#' @title uniTest
#' @description Univariate analysis.
#' @author Xiaotao Shen
#' \email{shenxt@@sioc.ac.cn}
#' @param sample The sample abundance. Column is sample and row is peak.
#' @param sample.info The sample.information
#' @param uni.test Test method.
#' @param alternative see ?t.test.
#' @param mu see ?t.test.
#' @param paired see ?t.test.
#' @param var.equal see ?t.test.
#' @param conf.level see ?t.test.
#' @param exact see ?t.test.
#' @param correct see ?t.test.
#' @param conf.int see ?t.test.
#' @param threads How many threads do you want to use? Default is the number of
#' your PC threads - 3.
#' @param ... See ?t.test.
#' @export
setGeneric(name = "uniTest",
def = function(sample,
uni.test = c("t","wilcox","anova"),
alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),
mu = 0, paired = FALSE, var.equal = FALSE,
conf.level = 0.95, exact = NULL, correct = TRUE,
conf.int = FALSE,
threads = 3,...
uni.test <- match.arg(uni.test)
###statistic analysis
sample.info <- sample.info[order(as.character(sample.info[,1])),]
sample <- sample[,match(sample.info[,1], colnames(sample)), drop = FALSE]
# sample <- sample[,order(colnames(sample))]
group <- sample.info$group
unique.group <- unique(group)
group1 <- lapply(unique.group, function(x) which(group == x))
names(group1) <- unique.group
# cat("Total",nrow(sample),"peaks\n")
# cat("Univariate test:")
pbapply::pboptions(type = "timer", style = 1)
if(uni.test == "t"){
p.value <- pbapply::pbapply(sample, 1, function(x) {
p <- try({
t.test(as.numeric(x[group1[[1]]]), as.numeric(x[group1[[2]]]),
alternative = alternative, mu = mu, paired = paired,
var.equal = var.equal, conf.level = conf.level)$p.value
silent = TRUE)
if(class(p) == "try-error"){
p <- 1
# for(i in 1:nrow(sample)){
# cat(i, " ")
# x <- as.numeric(sample[i,])
# t.test(as.numeric(x[group1[[1]]]), as.numeric(x[group1[[2]]]),
# alternative = alternative, mu = mu, paired = paired,
# var.equal = var.equal, conf.level = conf.level)$p.value
# }
if(correct) p.value <- p.adjust(p = p.value, method = "fdr")
if(uni.test == "wilcox"){
p.value <- pbapply::pbapply(sample, 1, function(x) {
p <- try({
as.numeric(x[group1[[2]]]), alternative = alternative,
mu = mu, paired = paired, exact = exact, correct = correct,
conf.int = conf.int, conf.level = conf.level)$p.value
silent = TRUE)
if(class(p) == "try-error"){
p <- 1
if(uni.test == "anova"){
p.value <- pbapply::pbapply(sample, 1, function(x){
temp.sample <- as.numeric(x)
temp.aov <- aov(formula = temp.sample~factor(group))
if(correct) p.value <- p.adjust(p = p.value, method = "fdr")
p.value <- p.value
#' @title foldChange
#' @description Calculate fold change.
#' @author Xiaotao Shen
#' \email{shenxt@@sioc.ac.cn}
#' @param sample The sample abundance. Column is sample and row is peak.
#' @param sample.info The sample.information
#' @param by.what Use median or mean to calculate fold change.
#' @param group Which group you want to use.
#' @export
setGeneric(name = "foldChange",
def = function(sample,
by.what = c("median","mean"),
group = c("W03", "W30")
sample <- as.data.frame(sample)
sample.info <- as.data.frame(sample.info)
by.what <- match.arg(by.what)
temp.fun <- function(x, by.what = by.what){
if(by.what == "median"){
###statistic analysis
sample.info <- sample.info[order(as.character(sample.info[,1])),]
sample <- sample[,order(colnames(sample)), drop = FALSE]
group1 <- sample.info$group
idx <- lapply(group, function(x) {which(group1 == x)})
names(idx) <- group
# cat("Total",nrow(sample),"peaks\n")
# cat("Calculate fold change:")
pbapply::pboptions(type = "timer", style = 1)
fc <- pbapply::pbapply(sample, 1, function(x){
x <- as.numeric(x)
temp.fun(x[idx[[2]]], by.what = by.what)/temp.fun(x[idx[[1]]],
by.what = by.what)
fc[is.na(fc)] <- 1
fc[is.nan(fc)] <- 1
fc[is.infinite(fc)] <- max(fc[!is.infinite(fc)])
# title SXTMTmatch
# description Match two data according to mz and RT.
# author Xiaotao Shen
# \email{shenxt@@sioc.ac.cn}
# param data1 First data for matching, first column must be mz
# and seconod column must be rt.
# param data2 Second data for matching, first column must be mz
# and seconod column must be rt.
# param mz.tol mz tol for ms1 and ms2 data matching.
# param rt.tol RT tol for ms1 and ms2 data matching.
# return Return a result which give the matching result of data1 and database.
# export
setGeneric(name = "SXTMTmatch",
def = function(data1,
#rt.tol is relative
rt.tol = 30,
rt.error.type = c("relative", "abs")){
rt.error.type <- match.arg(rt.error.type)
if (nrow(data1) == 0 | nrow(data2) == 0) {
result <- NULL
# mz1 <- as.numeric(data1[, 1])
# rt1 <- as.numeric(data1[, 2])
info1 <- data1[,c(1,2)]
info1 <- apply(info1, 1, list)
mz2 <- as.numeric(data2[, 1])
rt2 <- as.numeric(data2[, 2])
result <- pbapply::pblapply(info1, function(x) {
temp.mz1 <- x[[1]][[1]]
temp.rt1 <- x[[1]][[2]]
mz.error <- abs(temp.mz1 - mz2) * 10 ^ 6 / temp.mz1
if(rt.error.type == "relative"){
rt.error <- abs(temp.rt1 - rt2) * 100 / temp.rt1
rt.error <- abs(temp.rt1 - rt2)
j <- which(mz.error <= mz.tol & rt.error <= rt.tol)
if(length(j) == 0){
matrix(NA, ncol = 7)
cbind(j, temp.mz1, mz2[j], mz.error[j], temp.rt1, rt2[j], rt.error[j])
if(length(result) == 1){
result <- cbind(1,result[[1]])
result <- mapply(function(x,y){list(cbind(x,y))},
x <- 1:length(info1),
y = result)
result <- do.call(rbind, result)
result <- matrix(result[which(!apply(result,1,function(x) any(is.na(x)))),], ncol = 8)
if(nrow(result) == 0) return(NULL)
colnames(result) <-
"mz error",
"rt error")
result <- result
setGeneric(name = "samplePlot",
def = function(sample,
output.path = ".",
beeswarm = TRUE,
col = c("lightseagreen", "salmon", "orchid4"),
pch = 19,
xlab = "Group",
ylab= "Dysregulated score"){
sample.info <- as.data.frame(sample.info)
sample.info <- sample.info[sample.info$group %in% group,]
sample <- sample[,match(sample.info[,1], colnames(sample)), drop = FALSE]
group.idx <- lapply(group, function(x){
which(sample.info$group == x)
group.sample <- lapply(group.idx, function(x){sample[,x, drop = FALSE]})
variable.name <- rownames(sample)
if(missing(file.name)) file.name <- variable.name
for(i in 1:nrow(sample)){
pdf(file = file.path(output.path, paste(file.name[i], ".pdf", sep = "")),
width = 7, height = 7)
par(mar = c(5,5,4,2))
temp.sample <- lapply(group.sample, function(x){as.numeric(x[i,])})
ylim1 <- min(unlist(temp.sample))
ylim2 <- max(unlist(temp.sample))
if(ylim2 >=0){ylim2 <- 1.2*ylim2}else{ylim2 <- 0.8*ylim2}
temp1 <- boxplot(temp.sample, col = col,
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, names = group, cex.lab = 1.8,
cex.axis = 1.5,
main = variable.name[i], cex.main = 1.8,
ylim = c(ylim1, ylim2), add = FALSE)
#add something
segments(x0 = 1, y0 = ylim2*0.95, x1 = 2, y1 = ylim2*0.95, lwd = 1.5)
segments(x0 = y-0.05, y0 = max(x)*1.05, x1 = y+0.05, y1 = max(x)*1.05, lwd = 1.5)
x = temp.sample,
y = 1:length(temp.sample))
segments(x0 = y, y0 = max(x)*1.05, x1 = y, y1 = ylim2*0.95, lwd = 1.5)
x = temp.sample,
y = 1:length(temp.sample))
p <- p.value[i]
if(p < 0.001) label <- "***"
if(0.001 <= p & p < 0.01) label <- "**"
if(0.01 <= p & p < 0.05) label <- "*"
if(0.05 <= p) label <- "NS"
text(x = 1.5, y = ylim2*0.97, cex = 1.5,
labels = paste(label, unname(round(fc[i],2)), sep = "/FC"))
# text(x = 1.5, y = ylim2*0.97, cex = 1.5,
# labels = label)
labels = F,add = TRUE,
pch = pch)
setGeneric(name = "volcanoPlot",
def = function(p.value,
correct = TRUE,
p.cutoff = 0.05,
fc.cutoff = 1,
col = c("grey", "lightseagreen", "salmon"),
pch = 19,
cex = 1,
cex.lab = 1.8,
cex.axis = 1.5,
xlab = "log2Fold change",
ylab = "log10P-Value(adjusted)"){
ylab = "log10P-Value(adjusted)"
ylab = "log10P-Value"
p.value1 <- -log(as.numeric(p.value),10)
fc1 <- log(as.numeric(fc),2)
col1 <- rep(NA, length(p.value))
col1[which(p.value > p.cutoff)] <- col[1]
col1[which(p.value <= p.cutoff & fc >= fc.cutoff)] <- col[3]
col1[which(p.value <= p.cutoff & fc <= 1/fc.cutoff)] <- col[2]
plot(fc1, p.value1, cex = cex, cex.lab = cex.lab,
cex.axis = cex.axis, pch = pch,
xlab = xlab,
ylab = ylab,
col = col1)
abline(h = -log(p.cutoff, 10), lty = 3, lwd = 2,
col = "salmon")
if(fc.cutoff == 1){
abline(v = log(fc.cutoff, 2), lty = 3, lwd = 2,
col = "salmon")
abline(v = log(fc.cutoff, 2), lty = 3, lwd = 2,
col = "salmon")
abline(v = log(1/fc.cutoff, 2), lty = 3, lwd = 2,
col = "salmon")
setGeneric(name = "heatMap",
def = function(sample,
color = c("lightseagreen", "salmon", "orchid4"),
scale.method = c("auto", "pareto"),
show_rownames = TRUE,
show_colnames = FALSE,
border_color = NA,
fontsize = 10,
fontsize_row = 10,
fontsize_col = 10,
cluster_rows = TRUE,
cluster_cols = TRUE,
clustering_distance_rows = "euclidean",
clustering_distance_cols = "euclidean",
clustering_method = "complete",
display_numbers = FALSE
scale.method <- match.arg(scale.method)
sample.info <- as.data.frame(sample.info)
sample.info <- sample.info[sample.info$group %in% group,]
sample <- sample[,match(sample.info$sample.name, colnames(sample)), drop = FALSE]
group.idx <- lapply(group, function(x){
which(sample.info$group == x)
# colnames(sample) <- stringr::str_extract(colnames(score), "W[0-9]{2}")
if(scale.method == "auto"){
sample1 <- t(apply(sample, 1, function(x) (x-mean(x))/sd(x)))
sample1 <- t(apply(sample, 1, function(x) (x-mean(x))/sqrt(sd(x))))
sample1.range <- abs(range(sample1))
dif <- sample1.range[1] - sample1.range[2]
if (dif < 0) {
sample1[sample1 > sample1.range[1]] <- sample1.range[1]
if (dif > 0) {
sample1[sample1 < -1 * sample1.range[2]] <- -1 * sample1.range[2]
annotation_col <- data.frame(Group = factor(c(sample.info$group)))
rownames(annotation_col) <- sample.info$sample.name
# Specify colors
ann_col <- NULL
for (i in seq_along(group)) {
ann_col[i] <- color[i]
ann_colors = list(group = ann_col)
names(ann_colors[[1]]) <- group
pheatmap::pheatmap(sample1, colorRampPalette(c("navy", "white", "firebrick"))(50),
annotation_col = annotation_col,
annotation_colors = ann_colors,
show_rownames = show_rownames,
show_colnames = show_colnames,
border_color = border_color,
fontsize = fontsize,
fontsize_row = fontsize_row,
fontsize_col = fontsize_col,
cluster_rows = cluster_rows,
cluster_cols = cluster_cols,
clustering_distance_rows = clustering_distance_rows,
clustering_distance_cols = clustering_distance_cols,
clustering_method = clustering_method,
display_numbers = display_numbers
# mse.data <- readr::read_csv(dir()[1])
# mse.data <- as.data.frame(mse.data)
# rownames(mse.data) <- mse.data$X1
# mse.data <- mse.data[,-1]
# pathwayPlot(mse.data = mse.data)
setGeneric(name = "pathwayPlot",
def = function(mse.data,
color = c("lightseagreen", "salmon", "orchid4"),
size.range = c(1,5),
q.cutoff = 0.05,
pch = 19,
text = TRUE
if(nrow(mse.data) == 0){
par(mar = c(5, 5, 4, 2))
plot(0, 0, col = "white", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
xlab = "", ylab = "", cex.main = 1.5)
text(x = 0, y = 0, labels = 'No pathways are enriched.',
cex = 1.5)
mse.data <- mse.data[mse.data$Overlap >0,]
fdr <- as.numeric(mse.data$p.value)
overlap <- mse.data$Overlap/mse.data$Pathway.length
pathway.len <- mse.data$Pathway.length
fdr1 <- -log(as.numeric(fdr),10)
col1 <- rep(NA, length(fdr1))
col1[which(fdr > q.cutoff)] <- color[1]
col1[which(fdr <= q.cutoff)] <- color[2]
lm.model <- lm(size.range~range(pathway.len))
size1 <- coefficients(lm.model)[2]*pathway.len + coefficients(lm.model)[1]
plot(overlap*100, fdr1, pch = pch,
xlab = "Overlap (%)",
# ylab = "-log10P-value(adjusted)",
ylab = "-log10P-value",
col = col1,
cex.lab = 1.8, cex.axis = 1.5,
cex = size1)
abline(h = -log(q.cutoff, 10), lty = 3, lwd = 2,
col = "salmon")
temp.idx <- which(fdr < q.cutoff)
pathway.name <- rownames(mse.data)
pathway.name <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(pathway.name, split = ";"), function(x) x[1]))
if(text & length(temp.idx) > 0){
# text(x = 100*overlap[temp.idx], y = fdr1[temp.idx], labels = pathway.name[temp.idx])
maptools::pointLabel(x = 100*overlap[temp.idx], y = fdr1[temp.idx], pathway.name[temp.idx],
cex = 1)
