## Internal function that creates a minimal SE object as expected by
## scplainer for unit testing ScpModel class methods
## @param nr Number of rows
## @param nc Number of columns
.createMinimalData <- function(nr = 10, nc = 5) {
a <- matrix(1, nr, nc)
rownames(a) <- letters[1:nr]
colnames(a) <- LETTERS[1:nc]
SummarizedExperiment(assays = List(assay = a))
test_that("scpDifferentialAnalysis", {
se <- .createMinimalData(nc = 6)
## Both contrast and coefficient is missing = error
"'contrasts' and 'coefficients' cannot be both NULL."
## Missing name is identical to default name
se$condition <- as.factor(rep(1:2, length.out = ncol(se)))
assay(se)[, se$condition == 2] <- 1:10 * assay(se)[, se$condition == 2]
assay(se)[sample(1:length(assay(se)), length(assay(se))/2)] <- NA
se <- scpModelWorkflow(se, formula = ~ 1 + condition)
estimable <- c("a", "c", "d", "e", "h", "i", "j")
se, contrast = list(c("condition", "1", "2"))
se, contrast = list(c("condition", "1", "2")), name = "model"
## Test contrasts with 2 levels
exp <- List(condition_1_vs_2 = DataFrame(
feature = estimable,
Estimate = structure((0:9), .Names = rownames(se))[estimable],
SE = structure(rep(0, 7), .Names = estimable),
Df = rowSums(!is.na(assay(se)[estimable, ])) - 2,
tstatistic = structure(c(0.7072246, 3452.7200380, 1206.4382131, 1778.6625013, 1990.7885585, 3534.6922866, 2058.9077196), .Names = estimable),
pvalue = structure(c(0.5527, rep(0, 6)), .Names = estimable),
padj = structure(c(0.5527, rep(0, 6)), .Names = estimable)
metadata(exp[[1]])$contrast <- c("condition", "1", "2")
se, contrast = list(c("condition", "1", "2"))
tolerance = 1E-2
## Test 2 contrasts with 3 leveled-group
se <- .createMinimalData(nc = 9)
se$condition <- as.factor(rep(1:3, length.out = ncol(se)))
assay(se)[, se$condition == 2] <- 1:10 * assay(se)[, se$condition == 2]
assay(se)[sample(1:length(assay(se)), length(assay(se))/2)] <- NA
se <- scpModelWorkflow(se, formula = ~ 1 + condition)
estimable <- c("c", "d", "f", "g", "h", "j")
c1vs2 <- DataFrame(
feature = estimable,
Estimate = structure((0:9), .Names = rownames(se))[estimable],
SE = structure(rep(0, 6), .Names = estimable),
Df = rowSums(!is.na(assay(se)[estimable, ])) - 3,
tstatistic = structure(c(824.8086, 1777.5883, 1975.3086, 1088.6531, 4759.9688, 2614.4243), .Names = estimable),
pvalue = structure(rep(0, 6), .Names = estimable),
padj = structure(rep(0, 6), .Names = estimable)
metadata(c1vs2)$contrast <- c("condition", "1", "2")
estimable <- c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "j")
c1vs3 <- DataFrame(
feature = estimable,
Estimate = structure(rep(0, 9), .Names = estimable),
SE = structure(rep(0, 9), .Names = estimable),
Df = sapply(scpModelFitList(se), scpModelFitDf)[estimable],
tstatistic = structure(c(-0.7072246, 0.3333611, -0.2378374, -0.3530348, 0.3333611, -0.5921999, -0.2115692, -0.7239608, -0.3951838), .Names = estimable),
pvalue = structure(c(0.5527268, 0.7951513, 0.8513498, 0.7474114, 0.7951513, 0.6137490, 0.8672682, 0.5091646, 0.7308728), .Names = estimable),
padj = structure(rep(0.8672, 9), .Names = estimable)
metadata(c1vs3)$contrast <- c("condition", "1", "3")
contrast = list(
c("condition", "1", "2"), ## there is change = positive control
c("condition", "1", "3") ## there is no change = negative control
List(condition_1_vs_2 = c1vs2,
condition_1_vs_3 = c1vs3),
tolerance = 1E-2
## Test 1 coefficient
se <- .createMinimalData(nc = 9)
assay(se)[sample(1:length(assay(se)), length(assay(se))/2)] <- NA
se$numeric <- 1:ncol(se)
se <- scpModelWorkflow(se, formula = ~ 1 + numeric, name = "model2")
estimable <- c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "g", "h", "i", "j")
coefficients = "numeric",
name = "model2"
List(numeric = DataFrame(
feature = estimable,
Estimate = structure(rep(0, 9), .Names = estimable),
SE = structure(rep(0, 9), .Names = estimable),
Df = sapply(scpModelFitList(se)[estimable], scpModelFitDf),
tstatistic = structure(rep(0, 9), .Names = estimable),
pvalue = structure(rep(1, 9), .Names = estimable),
padj = structure(rep(1, 9), .Names = estimable)
tolerance = 1E-2
## Test contrast and coefficient
## Use this case also to assess positive controls. Simulated data
## with different intercepts, different slopes for numeric and different FC for contrasts
## Use more sample to better test the accuracy
se <- SummarizedExperiment(assays = List(
matrix(0, 10, 100, dimnames = list(paste0("row", 1:10),
