#' Pathway Alterations
#' Input a binary matrix of patients x alterations and return a dataframe with a column per pathway
#' indicating if default or custom oncogenic signaling pathways
#' are activated in each sample. Default package pathways were sourced
#' from [Sanchez-Vega, F et al., 2018](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29625050/).
#' Please check for gene aliases in your data set before using.
#' @description
#' Please note that only `sample_id column`, and columns with .Amp, .Del, .fus or no suffix are accepted.
#' Any gene column with no suffix will be assumed to be a mutation.
#' @param gene_binary a binary matrix from `create_gene_binary()`
#' @param pathways a vector of pre-coded pathways to annotate. The options are `names(gnomeR::pathways)` ("RTK/RAS", "Nrf2",
#' "PI3K", "TGFB", "p53", "Wnt", "Myc", "Cell cycle", "Hippo", "Notch"). You can pass multiple pathway names, or `NULL`. By default, all
#' pathways defined in `gnomeR::pathways` will be included. Included default pathways are alteration-specific, meaning a specific type of alteration (mut/cna/fusion)
#' is required to mark a 1 for that pathway.
#' @param custom_pathways a vector of alterations to annotate as a single pathway, or a list of custom pathways (see `gnomeR::pathways` as example).
#' You must specify the alteration type for each gene using `.mut`, `.Amp`, `.Del` suffix, e.g. `c("TP53.mut", "CDKN2A.Amp")`. If you wish to count any type of
#' alteration on that gene towards the pathway you can use the `.any` suffix (e.g. `c("TP53.any")`).
#' @param other_vars One or more column names (quoted or unquoted) in data to be retained
#' in resulting data frame. Default is NULL.
#' @param count_pathways_by deprecated
#' @return a data frame: each sample is a row, columns are pathways, with values of 0/1 depending on pathway alteration status.
#' @export
#' @source Sanchez-Vega, F., Mina, M., Armenia, J., Chatila, W. K., Luna, A., La, K. C., Dimitriadoy, S., Liu, D. L., Kantheti, H. S., Saghafinia, S., Chakravarty, D., Daian, F., Gao, Q., Bailey, M. H., Liang, W. W., Foltz, S. M., Shmulevich, I., Ding, L., Heins, Z., Ochoa, A., … Schultz, N. (2018). Oncogenic Signaling Pathways in The Cancer Genome Atlas. Cell, 173(2), 321–337.e10. <https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2018.03.035>
#' @examples
#' gene_binary <- create_gene_binary(mutation = gnomeR::mutations,
#' cna = gnomeR::cna,
#' fusion = gnomeR::sv)
#' pathway_df <- add_pathways(gene_binary, pathways = "Notch")
add_pathways <- function(gene_binary,
pathways = c(names(gnomeR::pathways)),
custom_pathways = NULL,
other_vars = NULL,
count_pathways_by = deprecated()) {
# Check arguments -----------------------------------------------------------
all_path <- gnomeR::pathways
all_path_names <- names(all_path)
.check_required_cols(gene_binary, "sample_id")
# * Deprecated Arguments (will remove this in the future) ----
if (lifecycle::is_present(count_pathways_by)) {
lifecycle::deprecate_stop(when = "1.3.0",
what = "add_pathways(count_pathways_by)",
details = c(
i = c("All pathways are now counted on the specific alteration level, not the gene level and all columns in your data with no suffix (e.g. `data$TP53`) are assumed to be mutations.
You must explicitely specify in your custom pathway what types of alterations count towards pathway e.g. `custom_pathway = c('TP53.mut', 'APC.Del').
