plotPlaid <- function(file, param, first.region, second.region=first.region,
width=10000, col="black", max.count=20, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL,
diag=TRUE, count=FALSE, count.args=list(), ...)
# This function takes a set of boundaries and a count directory and it generates a plaid plot of
# the result. The plot is colour coded with heat for the desired count range (white for nothing
# and shades of 'col' according to the requested 'alpha'). Binning of restriction fragments is used
# to compute colours, using a bin width of approximately 'width'. Using overlapping rectangles
# should be avoided due to rounding imprecision when computing colours.
# written by Aaron Lun
# sometime in 2012.
# last modified 19 November 2017
first.chr <- as.character(seqnames(first.region))
second.chr <- as.character(seqnames(second.region))
if (length(first.chr)!=1L) { stop("exactly one first range is required for plotting") }
if (length(second.chr)!=1L) { stop("exactly one second range is required for plotting") }
fragments <- param$fragments
first.min <- max(1L, start(first.region))
first.max <- min(seqlengths(fragments)[[first.chr]], end(first.region))
second.min <- max(1L, start(second.region))
second.max <- min(seqlengths(fragments)[[second.chr]], end(second.region))
if (first.min > first.max || second.min > second.max) { stop("invalid anchor ranges supplied") }
# Stetching a little to allow for some space beyond the plot boundaries.
f.expanded <- suppressWarnings(trim(resize(first.region, fix="center", width=width(first.region)*2 + 200)))
s.expanded <- suppressWarnings(trim(resize(second.region, fix="center", width=width(second.region)*2 + 200)))
patch <- extractPatch(file, param, first.region=f.expanded, second.region=s.expanded,
width=width, restrict.regions=TRUE)
# Generating a plot.
if (is.null(xlab)) { xlab <- first.chr }
if (is.null(ylab)) { ylab <- second.chr }
plot(-1, -1, xlim=c(first.min, first.max), ylim=c(second.min, second.max), xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, type="n", ...)
# Setting up the color function.
colfun <- function(count) {, pmin(1, count/max.count)) }
if (nrow(patch)==0L) { return(invisible(colfun)) }
# Assigning coordinates to x and y-axes, while checking whether chromosome names have been flipped.
if (!metadata(patch)$flipped) {
x.ranges <- anchors(patch, type="first")
y.ranges <- anchors(patch, type="second")
} else {
x.ranges <- anchors(patch, type="second")
y.ranges <- anchors(patch, type="first")
# Summoning a function to get colours.
all.cols <- colfun(assay(patch))
labels <- NULL
if (count) { labels <- assay(patch) }
.plotDiag(x.ranges, y.ranges, all.cols, diag=diag, labels=labels, label.args=count.args)
# Helper functions.
.plotDiag <- function(xranges, yranges, colors, diag=FALSE, do.label=FALSE, labels=NULL, label.args=list()) {
for (it in seq_len(2)) {
# Adding boxes (and text in those boxes, if desired).
rect(xleft=start(xranges)-0.5, xright=end(xranges)+0.5, ybottom=start(yranges)-0.5, ytop=end(yranges)+0.5, border=NA, col=colors)
if (!is.null(labels)) {, c(list(x=mid(ranges(xranges)), y=mid(ranges(yranges)), labels=labels), label.args)) }
# If we want to show elements past the diagonal for intra-chromosomal plots, we do so.
if (!diag || as.character(seqnames(xranges[1]))!=as.character(seqnames(yranges[1]))) { break }
offdiag <- xranges!=yranges
if (!any(offdiag)) { break }
temp <- xranges[offdiag]
xranges <- yranges[offdiag]
yranges <- temp
colors <- colors[offdiag]
} <- function(old.colour, strength) {
if (!length(strength)) { return(character(0)) }
old.colour <- as.integer(old.colour)
remnant <- 255 - old.colour
adj <- outer(remnant, 1-strength) + old.colour
rgb(adj[1,], adj[2,], adj[3,], maxColorValue=255)
plotDI <- function(data, fc, first.region, second.region=first.region,
col.up="red", col.down="blue",background="grey70", zlim=NULL,
xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, diag=TRUE, ...)
# This function plots differential interactions.
# written by Aaron Lun
# created 21 November 2014
# last modified 13 May 2017
# Checking for proper type.
first.chr <- as.character(seqnames(first.region))
second.chr <- as.character(seqnames(second.region))
if (length(first.chr)!=1L) { stop("exactly one first range is required for plotting") }
if (length(second.chr)!=1L) { stop("exactly one second range is required for plotting") }
# Setting up the boundaries.
first.min <- max(1L, start(first.region))
first.max <- min(seqlengths(regions(data))[[first.chr]], end(first.region))
second.min <- max(1L, start(second.region))
second.max <- min(seqlengths(regions(data))[[second.chr]], end(second.region))
if (first.min > first.max || second.min > second.max) { stop("invalid anchor ranges supplied") }
# Checking that our points are consistent.
nr <- nrow(data)
if (nr!=length(fc)) { stop("length of fold-change vector should equal number of bin pairs") }
# Identifying the region pairs in our ranges of interest (some stretch, to allow for partial overlaps at plot edge).
first.keep <- overlapsAny(regions(data), first.region, maxgap=width(first.region)/2+100) <- anchors(data, type="first", id=TRUE) <- anchors(data, type="second", id=TRUE)
flipped <- FALSE
if (suppressWarnings(first.region!=second.region)) {
second.keep <- overlapsAny(regions(data), second.region, maxgap=width(second.region)/2+100)
keep.normal <- second.keep[] & first.keep[]
keep.flipped <- first.keep[] & second.keep[]
if (!any(keep.normal) && any(keep.flipped)) { flipped <- TRUE } # Checking whether chromosome names are flipped.
keep <- keep.normal | keep.flipped # Include all bin pairs while accounting for reflection around diagonal.
} else {
keep <- first.keep[] & first.keep[]
if (is.null(xlab)) { xlab <- first.chr }
if (is.null(ylab)) { ylab <- second.chr }
plot(-1, -1, xlim=c(first.min, first.max), ylim=c(second.min, second.max), xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, type="n", ...)
u <- par("usr") # The coordinates of the plot area
rect(u[1], u[3], u[2], u[4], col=background, border=NA)
# Generating a colour-generating function.
if (is.null(zlim)) { zlim <- max(abs(fc)) }
up.col <- col2rgb(col.up)[,1]
down.col <- col2rgb(col.down)[,1]
colfun <- .forgeNewFun(zlim, up.col, down.col)
if (!any(keep)) { return(invisible(colfun)) }
# Assigning coordinates while checking if the chromosome names are flipped.
current <- data[keep,]
if (flipped) {
first.ranges <- anchors(current, type="second")
second.ranges <- anchors(current, type="first")
} else {
first.ranges <- anchors(current, type="first")
second.ranges <- anchors(current, type="second")
# Making the actual plot.
all.cols <- colfun(fc[keep])
.plotDiag(first.ranges, second.ranges, all.cols, diag=diag)
.forgeNewFun <- function(zlim, up.col, down.col) {
function(FC) {
all.cols <- character(length(FC))
pos.FC <- FC > 0
if (any(pos.FC)) { all.cols[pos.FC] <-, pmin(1, FC[pos.FC]/zlim)) }
if (!all(pos.FC)) { all.cols[!pos.FC] <-, pmin(1, -FC[!pos.FC]/zlim)) }
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