
Defines functions .joinScpModelOutput .checkInputIndex .replaceDotVariable .checkExplanatoryVariables .removeResponseVariables .checkScpModelFormula .checkModelElement .checkModelName .defaultModelName `scpModelFitList<-` `scpModelInputIndex<-` `scpModelFormula<-` `scpModel<-` `scpModelFilterThreshold<-` scpModelEffectNames scpModelFeatureNames scpModelIntercept scpModelVcov scpModelUvcov scpModelVar scpModelDf scpModelCoefficients scpModelP scpModelN scpModelFitElement scpModelFitList scpModelInputIndex scpModel scpModelNames scpModelEffects scpModelResiduals scpModelFilterNPRatio scpModelFilterThreshold scpModelInput scpModelFormula ScpModel

Documented in ScpModel scpModelEffects scpModelFilterNPRatio scpModelFilterThreshold scpModelFormula scpModelInput scpModelNames scpModelResiduals

## ---- ScpModel class definition ----

##' @rdname ScpModel-class
##' @title Class to store the results of single-cell proteomics
##' modelling
##' @description
##' An `ScpModel` object must be always stored in the `metadata()` of
##' an object that inherits from the `SingleCellExperiment` class. The
##' `ScpModel` object should **never be accessed directly** by the
##' user. Instead, we provide several setter function to retrieve
##' information that may be useful to the user.The `ScpModel` class
##' contains several slots:
##' - `scpModelFormula`: a `formula` object controlling which
##'   variables are to be modelled.
##' - `scpModelInputIndex`: a `numeric(1)`, selecting the assay to use
##'   in the `SingleCellExperiment` object as input matrix. Note that
##'   this slot serves as a pointer, meaning that the quantitative
##'   data is not duplicated. Any change to the assay in the
##'   `SingleCellExperiment` will impact the estimation of the
##'   `ScpModel` object.
##' - `scpModelFilterThreshold`: A `numeric(1)` indicating the minimal
##'   n/p ratio required for a feature to be included in further model
##'   exploration. n/p is the number of measured values for a features
##'   divided by the number of coefficients to estimate. n/p cannot be
##'   smaller than 1 because this would lead to over-specified models.
##' - `scpModelFitList`: A `List` that contains the model results for
##'   each feature. Each element is a `ScpModelFit` object (see
##'   [`ScpModelFit-class`])
##' @section Getters:
##' Each slot has a getter function associated:
##' - `scpModelNames()`: returns a vector of names of `ScpModel`
##'   objects stored in the `SingleCellExperiment` object.
##' - `scpModelFormula()`: returns the `formula` slot of the `ScpModel`
##'   within an object that inherits from the `SummarizedExperiment`
##'   class.
##' - `scpModelFilterThreshold()`: returns the n/p ration threshold
##'   used for feature filtering.
##' - `scpModelInput()`: returns a `matrix` with the quantitative
##'   values used as input of the model. Hence, the matrix contains
##'   the data before modelling. If `filtered = TRUE`, the feature of
##'   the matrix are restricted to the features that satisfy the n/p
##'   ratio threshold.
##' - `scpModelFilterNPRatio()`: returns the computed n/p ratio for
##'   each feature. If `filtered = TRUE`, the function returns only
##'   the n/p of the features that satisfy the n/p ratio threshold.
##' - `scpModelResiduals()`: when `join = FALSE`, the function returns
##'   a list where each element corresponds to a feature and contains
##'   the estimated residuals. When `join = TRUE` (default), the function
##'   combines the list into a matrix with features in rows and cells
##'   in columns, and filling the gaps with `NA`. If `filtered = TRUE`,
##'   the feature of the matrix are restricted to the features that
##'   satisfy the n/p ratio threshold.
##' - `scpModelEffects()`: when `join = FALSE`, the function return a
##'   list where each element of the list corresponds to a feature.
##'   Each element contains another list with as many elements as
##'   variable in the model and each element contains the data  effect vector
##'   for that vector. When `join = TRUE` (default), each element of the list is
##'   a matrix with features in rows and cells in columns where gaps
##'   are filled with `NA`. If `filtered = TRUE`, the feature of the
##'   matrix are restricted to the features that satisfy the n/p
##'   ratio threshold.
##' Setter:
##' - `scpModelFilterThreshold<-()`: the function changes the n/p
##'   ratio threshold used for filtering features.
##' @seealso
##' - [ScpModelFit-class] for a description of the class that store
##'   modelling results
##' - [ScpModel-Workflow] that uses the class to store the estimated
##'   model.
##' @author Christophe Vanderaa, Laurent Gatto
##' @example inst/examples/examples_ScpModel-Class.R
##' @importFrom methods new
##' @name ScpModel
##' @aliases ScpModel ScpModel-class class:ScpModel
##' @exportClass ScpModel
setClass("ScpModel", slots = c(
    scpModelFormula = "formula",
    scpModelInputIndex = "numeric",
    scpModelFilterThreshold = "numeric",
    scpModelFitList = "List"

