#' unique combinations
#' determine the unique combinations of annotations that exist in the
#' significant matrix of the \code{\link{cc_graph}} and assign each node in the graph
#' to a group.
#' @param object the \code{\link{cc_graph}} to work on
#' @return node_assignment
#' @exportMethod annotation_combinations
#' @rdname annotation_combinations
signature = list(object = "cc_graph"),
function(object) .annotation_combinations(object@significant))
check_package_installed = function(packagename){
is_install = try(find.package(packagename))
if (inherits(is_install, "try-error")) {
stop_message = paste0(packagename, " is not installed, but is required for this operation!")
} else {
#' unique combinations
#' determine the unique combinations of annotations that exist in the
#' significant matrix of the \code{\link{combined_statistics}} and assign each
#' annotation to a group.
#' @param object the \code{\link{combined_statistics}} to work on
#' @return node_assignment
#' @exportMethod annotation_combinations
#' @rdname annotation_combinations
signature = list(object = "significant_annotations"),
function(object) .annotation_combinations(object@significant))
.annotation_combinations <- function(sig_matrix){
if (nrow(sig_matrix) == 0) {
unique_combinations <- unique(sig_matrix)
# after generating the unique_combinations, we then want them ordered such
# that a FALSE, FALSE, ... would be last, because this is often not that
# interesting. This does that.
# We can only do this if there is more than one row.
if ((nrow(unique_combinations) > 1) && (ncol(unique_combinations) > 1)) {
n_col <- ncol(unique_combinations)
uniq_order <- do.call(order, c(lapply(1:n_col, function(i) unique_combinations[, i]), decreasing=TRUE))
unique_combinations <- unique_combinations[uniq_order, ]
} else {
uniq_order <- order(unique_combinations, decreasing = TRUE)
unique_combinations <- unique_combinations[uniq_order, , drop = FALSE]
name_combinations <- paste("G", seq(1, nrow(unique_combinations)), sep = "")
rownames(unique_combinations) <- name_combinations
# also generate a textual description of each group that can be added
# to the graph visualization
tmp_names <- colnames(unique_combinations)
group_description <- vapply(rownames(unique_combinations), function(in_comb){
use_comb <- unique_combinations[in_comb, ]
paste(tmp_names[use_comb], collapse = ",")
}, character(1))
# initialize the things that store our assignments to GO terms
combination_assign <- rep("G", nrow(sig_matrix))
names(combination_assign) <- rownames(sig_matrix)
description_assign <- rep("G", nrow(sig_matrix))
names(description_assign) <- rownames(sig_matrix)
for (in_comb in name_combinations){
has_match <- apply(sig_matrix, 1, function(in_sig){
identical(in_sig, unique_combinations[in_comb, ])
combination_assign[has_match] <- in_comb
description_assign[has_match] <- group_description[in_comb]
new("node_assign", groups = unique_combinations, assignments = combination_assign,
description = description_assign)
#' generate colors
#' given a bunch of items, generate a set of colors for either single node colorings
#' or pie-chart annotations. Colors are generated using the \emph{hcl} colorspace,
#' and for \code{n_color >= 5}, the colors are re-ordered in an attempt to create
#' the largest contrasts between colors, as they result from being picked on a
#' circle in \emph{hcl} space.
