## ---- ScpModel class definition ----
##' @rdname ScpModel-class
##' @title Class to store the results of single-cell proteomics
##' modelling
##' @description
##' An `ScpModel` object must be always stored in the `metadata()` of
##' an object that inherits from the `SingleCellExperiment` class. The
##' `ScpModel` object should **never be accessed directly** by the
##' user. Instead, we provide several setter function to retrieve
##' information that may be useful to the user.The `ScpModel` class
##' contains several slots:
##' - `scpModelFormula`: a `formula` object controlling which
##' variables are to be modelled.
##' - `scpModelInputIndex`: a `numeric(1)`, selecting the assay to use
##' in the `SingleCellExperiment` object as input matrix. Note that
##' this slot serves as a pointer, meaning that the quantitative
##' data is not duplicated. Any change to the assay in the
##' `SingleCellExperiment` will impact the estimation of the
##' `ScpModel` object.
##' - `scpModelFilterThreshold`: A `numeric(1)` indicating the minimal
##' n/p ratio required for a feature to be included in further model
##' exploration. n/p is the number of measured values for a features
##' divided by the number of coefficients to estimate. n/p cannot be
##' smaller than 1 because this would lead to over-specified models.
##' - `scpModelFitList`: A `List` that contains the model results for
##' each feature. Each element is a `ScpModelFit` object (see
##' [`ScpModelFit-class`])
##' @section Getters:
##' Each slot has a getter function associated:
##' - `scpModelNames()`: returns a vector of names of `ScpModel`
##' objects stored in the `SingleCellExperiment` object.
##' - `scpModelFormula()`: returns the `formula` slot of the `ScpModel`
##' within an object that inherits from the `SummarizedExperiment`
##' class.
##' - `scpModelFilterThreshold()`: returns the n/p ration threshold
##' used for feature filtering.
##' - `scpModelInput()`: returns a `matrix` with the quantitative
##' values used as input of the model. Hence, the matrix contains
##' the data before modelling. If `filtered = TRUE`, the feature of
##' the matrix are restricted to the features that satisfy the n/p
##' ratio threshold.
##' - `scpModelFilterNPRatio()`: returns the computed n/p ratio for
##' each feature. If `filtered = TRUE`, the function returns only
##' the n/p of the features that satisfy the n/p ratio threshold.
##' - `scpModelResiduals()`: when `join = FALSE`, the function returns
##' a list where each element corresponds to a feature and contains
##' the estimated residuals. When `join = TRUE` (default), the function
##' combines the list into a matrix with features in rows and cells
##' in columns, and filling the gaps with `NA`. If `filtered = TRUE`,
##' the feature of the matrix are restricted to the features that
##' satisfy the n/p ratio threshold.
##' - `scpModelEffects()`: when `join = FALSE`, the function return a
##' list where each element of the list corresponds to a feature.
##' Each element contains another list with as many elements as
##' variable in the model and each element contains the data effect vector
##' for that vector. When `join = TRUE` (default), each element of the list is
##' a matrix with features in rows and cells in columns where gaps
##' are filled with `NA`. If `filtered = TRUE`, the feature of the
##' matrix are restricted to the features that satisfy the n/p
##' ratio threshold.
##' Setter:
##' - `scpModelFilterThreshold<-()`: the function changes the n/p
##' ratio threshold used for filtering features.
##' @seealso
##' - [ScpModelFit-class] for a description of the class that store
##' modelling results
##' - [ScpModel-Workflow] that uses the class to store the estimated
##' model.
##' @author Christophe Vanderaa, Laurent Gatto
##' @example inst/examples/examples_ScpModel-Class.R
##' @importFrom methods new
##' @name ScpModel
##' @aliases ScpModel ScpModel-class class:ScpModel
##' @exportClass ScpModel
setClass("ScpModel", slots = c(
scpModelFormula = "formula",
scpModelInputIndex = "numeric",
scpModelFilterThreshold = "numeric",
scpModelFitList = "List"
## Class constructors
## Keep the constructor hidden from the user. It is better they
## build this object within an S(C)E object through `scpModelWorkflow()`
ScpModel <- function() {
ans <- new("ScpModel")
ans@scpModelFitList <- List()
## ---- Exported getters ----
##' @rdname ScpModel-class
##' @export
scpModelFormula <- function(object, name) {
out <- scpModel(object, name)@scpModelFormula
out, "scpModelFormula", .runWorkflowMessage,
name = .checkModelName(object, name)
##' @rdname ScpModel-class
##' @param filtered A `logical(1)` indicating whether the output
##' should return all features (`FALSE`) or the features that
##' comply to the n/p ratio threshold (`TRUE`).
##' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assay
##' @export
scpModelInput <- function(object, name, filtered = TRUE) {
out <- assay(object, scpModelInputIndex(object, name))
if (filtered) {
out <- out[scpModelFeatureNames(object, name), , drop = FALSE]
##' @rdname ScpModel-class
##' @export
scpModelFilterThreshold <- function(object, name) {
out <- scpModel(object, name)@scpModelFilterThreshold
out, "scpModelFilterThreshold", .runWorkflowMessage,
name = .checkModelName(object, name)
##' @rdname ScpModel-class
##' @export
scpModelFilterNPRatio <- function(object, name, filtered = TRUE) {
out <- scpModelN(object, name, filtered) /
scpModelP(object, name, filtered)
## when all missing or no params
out[is.na(out) | is.infinite(out)] <- 0
##' @rdname ScpModel-class
##' @param join A `logical(1)` indicating whether the output should be
##' combined in a single matrix (`TRUE`) or it should be returned
##' as a list with one element for each feature (`FALSE`). When
##' `TRUE`, any gaps across features will be filled with NA's.
##' @export
scpModelResiduals <- function(object, name, join = TRUE,
filtered = TRUE) {
out <- scpModelFitElement(
object, name, "Residuals", filtered, .runWorkflowMessage
if (join) out <- .joinScpModelOutput(out, object)
##' @rdname ScpModel-class
##' @export
scpModelEffects <- function(object, name, join = TRUE,
filtered = TRUE) {
out <- scpModelFitElement(
object, name, "Effects", filtered, .runWorkflowMessage
if (join) {
out <- lapply(scpModelEffectNames(object, name), function(e) {
effect <- endoapply(out, "[[", e)
.joinScpModelOutput(effect, object)
names(out) <- scpModelEffectNames(object, name)
out <- as(out, "List")
##' @rdname ScpModel-class
##' @export
scpModelNames <- function(object) {
errorMessage <- paste0(
"No 'ScpModel' found in object. ", .runWorkflowMessage
if (!length(metadata(object))) {
sel <- which(sapply(
function(x) inherits(x, "ScpModel")
if (!length(sel)) {
## A vector of strings with the available component analysis methods
##' @rdname ScpModel-ComponentAnalysis
##' @export
scpModelComponentMethods <- c("APCA", "ASCA", "ASCA.E")
## ---- Internal getters ----
## Internal functions to get an ScpModel object or its assays from an
## SE object. This is not exported because there is no good reason for
## the users to extract an ScpModel from its container SE.
scpModel <- function(object, name) {
stopifnot(inherits(object, "SummarizedExperiment"))
name <- .checkModelName(object, name)
## Internal function that retrieves the scpModelInputIndex slot.
scpModelInputIndex <- function(object, name) {
out <- scpModel(object, name)@scpModelInputIndex
out, "scpModelInputIndex", .runWorkflowMessage,
name = .checkModelName(object, name)
## Internal function that retrieves the scpModelFitList slot.
scpModelFitList <- function(object, name, filtered = FALSE) {
out <- scpModel(object, name)@scpModelFitList
out, "scpModelFitList", .runWorkflowMessage,
name = .checkModelName(object, name)
if (filtered) out <- out[scpModelFeatureNames(object, name)]
## Internal function that extracts a specific element from a
## scpModelFitList in an ScpModel object.
## @param object Object that inherits from SummarizedExperiment class
## @param name A `character(1)` providing the name to use to store or
## retrieve the modelling results.
## @param what A `character(1)` providing the name of the element in
## the ScpModelFit object to retrieve.
## @param filtered A `logical(1)` indicating whether the output should
## be filtered based on the NP ratio.
## @param helpMessage A `character(1)` that provides additional
## information in case the retrieved elements are empty in the
## object.
scpModelFitElement <- function(object, name, what, filtered,
helpMessage = "") {
out <- scpModelFitList(object, name)
scpModelFitSlot <- try(get(paste0("scpModelFit", what)), TRUE)
if (inherits(scpModelFitSlot, "try-error"))
stop("'", what, "' is not a slot of an ScpModelFit object.")
