
function(x, i)
if( max(i) > nrow(x) )
stop("subscript contains out-of-bounds indices")
#' extract parts of methylRaw,methylRawDB,methylBase,methylBaseDB and methylDiff data
#' The function extracts part of the data and returns a new object.
#' @name extract
#' @param x an \code{\link{methylBase}},\code{\link{methylBaseDB}},
#' \code{\link{methylRaw}},\code{\link{methylRawDB}} or
#' \code{\link{methylDiff}} object
#' @param i a numeric or logical vector. This vector corresponds to bases or
#' regions contained in \code{methylKit} objects.The vector is used to
#' subset the data.
#' @param j This argument can not be used for the extraction of columns.
#' As unintentional extraction of the columns will cause an error in
#' the downstream analysis. Using this argument will cause an error.
#' Use \code{\link{getData}} to access the data part of
#' the objects.
#' @examples
#' data(methylKit)
#' # selects first hundred rows, returns a methylRaw object
#' subset1=methylRawList.obj[[1]][1:100]
#' # selects first hundred rows, returns a methylBase object
#' subset2=methylBase.obj[1:100,]
#' # selects first hundred rows, returns a methylDiff object
#' subset3=methylDiff.obj[1:100,]
#' # This will get chromomsomes, will return a factor
#' # That means the resulting object will ceases to be a methylKit object
#' chrs=methylDiff.obj[[2]]
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname extract-methods
#' @aliases [,methylRaw,ANY,ANY,ANY-method
#' @aliases extract,methylRaw,ANY-method
#' @rdname extract-methods
setMethod("[", signature(x="methylRaw", i = "ANY", j="ANY"),
stop(paste("subsetting on columns is not allowed for",class(x),
"object\nif you want to do extraction on the data part",
"of the object use getData() first"),
call. = FALSE)
#' @aliases [,methylBase,ANY,ANY,ANY-method
#' @aliases extract,methylBase,ANY-method
#' @rdname extract-methods
setMethod("[",signature(x="methylBase", i = "ANY", j="ANY"),
stop(paste("subsetting on columns is not allowed for",class(x),
"object\nif you want to do extraction on the data part",
"of the object use getData() first"),
call. = FALSE)
#' selects records of methylDB objects lying inside a GRanges range
#' The function selects records from any \code{methylKit} object that lie
#' inside the regions given by \code{ranges} of class \code{\link{GRanges}} and returns
#' an in-memory equivalent of this object
#' @param object an \code{\link{methylRaw}},\code{\link{methylRawDB}},
#' \code{\link{methylRawList}}, \code{\link{methylRawListDB}},
#' \code{\link{methylBase}}, \code{\link{methylBaseDB}},
#' \code{\link{methylDiff}} or \code{\link{methylDiffDB}} object
#' @param ranges a GRanges object specifying the regions of interest
#' @usage selectByOverlap(object,ranges)
#' @examples
#' data(methylKit)
#' file.list=list( system.file("extdata", "test1.myCpG.txt", package = "methylKit"),
#' system.file("extdata", "test2.myCpG.txt", package = "methylKit"),
#' system.file("extdata", "control1.myCpG.txt", package = "methylKit"),
#' system.file("extdata", "control2.myCpG.txt", package = "methylKit") )
#' methylRawListDB.obj=methRead(file.list,
#' sample.id=list("test1","test2","ctrl1","ctrl2"),
#' assembly="hg18",treatment=c(1,1,0,0),
#' dbtype = "tabix",dbdir = "methylDB")
#' methylBaseDB.obj=unite(methylRawListDB.obj)
#' methylDiffDB.obj = calculateDiffMeth(methylBaseDB.obj)
#' # define the windows of interest as a GRanges object, this can be any set
#' # of genomic locations
#' library(GenomicRanges)
#' my.win=GRanges(seqnames="chr21",
#' ranges=IRanges(start=seq(from=9764513,by=10000,length.out=20),width=5000) )
#' # selects the records that lie inside the regions
#' myRaw <- selectByOverlap(methylRawListDB.obj[[1]],my.win)
#' # selects the records that lie inside the regions
#' myBase <- selectByOverlap(methylBaseDB.obj,my.win)
#' # selects the records that lie inside the regions
#' myDiff <- selectByOverlap(methylDiffDB.obj,my.win)
#' # selects the records that lie inside the regions
#' myRaw2 <- selectByOverlap(methylRawList.obj[[1]],my.win)
#' # selects the records that lie inside the regions
#' myRawList2 <- selectByOverlap(methylRawList.obj,my.win)
#' # selects the records that lie inside the regions
#' myBase2 <- selectByOverlap(methylBase.obj,my.win)
#' # selects the records that lie inside the regions
#' myDiff2 <- selectByOverlap(methylDiff.obj,my.win)
#' rm(methylRawListDB.obj)
#' rm(methylBaseDB.obj)
#' rm(methylDiffDB.obj)
#' unlink("methylDB",recursive=TRUE)
#' @return a \code{\link{methylBase}},\code{\link{methylRaw}},
#' \code{\link{methylRawList}} or \code{\link{methylDiff}} object
#' depending on the input object.
