#' Check input data and parameters
#' @noRd
.check.plotting.data = function(data, type, sig, FCcutoff, logBase.pvalue,
ylimUp, ylimDown, xlimUp, x.axis.size,
y.axis.size, dot.size, text.size, text.angle,
legend.size, ProteinName,colorkey, numProtein,
width, height, which.Comparison, which.Protein,
## Column check
assertChoice(toupper(type), c("HEATMAP", "VOLCANOPLOT"),
.var.name = "Type")
assertNumeric(sig, .var.name = "Sig")
if (!is.logical(FCcutoff)){
assertNumeric(FCcutoff, .var.name = "FCcutoff")
assertChoice(logBase.pvalue, c(2, 10),
.var.name = "Logbase Pvalue")
if (!is.logical(ylimUp)){
assertNumeric(ylimUp, .var.name = "ylimUp")
if (!is.logical(ylimDown)){
assertNumeric(ylimDown, .var.name = "ylimDown")
if (!is.logical(xlimUp)){
assertNumeric(xlimUp, .var.name = "xlimUp")
## Check plotting size vars
assertNumeric(x.axis.size, .var.name = ("x.axis.size"))
assertNumeric(y.axis.size, .var.name = ("y.axis.size"))
assertNumeric(dot.size, .var.name = ("dot.size"))
assertNumeric(text.size, .var.name = ("text.size"))
assertNumeric(text.angle, .var.name = ("text.angle"))
assertNumeric(legend.size, .var.name = ("legend.size"))
assertLogical(colorkey, .var.name = ("colorkey"))
assertNumeric(width, .var.name = ("width"))
assertNumeric(height, .var.name = ("height"))
## Check data columns
min.cols = c("Protein", "Label", "log2FC", "SE", "DF", "pvalue","adj.pvalue")
if (!is.null(data[["PTM.Model"]])){
missing = setdiff(min.cols, colnames(data[["PTM.Model"]]))
if (length(missing) > 0){
msg = paste("Missing columns in the PTM input:",
paste(missing, collapse = " "))
if (!is.null(data[["PROTEIN.Model"]])){
missing = setdiff(min.cols, colnames(data[["PROTEIN.Model"]]))
if (length(missing) > 0){
msg = paste("Missing columns in the Protein input:",
paste(missing, collapse = " "))
if (!is.null(data[["ADJUSTED.Model"]])){
missing = setdiff(min.cols, colnames(data[["ADJUSTED.Model"]]))
if (length(missing) > 0){
msg = paste("Missing columns in the Adjusted PTM input:",
paste(missing, collapse = " "))
#' Format models into plotting format
#' @noRd
.format.model.plots = function(data, which.Comparison, which.Protein){
ptm.model = data[['PTM.Model']]
ptm.model = as.data.table(ptm.model)
protein.model = data[['PROTEIN.Model']]
protein.model = as.data.table(protein.model)
adjusted.model = data[['ADJUSTED.Model']]
adjusted.model = as.data.table(adjusted.model)
ptm.model$Protein = factor(ptm.model$Protein)
ptm.model$Label = factor(ptm.model$Label)
if (nrow(protein.model) > 0){
protein.model$Protein = factor(protein.model$Protein)
protein.model$Label = factor(protein.model$Label)
adjusted.model$Protein = factor(adjusted.model$Protein)
adjusted.model$Label = factor(adjusted.model$Label)
if (which.Comparison[[1]] != "all") {
## check which.comparison is name of comparison
if (is.character(which.Comparison)) {
temp.name = which.Comparison
## message if name of comparison is wrong.
if (length(setdiff(temp.name, unique(ptm.model$Label))) > 0) {
## TODO: Logging
# processout = rbind(processout,
# paste0("Please check labels of comparions. ",
# "Result does not have this comparison. - ",
# toString(temp.name)))
# write.table(processout, file=finalfile, row.names=FALSE)
stop(paste0("Please check labels of comparisons. ",
"Result does not have this comparison. - ",
## check which.comparison is order number of comparison
if (is.numeric(which.Comparison)) {
temp.name = levels(ptm.model$Label)[which.Comparison]
## message if name of comparison is wrong.
if (length(levels(ptm.model$Label))<max(which.Comparison)) {
stop(paste0("Please check your selection of comparisons. There are ",
" comparisons in this result."))