If you would like to count any type of alteration on a gene towards a pathway, use the suffix `.any`, e.g. `custom_pathway = c('TP53.any', 'APC.any')")))
# * Default pathways ----
pathways_input <- pathways
if(!is.null(pathways)) {
pathways <- match.arg(pathways, all_path_names, several.ok = TRUE)
not_valid <- pathways_input[!(pathways_input %in% all_path_names)]
switch(length(not_valid) > 0,
cli::cli_warn("Ignoring {.code {not_valid}}: not a known pathway. See {.code gnomeR::pathways}"))
# Process Custom Pathways ----
switch(!(class(custom_pathways) %in% c("NULL", "character", "list")),
cli::cli_abort("{.code custom_pathways} must be character vector, or list"))
if (!is.null(custom_pathways)) {
# if vector, turn into a list---
if (is.atomic(custom_pathways)) {
empt_list <- list()
empt_list[[1]] <- custom_pathways
names(empt_list) <- "custom"
custom_pathways <- empt_list
# if is list---
} else if (is.list(custom_pathways)) {
#if no names, assign names
if (is.null(names(custom_pathways))) {
names(custom_pathways) <-
paste0("custom_", 1:length(custom_pathways))
if(any(purrr::map_lgl(custom_pathways, ~any(!str_detect(.x, ".Amp|.Del|.fus|.mut|.any"))))) {
cli::cli_abort(c("All alterations specified in {.code custom_pathway} must have one ",
"of the following suffixes specified: {.code .Amp}, {.code .Del}, {.code .fus}, {.code .mut}, {.code .any}"))
# process GENE.any suffix in custom pathways
custom_pathways <- purrr::map(custom_pathways, function(x) {
gene_all <- x[str_detect(x, ".any")]
if(length(gene_all) > 0) {
gene_all <- str_remove(gene_all, ".any")
gene_add <- purrr::map(gene_all, function(x) {
paste0(x, c(".Amp", ".Del", ".fus", ".mut"))
}) %>% unlist()
x <- c(x[!str_detect(x, ".any")], gene_add)
} )
# get user selected pathways (if any)
pathways <- all_path[pathways]
final_paths <- c(custom_pathways, pathways)
# Prep data ------------------------------------------------------------------
# * Other Vars - Capture Other Columns to Retain ----------------
other_vars <-
.select_to_varnames({{ other_vars }},
data = gene_binary,
arg_name = "other_vars"
# data frame of only alterations
alt_only <- select(gene_binary, -"sample_id", -any_of(other_vars))
all_cols <- colnames(alt_only)
mut_cols <- !(str_detect(all_cols, ".Amp|.Del|.fus"))
# * Rename .mut columns (assume all non CNA/Fusion are mutations) -----
if (any(mut_cols)) {
# in case any columns already had .mut suffix
all_cols[mut_cols] <- str_remove(all_cols[mut_cols], ".mut")
# now add .mut
all_cols[mut_cols] <- paste0(all_cols[mut_cols], ".mut")
colnames(alt_only) <- all_cols
# process pathways ---------------------------------------------------------------
path_out <- purrr::imap_dfc(final_paths, ~ .sum_alts_in_pathway(gene_binary = alt_only,
pathway_list_item = .x,
pathway_name = .y))
# return data ---------------------------------------------------------------
# # remove .mut that we added
# if (any(mut_cols)) {
# all_cols[mut_cols] <- str_remove(all_cols[mut_cols], ".mut")
# colnames(alt_only) <- all_cols
# }
path_out <- gene_binary %>%
#' Sum Alterations in a Pathway
#' @param gene_binary a binary matrix (see `gene_binary()`)
#' @param pathway_list_item a named list of length 1 with pathway name as name and vector of genes as first
#' and only item in list
#' @param pathway_name name of pathway
#' @return a dataframe of 1 column of 0/1s indicating pathway activated yes/no
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @examples
#' gene_binary <- create_gene_binary(mutation = gnomeR::mutations, cna = gnomeR::cna,
#' fusion = gnomeR::sv)
#' x <- .sum_alts_in_pathway(gene_binary,
#' pathway_list_item = gnomeR::pathways[1],
#' pathway_name = names(gnomeR::pathways[1]),
#' count_pathways_by = "alteration")
.sum_alts_in_pathway <- function(gene_binary, pathway_list_item,
count_pathways_by) {
path_alt <- gene_binary %>%
select(any_of(unlist(pathway_list_item, use.names=FALSE))) %>%
mutate(sum = rowSums(., na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
transmute('pathway_{pathway_name}' := if_else(sum >= 1, 1, 0))
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