# setGeneric(name = "pathwayPlot",
# def = function(mse.data,
# color = c("lightseagreen", "salmon", "orchid4"),
# size.range = c(1,5),
# q.cutoff = 0.05,
# pch = 19,
# text = TRUE
# ){
# if(nrow(mse.data) == 0){
# layout(1)
# par(mar = c(5, 5, 4, 2))
# plot(0, 0, col = "white", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
# xlab = "", ylab = "", cex.main = 1.5)
# text(x = 0, y = 0, labels = 'No pathways are enriched.',
# cex = 1.5)
# }else{
# mse.data <- mse.data[mse.data$Overlap >0,]
# fdr <- as.numeric(mse.data$q.value)
# overlap <- mse.data$Overlap/mse.data$Pathway.length
# pathway.len <- mse.data$Pathway.length
# fdr1 <- -log(as.numeric(fdr),10)
# col1 <- rep(NA, length(fdr1))
# col1[which(fdr > q.cutoff)] <- color[1]
# col1[which(fdr <= q.cutoff)] <- color[2]
# lm.model <- lm(size.range~range(pathway.len))
# size1 <- coefficients(lm.model)[2]*pathway.len + coefficients(lm.model)[1]
# plot(overlap*100, fdr1, pch = pch,
# xlab = "Overlap (%)",
# ylab = "-log10P-value(adjusted)",
# col = col1,
# cex.lab = 1.8, cex.axis = 1.5,
# cex = size1)
# abline(h = -log(q.cutoff, 10), lty = 3, lwd = 2,
# col = "salmon")
# temp.idx <- which(fdr < q.cutoff)
# pathway.name <- rownames(mse.data)
# pathway.name <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(pathway.name, split = ";"), function(x) x[1]))
# if(text & length(temp.idx) > 0){
# # text(x = 100*overlap[temp.idx], y = fdr1[temp.idx], labels = pathway.name[temp.idx])
# maptools::pointLabel(x = 100*overlap[temp.idx], y = fdr1[temp.idx], pathway.name[temp.idx],
# cex = 1)
# }
# }
# })
setGeneric(name = "pathwayPlot2",
def = function(pathway.result,
color = c("lightseagreen", "salmon", "orchid4"),
size.range = c(1,5),
p.cutoff = 0.05,
pch = 19,
text = TRUE
pathway.result <- pathway.result[pathway.result$Overlap >0,]
p1 <- as.numeric(pathway.result$adjusted.p.value.by.pvalue)
p2 <- as.numeric(pathway.result$adjusted.p.value.by.overlap)
# overlap <- mse.data$Overlap/mse.data$Pathway.length
pathway.len <- pathway.result$Pathway.length
p1 <- -log(as.numeric(p1),10)
p2 <- -log(as.numeric(p2),10)
p1[is.infinite(p1)] <- max(p1[!is.infinite(p1)])
p2[is.infinite(p2)] <- max(p2[!is.infinite(p2)])
col1 <- rep(NA, length(p1))
col1[which(p1 > -log(p.cutoff, 10) & p2 > -log(p.cutoff, 10))] <- color[2]
col1[is.na(col1)] <- color[1]
lm.model <- lm(size.range~range(pathway.len))
size1 <- coefficients(lm.model)[2]*pathway.len + coefficients(lm.model)[1]
plot(p1, p2, pch = pch,
xlab = "-log10P-value(adjusted by P-value)",
ylab = "-log10P-value(adjusted by overlap)",
col = col1,
cex.lab = 1.8, cex.axis = 1.5,
cex = size1)
abline(h = -log(p.cutoff, 10), lty = 3, lwd = 2,
col = "salmon")
abline(v = -log(p.cutoff, 10), lty = 3, lwd = 2,
col = "salmon")
temp.idx <- which(p1 > -log(p.cutoff, 10) & p2 > -log(p.cutoff, 10))
pathway.name <- pathway.result$pathway.name
if(text & length(temp.idx) > 0){
# text(x = 100*overlap[temp.idx], y = fdr1[temp.idx], labels = pathway.name[temp.idx])
maptools::pointLabel(x = p1[temp.idx], y = p2[temp.idx], pathway.name[temp.idx],
cex = 1)
setGeneric(name = "moduleScatterPlot",
def = function(module.result,
color = c("lightseagreen", "salmon", "orchid4"),
size.range = c(1,5),
p.cutoff = 0.05,
pch = 19,
text = TRUE
# mse.data <- mse.data[mse.data$Overlap >0,]
p <- as.numeric(module.result$p.value)
impact <- as.numeric(module.result$Module.impact)
module.size <- as.numeric(module.result$Module.size)
log.p <- -log(as.numeric(p),10)
log.p[is.infinite(log.p)] <- max(log.p[!is.infinite(log.p)])
col1 <- rep(NA, length(p))
col1[which(p > p.cutoff)] <- color[1]
col1[which(p <= p.cutoff)] <- color[2]
lm.model <- lm(size.range~range(module.size))
size1 <- coefficients(lm.model)[2]*module.size + coefficients(lm.model)[1]
plot(impact, log.p, pch = pch,
xlab = "Module impact",
ylab = "-log10P-value",
col = col1,
cex.lab = 1.8, cex.axis = 1.5,
cex = size1)
abline(h = -log(p.cutoff, 10), lty = 3, lwd = 2,
col = "salmon")
temp.idx <- which(p < p.cutoff)
module.name <- module.result$Module.name
# module.name <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(module.name, split = ";"), function(x) x[1]))
if(text & length(temp.idx) > 0){
# text(x = 100*overlap[temp.idx], y = fdr1[temp.idx], labels = pathway.name[temp.idx])
maptools::pointLabel(x = impact[temp.idx], y = log.p[temp.idx], module.name[temp.idx],
cex = 1)
setGeneric(name = "GetPathwayInfo",
def = function(mse.data, node.quantitative.data,
species = c("hsa","dme", "mmu", "rat", "bta", "gga",
"dre", "cel", "sce", "ath", "smm", "pfa",
"tbr", "eco", "ppu", "syf")){
species <- match.arg(species)
"hsa" = {data("hsa.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
M = hsa.kegg.pathway},
"dme" = {data("dme.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
M = dme.kegg.pathway},
"mmu" = {data("mmu.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
M = mmu.kegg.pathway},
"rat" = {data("rat.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
M = rat.kegg.pathway},
"bta" = {data("bta.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
M = bta.kegg.pathway},
"gga" = {data("gga.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
M = gga.kegg.pathway},
"dre" = {data("dre.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
M = dre.kegg.pathway},
"cel" = {data("cel.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
M = cel.kegg.pathway},
"sce" = {data("sce.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
M = sce.kegg.pathway},
"ath" = {data("ath.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
M = ath.kegg.pathway},
"smm" = {data("smm.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
M = smm.kegg.pathway},
"pfa" = {data("pfa.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
M = pfa.kegg.pathway},
"tbr" = {data("tbr.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
M = tbr.kegg.pathway},
"eco" = {data("eco.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
M = eco.kegg.pathway},
"ppu" = {data("ppu.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
M = ppu.kegg.pathway},
"syf" = {data("syf.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
M = syf.kegg.pathway}
mse.data <- mse.data[mse.data$Overlap>0,]
pathway.name.id <- rownames(mse.data)
pathway.name <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(pathway.name.id, split = ";"), function(x) x[[1]]))
pathway.id <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(pathway.name.id, split = ";"), function(x) x[[2]]))
data("kegg.compound", envir = environment())
for(i in nrow(mse.data)){
temp.idx <- match(pathway.name.id[i], names(M))
temp.idx2 <- which(node.quantitative.data$to %in% M[[temp.idx]])
setGeneric(name = "dataPlot",
def = function(data = "data.csv",
path = "."){
data <- readr::read_csv(data, col_types = readr::cols(), progress = FALSE)
mz <- as.numeric(data$mz)
rt <- as.numeric(data$rt)
plot(rt, mz, xlab = "Retention time (RT, second)",
ylab = "Mass to charge ratio (m/z)",
cex.lab = 1.8, cex.axis = 1.5, pch = 19,
cex = ifelse(length(rt > 10000), 0.3, 0.5),
col = "grey")
legend("topleft", legend = paste("Peaks:",length(mz)),
bty = "n", cex = 1.3)
#' @title zipData
#' @description Compress analysis result to zip.
#' @author Xiaotao Shen
#' \email{shenxt@@sioc.ac.cn}
#'@param polarity Acquisition mode.
setGeneric(name = "zipData",
def = function(polarity = c("positive", "negative", "both")){
polarity <- match.arg(polarity)
now.path <- getwd()
if(polarity != "both"){
dir.create(ifelse(polarity == "positive","POS", 'NEG'))
now.path1 <- strsplit(x = now.path, split = "/")[[1]]
new.path <- paste(now.path1[-length(now.path1)], collapse = "/")
data.name <- c('Analysis_report', "Dysregulated_network_analysis_result",
file.copy(from = file.path(new.path, ifelse(polarity == "positive","POS", 'NEG'), data.name),
to = ifelse(polarity == "positive","POS", 'NEG'),
recursive = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE)
zip::zip(zipfile = ifelse(polarity == "positive","POS.zip", "NEG.zip"),
files = ifelse(polarity == "positive", "POS", 'NEG'), recurse = TRUE)
file.copy(from = ifelse(polarity == "positive","POS.zip", "NEG.zip"), to = "..")
unlink(x = ifelse(polarity == "positive","POS.zip", "NEG.zip"), recursive = TRUE)
unlink(x = ifelse(polarity == "positive","POS", "NEG"), recursive = TRUE)
now.path1 <- strsplit(x = now.path, split = "/")[[1]]
if(tail(now.path1, 1) == "POS" | tail(now.path1, 1) == "NEG"){
new.path <- paste(now.path1[-length(now.path1)], collapse = "/")
dir.create("POS and NEG")
file.copy(file.path(new.path, "POS and NEG",
setdiff(dir(file.path(new.path, "POS and NEG")), "POS and NEG")),
to = "POS and NEG", recursive = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE)
unlink(file.path('POS and NEG',
"Dysregulated_network_analysis_result", "intermediate_data"), recursive = TRUE)
zip::zip(zipfile = "POS and NEG.zip",
files = "POS and NEG", recurse = TRUE)
file.copy(from = "POS and NEG.zip", to = "..")
unlink(x = "POS and NEG.zip", recursive = TRUE)
unlink(x = "POS and NEG", recursive = TRUE)
#' @title sendMail
#' @description Sent results to user using email.
#' @author Xiaotao Shen
#' \email{shenxt@@sioc.ac.cn}
#' @param email.address Email address.
#'@param polarity Acquisition mode.
#'@param from The address of sender.
#'@param user.name User name.
#'@param pw Pass word.
#'@param attach Attach or not.
setGeneric(name = "sendMail",
def = function(email.address = "zutaoshen@gmail.com",
polarity = c('positive', 'negative', 'both'),
from = "kagawabale@163.com",
user.name = "kagawabale",
pw = "19900521@2016",
attach = TRUE){
now.path <- getwd()
new.path <-
paste(strsplit(now.path, split = "/")[[1]][-length(strsplit(now.path, split = "/")[[1]])], collapse = '/')
polarity <- match.arg(polarity)
# from <- "kagawabale@163.com"
to <- email.address
subject <- paste("MetDNA analysis is done", ifelse(polarity != "both", ifelse(polarity == "positive","(Positive mode)", "(Negative mode)"), "(Positive and Negative mode)"))
body <- "<html> <b>Dear user:</b>
<br/>Thank you for using MetDNA.
<br/>The analysis of your data is done and the results can be found in attachment.
<br/>The attachment contains a analysis report (HTML) and a zip file for analysis result.
<br/>Please don't be hesitate to send email to us (shenxt@sioc.ac.cn) if you have any questions.
<br/> <b>Your sincerely,</b>
<br/> <b>XiaotaoShen and Zhengjiaing Zhu<b>
<br/><b>Website:</b> <a href = \"http://www.zhulab.cn/\"> www.zhulab.cn </a>
<img src = \"http://a3.qpic.cn/psb?/V12nMOGs2VfuNZ/L0OOyQhz2rQKFWLs0NXqS2UyWhXP8g21XcJXoZDAE80!/b/dD0BAAAAAAAA&bo=sQd2AgAAAAADAOc!&rf=viewer_4\" heigh = '600', width = '600'>
smtp <- list(host.name = "smtp.163.com", port = 465,
user.name = user.name,
passwd = pw, ssl=TRUE)
if(polarity != "both"){
attach.file1 <- file.path(new.path,
ifelse(polarity == "positive", "POS", "NEG"),
attach.file2 <- file.path(new.path, ifelse(polarity=="positive", "POS.zip", "NEG.zip"))
attach.file <- c(attach.file1, attach.file2)
attach.file1 <- file.path(new.path,
"POS and NEG",
attach.file2 <- file.path(new.path, "POS and NEG.zip")
# attach.file3 <- file.path(new.path, "POS.zip")
# attach.file4 <- file.path(new.path, "NEG.zip")
attach.file <- c(attach.file1, attach.file2)
mailR::send.mail(from = from, to = to, subject = subject, body = body,
smtp = smtp, authenticate = TRUE, send = TRUE, html = TRUE,
attach.files = attach.file
mailR::send.mail(from = from, to = to, subject = subject, body = body,
smtp = smtp, authenticate = TRUE, send = TRUE, html = TRUE)
# title getCentrality
# description Get the centrality of all nodes in nwtwork.
# author Xiaotao Shen
# \email{shenxt@@sioc.ac.cn}
# param graph The graph.
# param type degree or betweenness.
# return The centrality of all nodes.
setGeneric(name = "getCentrality",
def = function(graph,
type = c("degree", "betweenness")){
type = match.arg(type)
node <- igraph::V(graph)$name
if(type == "degree"){
node.degree <- igraph::degree(graph = graph, v = node)
node.betweenness <- lapply(node, function(x){
i <- match(x, node)
if(i == length(node)) return(NULL)
from <- x
to <- node[(i+1):length(node)]
temp <- igraph::shortest_paths(graph = graph,
from = from, to = to)[[1]]
temp <- lapply(temp, function(x) {
if(length(x) <= 2) return(NULL)
node.betweenness <- unlist(node.betweenness)
node.betweenness <- table(node.betweenness)
node0 <- setdiff(node, names(node.betweenness))
if(length(node0) == 0) return(node.betweenness)
add <- rep(0, length(node0))
names(add) <- node0
node.betweenness <- c(node.betweenness, add)
node.betweenness <- node.betweenness[match(node, names(node.betweenness))]
#' @title getNeighbor
#' @description Get the neighbors of one metabolite in graph.
#' @author Xiaotao Shen
#' \email{shenxt@@sioc.ac.cn}
#' @param metabolite.id The metabolite ID.
#' @param step The reaction step.
#' @param graph The kegg.rpair2.
#' @return The neighbor information.
