#### findSOI-related ####
#'@title findSOI
#'@description Generates a list of SOI (Scans of Interest) given a peaklist and
#' appends it to the RHermesExp object.
#'@param struct The RHermesExp object to which the SOI list will be saved.
#'@param params A SOIParam object or a list of SOIParam, contains all the
#' parameters necessary to generate the SOI. See \link[RHermes]{getSOIpar} for
#' more info on how to set it. If params is a list, findSOI will use each
#' object for each SOI list it generates until it has used them all. When that
#' happens, the function will keep using the same SOIparam object for the rest
#' of SOIs.
#'@param fileID Numeric vector of the indexes of the peaklists you want to
#' process into a SOI.
#'@param blankID Optional. Numeric vector of the indexes of peaklists to use as
#' a 'blank' against the correspoding fileID PL. If you enter 0 (or don't input
#' anything at all), no blank substraction will be performed. In case you want
#' to process multiple SOIs and only some of them have blank substraction, you
#' must space the 0s so that the indexes match. (See examples)
#'p <- getSOIpar('double') #Set SOI parameters
#'myHermes <- findSOI(myHermes, p, 1) #Basic usage, no blank substraction
#'#Blank substraction usage, 1 without blank and 2 using 1 as blank
#'myHermes <- findSOI(myHermes, p, c(1, 2), c(0, 1))
#'#Even more advanced usage, with multiple parameters and blank substraction
#'#Here the first SOI is calculated using p and without blank sub.
#'#The second uses p2 and 1 as a blank
#'#And the same goes for the third. p2 would be reused and 1 as blank
#'p2 <- getSOIpar('triple')
#'myHermes <- findSOI(myHermes, c(p,p2), c(1, 2, 3), c(0, 1, 1))
#'@return An updated RHermesExp object with the resulting SOI lists appended.
#'@importFrom dplyr distinct filter
#'@import magrittr
#'@import reticulate
setGeneric("findSOI", function(struct, params, fileID, blankID = numeric(0)) {
#' @rdname findSOI
setMethod("findSOI", c("RHermesExp", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY"),
function(struct, params, fileID, blankID = numeric(0)) {
if (length(blankID) == 0) {
blankID <- rep(0, length(fileID))
} else if (length(blankID) < length(fileID)){
message("Less blanks than files, reusing the last ID provided.")
blankID <- c(blankID,
length(fileID) - length(blankID)))
maxn <- length(struct@data@PL)
if (any(c(fileID, blankID) > maxn)) {
stop("Some indexes are above the number of current PL")
if (is.list(params)) {
multParams <- TRUE
specID <- c(seq_along(params),
times = length(fileID) - length(params)))
} else {
multParams <- FALSE
for (i in seq_along(fileID)) {
idx <- fileID[i]
if (idx == blankID[i]) {
stop(paste("You've tried to substract the blank from",
"the same file. This is not allowed."))
if (multParams) {
cur <- params[[specID[i]]]
ifelse(blankID[i] != 0, cur@blanksub <- TRUE,
cur@blanksub <- FALSE)
} else {
cur <- params
ifelse(blankID[i] != 0, params@blanksub <- TRUE,
params@blanksub <- FALSE)
if (blankID[i] != 0) {
cur@blanksub <- TRUE
cur@blankname <- struct@data@PL[[blankID[i]]]@filename
blankPL <- struct@data@PL[[blankID[i]]]@peaklist
} else {
cur@blanksub <- FALSE
cur@blankname <- "None"
blankPL <- NA
message(paste("--------", "Processing SOI",
i, "out of", length(fileID), "--------\n"))
struct@data@SOI <- c(struct@data@SOI,
struct@metadata@ExpParam, cur, blankPL,
if (blankID[i] == 0) {
struct <- setTime(struct,
paste("Generated SOI list from",
} else {
struct <- setTime(struct,
paste("Generated SOI list from",
struct@metadata@filenames[idx], "using",
"as blank"))
#' @importFrom stats approx median sd
PLprocesser <- function(PL, ExpParam, SOIParam, blankPL = NA, filename) {
## Extracting info from S4 objects into local variables
DataPL <- PL@peaklist
h <- PL@header
formulaDB <- ExpParam@ionF[[1]]
FA_to_ion <- ExpParam@ionF[[2]]
ppm <- ExpParam@ppm
params <- SOIParam@specs
maxlen <- SOIParam@maxlen
noise <- SOIParam@minint
useblank <- SOIParam@blanksub
mode <- tryCatch(SOIParam@mode, error = function(cond){"regular"})
## Setting up PeakList
DataPL <- as.data.table(DataPL)
#Filtering M0 beforehand to improve indexing performance later on
DataPL <- DataPL[DataPL$isov == "M0", ]
DataPL <- DataPL[DataPL$rtiv > noise, ]