## Class constructors
## Keep the constructor hidden from the user. It is better they
## build this object within an S(C)E object through `scpModelWorkflow()`
ScpModel <- function() {
    ans <- new("ScpModel")
    ans@scpModelFitList <- List()

## ---- Exported getters ----

##' @rdname ScpModel-class
##' @export
scpModelFormula <- function(object, name) {
    out <- scpModel(object, name)@scpModelFormula
        out, "scpModelFormula", .runWorkflowMessage,
        name = .checkModelName(object, name)

##' @rdname ScpModel-class
##' @param filtered A `logical(1)` indicating whether the output
##'     should return all features (`FALSE`) or the features that
##'     comply to the n/p ratio threshold (`TRUE`).
##' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assay
##' @export
scpModelInput <- function(object, name, filtered = TRUE) {
    out <- assay(object, scpModelInputIndex(object, name))
    if (filtered) {
        out <- out[scpModelFeatureNames(object, name), , drop = FALSE]

##' @rdname ScpModel-class
##' @export
scpModelFilterThreshold <- function(object, name) {
    out <- scpModel(object, name)@scpModelFilterThreshold
        out, "scpModelFilterThreshold", .runWorkflowMessage,
        name = .checkModelName(object, name)

##' @rdname ScpModel-class
##' @export
scpModelFilterNPRatio <- function(object, name, filtered = TRUE) {
    out <- scpModelN(object, name, filtered) /
        scpModelP(object, name, filtered)
    ## when all missing or no params
    out[is.na(out) | is.infinite(out)] <- 0

##' @rdname ScpModel-class
##' @param join A `logical(1)` indicating whether the output should be
##'     combined in a single matrix (`TRUE`) or it should be returned
##'     as a list with one element for each feature (`FALSE`). When
##'     `TRUE`, any gaps across features will be filled with NA's.
##' @export
scpModelResiduals <- function(object, name, join = TRUE,
                              filtered = TRUE) {
    out <- scpModelFitElement(
        object, name, "Residuals", filtered, .runWorkflowMessage
    if (join) out <- .joinScpModelOutput(out, object)

##' @rdname ScpModel-class
##' @export
scpModelEffects <- function(object, name, join = TRUE,
                            filtered = TRUE) {
    out <- scpModelFitElement(
        object, name, "Effects", filtered, .runWorkflowMessage
    if (join) {
        out <- lapply(scpModelEffectNames(object, name), function(e) {
            effect <- endoapply(out, "[[", e)
            .joinScpModelOutput(effect, object)
        names(out) <- scpModelEffectNames(object, name)
        out <- as(out, "List")

##' @rdname ScpModel-class
##' @export
scpModelNames <- function(object) {
    errorMessage <- paste0(
        "No 'ScpModel' found in object. ", .runWorkflowMessage
    if (!length(metadata(object))) {
    sel <- which(sapply(
        function(x) inherits(x, "ScpModel")
    if (!length(sel)) {

## A vector of strings with the available component analysis methods
##' @rdname ScpModel-ComponentAnalysis
##' @export
scpModelComponentMethods <- c("APCA", "ASCA", "ASCA.E")