#' @param n_color how many colors to generate
#' @export
#' @importFrom colorspace rainbow_hcl
generate_colors <- function(n_color){
out_color <- rainbow_hcl(n_color, c = 100)
if (n_color <= 4){
out_index <- seq(1, n_color)
tmp_index <- out_index
if ((n_color %% 2) == 1){
swap_index_1 <- seq(2, n_color - 1, 2)
swap_index_2 <- swap_index_1 + 1
for (i_swap in seq(1, length(swap_index_1))){
out_index[swap_index_1[i_swap]] <- tmp_index[swap_index_2[i_swap]]
out_index[swap_index_2[i_swap]] <- tmp_index[swap_index_1[i_swap]]
tmp_index <- out_index
swap_index_1 <- seq(3, n_color - 1, 2)
swap_index_2 <- swap_index_1 + 1
for (i_swap in seq(1, length(swap_index_1))){
out_index[swap_index_1[i_swap]] <- tmp_index[swap_index_2[i_swap]]
out_index[swap_index_2[i_swap]] <- tmp_index[swap_index_1[i_swap]]
tmp_index <- out_index
} else {
swap_index_1 <- seq(1, n_color, 2)
swap_index_2 <- swap_index_1 + 1
for (i_swap in seq(1, length(swap_index_1))){
out_index[swap_index_1[i_swap]] <- tmp_index[swap_index_2[i_swap]]
out_index[swap_index_2[i_swap]] <- tmp_index[swap_index_1[i_swap]]
tmp_index <- out_index
swap_index_1 <- seq(2, n_color - 2, 3)
swap_index_2 <- seq(n_color - 1, 3, -3)
for (i_swap in seq(1, length(swap_index_1))){
out_index[swap_index_1[i_swap]] <- tmp_index[swap_index_2[i_swap]]
out_index[swap_index_2[i_swap]] <- tmp_index[swap_index_1[i_swap]]
tmp_index <- out_index
out_color <- out_color[out_index]
#' assign colors
#' given a \code{\link{node_assign}}, assign colors to either the independent groups
#' of unique annotations, or to each of the experiments independently.
#' @param in_assign the \code{\link{node_assign}} object generated from a \code{\link{cc_graph}}
#' @param type either "group" or "experiment"
#' @export
#' @return node_assign with colors
assign_colors <- function(in_assign, type = "experiment"){
grp_matrix <- in_assign@groups
if (type == "experiment"){
n_color <- ncol(grp_matrix)
use_color <- generate_colors(n_color)
names(use_color) <- colnames(grp_matrix)
in_assign@colors <- use_color
in_assign@color_type <- "pie"
in_assign@pie_locs <- generate_piecharts(grp_matrix, use_color)
} else {
n_color <- nrow(grp_matrix)
use_color <- generate_colors(n_color)
names(use_color) <- rownames(grp_matrix)
in_assign@colors <- use_color
in_assign@color_type <- "solid"
#' create piecharts for visualization
#' given a group matrix and the colors for each experiment, generate the pie graphs
#' that will be used as glyphs in Cytoscape
#' this should \emph{not be exported in the final version}
#' @param grp_matrix the group matrix
#' @param use_color the colors for each experiment
#' @export
#' @return list of png files that are pie graphs
#' @importFrom colorspace desaturate
generate_piecharts <- function(grp_matrix, use_color){
n_grp <- nrow(grp_matrix)
n_color <- length(use_color)
# defines how many pie segments are needed, common to all the pie-charts
pie_area <- rep(1 / n_color, n_color)
names(pie_area) <- rep("", n_color) # add blank names so nothing gets printed
# use desaturated version of colors when there is non-significance
desat_color <- desaturate(use_color)
names(desat_color) <- names(use_color)
piechart_strings <- purrr::map_dfr(rownames(grp_matrix), function(i_grp){
tmp_logical <- grp_matrix[i_grp, ]
tmp_color <- use_color
# add the proper desaturated versions of the colors
tmp_color[!tmp_logical] <- desat_color[!tmp_logical]
out_str = paste0('piechart: attributelist="',
paste(colnames(grp_matrix), collapse = ','),
'" ',
paste(tmp_color, collapse = ','),
'" ',
'arcstart=-90 showlabels=false')