setkeyv(DataPL, c("formv", "rt"))
setkeyv(formulaDB, c("f"))
setkeyv(FA_to_ion, c("ion"))
if(mode == "regular"){
## Density filtering
message("Starting density filtering: ")
GR <- apply(params, 1, function(x) {
densityProc(x, DataPL, h)
## Grouping different filtered results
message("Now Grouping:")
Groups <- GR[[1]]
setkeyv(Groups, c("formula", "start", "end"))
if (length(GR) > 1) {
for (i in 2:length(GR)) {
Groups <- groupGrouper(GR, i, Groups)
Groups <- distinct(Groups)
} else {
message("Starting Centwave-based SOI detection")
cwp <- SOIParam@cwp
Groups <- calculateSOICentwave(filename, formulaDB, cwp, ppm = ppm)
## Initial Peak Retrieval
message("Retrieving datapoints from SOIs:")
Groups$peaks <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(Groups)), retrievePeaks,
Groups, DataPL)
## SOI Characterization
message("Starting SOI characterization:")
message("Mass calculation:")
setkeyv(Groups, "formula")
Groups$mass <- formulaDB[.(Groups$formula),2]
message("Number of scans:")
Groups$nscans <- apply(Groups, 1, function(x) {
d <- x["peaks"][[1]]
Groups <- Groups[Groups$nscans > 5, ]
if (any(Groups$length > maxlen) & mode == "regular") {
Groups <- groupShort(Groups[,1:6], maxlen)
Groups$nscans <- apply(Groups, 1, function(x) {
d <- x["peaks"][[1]]
Groups <- Groups[Groups$nscans > 5, ]
## Blank substraction
if (useblank) {
Groups <- blankSubstraction(Groups, blankPL)
if (nrow(Groups) == 0) {return(RHermesSOI())}
## Rest of characterization
message("Width calculation:")
width <- apply(Groups, 1, function(x) {
d <- x["peaks"][[1]]
sidx <- dim(d)[1]
w <- 0
if (sidx > 2) {
w <- log10(max(d[, 2])/min(d[, 2]))
Groups$width <- width
message("Maximum intensity calculation:")
MaxI <- apply(Groups, 1, function(x) {
d <- x["peaks"][[1]]
Groups$MaxInt <- MaxI
Groups <- Groups[Groups$MaxInt > 0, ]
message("Converting from ionic formula to F/A combinations:")
Groups$anot <- lapply(Groups$formula, function(x) {
apply(FA_to_ion[.(x), c(1, 3)], 1, function(y) {
paste(y, collapse = "_")
message("Calculating chaos:")
Groups$chaos <- lapply(Groups$peaks, function(x) {
tryCatch({rho_chaos(x, nlevels = 10, fillGaps = TRUE)},
error = function(cond){return(0)})
}) %>% as.numeric()
setkeyv(Groups, c("formula"))
message("Generating peaklist for plotting:")
plist <- lapply(unique(Groups$formula), preparePlottingDF,
plist <- do.call(rbind, plist)
plist$isov <- rep("M0", nrow(plist))
# Constructing S4 output object
output <- RHermesSOI(SOIList = Groups, PlotDF = as.data.table(plist),
SOIParam = SOIParam, filename = filename)
densityProc <- function(x, DataPL, h){
rtbin <- x[1]
scanspercent <- x[2]
shift <- x[3]
message("Running Density Filter")
BinRes <- densityFilter(DataPL, h, rtbin, "M0", shift)
cutoff <- BinRes[[1]] * scanspercent
#Correcting CUT < 1 cases to avoid errors (eg. if it was 0, any time region
#would be included). Added a 1 for robustness.
cutoff[cutoff < 1] <- median(c(cutoff[cutoff > 1], 1))
message("Running Density Interpreter")
uf <- unique(DataPL$formv)
RES <- lapply(BinRes[-c(1,2)], parallelInterpreter, cutoff)
RES <- RES[vapply(RES, is.data.frame, logical(1))]
if(length(RES) == 0){return()}
RES <- lapply(names(RES), function(anot){
RES[[anot]]$formula <- anot
RES <- do.call(rbind, RES)
#Changing from index to corresponding RT
RES[, 1] <- (RES[, 1] * rtbin) - rtbin + floor(min(h$retentionTime)) + shift
RES[, 2] <- (RES[, 2] * rtbin) - rtbin + floor(min(h$retentionTime)) + shift
RES %<>% dplyr::mutate(., length = .data$end - .data$start)
RES <- RES[, c(1, 2, 4, 3)]
resolveGroup <- function(x, Groups, matched, first_df){
corresp <- rbind(Groups[unlist(matched[.(x), 1]), ], first_df[x, ])
if (nrow(corresp) == 1) {return(corresp)}
corresp[1, 1] <- min(corresp[, 1]) #Min start
corresp[1, 2] <- max(corresp[, 2]) #Max end
return(corresp[1, ])
groupGrouper <- function(GR, i, Groups){
first_df <- GR[[i]]
setkeyv(first_df, c("formula", "start", "end"))
message(paste("Merging filter", i, "out of", length(GR),
"with previous SOI list"))
## Overlap between current group element and the next
# Ordered by formula, start and end time
links <- foverlaps(Groups, first_df, by.x = c(4, 1, 2),
by.y = c(4, 1, 2), type = "any", which = TRUE)