## ---- Internal getters ----

## Internal functions to get an ScpModel object or its assays from an
## SE object. This is not exported because there is no good reason for
## the users to extract an ScpModel from its container SE.
scpModel <- function(object, name) {
    stopifnot(inherits(object, "SummarizedExperiment"))
    name <- .checkModelName(object, name)

## Internal function that retrieves the scpModelInputIndex slot.
scpModelInputIndex <- function(object, name) {
    out <- scpModel(object, name)@scpModelInputIndex
        out, "scpModelInputIndex", .runWorkflowMessage,
        name = .checkModelName(object, name)

## Internal function that retrieves the scpModelFitList slot.
scpModelFitList <- function(object, name, filtered = FALSE) {
    out <- scpModel(object, name)@scpModelFitList
        out, "scpModelFitList", .runWorkflowMessage,
        name = .checkModelName(object, name)
    if (filtered) out <- out[scpModelFeatureNames(object, name)]

## Internal function that extracts a specific element from a
## scpModelFitList in an ScpModel object.
## @param object Object that inherits from SummarizedExperiment class
## @param name A `character(1)` providing the name to use to store or
##     retrieve the modelling results.
## @param what A `character(1)` providing the name of the element in
##     the ScpModelFit object to retrieve.
## @param filtered A `logical(1)` indicating whether the output should
##     be filtered based on the NP ratio.
## @param helpMessage A `character(1)` that provides additional
##     information in case the retrieved elements are empty in the
##     object.
scpModelFitElement <- function(object, name, what, filtered,
                               helpMessage = "") {
    out <- scpModelFitList(object, name)
    scpModelFitSlot <- try(get(paste0("scpModelFit", what)), TRUE)
    if (inherits(scpModelFitSlot, "try-error"))
        stop("'", what, "' is not a slot of an ScpModelFit object.")
    out <- endoapply(out, scpModelFitSlot)
        out, paste(what, "(in ScpModelFit)"), helpMessage,
        name = .checkModelName(object, name)
    if (filtered) out <- out[scpModelFeatureNames(object, name)]

scpModelN <- function(object, name, filtered = TRUE) {
    out <- scpModelFitElement(
        object, name, "N", filtered, .runWorkflowMessage

scpModelP <- function(object, name, filtered = TRUE) {
    out <- scpModelFitElement(
        object, name, "P", filtered, .runWorkflowMessage

scpModelCoefficients <- function(object, name, filtered = TRUE) {
        object, name, "Coefficients", filtered, .runWorkflowMessage

scpModelDf <- function(object, name, filtered = TRUE) {
    out <- scpModelFitElement(
        object, name, "Df", filtered, .runWorkflowMessage

scpModelVar <- function(object, name, filtered = TRUE) {
    out <- scpModelFitElement(
        object, name, "Var", filtered, .runWorkflowMessage

scpModelUvcov <- function(object, name, filtered = TRUE) {
        object, name, "Uvcov", filtered, .runWorkflowMessage

scpModelVcov <- function(object, name, filtered = TRUE) {
        object, name, "Vcov", filtered, .runWorkflowMessage

scpModelIntercept <- function(object, name, filtered = TRUE) {
    coefs <- scpModelCoefficients(object, name, filtered)
    sapply(coefs, function(x) x[["(Intercept)"]])

## Internal function that returns a vector of strings with the feature
## names (= row names) that have been kept for modelling. If no filter
## is found, it returns all feature names.
scpModelFeatureNames <- function(object, name) {
    threshold <- scpModelFilterThreshold(object, name)
    if (!length(threshold)) {
    sel <- scpModelFilterNPRatio(object, name, FALSE) >= threshold

## Internal function that returns the effect names in the model
scpModelEffectNames <- function(object, name) {
        scpModelFormula(object, name),
        data = colData(object)

## ---- Exported setters ----

##' @rdname ScpModel-class
##' @param object An object that inherits from the
##'     `SingleCellExperiment` class.
##' @param value An `numeric(1)`, the new value for the n/p ratio
##'     threshold
##' @param name A `character(1)` providing the name to use to store or
##'     retrieve the modelling results. When retrieving a model and
##'     `name` is missing, the name of the first model found in
##'     `object` is used.
##' @export
`scpModelFilterThreshold<-` <- function(object, name, value) {
    stopifnot(length(value) == 1)
    stopifnot(value >= 1)
    scpModel(object, name)@scpModelFilterThreshold <- value

## ---- Internal setters ----

## All setters are internal function and hence not visible to the
## user, otherwise it may lead to corrupt model results.
## We implement setters instead of initializing the slots when
## constructing the object because the validity depends on the SE
## object that is outside of the ScpModel object.