#' @export
setGeneric(name = "getNeighbor",
def = function(metabolite.id,
step = 1,
# load("kegg.rpair2")
# if(!igraph::is.igraph(kegg.rpair1)) {
# kegg.rpair2 <- igraph::graph_from_graphnel(kegg.rpair1)
# }
if(!metabolite.id %in% igraph::V(graph)$name) return(NULL)
temp.step <- 1
temp.id <- metabolite.id
cum.temp.id <- NULL
while(temp.step <= step){
result <-
unique(unlist(lapply(temp.id, function(x) names(igraph::neighbors(graph, x)))))
cum.temp.id <- c(cum.temp.id, temp.id)
temp.step <- temp.step + 1
temp.id <- result
result <- setdiff(result, cum.temp.id)
result <- sort(result)
if(length(result) == 0) return(NULL)
result <-
data.frame(metabolite.id, result, step,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(result) <- c('Metabolite.ID', 'Node.ID', "Step")
result <- result
# setGeneric(name = "getGraph",
# def = function(from, to, edgemode = c("undirected"),
# format = c("graphNEL", "igraph"),
# weight = NULL){
# edgemode <- match.arg(edgemode)
# format <- match.arg(format)
# if (is.null(weight)) weight <- 1
# if (format == "graphNEL") {
# stopifnot(length(from) == length(to))
# nodes <- unique(c(from, to))
# ge <- new("graphNEL", nodes = nodes, edgemode = edgemode)
# g <- graph::addEdge(from, to, ge, weight)
# }
# else {
# if (edgemode == "undirected") {
# edgemode <- FALSE
# }
# else {
# edgemode <- TRUE
# }
# g <- igraph::graph.edgelist(cbind(from, to), directed = edgemode)
# }
# return(g)
# })
# #####Acc like acc in graph
# setGeneric(name = "findAcc",
# def = function(object, index, max.step) {
# nN <- graph::numNodes(object)#node number
# nNames<- graph::nodes(object)#node name
# nIndex <- length(index)#index number
# whN <- match(index, nNames)#index position in node
# if( any(is.na(whN)) )
# stop("unmatched node provided")
# rval <- vector("list", length=nIndex)
# names(rval) <- nNames[whN]
# for( i in seq_len(nIndex)) {
# marked <- rep(0, nN)#node marker
# distv <- rep(0, nN)#node distance
# names(distv) <- nNames
# distx <- 1#
# names(marked) <- nNames
# nmkd <- 0#
# marked[index[i]] <- 1#mark index node as 1
# done <- FALSE
# while( !done ) {
# minds <- nNames[marked==1]#find which node neighbor
# for( node in minds) {
# avec <- graph::adj(object, node)[[1]]
# avec <- avec[marked[avec]==0] #don't mark any already marked
# marked[avec] <- 1
# distv[avec] <- distx
# }
# marked[minds] <- 2
# distx <- distx+1
# newmk <- sum(marked==1)
# if( newmk == 0 | distx - 2 == max.step)
# done <- TRUE
# }
# marked[index[i]] <- 0 ##not the node itself
# rval[[i]] <- distv[marked==2]
# }
# return(rval)
# })
# ##
# setGeneric(name = "findPath",
# def = function(object, node1, node2, max.step = 10){
# step = 1
# temp.idx <- NULL
# from = node1
# result <- list()
# while(length(temp.idx) == 0 & step <= max.step){
# temp.result <- findAcc(object, from, max.step = 1)
# result[[step]] <- temp.result
# name <- unname(unlist(lapply(temp.result, function(x) {names(x)})))
# temp.idx <- which(name == node2)
# step <- step + 1
# from <- name
# }
# path.node <- list()
# i <- step - 1
# path.node[[i+1]] <- node2
# before.name <- node2
# while(!node1 %in% before.name){
# temp.result <- result[[i]]
# temp.result <- unlist(temp.result)
# idx <- lapply(before.name, function(x) grep(x, names(temp.result)))
# idx <- unlist(idx)
# before.name <- names(temp.result)[idx]
# before.name <-
# unlist(lapply(before.name, function(x) strsplit(x, split = "\\.")[[1]][1]))
# path.node[[i]] <- before.name
# i <- i - 1
# }
# path.node <- unique(unlist(path.node))
# subgraph <- graph::subGraph(snodes = path.node, object)
# return(subgraph)
# })
# setGeneric(name = "graph2matrix",
# def = function(object){
# node.name <- graph::nodes(object)
# edgeL <- graph::edgeL(object)
# idx <- lapply(edgeL, function(x) {x[[1]]})
# pair <- lapply(idx, function(x) {node.name[x]})
# pair <- mapply(function(x,y) {cbind(x, y)}, x = node.name, y = pair)
# pair <- do.call(rbind, pair)
# weight <- unname(unlist(graph::edgeWeights(object)))
# result <- data.frame(pair, weight, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# colnames(result) <- c("Node1.ID", "Node2.ID", "weight")
# #remove duplicated pair
# result1 <- apply(result, 1, list)
# result2 <- lapply(result1, function(x) {x[[1]]})
# dup <- rep(FALSE, length(result2))
# for(i in seq_along(result2)[-1]){
# before <- result2[1:(i-1)]
# dup[i] <-
# any(unlist(lapply(before, function(x) {setequal(x, result2[[i]])})))
# }
# result3 <- result[!dup,]
# return(result3)
# })
#' @title memoryList
#' @description List the size of objects.
#' @author Xiaotao Shen
#' \email{shenxt@@sioc.ac.cn}
#' @param decreasing Logical. List the object from big to small or not.
#' @param n List how many objects.
#' @return The size of objects.
#' @export
setGeneric(name = "memoryList",
def = function(decreasing = TRUE,
n = 10){
object.name <- ls(envir = globalenv())
cat("Total memory used:")
temp <- pryr::mem_used()
if(length(object.name) != 0){
object.size1 <-
sapply(object.name, function(x) {pryr::object_size(get(x))})
object.size1 <- object.size1[order(object.size1, decreasing = TRUE)]
object.size1 <- object.size1[order(object.size1, decreasing = FALSE)]
for(i in 1:n){
temp <- pryr::object_size(get(names(object.size1)[i]))
#formula functions
#' @title sumFormula
#' @description Combine metabolite and adduct as a new sum formula.
#' If there are no enough element to remove, return NA.
#' @author Xiaotao Shen
#' \email{shenxt@@sioc.ac.cn}
#' @param formula The formula of metabolite.
#' @param adduct The adduct of metabolite.
#' @return A sum formula.
#' @export
setGeneric(name = "sumFormula",
def = function(formula = "C9H11NO2",
adduct = "M-H2O+H"){
if(is.na(formula)) return(NA)
if(is.na(adduct)) return(formula)
if(adduct == "M+" | adduct == "M-"){
formula1 <- splitFormula(formula)
adduct1 <- strsplit(x = adduct, split = "\\-|\\+")[[1]][-1]
polymer <- as.numeric(gsub(pattern = "M", replacement = "",
strsplit(x = adduct, split = "\\-|\\+")[[1]][1]))
if (is.na(polymer)) polymer <- 1
plusorminus <- strsplit(x = adduct, split = "")[[1]]
plusorminus <- grep("\\+|\\-", plusorminus, value = TRUE)
formula1$number <- formula1$number * polymer
adduct1 <- mapply(function(x, y){
temp <- splitFormula(x)
temp$number <- temp$number * ifelse(y == "+", 1, -1)
x = adduct1,
y = plusorminus)
adduct1 <- do.call(rbind, adduct1)
formula <- rbind(formula1, adduct1)
rownames(formula) <- NULL
unique.element <- unique(formula$element.name)
if(length(unique.element) == nrow(formula)){
if(any(formula$number < 0)) {
formula$number[formula$number==1] <- "W"
formula <- paste(paste(formula$element.name, formula$number, sep = ""), collapse = "")
formula <- strsplit(formula, split = "")[[1]]
formula[formula == "W"] <- ""
formula <- paste(formula, collapse = "")
formula <- lapply(unique.element, function(x){
formula[formula$element.name == x,,drop = FALSE]
formula <- lapply(formula, function(x){
data.frame(unique(x$element.name), sum(x$number),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
formula <- do.call(rbind, formula)
formula <- formula[formula[,2] != 0,]
colnames(formula) <- c("element.name", "number")
if(any(formula$number < 0)) {return(NA)}else{
formula$number[formula$number==1] <- "W"
formula <- paste(paste(formula$element.name, formula$number, sep = ""), collapse = "")
formula <- strsplit(formula, split = "")[[1]]
formula[formula == "W"] <- ""
formula <- paste(formula, collapse = "")
# setGeneric(name = "sumFormula",
# def = function(formula = "C9H11NO2",
# adduct = "M+H"){
# if(is.na(formula)) return(NA)
# if(is.na(adduct)) return(formula)
# if(adduct == "M+" | adduct == "M-"){
# return(formula)
# }
# suppressMessages(expr = data(thermo, package = "CHNOSZ"))
# adduct.species <- c("2ACN", "2Cl", "2H", "2H2O", "2K", "2Na",
# "3ACN", "3H", "3H2O", "3Na", "ACN", "Br",
# "CF3COOH", "CH3OH", "Cl", "H", "H2O", "Hac",
# "HCOOH", "IsoProp", "K", "Na", "NaCOOH", "NH4",
# "DMSO", "CH3CN", "3K", "CH3COO", "F", "NH3",
# "HCOO")
# adduct.number <- c(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
# 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1,
# 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
# 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
# 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1,
# 1)
# adduct.element <- c("C4H6N", "Cl2" ,"H2", "H4O2", "K2", "Na2",
# "C6H9N3", "H3", "H6O3", "Na3", "C2H3N", "Br",
# "C2F3O2H", "CH4O", "Cl", "H", "H2O", "C2H4O2",
# "CO2H2", "C3H8O", "K", "Na", "NaCO2H", "NH4",
# "C2H6OS", "C2H3N", "K3", "C2H3O2", "F", "NH3",
# "CHO2")
# ###formula has the charge
# if(adduct == "M+"){return(formula)}
# adduct1 <- strsplit(x = adduct, split = ("\\+|\\-"))[[1]]
# plusorminus <- strsplit(x = adduct, split = "")[[1]]
# idx1 <- which(plusorminus == "+")
# idx2 <- which(plusorminus == "-")
# plusorminus1 <- NULL
# plusorminus1[idx1] <- "+"
# plusorminus1[idx2] <- "-"
# plusorminus1 <- plusorminus1[!is.na(plusorminus1)]
# ## ploymer
# polymer <- as.numeric(gsub(pattern = "M", replacement = "", x = adduct1[1]))
# if (is.na(polymer)) polymer <- 1
# ## adduct information
# adduct2 <- adduct1[-1]
# ## add polymer
# formula1 <- CHNOSZ::makeup(unname(formula))
# formula1 <- CHNOSZ::as.chemical.formula(formula1 * polymer)
# for (i in 1:length(adduct2)) {
# element <- adduct2[i]
# if(!is.element(el = element, set = adduct.species)){
# stop(element, " is not in the adduct.species")
# }
# element <- adduct.element[which(element == adduct.species)]
# ## add some thing
# if (plusorminus1[i] == "+") {
# temp.formula1 <- splitFormula(formula1)
# temp.element <- splitFormula(element)
# if(nrow(temp.formula1) == 1 & nrow(temp.element) == 1 &
# temp.formula1[1,1] == temp.element[1,1]){
# formula1 <- CHNOSZ::makeup(formula1) + CHNOSZ::makeup(element)
# }else{
# temp <- CHNOSZ::i2A(c(formula1, element))
# formula1 <- apply(temp, 2, sum)
# }
# # formula1 <- temp[1,] + temp[2,]
# formula1 <- CHNOSZ::as.chemical.formula(formula1)
# }else{
# temp.formula1 <- splitFormula(formula1)
# temp.element <- splitFormula(element)
# if(nrow(temp.formula1) == 1 & nrow(temp.element) == 1 &
# temp.formula1[1,1] == temp.element[1,1]){
# formula1 <- CHNOSZ::makeup(formula1) - CHNOSZ::makeup(element)
# }else{
# temp <- CHNOSZ::i2A(c(formula1, element))
# formula1 <- temp[1,] - temp[2,]
# }
# if(any(formula1 < 0)) return(NA)
# formula1 <- CHNOSZ::as.chemical.formula(formula1)
# }
# }
# return(formula1)
# })
#' @title splitFormula
#' @description Split a formula into element and number.
#' @author Xiaotao Shen
#' \email{shenxt@@sioc.ac.cn}
#' @param formula The formula of metabolite.
#' @return A splited formula.
#' @export
setGeneric(name = "splitFormula",
def = function(formula = "C9H11NO2"){
temp.formula <- strsplit(formula, split = "")[[1]]
number <- NULL
for(i in 1:length(temp.formula)){
if(length(grep("[0-9]{1}", temp.formula[i])) == 0){break}
number[i] <- temp.formula[i]
if(!is.null(number)) {
number <- as.numeric(paste(number, collapse = ""))
number <- 1
##first select the Na, Cl and so on element
idx1 <- gregexpr("[A-Z][a-z][0-9]*", formula)[[1]]
len1 <- attributes(idx1)$match.length
##no double element
if(idx1[1] == -1) {
double.formula <- matrix(NA, ncol = 2)
formula1 <- formula
double.letter.element <- NULL
double.number <- NULL
remove.idx <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(idx1)) {
double.letter.element[i] <- substr(formula, idx1[i], idx1[i] + len1[i] - 1)
if(nchar(double.letter.element[i]) == 2){
double.number[i] <- 1
double.number[i] <- as.numeric(substr(double.letter.element[i], 3, nchar(double.letter.element[i])))
double.letter.element[i] <- substr(double.letter.element[i], 1, 2)
remove.idx <- c(remove.idx, idx1[i] : (idx1[i] + len1[i] - 1))
double.formula <- data.frame(double.letter.element,
double.number, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
formula1 <- strsplit(formula, split = "")[[1]]
formula1 <- formula1[-remove.idx]
formula1 <- paste(formula1, collapse = "")
## no one element
if(formula1 == ""){
one.formula <- matrix(NA, ncol = 2)
idx2 <- gregexpr("[A-Z][0-9]*", formula1)[[1]]
len2 <- attributes(idx2)$match.length
one.letter.element <- NULL
one.number <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(idx2)) {
one.letter.element[i] <- substr(formula1, idx2[i], idx2[i] + len2[i] - 1)
if(nchar(one.letter.element[i]) == 1){
one.number[i] <- 1
one.number[i] <- as.numeric(substr(one.letter.element[i], 2, nchar(one.letter.element[i])))
one.letter.element[i] <- substr(one.letter.element[i], 1, 1)
one.formula <- data.frame(one.letter.element, one.number,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(double.formula) <- colnames(one.formula) <- c("element.name","number")
formula <- rbind(double.formula, one.formula)
formula <- formula[!apply(formula, 1, function(x) any(is.na(x))),]
formula <- formula[order(formula$element.name),]
formula$number <- formula$number * number
unique.element <- unique(formula$element.name)
if(length(unique.element) == nrow(formula)){
formula <- lapply(unique.element, function(x){
formula[formula$element.name == x,,drop = FALSE]
formula <- lapply(formula, function(x){
data.frame(unique(x$element.name), sum(x$number),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
formula <- do.call(rbind, formula)
colnames(formula) <- c("element.name", "number")
#' @title pasteElement
#' @description Paste formula and element.