nomatched <- links[is.na(links$yid), ]$xid
#Which are found to be overlapping in both dfs
matched <- links[!is.na(links$yid), ]
setkeyv(matched, "yid")
## Grouping entries and choosing lowest start and highest end time
res <- lapply(unique(matched$yid), resolveGroup, Groups,
matched, first_df)
res <- do.call(rbind, res)
end <- NULL; start <- NULL #To appease R CMD Check "no visible binding"
res[, `:=`(length, end - start)]
res <- distinct(res)
message("Adding entries unique from the first DF")
res <- rbind(res, Groups[nomatched, ])
message("Adding entries unique from the second DF")
links <- foverlaps(first_df, Groups, by.x = c(4, 1, 2),
by.y = c(4, 1, 2), type = "any", which = TRUE)
other_unmatched <- links[is.na(links$yid), ]$xid
res <- rbind(res, first_df[other_unmatched, ])
iter <- 1
repeat {
setkeyv(res, c("formula", "start", "end"))
message(paste("Solving inner conflicts, Round:", iter))
# Inner overlaps
links2 <- foverlaps(res, res, by.x = c(4, 1,2), by.y = c(4, 1, 2),
type = "any", which = TRUE)
match2 <- links2[links2$yid %in% which(table(links2$yid) > 1), ]
setkeyv(match2, "yid")
if (nrow(match2) == 0) {
res2 <- lapply(unique(match2$yid), function(x) {
corresp <- res[unlist(match2[.(x), 1]), ]
if (nrow(corresp) == 1) {
corresp[1, 1] <- min(corresp[, 1])
corresp[1, 2] <- max(corresp[, 2])
return(corresp[1, ])
res2 <- do.call(rbind, res2)
res2[, `:=`(length, end - start)]
res2 <- distinct(res2)
res <- rbind(res[links2[links2$yid %in%
which(table(links2$yid) == 1)]$yid,], res2)
iter <- iter + 1
if (iter > 10) {break} #Break for safety
#' @importFrom MSnbase readMSData
calculateSOICentwave <- function(filename, DB, CentWaveParam, ppm){
msdata <- readMSData(filename, mode = "onDisk")
pks <- findChromPeaks(msdata, CentWaveParam)
pks <- as.data.frame(chromPeaks(pks))
pks$anot <- lapply(pks$mz, function(mz){
range <- mz * c(1 - ppm * 1e-6,
1 + ppm * 1e-6)
DB$f[between(DB$m, range[1], range[2])]
pks <- pks[sapply(pks$anot, length) > 0, ]
soi <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(pks)), function(i){
peak <- pks[i, ]
data.frame(start = peak$rtmin,
end = peak$rtmax,
length = peak$rtmax - peak$rtmin,
formula = peak$anot[[1]])
soi <- do.call(rbind, soi)
soi <- as.data.table(soi)
retrievePeaks <- function(i, Groups, PL, delta = 0){
x <- Groups[i, ]
rtmin <- x[1, 1]
rtmax <- x[1, 2]
f <- x[1, 4]
pks <- PL[.(f)]
pks <- filter(pks, between(pks$rt, rtmin[[1]] - delta, rtmax[[1]] + delta))
return(pks[, c(1, 2, 5)])
groupShort <- function(Groups, maxlen, BPPARAM = bpparam()){
message("Shortening and selecting long groups:")
SG <- filter(Groups, length <= maxlen)
LG <- filter(Groups, length > maxlen)
LG <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(LG)), parallelGroupShort, LG, maxlen)
LG <- do.call(rbind, LG)
return(rbind(SG, LG))
#Experimental Centwave approach to SOI partitioning
parallelGroupShort <- function(i, LG, maxlen){
ms1data <- LG$peaks[[i]]
curGR <- LG[i,]
#Suppress the "No peaks found" warning
pks <- xcms::peaksWithCentWave(int = ms1data$rtiv, rt = ms1data$rt,
peakwidth = c(8,60), prefilter = c(0,100),
snthresh = 0, noise = 0, fitgauss = FALSE,
firstBaselineCheck = FALSE)
}, error = function(cond){
pks <- data.frame() #To avoid problems, act as if no peaks found
#If XCMS detects any peak
if (nrow(pks) != 0) {
pks <- as.data.frame(pks)
pks <- pks[order(pks[,2]), ]
starts <- pks[,2]
ends <- pks[,3]
known_peak <- rep(TRUE, nrow(pks))
if (nrow(pks) > 1) {
for (i in seq_len(nrow(pks) - 1)) {
if (ends[i] < starts[i + 1]) {
starts <- c(starts, ends[i])
ends <- c(ends, starts[i + 1])
known_peak <- c(known_peak, FALSE)
if (min(ms1data[,1]) < min(starts)) {
ends <- c(ends, min(starts))
starts <- c(starts, min(ms1data[, 1]))
known_peak <- c(known_peak, FALSE)
if (max(ms1data[,1]) > max(ends)) {
starts <- c(starts, max(ends))
ends <- c(ends, max(ms1data[, 1]))
known_peak <- c(known_peak, FALSE)
#Split remaining long traces into smaller ones
if (any(!known_peak)) {
too_long <- ends - starts > maxlen
if (any(too_long & !known_peak)) {
for (i in which(too_long & !known_peak)) {
curstart <- starts[i]
curend <- ends[i]
times <- seq(from = curstart, to = curend,
length.out = ceiling((curend - curstart) / maxlen) + 1)
starts <- c(starts, times[-length(times)])
