#' Converts the result from pathRanker into something suitable for pathClassifier or pathCluster.
#' Converts the result from pathRanker into something suitable for pathClassifier or pathCluster.
#' Converts a set of pathways from \code{\link{pathRanker}}
#' into a list of binary pathway matrices. If the pathways are grouped by a response label then the
#' \emph{pathsToBinary} returns a list labeled by response class where each element is the binary
#' pathway matrix for each class. If the pathways are from \code{\link{pathRanker}} then a list wiht
#' a single element containing the binary pathway matrix is returned. To look up the structure of a
#' specific binary path in the corresponding \code{ypaths} object simply use matrix index by calling
#' \code{ypaths[[ybinpaths\$pidx[i,]]]}, where \code{i} is the row in the binary paths object you
#' wish to reference.
#' @param ypaths The result of \code{\link{pathRanker}}.
#' @return A list with the following elements.
#' \item{paths}{All paths within ypaths converted to a binary string and concatenated into the one matrix.}
#' \item{y}{The response variable.}
#' \item{pidx}{An matrix where each row specifies the location of that path within the \code{ypaths} object.}
#' @author Timothy Hancock and Ichigaku Takigawa
#' @family Path clustering & classification methods
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Prepare a weighted reaction network.
#' ## Conver a metabolic network to a reaction network.
#' data(ex_sbml) # bipartite metabolic network of Carbohydrate metabolism.
#' rgraph <- makeReactionNetwork(ex_sbml, simplify=TRUE)
#' ## Assign edge weights based on Affymetrix attributes and microarray dataset.
#' # Calculate Pearson's correlation.
#' data(ex_microarray) # Part of ALL dataset.
#' rgraph <- assignEdgeWeights(microarray = ex_microarray, graph = rgraph,
#' weight.method = "cor", use.attr="miriam.uniprot",
#' y=factor(colnames(ex_microarray)), bootstrap = FALSE)
#' ## Get ranked paths using probabilistic shortest paths.
#' ranked.p <- pathRanker(rgraph, method="prob.shortest.path",
#' K=20, minPathSize=6)
#' ## Convert paths to binary matrix.
#' ybinpaths <- pathsToBinary(ranked.p)
#' p.cluster <- pathCluster(ybinpaths, M=3)
#' plotClusters(ybinpaths, p.cluster, col=c("red", "green", "blue") )
pathsToBinary <- function(ypaths) {
makeBin <- function(pathGenes,allGenes) return(as.numeric(allGenes %in% pathGenes$genes))
stop("ypaths is a an empty list. Please rerun pathRanker with different parameters.")
# if there are response labels
if (!is.null(names(ypaths$paths))) {
all.genes <- c()
path.data <- NULL
all.genes <- unique(unlist(lapply(unlist(ypaths$paths,FALSE),"[[","genes")))
resp <- c()
for (p in 1:length(ypaths$paths)) {
if(length(ypaths$paths[[p]])==0) next;
binpaths <- data.frame(t(sapply(ypaths$paths[[p]],makeBin,allGenes = all.genes)))
names(binpaths) <- all.genes
if (is.null(path.data)) path.data <- binpaths
else path.data <- rbind(path.data,binpaths)
resp <- c(resp,rep(names(ypaths$paths)[p],length(ypaths$paths[[p]])))
pl <- sapply(ypaths$paths,length)
m.idx <- as.matrix(cbind(rep(1,sum(pl)),
return(list(paths = path.data,y = as.factor(resp), pidx = m.idx))
} else {
all.genes <- unique(unlist(lapply(ypaths$paths,"[[","genes")))
binpaths <- data.frame(t(sapply(ypaths$paths,makeBin,allGenes = all.genes)))
pl <- sapply(ypaths$paths,length)
m.idx <- as.matrix(cbind(rep(1,sum(pl)),
names(binpaths) <- all.genes
return(list(paths = binpaths,pidx = m.idx))
#' HME3M Markov pathway classifier.
#' HME3M Markov pathway classifier.
#' Take care with selection of lambda and alpha - make sure you check that the likelihood
#' is always increasing.
#' @param paths The training paths computed by \code{\link{pathsToBinary}}
#' @param target.class he label of the targe class to be classified. This label must be present
#' as a label within the \code{paths\$y} object
#' @param M Number of components within the paths to be extracted.
#' @param alpha The PLR learning rate. (between 0 and 1).