paste0("col", 1:100)))
## add missing values
assay(se)[sample(1:length(assay(se)), length(assay(se))/5)] <- NA
se$condition <- as.factor(rep(1:3, length.out = ncol(se)))
se$numeric <- scale(1:ncol(se))
for (i in 0:9) {
## add group effect
assay(se)[i+1, se$condition == 2] <- assay(se)[i + 1, se$condition == 2] + i
## add intercept
assay(se)[i+1, ] <- assay(se)[i+1, ] + i
## add numeric effect
assay(se)[i+1, ] <- assay(se)[i + 1, ] + i * se$numeric
## add little noise
assay(se)[i+1, ] <- assay(se)[i+1, ] + rnorm(ncol(se), sd = 0.01)
se <- scpModelWorkflow(se, formula = ~ 1 + condition + numeric, name = "model2")
test <- scpDifferentialAnalysis(
contrasts = list(
c("condition", "1", "2"), ## there is change = positive control
c("condition", "1", "3") ## there is no change = negative control
coefficients = "numeric",
name = "model2"
structure(0:9, .Names = rownames(se)),
tolerance = 1E-2
structure(rep(0, nrow(se)), .Names = rownames(se)),
tolerance = 1E-2
structure(0:9, .Names = rownames(se)),
tolerance = 1E-1
structure(c(0.8379897, rep(0, 9)), .Names = rownames(se)),
tolerance = 1E-6
structure(rep(0, nrow(se)), .Names = rownames(se)),
tolerance = 1E-2
structure(0:9, .Names = rownames(se)),
tolerance = 1E-1
test_that(".scpDifferentialAnalysisOnContrast", {
## test 1 contrast
se <- .createMinimalData(nc = 6)
se$condition <- as.factor(rep(1:2, length.out = ncol(se)))
assay(se)[, se$condition == 2] <- 1:10 * assay(se)[, se$condition == 2]
assay(se)[sample(1:length(assay(se)), length(assay(se))/2)] <- NA
se <- scpModelWorkflow(se, formula = ~ 1 + condition)
estimable <- c("a", "c", "d", "e", "h", "i", "j")
exp <- DataFrame(
feature = estimable,
Estimate = structure((0:9), .Names = rownames(se))[estimable],
SE = structure(rep(0, 7), .Names = estimable),
Df = rowSums(!is.na(assay(se)[estimable, ])) - 2,
tstatistic = structure(c(0.7072246, 3452.7200380, 1206.4382131, 1778.6625013, 1990.7885585, 3534.6922866, 2058.9077196), .Names = estimable),
pvalue = structure(c(0.5527, rep(0, 6)), .Names = estimable),
padj = structure(c(0.5527, rep(0, 6)), .Names = estimable)
metadata(exp)$contrast <- c("condition", "1", "2")
se, contrast = list(c("condition", "1", "2")), name = "model"
list(condition_1_vs_2 = exp),
tolerance = 1E-2
## test 2 contrasts
se <- .createMinimalData(nc = 9)
se$condition <- as.factor(rep(1:3, length.out = ncol(se)))
assay(se)[, se$condition == 2] <- 1:10 * assay(se)[, se$condition == 2]
assay(se)[sample(1:length(assay(se)), length(assay(se))/2)] <- NA
se <- scpModelWorkflow(se, formula = ~ 1 + condition)
estimable <- c("c", "d", "f", "g", "h", "j")
c1vs2 <- DataFrame(
feature = estimable,
Estimate = structure((0:9), .Names = rownames(se))[estimable],
SE = structure(rep(0, 6), .Names = estimable),
Df = rowSums(!is.na(assay(se)[estimable, ])) - 3,
tstatistic = structure(c(824.8086, 1777.5883, 1975.3086, 1088.6531, 4759.9688, 2614.4243), .Names = estimable),
pvalue = structure(rep(0, 6), .Names = estimable),
padj = structure(rep(0, 6), .Names = estimable)
metadata(c1vs2)$contrast <- c("condition", "1", "2")
estimable <- c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "j")
c1vs3 <- DataFrame(
feature = estimable,
Estimate = structure(rep(0, 9), .Names = estimable),
SE = structure(rep(0, 9), .Names = estimable),
Df = sapply(scpModelFitList(se), scpModelFitDf)[estimable],
tstatistic = structure(c(-0.7072246, 0.3333611, -0.2378374, -0.3530348, 0.3333611, -0.5921999, -0.2115692, -0.7239608, -0.3951838), .Names = estimable),
pvalue = structure(c(0.5527268, 0.7951513, 0.8513498, 0.7474114, 0.7951513, 0.6137490, 0.8672682, 0.5091646, 0.7308728), .Names = estimable),
padj = structure(rep(0.8672, 9), .Names = estimable)
metadata(c1vs3)$contrast <- c("condition", "1", "3")
contrast = list(
c("condition", "1", "2"), ## there is change = positive control
c("condition", "1", "3") ## there is no change = negative control
name = "model"
list(condition_1_vs_2 = c1vs2,
condition_1_vs_3 = c1vs3),
tolerance = 1E-2
test_that(".checkContrasts", {
se <- .createMinimalData(nc = 9)
se$condition <- as.factor(rep(1:3, length.out = ncol(se)))
se$numeric <- 1:ncol(se)
se <- scpModelWorkflow(se, formula = ~ 1 + condition + numeric)
## No contrasts = return NULL
.checkContrasts(se, contrasts = NULL, name = "model"),
## Contrasts is not a list = error
.checkContrasts(se, c("condition", "1", "2"), "model"),
"'contrasts' must be a list."