ends <- c(ends, times[-1])
starts <- starts[-which(too_long & !known_peak)]
ends <- ends[-which(too_long & !known_peak)]
NewGR <- data.table(start = starts, end = ends,
length = ends - starts, formula = curGR$formula,
peaks = curGR$peaks, mass = curGR$mass)
} else {
#Divide long traces into equal-sized smaller traces
times <- seq(from = curGR[1, 1][[1]], to = curGR[1, 2][[1]],
length.out = ceiling(curGR[1, 3][[1]] / maxlen) + 1)
deltat <- times[2] - times[1]
NewGR <- data.table(start = times[-length(times)], end = times[-1],
length = deltat, formula = curGR$formula,
peaks = curGR$peaks, mass = curGR$mass)
#Data point redistribution within each new SOI
NewGR[, "peaks"] <- apply(NewGR, 1, function(x) {
pks <- x[5][[1]]
return(pks[between(pks$rt, x[1][[1]], x[2][[1]]), ])
blankSubstraction <- function(Groups, blankPL){
message("Blank substraction:")
blankPL <- blankPL[blankPL$isov == "M0", ]
setkeyv(blankPL, c("formv", "rt"))
message("First cleaning")
toKeep <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(Groups)), firstCleaning, Groups, blankPL) %>%
sure <- Groups[which(toKeep), ]
if (any(toKeep)) {Groups <- Groups[-which(toKeep),]}
setkeyv(blankPL, "formv")
message("Preparing input for cosine similarity")
RES <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(Groups)), prepareNetInput, Groups, blankPL)
cosines <- sapply(RES, function(x){
philentropy::cosine_dist(x[1,] + 1e-12, x[2,] + 1e-12,
testNA = FALSE)
Groups <- Groups[cosines < 0.8, ]
Groups <- rbind(sure, Groups)
#'@importFrom stats IQR quantile
firstCleaning <- function(i, Groups, blankPL){
peaks <- Groups$peaks[[i]]
deltat <- 10
blankpks <- retrievePeaks(i, Groups, blankPL, deltat)
blankpks <- distinct(blankpks[, c(1, 2)])
if (nrow(blankpks) < 5) {return(TRUE)} #No blank signals
sampleCV <- IQR(peaks$rtiv) /
(quantile(peaks$rtiv, 0.25) + quantile(peaks$rtiv, 0.75))
blankCV <- IQR(blankpks$rtiv) /
(quantile(blankpks$rtiv, 0.25) + quantile(blankpks$rtiv, 0.75))
if(is.na(sampleCV) | is.na(blankCV)){return(FALSE)}
sampleMax <- max(peaks$rtiv)
# blankMax <- max(blankpks$rtiv)
q90_ratio <- quantile(peaks$rtiv,0.9) / quantile(blankpks$rtiv,0.9)
#We have to be restrictive with the conditions, otherwise we collect junk
if (sampleCV/blankCV > 5) {return(TRUE)}
if (q90_ratio > 3 & sampleMax > 15000) {return(TRUE)}
return(FALSE) #Can't decide if the SOI is good enough, let the ANN decide
prepareNetInput <- function(i, Groups, blankPL){
cur <- Groups[i, ]
st <- cur$start
end <- cur$end
f <- cur$formula
deltat <- 10
peaks <- cur$peaks[[1]]
Npoints <- 200
if (nrow(peaks) <= 2 | length(unique(peaks$rt)) <= 2) {
return(NA) #No signal
#Interpolate to N points
smooth_pks <- data.frame(approx(x = peaks,
xout = seq(from = st, to = end,
length.out = Npoints),
rule = 1, ties = min))
smooth_pks[is.na(smooth_pks[, "y"]), "y"] <- 0
blankpks <- retrievePeaks(i, Groups, blankPL, deltat)
blankpks <- distinct(blankpks[, c(1, 2)])
if (length(unique(blankpks$rt)) < 2) {
blankpks <- data.frame(rt = c(st, end), rtiv = c(0, 0))
smooth_blankpks <- data.frame(
approx(x = blankpks,
xout = seq(from = st, to = end, length.out = Npoints),
rule = 1, ties = min))
} else {
smooth_blankpks <- data.frame(
approx(x = blankpks,
xout = seq(from = st, to = end, length.out = Npoints),
rule = 1, ties = min))
smooth_blankpks[is.na(smooth_blankpks[, "y"]), "y"] <- 0
return(as.matrix(rbind(smooth_pks[, 2], smooth_blankpks[,2])) /
max(smooth_pks[, 2]))
}, error = function(cond) {
preparePlottingDF <- function(i, Groups){
data <- Groups[.(i), ]
res <- data.frame(rt = 0.1, rtiv = 0.1, form = "", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
for (j in seq_len(nrow(data))) {
peaks <- data[j, ]$peaks[[1]]
if (is.null(dim(peaks)[1])) {
peaks <- peaks[,1:2]
form <- rep(unlist(data[j, ]$formula), nrow(peaks))
peaks <- cbind(peaks, form)
res <- rbind(res, peaks)
res <- res[-1, ]
parallelFilter <- function(anot, ScanResults, bins, timebin){
data <- ScanResults[.(anot), "rt"][[1]]
mint <- min(data)
maxt <- max(data)
res <- rep(0, length(bins))
#Shortcut to get in which bin each point is
l <- table(ceiling((data - bins[1]) / timebin))
if (length(l) == 0) return(res)
res[as.numeric(names(l))] <- l
