#' orgdb annotations
#' Generate an annotation object for genes based on an "org.*.db" object, and pulling
#' information from it.
#' @param orgdb the name of the org.*.db object
#' @param features which features to get annotations for
#' @param feature_type which type of IDs to map (see details)
#' @param annotation_type the type of annotation to grab (see details)
#' @md
#' @details This function generates a `categoryCompare2` annotation object
#' from a Bioconductor "org.*.db" object. Even though different gene identifiers can
#' be used, almost all of the mappings are via ENTREZID.
#' The set of feature or gene keys that can be used to create the annotations include:
#' * ENTREZID: ENTREZ gene ids
#' * ACCNUM: genbank accession numbers
#' * SYMBOL: gene symbols, eg ABCA1
#' * GENENAME: gene names, eg "ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 1"
#' * ENSEMBL: the ensembl gene ids (all start with ENSG...)
#' * ENSEMBLPROT: ensembl protein ids (ENSP...)
#' * ENSEMBLTRANS: ensemlb transcript ids (ENST...)
#' * REFSEQ: reference sequence IDs, NM, NP, NR, XP, etc
#' * UNIGENE: gene ids from UNIPROT eg Hs.88556
#' * UNIPROT: protein ids from UNIPROT eg P80404
#' The set of annotations that can be mapped to features include:
#' * GO: annotations from gene ontology
#' * PATH: KEGG Pathway identifiers (not updated since 2011!)
#' * CHRLOC: location on the chromosome
#' * OMIM: mendelian inheritance in man identifiers
#' * PMID: pubmed identifiers
#' * PFAM: protein family identifiers
#' * IPI: protein-protein interactions
#' For GO annotations, it is also possible to pass `GO` to use all 3 sub-ontologies simultaneously,
#' or any combination of `BP`, `MF`, and `CC`.
#' @export
#' @return annotation object
get_db_annotation <- function(orgdb = "org.Hs.eg.db", features = NULL, feature_type = "ENTREZID",
annotation_type = "GO"){
go_types <- c("GO", "BP", "MF", "CC")
go_sub <- c("BP", "MF", "CC")
suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(orgdb, character.only = TRUE))
annotation_src <- eval(parse(text = orgdb))
annotation_columns <- AnnotationDbi::columns(annotation_src)
annotation_keytypes <- AnnotationDbi::keytypes(annotation_src)
if (!(annotation_type %in% c(go_types, annotation_columns))) {
stop("Unknown annotation type!")
if (!(feature_type %in% annotation_keytypes)) {
stop("Unknown feature_type!")
if (is.null(features)) {
features <- AnnotationDbi::keys(annotation_src, feature_type)
if (annotation_type %in% go_types) {
godb = GO.db::GO.db
feature_ann_map <- suppressMessages(AnnotationDbi::select(annotation_src, keys = features,
keytype = feature_type,
columns = "GOALL"))
if (annotation_type %in% go_sub) {
feature_ann_map <- feature_ann_map[feature_ann_map$ONTOLOGYALL %in% annotation_type, ]
ann_feature_list <- split(feature_ann_map[[feature_type]], feature_ann_map[["GOALL"]])
ann_feature_list <- lapply(ann_feature_list, unique)
ann_description <- suppressMessages(AnnotationDbi::select(godb, keys = names(ann_feature_list), columns = "TERM", keytype = "GOID")$TERM)
names(ann_description) <- names(ann_feature_list)
if (annotation_type %in% "GO") {
go_ontology_map <- unique(feature_ann_map[, c("GOALL", "ONTOLOGYALL")])
go_ontology <- go_ontology_map$ONTOLOGYALL
names(go_ontology) <- go_ontology_map$GOALL
go_ontology <- go_ontology[names(ann_description)]
ann_description <- paste0(go_ontology, ":", ann_description)
names(ann_description) <- names(go_ontology)
annotation_obj <- categoryCompare2::annotation(annotation_features = ann_feature_list,
description = ann_description,
annotation_type = annotation_type,
feature_type = feature_type)
} else {
feature_ann_map <- suppressMessages(AnnotationDbi::select(annotation_src, keys = features,
keytype = feature_type,
columns = annotation_type))
ann_feature_list <- split(feature_ann_map[[feature_type]], feature_ann_map[[annotation_type]])
ann_feature_list <- lapply(ann_feature_list, unique)