`scpModel<-` <- function(object, name, value) {
    stopifnot(inherits(value, "ScpModel") | is.null(value))
    if (missing(name)) name <- .defaultModelName(object)
    metadata(object)[[name]] <- value

`scpModelFormula<-` <- function(object, name, value) {
    stopifnot(inherits(value, "formula"))
    value <- .checkScpModelFormula(value, object)
    scpModel(object, name)@scpModelFormula <- value

##' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assayNames
`scpModelInputIndex<-` <- function(object, name, value) {
    value <- .checkInputIndex(value, assayNames(object), "i")
    x <- assay(object, value)
    if (any(is.infinite(x)))
        stop("The selected assay ('assay(object, i)') contains infinite values.")
    scpModel(object, name)@scpModelInputIndex <- value

`scpModelFitList<-` <- function(object, name, value) {
    stopifnot(inherits(value, "List"))
    stopifnot(all(sapply(value, inherits, "ScpModelFit")))
    stopifnot(identical(rownames(object), names(value)))
    scpModel(object, name)@scpModelFitList <- value

## ---- Internal utility functions ----

## A string suggesting how to run the scplainer workflow the model
.runWorkflowMessage <-
    "Use 'scpModelWorkflow()' to run the scplainer modelling workflow."

## Internal function that returns the name of the default model.
## The default model is the first ScpModel object in the metadata
## Note: creating this function may seem overkill, but I add it
## in case we come up with another rationale for selecting the default
## model.
.defaultModelName <- function(object) {

## Internal function that checks whether `name` points to a valid
## ScpModel in `object`. If `name` is not a single value or if it does
## not point to a ScpModel object in `metadata(object)`, the function
## throws an error.
## @param object A SummarizedExperiment object
## @param name A character(1) to select a model. When missing, name is
##      assigned as the name of the default model
.checkModelName <- function(object, name) {
    if (missing(name)) name <- .defaultModelName(object)
    stopifnot(length(name) == 1)
    if (!name %in% scpModelNames(object)) {
            "Model name '", name, "' not found in object. ",

## Internal functions that checks whether the provided component is
## empty or not. This component is expected to be extracted from one
## of the slot of an ScpModel object contained in a
## SummarizedExperiment. If `x` is empty, it throws a meaningful error
## using `name`, `what` and `additionalMessage`.
## @param x An element to check, can be atomic or a list
## @param name The name of the model from which x is retrieved.
## @param what The name of the slot in the model from which x is
##     retrieved.
## @param additionalMessage A string that provides additional
##     information, typically indicating how the empty element should
##     be created.
.checkModelElement <- function(x, name, what, additionalMessage = "") {
    if (inherits(x, "List") || is.list(x)) {
        isEmpty <- length(x) == 0 || sum(sapply(x, length)) == 0
    } else {
        isEmpty <- length(x) == 0
    if (isEmpty) {
            "No available ", what, " for model '", name, "'. ",

## Internal functions that checks the formula is valid for modelling.
## If a response variable is provided it is removed automatically and
## if an intercept term is missing, it is added automatically. When the
## formula contains `.`, it is replaced by all variables present in
## `colData(object)`, except for variable already present in the
## formula. The function returns the cleaned formula.
## @param formula A formula
## @param object An object that inherits from SummarizedExperiment
##' @importFrom stats as.formula
.checkScpModelFormula <- function(formula, object) {
    fterms <- terms(formula, data = colData(object))
    formula <- .removeResponseVariables(formula, fterms)
    formula <- .checkExplanatoryVariables(
        formula, fterms, colnames(colData(object))