## Some contrast don't have length 3 = error
.checkContrasts(se, list(c("condition", "1", "2"), c("condition", "1")), "model"),
"'contrasts' must be a list with elements of length 3."
.checkContrasts(se, list(c("condition", "1", "2"), c("condition", "1", "2", "3")), "model"),
"'contrasts' must be a list with elements of length 3."
## First element is not a modelled variable = error
.checkContrasts(se, list(c("foo", "1", "2")), "model"),
"Effect.s. 'foo' not found."
## Variable is not categorical = error
.checkContrasts(se, list(c("numeric", "1", "2")), "model"),
"Provide 'contrasts' only for categorical variables. Problematic variable.s.: numeric."
## Missing level in contrast = error
.checkContrasts(se, list(c("condition", "foo", "2")), "model"),
"Level.s. not found for effect 'condition': foo.",
.checkContrasts(se, list(c("condition", "foo", "bar")), "model"),
"Level.s. not found for effect 'condition': foo, bar.",
## Function returns a named contrast list
.checkContrasts(se, list(c("condition", "1", "2"),
c("condition", "2", "1"),
c("condition", "1", "3")),
list(condition_1_vs_2 = c("condition", "1", "2"),
condition_2_vs_1 = c("condition", "2", "1"),
condition_1_vs_3 = c("condition", "1", "3"))
## Duplicate contrasts are removed
.checkContrasts(se, list(c("condition", "1", "2"),
c("condition", "1", "2"),
c("condition", "2", "1")),
list(condition_1_vs_2 = c("condition", "1", "2"),
condition_2_vs_1 = c("condition", "2", "1"))
test_that(".contrastToEstimates", {
## test contrast with 2-level categorical variable
se <- .createMinimalData(nc = 6)
se$condition <- as.factor(rep(1:2, length.out = ncol(se)))
assay(se)[, se$condition == 2] <- 1:10 * assay(se)[, se$condition == 2]
assay(se)[sample(1:length(assay(se)), length(assay(se))/2)] <- NA
se <- scpModelWorkflow(se, formula = ~ 1 + condition)
estimable <- c("a", "c", "d", "e", "h", "i", "j")
se, contrast = c("condition", "1", "2"), name = "model"
list(logFc = c(a = 0.000333111231419991, c = 1.99941682634665, d = 2.99825093701587, e = 3.99925006254683, h = 6.99850024999997, i = 7.99800049987503, j = 8.99800037496873),
se = c(a = 0.000471011958497654, c = 0.000579084549100373, d = 0.00248520886070925, e = 0.0022484591987983, h = 0.003515441265855, i = 0.00226271478572325, j = 0.00437027861387649)),
tolerance = 1E-2
## test contrast with 2-level categorical variable, inverse reference contrast group
se, contrast = c("condition", "2", "1"), name = "model"
logFc = structure(-(0:9), .Names = rownames(se))[estimable],
se = structure(rep(0, 7), .Names = estimable)
tolerance = 1E-2
## test contrast with 3-level categorical variable
se <- .createMinimalData(nc = 9)
se$condition <- as.factor(rep(1:3, length.out = ncol(se)))
assay(se)[, se$condition == 2] <- 1:10 * assay(se)[, se$condition == 2]
assay(se)[sample(1:length(assay(se)), length(assay(se))/2)] <- NA
se <- scpModelWorkflow(se, formula = ~ 1 + condition)
se, c("condition", "1", "2"), "model"
list(logFc = c(a = NA, b = NA, c = 1.998001998002, d = 2.99733549827914, e = NA, f = 4.99683566486252, g = 5.99483749669705, h = 6.99733442546727, i = NA, j = 8.99550224887556),
se = c(a = NA, b = NA, c = 0.00242238261001802, d = 0.00168618089019642, e = NA, f = 0.00252964813529043, g = 0.00550665558411383, h = 0.00147003786198391, i = NA, j = 0.00344072014574582)),
tolerance = 1E-10 ## high precision for first test to assess for reproducibility
se, c("condition", "3", "2"), "model"
logFc = c(a = NA, b = NA, c = 2, d = 3, e = NA, f = 5, g = 6, h = 7, i = 8, j = 9),
se = c(a = NA, b = NA, c = 0, d = 0, e = NA, f = 0, g = 0, h = 0, i = 0, j = 0)
tolerance = 1E-2
se, c("condition", "1", "3"), "model"
logFc = c(a = 0, b = 0, c = 0, d = 0, e = 0, f = 0, g = 0, h = 0, i = NA, j = 0),
se = c(a = 0, b = 0, c = 0, d = 0, e = 0, f = 0, g = 0, h = 0, i = NA, j = 0)
tolerance = 1E-2
## test contrast with 3-level categorical variable, inverse reference contrast group
se, c("condition", "2", "1"), "model"
logFc = -c(a = NA, b = NA, c = 2, d = 3, e = NA, f = 5, g = 6, h = 7, i = NA, j = 9),
se = c(a = NA, b = NA, c = 0, d = 0, e = NA, f = 0, g = 0, h = 0, i = NA, j = 0)
tolerance = 1E-2
se, c("condition", "2", "3"), "model"
logFc = -c(a = NA, b = NA, c = 2, d = 3, e = NA, f = 5, g = 6, h = 7, i = 8, j = 9),
se = c(a = NA, b = NA, c = 0, d = 0, e = NA, f = 0, g = 0, h = 0, i = 0, j = 0)
tolerance = 1E-2
se, c("condition", "3", "1"), "model"
logFc = c(a = 0, b = 0, c = 0, d = 0, e = 0, f = 0, g = 0, h = 0, i = NA, j = 0),
se = c(a = 0, b = 0, c = 0, d = 0, e = 0, f = 0, g = 0, h = 0, i = NA, j = 0)
tolerance = 1E-2
## Test when a level of interest is dropped for a 2-level variable
se <- .createMinimalData(nr = 2, nc = 10)
se$condition1 <- as.factor(rep(1:2, length.out = ncol(se)))
se$condition2 <- as.factor(rep(1:2, each = 5))
assay(se)[, se$condition1 == 2] <- 10 * assay(se)[, se$condition1 == 2]
## Drop one level of condition2 for first row, second row is
## positive control.
assay(se)[1, se$condition2 == 2] <- NA
se <- scpModelWorkflow(se, formula = ~ 1 + condition1 + condition2)
se, contrast = c("condition2", "1", "2"), name = "model"
list(logFc = c(a = NA, b = 0.0001874609),
se = c(a = NA, b = 0.0005527098)),
tolerance = 1E-6
## Test when a level of interest is dropped for a 3-level variable
se <- .createMinimalData(nr = 2, nc = 12)
se$condition1 <- as.factor(rep(1:2, length.out = ncol(se)))
se$condition2 <- as.factor(rep(1:3, each = 4))
assay(se)[, se$condition1 == 2] <- 10 * assay(se)[, se$condition1 == 2]