annotation_obj <- categoryCompare2::annotation(annotation_features = ann_feature_list,
annotation_type = annotation_type,
feature_type = feature_type)
#' annotation to json
#' Given a `categoryCompare2` annotation object, generate a JSON representation
#' that can be used with the command line executable
#' @param annotation_obj the annotation object
#' @param json_file the file to save it to
#' @return the json string (invisibly)
#' @export
annotation_2_json <- function(annotation_obj, json_file = NULL){
obj_list <- purrr::map(slotNames(annotation_obj), function(x){
tmp_data <- slot(annotation_obj, x)
if (length(tmp_data) != 0) {
if (x %in% c("description", "links")) {
out_data <- as.list(tmp_data)
} else {
out_data <- tmp_data
} else {
out_data <- NULL
names(obj_list) <- slotNames(annotation_obj)
obj_list <- obj_list[!purrr::map_lgl(obj_list, is.null)]
obj_json <- jsonlite::toJSON(obj_list, pretty = TRUE, auto_unbox = TRUE)
if (!is.null(json_file)) {
cat(obj_json, file = json_file, sep = "\n")
replace_null <- function(x){
if (is.null(x)) {
} else {
#' json to annotation
#' Given a JSON based annotation object, read it in and create the `annotation`
#' for actually doing enrichment.
#' @param json_file the json annotation file
#' @return annotation object
#' @export
json_2_annotation <- function(json_file){
annotation_list <- jsonlite::fromJSON(json_file, simplifyVector = TRUE)
if (is.null(names(annotation_list))) {
annotation_list <- annotation_list[[1]]
if (!is.null(annotation_list$description)) {
annotation_list$description <- purrr::map(annotation_list$description, replace_null)
annotation_list$description <- unlist(annotation_list$description, use.names = TRUE)
} else {
annotation_list$description <- character(0)
if (!is.null(annotation_list$links)) {
annotation_list$links <- unlist(annotation_list$links)
} else {
annotation_list$links <- character(0)
annotation(annotation_features = annotation_list$annotation_features,
annotation_type = annotation_list$annotation_type,
description = annotation_list$description,
links = annotation_list$links,
feature_type = annotation_list$feature_type)
#' annotation reversal
#' Given a JSON file of features to annotations, reverse to turn it into
#' annotations to features, and optionally add some meta-information about them.
#' @param json_file the json file to use
#' @param out_file the json file to write out to
#' @param feature_type the type of features
#' @param annotation_type the type of annotations
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON toJSON
#' @export
#' @return the json object, invisibly
json_annotation_reversal <- function(json_file, out_file = "annotations.json",
feature_type = NULL, annotation_type = NULL){
in_annotation <- jsonlite::fromJSON(json_file, simplifyVector = FALSE, flatten = TRUE)
if (length(in_annotation) == 1) {
in_annotation <- in_annotation[[1]]
if (!is.null(in_annotation$Annotations)) {
gene_annotations <- in_annotation$Annotations
} else {
gene_annotations <- in_annotation # we assume that if there is no Annotation
# specific entry, then it is probably just the
# gene annotations, and grab them all.
if (!is.null(in_annotation$Description)) {
annotation_description <- in_annotation$Description
if (is.list(annotation_description)) {
annotation_description <- unlist(annotation_description, use.names = TRUE)
} else {
warning("Description must be a named list! Removing Descriptions!")
annotation_description <- character(0)
} else {
annotation_description <- character(0)
rev_annotation <- Biobase::reverseSplit(gene_annotations)
rev_annotation <- purrr::map(rev_annotation, unique)
out_annotation <- annotation(annotation_features = rev_annotation,
description = annotation_description,
links = character(0),
annotation_type = annotation_type,
feature_type = feature_type)
out_json <- annotation_2_json(out_annotation, out_file)
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