#' @param lambda The PLR regularization parameter. (between 0 and 2)
#' @param hme3miter Maximum number of HME3M iterations. It will stop when likelihood change is < 0.001.
#' @param plriter Maximum number of PLR iteractions. It will stop when likelihood change is < 0.001.
#' @param init Specify whether to initialize the HME3M responsibilities with the 3M model - random is recommended.
#' @return A list with the following elements.
#' A list with the following values
#' \item{h}{A dataframe with the EM responsibilities.}
#' \item{theta}{A dataframe with the Markov parameters for each component.}
#' \item{beta}{A dataframe with the PLR coefficients for each component.}
#' \item{proportions}{The probability of each HME3M component.}
#' \item{posterior.probs}{The HME3M posterior probability.}
#' \item{likelihood}{The likelihood convergence history.}
#' \item{plrplr}{The posterior predictions from each components PLR model.}
#' \item{path.probabilities}{The 3M probabilities for each path belonging to each component.}
#' \item{params}{The parameters used to build the model.}
#' \item{y}{The binary response variable used by HME3M. A 1 indicates the location of the target.class labels in \code{paths\$y}}
#' \item{perf}{The training set ROC curve AUC.}
#' \item{label}{The HME3M predicted label for each path.}
#' \item{component}{The HME3M component assignment for each path.}
#' @author Timothy Hancock and Ichigaku Takigawa
#' @references Hancock, Timothy, and Mamitsuka, Hiroshi: A Markov Classification Model for Metabolic Pathways, Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics (WABI) , 2009
#' @references Hancock, Timothy, and Mamitsuka, Hiroshi: A Markov Classification Model for Metabolic Pathways, Algorithms for Molecular Biology 2010
#' @family Path clustering & classification methods
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Prepare a weighted reaction network.
#' ## Conver a metabolic network to a reaction network.
#' data(ex_sbml) # bipartite metabolic network of Carbohydrate metabolism.
#' rgraph <- makeReactionNetwork(ex_sbml, simplify=TRUE)
#' ## Assign edge weights based on Affymetrix attributes and microarray dataset.
#' # Calculate Pearson's correlation.
#' data(ex_microarray) # Part of ALL dataset.
#' rgraph <- assignEdgeWeights(microarray = ex_microarray, graph = rgraph,
#' weight.method = "cor", use.attr="miriam.uniprot",
#' y=factor(colnames(ex_microarray)), bootstrap = FALSE)
#' ## Get ranked paths using probabilistic shortest paths.
#' ranked.p <- pathRanker(rgraph, method="prob.shortest.path",
#' K=20, minPathSize=6)
#' ## Convert paths to binary matrix.
#' ybinpaths <- pathsToBinary(ranked.p)
#' p.class <- pathClassifier(ybinpaths, target.class = "BCR/ABL", M = 3)
#' ## Contingency table of classification performance
#' table(ybinpaths$y,p.class$label)
#' ## Plotting the classifier results.
#' plotClassifierROC(p.class)
#' plotClusters(ybinpaths, p.class)
pathClassifier <- function(paths,target.class,M,alpha=1,lambda=2,hme3miter = 100,plriter = 1,init = "random") {
if ((target.class %in% levels(paths$y)) == FALSE) stop(paste("Cannot find",target.class,"in paths$y object"))
y <- ifelse(paths$y == target.class,1,0)
x <- paths$paths
# remove constant columns to train HME3M
varying.cols <- which(sapply(x, sd) != 0)
tr.x <- x[varying.cols]
if (init == "3M") {
message("Running initial 3M model")
# initialize with a 3M model
pclust <- pathCluster(list(paths = tr.x),M)
pk <- pclust$proportions
theta <- as.matrix(pclust$theta)
beta <- matrix(0,nrow(theta),ncol(theta))
pmx <- as.matrix(pclust$h)
fits <- matrix(0.5,nrow(tr.x),ncol = M)