## Drop one level of condition2 for first row, second row is
## positive control.
assay(se)[1, se$condition2 == 2] <- NA
se <- scpModelWorkflow(se, formula = ~ 1 + condition1 + condition2)
se, contrast = c("condition2", "1", "2"), name = "model"
list(logFc = c(a = NA, b = 0),
se = c(a = NA, b = 0.0005126847)),
tolerance = 1E-6
## Make sure the contrast for remaining levels is still estimated
se, contrast = c("condition2", "1", "3"), name = "model"
list(logFc = c(a = 0, b = 0),
se = c(a = 0.0007943138, b = 0.0005127487 )),
tolerance = 1E-6
test_that(".levelsToContrastMatrix", {
## 1 level or less = NULL
.levelsToContrastMatrix(contrast = c("condition", "A", "B"),
levels = "A"),
.levelsToContrastMatrix(contrast = c("condition", "A", "B"),
levels = character()),
## 1 level to test is not in available levels = NA
.levelsToContrastMatrix(contrast = c("condition", "A", "foo"),
levels = c("A", "B")),
## 2-level variable
.levelsToContrastMatrix(c("condition", "A", "B"),
levels = c("A", "B")),
matrix(-2, nrow = 1, dimnames = list(NULL, "condition1"))
## 2-level variable, inverse the reference contrast group
.levelsToContrastMatrix(c("condition", "B", "A"),
levels = c("A", "B")),
matrix(2, nrow = 1, dimnames = list(NULL, "condition1"))
## multi-level variable
.levelsToContrastMatrix(c("condition", "A", "B"),
levels = c("A", "B", "C", "D")),
matrix(c(-1, 1, 0), nrow = 1, dimnames = list(NULL, paste0("condition", 1:3)))
.levelsToContrastMatrix(c("condition", "B", "C"),
levels = c("A", "B", "C", "D")),
matrix(c(0, -1, 1), nrow = 1, dimnames = list(NULL, paste0("condition", 1:3)))
## multi-level variable, include the reference class in contrast
## (the last level is encoded as a reference class when coding
## categorical variable as a sum contrast)
.levelsToContrastMatrix(c("condition", "B", "D"),
levels = c("A", "B", "C", "D")),
matrix(c(-1, -2, -1), nrow = 1, dimnames = list(NULL, paste0("condition", 1:3)))
## multi-level variable, inverse the reference contrast group
.levelsToContrastMatrix(c("condition", "B", "A"),
levels = c("A", "B", "C", "D")),
matrix(-c(-1, 1, 0), nrow = 1, dimnames = list(NULL, paste0("condition", 1:3)))
.levelsToContrastMatrix(c("condition", "C", "B"),
levels = c("A", "B", "C", "D")),
matrix(-c(0, -1, 1), nrow = 1, dimnames = list(NULL, paste0("condition", 1:3)))
.levelsToContrastMatrix(c("condition", "D", "B"),
levels = c("A", "B", "C", "D")),
matrix(-c(-1, -2, -1), nrow = 1, dimnames = list(NULL, paste0("condition", 1:3)))
test_that(".scpDifferentialAnalysisOnCoefficient", {
se <- SummarizedExperiment(assays = List(
matrix(0, 10, 100, dimnames = list(paste0("row", 1:10),
paste0("col", 1:100)))
assay(se)[sample(1:length(assay(se)), length(assay(se))/5)] <- NA
se$numeric <- scale(1:ncol(se)) ## positive control
se$numeric2 <- runif(ncol(se)) ## negative control
for (i in 0:9) {
## add intercept
assay(se)[i+1, ] <- assay(se)[i+1, ] + i
## add numeric effect
assay(se)[i+1, ] <- assay(se)[i + 1, ] + i * se$numeric
## add little noise
assay(se)[i+1, ] <- assay(se)[i+1, ] + rnorm(ncol(se), sd = 0.01)
se <- scpModelWorkflow(se, formula = ~ 1 + numeric + numeric2, name = "model")
## Missing coefficient = error
se, coefficients = "foo", name = "model"
