#' @title ms2Annotation
#' @description Annotate peak using MS/MS spectra in in-house database.
#' @author Xiaotao Shen, Yandong Yin
#' \email{shenxt@@sioc.ac.cn}
#' @param ms1.file The name of ms1 peak table. Column 1 is "name", Column 2 is
#' "mz" and column is "rt".
#' @param instrument The instrument you used to acquire data. "AgilentQTOF",
#' "SciexTripleTOF", "OtherQTOF" and "ThermoOrbitrap" are supported.
#' @param ms2.file The vector of names of ms2 files. MS2 file must be mzXML.
#' @param sample.info The name of sample.info.
#' @param mz.tol mz tol for ms1 and ms2 data matching.
#' @param rt.tol RT tol for ms1 and ms2 data matching.
#' @param dp.cutoff The cutoff of dot product. Default is 0.8.
#' @param polarity The polarity of mode.
#' @param path Directory.
#' @param output.path The directory for outputing results.
#' @param ms2.type "mgf", "msp" or "mzXML".
#' @param column The column.
#' @param ce The collision energy.
#' @param ms2.match.plot Output MS2 match plot or not.
#' @return Return the annotation result.
#' @export
# ms2Annotation(ms2.type = "msp", polarity = "negative")
setGeneric(name = "ms2Annotation",
def = function(ms1.file = "data.csv",
instrument = c("AgilentQTOF", "SciexTripleTOF",
"OtherQTOF", "ThermoOrbitrap"),
sample.info = "sample.info.csv",
mz.tol = 25,
rt.tol = 10,
dp.cutoff = 0.8,
polarity = c("positive", "negative"),
path = ".",
output.path = file.path(path, "MS2_match_result"),
ms2.type = c("mgf", "mzXML", "msp"),
column = c("hilic", "rp"),
ce = c("30", "10", "20", "35,15", "40", "50"),
ms2.match.plot = TRUE
polarity <- match.arg(polarity)
column <- match.arg(column)
ms2.type <- match.arg(ms2.type)
instrument <- match.arg(instrument)
ce <- match.arg(ce)
output.path <- output.path[1]
dir.create(file.path(output.path, "intermediate_data"))
##check ms1.file and ms2.file
file <- dir(path)
if(all(file != ms1.file)){stop("There is not ms1.file in you directory.")}
if(length(grep(ms2.type, file)) == 0) {
stop("There are not ms2.file in you directory.")
ms2.file <- grep(ms2.type, file, value = TRUE)
# temp.idx <- gregexpr("/", output.path)[[1]][length(gregexpr("/", output.path)[[1]])]
# if(length(temp.idx) == 0){
# output.name <- output.path
# output.path <- file.path(path, output.name)
# }
# round <- 1
# while(file.exists(output.path)){
# output.path <- paste(output.path, round, sep = "_")
# round <- round + 1
# }
# any(dir(path) == output.path)
# sample.info <- read.csv(file.path(path, "sample.info.csv"),
# stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
file.copy(from = file.path(path, sample.info),
to = file.path(output.path, "intermediate_data"))
if(polarity == "positive") pol <- "pos"
if(polarity == "negative") pol <- "neg"
#load data
if(instrument == "AgilentQTOF"){
data("zhuMetlib", envir = environment())
library = zhuMetlib
ce <- as.character(as.numeric(ce) + 10)
if(instrument == "SciexTripleTOF"){
data("zhuMetlib", envir = environment())
library = zhuMetlib
if(instrument == "OtherQTOF"){
data("zhuMetlib", envir = environment())
library = zhuMetlib
ce <- as.character(as.numeric(ce) + 10)
if(instrument == "ThermoOrbitrap"){
data("orbitrapMetlib", envir = environment())
library = orbitrapMetlib
if(polarity == "positive" & column == "hilic"){
data("hilic.pos", envir = environment())
adduct <- hilic.pos
if(polarity == "positive" & column == "rp"){
data("rp.pos", envir = environment())
adduct <- rp.pos
if(polarity == "negative" & column == "hilic"){
data("hilic.neg", envir = environment())
adduct <- hilic.neg
if(polarity == "negative" & column == "rp"){
data("rp.neg", envir = environment())
adduct <- rp.neg
#read MS1 data and get MS2 data
result <- combineMS1MS2(ms1.file = ms1.file, ms2.file = ms2.file,
ms2.type = ms2.type,
mz.tol = mz.tol, rt.tol = rt.tol,
path = path,
output.path = file.path(output.path, "intermediate_data"))
ms1 <- as.data.frame(result[[1]])
ms2 <- result[[2]]
##construct spec for MetID
ms2.name <- unname(unlist(lapply(ms2, function(x) x[[1]][1,])))
ms1.name <- ms1$name
temp.idx <- match(ms2.name , ms1.name)
spec <- vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(ms1))
names(spec) <- ms1.name
spec[temp.idx] <- ms2
spec <- lapply(spec, function(x){
if(is.null(x)) return(x)
colnames(ms1)[2] <- "mzmed"
temp.path <- file.path(output.path, "MS2_match_spectra")
annotation.result <- MetID(info = ms1,
spec = spec,
dp.cutoff = dp.cutoff,
lib = library,
pol = pol,
ce = ce,
adduct = adduct,
d.out = temp.path,
lc = 'HILIC',
ms2.match.plot = ms2.match.plot)
colnames(annotation.result)[2] <- "mz"
# save(annotation.result, file = file.path(path, "annotation.result"))
file.path(output.path, "ms2.match.annotation.result.csv"))