pkm <- matrix(pk,nrow=nrow(tr.x),ncol = M,byrow = TRUE)
hij <- pkm*pmx*fits/rowSums(pkm*pmx*fits)
} else {
# random initialization
clusters <- sample(1:M,nrow(x),replace = TRUE)
pk <- rep(1/M,M)
theta <- as.matrix(aggregate(tr.x,by = list(clusters),mean)[-1])
pmx <- matrix(0,nrow(tr.x),M)
for (k in 1:nrow(theta)) {
res <- as.matrix(tr.x) %*% diag(as.double(theta[k,]))
res[tr.x == 0] <- NA
pmx[,k] <- apply(res,1,prod,na.rm = TRUE)
beta <- matrix(0,nrow(theta),ncol(theta))
fits <- matrix(0.5,nrow(tr.x),ncol = M)
pkm <- matrix(pk,nrow=nrow(tr.x),ncol = M,byrow = TRUE)
hij <- pkm*pmx*fits/rowSums(pkm*pmx*fits)
fit <- .C("hme3m_R",
y = as.double(y),
x = as.double(as.matrix(tr.x)),
m = as.integer(M),
lambda = as.double(lambda),
alpha = as.double(alpha),
nrow = as.integer(nrow(tr.x)),
ncol = as.integer(ncol(tr.x)),
hme3miter = as.integer(hme3miter),
plriter = as.integer(plriter),
H = as.double(hij),
PATHPROBS = as.double(pmx),
PLRPRE = as.double(fits),
THETA = as.double(theta),
BETA = as.double(beta),
PROPORTIONS = as.double(pk),
HMEPRE = double(nrow(tr.x)),
LIKELIHOOD = double(hme3miter))
theta <- matrix(NA,nrow = M,ncol = ncol(x))
theta[,c(1,ncol(theta))] <- 1
t.complete <- matrix(as.double(fit$THETA),nrow = M,ncol = ncol(tr.x) ,byrow = TRUE)
theta[,varying.cols] <- t.complete # add back the constant columns
theta <- data.frame(theta)
beta <- matrix(NA,nrow = M,ncol = ncol(x))
b.complete <- matrix(as.double(fit$BETA),nrow = M,ncol = ncol(tr.x) ,byrow = TRUE)
beta[,varying.cols] <- b.complete # add back the constant columns
beta <- data.frame(beta)
names(beta) <- names(theta) <- names(x)
hij <- matrix(fit$H,nrow(x),M)
fits <- matrix(fit$PLRPRE,nrow(x))
#perf <- compROC(y,fit$HMEPRE)$auc
# cluster labels
zm <- apply(hij,1,max)
cl <- apply(hij == zm,1,which)
if (is.list(cl)) {
message("Multiple cluster labels can be assigned to some paths: some clusters might not be valid")
clusters <- paste("M",sapply(cl,"[[",1),sep = "")
} else clusters <- cl
pmx <- matrix(fit$PATHPROBS,nrow(x),M)
pmx <- pmx/rowSums(pmx)
output <- list(h = hij,
theta = theta,
beta = beta,
proportions = fit$PROPORTIONS,
posterior.probs = fit$HMEPRE,
likelihood = fit$LIKELIHOOD[1:fit$hme3miter],
plr.probabilities = fits,
path.probabilities = pmx,
params = list(alpha = alpha,lambda = lambda,M = M),
y = y,
#perf = perf,
labels = ifelse(fit$HMEPRE > 0.5,1,0),
component = clusters)
#' Predicts new paths given a pathClassifier model.
#' Predicts new paths given a pathClassifier model.
#' @param mix The result from \code{\link{pathClassifier}}.
#' @param newdata A data.frame containing the new paths to be classified.
#' @return A list with the following elements.
#' \item{h}{The posterior probabilities for each HME3M component.}
#' \item{posterior.probs}{The posterior probabilities for HME3M model to classify the response.}
#' \item{label}{A vector indicating the HME3M cluster membership.}
#' \item{component}{The HME3M component membership for each pathway.}
#' \item{path.probabilities}{The 3M path probabilities.}
#' \item{plr.probabilities}{The PLR predictions for each component.}
#' @author Timothy Hancock and Ichigaku Takigawa
#' @family Path clustering & classification methods
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Prepare a weighted reaction network.
#' ## Conver a metabolic network to a reaction network.
#' data(ex_sbml) # bipartite metabolic network of Carbohydrate metabolism.
#' rgraph <- makeReactionNetwork(ex_sbml, simplify=TRUE)
#' ## Assign edge weights based on Affymetrix attributes and microarray dataset.
#' # Calculate Pearson's correlation.
#' data(ex_microarray) # Part of ALL dataset.