out <- endoapply(out, scpModelFitSlot)
out, paste(what, "(in ScpModelFit)"), helpMessage,
name = .checkModelName(object, name)
if (filtered) out <- out[scpModelFeatureNames(object, name)]
scpModelN <- function(object, name, filtered = TRUE) {
out <- scpModelFitElement(
object, name, "N", filtered, .runWorkflowMessage
scpModelP <- function(object, name, filtered = TRUE) {
out <- scpModelFitElement(
object, name, "P", filtered, .runWorkflowMessage
scpModelCoefficients <- function(object, name, filtered = TRUE) {
object, name, "Coefficients", filtered, .runWorkflowMessage
scpModelDf <- function(object, name, filtered = TRUE) {
out <- scpModelFitElement(
object, name, "Df", filtered, .runWorkflowMessage
scpModelVar <- function(object, name, filtered = TRUE) {
out <- scpModelFitElement(
object, name, "Var", filtered, .runWorkflowMessage
scpModelUvcov <- function(object, name, filtered = TRUE) {
object, name, "Uvcov", filtered, .runWorkflowMessage
scpModelVcov <- function(object, name, filtered = TRUE) {
object, name, "Vcov", filtered, .runWorkflowMessage
scpModelIntercept <- function(object, name, filtered = TRUE) {
coefs <- scpModelCoefficients(object, name, filtered)
sapply(coefs, function(x) x[["(Intercept)"]])
## Internal function that returns a vector of strings with the feature
## names (= row names) that have been kept for modelling. If no filter
## is found, it returns all feature names.
scpModelFeatureNames <- function(object, name) {
threshold <- scpModelFilterThreshold(object, name)
if (!length(threshold)) {
sel <- scpModelFilterNPRatio(object, name, FALSE) >= threshold
## Internal function that returns the effect names in the model
scpModelEffectNames <- function(object, name) {
scpModelFormula(object, name),
data = colData(object)
## ---- Exported setters ----
##' @rdname ScpModel-class
##' @param object An object that inherits from the
##' `SingleCellExperiment` class.
##' @param value An `numeric(1)`, the new value for the n/p ratio
##' threshold
##' @param name A `character(1)` providing the name to use to store or
##' retrieve the modelling results. When retrieving a model and
##' `name` is missing, the name of the first model found in
##' `object` is used.
##' @export
`scpModelFilterThreshold<-` <- function(object, name, value) {
stopifnot(length(value) == 1)
stopifnot(value >= 1)
scpModel(object, name)@scpModelFilterThreshold <- value
## ---- Internal setters ----
## All setters are internal function and hence not visible to the
## user, otherwise it may lead to corrupt model results.
## We implement setters instead of initializing the slots when
## constructing the object because the validity depends on the SE
## object that is outside of the ScpModel object.
`scpModel<-` <- function(object, name, value) {
stopifnot(inherits(value, "ScpModel") | is.null(value))
if (missing(name)) name <- .defaultModelName(object)
metadata(object)[[name]] <- value
`scpModelFormula<-` <- function(object, name, value) {
stopifnot(inherits(value, "formula"))
value <- .checkScpModelFormula(value, object)
scpModel(object, name)@scpModelFormula <- value
##' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assayNames
`scpModelInputIndex<-` <- function(object, name, value) {
value <- .checkInputIndex(value, assayNames(object), "i")
x <- assay(object, value)
if (any(is.infinite(x)))
stop("The selected assay ('assay(object, i)') contains infinite values.")
scpModel(object, name)@scpModelInputIndex <- value
`scpModelFitList<-` <- function(object, name, value) {
stopifnot(inherits(value, "List"))
stopifnot(all(sapply(value, inherits, "ScpModelFit")))
stopifnot(identical(rownames(object), names(value)))
scpModel(object, name)@scpModelFitList <- value
## ---- Internal utility functions ----
## A string suggesting how to run the scplainer workflow the model
.runWorkflowMessage <-
"Use 'scpModelWorkflow()' to run the scplainer modelling workflow."
## Internal function that returns the name of the default model.
## The default model is the first ScpModel object in the metadata
## Note: creating this function may seem overkill, but I add it
## in case we come up with another rationale for selecting the default
## model.
.defaultModelName <- function(object) {
## Internal function that checks whether `name` points to a valid
## ScpModel in `object`. If `name` is not a single value or if it does
## not point to a ScpModel object in `metadata(object)`, the function
## throws an error.
## @param object A SummarizedExperiment object
## @param name A character(1) to select a model. When missing, name is
## assigned as the name of the default model
.checkModelName <- function(object, name) {
if (missing(name)) name <- .defaultModelName(object)
stopifnot(length(name) == 1)