annotation.result <- annotation.result
# title combineMS1MS2
# description Combine MS1 and MS2 data.
# author Xiaotao Shen
# \email{shenxt@@sioc.ac.cn}
# param ms1.file The name of ms1 peak table. Column 1 is "name", Column 2 is
# "mz" and column 3 is "rt".
# param ms2.file The vector of names of ms2 files. MS2 file must be mzXML.
# param mz.tol mz tol for ms1 and ms2 data matching.
# param rt.tol RT tol for ms1 and ms2 data matching.
# param path Directory.
# param ms2.type The type of MS2 file, default is mzXML.
# return Return ms1 and ms2 data.
setGeneric(name = "combineMS1MS2",
function(ms1.file, ms2.file,
mz.tol = 25,
rt.tol = 10,
path = ".",
ms2.type = c("mgf", "mzXML", "msp")){
ms2.type <- match.arg(ms2.type)
##read ms1 data (peak table)
cat("Read MS1 data.\n")
ms1 <- readr::read_csv(file.path(path, ms1.file), progress = FALSE, col_types = readr::cols())
ms1.name <- ms1$name
ms1.mz <- ms1$mz
ms1.rt <- ms1$rt
ms1.info <- data.frame(ms1.mz, ms1.rt, ms1.name,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
##read ms2 data (msp)
cat("Read MS2 data.\n")
if(ms2.type == "mzXML"){
ms2 <- readMZXML(file = file.path(path, ms2.file))
if(ms2.type == "mgf"){
ms2 <- readMGF(file = file.path(path, ms2.file))
if(ms2.type == "msp"){
ms2 <- readMSP(file = file.path(path, ms2.file))
ms2.info <- lapply(ms2, function(x) x[[1]])
ms2.info <- do.call(rbind, ms2.info)
ms2.info <- as.data.frame(ms2.info)
##if ms2.info is from metAnalyzer
if(length(grep("[A-Ma-z]", ms2.info[1,2])) > 0){
if(length(grep("POS|NEG", ms1.info[1,3]))>0){
ms1.name <- gsub("[_POS|_NEG]", "", ms1.info[,3])
temp.idx <- match(ms2.info[,2], ms1.name)
ms2.info[,2] <- ms1.info$ms1.rt[temp.idx]
ms2.info[,1] <- ms1.info$ms1.mz[temp.idx]
ms2.info$rt[is.na(ms2.info$rt)] <- 0
ms2.info$mz[is.na(ms2.info$mz)] <- 0
temp <- apply(ms2.info, 1, list)
temp <- lapply(temp, unlist)
ms2 <- mapply(function(x, y){
x[[1]] <- y
x = ms2,
y = temp)
if(max(ms2.info[,2], na.rm = TRUE) < 60){
ms2.info[,2] <- ms2.info[,2] * 60
##match ms1 and ms2
if(ms2.type == "msp"){
cat("Match MS1 and MS2 data.(mz tolerance ",
1," ppm, RT tolerance ", 1, " second).\n", sep = "")
mz.tol <- 1
rt.tol <- 1
cat("Match MS1 and MS2 data.(mz tolerance ",
mz.tol," ppm, RT tolerance ", rt.tol, " second).\n", sep = "")
match.result <- SXTMTmatch(data1 = ms2.info, data2 = ms1.info,
mz.tol = mz.tol, rt.tol = rt.tol,
rt.error.type = "abs")
ms2.name <- rep(NA, nrow(ms2.info))
ms2.name[match.result[,"Index1"]] <- ms1.info[match.result[,"Index2"],"ms1.name"]
ms2.name <- as.character(ms2.name)
##remove no matched MS2
remove.idx <- which(is.na(ms2.name))
if(length(remove.idx) > 0){
ms2.name <- ms2.name[-remove.idx]
ms2 <- ms2[-remove.idx]
###remove duplicated MS2 spectrum, if one peak has more than 1 ms2 spectrum,
###select the biggest of the sum intensity of top 10 fragments.