## use only assigned comparisons
ptm.model = ptm.model[which(ptm.model$Label %in% temp.name), ]
if (nrow(protein.model) > 0){
protein.model = protein.model[which(
protein.model$Label %in% temp.name), ]
adjusted.model = adjusted.model[which(
adjusted.model$Label %in% temp.name),]
if (which.Protein[[1]] != "all") {
## check which.comparison is name of comparison
if (is.character(which.Protein)) {
temp.name = which.Protein
## message if name of comparison is wrong.
if (length(setdiff(temp.name, unique(ptm.model$Protein))) > 0) {
## TODO: Logging
# processout = rbind(processout,
# paste0("Please check labels of comparions. ",
# "Result does not have this comparison. - ",
# toString(temp.name)))
# write.table(processout, file=finalfile, row.names=FALSE)
stop(paste0("Please check labels of proteins ",
"Result does not have all these proteins. - ",
## check which.comparison is order number of comparison
if (is.numeric(which.Protein)) {
temp.name = levels(ptm.model$Protein)[which.Protein]
## message if name of comparison is wrong.
if (length(levels(ptm.model$Protein)) < max(which.Protein)) {
stop(paste0("Please check your selection of proteins. There are ",
" comparisons in this result."))
## use only assigned comparisons
ptm.model = ptm.model[which(ptm.model$Protein %in% temp.name), ]
if (nrow(protein.model) > 0){
adjusted.model = adjusted.model[
which(adjusted.model$Protein %in% temp.name), ]
protein.model = protein.model[which(protein.model$Protein %in% unique(
adjusted.model$GlobalProtein)), ]
ptm.model$Protein = factor(ptm.model$Protein)
ptm.model$Label = factor(ptm.model$Label)
if (nrow(protein.model) > 0){
protein.model$Protein = factor(protein.model$Protein)
protein.model$Label = factor(protein.model$Label)
adjusted.model$Protein = factor(adjusted.model$Protein)
adjusted.model$Label = factor(adjusted.model$Label)
return(list('PTM.Model' = ptm.model, 'PROTEIN.Model' = protein.model,
'ADJUSTED.Model' = adjusted.model))
#' Wrapper for plotting heatmap for every model provided
#' @noRd
.plotHeatmap = function(data, sig, FCcutoff, logBase.pvalue, ylimUp, ylimDown,
text.angle, x.axis.size, y.axis.size, dot.size, colorkey,
numProtein, width, height, address){
## If there are the file with the same name,
## add next numbering at the end of file name
if (address != FALSE) {
allfiles = list.files()
num = 0
filenaming = paste0(address, "Heatmap")
finalfile = paste0(address, "Heatmap.pdf")
while (is.element(finalfile, allfiles)) {
num = num + 1
finalfile = paste0(paste(filenaming, num, sep="-"), ".pdf")
pdf(finalfile, width=width, height=height)
.plot.model.heatmap(data[['PTM.Model']], sig, FCcutoff, logBase.pvalue,
ylimUp, ylimDown, x.axis.size, y.axis.size, text.angle,
colorkey, numProtein,
"Unadjusted PTM")
if (nrow(data[['PROTEIN.Model']]) > 0){
.plot.model.heatmap(data[['PROTEIN.Model']], sig, FCcutoff, logBase.pvalue,
ylimUp, ylimDown, x.axis.size, y.axis.size, text.angle,
colorkey, numProtein,
.plot.model.heatmap(data[['ADJUSTED.Model']], sig, FCcutoff, logBase.pvalue,
ylimUp, ylimDown, x.axis.size, y.axis.size, text.angle,
colorkey, numProtein,
"Adjusted PTM")