out_file <- tempfile(i_grp, fileext = ".png")
Cairo::Cairo(width = 640, height = 640, file = out_file, type = "png", bg = "transparent")
par(mai = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
pie(pie_area, col = tmp_color, clockwise = TRUE)
if (Sys.info()['sysname'] == "Windows") {
out_file <- gsub("\\", "/", out_file, fixed = TRUE)
out_file <- paste0("file:///", out_file)
} else {
out_file <- paste0("file://localhost", out_file)
data.frame(colorlist = out_str, piechart = out_file)
tmp_matrix = as.data.frame(matrix(1, nrow = nrow(piechart_strings),
ncol = ncol(grp_matrix)))
names(tmp_matrix) = colnames(grp_matrix)
piechart_df = cbind(tmp_matrix, piechart_strings)
piechart_df$visattr = rownames(grp_matrix)
#' add tooltip
#' before passing to Cytoscape, add a tooltip attribute to the graph
#' @param in_graph the graph to work with
#' @param node_data which pieces of node data to use
#' @param description other descriptive text to use
#' @param separator what separator to use for the tooltip
#' @return the graph with a new nodeData member "tooltip"
add_tooltip <- function(in_graph, node_data = c("name", "description"), description, separator = "\n"){
use_nodes <- graph::nodes(in_graph)
n_nodes <- length(use_nodes)
tooltips <- vapply(use_nodes, function(in_node){
out_tooltip <- ""
for (i_dat in node_data) {
out_tooltip <- paste0(out_tooltip, graph::nodeData(in_graph, in_node, i_dat), "\n")
out_tooltip <- paste0(out_tooltip, description[in_node])
}, character(1))
graph::nodeDataDefaults(in_graph, "tooltip") <- "NA"
attr(graph::nodeDataDefaults(in_graph, "tooltip"), "class") <- "STRING"
graph::nodeData(in_graph, use_nodes, "tooltip") <- tooltips
#' visualize in cytoscape
#' given a graph, and the node assignments, visualize the graph in cytoscape
#' for manipulation
#' @param in_graph the cc_graph to visualize
#' @param in_assign the node_assign generated
#' @param description something descriptive about the vis (useful when lots of different visualizations)
#' @export
#' @return something
vis_in_cytoscape <- function(in_graph, in_assign, description = "cc2 enrichment"){
in_graph <- add_tooltip(in_graph, description = in_assign@description)
# initialize and add the visual attribute so we can color according to the
# data that lives in in_assign
graph::nodeDataDefaults(in_graph, "visattr") <- ""
attr(graph::nodeDataDefaults(in_graph, "visattr"), "class") <- 'STRING'
graph::nodeData(in_graph, names(in_assign@assignments), "visattr") <- in_assign@assignments
cyt_window <- RCy3::createNetworkFromGraph(graph = in_graph, title = description)
RCy3::layoutNetwork('force-directed', network = cyt_window)
RCy3::setNodeTooltipMapping("tooltip", network = cyt_window)
if (in_assign@color_type == "solid"){
RCy3::setNodeColorMapping("visattr", names(in_assign@colors), colors = in_assign@colors, mapping.type = "discrete", network = cyt_window)
} else if (in_assign@color_type == "pie"){
all_nodes = graph::nodes(in_graph)
pie_data = in_assign@pie_locs
pie_names = names(pie_data)
pie_names = pie_names[!(pie_names %in% "piechart")]
node_vis = graph::nodeData(in_graph, all_nodes, "visattr")
node_vis_df = data.frame(name = names(node_vis), visattr = unlist(node_vis))
node_vis_df = dplyr::left_join(node_vis_df, pie_data[, pie_names], by = "visattr")
RCy3::loadTableData(node_vis_df, data.key.column = "name", table = "node", table.key.column = "name")
RCy3::updateStyleMapping("default", RCy3::mapVisualProperty("NODE_CUSTOMGRAPHICS_1", "colorlist", "p"))
#' remove edges
#' given a RCy3 network connection, remove edges according to provided
#' values.