unique.name <- unique(ms2.name)
cat("Select the most intense MS2 spectrum for one peak.\n")
remain.idx <- pbapply::pblapply(unique.name, function(name){
temp.idx <- which(ms2.name == name)
if(length(temp.idx) == 1) return(temp.idx)
temp.ms2 <- ms2[temp.idx]
temp.ms2 <- lapply(temp.ms2, function(x) x[[2]])
temp.int <- lapply(temp.ms2, function(x) {
x <- as.data.frame(x)
x <- x[order(x[,2], decreasing = TRUE),]
if(nrow(x) >= 10) {sum(x[1:10,2])}else{sum(x[,2])}
temp.int <- unlist(temp.int)
temp.idx <- temp.idx[which.max(temp.int)]
remain.idx <- sort(unlist(remain.idx))
ms2 <- ms2[remain.idx]
ms2.name <- ms2.name[remain.idx]
ms2 <- mapply(function(info, name){
NAME <- name
PRECURSORMZ <- info[[1]][1]
PRECURSORRT <- info[[1]][2]
info[[1]] <- data.frame(NAME, PRECURSORMZ,
PRECURSORRT, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
info[[1]] <- t(info[[1]])
# info[[1]] <- matrix(c(NAME, PRECURSORMZ, PRECURSORRT), ncol = 1)
rownames(info[[1]]) <- c('NAME', 'PRECURSORMZ', 'PRECURSORRT')
info = ms2,
name = as.character(ms2.name))
save(ms2, file = file.path(output.path, "ms2"), compress = "xz")
result <- list(ms1, ms2)
names(result) <- c("ms1", "ms2")
setGeneric(name = "ConcensusSpec",
def = function(ms2.all, ppm.merge = 30, mz.bin.min = 0.004,
ring.mz.diff.thr = 0.3, ring.int.rel.thr = 0.2,
minfrac.vote = 0.5){
# merge fragments within the same m/z bin across spectra
ms2.merged <- MergeFragments(ms2.all, ppm.merge, mz.bin.min)
# quanlity control: removing ring effect and low intensity spectra
ms2.merged <- RemoveRingEffect(ms2.merged,
mz.diff.thr = ring.mz.diff.thr,
int.rel.thr = ring.int.rel.thr)
# get concensus spectra with peak voting
ms2.final <- VoteSpectra(ms2.merged, ms2.all,
minfrac.vote = minfrac.vote,
ppm = ppm.merge,
mz.bin.min = mz.bin.min)
RemoveRingEffect <- function(spec, mz.diff.thr = 0.3, int.rel.thr = 0.2) {
spec <- spec[order(spec[, 'mz']), , drop = FALSE]
nr.ring <- nrow(spec) + 1
mz <- spec[, 'mz']
mz.diff <- diff(mz)
idx.mzdiff <- which(mz.diff <= mz.diff.thr)
if (length(idx.mzdiff) == 0) {
nr.ring.possible <- unique(c(idx.mzdiff, idx.mzdiff + 1))
while (TRUE) {
idx.int.max <- which.max(spec[nr.ring.possible, 2])
nr.int.max <- nr.ring.possible[idx.int.max]
int.thr <- spec[nr.int.max, 2] * int.rel.thr
mz.diff <- abs(mz[nr.ring.possible[-idx.int.max]] - mz[nr.int.max])
int <- spec[nr.ring.possible[-idx.int.max], 2]
nr.ring <- append(nr.ring, nr.ring.possible[-idx.int.max][which(mz.diff <= mz.diff.thr & int <= int.thr)])
nr.ring.possible <- nr.ring.possible[!nr.ring.possible %in% c(nr.ring, nr.int.max)]
if (length(nr.ring.possible) == 0) {
return(spec[-nr.ring, , drop = FALSE])
MergeFragments <- function(ms2.all, ppm = 30, mz.bin.min = 0.004) {
spec.all <- do.call(rbind, ms2.all)
spec.all <- spec.all[order(spec.all[, 'mz']), , drop = FALSE]
idx.left <- seq(nrow(spec.all))
spec.merged <- {}
while (length(idx.left) > 0 ) {
idx <- tail(idx.left, 1)
mz <- spec.all[idx, 'mz']
mz.range <- c(-1, 0) * max(prod(mz, ppm, 1e-6), mz.bin.min) + mz
idx.range <- idx.left[spec.all[idx.left, 'mz'] >= mz.range[1] &
spec.all[idx.left, 'mz'] <= mz.range[2]]
spec.tmp <- sapply(c('mz', 'intensity'), function(x) {
quantile(spec.all[idx.left[idx.range], x], 0.5)
spec.merged <- rbind(spec.merged, spec.tmp)
idx.left <- idx.left[-idx.range]
colnames(spec.merged) <- c('mz', 'intensity')
rownames(spec.merged) <- NULL
spec.merged <- spec.merged[order(spec.merged[, 'mz']), , drop = FALSE]
VoteSpectra <- function(ms2.merged, ms2.all, num.smp,
ms2.find.method = c('concensus', 'combined'),
minfrac.vote = 0.25,
ppm = 30,
mz.bin.min = 0.004) {
ms2.find.method <- match.arg(ms2.find.method)
num.contained <- sapply(ms2.merged[, 'mz'], function(mz) {
mz.range <- mz + max(prod(mz, ppm, 1e-6), mz.bin.min) * c(-1, 1)
is.contained <- sapply(ms2.all, function(spec) {