"Some coefficients not found: foo.",
## Test 1 coefficient
exp1 <- DataFrame(
feature = rownames(se),
Estimate = c(row1 = 0.000468779211816878, row2 = 0.999256248458486, row3 = 1.98000310009773, row4 = 2.90865795861583, row5 = 4.11359911775159, row6 = 4.90657593661401, row7 = 6.20062598462335, row8 = 7.0746719228876, row9 = 8.10859321582726, row10 = 8.99816838925607),
SE = c(row1 = 0.00116545745645793, row2 = 0.0011158363022493, row3 = 0.00121486498566538, row4 = 0.001267820701554, row5 = 0.000925222377619779, row6 = 0.00107855077845707, row7 = 0.00106710103503816, row8 = 0.00121263097901738, row9 = 0.00105141615528807, row10 = 0.00099029700050081),
Df = c(row1 = 78, row2 = 80, row3 = 79, row4 = 75, row5 = 76, row6 = 80, row7 = 80, row8 = 67, row9 = 80, row10 = 75),
tstatistic = c(row1 = 0.402227648224584, row2 = 895.522261145459, row3 = 1629.81329074464, row4 = 2294.21869752609, row5 = 4446.06531062749, row6 = 4549.2303511506, row7 = 5810.72061691106, row8 = 5834.15073942804, row9 = 7712.06831381209, row10 = 9086.33307452768),
pvalue = c(row1 = 0.688616634304459, row2 = 8.03183556631787e-162, row3 = 1.40808176700861e-180, row4 = 1.69792709140424e-183, row5 = 1.53036452302809e-207, row6 = 2.73865195054442e-218, row7 = 8.59403606066981e-227, row8 = 6.92241457155388e-193, row9 = 1.25587061385632e-236, row10 = 2.5037770708955e-228),
padj = c(row1 = 0.688616634304459, row2 = 8.92426174035319e-162, row3 = 1.76010220876076e-180, row4 = 2.42561013057748e-183, row5 = 3.06072904605617e-207, row6 = 6.84662987636104e-218, row7 = 2.86467868688994e-226, row8 = 1.15373576192565e-192, row9 = 1.25587061385632e-235, row10 = 1.25188853544775e-227)
se, coefficients = "numeric", name = "model"
list(numeric = exp1),
tolerance = 1E-2
## Test 2 coefficients
se, coefficients = c("numeric", "numeric2"), name = "model"
list(numeric = exp1,
numeric2 = DataFrame(
feature = c("row1", "row2", "row3", "row4", "row5", "row6",
"row7", "row8", "row9", "row10"),
Estimate = c(row1 = -0.00157904250034698, row2 = 0.000705397503822341, row3 = -0.000455517960428316, row4 = 0.000136301698053502, row5 = -0.00151376184245366, row6 = -0.00102897824142928, row7 = 0.000330019702798889, row8 = 0.0038180174935476, row9 = 0.000345141172191415, row10 = -0.00126466517281232),
SE = c(row1 = 0.00116545745645793, row2 = 0.00111583630224931, row3 = 0.00121486498566538, row4 = 0.001267820701554, row5 = 0.000925222377619779, row6 = 0.00107855077845707, row7 = 0.00106710103503816, row8 = 0.00121263097901738, row9 = 0.00105141615528807, row10 = 0.000990297000500811),
Df = c(row1 = 78, row2 = 80, row3 = 79, row4 = 75, row5 = 76, row6 = 80, row7 = 80, row8 = 67, row9 = 80, row10 = 75),
tstatistic = c(row1 = -1.35486927609183, row2 = 0.632169344553856, row3 = -0.37495356751831, row4 = 0.107508654722576, row5 = -1.63610595578974, row6 = -0.954037827408824, row7 = 0.309267531342136, row8 = 3.14854028934789, row9 = 0.328263143433299, row10 = -1.27705645091599),
pvalue = c(row1 = 0.179370436752218, row2 = 0.529078800285441, row3 = 0.708699733514142, row4 = 0.914672538466102, row5 = 0.105952378364963, row6 = 0.342938375045117, row7 = 0.757922079636902, row8 = 0.00245056736923267, row9 = 0.743570356188176, row10 = 0.205521868083594),