## Internal function that removes the response variable from formula
## terms. If the formula contains a response variable, the function
## throws a warning
## @param formula A formula.
## @param fterms A terms object derived from formula.
.removeResponseVariables <- function(formula, fterms) {
    if (!identical(attr(fterms, "response"), 0L)) {
            "The formula contains a response variable and is ignored."
        formula <- as.formula(
            paste("~", as.character(formula)[[3]]),
            env = attr(fterms, ".Environment")

## Internal functions that checks the variables in a formula are
## available from the sample annotations contained in the colData of
## an object that inherits from SummarizedExperiment. The function
## returns a cleaned formula.
## - The formula contains a no intercept = warning
## - "Residuals" cannot be a variable name = error
## - The formula has no variables (excluding intercept) = error
## - The colData is empty = error
## - The colData is missing some variables from the formula = error
## @param formula A formula.
## @param fterms A terms object derived from formula.
## @param availableVariables A vector of available variable names to
##     model.
.checkExplanatoryVariables <- function(formula, fterms,
                                       availableVariables) {
    modelVars <- all.vars(formula)
    modelVars <- .replaceDotVariable(modelVars, availableVariables)
    if (attr(fterms, "intercept") != 1)
        warning("No intercept in the formula. It is added automatically.")
    if ("Residuals" %in% modelVars)
        stop("'Residuals' is reserved. Please rename that variable.")
    if (!length(modelVars)) {
        stop("You provided a formula with no variable to model.")
    } else {
        if (!length(availableVariables))
            stop("colData(object) is empty.")
        if (any(mis <- !modelVars %in% availableVariables))
            stop("colData(object) is missing one or more variables ",
                 "from the formula: ",
                 paste(modelVars[mis], collapse = ", "), ".")
        paste(c("~ 1", modelVars), collapse = " + "),
        env = attr(formula, ".Environment")

## Internal function that take model variables and replace the "."
## shorthand with all remaining available variables.
## @param modelVars A vector of model variable names extracted
##     from a formula.
## @param availableVariables A vector of available variable names. If
##     'modelVars' contains a '.', it will be replaced by all
##     names in 'availableVariables' not present in 'modelVars'.
.replaceDotVariable <- function(modelVars, availableVariables) {
    if (any(modelVars == ".")) {
        modelVars <- unique(c(
            modelVars, availableVariables
        modelVars <- modelVars[modelVars != "."]

## Internal function that converts and checks a provided assay or model
## index given a set of choices. The function return a single numeric
## corresponding to a valid assay or model, otherwise it throws an error.
## @param index The index to convert and check. The index can be
##     logical, numeric, or character.
## @param choices The names of valid assays or models that the index
##     is pointing to.
## @param what A character string that indicates the name of the
##     index. It is used to provide meaningful error messages.
.checkInputIndex <- function(index, choices, what = "name") {
    if (is.logical(index) && !identical(index, NA)) {
        index <- which(index)
    if (length(index) != 1) {
        stop("'", what, "' points to multiple input assays.")
    if (is.character(index)) {
        if (!index %in% choices) stop("'", index, "' not found.")
        index <- which(choices == index)
    } else if (is.numeric(index) && !inherits(index, "matrix")) {
        if (length(choices) && index > length(choices)) {
            stop("'", what, "' is out of bounds")
    } else {
        stop("'", what, "' must be a character, numeric or logical")

## Internal function that combines a list of model output elements
## into a matrix with as many rows as fitted models and as many
## columns a the number of samples in object. Any piece of information
## missing for a sample in a model is filled with NA.
## Typically, these elements are one of the following slots from
## multiple ScpModelList objects: residuals, effect matrices.
## @param x A list of model output to combine. Each element contains
##     a named vector. The names should relate to names in object
## @param object A SummarizedExperiment
.joinScpModelOutput <- function(x, object) {
    stopifnot(length(names(x)) > 0)
    out <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(x), ncol = ncol(object),
                  dimnames = list(names(x), colnames(object)))
    for (i in seq_along(x)) {
        cols <- names(x[[i]])
        out[i, cols] <- x[[i]]
UCLouvain-CBIO/scp documentation built on Oct. 12, 2024, 2:37 a.m.