any(spec[, 'mz'] >= mz.range[1] & spec[, 'mz'] <= mz.range[2])
if (ms2.find.method == 'combined') {
ms2.merged[num.contained/num.smp >= minfrac.vote, , drop = FALSE]
} else {
ms2.merged[num.contained/length(ms2.all) >= minfrac.vote, , drop = FALSE]
setGeneric(name = "MetID", def = function(info, spec, pol, ce = '30',
dp.cutoff = 0.8,
lc = 'HILIC',
ms2.match.plot = TRUE){
rerun.ms2 <- FALSE
is.plotMSMS <- FALSE
dt.peaktable <- info
# colnames(dt.peaktable) <- c('mzmed', colnames(info)[-1])
colnames(dt.peaktable)[2] <- "mzmed"
dt.peaktable$mzmed <- as.numeric(dt.peaktable$mzmed)
# dt.peaktable <- cbind('name' = seq(nrow(dt.peaktable)), dt.peaktable)
# fn.lib <- 'zhuMetlib.RData'
# fn.lib <- 'zhuMetlib.RData'
lc <- 'HILIC'
# fn.adduct.lc <- switch(pol,
# 'pos' = paste0(lc, '_POS.csv'),
# 'neg' = paste0(lc, '_NEG.csv'))
# fp.adduct.lc <- file.path('.', fn.adduct.lc)
# fp.adduct.lc <- adduct.table.hilic
# lib <- LoadData(fn.lib)
lib.meta <- lib$meta[[pol]][[ce]]
lib.name <- apply(lib.meta, 1, function(info) {
nr <- which(lib$meta$compound[, 'labid'] == as.character(info['labid']))
lib$meta$compound[nr, 'name']
lib.meta$name <- lib.name
lib.spec <- lib$compound[[pol]]
# adduct <- read.csv(fp.adduct.lc,
# stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
lib.mz <- t(sapply(lib.meta[, 'mz'], function(mz) {
mz <- as.numeric(mz)
apply(adduct, 1, function(info.adduct) {
x <- gsub('\\(', '',
gsub('M.*', '', info.adduct['adduct']))
xm <- ifelse(x == '', 1, as.numeric(x))
xm * mz + as.numeric(info.adduct['mz'])
colnames(lib.mz) <- adduct$adduct
idx.peak.match <- unname(which(!sapply(spec, is.null)))
# ShowSeperateLines('Identifying metabolites with library ...')
cat('Identify metabolites with MS/MS library.\n')
# match library reverse and forward
for (direction in c('reverse', 'forward')) {
cat('Search ', direction, '.\n', sep = "")
# fn.skip <- paste0('Search_', direction, '.Rda')
pbapply::pboptions(style = 1)
id.peaks.list <- pbapply::pblapply(idx.peak.match, ParIdentifyFeatureMet,
# spec[idx.peak.match],
lib.meta, lib.spec, lib.mz,
search.scope = 'ms1.based',
ppm.ms1match = 25,
ppm.ms2match = 35,
cutoff = dp.cutoff,
top = 10, # report top 10 satisfactories
top.below = 5, # if no satisfactory, report top 5
is.tune.ms2.exp = TRUE,
is.tune.ms2.lib = FALSE,
mz.range.ms2 = NULL,
is.include.precursor = ifelse(pol == 'neg', TRUE, FALSE),
weight.mz = 0,
weight.int = 1,
int.ms2.min.relative = 0.01,
is.apply.ms2.min.relative = TRUE,
noise.ms2 = 10,
snthr = 3,
ppm.sanity.check = 100,
is.sanity.check = FALSE,
direction = direction)
# save(id.peaks.list, file = fn.skip)
num.hits <- rep(0, nrow(dt.peaktable))
num.hits[idx.peak.match] <- sapply(id.peaks.list, function(id) {
if (all(is.na(id))) {
} else {
info.hits <- rep('', nrow(dt.peaktable))
info.hits[idx.peak.match] <- sapply(id.peaks.list, function(id){
if (!all(is.na(id)) & length(id) > 0) {
paste(paste('score{', round(id$score, 6), '}',
'adduct{', id$adduct, '}',
'name{', id$name, '}',
'labid{', id$labid, '}', sep = ''),
collapse = ';')
} else {
if (all(num.hits == 0)) {
# if (is.plotMSMS) {
# d.spec <- file.path('MetLibMatch/MSMSfigures', d.out)
d.spec <- d.out
dir.create(d.spec, recursive = T)
info.peak.plot <- data.frame('nr.peaktable' = idx.peak.match[which(num.hits[idx.peak.match] > 0)],
'idx.peaklist' = which(num.hits[idx.peak.match] > 0),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
cat('Plot spectra match results.\n')
PlotIDResults(id.peaks.list, info.peak.plot,
spec, dt.peaktable,
polarity = pol,
direction = direction,
d.spec = d.spec,
width = 20, height = 7,
is.include.precursor = FALSE,
is.tune.ms2.exp = TRUE,
is.tune.ms2.lib = FALSE,
mz.range.ms2 = NULL)
# }
assign(paste0('id.peaks.info.', direction),
cbind('nhits' = num.hits, 'hits' = info.hits))
id.peaks.info <- cbind(id.peaks.info.reverse, id.peaks.info.forward)