if (address != FALSE) {
#' Plots individual model heatmap
#' @noRd
.plot.model.heatmap = function(data, sig, FCcutoff, logBase.pvalue, ylimUp,
ylimDown, x.axis.size, y.axis.size, text.angle,
colorkey, numProtein, model){
Label = Protein = sign_adj_pval = NULL
if (logBase.pvalue == 2) {
y.limUp = 30
} else if (logBase.pvalue == 10) {
y.limUp = 10
if (is.numeric(ylimUp)) {
y.limUp = ylimUp
## if FCcutoff is assigned, make p-value insignificant.
if (is.numeric(FCcutoff)) {
if (colnames(data)[3] == "log2FC") {
data$adj.pvalue[data[, 3] < log2(FCcutoff) & data[, 3] > (
-log2(FCcutoff))] = 1
if (colnames(data)[3] == "log10FC") {
data$adj.pvalue[data[, 3] < log10(FCcutoff) & data[, 3] > (
-log10(FCcutoff))] = 1
## based on p-value
if (logBase.pvalue == 2) {
temp = -log2(data$adj.pvalue) * sign(data[, 3])
} else if (logBase.pvalue == 10) {
temp = -log10(data$adj.pvalue) * sign(data[, 3])
data$sign_adj_pval = temp
obj = data[, c("Protein", "Label", "sign_adj_pval")]
## maximum number of proteins per heatmap
unique_prot = unique(obj$Protein)
totalpro = length(unique_prot)
numheatmap = totalpro %/% numProtein + 1
## draw heatmap
## loop for numProtein
for (j in seq_len(numheatmap)) {
plot_prot = unique_prot[((j - 1) * numProtein + 1):(j * numProtein)]
temp_obj = obj[obj$Protein %in% plot_prot]
limits = c(-1,1)*max(abs(temp_obj$sign_adj_pval[
temp_heatmap = ggplot(temp_obj, aes(Label, Protein, fill = sign_adj_pval)
) + geom_tile() + scale_fill_distiller(
palette = "RdBu", name = "(sign) Adj pvalue",
limits = limits) + labs(
title = paste0(model, " - Page #", as.character(j)), y = model,
x = "Comparison") +
theme_msstats(type = "COMPARISONPLOT", x.axis.size, y.axis.size, 13,
element_rect(fill = "gray95"),
element_text(colour = c("#00B0F6"), size = 14),
"bottom", text_angle = text.angle)
#' Wrapper for plotting volcano plot for every model provided
#' @noRd
.plotVolcano = function(data, sig, FCcutoff, logBase.pvalue, ylimUp, ylimDown,
xlimUp, x.axis.size, y.axis.size, dot.size, text.size,
legend.size, ProteinName, colorkey, numProtein,
width, height, address, plot_name_list){
## If there are the file with the same name
## add next numbering at the end of file name
if (address != FALSE) {
allfiles = list.files()
num = 0
filenaming = paste0(address, "VolcanoPlot")
finalfile = paste0(address, "VolcanoPlot.pdf")
while (is.element(finalfile, allfiles)) {
num = num + 1
finalfile = paste0(paste(filenaming, num, sep="-"), ".pdf")
pdf(finalfile, width=width, height=height)
.plot.model.volcano(data[['PTM.Model']], sig, FCcutoff, logBase.pvalue,
ylimUp, ylimDown, xlimUp, x.axis.size, y.axis.size,
dot.size, text.size, legend.size, ProteinName,
if (nrow(data[['PROTEIN.Model']])) {
.plot.model.volcano(data[['PROTEIN.Model']], sig, FCcutoff, logBase.pvalue,
ylimUp, ylimDown, xlimUp, x.axis.size, y.axis.size,
dot.size, text.size, legend.size, ProteinName,
.plot.model.volcano(data[['ADJUSTED.Model']], sig, FCcutoff, logBase.pvalue,
ylimUp, ylimDown, xlimUp, x.axis.size, y.axis.size,
dot.size, text.size, legend.size, ProteinName,
if (address != FALSE) {
#' Plots individual model volcano plot
#' @noRd
.plot.model.volcano = function(data, sig, FCcutoff, logBase.pvalue, ylimUp,
ylimDown, xlimUp, x.axis.size, y.axis.size,
dot.size, text.size, legend.size, ProteinName,
log2FC = Protein = NULL
if (logBase.pvalue == 2) {
y.limUp = 30
} else if (logBase.pvalue == 10) {
y.limUp = 10
if (is.numeric(ylimUp)) {
y.limUp = ylimUp
## remove the result, NA and Inf
data = data[!is.na(data$adj.pvalue), ]