#' rgraph <- assignEdgeWeights(microarray = ex_microarray, graph = rgraph,
#' weight.method = "cor", use.attr="miriam.uniprot",
#' y=factor(colnames(ex_microarray)), bootstrap = FALSE)
#' ## Get ranked paths using probabilistic shortest paths.
#' ranked.p <- pathRanker(rgraph, method="prob.shortest.path",
#' K=20, minPathSize=6)
#' ## Convert paths to binary matrix.
#' ybinpaths <- pathsToBinary(ranked.p)
#' p.class <- pathClassifier(ybinpaths, target.class = "BCR/ABL", M = 3)
#' ## Just an example of how to predict cluster membership
#' pclass.pred <- predictPathCluster(p.class, ybinpaths$paths)
predictPathClassifier <- function(mix,newdata) {
pexp <- matrix(0,nrow=nrow(newdata),ncol = nrow(mix$theta))
pmx <- matrix(0,nrow=nrow(newdata),ncol = nrow(mix$theta))
pk <- mix$proportions
tt <- mix$theta
tt[is.na(mix$theta)] <- 1
tb <- mix$beta
tb[is.na(mix$beta)] <- 0
for (k in 1:nrow(mix$theta)) {
pred <- as.matrix(newdata) %*% t(tb[k,])
pexp[,k] <- 1/(1+exp(-pred))
res <- sweep(as.matrix(newdata),2,t(tt[k,]),FUN = "*")
res[newdata == 0] <- NA
pmx[,k] <- apply(res,1,prod,na.rm = TRUE)
h <- sweep(pmx*pexp,2,t(pk),FUN = "*")
h <- h/rowSums(h)
# cluster labels
zm <- apply(h,1,max)
cl <- apply(h == zm,1,which)
if (is.list(cl)) {
message("Multiple cluster labels for some paths: some clusters might not be valid")
clusters <- paste("M",sapply(cl,"[[",1),sep = "")
} else clusters <- cl
post <- rowSums(pmx*pexp/rowSums(pmx))
return(list(h = h,
posterior.probs = post,
label = ifelse(post > 0.5,1,0),
component = clusters,
path.probabilities = pmx/rowSums(pmx),
plr.probabilities = pexp))
#' Diagnostic plots for pathClassifier.
#' Diagnostic plots for \code{\link{pathClassifier}}.
#' @param mix The result from \code{\link{pathClassifier}}.
#' @return Diagnostic plots of the result from pathClassifier.
#' item{Top}{ROC curves for the posterior probabilities (\code{mix\$posterior.probs})
#' and for each HME3M component (\code{mix\$h}). This gives information about what response
#' label each relates to. A ROC curve with an \code{AUC < 0.5} relates to \code{y = 0}.
#' Conversely ROC curves with \code{AUC > 0.5} relate to \code{y = 1}. }
#' item{Bottom}{The likelihood convergence history for the HME3M model. If the parameters
#' \code{alpha} or \code{lambda} are set too large then the likelihood may decrease.}
#' @author Timothy Hancock and Ichigaku Takigawa
#' @family Path clustering & classification methods
#' @family Plotting methods
#' @export
plotClassifierROC <- function(mix) {
layout(c(1,2), widths=c(1,1), heights=c(0.7,0.3))
xlab="EM Iteration",ylab="Conditional\nLog-Likelihood",main="Likelihood Convergence",cex = 0.7)
#' Plots the structure of specified path found by pathClassifier.
#' Plots the structure of specified path found by pathClassifier.
#' @param ybinpaths The training paths computed by \code{\link{pathsToBinary}}
#' @param obj The pathClassifier \code{\link{pathClassifier}}.
#' @param m The path component to view.
#' @param tol A tolerance for 3M parameter \code{theta} which is the probability for each edge within each cluster.
#' If the tolerance is set all edges with a \code{theta} below that tolerance will be removed from the plot.
#' @return Produces a plot of the paths with the path probabilities and prediction probabilities and ROC curve overlayed.
#' \item{Center Plot}{An image of all paths the training dataset. Rows are the paths and columns are the genes (vertices)
#' included within each pathway. A colour within image indicates if a particular gene (vertex) is included within a specific path.
#' Colours flag whether a path belongs to the current HME3M component (P > 0.5).}
#' \item{Center Right}{The training set posterior probabilities for each path belonging to the current 3M component.}
#' \item{Center Top}{The ROC curve for this HME3M component.}
#' \item{Top Bar Plots}{\code{Theta}: The 3M component probabilities - indicates the importance of each edge is to a path.