colnames(id.peaks.info) <- c('nhits.reverse', 'hits.reverse', 'nhits.forward', 'hits.forward')
# if(!file.exists('MetLibMatch')) dir.create('MetLibMatch')
# fn <- file.path('MetLibMatch', paste0(gsub('/', '_', d.out), '.csv'))
# write.csv(cbind(dt.peaktable, id.peaks.info), fn, row.names = FALSE)
annotation.result <- data.frame(dt.peaktable, id.peaks.info,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
setGeneric(name = "ParIdentifyFeatureMet",
def = function(idx.pk,
ppm.ms1match = 30,
ppm.ms2match = 30,
cutoff = 0.6,
top = 10, # report top 10 satisfactories
top.below = 5, # if no satisfactory, report top 5
is.tune.ms2.exp = FALSE,
is.include.precursor = is.include.precursor,
# ...:
# is.tune.ms2.lib = is.tune.ms2.lib,
# weight.mz = weight.mz,
# weight.int = weight.int,
# int.ms2.min.relative = int.ms2.min.relative,
# is.apply.ms2.min.relative = is.apply.ms2.min.relative,
# noise.ms2 = noise.ms2,
# snthr = 3,
# ppm.sanity.check = 100,
# is.sanity.check = FALSE,
# direction = direction
# suppressMessages(require(MetMatch))
# cat(idx.pk, '\n')
pk.precursor <- dt.peaktable[idx.pk, ]
pk.mz <- pk.precursor$mzmed
pk.spec <- ms.assigned[[idx.pk]]
if (is.tune.ms2.exp) {
pk.spec <- TuneMS2(pk.spec, pk.mz, is.include.precursor = is.include.precursor,...)
if (length(pk.spec) == 0) {
pk.mz.range <- GetRangePPM(pk.mz, ppm.ms1match)
'ms1.based' = {
idx.lib.match <- apply(lib.mz, 2, function(mz.col) {
which(mz.col >= pk.mz.range[1] & mz.col <= pk.mz.range[2])
idx.remove <- which(sapply(idx.lib.match, length) == 0)
if (length(idx.remove) > 0) {
idx.lib.match <- idx.lib.match[-idx.remove]
'all' = {
idx.lib.match <- list(seq(nrow(lib.meta)))
if (length(idx.lib.match) == 0) {
id.list.adduct <- lapply(seq(idx.lib.match), function(idx) {
idx.match <- idx.lib.match[[idx]]
ids <- lib.meta[idx.match, 'labid']
mz.lib <- lib.meta[idx.match, 'mz']
id.list <- lapply(seq_along(ids), function(idx) {
id <- ids[idx]
lib.spec.match <- lib.spec[[id]][[ce]]
if (!is.include.precursor) {
mz.cutoff <- GetRangePPM(mz.lib[idx], 20)[2]
lib.spec.match <- lib.spec.match[lib.spec.match[, 'mz'] <= mz.cutoff, ,
drop = FALSE]
IdentifyFeature(pk.spec, lib.spec.match,
ppm.ms2match = ppm.ms2match,
is.include.precursor = is.include.precursor,...)
sc <- do.call(c, id.list)
sc[is.nan(sc) | is.na(sc)] <- 0
id.result <- data.frame(sc, lib.meta[idx.match, c(1, 5),
drop = FALSE], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
id.result$adduct <- rep(names(idx.lib.match[idx]), length(ids))
id.result <- do.call(rbind, id.list.adduct)
'3' = {
colnames(id.result) <- c('score', 'labid', 'name')
'4' = {
colnames(id.result) <- c('score', 'labid', 'name', 'adduct')
id.result.cutoff <- id.result[id.result[, 'score'] >= cutoff, , drop = FALSE]
id.result.cutoff <- id.result.cutoff[order(id.result.cutoff[, 'score'], decreasing = TRUE), , drop = FALSE]
id.result.cutoff[, 'score'] <- round(id.result.cutoff[, 'score'], 4)
if (length(id.result.cutoff) > 0) {
id.result.output <- head(id.result.cutoff, top)
} else {
id.result.output <- head(id.result, top.below)
if (nrow(id.result.output) == 0) {
id.result.output <- NA
setGeneric(name = "PlotIDResults",
def = function(id.peaks.list, info.peak.plot, ms.assigned, dt.peaktable,
lib.spec, lib.meta, ce, polarity = c("positive", "negative"),
direction = c("reverse", "forward"), d.spec = "ms2Result/MSMSfigures",
width = 20, height = 7, is.include.precursor = TRUE, is.tune.ms2.exp = TRUE,
is.tune.ms2.lib = FALSE,
polarity <- match.arg(polarity)
direction <- match.arg(direction)
col.plot <- c(lib = "salmon", exp = "lightseagreen", filtered = "gray")
for (i in rev(seq(nrow(info.peak.plot)))) {
cat(i, " ")
1, function(r.id) {
id <- as.character(r.id["labid"])
score <- round(as.numeric(r.id["score"]), 3)
spec.lib <- spec.lib.all <- lib.spec[[id]][[ce]]