densityFilter <- function(ScanResults, h, timebin, iso = "M0", tshift = 0) {
#Setting time bins
rtmin <- floor(min(h$retentionTime))
rtmax <- ceiling(max(h$retentionTime))
bins <- seq(from = rtmin - tshift, to = rtmax + tshift, by = timebin)
#Getting how many scans were taken on each bin
scans <- lapply(bins, function(curbin) {
return(h %>% filter(., .data$retentionTime > curbin &
.data$retentionTime <= curbin + timebin) %>%
dim(.) %>% .[1])
#Counting how many scan entries are on each bin
setkeyv(ScanResults, c("formv", "rt"))
RES <- lapply(unique(ScanResults$formv), parallelFilter, ScanResults,
bins, timebin)
names(RES) <- unique(ScanResults$formv)
RES <- c(list(unlist(scans)), list(bins), RES)
names(RES)[c(1,2)] <- c("Bins","Scans")
parallelInterpreter <- function(x, cutoff) {
interlist <- densityInterpreter(x, cutoff)
if (length(interlist[[1]]) == 0) {return()}
res <- data.frame(start = interlist[[1]], end = interlist[[2]])
densityInterpreter <- function(list, cutoff) {
ls <- rbind(list, cutoff)
#Calculate bins have >thr scans (good)
bool <- apply(ls, 2, function(x) {return(x[1] >= x[2])})
if (!any(bool)) {return(list(c(), c()))}
good <- which(bool)
if (length(good) == 1) {return(list(good, good + 1))}
#Define stretches of consecutive good bins
diff <- diff(good)
start <- good[c(1, which(diff != 1) + 1)]
end <- good[c(which(diff != 1), length(good))] + 1
return(list(start, end))
rho_chaos <- function(data, nlevels = 20, fillGaps = TRUE){
data$rtiv <- (data$rtiv - min(data$rtiv)) /
(max(data$rtiv) - min(data$rtiv))
ns <- sapply(seq_len(nlevels), function(n){
t_n <- n/nlevels
data$above <- data$rtiv > t_n
nr <- nrow(data)
#Filling 1-gaps
for(i in seq_len(nr - 2)){
if(data$above[i] & !data$above[i+1] & data$above[i+2]){
data$above[i+1] <- TRUE
bad <- which(!data$above)
if(length(bad) == 0){return(1)}
add <- 1
if(length(bad) == 1){return(1+add)}
return(length(which(diff(bad) > 1)) + add)
rho <- 1 - sum(ns) / (nrow(data) * nlevels)
#### filterSOI-related ####
#'@title filterSOI
#'@author Roger Gine
#'@description Performs a series of filters and quality checks to a given SOI
#' list, removing unwanted SOIs in the process.
#'@inheritParams findSOI
#'@param id ID of the SOI list to be filtered/checked.
#'@param minint Minimun SOI intensity. All SOIs below this value will be removed
#' from the SOI list
#'@param isofidelity Boolean. Whether to perform an isotopic fidelity check.
#'@param minscore Numeric. Minimum value (between 0 and 1) of isofidelity to
#' retain an entry. Defaults to 0.8.
#'@return A filtered SOI list.
#' @examples
#'\dontshow{struct <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "exampleObject.rds",
#' package = "RHermes"))}
#' struct <- filterSOI(struct, id = 1, minint = 10000, isofidelity = TRUE)
setGeneric("filterSOI", function(struct, id, minint = 1e4, isofidelity, minscore = 0.8) {
#' @rdname filterSOI
setMethod("filterSOI", signature = c("RHermesExp", "numeric", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY"),
function(struct, id, minint = 1e4, isofidelity, minscore = 0.8) {
soiobject <- struct@data@SOI[[id]]
fname <- soiobject@filename
PLid <- which(struct@metadata@filenames == fname)
if(length(PLid) > 1){
PLid <- PLid[1]
warning("There's > 1 file with the same name, choosing the first")
PL <- struct@data@PL[[PLid]]
ppm <- struct@metadata@ExpParam@ppm
soilist <- soiobject@SOIList
##Filter by maximum intensity
intense_enough <- which(soilist$MaxInt > minint)
soilist <- soilist[intense_enough, ]
if(nrow(soilist) == 0){
warning("No SOIs remaining after filtering by intensity. ",
"Aborting filter")
##Filter by isotopic fidelity
if (isofidelity) {
# Isotopic elution similarity
message("Computing isotopic elution similarity:")
soilist <- isoCos(soilist, PL, isothr = 0.85)
good <- which(!(soilist$MaxInt > 1e+06 & soilist$isofound == 0))
soilist <- soilist[good, ]
with_isos <- intense_enough[good]
if(nrow(soilist) == 0){
warning("No SOIs remaining after filtering by isotopic elution",
" similarity. Aborting filter")
# Isotopic pattern similarity
message("Calculating isotopic fidelity metrics:")
isodata <- lapply(with_isos, plotFidelity, struct = struct,
id = id, plot = FALSE)
cos <- vapply(isodata, function(x){x[[3]]}, numeric(1))
soilist$isofidelity <- cos