#' \code{Beta}: The PLR coefficient - the magnitude indicates the importance of the edge to the classify the response.}
#' @author Timothy Hancock and Ichigaku Takigawa
#' @family Path clustering & classification methods
#' @family Plotting methods
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Prepare a weighted reaction network.
#' ## Conver a metabolic network to a reaction network.
#' data(ex_sbml) # bipartite metabolic network of Carbohydrate metabolism.
#' rgraph <- makeReactionNetwork(ex_sbml, simplify=TRUE)
#' ## Assign edge weights based on Affymetrix attributes and microarray dataset.
#' # Calculate Pearson's correlation.
#' data(ex_microarray) # Part of ALL dataset.
#' rgraph <- assignEdgeWeights(microarray = ex_microarray, graph = rgraph,
#' weight.method = "cor", use.attr="miriam.uniprot",
#' y=factor(colnames(ex_microarray)), bootstrap = FALSE)
#' ## Get ranked paths using probabilistic shortest paths.
#' ranked.p <- pathRanker(rgraph, method="prob.shortest.path",
#' K=20, minPathSize=6)
#' ## Convert paths to binary matrix.
#' ybinpaths <- pathsToBinary(ranked.p)
#' p.class <- pathClassifier(ybinpaths, target.class = "BCR/ABL", M = 3)
#' ## Plotting the classifier results.
#' plotClassifierROC(p.class)
#' plotClusters(ybinpaths, p.class)
plotPathClassifier <- function(ybinpaths,obj,m,tol = NULL) {
pp <- obj$theta[m,]
fidx <- 1:length(pp)
if (!is.null(tol)) fidx <- which((pp >= tol) | is.na(pp))
pp <- pp[fidx]
g <- names(pp)
x <- ybinpaths$paths[fidx]
# gc <- strsplit(g,":")[-c(1,length(g))]
# frt <- c("",paste(sapply(gc,"[[",2),sapply(gc,"[[",4),sapply(gc,"[[",3),sep = "-"),"")
# gn <- c("s",sapply(gc,"[[",1),"t")
# pname <- sapply(gc,"[[",5)
# pcol <- c(0,as.numeric(as.factor(pname)),0)
y <- ybinpaths$y
h <- obj$h[,m]
bp <- obj$beta[m,][fidx]
mpar <- par()$mar
sy <- sort(h,index.return = TRUE)
ypred <- as.numeric(h > 0.5)
n <- layout(matrix(c(1,2,4,5,5,3),3,2),
heights = c(.15,0.15,.7,.33,.7),
widths = c(.7,.3,.7,.7,.3), TRUE)
par(mar = c(0,8,2,0),pty = "m")
xpos <- barplot(height = as.numeric(bp),space = 0,xlim = c(0,ncol(x)),xaxs = "i",
ylab = "beta", col = c(1:length(pp))%% 5 + 1)
abline(h = 0,lwd = 2)
par(mar = c(0,8,1,0),pty = "m")
xpos <- barplot(height = as.numeric(pp),space = 0,xlim = c(0,ncol(x)),xaxs = "i",ylim = c(0,1),
ylab = "theta", col = c(1:length(pp))%% 5 + 1)
abline(h = 0,lwd = 2)
par(mar = c(8,0,0,4))
plot(NA,xlim = c(0,1),ylim = c(1,nrow(x)),
xlab = paste("Probability P(M=",m,"|x,y)",sep =""),ylab = "",yaxs = "i",type = "l",axes = FALSE)
points(x = h[sy$ix],y = 1:nrow(x),type = "l",col = 1)
abline(v = 0.5,col = 2,lwd = 2)
abline(v = 0,col = 1,lwd = 2)
axis(side = 1,at = seq(0,1,1/10),las = 1)
abline(h = nrow(x)+1)
ystats <- as.numeric(summary(as.factor(ypred)))
ylab <- c("","","","Not a\nMember","Member")
ytick <- c(1,nrow(x),ystats[1],ystats[1]/2,ystats[2]/2 + ystats[1])
par(mar = c(8,8,0,0))
px <- x[sy$ix,]