if (!is.include.precursor) {
mz.precursor <- as.numeric(lib.meta[lib.meta[,
"labid"] == id, "mz"])
nr.remove <- which(spec.lib[, "mz"] == mz.precursor)
if (length(nr.remove) > 0) {
spec.lib <- spec.lib[-nr.remove, , drop = FALSE]
if (is.tune.ms2.lib) {
spec.lib <- TuneMS2(spec.lib, mz.precursor,
is.include.precursor = is.include.precursor,
spec.lib.filtered <- spec.lib.all[which(!spec.lib.all[,
"mz"] %in% spec.lib[, "mz"]), , drop = FALSE]
nr.peaktable <- info.peak.plot$nr.peaktable[i]
spec.exp <- spec.exp.all <- ms.assigned[[nr.peaktable]]
if (is.tune.ms2.exp) {
spec.exp <- TuneMS2(spec.exp, dt.peaktable[nr.peaktable,
"mzmed"], is.include.precursor = is.include.precursor,
spec.exp.filtered <- spec.exp.all[which(!spec.exp.all[,
"mz"] %in% spec.exp[, "mz"]), , drop = FALSE]
spec2match <- GetSpec2Match(spec.exp, spec.lib,
direction = direction)
nr.matched <- which(spec2match$exp[, "intensity"] >
0 & spec2match$lib[, "intensity"] > 0)
spec.matched <- lapply(spec2match, function(spec) {
spec[nr.matched, , drop = FALSE]
d.plot <- file.path(d.spec, paste(dt.peaktable[nr.peaktable,
"name"], direction, sep = "_"))
cmpd.replaced <- paste(sapply(strsplit(r.id["name"],
"")[[1]], function(x) {
switch(x, `:` = "_", `/` = "-", x)
}), collapse = "")
fn.plot <- switch(as.character(length(r.id)),
`3` = file.path(d.plot, paste(score, ",",
cmpd.replaced, ".pdf", sep = "")), `4` = file.path(d.plot,
paste(score, ",", cmpd.replaced, ",", r.id["adduct"],
".pdf", sep = "")))
range.mz <- range(c(spec.lib.all[, "mz"], spec.exp.all[,
range.int <- c(-1, 1)
pdf(file = fn.plot, height = 7, width = 20,
family = "mono")
par(mar = c(5,5,4,2))
plot(range.mz, range.int, type = "n", main = r.id["name"],
xlab = "m/z", ylab = "Relative intensity", cex.lab = 1.5,
cex.axis = 1.3, cex.main = 1.5)
abline(h = 0, col = "black")
ref.lib <- max(spec.lib.all[, "intensity"])
points(NormalizeSpec(spec.lib, ref.lib, "down"),
type = "h", col = col.plot["lib"])
if (nrow(spec.lib.filtered) > 0) {
points(NormalizeSpec(spec = spec.lib.filtered,
ref = ref.lib, pos = "down"), type = "h",
col = col.plot["filtered"])
ref.exp <- max(spec.exp.all[, "intensity"])
points(NormalizeSpec(spec.exp, ref.exp, "top"),
type = "h", col = col.plot["exp"])
if (nrow(spec.exp.filtered) > 0) {
points(NormalizeSpec(spec = spec.exp.filtered,
ref = ref.exp, pos = "top"), type = "h",
col = col.plot["filtered"])
points(NormalizeSpec(spec.matched$lib, ref.lib,
"down"), type = "p", pch = 20, col = col.plot["lib"])
points(NormalizeSpec(spec.matched$exp, ref.exp,
"top"), type = "p", pch = 20, col = col.plot["exp"])
if (ce == "spec") {
legend("bottomleft", legend = c(paste("Name:",
r.id["name"]), paste("Polarity:", polarity)),
pch = NA, bty = "n")
else {
legend("bottomleft", legend = c(paste("LabID:",
r.id["labid"]), paste("Polarity:", polarity),
paste("CE:", ce)), pch = NA, bty = "n", cex = 1.3)
legend("topleft", cex = 1.3, legend = c(paste("Score:",
score), paste("Matched peaks:", c("data",
"library"))), col = c("white", col.plot[c("exp",
"lib")]), pch = list(NA, 20, 20), bty = "n")
setGeneric(name = "removeNoise",
def = function(spec, mz.tol = 30){
spec <- matrix(spec, ncol = 2)
colnames(spec) <- c("mz", "intensity")
if(nrow(spec) == 1) return(spec)
spec <- spec[order(spec[,1]),]
mz <- as.numeric(spec[,1])
new.spec <- NULL
i = 1
while(i < length(mz)){
# cat(i); cat(" ")
temp.mz <- mz[i]
mz.error <- abs(temp.mz - mz)*10^6/ifelse(temp.mz >= 400, temp.mz, 400)
temp.idx <- which(mz.error <= mz.tol)
temp.spec <- spec[temp.idx,]
if(length(temp.idx) == 1) {
new.spec <- rbind(new.spec, temp.spec)
i <- max(temp.idx) + 1
temp.mz <- median(temp.spec[,1])
temp.int <- max(temp.spec[,2])
new.spec <- rbind(new.spec, c(temp.mz, temp.int))
# spec <- spec[-temp.idx,]
i <- max(temp.idx) + 1
row.names(new.spec) <- NULL
colnames(new.spec) <- c("mz", "intensity")
