# Cell Calling on a matrix (scATAC-Seq)
#' @name sc_atac_cell_calling
#' @title identifying true vs empty cells
#' @description the methods to call true cells are of various ways.
#' implement (i.e. \code{filtering} from \code{scATAC-Pro} as default
#' @param mat the feature by cell matrix.
#' @param cell_calling the cell calling approach, possible options were "emptydrops" , "cellranger" and "filter".
#' But we opten to using "filter" as it was most robust. "emptydrops" is still an opition for data with large umber of cells.
#' @param output_folder output directory for the cell called matrix.
#' @param genome_size genome size for the data in feature by cell matrix.
#' @param cell_qc_metrics_file quality per barcode file for the barcodes in the matrix if using the \code{cellranger} or \code{filter} options.
#' @param lower the lower threshold for the data if using the \code{emptydrops} function for cell calling.
#' @param min_uniq_frags The minimum number of required unique fragments required for a cell (used for \code{filter} cell calling)
#' @param max_uniq_frags The maximum number of required unique fragments required for a cell (used for \code{filter} cell calling)
#' @param min_frac_peak The minimum proportion of fragments in a cell to overlap with a peak (used for \code{filter} cell calling)
#' @param min_frac_tss The minimum proportion of fragments in a cell to overlap with a tss (used for \code{filter} cell calling)
#' @param min_frac_enhancer The minimum proportion of fragments in a cell to overlap with a enhancer sequence (used for \code{filter} cell calling)
#' @param min_frac_promoter The minimum proportion of fragments in a cell to overlap with a promoter sequence (used for \code{filter} cell calling)
#' @param max_frac_mito The maximum proportion of fragments in a cell that are mitochondrial (used for \code{filter} cell calling)
#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' sc_atac_cell_calling <- function(mat,
#' cell_calling,
#' output_folder,
#' genome_size = NULL,
#' cell_qc_metrics_file = NULL,
#' lower = NULL)
#' }
#' @export
sc_atac_cell_calling <- function(mat,
cell_calling = 'filter',
genome_size = NULL,
cell_qc_metrics_file = NULL,
lower = NULL,
min_uniq_frags = 3000,
max_uniq_frags = 50000,
min_frac_peak = 0.3,
min_frac_tss = 0,
min_frac_enhancer = 0,
min_frac_promoter = 0.1,
max_frac_mito = 0.15){
message("`", cell_calling, "` function is used for cell calling ... ")
selected_cells <- tryCatch({
if(cell_calling == "emptydrops") {
sc_atac_emptydrops_cell_calling(mat = mat, output_folder = output_folder, lower = lower)
# else if(cell_calling == 'cellranger') {
# sc_atac_cellranger_cell_calling(mat = mat, genome_size = genome_size, cell_qc_metrics_file = cell_qc_metrics_file)
# }
}, error = function(e) {
message("\nWill now default to the filter method with the default qc cutoffs.")
message("min_uniq_frags = ", min_uniq_frags)
message("max_uniq_frags = ", max_uniq_frags)
message("min_frac_peak = ", min_frac_peak)
message("min_frac_tss = ", min_frac_tss)
message("min_frac_enhancer = ", min_frac_enhancer)
message("min_frac_promoter = ", min_frac_promoter)
message("max_frac_mito = ", max_frac_mito)
message("Running the filter method...")
sc_atac_filter_cell_calling(mtx = mat,
cell_qc_metrics_file = cell_qc_metrics_file,
min_uniq_frags = min_uniq_frags,
max_uniq_frags = max_uniq_frags,
min_frac_peak = min_frac_peak,
min_frac_tss = min_frac_tss,
min_frac_enhancer = min_frac_enhancer,
min_frac_promoter = min_frac_promoter,
max_frac_mito = max_frac_mito)
if(cell_calling == 'filter') {
selected_cells <- sc_atac_filter_cell_calling(mtx = mat,
cell_qc_metrics_file = cell_qc_metrics_file,
min_uniq_frags = min_uniq_frags,
max_uniq_frags = max_uniq_frags,
min_frac_peak = min_frac_peak,
min_frac_tss = min_frac_tss,
min_frac_enhancer = min_frac_enhancer,
min_frac_promoter = min_frac_promoter,
max_frac_mito = max_frac_mito)
else if(isFALSE(cell_calling)) {
message("No cell calling method was selected.")