data = data[is.finite(data$log2FC)]
## group for coloring dots
if (!FCcutoff) {
data[data$adj.pvalue >= sig, "colgroup"] = "black"
data[which(data$adj.pvalue < sig & data[, 3] > 0), "colgroup"] = "red"
data[which(data$adj.pvalue < sig & data[, 3] < 0), "colgroup"] = "blue"
if (is.numeric(FCcutoff)) {
data$colgroup = "black"
if (colnames(data)[3] == "log2FC") {
data[which(data$adj.pvalue < sig & data[, 3] > log2(FCcutoff)),
"colgroup"] = "red"
data[which(data$adj.pvalue < sig & data[, 3] < (-log2(FCcutoff))),
"colgroup"] = "blue"
if (colnames(data)[3] == "log10FC") {
data = data[is.finite(data$log10FC)]
data[which(data$adj.pvalue < sig & data[, 3] > log10(FCcutoff)),
"colgroup"] = "red"
data[which(data$adj.pvalue < sig & data[, 3] < (-log10(FCcutoff))),
"colgroup"] = "blue"
data$colgroup = factor(data$colgroup, levels=c("black", "blue", "red"))
## for multiple volcano plots,
for (i in seq_len(nlevels(data$Label))) {
sub = data[data$Label == levels(data$Label)[i], ]
if (logBase.pvalue == 2) {
sub$adj.pvalue[sub$adj.pvalue < 2^(-y.limUp)] = 2^(-y.limUp)
} else if (logBase.pvalue == 10) {
sub$adj.pvalue[sub$adj.pvalue < 10^(-y.limUp)] = 10^(-y.limUp)
sub = as.data.table(sub)
if (logBase.pvalue == 2) {
y.limup = ceiling(max(-log2(sub[!is.na(sub$adj.pvalue), "adj.pvalue"])))
if (y.limup < (-log2(sig))) {
y.limup = (-log2(sig) + 1) ## for too small y.lim
} else if (logBase.pvalue == 10) {
y.limup = ceiling(max(-log10(sub[!is.na(sub$adj.pvalue), "adj.pvalue"])))
if (y.limup < (-log10(sig))) {
y.limup = (-log10(sig) + 1) ## for too small y.lim
## ylimDown
y.limdown = 0 ## default is zero
if (is.numeric(ylimDown)) {
y.limdown = ylimDown
## x.lim
x.lim = ceiling(max(abs(sub[is.finite(log2FC), log2FC])))
if (x.lim < 3) {
x.lim = 3
if (is.numeric(xlimUp)) {
x.lim = xlimUp
## for assigning x in ggplot2
subtemp = sub
colnames(subtemp)[3] = "logFC"
if (logBase.pvalue == 2) {
subtemp$logadjp = (-log2(subtemp$adj.pvalue))
} else if (logBase.pvalue == 10) {
subtemp$logadjp = (-log10(subtemp$adj.pvalue))
## for x limit for inf or -inf
subtemp$newlogFC = subtemp$logFC
subtemp[!is.na(subtemp$issue) &
subtemp$issue == "oneConditionMissing" &
subtemp$logFC == Inf, "newlogFC"] = (x.lim - 0.2)
subtemp[!is.na(subtemp$issue) &
subtemp$issue == "oneConditionMissing" &
subtemp$logFC == (-Inf), "newlogFC"] = (x.lim - 0.2) * (-1)
## add (*) in Protein name for Inf or -Inf
subtemp$Protein = as.character(subtemp$Protein)
subtemp[!is.na(subtemp$issue) &
subtemp$issue == "oneConditionMissing", "Protein"] =
paste0("*", subtemp[!is.na(subtemp$issue) &
subtemp$issue == "oneConditionMissing", "Protein"])
if (logBase.pvalue == 2) {
log_title = 'Log2'
} else if (logBase.pvalue == 10) {
log_title = 'Log10'
ptemp = ggplot(aes_string(x='logFC', y='logadjp',
data=subtemp) +
geom_point(size=dot.size) +
scale_colour_manual(values=c("gray65", "blue", "red"),
limits=c("black", "blue", "red"),
breaks=c("black", "blue", "red"),
labels=c("No regulation", "Down-regulated",
"Up-regulated")) +
scale_y_continuous(paste0('-', log_title, ' (adjusted p-value)'),
limits=c(y.limdown, y.limup)) +
scale_x_continuous(paste0(log_title, ' fold change'),
limits=c(-x.lim, x.lim)) +
labs(title= paste0(model, ": ", unique(sub$Label)))
## add protein name
if (ProteinName) {
if (length(unique(subtemp$colgroup)) == 1 &
any(unique(subtemp$colgroup) == 'black')) {
message(paste0("The volcano plot for ", unique(subtemp$Label),
" does not show the protein names because none of them are significant."))