# title readMGF
# description Read mgf data.
# author Xiaotao Shen, Yandong Yin
# \email{shenxt@@sioc.ac.cn}
# param file The vector of names of ms2 files. MS2 file must be mgf.
# return Return ms2 data.
# export
setGeneric(name = "readMGF",
def = function(file){
pbapply::pboptions(style = 1)
# cat("Reading MS2 data (step1)\n")
# mgf.data.list <- pbapply::pblapply(file, ListMGF)
ms2 <- pbapply::pblapply(file, function(mgf.data) {
mgf.data <- ListMGF(mgf.data)
# nl.spec <- grep('^\\d', mgf.data)
nl.spec <- lapply(mgf.data, function(x) grep('^\\d', x))
info.mz <- lapply(mgf.data, function(x) grep('^PEPMASS', x, value = T))
info.rt <- lapply(mgf.data, function(x) grep('^RTINSECONDS', x, value = T))
info.mz <- unlist(info.mz)
#for orbitrap data, the intensity of precursor ion should be removed
info.mz <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(x = info.mz, split = " "), function(x) x[1]))
info.mz <- as.numeric(gsub(pattern = "\\w+=", "", info.mz))
info.rt <- unlist(info.rt)
info.rt <- as.numeric(gsub(pattern = "\\w+=", "", info.rt))
spec <- mapply(function(x, y){
do.call(rbind, strsplit(x[y], split = " "))
x = mgf.data,
y = nl.spec)
spec <- lapply(spec, function(x){
temp <- cbind(as.numeric(x[,1]),as.numeric(x[,2]))
temp <- matrix(temp, ncol = 2)
if(nrow(temp) > 0) temp <- temp[temp[,2] >= max(temp[,2])*0.01,]
temp <- matrix(temp, ncol = 2)
colnames(temp) <- c("mz", "intensity")
ms2 <- mapply(function(x,y,z){
info <- c(y, z)
names(info) <- c("mz", "rt")
spectrum <- as.matrix(x)
temp <- list(info, spectrum)
names(temp) <- c("info", "spec")
x = spec,
y = info.mz,
z = info.rt)
spec.info <- ms2[[1]]
if(length(ms2) > 1){
for(i in 2:length(ms2)){
spec.info <- c(spec.info, ms2[[i]])
remove.idx <- which(unlist(lapply(spec.info, function(x) nrow(x[[2]]))) == 0)
if(length(remove.idx) != 0) spec.info <- spec.info[-remove.idx]
# ##remove noise
# cat("\n")
# cat("Remove noise of MS/MS spectra...\n")
# spec.info <- pbapply::pblapply(spec.info, function(x){
# temp.spec <- x[[2]]
# temp.spec <- removeNoise(temp.spec)
# x[[2]] <- temp.spec
# x
# })
spec.info <- spec.info
setGeneric(name = "ListMGF",
def = function(file){
mgf.data <- readLines(file)
nl.rec.new <- 1
idx.rec <- 1
rec.list <- list()
for(nl in 1:length(mgf.data))
if(mgf.data[nl]=="END IONS")
rec.list[idx.rec] <- list(Compound = mgf.data[nl.rec.new : nl])
nl.rec.new <- nl + 1
idx.rec <- idx.rec + 1
setGeneric(name = "CheckInRange", def = function(targets, range){
targets >= range[1] & targets <= range[2]