#' @param edge_obj a network ID to an RCy3 Cytoscape connection
#' @param cutoff what cutoff to use to remove edges
#' @param edge_attr what attribute has the values
#' @param value_direction remove those edges "under" or "over" the value
#' @export
#' @return nothing
#' @rdname remove_edges
#' @aliases remove_edges
setMethod("remove_edges", signature=list(edge_obj="character", cutoff="numeric"), function(edge_obj, cutoff, edge_attr, value_direction)
.remove_edges_cw(edge_obj, cutoff, edge_attr, value_direction))
.remove_edges_cw <- function(edge_obj, cutoff, edge_attr = "weight", value_direction = "under"){
edge_data <- RCy3::getTableColumns('edge', network = edge_obj)
under = to_delete <- edge_data[(as.numeric(edge_data[, edge_attr]) < cutoff),],
over = to_delete <- edge_data[(as.numeric(edge_data[, edge_attr]) > cutoff),]
RCy3::selectEdges(to_delete$SUID, by.col = "SUID", network = edge_obj)
RCy3::deleteSelectedEdges(network = edge_obj)
RCy3::layoutNetwork('force-directed', network = edge_obj)
message("Removed ", nrow(to_delete), " edges from graph\n")
#' remove graph edges
#' @param edge_obj cc_graph
#' @param cutoff the cutoff to use
#' @param edge_attr which attribute to use
#' @param value_direction remove edges with value under or over
#' @export
#' @return cc_graph
#' @rdname remove_edges
setMethod("remove_edges", signature=list(edge_obj="cc_graph", cutoff="numeric"), function(edge_obj, cutoff, edge_attr, value_direction)
.remove_edges_ccgraph(edge_obj, cutoff, edge_attr, value_direction))
.remove_edges_ccgraph <- function(in_graph, cutoff, edge_attr = "weight", value_direction = "under"){
edge_data <- unlist(graph::edgeData(in_graph, , , edge_attr))
under = del_edges <- names(edge_data)[edge_data < cutoff],
over = del_edges <- names(edge_data)[edge_data > cutoff]
if (length(del_edges) > 0){
del_edges <- strsplit(del_edges, "|", fixed = TRUE)
from_node <- sapply(del_edges, function(x){x[1]})
to_node <- sapply(del_edges, function(x){x[2]})
in_graph <- graph::removeEdge(from_node, to_node, in_graph)
message("Removed ", length(del_edges), " edges from graph\n")
#' generate a legend
#' it often helps to have a legend displayed for reference.
#' @param in_assign the assign object from \code{annotation_combinations}
#' @param upper_names whether to make names uppercase for easier viewing
#' @param img should a base64 encoded data uri be returned for embedding?
#' @param width how wide should the image be if saving to an image
#' @param height how high should it be
#' @param pointsize the pointsize parameter for Cairo, determines textsize in the image
#' @param ... any other parameter to \code{pie}
#' @return NULL
#' @export
generate_legend <- function(in_assign, upper_names = TRUE, img = FALSE,
width = 800, height = 400, pointsize = 70, ...){
if (in_assign@color_type == "pie") {
use_color <- in_assign@colors
n_color <- length(use_color)
# defines how many pie segments are needed, common to all the pie-charts
pie_area <- rep(1 / n_color, n_color)
use_labels <- names(use_color)
if (upper_names) {
use_labels <- toupper(use_labels)
if (!img) {
par(mai = c(0, 0, 0, 0), ps = pointsize)
pie(pie_area, labels = use_labels, col = use_color, clockwise = TRUE, ...)
} else {
out_file <- tempfile(pattern = "legendfile", fileext = ".png")
Cairo::CairoPNG(file = out_file, bg = "white", width = width, height = height, pointsize = pointsize)
par(mai = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
pie(pie_area, labels = use_labels, col = use_color, clockwise = TRUE, ...)