if (!name %in% scpModelNames(object)) {
"Model name '", name, "' not found in object. ",
## Internal functions that checks whether the provided component is
## empty or not. This component is expected to be extracted from one
## of the slot of an ScpModel object contained in a
## SummarizedExperiment. If `x` is empty, it throws a meaningful error
## using `name`, `what` and `additionalMessage`.
## @param x An element to check, can be atomic or a list
## @param name The name of the model from which x is retrieved.
## @param what The name of the slot in the model from which x is
## retrieved.
## @param additionalMessage A string that provides additional
## information, typically indicating how the empty element should
## be created.
.checkModelElement <- function(x, name, what, additionalMessage = "") {
if (inherits(x, "List") || is.list(x)) {
isEmpty <- length(x) == 0 || sum(sapply(x, length)) == 0
} else {
isEmpty <- length(x) == 0
if (isEmpty) {
"No available ", what, " for model '", name, "'. ",
## Internal functions that checks the formula is valid for modelling.
## If a response variable is provided it is removed automatically and
## if an intercept term is missing, it is added automatically. When the
## formula contains `.`, it is replaced by all variables present in
## `colData(object)`, except for variable already present in the
## formula. The function returns the cleaned formula.
## @param formula A formula
## @param object An object that inherits from SummarizedExperiment
##' @importFrom stats as.formula
.checkScpModelFormula <- function(formula, object) {
fterms <- terms(formula, data = colData(object))
formula <- .removeResponseVariables(formula, fterms)
formula <- .checkExplanatoryVariables(
formula, fterms, colnames(colData(object))
## Internal function that removes the response variable from formula
## terms. If the formula contains a response variable, the function
## throws a warning
## @param formula A formula.
## @param fterms A terms object derived from formula.
.removeResponseVariables <- function(formula, fterms) {
if (!identical(attr(fterms, "response"), 0L)) {
"The formula contains a response variable and is ignored."
formula <- as.formula(
paste("~", as.character(formula)[[3]]),
env = attr(fterms, ".Environment")
## Internal functions that checks the variables in a formula are
## available from the sample annotations contained in the colData of
## an object that inherits from SummarizedExperiment. The function
## returns a cleaned formula.
## - The formula contains a no intercept = warning
## - "Residuals" cannot be a variable name = error
## - The formula has no variables (excluding intercept) = error
## - The colData is empty = error
## - The colData is missing some variables from the formula = error
## @param formula A formula.
## @param fterms A terms object derived from formula.
## @param availableVariables A vector of available variable names to
## model.
.checkExplanatoryVariables <- function(formula, fterms,
availableVariables) {
modelVars <- all.vars(formula)
modelVars <- .replaceDotVariable(modelVars, availableVariables)
if (attr(fterms, "intercept") != 1)
warning("No intercept in the formula. It is added automatically.")
if ("Residuals" %in% modelVars)
stop("'Residuals' is reserved. Please rename that variable.")
if (!length(modelVars)) {
stop("You provided a formula with no variable to model.")
} else {
if (!length(availableVariables))
stop("colData(object) is empty.")
if (any(mis <- !modelVars %in% availableVariables))
stop("colData(object) is missing one or more variables ",
"from the formula: ",
paste(modelVars[mis], collapse = ", "), ".")
paste(c("~ 1", modelVars), collapse = " + "),
env = attr(formula, ".Environment")
## Internal function that take model variables and replace the "."
## shorthand with all remaining available variables.
## @param modelVars A vector of model variable names extracted
## from a formula.
## @param availableVariables A vector of available variable names. If
## 'modelVars' contains a '.', it will be replaced by all
## names in 'availableVariables' not present in 'modelVars'.
.replaceDotVariable <- function(modelVars, availableVariables) {
if (any(modelVars == ".")) {
modelVars <- unique(c(
modelVars, availableVariables
modelVars <- modelVars[modelVars != "."]
## Internal function that converts and checks a provided assay or model
## index given a set of choices. The function return a single numeric
## corresponding to a valid assay or model, otherwise it throws an error.
## @param index The index to convert and check. The index can be
## logical, numeric, or character.
## @param choices The names of valid assays or models that the index
## is pointing to.
## @param what A character string that indicates the name of the
## index. It is used to provide meaningful error messages.
.checkInputIndex <- function(index, choices, what = "name") {
if (is.logical(index) && !identical(index, NA)) {
index <- which(index)
if (length(index) != 1) {
stop("'", what, "' points to multiple input assays.")
if (is.character(index)) {
if (!index %in% choices) stop("'", index, "' not found.")
index <- which(choices == index)
} else if (is.numeric(index) && !inherits(index, "matrix")) {
if (length(choices) && index > length(choices)) {
stop("'", what, "' is out of bounds")
} else {
stop("'", what, "' must be a character, numeric or logical")
## Internal function that combines a list of model output elements
## into a matrix with as many rows as fitted models and as many
## columns a the number of samples in object. Any piece of information
## missing for a sample in a model is filled with NA.
## Typically, these elements are one of the following slots from
## multiple ScpModelList objects: residuals, effect matrices.
## @param x A list of model output to combine. Each element contains
## a named vector. The names should relate to names in object
## @param object A SummarizedExperiment
.joinScpModelOutput <- function(x, object) {
stopifnot(length(names(x)) > 0)
out <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(x), ncol = ncol(object),
dimnames = list(names(x), colnames(object)))
for (i in seq_along(x)) {
cols <- names(x[[i]])
out[i, cols] <- x[[i]]
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