# title readMZXML
# description Read mzXML data.
# author Xiaotao Shen
# \email{shenxt@@sioc.ac.cn}
# param file The vector of names of ms2 files. MS2 file must be mzXML.
# return Return ms2 data.
# export
setGeneric(name = "readMZXML", function(file){
# cat("Open MS2 file.\n")
mzxml.data <- lapply(file, function(x) {
# cat("Extract MS2 information\n")
mzxml.info <- lapply(mzxml.data, function(x){
# cat("Extract MS2 spectrum\n")
pbapply::pboptions(type = "timer", style = 1)
mzxml.peak <- pbapply::pblapply(mzxml.data, function(x){
ms2 <- mapply(function(info, peak){
ms2.idx <- which(info$msLevel == 2)
ms2.info <- info[ms2.idx, c("precursorMZ", "retentionTime")]
ms2.info <- apply(ms2.info, 1, list)
ms2.spec <- peak[ms2.idx]
temp.ms2 <- mapply(function(x, y){
names(x[[1]]) <- c("mz", "rt")
colnames(y) <- c("mz", "intensity")
if(nrow(y) > 0) y <- y[y[,2] >= max(y[,2])*0.01,]
y <- matrix(y, ncol = 2)
temp <- list(x[[1]], y)
names(temp) <- c("info", "spec")
}, x = ms2.info,
y = ms2.spec)
info = mzxml.info,
peak = mzxml.peak)
spec.info <- ms2[[1]]
if(length(ms2) > 1){
for(i in 2:length(ms2)){
spec.info <- c(spec.info, ms2[[i]])
remove.idx <- which(unlist(lapply(spec.info, function(x) nrow(x[[2]]))) == 0)
if(length(remove.idx) != 0) spec.info <- spec.info[-remove.idx]
# ##remove noise
# cat("\n")
# cat("Remove noise of MS/MS spectra...\n")
# spec.info <- pbapply::pblapply(spec.info, function(x){
# temp.spec <- x[[2]]
# temp.spec <- removeNoise(temp.spec)
# x[[2]] <- temp.spec
# x
# })
spec.info <- spec.info
#title ReadMSP
#aliases MSP file reader
#description Read a MSP file and return a list of spectra for all feature
# with feature information
#param file path of the msp file
setGeneric('readMSP', function(file) {
msp.data <- readLines(file)
# n.tot <- length(msp.data)
n.null <- which(msp.data == '')
temp.idx1 <- c(1, n.null[-length(n.null)])
temp.idx2 <- n.null - 1
temp.idx <- data.frame(temp.idx1, temp.idx2,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
temp.idx <- apply(temp.idx, 1, list)
temp.idx <- lapply(temp.idx, unlist)
# n.spec <- which(grepl('^\\d', msp.data))
# n.info <- seq(n.tot)[-c(n.spec, n.null)]
pbapply::pboptions(style = 1)
info.spec <- pbapply::pblapply(temp.idx, function(idx) {
temp.msp.data <- msp.data[idx[1]:idx[2]]
temp.msp.data <- temp.msp.data[temp.msp.data != ""]
info.idx <- grep("[A-Za-z]", temp.msp.data)
temp.info <- temp.msp.data[info.idx]
temp.info <- strsplit(temp.info, split = ":")
temp.info <- do.call(rbind, temp.info)
temp.info <- data.frame(temp.info,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
temp.info[,2] <- stringr::str_trim(temp.info[,2])
colnames(temp.info) <- rownames(temp.info) <- NULL
rownames(temp.info) <- temp.info[,1]
temp.info <- temp.info[,-1,drop = FALSE]
temp.spec <- temp.msp.data[-info.idx]
if(length(temp.spec) != 0){
if(length(grep(" ", temp.spec[1])) == 1){
temp.spec <- strsplit(temp.spec, split = ' ')
if(length(grep("\t", temp.spec[1])) == 1){
temp.spec <- strsplit(x = temp.spec, split = "\t")
temp.spec <- do.call(rbind, temp.spec)
temp.spec <- data.frame(temp.spec,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(temp.spec) <- c('mz', 'intensity')
rownames(temp.spec) <- NULL
temp.spec$mz <- as.numeric(as.character(temp.spec$mz))
temp.spec$intensity <- as.numeric(temp.spec$intensity)
temp.spec <- temp.spec[temp.spec$intensity != 0,]
temp.spec <- NULL
list('info' = temp.info,
'spec' = temp.spec)
mz.idx <- grep("[Mm][Zz]", rownames(info.spec[[1]][[1]]))
rt.idx <- grep("Time|TIME|time|RT|rt|Rt", rownames(info.spec[[1]][[1]]))
##fix bug in msp data from metAnalyzer
cat("The msp data are from MetAnalyzer software.\n")
rt.idx <- grep("NAME|Name|name", rownames(info.spec[[1]][[1]]))
##rt.idx is the name of peak
info.spec <- lapply(info.spec, function(x){
info <- x[[1]]
mz <- as.numeric(info[mz.idx, 1])
rt <- as.character(info[rt.idx, 1])
info <- c(mz, rt)
names(info) <- c("mz", "rt")
x[[1]] <- info
info.spec <- lapply(info.spec, function(x){
info <- x[[1]]
mz <- as.numeric(info[mz.idx, 1])
rt <- as.numeric(info[rt.idx, 1])
info <- c(mz, rt)
names(info) <- c("mz", "rt")
x[[1]] <- info
remove.idx <- which(unlist(lapply(info.spec, function(x) is.null(x[[2]]))))
if(length(remove.idx) > 0){
info.spec <- info.spec[-remove.idx]
info.spec <- info.spec
setGeneric(name = "WriteMSP",
def = function(info, fn.pre, spec.all){
fn.save <- paste0(fn.pre, '_spectra.msp')
for (idx in seq(nrow(info))) {
if (!is.null(spec.all[[idx]])) {
if (nrow(spec.all[[idx]]) > 0) {
mz <- info[idx, 'Mass']
spec <- spec.all[[idx]]
cat('IDX: ', idx, '\n', sep = '')
cat('PRECURSORMZ: ', mz, '\n', sep = '')
cat('Num Peaks: ', nrow(spec), '\n', sep = '')
for (nr in seq(nrow(spec))) {
cat(paste(spec[nr, ], collapse = ' '), '\n', sep = '')
setGeneric(name = "GetPpmRange",
def = function(ref, tol){
ref + c(-1, 1) * ref * tol * 1e-6
setGeneric(name = "LoadData", def = function(file, keep.name = FALSE, env){
if (missing(env))
env <- new.env()
b <- load(file, envir = env)
if (keep.name | length(b) > 1) {
r <- lapply(b, function(b1) env[[b1]])
names(r) <- b
else {
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