#' Combine metabolite and adduct as a new sum formula.
#' If there are no enough element to remove, return NA.
#' @author Xiaotao Shen
#' \email{shenxt@@sioc.ac.cn}
#' @param formula The formula of metabolite.
#' @param element The element.
#' @param mode Add or remove a module
#' @export
#' @return A formula.
pasteElement <- function(formula = "C9H11NO2",
element = "H",
mode = c("plus", "minus")){
mode <- match.arg(mode)
formula <- splitFormula(formula = formula)
element <- splitFormula(formula = element)
## mode = plus
if(mode == "plus"){
for (i in 1:nrow(element)){
temp.name <- as.character(element[i,1])
temp.number <- as.numeric(element[i,2])
temp.idx <- match(temp.name, formula[,1])
if(is.na(temp.idx)) {
formula <- rbind(formula, element[i,])
formula[temp.idx, 2] <- formula[temp.idx, 2] + temp.number
for (i in 1:nrow(element)){
temp.name <- as.character(element[i,1])
temp.number <- as.numeric(element[i,2])
temp.idx <- match(temp.name, formula[,1])
if(is.na(temp.idx)) {
# warning("Formula has no element in adduct!\n")
formula[temp.idx,2] <- formula[temp.idx,2] - temp.number
if(formula[temp.idx,2] < 0) {
# warning("Formula has no enough element in adduct!\n")
###return formula
formula <- as.data.frame(formula)
formula <- formula[formula[,2] != 0, , drop = FALSE]
formula <- c(t(formula))
formula <- gsub(pattern = " ", replacement = "", x = formula)
formula <- formula[formula != "1"]
formula <- paste(formula, collapse = "")
#' @title checkElement
#' @description Check a formula can add one adduct or not.
#' @author Xiaotao Shen
#' \email{shenxt@@sioc.ac.cn}
#' @param formula The formula of metabolite.
#' @param adduct The adduct.
#' @return valid, return TRUE; invalid.
#' @export
setGeneric(name = "checkElement",
def = function(formula = "C9H11NO2",
adduct = "M-H2O+H"){
formula1 <- splitFormula(formula)
adduct1 <- strsplit(x = adduct, split = "\\-|\\+")[[1]][-1]
plusorminus <- strsplit(x = adduct, split = "")[[1]]
plusorminus <- grep("\\+|\\-", plusorminus, value = TRUE)
if(all(plusorminus == "+")) return(TRUE)
adduct1 <- mapply(function(x, y){
temp <- splitFormula(x)
temp$number <- temp$number * ifelse(y == "+", 1, -1)
x = adduct1,
y = plusorminus)
adduct1 <- do.call(rbind, adduct1)
formula <- rbind(formula1, adduct1)
rownames(formula) <- NULL
unique.element <- unique(formula$element.name)
if(length(unique.element) == nrow(formula)){
if(any(formula$number < 0)) {return(FALSE)}else{return(TRUE)}
formula <- lapply(unique.element, function(x){
formula[formula$element.name == x,,drop = FALSE]
formula <- lapply(formula, function(x){
data.frame(unique(x$element.name), sum(x$number),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
formula <- do.call(rbind, formula)
colnames(formula) <- c("element.name", "number")
if(any(formula$number < 0)) {return(FALSE)}else{return(TRUE)}
# setGeneric(name = "checkElement",
# def = function(formula = "C9H11NO2",
# adduct = "M-H2O+H"){
# #
# if(is.na(formula)) return(NA)
# if(is.na(adduct)) return(formula)
# if(adduct == "M+" | adduct == "M-"){
# return(formula)
# }
# suppressMessages(expr = data(thermo, package = "CHNOSZ"))
# adduct.species <- c("2ACN", "2Cl", "2H", "2H2O", "2K", "2Na",
# "3ACN", "3H", "3H2O", "3Na", "ACN", "Br",
# "CF3COOH", "CH3OH", "Cl", "H", "H2O", "Hac",
# "HCOOH", "IsoProp", "K", "Na", "NaCOOH", "NH4",
# "DMSO", "CH3CN", "3K", "CH3COO", "F", "NH3",
# "HCOO")
# adduct.number <- c(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
# 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1,
# 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
# 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
# 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1,
# 1)
# adduct.element <- c("C4H6N", "Cl2" ,"H2", "H4O2", "K2", "Na2",
# "C6H9N3", "H3", "H6O3", "Na3", "C2H3N", "Br",
# "C2F3O2H", "CH4O", "Cl", "H", "H2O", "C2H4O2",
# "CO2H2", "C3H8O", "K", "Na", "NaCO2H", "NH4",
# "C2H6OS", "C2H3N", "K3", "C2H3O2", "F", "NH3",
# "CHO2")
# adduct1 <- strsplit(x = adduct, split = ("\\+|\\-"))[[1]]
# plusorminus <- strsplit(x = adduct, split = "")[[1]]
# idx1 <- which(plusorminus == "+")
# idx2 <- which(plusorminus == "-")
# plusorminus1 <- NULL
# plusorminus1[idx1] <- "+"
# plusorminus1[idx2] <- "-"
# plusorminus1 <- plusorminus1[!is.na(plusorminus1)]
# ## ploymer
# polymer <- as.numeric(gsub(pattern = "M", replacement = "", x = adduct1[1]))
# if (is.na(polymer)) polymer <- 1
# ## adduct information
# adduct2 <- adduct1[-1]
# #
# # ## add polymer
# # formula1 <- splitFormula(formula)
# # formula1[,2] <- formula1[,2] * polymer
# # formula1 <- c(t(formula1))
# # formula1 <- gsub(pattern = " ", replacement = "", x = formula1)
# # formula1 <- formula1[formula1 != "1"]
# # formula1 <- paste(formula1, collapse = "")
# ## add polymer
# formula1 <- CHNOSZ::makeup(unname(formula))
# formula1 <- CHNOSZ::as.chemical.formula(formula1 * polymer)
# for (i in 1:length(adduct2)) {
# element <- adduct2[i]
# element <- adduct.element[which(element == adduct.species)]
# ## add some thing
# if (plusorminus1[i] == "+") {
# temp.formula1 <- splitFormula(formula1)
# temp.element <- splitFormula(element)
# if(nrow(temp.formula1) == 1 & nrow(temp.element) == 1 &
# temp.formula1[1,1] == temp.element[1,1]){
# formula1 <- CHNOSZ::makeup(formula1) + CHNOSZ::makeup(element)
# }else{
# temp <- CHNOSZ::i2A(c(formula1, element))
# formula1 <- apply(temp, 2, sum)
# }
# # formula1 <- temp[1,] + temp[2,]
# formula1 <- CHNOSZ::as.chemical.formula(formula1)
# }else{
# temp.formula1 <- splitFormula(formula1)
# temp.element <- splitFormula(element)
# if(nrow(temp.formula1) == 1 & nrow(temp.element) == 1 &
# temp.formula1[1,1] == temp.element[1,1]){
# formula1 <- CHNOSZ::makeup(formula1) - CHNOSZ::makeup(element)
# }else{
# temp <- CHNOSZ::i2A(c(formula1, element))
# formula1 <- temp[1,] - temp[2,]
# }
# if(any(formula1 < 0)) return(FALSE)
# formula1 <- CHNOSZ::as.chemical.formula(formula1)
# }
# }
# return(TRUE)
# })
# title changeTags: Chages tags (matrix or data.frame) to S4 class peakInfo
# description changeTages is used to change tags information (matrix or
# data frame) to peakInfo (S4 class).
# author Xiaotao Shen
# \email{shenxt@@sioc.ac.cn}
# param tags The tags information.
# param ms2 The ms2.
# param adduct.table The adduct table.
# param weight.mz mz weight.
# param weight.rt RT weight
# param weight.dp Dop product weight
# param mz.tol The mz tolerance.
# param rt.tol The RT tolerance.
# param dp.tol The dp tolerance.
# param ... other parameters.
# return Tags2 data.
# export
setGeneric(name = "changeTags",
def = function(tags = tags,
ms2 = ms2,
adduct.table = adduct.table,
weight.mz = 0.25,
weight.rt = 0.25,
weight.dp = 0.5,
mz.tol = 25,
rt.tol = 30,
dp.tol = 0.5,
...) {
#score formula
##calculate score for peak, using mz error, rt error
##and int error
temp.x <- c(0, mz.tol)
temp.y <- c(1, 0)
lm.reg.mz <- lm(temp.y~temp.x)
temp.x <- c(0, rt.tol)
temp.y <- c(1, 0)
lm.reg.rt <- lm(temp.y~temp.x)
temp.x <- c(dp.tol, 1)
temp.y <- c(0, 1)
lm.reg.dp <- lm(temp.y~temp.x)
#load ms2 information
ms2 <- ms2
ms2.name <-
unname(unlist(lapply(ms2, function(x) {x[[1]]["NAME",]})))
#change space and nan to NA
tags[which(tags == "", arr.ind = TRUE)] <- NA
# tags[which(is.nan(tags), arr.ind = TRUE)] <- NA
#change tags to a list, a element is a peak.
tags1 <- apply(tags, 1, list)
#change tags1 to peakInfo S4 class
tags2 <- lapply(tags1, function(x){
temp <- new(Class = "peakInfo",
name = stringr::str_trim(as.character(x[[1]]["Peak.name"])),
mz = as.numeric(x[[1]]["mz"]),
rt = as.numeric(x[[1]]["rt"]),
##add a empty ms2
ms2 = data.frame(),
annotation = list()
kegg.id <- x[[1]]["KEGG.ID"]
kegg.id <- strsplit(kegg.id, split = ";")[[1]]
kegg.id[kegg.id == "NA"] <- NA
adduct <- strsplit(x[[1]]["adduct"], split = ";")[[1]]
ms2.sim <-
as.numeric(strsplit(x[[1]]["ms2.sim"], split = ";")[[1]])
rt.error <-
as.numeric(strsplit(x[[1]]["rt.error"], split = ";")[[1]])
##for the identification whose rt error is NA, make it as
rt.error[is.na(rt.error)] <- rt.tol
mz.error <-
as.numeric(strsplit(x[[1]]["mz.error"], split = ";")[[1]])
formula <- strsplit(x[[1]]["Formula"], split = ";")[[1]]
temp.idx <- which(!is.na(kegg.id))
kegg.id <- kegg.id[temp.idx]
adduct <- adduct[temp.idx]
ms2.sim <- ms2.sim[temp.idx]
rt.error <- rt.error[temp.idx]
mz.error <- mz.error[temp.idx]
formula <- formula[temp.idx]
for(i in 1:length(kegg.id)){
score1 <- coefficients(lm.reg.mz)[1] +
coefficients(lm.reg.mz)[2] * mz.error[i]
score2 <- coefficients(lm.reg.rt)[1] +
coefficients(lm.reg.rt)[2] * rt.error[i]
score3 <- coefficients(lm.reg.dp)[1] +
coefficients(lm.reg.dp)[2] * ms2.sim[i]
score <-
score1*weight.mz + score2*weight.rt + score3 * weight.dp
temp@annotation[[i]] <-
list(type = "seed",
From = NA,
From.peak = NA,
to = stringr::str_trim(kegg.id[i]),
step = NA,
level = 1,
as.seed = FALSE,
as.seed.round = NA,
isotope = "[M]",
adduct = stringr::str_trim(adduct[i]),
charge =
as.numeric(adduct.table$charge[match(adduct[i], adduct.table$name)]),
Formula = stringr::str_trim(formula[i]),
mz.error = as.numeric(mz.error[i]),
rt.error = as.numeric(rt.error[i]),
int.error = NA,
ms2.sim = as.numeric(ms2.sim[i]),
score = unname(score)
##if has ms2, add ms2 information
tags2 <- lapply(tags2, function(x){
x@ms2 <- data.frame(ms2[[match(x@name, ms2.name)]]$spec,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# tags2 <-
# lapply(tags2, function(x) {filterPeak(object = x, score.thr = 0)})
##if score of annotation is less than 0, then change it to 0.001
tags2 <- lapply(tags2, function(x){
if(length(x@annotation) == 0) return(x)
annotation <- x@annotation
annotation <- lapply(annotation, function(y){
if(y$score < 0) y$score <- 0.001
x@annotation <- annotation
tags2 <- tags2
# title isotope2peakInfo
# description Add isotope result into tags2 data.
# author Xiaotao Shen
# \email{shenxt@@sioc.ac.cn}
# param isotopes.result The isotope result.
# param mz.tol The mz tolerance.
# param rt.tol The RT tolerance.
# param int.tol The intensity ratio tolerance.
# param weight.mz mz weight.
# param weight.rt RT weight.
# param weight.int Intesnity ratio weight.
# param peak.info The tags2 data.
# param peak.idx The index of seeds.
# param anno.idx The index of annotation
# param annotation.idx The index of peaks which are annotated.
# return Tags2 data.
# export
setGeneric(name = "isotope2peakInfo",
def = function(isotopes.result,
mz.tol = 25,
rt.tol = 3,
int.tol = 500,
weight.mz = 0.45,
weight.rt = 0.45,
weight.int = 0.1,
annotation.idx = c(1:length(peak.info))){
if (is.null(isotopes.result)) return(peak.info)
index <- annotation.idx[isotopes.result[,"peakIndex"]]
seed <- peak.info[[peak.idx]]
seed.name <- seed@name
#score formula
##calculate score for peak, using mz error, rt error
temp.x <- c(0, mz.tol)
temp.y <- c(1, 0)
lm.reg.mz <- lm(temp.y~temp.x)
temp.x <- c(0, rt.tol)
temp.y <- c(1, 0)
lm.reg.rt <- lm(temp.y~temp.x)
temp.x <- c(0, int.tol)
temp.y <- c(1, 0)
lm.reg.int <- lm(temp.y~temp.x)
for(i in 1:length(index)){
if(length(peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation) == 0){
k = 1
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation <- list(
list(type = NA,
From = NA,
From.peak = NA,
to = NA,
step = NA,
level = NA,
as.seed = FALSE,
as.seed.round = NA,
isotope = NA,
adduct = NA,
charge = NA,
Formula = NA,
mz.error = NA,
rt.error = NA,
int.error = NA,
ms2.sim = NA,
score = NA)
k = length(peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation) + 1
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation <-
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$type = "isotopeAnnotation"
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$From =
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$From.peak =
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$to =
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$step = NA
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$level =
unname(seed@annotation[[anno.idx]]$level + 1)
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$as.seed = FALSE
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$as.seed.round = NA
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$isotope =
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$adduct =
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$charge =
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$Formula =
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$mz.error =
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$rt.error =
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$int.error =
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$ms2.sim = NA
score1 <- coefficients(lm.reg.mz)[1] +
coefficients(lm.reg.mz)[2] * isotopes.result$mzError.ppm[i]
score2 <- coefficients(lm.reg.rt)[1] +
coefficients(lm.reg.rt)[2] * isotopes.result$rtError.s[i]
score3 <- coefficients(lm.reg.int)[1] +
coefficients(lm.reg.int)[2] * isotopes.result$IntensityRatioError..[i]
score <- score1*weight.mz + score2*weight.rt + score3*weight.int
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$score = unname(score)