padj = c(row1 = 0.513804670208984, row2 = 0.842135644041002, row3 = 0.842135644041002, row4 = 0.914672538466102, row5 = 0.513804670208984, row6 = 0.685876750090234, row7 = 0.842135644041002, row8 = 0.0245056736923267, row9 = 0.842135644041002, row10 = 0.513804670208984)
tolerance = 1E-10
test_that(".coefficientToEstimates", {
se <- .createMinimalData(nc = 6)
se$numeric <- scale(1:ncol(se))
for (i in 0:9) {
assay(se)[i+1, ] <- assay(se)[i + 1, ] + i * se$numeric
assay(se)[sample(1:length(assay(se)), length(assay(se))/2)] <- NA
se <- scpModelWorkflow(se, formula = ~ 1 + numeric)
se, coefficient = "numeric", name = "model"
beta = c(a = 0, c = 2.21626476138346, d = 3.33642362977023, e = 3.26435414663759, h = 7.78498846946388, i = 9.23452613165679, j = 4.80829820532098),
se = c(a = 0.000204005125241858, c = 0.000339941667740344, d = 0.00167301187722831, e = 0.0019871773566072, h = 0.00394651632004783, i = 0.00218822549009997, j = 0.00412383501963632)),
tolerance = 1E-10
test_that(".computeTTest", {
## When < 3000 features, use BH for multiple testing
n <- 300
beta <- structure(seq(0, 10, length.out = n), .Names = 1:n)
se <- seq(0.1, 1E-2, length.out = n)
df <- rep(20, n)
weights <- rnorm(n)
expTstat <- beta / se
expPval <- 2 * pt(abs(expTstat), df, lower.tail = FALSE)
expPadj <- p.adjust(expPval, method = "BH")
.computeTTest(beta = beta, se = se, df = df, weights = weights),
feature = as.character(1:n),
Estimate = beta, SE = se, Df = df,
tstatistic = expTstat, pvalue = expPval,
padj = structure(expPadj, .Names = 1:n)
## When >= 3000 features, use IHW for multiple testing
n <- 3000
beta <- structure(seq(0, 10, length.out = n), .Names = 1:n)
se <- seq(0.1, 1E-2, length.out = n)
df <- rep(20, n)
weights <- rnorm(n)
expTstat <- beta / se
expPval <- 2 * pt(abs(expTstat), df, lower.tail = FALSE)
expPadj <- adj_pvalues(ihw(pvalues = expPval, covariates = weights,
alpha = 0.05, adjustment_type = "BH"))
.computeTTest(beta = beta, se = se, df = df, weights = weights),
feature = as.character(1:n),
Estimate = beta, SE = se, Df = df,
tstatistic = expTstat, pvalue = expPval,
padj = structure(expPadj, .Names = 1:n)
test_that(".adjustPvalue", {
## No weights = BH
n <- 100
.adjustPvalue(pval = seq(0, 1, length.out = n), weights = NULL),
p.adjust(seq(0, 1, length.out = n), method = "BH")
## Less then 3000 features = BH
weights <- runif(n)
.adjustPvalue(pval = seq(0, 1, length.out = n), weights = NULL),
p.adjust(seq(0, 1, length.out = n), method = "BH")
## Else = IHW
## example inspired from ihw's man page
n <- 3000
weights <- runif(n, min=0, max=2.5)
h <- rbinom(n, 1, 0.1) # hypothesis true or false
z <- rnorm(n, h * weights) # Z-score
pval <- 1-pnorm(z)
.adjustPvalue(pval = pval, weights = weights),
pvalues = pval, covariates = weights, alpha = 0.05
test_that("scpDifferentialAggregate", {
se <- .createMinimalData(nc = 6)
assay(se)[sample(1:length(assay(se)), length(assay(se))/5)] <- NA
se$condition <- as.factor(rep(1:3, length.out = ncol(se)))
se$numeric <- scale(1:ncol(se))
for (i in 0:9) {
assay(se)[i+1, se$condition == 2] <- assay(se)[i + 1, se$condition == 2] + i
assay(se)[i+1, ] <- assay(se)[i+1, ] + i
assay(se)[i+1, ] <- assay(se)[i + 1, ] + i * se$numeric
assay(se)[i+1, ] <- assay(se)[i+1, ] + rnorm(ncol(se), sd = 0.01)
