# ascend_DESeq.R
# description: Wrappers for DESeq
#' func_DESeq
#' Function called by parallel version of runDESeq.
#' @param x List of genes
#' @param expression_matrix Matrix of counts with a pseudocount added
#' @param condition_list Vector of conditions linked to cells
#' @param condition.a Condition A to test
#' @param condition.b Condition B to test
#' @param fitType DESeq argument - fitType to use
#' @param method DESeq argument - method to use
#' @return List of chunked results for DESeq
#' @export
func_DESeq <- function(x,
expression_matrix = NULL,
condition_list = NULL,
condition.a = NULL,
condition.b = NULL,
fitType = NULL,
method = NULL){
subset_matrix <- expression_matrix[x, ]
count_dataset <- DESeq::newCountDataSet(subset_matrix, conditions = condition_list)
count_dataset <- DESeq::estimateSizeFactors(count_dataset)
dispersions <- DESeq::estimateDispersions(count_dataset, method = method, fitType = fitType)
de_seq_results <- DESeq::nbinomTest(dispersions, condA = condition.a, condB = condition.b)
#' runDESeq
#' This wrapper runs differential expression analysis via the \pkg{DESeq}
#' package.
#' @param object An \linkS4class{EMSet} object that has undergone
#' filtering and normalisation.
#' @param group Name of the column in the colInfo dataframe where you have
#' defined the conditions you would like to test. eg cluster to compare clusters
#' identified by \code{\link[ascend:runCORE]{runCORE}}.
#' @param condition.a Condition of the group you want to use as the baseline.
#' @param condition.b Conditions of the group you want to compare to the baseline.
#' @param ngenes Perform differential expression analysis using top number of genes.
#' If omitted, this function will run analysis on ALL genes.
#' @param fitType Method used to fit a dispersion-mean relation by \pkg{DESeq}.
#' Options: parametric, local (Default).
#' @param method Method used by \pkg{DESeq} to compute emperical dispersion.
#' Options: pooled, pooled-CR, per-condition (Default), blind.
#' @param parallel Run DESeq through parallelised wrapper (Default: TRUE)
#' @return A data frame containing \pkg{DESeq} results
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(DESeq)
#' cluster1_vs_others <- runDESeq(EMSet, group = "cluster", condition.a = "1",
#' condition.b = c("2", "3"), ngenes = 1500, fitType = "local", method = "per-condition")
#' }
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply bpnworkers bpparam
#' @importFrom dplyr intersect bind_rows
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment rowData normcounts
#' @export
runDESeq <- function(object, group = NULL, condition.a = NULL,
condition.b = NULL, ngenes = NULL,
fitType = c("parametric", "local"),
method = c("pooled", "pooled-CR", "per-condition", "blind"),
parallel = TRUE){
if (missing(fitType)){
fitType <- "local"
if (missing(method)){
method <- "per-condition"
if (missing(ngenes)){
ngenes <- nrow(object)
# Check if EMSet
if (!(is(object, "EMSet"))){
stop("Please supply an EMSet.")
# Retrieve information from EMSet
col_info <- colInfo(object)
row_data <- SingleCellExperiment::rowData(object)
# Check if group exists in col_info
if (group %in% colnames(col_info)){
if (!all(c(condition.a, condition.b) %in% col_info[, group])){
stop(sprintf("Not all conditions are present in %s. Please check the data in
colInfo and try again.", group))
} else{
print(sprintf("%s not found in colInfo. Please choose another group.", group))
# Get condition information
condition_df <- col_info[, c("cell_barcode", group)]
# Separate into conditions a and conditions b
a_df <- condition_df[which(condition_df[, group] %in% condition.a), ]
b_df <- condition_df[which(condition_df[, group] %in% condition.b), ]
# Order in input order...
if (length(condition.a) > 1){
a_df <- a_df[order(match(a_df[, group], condition.a)), ]
if (length(condition.b) > 1){
b_df <- b_df[order(match(b_df[, group], condition.b)), ]
# Set order for vectors
cell_barcodes <- c(a_df$cell_barcode, b_df$cell_barcode)
condition_list <- c(a_df[, group], b_df[, group])
# Extract expression matrix
expression_matrix <- SingleCellExperiment::normcounts(object)
expression_matrix <- expression_matrix[, cell_barcodes]
# Calculate most variable genes
print("Identifying genes to retain...")
top_genes <- row_data[order(row_data$qc_topgeneranking),1][1:ngenes]
nonzero_genes <- rownames(expression_matrix)[which(Matrix::rowMeans(expression_matrix) > 0)]
variable_genes <- rownames(expression_matrix)[which(apply(expression_matrix, 1, stats::sd) > 0)]
gene_list <- dplyr::intersect(dplyr::intersect(top_genes, nonzero_genes), variable_genes)
# Add pseudo-count
expression_matrix <- round(expression_matrix + 1)
# Chunk expression matrix by chunks that are equal in size to the nunmber of
# workers
nworkers <- BiocParallel::bpnworkers(BiocParallel::bpparam())
chunked_gene_list <- split(gene_list, 1:nworkers)
# Reformat conditions into a readable string
reformatCondition <- function(y, condition_list = NULL){
replace_idx <- which(condition_list %in% y)
if (length(y) > 2){
new_condition <- paste(y[1:(length(y) - 1)], collapse = ",")
condition <- paste0(new_condition, " & ", y[length(y)])
} else{
condition <- paste(y, collapse = " & ")
condition_list[replace_idx] <- condition
return(list(condition = condition, condition_list = condition_list))
if (length(condition.a) > 1){
reformatted <- reformatCondition(condition.a, condition_list = condition_list)
condition.b <- reformatted$condition
condition_list <- reformatted$condition_list
} else{
replace_idx <- which(condition_list %in% condition.a)
condition.a <- as.character(condition.a)
condition_list[replace_idx] <- condition.a
if (length(condition.b > 1)){
reformatted <- reformatCondition(condition.b, condition_list = condition_list)
condition.b <- reformatted$condition
condition_list <- reformatted$condition_list
} else{
replace_idx <- which(condition_list %in% condition.b)
condition.b <- as.character(condition.b)
condition_list[replace_idx] <- condition.b
# Factor condition list
condition_list <- factor(condition_list, levels = c(condition.a, condition.b))
print("Running DESeq...")
if (parallel){
de_list <- bplapply(chunked_gene_list, func_DESeq,
expression_matrix = expression_matrix,
condition_list = condition_list,
condition.a = condition.a,
condition.b = condition.b,
fitType = fitType,
method = method)
print("DESeq complete! Adjusting results...")
de_results <- dplyr::bind_rows(de_list)
} else{
subset_matrix <- expression_matrix[gene_list, ]
count_dataset <- DESeq::newCountDataSet(subset_matrix, conditions = condition_list)
count_dataset <- DESeq::estimateSizeFactors(count_dataset)
dispersions <- DESeq::estimateDispersions(count_dataset, method = method, fitType = fitType)
de_results <- DESeq::nbinomTest(dispersions, condA = condition.a, condB = condition.b)
adjusted_foldchange <- (de_results$baseMeanB-1)/(de_results$baseMeanA - 1)
log2_adjustedfoldchange <- log2(adjusted_foldchange)
de_results$foldChange <- adjusted_foldchange
de_results$log2FoldChange <- -log2_adjustedfoldchange
de_results <- de_results[order(de_results$pval, decreasing = FALSE), ]
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