} else {
ptemp = ptemp +
geom_text_repel(data=subtemp[subtemp$colgroup != "black", ],
## For legend of linetype for cutoffs
## first assign line type
ltypes = c("type1"="twodash", "type2"="dotted")
## cutoff lines, FDR only
if (!FCcutoff) {
if (logBase.pvalue == 2){
sigcut = data.table("Protein"='sigline',
"logFC"=seq(-x.lim, x.lim, length.out=20),
} else if (logBase.pvalue == 10) {
sigcut = data.table("Protein"='sigline',
"logFC"=seq(-x.lim, x.lim, length.out=20),
pfinal = ptemp +
aes_string(x='logFC', y='logadjp', linetype='line'),
show.legend=TRUE) +
labels=c(paste0("Adj p-value cutoff (", sig, ")"))
) +
if (is.numeric(FCcutoff)) {
if (logBase.pvalue == 2) {
## three different lines
sigcut = data.table("Protein"='sigline',
"logFC"=seq(-x.lim, x.lim, length.out=10),
FCcutpos = data.table("Protein"='sigline',
"logadjp"=seq(y.limdown, y.limup, length.out=10),
FCcutneg = data.table("Protein"='sigline',
"logadjp"=seq(y.limdown, y.limup, length.out=10),
} else if (logBase.pvalue == 10) {
## three different lines
sigcut = data.table("Protein"='sigline',
"logFC"=seq(-x.lim, x.lim, length.out=10),
FCcutpos = data.table("Protein"='sigline',
"logadjp"=seq(y.limdown, y.limup, length.out=10),
FCcutneg = data.table("Protein"='sigline',
"logadjp"=seq(y.limdown, y.limup, length.out=10),
## three lines, with order color first and then assign linetype manual
pfinal = ptemp +
aes_string(x='logFC', y='logadjp', linetype='line'),
show.legend=TRUE) +
aes_string(x='logFC', y='logadjp', linetype='line'),
show.legend=TRUE) +
aes_string(x='logFC', y='logadjp', linetype='line'),
size=0.6) +
scale_linetype_manual(values=c('dotted'=3, 'twodash'=6),
labels=c(paste0("Fold change cutoff (", FCcutoff,
paste0("Adj p-value cutoff (", sig, ")"))
) +
pfinal = pfinal +
theme_msstats(type = "VOLCANO", x.axis.size, y.axis.size, legend.size,
element_rect(fill = "gray95"),
element_text(colour = c("#00B0F6"), size = 14),
"bottom", text_angle = text.angle,
legend.title = element_blank())
# theme(
# panel.background = element_rect(fill='white', colour="black"),
# panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
# axis.text.x = element_text(size=x.axis.size, colour="black"),
# axis.text.y = element_text(size=y.axis.size, colour="black"),
# axis.ticks = element_line(colour="black"),
# axis.title.x = element_text(size=x.axis.size+5, vjust=-0.4),
# axis.title.y = element_text(size=y.axis.size+5, vjust=0.3),
# title = element_text(size=x.axis.size+8, vjust=1.5),
# legend.position="bottom",
# legend.key = element_rect(fill='white', colour='white'),
# legend.text = element_text(size=legend.size),
# legend.title = element_blank()
# )
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.