px[px == 0] <- NA
ry <- matrix(rep(sy$x < 0.5,ncol(x)),nrow(x),ncol(x))
px[ry] <- px[ry] + 1
image(x = xpos,y = 1:nrow(x),as.matrix(t(px)),axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="", xaxs="i", yaxs="i",col = cm.colors(2))
axis(side=2, at=ytick, labels=ylab, las=2)
mtext(g, side=1, at=xpos, cex=0.6, las=2, line=0.5,
col = c(1:length(pp))%% 5 + 1)
# mtext(frt,side = 1,at = xpos,cex = 0.6,las = 2,line = 5,
# col = c(1:length(pp))%% 5 + 1)
# pd <- cbind(xpos[-c(1,length(xpos))],pcol[-c(1,length(pcol))])
# pht <- aggregate(pd,list(pname),median)
# mtext(pht[,1],side = 1,at = pht[,2],cex = 0.6,las = 2,line = 15,col = as.numeric(as.factor(pht[,3])) %% 5 + 1)
mtext("All Paths\nSorted By Component Membership",line = 5,side = 2)
par(mar = c(1,1,6,6))
rocs <- compROC(obj$y,obj$h[,m])
plot(NA,xlim = c(0,1),ylim = c(0,1),axes = FALSE)
lines(x = rocs$fnr,y = rocs$tpr,type = "l",col = 2,lwd = 2)
axis(side = 3,at = seq(0,1,1/5),labels = seq(0,1,1/5),cex= 0.5)
mtext("FNR",3,line = 2,cex = 0.7)
axis(side = 4,at = seq(0,1,1/5),labels = seq(0,1,1/5),cex = 0.5)
mtext("TPR",4,line= 2,cex = 0.7)
mtext(paste("ROC for Path",m,"\nAUC = ",round(rocs$auc,3)),line = 3,cex = 0.7)
mtext(paste("Structure of Path",m),side = 3,outer = TRUE,line = -2,cex = 2)
par(mar = mpar)
compROC <- function(y,yprob) {
tpr <- c(0)
fnr <- c(0)
for (i in seq(0,1,1/1000)) {
tpr <- c(tpr, sum(y == 1 & yprob >= i) / sum(y == 1) )
fnr <- c(fnr, sum(y == 0 & yprob >= i) / sum(y == 0) )
trap.rule <- function(x, y) {
idx <- 2:length(x)
dx <- x[idx] - x[idx-1]
dy <- y[idx] + y[idx-1]
auc <- dx%*%dy / 2
return( auc )
# The probabilites can get sparse and actual 0's and 1's occur!
# This causes problems with the AUC.
if (sum(tpr == 0) > 0) fnr[tpr == 0] <- max(fnr[tpr == 0])
if (sum(fnr == 0) > 0)tpr[fnr == 0] <- max(tpr[fnr == 0])
fnr <- sort(fnr,index.return = TRUE)
tpr <- tpr[fnr$ix]
auc <- trap.rule(x = fnr$x,y = tpr)
return(list(tpr = tpr,fnr = fnr$x,auc = auc))
plotPathROC <- function(pfit) {
plot(NA,xlim = c(0,2),ylim = c(0,1),axes = FALSE,
ylab = "True Positive Rate", xlab = "False Positive Rate",
main ="ROC Curve For Each HME3M Component")
y <- pfit$y
auc <- c()
mpre <- pfit$h
yprob <- cbind(mpre,pfit$posterior.probs)
auc <- c()
for (j in 1:ncol(data.frame(yprob))) {
zroc <- compROC(y,yprob[,j])
lines(x = zroc$fnr, y = zroc$tpr,col = j,lwd = 2)
auc <- c(auc,zroc$auc)
axis(1,seq(0,1,0.1),seq(0,1,0.1),pos = 0)
axis(2,seq(0,1,0.1),seq(0,1,0.1),pos = 0)
lines(x = c(0,1),y = c(1,1))
lines(x = c(1,1),y = c(0,1))
lines(x = c(0,1),y = c(0,1),lwd = 1,lty = "dashed")
mtext("False Positive Rate",side = 1,line = 2,adj = .2)
lnames <- c(paste("M = ",1:ncol(pfit$h)),"Complete")
lnames <- paste(lnames,"(AUC =",round(auc,3),")",sep = "")
legend(x = 1.05,y = .95,lnames,col = 1:ncol(yprob),lty = rep(1,ncol(yprob)),lwd = 2,bg = "white",cex = 0.8)
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