soilist <- soilist[cos > minscore, ]
if(nrow(soilist) == 0){
warning("No SOIs remaining after filtering by isotopic ",
"fidelity. Aborting filter")
rtmargin <- 20
# Removing confirmed isotopic signals
soilist <- soilist[order(-soilist$MaxInt), ]
message("Removing confirmed isotope entries:")
toRemove <- numeric()
for (i in seq_len(nrow(soilist))) {
isomasses <- soilist[i, ]$isodf[[1]][, 2]
st <- soilist[i, ]$start
end <- soilist[i, ]$end
#Entries in window
idx <- which(between(soilist$start, st - rtmargin, end) &
between(soilist$end, st, end + rtmargin))
entrymass <- soilist[idx, ]$mass
overlaps <- lapply(isomasses, function(x) {
#Multiply ppm range to cover possible isotope mishaps
thr <- c(x - 3 * ppm * 1e-06 * x, x + 3 * ppm * 1e-06 * x)
if (any(entrymass > thr[1] & entrymass < thr[2])) {
return(which(entrymass > thr[1] & entrymass < thr[2]))
overlaps <- do.call(rbind, overlaps)
if (length(overlaps) != 0) {
idx <- idx[overlaps]
toRemove <- c(toRemove, idx)
if (length(toRemove) != 0) {soilist <- soilist[-unique(toRemove)]}
##Recalculate peaklist for plotting
setkeyv(soilist, c("formula"))
message("Recalculating peaklist for plotting:")
plist <- lapply(unique(soilist$formula), recalculateDF, soilist)
plist <- do.call(rbind, plist)
plist$isov <- rep("M0", nrow(plist))
##Annotate adducts by cosine similarity
soilist <- adCos(soilist, adthr = 0.8,
FATable = struct@metadata@ExpParam@ionF[[2]])
struct@data@SOI[[id]]@SOIList <- soilist
struct@data@SOI[[id]]@PlotDF <- as.data.table(plist)
recalculateDF <- function(i, soilist){
data <- soilist[.(i), ]
res <- data.frame(rt = numeric(), rtiv = numeric(),
form = character(), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
for (j in seq_len(nrow(data))) {
peaks <- data[j, ]$peaks[[1]]
if (is.null(dim(peaks)[1])) {next}
peaks <- peaks[,1:2]
form <- rep(unlist(data[j, ]$formula), nrow(peaks))
peaks <- cbind(peaks, form)
res <- rbind(res, peaks)
isoCos <- function(soilist, PL, isothr = 0.99) {
PL <- PL@peaklist
setkeyv(PL, c("formv"))
message("Calculating isotope similarity:")
clist <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(soilist)), parallelIsoCos, soilist, PL,
hits <- lapply(clist, function(x) {return(x[[1]])})
hitdf <- lapply(clist, function(x) {return(x[[2]])})
soilist$isofound <- as.numeric(hits)
soilist$isodf <- hitdf
adCos <- function(soilist, FATable, adthr = 0.8) {
message("Calculating adduct similarity:")
parseanot <- lapply(soilist$anot, function(x) {
strsplit(x = x, split = "_")
soilist$f <- lapply(parseanot, function(x) {
vapply(x, function(y) {y[[1]]}, character(1))
soilist$ad <- lapply(parseanot, function(x) {
vapply(x, function(y) {y[[2]]}, character(1))
setkey(FATable, "f")
clist <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(soilist)), parallelAdCos, soilist, FATable,
soilist$adrows <- clist
parallelIsoCos <- function(i, soilist, PL, isothr){
SOI <- soilist[i, ]
rti <- SOI$start[[1]]
rtend <- SOI$end[[1]]
cur <- PL[.(SOI$formula[[1]])]
cur <- cur[cur$rt >= rti & cur$rt <= rtend, ]
setkeyv(cur, c("isov", "rt"))
count <- 0
hitdf <- data.frame(iso = character(), mass = numeric(),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (length(which(cur$isov == "M0")) < 5) {
return(list(count, hitdf))
for (j in unique(cur$isov)) {
if (j == "M0") {next}
cos <- cosineSim(pattern = cur[which(cur$isov == "M0"), ],
query = cur[which(cur$isov == j),])
if (!is.na(cos) & cos > isothr) {
count <- count + 1
hitdf <- rbind(hitdf, data.frame(iso = j,
mass = mean(cur$mz[cur$isov == j]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
return(list(count, hitdf))
parallelAdCos <- function(i, soilist, FATable, adthr){
SOI <- soilist[i, ]
rti <- SOI$start[[1]]
rtend <- SOI$end[[1]]
f <- SOI$f[[1]]
equiv <- lapply(f, function(x) {FATable[.(x)]})
equiv <- lapply(seq_along(f), function(x) {
equiv[[x]][equiv[[x]]$ion != SOI$formula, ]
ids <- lapply(equiv, function(entries) {
lapply(entries$ion, function(x) {
candidates <- which(soilist$formula == x &
soilist$start >= (rti - 10) &
soilist$end <= (rtend + 10))
if (length(candidates) == 0) {
} else {
return(lapply(candidates, function(row){
score <- cosineSim(pattern = SOI$peaks[[1]],
query = soilist$peaks[row][[1]],
nscans = 5)