base64_encode <- base64enc::dataURI(file = out_file)
base64_encode <- sub("data:", "data:image/png", base64_encode, fixed = TRUE)
cat(paste0('<img src="', base64_encode, '", width="200px">'))
base64_encode_images <- function(in_assign){
if (Sys.info()['sysname'] == "Windows") {
sub_pattern = "file:///"
} else {
sub_pattern = "file://localhost"
image_locs <- in_assign@pie_locs$piechart
names(image_locs) = in_assign@pie_locs$visattr
image_locs <- gsub(sub_pattern, "", image_locs)
base_64_imgs <- vapply(image_locs, function(x){
base64enc::dataURI(file = x)
}, character(1))
#' cc_graph to visnetwork
#' takes a \code{cc_graph} object and transforms it into something that can
#' be visualized using \code{visNetwork}
#' @param in_graph the cc_graph object
#' @param in_assign the colors generated by \code{assign_colors}
#' @param node_communities the communities generated by \code{label_communities}
#' @param use_nodes the list of nodes to actually use
#' @importFrom base64enc dataURI
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
#' @return list
graph_to_visnetwork <- function(in_graph, in_assign, node_communities = NULL, use_nodes = NULL){
in_graph <- add_tooltip(in_graph, description = in_assign@description, separator = "<br>")
graph_nodes <- graph::nodes(in_graph)
edge_list <- graph::edgeMatrix(in_graph)
edge_weight <- unlist(graph::edgeData(in_graph, , , "weight"))
if (is.null(use_nodes)) {
use_nodes <- graph_nodes
} else {
use_nodes <- intersect(use_nodes, graph_nodes)
if (!is.null(node_communities)) {
comm_nodes <- unique(unlist(lapply(node_communities, function(x){x$members})))
use_nodes <- intersect(use_nodes, comm_nodes)
from_list <- graph_nodes[edge_list["from", ]]
to_list <- graph_nodes[edge_list["to", ]]
#in_nodes <- intersect(in_nodes, use_nodes)
from_to <- data.frame(from = from_list, to = to_list)
from_to <- dplyr::filter(from_to, (.data$from %in% use_nodes) & (.data$to %in% use_nodes))
from_to$edgeid <- paste0(from_to$from, "|", from_to$to)
from_to$weight <- edge_weight[from_to$edgeid]
g_nodes <- DiagrammeR::create_node_df(n = length(use_nodes),
label = use_nodes,
group = in_assign@assignments[use_nodes]
if (in_assign@color_type == "pie") {
g_nodes$shape = "image"
web_locs <- base64_encode_images(in_assign)
for (igroup in g_nodes$group) {
g_nodes[g_nodes$group == igroup, "image"] <- web_locs[igroup]
} else {
g_nodes$shape = "circle"
for (igroup in g_nodes$group) {
g_nodes[g_nodes$group == igroup, "color"] <- in_assign@colors[igroup]
for (inode in g_nodes$label) {
which_node <- which(g_nodes$label %in% inode)
g_nodes[which_node, "tooltip"] <- g_nodes[which_node, "title"] <- gsub("\\n", "<br>", graph::nodeData(in_graph, inode, "tooltip")[[1]])
if (!is.null(node_communities)) {
g_nodes$community <- ""
for (icomm in seq(1, length(node_communities))) {
comm_data <- node_communities[[icomm]]
g_nodes[(g_nodes$label %in% comm_data$members), "community"] <- comm_data$label
from_to$from_id <- g_nodes$id[match(from_to$from, g_nodes$label)]
from_to$to_id <- g_nodes$id[match(from_to$to, g_nodes$label)]
g_edges <- DiagrammeR::create_edge_df(from = from_to$from_id,
to = from_to$to_id,
weight = from_to$weight)
out_graph <- DiagrammeR::create_graph(g_nodes, g_edges, directed = FALSE)
return(list(graph = out_graph, nodes = g_nodes, edges = g_edges))
#' assign communities
#' given a \code{cc_graph}, find communities of nodes based on their connectivity
#' and weights.
#' @param in_graph the \code{cc_graph} object to use
#' @export
#' @return list
assign_communities <- function(in_graph){
igraph_graph <- igraph::graph_from_graphnel(in_graph)
walk_membership <- igraph::cluster_walktrap(igraph_graph)
walk_communities <- igraph::membership(walk_membership)
split_comms <- split(names(walk_communities), walk_communities)
names(split_comms) <- NULL
#' label communities
#' Determine the label of a community based on the most generic member of
#' each community, which is defined as being the one with the most
#' annotations.