peak.info <- peak.info
# title adduct2peakInfo
# description Add adduct result into tags2 data.
# author Xiaotao Shen
# \email{shenxt@@sioc.ac.cn}
# param adduct.result The adduct result.
# param mz.tol The mz tolerance.
# param rt.tol The RT tolerance.
# param weight.mz mz weight.
# param weight.rt RT weight.
# param peak.info The tags2 data.
# param peak.idx The index of seeds.
# param anno.idx The index of annotation
# param annotation.idx The index of peaks which are annotated.
# return Tags2 data.
# export
setGeneric(name = "adduct2peakInfo",
def = function(adduct.result,
mz.tol = 25,
rt.tol = 3,
weight.mz = 0.8,
weight.rt = 0.2,
annotation.idx = c(1:length(peak.info))){
if(is.null(adduct.result)) return(peak.info)
index <- annotation.idx[adduct.result[,"peakIndex"]]
seed <- peak.info[[peak.idx]]
##seed information
seed.name <- seed@name
seed.from.name <- seed@annotation[[anno.idx]]$From.peak
seed.from <- seed@annotation[[anno.idx]]$From
##find the peaks which annotate the seed. For example, if seed
#if seed.from.name or seed.form is NA, this means this seed is the
#raw seed for annotation
if(!is.na(seed.from.name) | !is.na(seed.from)){
#index1 is the index peak which have annotation
index1 <-
slot = "annotation.len") > 0)]
if(length(index1) == 0){
index <- index
#remove.i is the index of annotated peaks which should not be
#annotated by this seed
remove.i <- NULL
for(i in 1:length(index1)){
name <- peak.info[[index1[i]]]@name
# id <- peak.info[[index1[i]]]@annotation[[1]]$to
id <-
unlist(lapply(peak.info[[210]]@annotation, function(x) x$to))
as.seed <-
unlist(lapply(peak.info[[210]]@annotation, function(x) x$as.seed))
id <- id[as.seed]
if(length(id) == 0) id <- "no"
if(seed.from.name == name & any(seed.from == id)){
remove.i[i] <- index1[i]
remove.i <- remove.i[!is.na(remove.i)]
index <- setdiff(index, remove.i)
if(length(index) == 0) return(peak.info)
#score formula
##calculate score for peak, using mz error, rt error
##and int error
temp.x <- c(0, mz.tol)
temp.y <- c(1, 0)
lm.reg.mz <- lm(temp.y~temp.x)
temp.x <- c(0, rt.tol)
temp.y <- c(1, 0)
lm.reg.rt <- lm(temp.y~temp.x)
for(i in 1:length(index)){
if(length(peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation) == 0){
k = 1
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation <- list(
list(type = NA,
From = NA,
From.peak = NA,
to = NA,
step = NA,
level = NA,
as.seed = FALSE,
as.seed.round = NA,
isotope = NA,
adduct = NA,
charge = NA,
Formula = NA,
mz.error = NA,
rt.error = NA,
int.error = NA,
ms2.sim = NA,
score = NA)
k = length(peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation) + 1
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation <-
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$type = "adductAnnotation"
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$From =
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$From.peak =
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$to =
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$step = NA
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$level =
unname(seed@annotation[[anno.idx]]$level + 1)
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$as.seed = FALSE
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$as.seed.round = NA
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$isotope =
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$adduct =
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$charge =
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$Formula =
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$mz.error =
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$rt.error =
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$int.error = NA
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$ms2.sim = NA
score1 <- coefficients(lm.reg.mz)[1] +
coefficients(lm.reg.mz)[2] * adduct.result$mzError.ppm[i]
score2 <- coefficients(lm.reg.rt)[1] +
coefficients(lm.reg.rt)[2] * adduct.result$rtError.s[i]
score <- score1*weight.mz + score2*weight.rt
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$score = unname(score)
peak.info <- peak.info
# title metabolite2peakInfo
# description Add annotation information form metAnnotation into
# peakInfo.
# author Xiaotao Shen
# \email{shenxt@@sioc.ac.cn}
# param metabolite.result metabolite.result from metAnnotation
# param mz.tol m/z tolerrance
# param rt.tol RT tolerrance
# param dp.tol Dot product tolerrance
# param weight.mz m/z weight
# param weight.rt RT weight
# param weight.dp Dot product weight
# param peak.info Peak info data
# param peak.idx The index of seed peaks.
# param anno.idx The index of seed annotations.
# param metabolite KEGG compound database
# param annotation.idx The index of peaks which are used for annotation
# return The tags2 data.
# export
setGeneric(name = "metabolite2peakInfo",
def = function(metabolite.result,
mz.tol = 25,
rt.tol = 30,
dp.tol = 0.5,
weight.mz = 0.25,
weight.rt = 0.25,
weight.dp = 0.5,
peak.idx = 333,
anno.idx = 1,
metabolite = metabolite,
annotation.idx = c(1:length(peak.info))){
##check parameters
if(!is.list(peak.info)) stop("peak.info provided is invalid.")
if(is.null(metabolite.result)) return(peak.info)
#index is the index of peaks which are annotated by seed
index <- annotation.idx[metabolite.result[,"peakIndex"]]
#seed is the seed which annotate peaks
seed <- peak.info[[peak.idx]]
##seed information
seed.name <- seed@name
seed.from.name <- seed@annotation[[anno.idx]]$From.peak
seed.from <- seed@annotation[[anno.idx]]$From
##find the peaks which annotate the seed. For example, if seed
#if seed.from.name or seed.form is NA, this means this seed is the
#raw seed for annotation
if(!is.na(seed.from.name) & !is.na(seed.from)){
#index1 is the index peak which have annotation
index1 <-
index[which(showTags2(peak.info[index], slot = "annotation.len") > 0)]
if(length(index1) == 0){
index <- index
#remove.i is the index of annotated peaks which should not be
#annotated by this seed
remove.i <- NULL
for(i in 1:length(index1)){
name <- peak.info[[index1[i]]]@name
# id <- peak.info[[index1[i]]]@annotation[[1]]$to
id <-
unlist(lapply(peak.info[[index1[i]]]@annotation, function(x) x$to))
as.seed <-
unlist(lapply(peak.info[[index1[i]]]@annotation, function(x) x$as.seed))
id <- id[as.seed]
if(length(id) == 0) id <- "no"
if(seed.from.name == name & any(seed.from == id)){
remove.i[i] <- index1[i]
remove.i <- remove.i[!is.na(remove.i)]
remove.i <- unique(remove.i)
if(length(remove.i) != 0) {
metabolite.result <- metabolite.result[-which(remove.i == index),]
if(nrow(metabolite.result) != 0) {
index <- metabolite.result$peakIndex}else{
index <- NULL
if(length(index) == 0) return(peak.info)
#score formula
##calculate score for peak, using mz error, rt error
##and int error
temp.x <- c(0, mz.tol)
temp.y <- c(1, 0)
lm.reg.mz <- lm(temp.y~temp.x)
temp.x <- c(0, rt.tol)
temp.y <- c(1, 0)
lm.reg.rt <- lm(temp.y~temp.x)
temp.x <- c(dp.tol, 1)
temp.y <- c(0, 1)
lm.reg.dp <- lm(temp.y~temp.x)
for(i in 1:length(index)){
if(length(peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation) == 0){
k = 1
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation <- list(
list(type = NA,
From = NA,
From.peak = NA,
to = NA,
step = NA,
level = NA,
as.seed = FALSE,
as.seed.round = NA,
isotope = NA,
adduct = NA,
charge = NA,
Formula = NA,
mz.error = NA,
rt.error = NA,
int.error = NA,
ms2.sim = NA,
score = NA))
k = length(peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation) + 1
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation <-
##remove the annotation which is from the peak that it annotate
##for example, if peak A is metabolte 1, and the it annotate peak B as
##metabolite 2, and then Peak B is used as seed and annotate peak A, so to
#peak A, all the annotation from Peak B (metabolite 1) should be removed
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$type = "metAnnotation"
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$From =
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$From.peak =
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$to =
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$step =
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$level =
unname(seed@annotation[[anno.idx]]$level + 1)
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$as.seed = FALSE
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$as.seed.round = NA
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$isotope = '[M]'
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$adduct =
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$charge =
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$Formula =
unname(metabolite$Formula[match(metabolite.result$peakID[i], metabolite$ID)])
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$mz.error =
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$rt.error =
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$int.error = NA
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$ms2.sim =
score1 <- coefficients(lm.reg.mz)[1] +
coefficients(lm.reg.mz)[2] * metabolite.result$mzError.ppm[i]
score2 <- coefficients(lm.reg.rt)[1] +
coefficients(lm.reg.rt)[2] * metabolite.result$rtError[i]
score3 <- coefficients(lm.reg.dp)[1] +
coefficients(lm.reg.dp)[2] * metabolite.result$dotProduct[i]
score <- score1*weight.mz + score2*weight.rt + score3 * weight.dp
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$score = unname(score)
peak.info <- peak.info
# title kegg2peakInfo
# description Add annotation information form kegg matching result (mz and rt)
# author Xiaotao Shen
# \email{shenxt@@sioc.ac.cn}
# param kegg.result KEGG.result from kegg matching
# param mz.tol m/z tolerance
# param rt.tol RT tolerance
# param dp.tol Dot product tolerance
# param weight.mz m/z weight
# param weight.rt RT weight
# param weight.dp Dot product weight
# param peak.info Peak info data
# param kegg.compound KEGG compound database
# param annotation.idx The index of peaks which are used for annotation
# return The tags2 data.
# export
setGeneric(name = "kegg2peakInfo",
def = function(kegg.result,
mz.tol = 25,
rt.tol = 30,
dp.tol = 0.5,
weight.mz = 0.5,
weight.rt = 0.5,
weight.dp = 0,
annotation.idx = c(1:length(peak.info))){
##check parameters
if(!is.list(peak.info)) stop("peak.info provided is invalid.")
if(is.null(kegg.result)) return(peak.info)
#index is the index of peaks which are annotated by seed
index <- annotation.idx[kegg.result[,"peakIndex"]]
#score formula
##calculate score for peak, using mz error, rt error
##and int error
temp.x <- c(0, mz.tol)
temp.y <- c(1, 0)
lm.reg.mz <- lm(temp.y~temp.x)
temp.x <- c(0, rt.tol)
temp.y <- c(1, 0)
lm.reg.rt <- lm(temp.y~temp.x)
temp.x <- c(dp.tol, 1)
temp.y <- c(0, 1)
lm.reg.dp <- lm(temp.y~temp.x)
for(i in 1:length(index)){
if(length(peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation) == 0){
k = 1
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation <- list(
list(type = NA,
From = NA,
From.peak = NA,
to = NA,
step = NA,
level = NA,
as.seed = FALSE,
as.seed.round = NA,
isotope = NA,
adduct = NA,
charge = NA,
Formula = NA,
mz.error = NA,
rt.error = NA,
int.error = NA,
ms2.sim = NA,
score = NA))
k = length(peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation) + 1
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation <-
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$type = "keggMatching"
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$From = NA
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$From.peak = NA
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$to =
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$step = NA
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$level = NA
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$as.seed = FALSE
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$as.seed.round = NA
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$isotope = '[M]'
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$adduct =
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$charge =
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$Formula =
unname(kegg.compound$Formula[match(kegg.result$peakID[i], kegg.compound$ID)])
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$mz.error =
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$rt.error =
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$int.error = NA
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$ms2.sim = NA
score1 <- coefficients(lm.reg.mz)[1] +
coefficients(lm.reg.mz)[2] * kegg.result$mzError.ppm[i]
score2 <- coefficients(lm.reg.rt)[1] +
coefficients(lm.reg.rt)[2] * kegg.result$rtError[i]
score3 <- 0
score <- score1*weight.mz + score2*weight.rt + score3 * weight.dp
peak.info[[index[i]]]@annotation[[k]]$score = unname(score)
peak.info <- peak.info
# removeAnnotation <- function(peak.info,
# wrong.id,
# wrong.name,
# from.round = 0){
# #
# #
# #
# for(i in 1:length(wrong.id)){
# index <- findAnnotation(peak.info = peak.info,
# name = wrong.name[i],
# id = wrong.id[i],
# from.round = from.round)
# if(!is.null(index) & length(index) != 0){
# for (j in 1:length(index)){
# temp.idx <- index[[j]]
# for(k in 1:length(temp.idx)){
# peak.info[[as.numeric(names(temp.idx[k]))]]@annotation <-
# peak.info[[as.numeric(names(temp.idx[k]))]]@annotation[-temp.idx[[k]]]
# }
# }
# }else{
# next
# }
# }
# return(peak.info)
# }
# findAnnotation: Find the peak indexs and annotation indexs of
# round x seed i (level is x + 1) and all the annotation peaks from the seed.
# description findAnnotation
# param peak.info tags2 class which contains peakInfo class.
# param name The name of the seed.
# param id The id of the seed.
# param from.round The round of the peak used as seed.
# author Xiaotao Shen
# export
# setGeneric(
# name = "findAnnotation",
# def = function(peak.info,
# name = "M102T561",
# id = "C00576",
# from.round = 1) {
# #
# from <- from.round
# ##find the biggest round of peak.info
# level <- lapply(peak.info, function(x) {
# annotation <- x@annotation
# if (length(annotation) != 0) {
# level <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) {
# x$level
# }))
# level
# } else{
# NA
# }
# })
# level <- unlist(level)
# level <- level[!is.na(level)]
# max.level <- max(level)
# max.round = max.level - 1
# #
# # if (from.round > max.round) {
# # stop("No round ", from.round, " annotation")
# # }
# return.list <- list()
# ###find the seed's peak index and annotation index
# peak.name <- showTags2(peak.info, slot = "name")
# peak.index <- which(peak.name == name)
# annotation <- peak.info[[peak.index]]@annotation
# annotation.index <-
# which(unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) {x$to})) == id)[1]
# annotation.index <- list(annotation.index)
# names(annotation.index) <- peak.index
# return.list[[1]] <- annotation.index
# names(return.list)[1] <- paste("round", from.round, sep = "")
# if(from.round == max.round){
# # return(return.list)
# return(NULL)
# }
# from.id <- id
# from.name <- name
# for (round.number in (from.round+1):max.round) {
# # cat(round.number);cat(" ")
# index <- which(showTags2(tags2 = peak.info, slot = "annotation.len") > 0)
# result <- lapply(peak.info[index], function(x) {
# annotation <- x@annotation
# anno.from <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) {x$From}))
# anno.from.peak <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) {x$From.peak}))
# anno.round <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) {x$level})) - 1
# anno.to <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) {x$to}))
# temp.idx <-
# which(anno.from %in% from.id & anno.from.peak %in% from.name & anno.round == round.number)
# if(length(temp.idx) == 0){
# NA
# }else{
# annotation.index <- temp.idx
# annotation.id <- anno.to[temp.idx]
# idx_id <- c(list(annotation.index), list(annotation.id))
# return(idx_id)
# }
# })
# names(result) <- index
# result <- result[!is.na(result)]
# if(length(result) == 0){
# break
# }else{
# idx <- lapply(result, function(x) {x[[1]]})
# names(idx) <- names(result)
# idx <- list(idx)
# return.list <- c(return.list, idx)
# names(return.list)[length(return.list)] <-
# paste("round", round.number, sep = "")
# from.id <- unlist(lapply(result, function(x) {x[[2]]}))
# from.name <- showTags2(tags2 = peak.info, slot = "name")[as.numeric(names(from.id))]
# }
# }
# return.list <- return.list[-1]
# return(return.list)
# }
# )
#' @title showTags2
#' @description Show information of tags2 data.