if (score > adthr) {return(row)}
else {return()}
}) %>% unlist()
names(ids) <- unlist(SOI$ad)
#### removeISF-related ####
#' @rawNamespace import(data.table, except = between)
#' @import magrittr
generateDiffDB <- function(DB, formulas, polarity = 1){
metaesp <- DB$df_spectra
metamet <- DB$df_metabolite
espmet <- DB$df_spectraMetabolite
list_fragments <- DB$list_fragments
lapply(formulas, function(f){
idmet <- metamet[.(f), ]$ID_metabolite
if (is.na(idmet[1])) return(list())
RES <- lapply(idmet, function(id) {
idesp <- espmet[.(id), ]$ID_spectra
metadata <- metaesp[.(idesp), ]
#Filtering by low energy
idesp <- espmet[.(id), ]$ID_spectra[metadata$REFCE %in%
c("0", "10","20","10eV")]
metadata <- metadata[metadata$REFCE %in% c("0","10","20","10eV"), ]
#Filtering by adduct
idesp <- espmet[.(id), ]$ID_spectra[metadata$REFadduct %in%
c("M+H", "M-H", "M+")]
metadata <- metadata[metadata$REFadduct %in% c("M+H","M-H", "M+"), ]
which_polarity <- which(metadata$REFpolarity == polarity)
spec <- list_fragments[.(idesp[which_polarity]),
"spectra"] %>% unlist(., recursive = FALSE)
if (length(spec) == 0) {return(spec)}
energies <- apply(metadata[which_polarity, c("REFprecursor_mz",
"REFCE", "REFnature")],
1, function(x){paste(x, collapse = "_")})
names(spec) <- energies
novalidspec <- vapply(RES, function(x) {length(x) == 0}, logical(1))
if (any(novalidspec)) {
RES <- RES[!novalidspec]
if (length(RES) == 0) {
names(RES) <- paste(rep(f, times = nrow(metamet[.(f),]) -
metamet[.(f), ]$ID_metabolite[!novalidspec],
unlist(lapply(metamet[.(f), ]$REFname,
function(x) {x[[1]]}))[!novalidspec],
sep = "#")
} else {
names(RES) <- paste(rep(f, times = nrow(metamet[.(f),])),
metamet[.(f), ]$ID_metabolite,
lapply(metamet[.(f), ]$REFname,
function(x) {x[[1]]}) %>% unlist(),
metamet[.(f), ]$REFsmiles, sep = "#")
common_deltas <- lapply(RES, function(structure){
prec_m <- lapply(names(structure),
"_")[[1]][1])}) %>%
structure <- structure[!is.na(prec_m)]
prec_m <- prec_m[!is.na(prec_m)]
observed_mzs <- c()
for (i in seq_along(structure)) {
spectrum <- as.matrix(t(structure[[i]]))
maxi <- max(spectrum[,2])
spectrum <- spectrum[spectrum[,2] > 0.3*maxi, , drop = FALSE]
deltas <- spectrum[,1] - prec_m[i]
observed_mzs <- c(observed_mzs,
spectrum[abs(deltas) > 0.01 & deltas < 0, 1])
if (length(observed_mzs) == 0) {return()}
common_deltas <- common_deltas[vapply(common_deltas, length,
FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)) != 0]
unlist(common_deltas) %>% unique() %>% sort()
#' @rawNamespace import(data.table, except = between)
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply
anotateISF <- function(SL, DB, polarity = 1){
DB$df_spectra <- as.data.table(DB$df_spectra)
DB$df_metabolite <- as.data.table(DB$df_metabolite)
DB$df_spectraMetabolite <- as.data.table(DB$df_spectraMetabolite)
DB$list_fragments <- data.table(ID_spectra = DB$list_fragments[[1]],
spectra = DB$list_fragments[[2]])
setkeyv(DB$df_spectra, c("ID_spectra"))
setkeyv(DB$df_spectraMetabolite, c("ID_metabolite"))
setkeyv(DB$df_metabolite, c("REFformula"))
setkeyv(DB$list_fragments, c("ID_spectra"))
SL$ISF <- bplapply(seq_len(nrow(SL)), anotateParallelISF,
SL = SL, DB = DB, polarity = polarity,
BPPARAM = bpparam())
anotateParallelISF <- function(i, SL, DB, polarity){
cur <- SL[i, ]
masses <- generateDiffDB(DB, cur$f[[1]], polarity)
masses <- masses[vapply(masses, length,
FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)) != 0]
if (length(masses) == 0) {return(integer())}
ISF <- lapply(masses, function(x){
diffs <- do.call(cbind, lapply(x, function(mass){
SL$mass - mass}))
candidates <- which(apply(diffs, 1, function(m){any(abs(m) < 0.02)}))
cosines <- vapply(candidates, function(cand){
cosineSim(cur$peaks[[1]], SL$peaks[[cand]], nscans = 5)
}, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
candidates[cosines > 0.95 & candidates != i]
#' @import igraph
#' @import visNetwork
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRamp rgb
#' @title plotISF
#' @family Plots
#' @author Roger Gine
#' @description Plots all annotated ISF relations between SOIs. NOTE: you have
#' to first run removeISF with the parameter justAnnotate set to TRUE, otherwise
#' the ISF SOIs are removed from the SOI list.
