#' Pivot CNA from maf (long) version to wide version
#' @param cna a cna dataframe in maf (long) format
#' @return a dataframe of reformatted CNA alteration (in wide format)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cna_long <- data.frame(
#' sampleId = c("P-0001276-T01-IM3","P-0001276-T01-IM3",
#' "P-0005436-T01-IM3",
#' "P-0001276-T01-IM3","P-0003333-T01-IM3"),
#' Hugo_Symbol = c("MLL2","KMT2D","HIST1H2BD",
#' "HIST1H3B","KDR"),
#' cna <- pivot_cna_wider(cna_long)
#' cna_long <- data.frame(
#' sampleId = c("P-0001276-T01-IM3","P-0001276-T01-IM3",
#' "P-0005436-T01-IM3",
#' "P-0001276-T01-IM3","P-0003333-T01-IM3"),
#' Hugo_Symbol = c("MLL2","KMT2D","HIST1H2BD",
#' "HIST1H3B","KDR"),
#' alteration = c(2, 2, -1, 1, -2))
#' cna <- pivot_cna_wider(cna_long)
pivot_cna_wider <- function(cna) {
cna <- cna %>%
# Check data -----------------------------------------------------------------
missing_cols <-
setdiff(c("sample_id", "hugo_symbol", "alteration"), names(cna))
switch(length(missing_cols) > 0,
cli::cli_abort("Missing columns: {.field {missing_cols}}"))
cna <- cna %>%
mutate(alteration = as.character(.data$alteration)) %>%
mutate(alteration = toupper(.data$alteration))
accepted_levels <- c("NEUTRAL","LOH", "GAIN", "AMPLIFICATION", "DELETION",
"-2", "-1", "0", "1", "2")
levels_in_data <- unique(cna$alteration)
not_allowed <- stats::na.omit(setdiff(levels_in_data, accepted_levels))
if(length(not_allowed) > 0) {
cli::cli_abort(c("Unknown values in {.field alteration} field: {.val {not_allowed}}",
"Must be one of the following: {.val {accepted_levels}}"))
if(any(cna$alteration %in% c("NEUTRAL","LOH", "GAIN", "AMPLIFICATION", "DELETION"))) {
# Recode Alteration Data -----------------------------------------------------
cna <- suppressWarnings(cna %>%
mutate(alteration =
.data$alteration == "NEUTRAL" ~ 0,
.data$alteration == "LOH" ~ -1,
.data$alteration == "GAIN" ~ 1,
.data$alteration == "AMPLIFICATION" ~ 2,
.data$alteration == "DELETION" ~ -2,
TRUE ~ as.numeric(.data$alteration))))
hugo_symbols <- unique(cna$hugo_symbol)
samples <- unique(cna$sample_id)
# Create Empty Dataframe & Fill ----------------------------------------------
# create empty data frame of correct dimensions with 0's ---
cna_out <- as.data.frame(matrix(0L, ncol = length(samples) + 1,
nrow = length(hugo_symbols)))
colnames(cna_out) <- c("Hugo_Symbol", samples)
cna_out[,1] <- hugo_symbols
# fill in data frame ---
for (i in samples) {
alt_genes_this_sample <- cna %>%
filter(.data$sample_id %in% i) %>%
select("hugo_symbol") %>%
unlist() %>%
rows_to_fill <- match(alt_genes_this_sample, cna_out[, 1])
cols_to_fill <- match(i, colnames(cna_out))
cna_out[rows_to_fill, cols_to_fill] <-
cna %>%
filter(.data$sample_id %in% i) %>%
select("alteration") %>%
unlist() %>%
#' Reformat Wide CNA Data to Long
#' Takes a numeric vector of CNA data in wide format where each column is a sample
#' and each row is a hugo symbol. Function will return a long format CNA data set
#' of just events (neutral/diploid instances are filtered out) and will recode events from
#' numeric to descriptive (-2/-1/-1.5 is deletion, 2/1 is amplification).
#' @param wide_cna a cna dataframe in wide format (e.g. gnomeR::cna)
#' @param clean_sample_ids `TRUE` by default and function will clean
#' `sample_id` field to replace "." with "-". If `FALSE`,
#' no modification will be made to returned `sample_ids` field
#' @return A long data frame of CNA events
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cna <- pivot_cna_longer(wide_cna = gnomeR::cna_wide)
pivot_cna_longer <- function(wide_cna, clean_sample_ids = TRUE) {
cna <- rename_columns(wide_cna)
# Check data -----------------------------------------------------------------
missing_cols <-
setdiff(c("hugo_symbol"), names(cna))
switch(length(missing_cols) > 0,
cli::cli_abort("Missing columns: {.field {missing_cols}}"))
no_hugo <- select(cna, -"hugo_symbol")
switch(any(purrr::map_lgl(no_hugo, ~!is.numeric(.x))),
cli::cli_abort(c("All CNA columns must be numeric. Do you need to convert to numeric? Eg. ",
"{.code mutate(data, across(.cols = c(everything(), -Hugo_Symbol), ~ as.numeric(.x)))} ?"))
# Remove Patients with no CNA ------------------------------------------------
patient_sums <- apply(no_hugo, 2, function(x) sum(abs(x), na.rm = TRUE))
patient_with_cna <- patient_sums[patient_sums > 0] %>%
if(length(patient_with_cna) < 1) {
cli::cli_abort("There are no CNA events in the data set.")
# Pivot Longer ---------------------------------------------------------------
cna <- cna %>%
select("hugo_symbol", all_of(patient_with_cna))
cna_long <- cna %>%
names_to = "sample_id", values_to = "alteration")
# remove neutral events (pre-filtered above for speed but may not need this)
cna_long <- cna_long %>%
filter(.data$alteration != 0)
# clean Names ---------------------------------------------------------------
if(clean_sample_ids) {
cna_long <- cna_long %>%
mutate(sample_id = str_replace_all(.data$sample_id, fixed("."), "-"))
cli::cli_alert_warning("Replacing all {.code .} to {.code -} in {.field sample_id} field (e.g. {.code P.0001930.T01.IM3} -> {.code P-0001930-T01-IM3}).
To prevent this, use argument {.code clean_sample_ids = FALSE}")
# Recode Alteration ---------------------------------------------------------
# Make sure hugo & alteration is character
cna_long <- cna_long %>%
mutate(hugo_symbol = as.character(.data$hugo_symbol)) %>%
mutate(alteration = tolower(str_trim(as.character(.data$alteration))))
# recode alterations
cna_long <- cna_long %>%
mutate(alteration = recode_cna(.data$alteration))
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