se <- scpModelWorkflow(se, formula = ~ 1 + condition + numeric)
daRes <- scpDifferentialAnalysis(
se, contrasts = list(c("condition", "1", "2")),
coefficients = "numeric"
## fcol not in table = error
scpDifferentialAggregate(differentialList = daRes, fcol = "prot"),
"fcol %in% colnames.*is not TRUE"
## Test scpDifferentialAggregate
daRes <- endoapply(daRes, function(x) {
x$prot <- c(rep(1:2, each = 4), c(NA, NA)) ## NAs rows will be removed
x$removed <- 1:10 ## annotation columns not redundant within fcol are removed
x$keep <- c(rep(c("a", "b"), each = 4), c("c", "c")) ## annotation columns redundant within fcol are kept
metapodRes1 <- combineGroupedPValues(
daRes[[1]]$pvalue[-(9:10)], daRes[[1]][["prot"]][-(9:10)]
metapodRes2 <- combineGroupedPValues(
daRes[[2]]$pvalue[-(9:10)], daRes[[2]][["prot"]][-(9:10)]
scpDifferentialAggregate(daRes, "prot"),
condition_1_vs_2 = DataFrame(
feature = 1:2,
Estimate = daRes[[1]]$Estimate[metapodRes1$representative],
pvalue = metapodRes1$p.value,
padj = p.adjust(metapodRes1$p.value, method = "BH"),
prot = 1:2,
keep = c("a", "b"),
.n = c(4L, 4L)
numeric = DataFrame(
feature = 1:2,
Estimate = daRes[[2]]$Estimate[metapodRes2$representative],
pvalue = metapodRes2$p.value,
padj = p.adjust(metapodRes2$p.value, method = "BH"),
prot = 1:2,
keep = c("a", "b"),
.n = c(4L, 4L)
## Change metapod defaults
metapodRes1 <- combineGroupedPValues(
daRes[[1]]$pvalue[-(9:10)], daRes[[1]][["prot"]][-(9:10)],
method = "berger", weights = runif(10)
metapodRes2 <- combineGroupedPValues(
daRes[[2]]$pvalue[-(9:10)], daRes[[2]][["prot"]][-(9:10)],
method = "berger", weights = runif(10)
scpDifferentialAggregate(daRes, "prot", method = "berger", weights = runif(10)),
condition_1_vs_2 = DataFrame(
feature = 1:2,
Estimate = daRes[[1]]$Estimate[metapodRes1$representative],
pvalue = metapodRes1$p.value,
padj = p.adjust(metapodRes1$p.value, method = "BH"),
prot = 1:2,
keep = c("a", "b"),
.n = c(4L, 4L)
numeric = DataFrame(
feature = 1:2,
Estimate = daRes[[2]]$Estimate[metapodRes2$representative],
pvalue = metapodRes2$p.value,
padj = p.adjust(metapodRes2$p.value, method = "BH"),
prot = 1:2,
keep = c("a", "b"),
.n = c(4L, 4L)
test_that("scpVolcanoPlot", {
se <- SummarizedExperiment(assays = List(
matrix(0, 100, 100, dimnames = list(paste0("row", 1:100),
paste0("col", 1:100)))
se$condition <- as.factor(rep(1:2, length.out = ncol(se)))
assay(se)[, se$condition == 2] <- 1:nrow(se) - nrow(se) / 2 + assay(se)[, se$condition == 2]
assay(se) <- assay(se) + rnorm(length(assay(se)))
assay(se)[sample(1:length(assay(se)), length(assay(se))/2)] <- NA
se <- scpModelWorkflow(se, formula = ~ 1 + condition)
daRes <- scpDifferentialAnalysis(
se, contrast = list(c("condition", "1", "2"))
## default plot
set.seed(124) ## ggrepel is stochastic
"scpVolcanoPlot default",
## change FDR line
"scpVolcanoPlot change fdrLine",
scpVolcanoPlot(daRes, fdrLine = 1E-5)
## change number of labels
"scpVolcanoPlot change top",
scpVolcanoPlot(daRes, top = 30, labelParams = list(max.overlaps = 100))
"scpVolcanoPlot change top is zero",
scpVolcanoPlot(daRes, top = 0)
## change label filter
## label filter is absent = error
scpVolcanoPlot(daRes, by = "foo"),
"'foo' not found in differentialList tables."