#' @inheritParams plotSOI
#' @examples
#' if(FALSE){
#' plotISF(struct, 1)
#' }
#' @return A visNetwork plot
#' @export
plotISF <- function(struct, id){
SOIlist <- SOI(struct, id)@SOIList
net <- graph_from_adj_list(SOIlist$ISF)
net <- set.vertex.attribute(net,
value = log10(SOIlist$MaxInt),
index = which(seq_along(V(net)) %in% unique(SOIlist$originalID))
net <- set.vertex.attribute(net,
value = paste0(
"<p>Mz: ", SOIlist$mass,"</p>",
"<p>Intensity: ",
round(SOIlist$MaxInt,digits = 2),
"</p>", "<p>Anot: ",
lapply(SOIlist$anot, function(an){
paste(an, collapse = ",")}) %>%
unlist(), "</p>"),
index = which(seq_along(V(net)) %in% unique(SOIlist$originalID))
col <- colorRamp(c(rgb(1,0,0),rgb(0,1,0), rgb(0,0,1)), bias = 0.1)
defaultcol <- rep("#777777", length(V(net)))
node_color <- apply(col(SOIlist$mass/max(SOIlist$mass)), 1, function(x){
x <- x/255
defaultcol[seq_along(V(net)) %in% unique(SOIlist$originalID)] <- node_color
net <- set.vertex.attribute(net, "color", value = defaultcol)
visnet <- toVisNetworkData(net)
# distances <- apply(visnet[[2]], 1, function(x){
# SOIlist$mass[[x[2]]] - SOIlist$mass[[x[1]]]
# })
# edge_color <- apply(col(abs(distances)/max(abs(distances))),
# 1, function(x){
# x <- x/255
# rgb(x[1],x[2],x[3])})
# visnet[[2]]$label <- as.character(round(distances, 5))
visNetwork(nodes = visnet[[1]], edges = visnet[[2]]) %>%
visEdges(arrows = list(to = list(enabled = TRUE,
scaleFactor = 0.5))) %>%
visOptions(highlightNearest = TRUE, nodesIdSelection = TRUE) %>%
visPhysics(stabilization = FALSE)
#'@import igraph
cleanupISF <- function(SL){
net <- igraph::graph_from_adj_list(SL$ISF)
cl <- igraph::groups(igraph::cluster_walktrap(net))
SL$originalID <- seq(nrow(SL))
do.call(rbind, lapply(cl, function(group){
subnet <- igraph::subgraph(net, group)
df <- data.frame(out = degree(subnet, mode = "out"),
into = degree(subnet, mode = "in"))
isf <- which(df$int > df$out)
if (length(isf) == 0) {
sois <- SL[group,]
sois$group <- rep(list(group), nrow(sois))
mInt <- max(SL$MaxInt[group[-isf]])
isf <- isf[SL$MaxInt[group[isf]] < mInt]
if (length(isf) != 0) {group <- group[-isf]}
sois <- SL[group,]
sois$group <- rep(list(group), nrow(sois))
#' @title removeISF
#' @description Detect and remove ISF signals from a SOI list using low
#' collision energy MS2 data
#' @inheritParams filterSOI
#' @param DBpath Path to a MS2 spectral database with a specific format
#' @param justAnnotate Whether to actually remove the ISF or just keep them
#' annotated. Defaults to FALSE (removes the ISF). If set to TRUE, you can then
#' plot the ISF network with plotISF()
#' @return An updated RHermesExp object where the selected SOI has had its ISF
#' removed. If using justAnnotate = TRUE, the ISF aren't removed.
#' @seealso plotISF
#' @export
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply
#' @examples
#' if(FALSE){
#' #You need a MS2 Database with the proper format
#' #(we are working on releasing one to the public soon enough)
#' struct <- removeISF(struct, id = 1, DBpath = "MS2Database.rds")
#' }
removeISF <- function(struct, id, DBpath = "D:/MS2ID_B2R_20201113_083214.rds",
justAnnotate = FALSE){
DB <- readRDS(DBpath)
polarity <- ifelse(struct@metadata@ExpParam@ion == "+", 1, 0)
#Annotate and remove ISF
SoiObj <- struct@data@SOI[[id]]
SL <- SoiObj@SOIList
message("Anotating ISF:")
SL <- anotateISF(SL, DB, polarity)
message("Creating ISF network and cleaning:")
SL <- cleanupISF(SL)
SL <- as.data.table(SL)
setkeyv(SL, "formula")
#Recalculate plotting DF
plist <- lapply(unique(SL$formula), preparePlottingDF,
plist <- do.call(rbind, plist)
plist$isov <- rep("M0", nrow(plist))
#Update object and return
SoiObj@SOIList <- SL
SoiObj@PlotDF <- as.data.table(plist)
struct@data@SOI[[id]] <- SoiObj
struct <- setTime(struct, paste("Removed ISF from SOI list", id,
"using database file", "DBpath"))
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