#' @author Xiaotao Shen
#' \email{shenxt@@sioc.ac.cn}
#' @param tags2 The tags2 data.
#' @param slot The inforamtion.
#' @return The information of tags2 data.
#' @export
setGeneric(name = "showTags2",
def = function(tags2,
slot = c("name", "mz", "rt",
"annotation.len", "annotation.id",
"annotation.from", "annotation.from.peak",
"annotation.score", "annotation.level",
"annotation.step", "seed.number",
slot <- match.arg(slot)
if(slot == "name"){
name <- unlist(lapply(tags2, function(x) {x@name}))
if(slot == "mz"){
mz <- unlist(lapply(tags2, function(x) {x@mz}))
if(slot == "rt"){
rt <- unlist(lapply(tags2, function(x) {x@rt}))
annotation.len <- unlist(lapply(tags2, function(x) {length(x@annotation)}))
if(slot == "annotation.len"){
index <- which(annotation.len > 0)
if(length(index) == 0) {cat('No peaks have annotation.\n')
if(slot == "annotation.id"){
id <- lapply(tags2[index], function(x) {
annotation <- x@annotation
lapply(annotation, function(x) {x$to})
names(id) <- index
if(slot == "annotation.type"){
type <- lapply(tags2[index], function(x) {
annotation <- x@annotation
lapply(annotation, function(x) {x$type})
names(type) <- index
if(slot == "annotation.from"){
from <- lapply(tags2[index], function(x) {
annotation <- x@annotation
lapply(annotation, function(x) {x$From})
names(from) <- index
if(slot == "annotation.formula"){
formula <- lapply(tags2[index], function(x) {
annotation <- x@annotation
lapply(annotation, function(x) {x$Formula})
names(formula) <- index
if(slot == "annotation.from.peak"){
from.peak <- lapply(tags2[index], function(x) {
annotation <- x@annotation
lapply(annotation, function(x) {x$From.peak})
names(from.peak) <- index
if(slot == "annotation.score"){
score <- lapply(tags2[index], function(x) {
annotation <- x@annotation
lapply(annotation, function(x) {x$score})
names(score) <- index
if(slot == "annotation.level"){
level <- lapply(tags2[index], function(x) {
annotation <- x@annotation
lapply(annotation, function(x) {x$level})
names(level) <- index
if(slot == "annotation.step"){
step <- lapply(tags2[index], function(x) {
annotation <- x@annotation
lapply(annotation, function(x) {x$step})
names(step) <- index
if(slot == "seed.number"){
seed.number <- lapply(tags2[index], function(x) {
annotation <- x@annotation
sum(unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) {x$as.seed})))
seed.number <- unlist(seed.number)
names(seed.number) <- index
if(slot == "as.seed"){
as.seed <- lapply(tags2[index], function(x) {
annotation <- x@annotation
unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) {x$as.seed}))
seed.round <- lapply(tags2[index], function(x) {
annotation <- x@annotation
unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) {x$as.seed.round}))
names(as.seed) <- index
names(seed.round) <- index
result <- list(as.seed, seed.round)
names(result) <- c("seed", "round")
# title trans2Matrix
# description Transform tags2 data to matrix.
# author Xiaotao Shen
# \email{shenxt@@sioc.ac.cn}
# param tags2 The tags2 data.
# param base Sort according to annotation or peak.
# return The matrix of tags2 data.
# export
setGeneric(name = "trans2Matrix",
def = function(tags2,
base = c("annotation", "peak")) {
base = match.arg(base)
result <- lapply(tags2, function(x) {
name <- x@name
mz <- x@mz
rt <- x@rt
annotation <- x@annotation
if(length(annotation) == 0){
# annotation <- lapply(annotation, function(x) {x <- x[names(x) != "addcut"]})
annotation <- do.call(rbind, lapply(annotation, unlist))
if(any(colnames(annotation) == "int.ratio.error") & any(colnames(annotation) == "int.error")){
annotation[,"int.error"] <- annotation[,"int.ratio.error"]
annotation <- annotation[,c(1:17)]
colnames(annotation)[15] <- "int.error"
if(any(colnames(annotation) == "int.ratio.error") & all(colnames(annotation) != "int.error")){
colnames(annotation)[15] <- "int.error"
data.frame(name, mz, rt, annotation,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
result <- do.call(what = "rbind", args = result)
if(base == "annotation"){
result <- result[order(result$to),]
result <- result[order(result$name),]
#' @title tags2Match
#' @description Find annotation in tags2 data.
#' @author Xiaotao Shen
#' \email{shenxt@@sioc.ac.cn}
#' @param query The ID of annotation.
#' @param tags2 The tags2 data.
#' @param is.seed Is seed or not.
#' @return The index of annotation.
#' @export
setGeneric(name = "tags2Match",
def = function(query = c("M102T561", "C00576"),
is.seed = FALSE){
peak.name <- query[1]
peak.id <- query[2]
idx1 <- match(peak.name, showTags2(tags2, slot = "name"))
id <- unlist(showTags2(tags2[idx1], slot = "annotation.id")[[1]])
idx2 <-
which(showTags2(tags2[idx1], slot = "as.seed")[[1]][[1]] & peak.id == id)
idx2 <- grep(peak.id, id)
names(idx1) <- "peak.index"
names(idx2) <- rep("annotation.index", length(idx2))
return(c(idx1, idx2))
#' @title compareAnnotation
#' @description compareAnnotation.
#' @author Xiaotao Shen
#' \email{shenxt@@sioc.ac.cn}
#' @param tags2_1 The tags2 data.
#' @param tags2_2 The tags2 data.
#' @return The comparesion result.
#' @export
setGeneric(name = "compareAnnotation",
def = function(tags2_1, tags2_2){
peak.name1 <- showTags2(tags2_1, slot = "name")
peak.name2 <- showTags2(tags2_2, slot = "name")
if(any(peak.name1 != peak.name2)) {stop("No same peaks")}
annotation1 <- lapply(tags2_1, function(x) {x@annotation})
annotation2 <- lapply(tags2_2, function(x) {x@annotation})
annotation1 <- lapply(annotation1, function(x) {if(length(x) > 0) {
temp1 <- lapply(x, function(y) {unlist(y[c(1,4,9,10,12,17)])})
temp2 <- do.call(rbind, temp1)
temp3 <- apply(temp2, 2, function(x) {paste(x, collapse = ";")})
temp3 <- rep(NA, 6)
names(temp3) <- c("type", "to", "isotope","adduct","Formula", "score")
annotation2 <- lapply(annotation2, function(x) {if(length(x) > 0) {
temp1 <- lapply(x, function(y) {unlist(y[c(1,4,9,10,12,17)])})
temp2 <- do.call(rbind, temp1)
temp3 <- apply(temp2, 2, function(x) {paste(x, collapse = ";")})
temp3 <- rep(NA, 6)
names(temp3) <- c("type", "to", "isotope","adduct","Formula", "score")
annotation1 <- do.call(what = rbind, args = annotation1)
annotation2 <- do.call(what = rbind, args = annotation2)
annotation1 <- cbind(peak.name1, annotation1)
annotation2 <- cbind(peak.name2, annotation2)
colnames(annotation1)[1] <- colnames(annotation2)[2] <- "peak.name"
result <- data.frame(annotation1[,1], annotation1[,2], annotation2[,2],
annotation1[,3], annotation2[,3],
annotation1[,4], annotation2[,4],
annotation1[,5], annotation2[,5],
annotation1[,6], annotation2[,6],
annotation1[,7], annotation2[,7],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(result) <- c("peak.name", "Type1", "Type2", "ID1", "ID2",
"Adduct1", "Adduct2","Formula1", "Formula2",
"Score1", 'Score2')
id1 <- result$ID1
id2 <- result$ID2
formula1 <- result$Formula1
formula2 <- result$Formula2
Note <- mapply(function(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
note <- "No annotation"
x1 <- strsplit(x1, split = ";")[[1]]
y1 <- strsplit(y1, split = ";")[[1]]
x2 <- strsplit(x2, split = ";")[[1]]
y2 <- strsplit(y2, split = ";")[[1]]
if(length(intersect(x1, y1)) == 0 & length(intersect(x2,y2)) == 0) {
note <- "Wrong annotation"
if(length(intersect(x1, y1)) == 0 & length(intersect(x2,y2)) != 0) {
note <- "Isomer annotation"
if(length(intersect(x1, y1)) != 0) {
note <- "Right annotation"
x1 = id1,
y1 = id2,
x2 = formula1,
y2 = formula2)
result <- data.frame(result, Note, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' @title tags2Result
#' @description Transform tags2 data to matrix like ms2Annotation.
#' @author Xiaotao Shen
#' \email{shenxt@@sioc.ac.cn}
#' @param tags2 The tags2 data.
#' @param score.cutoff The score cutoff.
#' @param candidate.num The number of candidates.
#' @return The matrix of tags2 data.
#' @export
setGeneric(name = "tags2Result",
def = function(tags2,
score.cutoff = 0,
candidate.num = 3000){
cat("Transform tags2 to matrix:\n")
pbapply::pboptions(type = "timer", style = 1)
result <- pbapply::pblapply(tags2, function(x) {
name <- x@name
mz <- x@mz
rt <- x@rt
annotation <- x@annotation
if(length(annotation) == 0){
# c(name, mz, rt, rep(NA, 17))
result <- data.frame(name, mz, rt,
NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,##17 NAs
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(result) <- c("name", "mz", "rt", "type", "From", "From.peak", "to", "step",
"level", "as.seed", "as.seed.round", "isotope", "adduct", "charge", "Formula",
"mz.error", "rt.error", "int.error", "ms2.sim", "score")
type <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$type))
From <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$From))
From.peak <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$From.peak))
to <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$to))
step <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$step))
level <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$level))
as.seed <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$as.seed))
as.seed.round <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$as.seed.round))
isotope <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$isotope))
adduct <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$adduct))
charge <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$charge))
Formula <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$Formula))
mz.error <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$mz.error))
rt.error <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$rt.error))
int.error <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$int.error))
if(is.null(int.error)) {int.error <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$int.ratio.error))}
ms2.sim <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$ms2.sim))
score <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$score))
result <- data.frame(name, mz, rt, type, From, From.peak, to, step,
level, as.seed,
as.seed.round, isotope, adduct, charge, Formula,
mz.error, rt.error, int.error, ms2.sim,
score, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
result <- result[!duplicated(result),]
result <- result[order(result$score, decreasing = TRUE),]##order result according to score
result <- result[result$score >= score.cutoff,]
if(nrow(result) > candidate.num) result <- result[1:candidate.num,]
if(nrow(result) == 0){return(c(name, mz, rt, rep(NA, 17)))}
type <- paste(result$type, collapse = ";")
From <- paste(result$From, collapse = ";")
From.peak <- paste(result$From.peak, collapse = ";")
to <- paste(result$to, collapse = ";")
step <- paste(result$step, collapse = ";")
level <- paste(result$level, collapse = ";")
as.seed <- paste(result$ as.seed, collapse = ";")
as.seed.round <- paste(result$as.seed.round, collapse = ";")
as.seed.round <- paste(result$as.seed.round, collapse = ";")
isotope <- paste(result$isotope, collapse = ";")
adduct <- paste(result$adduct, collapse = ";")
charge <- paste(result$charge, collapse = ";")
Formula <- paste(result$Formula, collapse = ";")
mz.error <- paste(result$mz.error, collapse = ";")
rt.error <- paste(result$rt.error, collapse = ";")
int.error <- paste(result$int.error, collapse = ";")
ms2.sim <- paste(result$ms2.sim, collapse = ";")
score <- paste(result$score, collapse = ";")
result <- data.frame(name, mz, rt, type, From, From.peak, to, step,
level, as.seed,
as.seed.round, isotope, adduct, charge, Formula,
mz.error, rt.error, int.error, ms2.sim,
score, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
rm(list = c("type", "From", "From.peak", "to", "step", "level",
"as.seed", "as.seed.round", "isotope", "adduct",
"charge", "Formula", "mz.error", "rt.error",
"int.error", "ms2.sim", "score"))
#########################fix bugs
# for(i in 1:length(tags2)){
# cat(i);cat(" ")
# x <- tags2[[i]]
# name <- x@name
# mz <- x@mz
# rt <- x@rt
# annotation <- x@annotation
# if(length(annotation) == 0){
# c(name, mz, rt, rep(NA, 17))
# }else{
# type <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$type))
# From <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$From))
# From.peak <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$From.peak))
# to <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$to))
# step <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$step))
# level <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$level))
# as.seed <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$as.seed))
# as.seed.round <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$as.seed.round))
# isotope <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$isotope))
# adduct <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$adduct))
# charge <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$charge))
# Formula <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$Formula))
# mz.error <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$mz.error))
# rt.error <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$rt.error))
# int.error <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$int.error))
# if(is.null(int.error)) {int.error <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$int.ratio.error))}
# ms2.sim <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$ms2.sim))
# score <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$score))
# result <- data.frame(name, mz, rt, type, From, From.peak, to, step,
# level, as.seed,
# as.seed.round, isotope, adduct, charge, Formula,
# mz.error, rt.error, int.error, ms2.sim,
# score, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# result <- result[!duplicated(result),]
# result <- result[result$score > score.cutoff,]
# if(nrow(result) == 0){return(c(peak.name, peak.mz, peak.rt, rep(NA, 17)))}
# type <- paste(result$type, collapse = ";")
# From <- paste(result$From, collapse = ";")
# From.peak <- paste(result$From.peak, collapse = ";")
# to <- paste(result$to, collapse = ";")
# step <- paste(result$step, collapse = ";")
# level <- paste(result$level, collapse = ";")
# as.seed <- paste(result$ as.seed, collapse = ";")
# as.seed.round <- paste(result$as.seed.round, collapse = ";")
# as.seed.round <- paste(result$as.seed.round, collapse = ";")
# isotope <- paste(result$isotope, collapse = ";")
# adduct <- paste(result$adduct, collapse = ";")
# charge <- paste(result$charge, collapse = ";")
# Formula <- paste(result$Formula, collapse = ";")
# mz.error <- paste(result$mz.error, collapse = ";")
# rt.error <- paste(result$rt.error, collapse = ";")
# int.error <- paste(result$int.error, collapse = ";")
# ms2.sim <- paste(result$ms2.sim, collapse = ";")
# score <- paste(result$score, collapse = ";")
# result <- data.frame(name, mz, rt, type, From, From.peak, to, step,
# level, as.seed,
# as.seed.round, isotope, adduct, charge, Formula,
# mz.error, rt.error, int.error, ms2.sim,
# score, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# rm("result")
# rm(list = c("type", "From", "From.peak", "to", "step", "level",
# "as.seed", "as.seed.round", "isotope", "adduct",
# "charge", "Formula", "mz.error", "rt.error",
# "int.error", "ms2.sim", "score"))
# # return(result)
# }
# }
rm(list = "tags2")
result <- do.call(rbind, result)
result <- as.data.frame(result)
