compute_collection_table_shiny <- function(mainPlotControls,
path = mainPlotControls()$table_path,
lib_sizes = mainPlotControls()$lib_sizes,
df = mainPlotControls()$dff,
metadata_field = mainPlotControls()$metadata_field,
normalization = mainPlotControls()$normalization,
kmer = mainPlotControls()$kmer,
min_count = mainPlotControls()$min_count,
subset = mainPlotControls()$subset,
group_on_tx_tpm = mainPlotControls()$group_on_tx_tpm,
split_by_frame = mainPlotControls()$frame,
ratio_interval = mainPlotControls()$ratio_interval,
metadata) {
if (is.null(metadata)) stop("Metadata not defined, no metabrowser allowed for now!")
time_before <- Sys.time()
cat("Starting loading + Profile + plot calc\n")
dtable <- compute_collection_table(path, lib_sizes, df, metadata_field,
normalization, kmer, metadata, min_count,
as_list = TRUE, subset = subset,
group_on_tx_tpm = group_on_tx_tpm,
split_by_frame = split_by_frame,
ratio_interval = ratio_interval)
cat("Done: lib loading + Coverage calc: "); print(round(Sys.time() - time_before, 2))
get_meta_browser_plot <- function(table, color_theme, clusters = 1,
color_mult = 3) {
colors <- if (color_theme == "default (White-Blue)") {
c("white", "lightblue", rep("blue", 4 + color_mult), "navy", "black")
} else if (color_theme == "Matrix (black,green,red)") {
c("#000000", "#2CFA1F", "yellow2", rep("#FF2400", color_mult))
} else stop("Invalid color theme!")
cat("Creating metabrowser heatmap\n")
ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap(t(table), show_row_dend = FALSE,
cluster_columns = FALSE,
cluster_rows = FALSE,
use_raster = TRUE, raster_quality = 5,
km = clusters,
col = colors, show_row_names = FALSE,
show_heatmap_legend = FALSE)
#' Full plot for allsamples browser
#' @param m data.table of coverage per sample (wide format)
#' @param heatmap ComplexHeatmap object of plot from 'm'
#' @param id id of transcript
#' @param df ORFik experiment
#' @param summary logical, default TRUE (add top plot)
#' @param annotation logical, default TRUE (add bottom annotation track)
#' @param region_type character, "what is the coverage region?" Usually full mrna:
#' "mrna" or "leader+cds".
#' @param rel_heights numeric < 1, default: c(0.2, 0.75, 0.05).
#' Relative heights, sum to 1 and must be length 3.
#' @return a cowplot grub
#' @importFrom cowplot plot_grid
get_meta_browser_plot_full <- function(m, heatmap, id, df,
summary = TRUE, annotation = TRUE,
rel_heights = c(0.2, 0.75, 0.05)) {
stopifnot(is.numeric(rel_heights) && length(rel_heights) == 3)
gene_model_panel <- summary_plot <- NULL
if (!summary & !annotation) return(heatmap)
if (summary) {
summary_plot <- summary_track_allsamples(m)
if (annotation) {
gene_model_panel <- annotation_track_allsamples(df, id, region_type,
tx_width = ncol(heatmap))
grob <- grid::grid.grabExpr(draw(heatmap))
to_use_logicals <- c(summary, TRUE, annotation)
final_plot <- cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = list(summary_plot, grob, gene_model_panel)[to_use_logicals],
ncol = 1, rel_heights = rel_heights[to_use_logicals])
summary_track_allsamples <- function(m, summary_track_type = "area", as_plotly = FALSE) {
summary_profile <- data.table(count = rowSums(m))
summary_profile[, `:=`(position = ]
summary_profile[, `:=`(frame = factor((position-1) %% 3)) ]
summary_plot <- createSinglePlot(summary_profile, TRUE, 1, "",
FALSE, lines = NULL,
type = summary_track_type,
flip_ylabel = FALSE, as_plotly = as_plotly)
if (!as_plotly) {
summary_plot +
theme(axis.text.y=element_blank(), axis.ticks.y=element_blank())
annotation_track_allsamples <- function(df, id, region_type, tx_width) {
lines <- NULL
withFrames <- TRUE
colors <- TRUE
lengths <- ORFik::optimizedTranscriptLengths(df)
length <- lengths[tx_name == id]
# Custom UTR lengths for Sac cer (yeast)
if (organism(df) == "Saccharomyces cerevisiae")
length$utr5_len <- 650
start <- 1
end <- tx_width
if (length$cds_len > 0 & region_type %in% c("mrna", "leader+cds")) {
start <- start + length$utr5_len
end <- start + length$cds_len
grl <- GRangesList(GRanges("1", IRanges(start, end), type = "cds"))
names(grl) <- id
ranges <- unlistGrl(grl)
ranges <- c(GRanges("1", IRanges(1, tx_width), type = "utr"), ranges)
dt <- geneBoxFromRanges(ranges, tx_width,
cols = c("#FFFFFF", c("#F8766D","#00BA38","#619CFF")[start(ranges[-1]) %% 3 + 1]))[[1]]
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.