
Defines functions .check_StrictGI boxPairs

Documented in boxPairs

boxPairs <- function(..., reference, minbox=FALSE, index.only=FALSE)
# This function reports bin pairs that are nested within other bin pairs.  The
# idea is to consolidate smaller bin pairs into their larger counterparts for
# summarization of analyses involving multiple bin sizes.
# written by Aaron Lun
# created 3 June 2014
# last modified 14 May 2017
    all.hits <- list(...)
    lapply(all.hits, FUN=.check_StrictGI)
    nk <- length(all.hits)
    if (missing(reference)) { 
        reference <- max(sapply(all.hits, FUN=function(x) { metadata(x)$width }))

    param <- metadata(all.hits[[1]])$param
    fragments <- param$fragments
    for (x in all.hits[-1]) { 
        curfrag <- metadata(x)$param$fragments
        if (length(curfrag)!=length(fragments) || any(curfrag!=fragments)) { 
            stop("fragment boundaries should be the same between InteractionSet objects")

    if (.isDNaseC(fragments=fragments)) { 
        parents <- .createBins(param, reference, restricted=FALSE)$region
    } else {
        parents <- .assignBins(param, reference, restricted=FALSE)$region

    # Collating all results in terms of parents.
    all.a <- all.t <- all.mode <- all.idx <- num.pairs <- vector("list", nk)
    seq.it.nk <- seq_len(nk)
    for (x in seq.it.nk) {
        current <- all.hits[[x]]
        ncur <- nrow(current)
        olap <- findOverlaps(regions(current), parents, type="within", select="first")
        if (any(is.na(olap))) { stop("smaller bins must be fully contained within larger bins") }
        all.a[[x]] <- olap[anchors(current, type="first", id=TRUE)]
        all.t[[x]] <- olap[anchors(current, type="second", id=TRUE)]
        all.mode[[x]] <- rep(x, ncur)
        all.idx[[x]] <- seq_len(ncur)
        num.pairs[[x]] <- ncur
    all.a <- unlist(all.a)
    all.t <- unlist(all.t)
    all.mode <- unlist(all.mode)
    all.idx <- unlist(all.idx)
    num.pairs <- unlist(num.pairs)

    # Ordering by anchor, target.
    o <- order(all.a, all.t)
    all.a <- all.a[o]
    all.t <- all.t[o]
    all.mode <- all.mode[o]
    all.idx <- all.idx[o]

    is.diff <- c(TRUE, diff(all.a)!=0L | diff(all.t)!=0L)
    now.index <- cumsum(is.diff)
    by.mode <- split(seq_along(is.diff), all.mode)
    indices <- vector("list", nk)
    for (x in seq.it.nk) {
        chosen <- by.mode[[as.character(x)]]
        current.out <- integer(length(chosen))
        current.out[all.idx[chosen]] <- now.index[chosen]
        indices[[x]] <- current.out
    names(indices) <- names(all.hits)
    if (index.only) { 
    # Selecting the boundaries to report.
    if (minbox) {
        a.chrs <- a.starts <- a.ends <- t.chrs <- t.starts <- t.ends <- vector("list", nk)
        for (x in seq.it.nk) {
            current <- all.hits[[x]]
            aid <- anchors(current, type="first", id=TRUE)
            tid <- anchors(current, type="second", id=TRUE)
            rstarts <- start(regions(current))
            rends <- end(regions(current))
            rchrs <- as.character(seqnames(regions(current)))
            a.chrs[[x]] <- rchrs[aid]
            a.starts[[x]] <- rstarts[aid]
            a.ends[[x]] <- rends[aid] + 1L
            t.chrs[[x]] <- rchrs[tid]
            t.starts[[x]] <- rstarts[tid]
            t.ends[[x]] <- rends[tid] + 1L
        boxed <- .minBoundingBox(unlist(indices), unlist(a.chrs), unlist(a.starts), unlist(a.ends), 
            unlist(t.chrs), unlist(t.starts), unlist(t.ends), seqinfo(parents))
        output <- GInteractions(boxed$anchors, boxed$targets, mode="reverse")
    } else {
        output <- GInteractions(all.a[is.diff], all.t[is.diff], parents, mode="reverse")
    return(list(indices=indices, interactions=output))

.check_StrictGI <- function(x) {
    if (!is(x, "InteractionSet")) { 
        stop("input object must be an InteractionSet")
    if (!is(interactions(x), "ReverseStrictGInteractions")) { 
        stop("'interactions' slot of InteractionSet must be a 'ReverseStrictGInteractions'")
LTLA/diffHic documentation built on Dec. 20, 2024, 7:06 p.m.