#' @param community_defs the communities from \code{assign_communities}
#' @param annotation the annotation object used for enrichment
#' @export
#' @return list
label_communities <- function(community_defs, annotation){
n_members <- vapply(community_defs, length, numeric(1))
community_defs <- community_defs[n_members > 1]
all_members <- unique(unlist(community_defs))
member_annotation_counts <- annotation@counts[all_members]
get_rep_member <- lapply(community_defs, function(in_def){
def_counts <- member_annotation_counts[names(member_annotation_counts) %in% in_def]
max_member <- names(def_counts)[which.max(def_counts)]
community_info <- lapply(seq(1, length(community_defs)), function(i_def){
if (length(annotation@description) != 0) {
label <- annotation@description[[get_rep_member[[i_def]]]]
} else {
label <- get_rep_member[[i_def]]
list(rep = get_rep_member[[i_def]],
label = label,
members = community_defs[[i_def]])
#' vis in visNetwork
#' Visualize a \code{cc_graph} in \code{visNetwork}, with selection for communities
#' if that exists.
#' @param in_graph_info the graph structure from \code{graph_to_visnetwork}
#' @export
#' @return NULL
vis_visnetwork <- function(in_graph_info){
if (!is.null(in_graph_info$nodes$community)) {
visNetwork::visOptions(visNetwork::visNetwork(edges = in_graph_info$edges,
nodes = in_graph_info$nodes),
selectedBy = "community")
} else {
visNetwork::visNetwork(edges = in_graph_info$edges,
nodes = in_graph_info$nodes)
#' table from graph
#' Creates a table from the annotation graph, and if provided, adds the
#' community information to the table.
#' @param in_graph the \code{cc_graph} object
#' @param in_assign the \code{node_assign} object
#' @param community_info the \code{community_info} object
#' @export
#' @return data.frame
table_from_graph <- function(in_graph, in_assign = NULL, community_info = NULL){
node_data <- graph::nodeData(in_graph, , )
node_data <- lapply(node_data, as.data.frame, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
node_table <- do.call(rbind, node_data)
if (!is.null(in_assign)) {
sig_loc <- grep("sig$", names(node_table), value = TRUE)
meas_loc <- grep("meas$", names(node_table), value = TRUE)
node_table[, c(sig_loc, meas_loc)] <- NULL
sig_group <- in_assign@description[node_table$name]
if ("description" %in% names(node_table)) {
cut_table_loc <- grep("description", names(node_table))
} else {
cut_table_loc <- grep("name", names(node_table))
tmp_table_1 <- cbind(node_table[, seq(1, cut_table_loc)], sig_group)
node_table_2 <- cbind(tmp_table_1, node_table[, seq(cut_table_loc + 1, ncol(node_table))])
} else {
node_table_2 <- node_table
if (!is.null(community_info)) {
in_members <- unique(unlist(lapply(community_info, function(x){x$members})))
out_members <- setdiff(node_table_2$name, in_members)
n_comm <- length(community_info)
community_info[[n_comm + 1]] <- list(label = "other", members = out_members)
community_info = purrr::map(seq(1, length(community_info)), function(comm_id){
community_info[[comm_id]]$group = comm_id
null_table <- node_table_2[1, ]
rownames(null_table) <- NULL
null_table <- lapply(null_table, function(x){
if (is.character(x)) {
out_value <- ""
} else {
out_value <- as.numeric(NA)
null_table <- as.data.frame(null_table, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
node_table_split <- lapply(community_info, function(in_info){
header_table <- null_table
if ("description" %in% names(node_table_2)) {
header_table$description <- paste0("**", in_info$label, "**")
} else {
header_table$name <- in_info$label
tmp_table <- node_table_2[(node_table_2$name %in% in_info$members), ]
sort_cols <- character(0)
if ("sig_group" %in% names(tmp_table)) {
sort_cols <- c(sort_cols, "sig_group")
} else if (length(grep("padjust$", names(tmp_table))) != 0) {
padjust_cols <- grep("padjust$", names(tmp_table), value = TRUE)
sort_cols <- c(sort_cols, padjust_cols)
if (length(sort_cols) > 0) {
tmp_table <- dplyr::arrange(tmp_table, .data[[sort_cols]])
out_table <- rbind(header_table, tmp_table)
rownames(out_table) <- NULL
out_table$group <- in_info$group
out_node_table <- do.call(rbind, node_table_split)
} else {
out_node_table <- node_table_2
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