result <- result
# title tags2Result1
# description Transform tags2 data to matrix like ms2Annotation.
# author Xiaotao Shen
# \email{shenxt@@sioc.ac.cn}
# param tags2 The tags2 data.
# param score.cutoff The score cutoff.
# param threads The number of threads.
# return The matrix of tags2 data.
# export
setGeneric(name = "tags2Result1",
def = function(tags2,
score.cutoff = 0,
threads = parallel::detectCores()-3){
cat("tags2 to matrix:\n")
# pbapply::pboptions(type = "timer", style = 1)
temp.fun <- function(x, score.cutoff){
name <- x@name
mz <- x@mz
rt <- x@rt
annotation <- x@annotation
if(length(annotation) == 0){
c(name, mz, rt, rep(NA, 17))
type <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$type))
From <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$From))
From.peak <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$From.peak))
to <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$to))
step <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$step))
level <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$level))
as.seed <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$as.seed))
as.seed.round <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$as.seed.round))
isotope <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$isotope))
adduct <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$adduct))
charge <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$charge))
Formula <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$Formula))
mz.error <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$mz.error))
rt.error <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$rt.error))
int.error <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$int.error))
ms2.sim <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$ms2.sim))
score <- unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) x$score))
result <- data.frame(name, mz, rt, type, From, From.peak, to, step,
level, as.seed,
as.seed.round, isotope, adduct, charge, Formula,
mz.error, rt.error, int.error, ms2.sim,
score, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
result <- result[!duplicated(result),]
result <- result[result$score >= score.cutoff,]
if(nrow(result) == 0){return(c(peak.name, peak.mz, peak.rt, rep(NA, 17)))}
type <- paste(result$type, collapse = ";")
From <- paste(result$From, collapse = ";")
From.peak <- paste(result$From.peak, collapse = ";")
to <- paste(result$to, collapse = ";")
step <- paste(result$step, collapse = ";")
level <- paste(result$level, collapse = ";")
as.seed <- paste(result$ as.seed, collapse = ";")
as.seed.round <- paste(result$as.seed.round, collapse = ";")
as.seed.round <- paste(result$as.seed.round, collapse = ";")
isotope <- paste(result$isotope, collapse = ";")
adduct <- paste(result$adduct, collapse = ";")
charge <- paste(result$charge, collapse = ";")
Formula <- paste(result$Formula, collapse = ";")
mz.error <- paste(result$mz.error, collapse = ";")
rt.error <- paste(result$rt.error, collapse = ";")
int.error <- paste(result$int.error, collapse = ";")
ms2.sim <- paste(result$ms2.sim, collapse = ";")
score <- paste(result$score, collapse = ";")
result <- data.frame(name, mz, rt, type, From, From.peak, to, step,
level, as.seed,
as.seed.round, isotope, adduct, charge, Formula,
mz.error, rt.error, int.error, ms2.sim,
score, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
result <-
BiocParallel::bplapply(X = tags2,
BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SnowParam(workers = threads,
progressbar = TRUE),
score.cutoff = score.cutoff)
result <- do.call(rbind, result)
# title result2Tags
# description Filter tags2 data according to result.
# author Xiaotao Shen
# \email{shenxt@@sioc.ac.cn}
# param result The result.
# param tags2 The tags2 data.
# return The tags2 data.
# export
setGeneric(name = "result2Tags",
def = function(result,
tags2 = tags2){
peak.name <- showTags2(tags2, slot = "name")
unique.name <- unique(result$name)
##remove the annotation of peaks which are not in result
idx <- which(!peak.name %in% unique.name)
tags2[idx] <- lapply(tags2[idx], function(x) {
x@annotation <- list()
for(i in 1:length(unique.name)){
temp.name <- unique.name[i]
temp.idx1 <- which(temp.name == peak.name)
temp.idx2 <- which(result$name == temp.name)
temp.result <- result[temp.idx2,]
remain.annotation <- apply(temp.result, 1, list)
remain.annotation <- lapply(remain.annotation, function(x) {
paste(x[[1]][c("type", "From", "From.peak", "to", "step", "level", "as.seed",
"as.seed.round","isotope", "adduct", "charge", "Formula",
"mz.error", "rt.error","int.error","ms2.sim", "score")],
collapse = ";")
remain.annotation <- unlist(remain.annotation)
annotation <- tags2[[temp.idx1]]@annotation
annotation <- lapply(annotation, function(x) {
x <- unlist(x)
paste(x[c("type", "From", "From.peak", "to", "step", "level", "as.seed",
"as.seed.round","isotope", "adduct", "charge", "Formula",
"mz.error", "rt.error","int.error","ms2.sim", "score")],
collapse = ";")
annotation <- unlist(annotation)
remain.idx <- which(annotation %in% remain.annotation)
tags2[[temp.idx1]]@annotation <- tags2[[temp.idx1]]@annotation[remain.idx]
setGeneric(name = "removeIsotopeFromResult",
def = function(result){
##temp function
temp.fun <- function(x,y){
if(all(is.na(y))) return(x)
x <- strsplit(x, split = ";")[[1]]
x <- x[-y]
if(length(x) == 0) return(NA)
paste(x, collapse = ";")
x = x,
y = y))
result <- as.data.frame(result)
isotope <- result$isotope
idx <- lapply(isotope, function(x){
if(is.na(x)) return(NA)
x <- strsplit(x, split = ";")[[1]]
temp.idx <- which(x != "[M]")
if(length(temp.idx) == 0) return(NA)
result$type <- temp.fun(result$type, y = idx)
result$From <- temp.fun(result$From, y = idx)
result$From.peak <- temp.fun(result$From.peak, y = idx)
result$to <- temp.fun(result$to, y = idx)
result$step <- temp.fun(result$step, y = idx)
result$level <- temp.fun(result$level, y = idx)
result$as.seed <- temp.fun(result$as.seed, y = idx)
result$as.seed.round <- temp.fun(result$as.seed.round, y = idx)
result$isotope <- temp.fun(result$isotope, y = idx)
result$adduct <- temp.fun(result$adduct, y = idx)
result$charge <- temp.fun(result$charge, y = idx)
result$Formula <- temp.fun(result$Formula, y = idx)
result$mz.error <- temp.fun(result$mz.error, y = idx)
result$rt.error <- temp.fun(result$rt.error, y = idx)
result$int.error <- temp.fun(result$int.error, y = idx)
result$ms2.sim <- temp.fun(result$ms2.sim, y = idx)
result$score <- temp.fun(result$score, y = idx)
result <- result
#' @title removeIsotope
#' @description remove isotope from result.
#' @author Xiaotao Shen
#' \email{shenxt@@sioc.ac.cn}
#' @param result The MRN annotation table form MetDNA.
#' @export
setGeneric(name = "removeIsotope",
def = function(result){
##temp function
temp.fun <- function(x,y){
if(all(is.na(y))) return(x)
x <- strsplit(x, split = ";")[[1]]
x <- x[-y]
if(length(x) == 0) return(NA)
paste(x, collapse = ";")
x = x,
y = y))
result <- as.data.frame(result)
isotope <- result$isotope
idx <- lapply(isotope, function(x){
if(is.na(x)) return(NA)
x <- strsplit(x, split = ";")[[1]]
temp.idx <- which(x != "[M]")
if(length(temp.idx) == 0) return(NA)
result$Annotation.type <- temp.fun(result$Annotation.type, y = idx)
result$annotated.from.ID <- temp.fun(result$annotated.from.ID, y = idx)
result$annotated.from.peak <- temp.fun(result$annotated.from.peak, y = idx)
result$ID <- temp.fun(result$ID, y = idx)
result$compound.name <- temp.fun(result$compound.name, y = idx)
result$isotope <- temp.fun(result$isotope, y = idx)
result$adduct <- temp.fun(result$adduct, y = idx)
result$Formula <- temp.fun(result$Formula, y = idx)
result$score <- temp.fun(result$score, y = idx)
result$peak.group <- temp.fun(result$peak.group, y = idx)
result$confidence <- temp.fun(result$confidence, y = idx)
result <- result
# load("tags2.after.redundancy.remove")
# load("ms2")
# tags2 <- tags2.after.redundancy.remove
# type = "jpg"
# seed.col = "salmon"
# neighbor.col = "lightseagreen"
# no.matched.col = "grey"
# width = 1200
# height = 400
# is.include.precursor = TRUE
# is.tune.ms2.exp = TRUE
# is.tune.ms2.lib = FALSE
# path = "."
# ms2 = ms2
# data("kegg.compound")
# kegg.compound = kegg.compound
# dir.create("Seed_Neighbor")
# plotSeedNeighbor(tags2 = tags2.after.redundancy.remove,
# type = "jpg",
# path = "Seed_Neighbor",
# ms2 = ms2,
# kegg.compound = kegg.compound)
setGeneric(name = "plotSeedNeighbor",
def = function(tags2,
type = c("pdf", "jpg"),
seed.col = "salmon",
neighbor.col = "lightseagreen",
no.matched.col = "grey",
width = ifelse(type == "pdf", 20, 1200),
height = ifelse(type == "pdf", 7, 400),
is.include.precursor = TRUE,
is.tune.ms2.exp = TRUE,
is.tune.ms2.lib = FALSE,
path = ".",
ms2 = ms2,
kegg.compound = kegg.compound,
type <- match.arg(type)
ms2.name <- unname(unlist(lapply(ms2, function(x){
index <- which(showTags2(tags2 = tags2, slot = "annotation.len") > 0)
if(length(index) == 0) return("No annotaion")
# tags2 <- tags2[index]
annotation.type <- showTags2(tags2 = tags2, slot = "annotation.type")
index <- unname(which(unlist(lapply(annotation.type, function(x){
any(unlist(x) == "metAnnotation")
annotation.type <- annotation.type[index]
peak.index <- as.numeric(names(annotation.type))
annotation.index <- lapply(annotation.type, function(x){
which(x == "metAnnotation")
# x <- unlist(mapply(function(x, y){
# unlist(lapply(tags2[[x]]@annotation[y], function(z) z$From.peak))
# },
# x = peak.index,
# y = annotation.index))
# x <- unique(x)
# x <- NULL
for(i in 1:length(peak.index)){
# cat(match(i, peak.index)); cat(" ")
cat(i); cat(" ")
temp.neighbor <- tags2[[peak.index[i]]]
temp.annotation.index <- annotation.index[[i]]
neighbor.peak.name <- temp.neighbor@name
neighbor.mz <- temp.neighbor@mz
for(j in temp.annotation.index){
# cat(j); cat(" ")
temp.annotation <- temp.neighbor@annotation[[j]]
neighbor.id <- temp.annotation$to
neighbor.compound.name <-
strsplit(kegg.compound$Name[match(neighbor.id, kegg.compound$ID)], split = ";")[[1]][1]
neighbor.dp <- temp.annotation$ms2.sim
seed.peak.name <- temp.annotation$From.peak
seed.mz <- tags2[[match(seed.peak.name, showTags2(tags2, slot = "name"))]]@mz
seed.id <- temp.annotation$From
seed.compound.name <- strsplit(kegg.compound$Name[match(seed.id, kegg.compound$ID)], split = ";")[[1]][1]
seed.info <- c(seed.peak.name, seed.id, seed.compound.name, seed.mz)
neighbor.info <- c(neighbor.peak.name, neighbor.id, neighbor.compound.name, neighbor.mz, neighbor.dp)
seed.ms2 <- ms2[[match(seed.peak.name, ms2.name)]][[2]]
neighbor.ms2 <- ms2[[match(neighbor.peak.name, ms2.name)]][[2]]
if(is.null(seed.ms2) | is.null(neighbor.ms2)){
# x <- c(x, seed.peak.name)
if(type == "pdf"){
pdf(file.path(path, paste("Seed",seed.peak.name, seed.id,
"Neighbor", neighbor.peak.name, neighbor.id, "pdf", sep = '.')),
width = width,
height = height)
jpeg(file.path(path, paste("Seed",seed.peak.name, seed.id,
"Neighbor", neighbor.peak.name, neighbor.id, "jpeg", sep = '.')),
width = width,
height = height)
par(mar = c(5,5,4,2))
matchPlot(seed.info = seed.info, neighbor.info = neighbor.info,
seed.ms2 = seed.ms2, neighbor.ms2 = neighbor.ms2,
seed.col = seed.col, neighbor.col = neighbor.col,
no.matched.col = no.matched.col)
matchPlot <- function(seed.info,
seed.col = seed.col,
neighbor.col = neighbor.col,
no.matched.col = no.matched.col
seed.ms2[,2] <- seed.ms2[,2]/max(seed.ms2[,2])
neighbor.ms2[,2] <- neighbor.ms2[,2]/max(neighbor.ms2[,2])
x.max <- max(as.numeric(seed.info[4]), as.numeric(neighbor.info[4]))
x.min <- min(seed.ms2[,1], neighbor.ms2[,1])
note <- annotateMS2(spec = seed.ms2, matched.spec = neighbor.ms2)
col1 <- rep(no.matched.col, length(note))
col1[note=="matched"] <- seed.col
seed.ms2 <- data.frame(seed.ms2, note, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
note <- annotateMS2(spec = neighbor.ms2, matched.spec = seed.ms2)
col2 <- rep(no.matched.col, length(note))
col2[note=="matched"] <- neighbor.col
neighbor.ms2 <- data.frame(neighbor.ms2, note,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
plot(0, xlim = c(x.min, x.max), ylim = c(-1,1), col = "white",
xlab = "m/z", ylab = "Relative intensity",
cex.lab = 1.8, cex.axis = 1.5)
abline(h = 0)
abline(v = min(as.numeric(seed.info[4]), as.numeric(neighbor.info[4])) + 1,
lwd = 1.5, col = "orchid4")
legend = paste("No matched range\n", ">=mz",
min(as.numeric(seed.info[4]), as.numeric(neighbor.info[4]))),
bty = "n", text.col = 'orchid4', cex = 1.2)
points(seed.ms2[,1], seed.ms2[,2], type = "h", col = col1)
points(neighbor.ms2[,1], -neighbor.ms2[,2], type = "h", col = col2)
points(seed.ms2[seed.ms2[,3] == "matched",1],
seed.ms2[seed.ms2[,3] == "matched",2], type = "p", col = seed.col, pch = 19)
points(neighbor.ms2[neighbor.ms2[,3] == "matched",1],
-neighbor.ms2[neighbor.ms2[,3] == "matched",2], type = "p", col = neighbor.col, pch = 19)
maptools::pointLabel(x = x.min, y = 1,
labels = paste("Seed",
"\nPeak name:", seed.info[1],
"\nKEGG ID:", seed.info[2],
"\nCompound name:", seed.info[3]),
cex = 1.2)
maptools::pointLabel(x = x.min, y = -1,
labels = paste("Neighbor",
"\nPeak name:", neighbor.info[1],
"\nKEGG ID:", neighbor.info[2],
"\nCompound name:", neighbor.info[3],
"\nDot product:", round(as.numeric(neighbor.info[5]), 2)),
cex = 1.2)
annotateMS2 <- function(spec, matched.spec, ppm.ms2match = 30){
