#' Create sequence panel for RiboCrypt
#' @param start_codons character vector, default "ATG"
#' @param stop_codons character vector, default c("TAA", "TAG", "TGA")
#' @param custom_motif character vector, default NULL.
#' @return a ggplot object
#' @keywords internal
createSeqPanelPattern <- function(sequence, start_codons = "ATG", stop_codons = c("TAA", "TAG", "TGA"), frame = 1,
custom_motif = NULL) {
if (is.null(custom_motif)) {
} else if (custom_motif == "") {
custom_motif <- NULL
} else {
custom_motif <- toupper(custom_motif)
custom_motif <- gsub("U", "T", custom_motif)
custom_motif <- strsplit(custom_motif, ",")[[1]] %>% strsplit(" ") %>% unlist
hits <- lapply(list(start_codons, stop_codons, custom_motif), function(x) matchMultiplePatterns(x, sequence))
names(hits) <- c("white", "black", "#C97D00")
hits <- lapply(hits, as.data.table)
hits <- rbindlist(hits, idcol = "col")
names(hits) <- c("col", "pos")
pos <- NULL # avoid dt warning
hits[, frames := (pos - 1) %% 3]
plotSeqPanel <- function(hits, sequence, frame = 1) {
pos <- NULL # avoid dt warning
# New red: #FFA8A3 ?
fig <- ggplot() +
geom_rect(aes(ymin = c(1,0,-1), ymax = c(2,1,0), xmin = rep(1,3), xmax = rep(length(sequence),3), frame = frame),
fill = c("#F8766D","#00BA38","#619CFF")) +
geom_segment(data=hits, mapping = aes(y = 2 - (frames + 1), yend = 2 - frames, x = pos, xend = pos), col=hits$col) +
ylab("frame") +
xlab("position [nt]") +
theme_bw() +
theme(plot.margin = unit(c(0,0,0,0), "pt"), axis.text.y = element_blank(), axis.ticks.y = element_blank()) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = c(-0.5,0.5, 1.5), labels = c("2","1", "0"), expand = c(0,0)) + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0,0))
#' @keywords internal
overlaps_to_layers <- function(overlaps) {
v <- unique(overlaps[,2][[1]])
indexes <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(v))
names(indexes) <- as.character(v)
for (x in seq(nrow(overlaps))) {
indexes[[as.character(overlaps[x,2])]] <- c(indexes[[as.character(overlaps[x,2])]], get_current_index(indexes[[as.character(overlaps[x,1])]]) )
sapply(indexes, get_current_index)
#' @keywords internal
get_current_index <- function(v) {
min(which(!(1:(max(c(0,v)+1)) %in% c(0,v))))
#' How many rows does the gene track need
#' @importFrom IRanges findOverlaps
#' @param grl a GRangesList
#' @return numeric, the track row index
#' @keywords internal
geneTrackLayer <- function(grl) {
grl_flanks <- flankPerGroup(grl)
overlaps <- as.data.table(findOverlaps(grl_flanks, grl_flanks))
overlaps <- overlaps[subjectHits > queryHits, ]
if (nrow(overlaps) == 0) {
all_layers <- rep(1, length(grl))
all_layers <- rep(all_layers, numExonsPerGroup(grl))
} else {
layers <- overlaps_to_layers(overlaps)
all_layers <- rep(1, length(grl))
all_layers[as.numeric(names(layers))] <- layers
all_layers <- rep(all_layers, numExonsPerGroup(grl))
#' Create gene annotation layer for browser
#' @import ORFik
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges ranges resize psetdiff
#' @importFrom IRanges subsetByOverlaps IRangesList
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
createGeneModelPanel <- function(display_range, annotation, tx_annotation = NULL,
frame=1, custom_regions, viewMode) {
# TODO: Explain sections of this function, or split in sub functions
# It is too complicated right now.
use_custom_region <- !is.null(custom_regions) & length(custom_regions) > 0
if (use_custom_region) {
same_names <- names(custom_regions) %in% names(annotation)
names(custom_regions)[same_names] <- paste(names(custom_regions)[same_names], "_1", sep="")
overlaps_custom <- subsetByOverlaps(custom_regions, display_range,
type = ifelse(viewMode == "tx", "within", "any"))
overlaps <- subsetByOverlaps(annotation, display_range,
type = ifelse(viewMode == "tx", "within", "any"))
overlaps_tx <- NULL
if (viewMode != "tx") {
overlaps_tx <- subsetByOverlaps(tx_annotation, display_range,
type = ifelse(viewMode == "tx", "within", "any"))
if (length(overlaps) > 0) {
if (!all(names(overlaps_tx) %in% names(overlaps))) {
overlaps_tx <- overlaps_tx[names(overlaps_tx) %in% names(overlaps)]
overlaps_tx <- groupGRangesBy(unlistGrl(GenomicRanges::psetdiff(unlistGrl(overlaps_tx),
if (use_custom_region) overlaps <- c(overlaps, overlaps_custom)
if (length(overlaps) > 0) overlaps@unlistData$type <- "cds"
if (length(overlaps_tx) > 0) overlaps_tx@unlistData$type <- "utr"
return(gene_box_fix_overlaps(display_range, c(overlaps, overlaps_tx), custom_regions))
gene_box_fix_overlaps <- function(display_range, overlaps, custom_regions) {
if (length(overlaps) == 0) {
result_dt <- data.table()
lines_locations <- NULL
return(list(result_dt, lines_locations))
names_grouping <- rep(names(overlaps), lengths(overlaps))
overlaps <- unlistGrl(overlaps)
names(overlaps) <- names_grouping
overlaps$rel_frame_exon <- getRelativeFrames(overlaps)
overlaps <- subsetByOverlaps(overlaps, display_range)
intersections <- trimOverlaps(overlaps, display_range)
intersections <- groupGRangesBy(intersections, paste0(names(intersections), "___", intersections$type))
names(intersections) <- sub("___.*", "", names(intersections))
locations <- pmapToTranscriptF(intersections, display_range)
type_per_grl <- unlist(lapply(intersections, function(x) unique(x$type)))
locations@unlistData$type <- rep(type_per_grl, times = lengths(locations))
locations <- unlistGrl(locations)
locations$rel_frame_orf <- getRelativeFrames(locations)
locations <- unlistGrl(groupGRangesBy(locations))
cols <- colour_bars(locations, overlaps, display_range)
layers <- geneTrackLayer(groupGRangesBy(locations))
plot_width <- widthPerGroup(display_range)
geneBox <- geneBoxFromRanges(locations, plot_width, layers, cols,
#' Get gene annotation box coordinates
#' Get data.table of coordinates and coloring, and a lines vector for
#' main plot vertical lines.