"scpVolcanoPlot change by",
scpVolcanoPlot(daRes, by = "Estimate")
## change ordering direction
"scpVolcanoPlot decreasing",
scpVolcanoPlot(daRes, by = "Estimate", decreasing = TRUE)
## change labelling variable
## labelling variable is absent = error
scpVolcanoPlot(daRes, textBy = "foo"),
"'foo' not found in results. Use scpAnnotateResults.. to add custom annotations."
"scpVolcanoPlot textBy",
scpVolcanoPlot(daRes, textBy = "Df")
## change point params
"scpVolcanoPlot pointParams",
scpVolcanoPlot(daRes, pointParams = list(aes(size = Df)))
## change label params
"scpVolcanoPlot labelParams",
scpVolcanoPlot(daRes, labelParams = list(aes(colour = Df)))
"scpVolcanoPlot labelParams change label",
scpVolcanoPlot(daRes, labelParams = list(aes(label = Df)))
test_that(".filterDifferentialData", {
x <- data.frame(criteria = 1:100)
## By is absent = error
.filterDifferentialData(df = x, by = "foo"),
"'foo' not found in differentialList tables."
## top is zero = return empty table
.filterDifferentialData(df = x, top = 0, by = "criteria"),
data.frame(criteria = integer())
## top is greater than nrows table = return table without filtering
.filterDifferentialData(df = x, top = 1000, by = "criteria"),
## test by
x <- data.frame(criteria1 = 1:100, criteria2 = 100:1)
.filterDifferentialData(df = x, top = 10, by = "criteria1",
decreasing = FALSE),
x[1:10, ]
.filterDifferentialData(df = x, top = 10, by = "criteria2",
decreasing = FALSE),
x[100:91, ]
## Test decreasing
.filterDifferentialData(df = x, top = 10, by = "criteria1",
decreasing = TRUE),
x[100:91, ]
.filterDifferentialData(df = x, top = 10, by = "criteria2",
decreasing = TRUE),
x[1:10, ]
test_that(".plotVolcano", {
x <- data.frame(
Estimate = -10:10,
padj = runif(21)/10,
names = paste("feat", 1:21)
set.seed(124) ## ggrepel is stochastic
## Default
".plotVolcano default",
.plotVolcano(x, pointParams = list(), labelParams = list(),
textBy = "names")
## Change FDR line
".plotVolcano change fdr",
.plotVolcano(x, pointParams = list(), labelParams = list(),
textBy = "names", fdrLine = 0.01)
## Change contrast
".plotVolcano change contrast",
.plotVolcano(x, pointParams = list(), labelParams = list(),
textBy = "names", contrast = c("condition", "A", "B"))
## Change point and label params
".plotVolcano change aes params",
.plotVolcano(x, pointParams = list(aes(col = padj), size = 5),
labelParams = list(aes(size = -padj), colour = "red"),
textBy = "names", contrast = c("condition", "A", "B"))
test_that(".annotateDirection", {
## Annotate axis with 2 directions, that is logFoldChange contains
## positive and negative values
.annotateDirection(-10:10, c("Group", "foo", "bar")),
xlab("foo <- log2(Fold change) -> bar")
## Reverse direction
.annotateDirection(-10:10, c("Group", "bar", "foo")),
xlab("bar <- log2(Fold change) -> foo")
## Only positive direction = right annotation
.annotateDirection(10:0, c("Group", "foo", "bar")),
xlab("log2(Fold change) -> bar")
## Only negative direction = left annotation
.annotateDirection(-10:0, c("Group", "foo", "bar")),
xlab("foo <- log2(Fold change)")
## Only zero = no direction annotation
.annotateDirection(0, c("Group", "foo", "bar")),
xlab("log2(Fold change)")
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