else if (!cell_calling %in% c("emptydrops", "filter")) { # no legitimate cell calling method chosen, so just return the original matrix
message(cell_calling, "was not an implemented cell calling method")
out_mat <- mat
barcodes <- colnames(out_mat)
features <- rownames(out_mat)
if (cell_calling %in% c("emptydrops", "filter")) {
# Only keep selected cells in matrix
out_mat <- mat[, colnames(mat) %in% selected_cells]
barcodes <- colnames(out_mat)
features <- rownames(out_mat)
# cat("Number of called barcodes: ")
# cat(length(selected_cells))
# cat("\nNumber of columns: ")
# cat(length(barcodes))
# cat("\n")
if (length(barcodes) == 0) {
stop("No cells were called...")
# Store output matrix
# Matrix::writeMM(Matrix::Matrix(out_mat), file =file.path(output_folder, 'cell_called_matrix.mtx'))
message("cell called and stored in ", output_folder)
utils::write.table(barcodes, file = file.path(output_folder, 'non_empty_barcodes.txt'), sep = '\t',
row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
utils::write.table(features, file = file.path(output_folder, 'non_empty_features.txt'), sep = '\t',
row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
# ############## Modified testEmptyDrops function ######################
# testEmptyDrops2 <- function (m, lower = 100, niters = 10000, test.ambient = FALSE,
# ignore = NULL, alpha = NULL, BPPARAM = SerialParam())
# {
# discard <- rowSums(m) == 0
# m <- m[!discard, , drop = FALSE]
# ncells <- ncol(m)
# umi.sum <- as.integer(round(colSums(m)))
# ambient <- umi.sum <= lower
# ambient.cells<- m[, ambient, drop = FALSE]
# ambient.prof <- rowSums(ambient.cells)
# if (sum(ambient.prof) == 0) {
# stop("no counts available to estimate the ambient profile")
# }
# ambient.prop <- edgeR::goodTuringProportions(ambient.prof)
# if (!test.ambient) {
# keep <- !ambient
# } else {
# keep <- umi.sum > 0L
# }
# if (!is.null(ignore)) {
# keep <- keep & umi.sum > ignore
# }
# obs <- m[, keep, drop = FALSE]
# obs.totals <- umi.sum[keep]
# if (is.null(alpha)) {
# alpha <- DropletUtils:::.estimate_alpha(m[, ambient, drop = FALSE],
# ambient.prop, umi.sum[ambient])
# }
# obs.P <-DropletUtils:::.compute_multinom_prob_data(obs, ambient.prop, alpha = alpha)
# rest.P <-DropletUtils:::.compute_multinom_prob_rest(obs.totals, alpha = alpha)
# n.above <-DropletUtils:::.permute_counter(totals = obs.totals, probs = obs.P,
# ambient = ambient.prop, iter = niters, BPPARAM = BPPARAM,
# alpha = alpha)
# limited <- n.above == 0L
# pval <- (n.above + 1)/(niters + 1)
# all.p <- all.lr <- all.exp <- rep(NA_real_, ncells)
# all.lim <- rep(NA, ncells)
# all.p[keep] <- pval
# all.lr[keep] <- obs.P + rest.P
# all.lim[keep] <- limited
# output <- DataFrame(Total = umi.sum, LogProb = all.lr, PValue = all.p,
# Limited = all.lim, row.names = colnames(m))
# metadata(output) <- list(lower = lower, niters = niters,
# ambient = ambient.prop, alpha = alpha)
# output
# }
# ############## Rounded to integer function #####################
# .rounded_to_integer <- function(m, round=TRUE) {
# if (round) {
# m <- round(m)
# }
# m
# }
# ############## Modified emptyDrops function ######################
# emptyDrops2 <- function (m, lower = 100, retain = -1, barcode.args = list(),
# ...)
# {
# m <- .rounded_to_integer(m)
# stats <- testEmptyDrops2(m, lower = lower, ...)
# tmp <- stats$PValue
# if (is.null(retain)) {
# br.out <- do.call(barcodeRanks, c(list(m, lower = lower),
# barcode.args))
# retain <- metadata(br.out)$knee
# }
# always <- stats$Total >= retain
# tmp[always] <- 0
# metadata(stats)$retain <- retain
# stats$FDR <- p.adjust(tmp, method = "BH")
# return(stats)
# }
#' @name sc_atac_filter_cell_calling