#' @noRd
geneBoxFromRanges <- function(locations, plot_width,
layers = rep(1, length(locations)),
cols = rc_rgb()[start(locations) %% 3 + 1],
custom_regions = NULL) {
type <- locations$type
locations <- move_utrs_touching_cds(locations, type, plot_width)
locations <- ranges(locations)
blocks <- c(start(locations) , end(locations))
names(blocks) <- rep(names(locations), 2)
blocks <- sort(blocks)
lines_locations <- blocks[!(blocks %in% c(1, plot_width))]
rect_locations <- locations
locations <- resize(locations, width = 1, fix = "center")
labels_locations <- start(locations)
too_close <- labels_locations < 0.02 * plot_width
too_far <- labels_locations > 0.98 * plot_width
labels_locations[too_close] <- 1
labels_locations[too_far] <- plot_width
hjusts <- rep("center", length(labels_locations))
hjusts[too_close] <- "left"
hjusts[too_far] <- "right"
gene_names <- names(locations)
custom_region_names <- which(names(lines_locations) %in% names(custom_regions))
names(lines_locations) <- rep("black", length(lines_locations))
names(lines_locations)[custom_region_names] <- "orange4"
result_dt <- data.table(layers = layers,
rect_starts = start(rect_locations),
rect_ends = end(rect_locations),
cols = cols,
labels_locations = labels_locations,
hjusts = hjusts,
gene_names = gene_names,
type = type)
result_dt[,no_ex := .N, by = gene_names]
result_dt <- result_dt[order(type, decreasing = TRUE),]
dt <- result_dt
draw_introns <- nrow(dt[no_ex > 1]) > 0
if (draw_introns) {
seg_dt <- dt[no_ex > 1]
seg_dt <- seg_dt[ , .(layers = layers[1], rect_starts = rect_ends[1:(.N - 1)], rect_ends = rect_starts[2:.N],
cols = "grey45", labels_locations = 0, hjusts = "center",
type = "intron", no_ex = "1"), by = gene_names]
seg_dt <- seg_dt[, colnames(dt), with = FALSE]
with_introns_dt <- rbindlist(list(dt, seg_dt))
result_dt <- with_introns_dt
res_list <- list(result_dt, lines_locations)
move_utrs_touching_cds <- function(locations, type, plot_width) {
utr_end_touch_cds <- type == "utr" & (end(locations)+1) %in% start(locations)[type == "cds"]
new_utr_ends <- end(locations)[utr_end_touch_cds] + 1
end(locations)[utr_end_touch_cds] <- pmin(plot_width, new_utr_ends)
utr_start_touch_cds <- type == "utr" & (start(locations)-1) %in% end(locations)[type == "cds"]
new_utr_starts <- start(locations)[utr_start_touch_cds] - 1
start(locations)[utr_start_touch_cds] <- pmax(1, new_utr_starts)
rc_rgb <- function() {
geneModelPanelPlot <- function(dt, frame = 1) {
# If no annotation given, dt is empty, return blank
if (nrow(dt) == 0) return(ggplot())
# Else render exon boxes
seg_dt <- dt[type == "intron"]
dt <- dt[type != "intron"]
result_plot <- ggplot(frame = frame) + ylab("") + xlab("") +
theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.text.y = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
plot.margin = unit(c(0,0,0,0), "pt")) +
scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0,0)) +
scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0,0)) +
theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill= "white"))
draw_introns <- nrow(seg_dt) > 0
if (draw_introns) result_plot <- result_plot +
geom_segment(data = seg_dt,
mapping = aes(x = rect_starts, xend = rect_ends, y = 0.5 - layers, yend = 0.5 - layers, text = gene_names),
color = "grey45", alpha = 0.6)
result_plot <- result_plot +
geom_rect(data = dt, mapping=aes(ymin=0 - layers + ifelse(type == "cds", 0, 0.33), ymax = 1 - layers - ifelse(type == "cds", 0, 0.33),
xmin=rect_starts,xmax = rect_ends, text = gene_names),
fill = dt$cols, color = "grey45") +
geom_text(data = dt[,.(layers = layers[1], labels_locations = mean(labels_locations)),gene_names],
mapping = aes(y = 0.50 - layers, x = labels_locations,
label = gene_names), color = "black", hjust = "center")
nt_area_template <- function() {
ggplot() +
theme(axis.title = element_blank(),
axis.ticks = element_blank(),
axis.text = element_blank()) +
theme(plot.margin = unit(c(0,0,0,0), "pt"))+
scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0,0))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.