leduc_minimal: Minimally processed single-cell proteomics data set

leduc_minimalR Documentation

Minimally processed single-cell proteomics data set


A SingleCellExperiment object that has been minimally processed. The data set is published by Leduc et al. 2022 (see references) and retrieved using scpdata::leduc2022_pSCoPE(). The data processing was conducted with QFeatures and scp. Quality control was performed, followed by building the peptide data and log2-transformation. To limit the size of the data, only cells associated to the 3 first and 3 last MS acquisition runs were kept. For the same reason, 200 peptides were randomly sampled. Therefore, the data set consists of 200 peptides and 73 cells. Peptide annotations can be retrieved from the rowData and cell annotations can be retrieved from the colData.




An object of class SingleCellExperiment with 200 rows and 73 columns.

Quality control

Any zero value has been replaced by NA.

A peptide was removed from the data set if:

  • it matched to a decoy or contaminant peptide

  • it had an parental ion fraction below 60 \

  • it had a DART-ID adjusted q-value superior to 1\

  • it had an average sample to carrier ratio above 0.05

A cell was removed from the data set if:

  • it had a median coefficient of variation superior to 0.6

  • it had a log2 median intensity outside (6, 8)

  • it contained less than 750 peptides

Building the peptide matrix

PSMs belonging to the same peptide were aggregating using the median value. Some peptides were mapped to a different protein depending on the MS acquisition run. To solve this issue, a majority vote was applied to assign a single protein to each peptide. Protein IDs were translated into gene symbols using the ensembldb package.


Christophe Vanderaa, Laurent Gatto


Leduc, Andrew, R. Gray Huffman, Joshua Cantlon, Saad Khan, and Nikolai Slavov. 2022. “Exploring Functional Protein Covariation across Single Cells Using nPOP.” Genome Biology 23 (1): 261.

UCLouvain-CBIO/scp documentation built on March 5, 2025, 11:57 p.m.