#' @title filter cell calling
#' @description specify various qc cutoffs to select the desired cells
#' @param mtx The input matrix
#' @param cell_qc_metrics_file A file containing qc statistics for each cell
#' @param min_uniq_frags The minimum number of required unique fragments required for a cell
#' @param max_uniq_frags The maximum number of required unique fragments required for a cell
#' @param min_frac_peak The minimum proportion of fragments in a cell to overlap with a peak
#' @param min_frac_tss The minimum proportion of fragments in a cell to overlap with a tss
#' @param min_frac_enhancer The minimum proportion of fragments in a cell to overlap with a enhancer sequence
#' @param min_frac_promoter The minimum proportion of fragments in a cell to overlap with a promoter sequence
#' @param max_frac_mito The maximum proportion of fragments in a cell that are mitochondrial
#' @export
sc_atac_filter_cell_calling <- function(
min_uniq_frags = 0,
max_uniq_frags = 50000,
min_frac_peak = 0.05,
min_frac_tss = 0,
min_frac_enhancer = 0,
min_frac_promoter = 0,
max_frac_mito = 0.2) {
# https://github.com/wbaopaul/scATAC-pro/blob/master/scripts/src/filter_barcodes.R
total_frags <- frac_mito <- frac_peak <- frac_tss <- frac_promoter <- frac_enhancer <- NULL
qc_bc_stat <- data.table::fread(cell_qc_metrics_file)
qc_sele <- qc_bc_stat[total_frags >= min_uniq_frags & total_frags <= max_uniq_frags &
frac_mito <= max_frac_mito &
frac_peak >= min_frac_peak &
frac_tss >= min_frac_tss &
frac_promoter >= min_frac_promoter &
frac_enhancer >= min_frac_enhancer]
#' @name sc_atac_emptydrops_cell_calling
#' @title empty drops cell calling
#' @description The empty drops cell calling method
#' @param mat The input matrix
#' @param output_folder The path of the output folder
#' @param lower The lower threshold for the data if using the \code{emptydrops} function for cell calling.
#' @export
sc_atac_emptydrops_cell_calling <- function(
lower = NULL) {
# generating the knee plot
my.counts <- Matrix::Matrix(mat)
br.out <- DropletUtils::barcodeRanks(my.counts)
# Making a plot
while (!is.null(grDevices::dev.list())) grDevices::dev.off()
grDevices::png(file=paste0(output_folder, "/scPipe_atac_stats/knee_plot.png"))
plot(br.out$rank, br.out$total, log="xy", xlab="Rank", ylab="Total")
o <- order(br.out$rank)
graphics::lines(br.out$rank[o], br.out$fitted[o], col="red")
graphics::abline(h=S4Vectors::metadata(br.out)$knee, col="dodgerblue", lty=2)
graphics::abline(h=S4Vectors::metadata(br.out)$inflection, col="forestgreen", lty=2)
graphics::legend("bottomleft", lty=2, col=c("dodgerblue", "forestgreen"),
legend=c("knee", "inflection"))
#lower <- floor(0.1*ncol(mat))
lower <- 1
cell.out <- DropletUtils::emptyDrops(mat, lower = lower)
# cell.out <- emptyDrops2(mat, lower = lower)
filter.out <- cell.out[stats::complete.cases(cell.out), ]
#saveRDS(filter.out, file = paste0(output_folder, '/EmptyDrop_obj.rds'))
#cat("Empty cases are removed and saved in ", output_folder, "\n")
if(length(filter.out$FDR) > 0){
fdr <- 0.01
message("FDR of 0.01 is assigned...")
filter.out <- filter.out[filter.out$FDR <= fdr, ]
} else{
message("insufficient unique points for computing knee/inflection points ... Use the output matrices with caution!")
select.cells <- rownames(filter.out)
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