note <- rep(NA, nrow(spec))
for(i in 1:length(note)){
note[i] <-
ifelse(any(abs(as.numeric(spec[i,1]) - as.numeric(matched.spec[,1]))*10^6/ifelse(as.numeric(spec[i,1])>=400, as.numeric(spec[i,1]), 400) < ppm.ms2match), "matched", "no")
##Note, Now the score cutoff is not open for users
setGeneric(name = "getAnnotationResult",
def = function(tags2,
correct = TRUE,
kegg.compound = kegg.compound,
candidate.num = 3000,
score.cutoff = 0.4){
temp <- tags2Result(tags2 = tags2,
score.cutoff = score.cutoff,
candidate.num = candidate.num)
colnames(temp)[7] <- "ID"
confidence <- lapply(temp$name, function(x){
temp.idx <- which(tags.result2$name == x)
if(length(temp.idx) == 0) return(NA)
paste(tags.result2$Confidence[temp.idx], collapse = ";")
peak.group <- lapply(temp$name, function(x){
temp.idx <- which(tags.result2$name == x)
if(length(temp.idx) == 0) return(NA)
paste(tags.result2$group[temp.idx], collapse = ";")
confidence <- unlist(confidence)
peak.group <- unlist(peak.group)
id <- temp$ID
compound.name <- unlist(lapply(id, function(x){
x <- strsplit(x = x, split = ";")[[1]]
temp.name <- kegg.compound$Name[match(x, kegg.compound$ID)]
temp.name <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(temp.name, split = ";"), function(x) x[1]))
paste(temp.name, collapse = ";")
temp <- data.frame(temp, compound.name, peak.group,
confidence, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if(!missing(p.value) & !missing(foldchange)){
temp <- data.frame(temp, p.value, foldchange,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if(correct){colnames(temp)[24] <- "p.value.adjusted"}
temp <- temp[,-c(8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19)]
colnames(temp)[c(5,6)] <- c("annotated.from.ID", "annotated.from.peak")
colnames(temp)[4] <- "Annotation.type"
# temp$type <- lapply(temp.type, function(x){
# if(is.na(x)) return(NA)
# x <- strsplit(x, split = ";")[[1]]
# })
temp <- data.frame(temp[,c(1:7, 12)], temp[,-c(1:7, 12)],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
temp <- temp
setGeneric(name = "getPathway", def = function(species = c("hsa","dme", "mmu", "rat", "bta", "gga",
"dre", "cel", "sce", "ath", "smm", "pfa",
"tbr", "eco", "ppu", "syf"),
type = c("gene", "metabolite")){
type <- match.arg(type)
species <- match.arg(species)
if(type == "metabolite"){
"hsa" = {data("hsa.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
pathway = hsa.kegg.pathway},
"dme" = {data("dme.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
pathway = dme.kegg.pathway},
"mmu" = {data("mmu.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
pathway = mmu.kegg.pathway},
"rat" = {data("rat.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
pathway = rat.kegg.pathway},
"bta" = {data("bta.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
pathway = bta.kegg.pathway},
"gga" = {data("gga.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
pathway = gga.kegg.pathway},
"dre" = {data("dre.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
pathway = dre.kegg.pathway},
"cel" = {data("cel.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
pathway = cel.kegg.pathway},
"sce" = {data("sce.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
pathway = sce.kegg.pathway},
"ath" = {data("ath.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
pathway = ath.kegg.pathway},
"smm" = {data("smm.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
pathway = smm.kegg.pathway},
"pfa" = {data("pfa.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
pathway = pfa.kegg.pathway},
"tbr" = {data("tbr.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
pathway = tbr.kegg.pathway},
"eco" = {data("eco.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
pathway = eco.kegg.pathway},
"ppu" = {data("ppu.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
pathway = ppu.kegg.pathway},
"syf" = {data("syf.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
pathway = syf.kegg.pathway}
if(type == "gene"){
"hsa" = {data("hsa.gene.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
pathway = hsa.gene.kegg.pathway},
"dme" = {data("dme.gene.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
pathway = dme.gene.kegg.pathway},
"mmu" = {data("mmu.gene.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
pathway = mmu.gene.kegg.pathway},
"rat" = {data("rat.gene.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
pathway = rat.gene.kegg.pathway},
"bta" = {data("bta.gene.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
pathway = bta.gene.kegg.pathway},
"gga" = {data("gga.gene.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
pathway = gga.gene.kegg.pathway},
"dre" = {data("dre.gene.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
pathway = dre.gene.kegg.pathway},
"cel" = {data("cel.gene.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
pathway = cel.gene.kegg.pathway},
"sce" = {data("sce.gene.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
pathway = sce.gene.kegg.pathway},
"ath" = {data("ath.gene.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
pathway = ath.gene.kegg.pathway},
"smm" = {data("smm.gene.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
pathway = smm.gene.kegg.pathway},
"pfa" = {data("pfa.gene.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
pathway = pfa.gene.kegg.pathway},
"tbr" = {data("tbr.gene.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
pathway = tbr.gene.kegg.pathway},
"eco" = {data("eco.gene.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
pathway = eco.gene.kegg.pathway},
"ppu" = {data("ppu.gene.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
pathway = ppu.gene.kegg.pathway},
"syf" = {data("syf.gene.kegg.pathway", envir = environment())
pathway = syf.gene.kegg.pathway}
pathway <- pathway
setGeneric(name = "filterAnnotationByEnrichment",
def = function(module,
mz.tol = 25,
rt.tol = 30){
annotation1 <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(index))
annotation2 <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(index))
for(i in index){
# cat(i); cat(" ")
temp.module <- module[[i]]
anno1.result <- lapply(anno1, function(x){
x <- strsplit(x, split = ";")[[1]]
idx <- which(x %in% temp.module)
if(length(idx) == 0) return(NA)
return(paste(x[idx], collapse = ";"))
anno1.result <- unlist(anno1.result)
anno2.result <- lapply(anno2, function(x){
x <- strsplit(x, split = ";")[[1]]
idx <- which(x %in% temp.module)
if(length(idx) == 0) return(NA)
return(paste(x[idx], collapse = ";"))
anno2.result <- unlist(anno2.result)
annotation1[[i]] <- anno1.result
annotation2[[i]] <- anno2.result
annotation1 <- do.call(cbind, annotation1)
annotation2 <- do.call(cbind, annotation2)
peak.name <- result2$name
annotation1 <- data.frame(peak.name,
unlist(anno1), annotation1,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
annotation2 <- data.frame(peak.name,
unlist(anno2), annotation2,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
perfect.annotation1 <- apply(annotation1, 1, function(x){
x <- as.character(x)
if(is.na(x[2])) return(NA)
temp.idx <- which(!is.na(x[-c(1:2)]))
if(length(temp.idx) == 0) return(x[2])
if(length(temp.idx) == 1) return(x[-c(1:2)][temp.idx])
return(paste(x[-c(1:2)][temp.idx], collapse = ";"))
perfect.annotation2 <- apply(annotation2, 1, function(x){
x <- as.character(x)
if(is.na(x[2])) return(NA)
temp.idx <- which(!is.na(x[-c(1:2)]))
if(length(temp.idx) == 0) return(NA)
return(paste(x[-c(1:2)][temp.idx], collapse = ";"))
#new anno should be from prefer.annotation1 and prefer.annotation2
anno <- mapply(function(x,y){
if(!is.na(x)) return(list(x))
x = perfect.annotation1,
y = perfect.annotation2)
anno <- lapply(anno, function(x){
if(is.na(x)) return(NA)
strsplit(x, split = ";")[[1]]
names(anno) <- names(anno1)
anno <- anno[-which(unlist(lapply(anno, function(x) all(is.na(x)))))]
colnames(annotation1) <- c("Peak.name","MRN.annotation",
paste('Module', 1:(ncol(annotation1)-2), sep = ""))
colnames(annotation2) <- c("Peak.name","KEGG.annotation",
paste('Module', 1:(ncol(annotation2)-2), sep = ""))
annotation1 <- data.frame(annotation1[,1:2], perfect.annotation1,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
annotation2 <- data.frame(annotation2[,1:2], perfect.annotation2,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(annotation1)[3] <- colnames(annotation2)[3] <- "Annotation"
##add those result to tags2
peak.name <- showTags2(tags2, slot = "name")
index <- match(annotation1$Peak.name, peak.name)
for(i in 1:length(index)){
temp.anno <- annotation1[i,3]
if(is.na(temp.anno)) next
temp.anno <- strsplit(temp.anno, split = ";")[[1]]
temp.tags <- tags2[[index[i]]]
temp.tags.annotation <- temp.tags@annotation
temp.tags.to <- unlist(lapply(temp.tags.annotation, function(x) x$to))
temp.idx <- which(temp.tags.to %in% temp.anno)
temp.tags.annotation <- temp.tags.annotation[temp.idx]
tags2[[index[i]]]@annotation <- temp.tags.annotation
rm(list = c("temp.anno", "temp.tags", "temp.tags.annotation", "temp.tags.to",
"temp.idx", "temp.tags.annotation"))
##construct kegg.result for tags2
index <- which(!is.na(annotation2$Annotation) & is.na(annotation1$Annotation))
if(length(index) > 0){
kegg.result <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(index))
for(i in index){
temp.name <- annotation2$Peak.name[i]
temp.anno <- strsplit(annotation2$Annotation[i], split = ";")[[1]]
temp.match.result <- match.result2[[i]]
temp.id <- temp.match.result$ID
temp.idx <- which(temp.id %in% temp.anno)
temp.match.result <- temp.match.result[temp.idx,]
peakName <- temp.name
peakIndex <- match(temp.name, peak.name)
peakMz <- showTags2(tags2[peakIndex], slot = "mz")
peakRT <- showTags2(tags2[peakIndex], slot = "rt")
# mzError.ppm <- abs(temp.match.result$Accurate.mass - peakMz)*10^6/peakMz
mzError.ppm <- abs(temp.match.result$Accurate.mass - peakMz)*10^6/ifelse(peakMz>=400,peakMz,400)
rtError <- abs(temp.match.result$RT - peakRT)*100/peakRT
peakID <- temp.match.result$ID
adduct <- temp.match.result$Adduct
charge <- temp.match.result$Charge
theoreticalMZ <- temp.match.result$Accurate.mass
theoreticalRT <- temp.match.result$RT
temp.kegg.result <- data.frame(peakName, peakIndex, peakMz, peakRT,
peakID, adduct, charge,
theoreticalMZ, theoreticalRT,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
kegg.result[[match(i, index)]] <- temp.kegg.result
data("kegg.compound", envir = environment())
for(i in 1:length(kegg.result)){
tags2 <- kegg2peakInfo(kegg.result = kegg.result[[i]],
mz.tol = mz.tol,
rt.tol = rt.tol,
weight.mz = 0.5, weight.rt = 0.5,weight.dp = 0,
peak.info = tags2,
kegg.compound = kegg.compound)
tags2 <- NULL
return.result <- list(tags2, anno, anno1, anno2, annotation1, annotation2)
names(return.result) <- c("tags2", "anno", "anno1", "annot2", "annotation1", "annotation2")
return.result <- return.result
setGeneric(name = "removePeak",
def = function(sample,
by = c("mv", "zero",),
mz.cutoff = 0.5,
any = FALSE){
sample.name <- colnames(sample)
group <- NULL
group[grep("\\.01", colnames(sample))] <- "Cancer"
group[grep("\\.11", colnames(sample))] <- "Benign"
sample.info <- data.frame(sample.name, group,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# sample.info <- readr::read_table2(dir()[1])
# sample.info <- as.data.frame(sample.info)
setGeneric(name = "getPostfix", def = function(x){
unlist(lapply(strsplit(x = x, split = "\\."), function(y) {
if(length(y) == 1) return(NA)
errorDisplay <- function(expr,
error.info = "error"){
process.result <- try(expr,
silent = TRUE)
if(class(process.result) == "try-error"){
cat(error.info, "\n")
process.result <- process.result
process.result <- "Right"
setGeneric(name = "changeFile", def = function(path){
file.rename(from = file.path(path, "volcano.plot.pdf"), to = file.path(path, "1Volcano.plot.pdf"))
file.rename(from = file.path(path, "1Volcano.plot.pdf"), to = file.path(path, "Volcano.plot.pdf"))
file.rename(from = file.path(path, "pathway.heatmap.pdf"), to = file.path(path, "Pathway.heatmap.pdf"))
file.rename(from = file.path(path, "pathway.heatmap.pdf"), to = file.path(path, "1pathway.heatmap.pdf"))
file.rename(from = file.path(path, "1pathway.heatmap.pdf"), to = file.path(path, "Pathway.heatmap.pdf"))
file.rename(from = file.path(path, "Quantitative_information", "pathway.node.quantitative.result.csv"),
to = file.path(path, "Quantitative_information", "Quantitative.pathway.metabolite.result.csv"))
file.copy(from = file.path(path, "Quantitative_information", "Quantitative.pathway.metabolite.result.csv"),
to = file.path(path, "Quantitative.pathway.metabolite.result.csv"))
file.rename(from = file.path(path, "Quantitative_information", "pathway.quantitative.result.csv"),
to = file.path(path, "Quantitative_information", "Quantitative.pathway.result.csv"))
file.copy(from = file.path(path, "Quantitative_information", "Quantitative.pathway.result.csv"),
to = file.path(path, "Quantitative.pathway.result.csv"))
unlink(x = file.path(path, "Quantitative_information"), recursive = TRUE)
setGeneric(name = "removeTagsResult",
candidate.num = 5){
tags.result <- lapply(unique(tags.result$name),
temp.idx <- which(tags.result$name == x)
temp.data <- tags.result[temp.idx,,drop = FALSE]
if(nrow(temp.data) > candidate.num) temp.data <- temp.data[1:candidate.num,]
tags.result <- do.call(rbind, tags.result)
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