#' @author Alexander Gosdschan
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @importFrom S4Vectors subjectHits
#' @importFrom IRanges findOverlaps
#' @rdname selectByOverlap-methods
setGeneric("selectByOverlap", def=function(object,ranges)
.selectByOverlap <- function(object, ranges){
if( missing(ranges) | (class(ranges) != "GRanges") ) {
stop("No ranges specified or given ranges object not of class ",
"GRanges, please check your input!") }
hits <- S4Vectors::subjectHits(IRanges::findOverlaps(ranges,as(object,"GRanges")))
#' @aliases selectByOverlap,methylRaw-method
#' @rdname selectByOverlap-methods
setMethod("selectByOverlap", c("methylRaw","GRanges"),
#' @aliases selectByOverlap,methylRawList-method
#' @rdname selectByOverlap-methods
setMethod("selectByOverlap", c("methylRawList","GRanges"),
function(object, ranges){
new.list <- lapply(object,.selectByOverlap,ranges)
new("methylRawList", new.list, treatment=object@treatment)
#' @aliases selectByOverlap,methylBase-method
#' @rdname selectByOverlap-methods
setMethod("selectByOverlap", c("methylBase","GRanges"),
#' Get or Set treatment vector of methylKit object
#' The function returns or replaces the treatment vector stored in any of the
#' following methylKit objects:
#' \code{\link{methylBase}},\code{\link{methylRawList}},\code{\link{methylBaseDB}},
#' \code{\link{methylRawListDB}},\code{\link{methylDiff}},\code{\link{methylDiffDB}}.
#' @param x a \code{methylKit} object
#' @param value a valid replacement for the treatment vector of the object
#' @usage
#' getTreatment(x)
#' getTreatment(x) <- value
#' @examples
#' data(methylKit)
#' # The treatment vector can be printed ..
#' getTreatment(methylBase.obj)
#' # .. or replaced with a new one
#' newObj <- methylBase.obj
#' getTreatment(newObj) <- c(1,2,3,4)
#' getTreatment(newObj)
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname getTreatment-methods
setGeneric("getTreatment", def=function(x) standardGeneric("getTreatment"))
#' @export
#' @rdname getTreatment-methods
setGeneric("getTreatment<-", def=function(x, value="numeric") {
#' @rdname getTreatment-methods
#' @aliases getTreatment,methylRawList-method
setMethod("getTreatment", signature = "methylRawList", function(x) {
#' @rdname getTreatment-methods
#' @aliases getTreatment,methylRawList-method
setReplaceMethod("getTreatment", signature = "methylRawList", function(x, value) {
if(! ( length(x@treatment) == length(value) ) ){
stop("The new treatment vector is not valid, check the length of input")
} else {
x@treatment <- value
#' @rdname getTreatment-methods
#' @aliases getTreatment,methylBase-method
setMethod("getTreatment", signature = "methylBase", function(x) {
#' @rdname getTreatment-methods
#' @aliases getTreatment,methylBase-method
setReplaceMethod("getTreatment", signature = "methylBase", function(x, value) {
if(! ( length(x@treatment) == length(value) ) ){
stop("The new treatment vector is not valid, check the length of input")
} else {
x@treatment <- value
#' Get or Set Sample-IDs of the methylKit objects
#' The function returns or replaces the sample-ids stored in any of the
#' following \code{methylKit} objects:
#' \code{\link{methylRaw}}, \code{\link{methylRawDB}}, \code{\link{methylBase}},
#' \code{\link{methylBaseDB}},
#' \code{\link{methylRawList}}, \code{\link{methylRawListDB}},
#' \code{\link{methylDiff}}, \code{\link{methylDiffDB}}.
#' @param x an \code{\link{methylBaseDB}},\code{\link{methylRawListDB}} or
#' \code{\link{methylDiffDB}} object
#' @param value a valid replacement vector for the sample-ids of the object
#' @usage
#' getSampleID(x)
#' getSampleID(x) <- value
#' @examples
#' data(methylKit)
#' #The Sample-Ids can be printed ..
#' getSampleID(methylBase.obj)
#' # .. or replaced.
#' newObj <- methylBase.obj
#' getSampleID(newObj) <- c("sample1","sample2","sample3","sample4")
#' getSampleID(newObj)
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname getSampleID-methods
setGeneric("getSampleID", def=function(x) standardGeneric("getSampleID"))
#' @export
#' @rdname getSampleID-methods
setGeneric("getSampleID<-", def=function(x, value) {
#' @rdname getSampleID-methods
#' @aliases getSampleID,methylRawList-method
setMethod("getSampleID", signature = "methylRawList", function(x) {
names <- vapply(x,function(z) z@sample.id,FUN.VALUE = "character")
#' @rdname getSampleID-methods
#' @aliases getSampleID,methylRawList-method
setReplaceMethod("getSampleID", signature = "methylRawList", function(x, value) {
if(! ( length(getSampleID(x)) == length(value) ) ){
stop("The vector of new sample ids is not valid, check the length of input")
} else {
treatment <- x@treatment
x <- mapply(`getSampleID<-`, x, value)
x <- new("methylRawList",x,treatment=treatment)
#' @rdname getSampleID-methods
#' @aliases getSampleID,methylBase-method
setMethod("getSampleID", signature = "methylBase", function(x) {
#' @rdname getSampleID-methods
#' @aliases getSampleID,methylBase-method
setReplaceMethod("getSampleID", signature = "methylBase", function(x, value) {
if(! ( length(x@sample.ids) == length(value) ) ){
stop("The vector of new sample ids is not valid, check the length of input")
} else {
x@sample.ids <- value
#' @rdname getSampleID-methods
#' @aliases getSampleID,methylRaw-method
setMethod("getSampleID", signature = "methylRaw", function(x) {
#' @rdname getSampleID-methods
#' @aliases getSampleID,methylRaw-method
setReplaceMethod("getSampleID", signature = "methylRaw", function(x, value) {
if(! ( length(value) == 1 ) ){
stop("The vector of new sample ids is not valid, check the length of input")
} else {
x@sample.id <- value
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