
# @RdocClass IlluminaFastqDataFile
# @title "The abstract IlluminaFastqDataFile class"
# \description{
#  @classhierarchy
#  A IlluminaFastqDataFile object represents a FASTQ data file.
# }
# @synopsis
# \arguments{
#   \item{...}{Arguments passed to @see "FastqDataFile".}
# }
# \section{Fields and Methods}{
#  @allmethods "public"
# }
# @author "HB"
# \seealso{
#   An object of this class is typically part of an
#   @see "FastqDataSet".
# }
setConstructorS3("IlluminaFastqDataFile", function(...) {
  extend(FastqDataFile(...), "IlluminaFastqDataFile")

setMethodS3("as.character", "IlluminaFastqDataFile", function(x, ...) {
  s <- NextMethod("as.character")
  fver <- getFileVersion(x)
  s <- c(s, sprintf("Platform: %s", getPlatform(x)))
  s <- c(s, sprintf("File format version: %s", fver))
  if (!is.na(fver)) {
    s <- c(s, sprintf("Information from the first sequence:"))
    s <- c(s, sprintf("- Sample name: %s", getSampleName(x)))
    s <- c(s, sprintf("- Flowcell ID: %s", getFlowcellId(x)))
    s <- c(s, sprintf("- Lane: %s", getLane(x)))
    s <- c(s, sprintf("- Barcode sequence: %s", getBarcodeSequence(x)))
    s <- c(s, sprintf("- Read direction: %s", getReadDirection(x)))
    s <- c(s, sprintf("- Instrument ID: %s", getInstrumentId(x)))
}, protected=TRUE)

setMethodS3("getFileVersion", "IlluminaFastqDataFile", function(this, ...) {
  name <- getFullName(this, ...)
  patterns <- c("Casava_v1.4"="^[^_]+_[ACGTN]+_L[0-9]+_R[0-9]")
  for (key in names(patterns)) {
    pattern <- patterns[key]
    if (regexpr(pattern, name) != -1) {

setMethodS3("getSampleName", "IlluminaFastqDataFile", function(this, ...) {
  # Get the default sample name
  default <- getFullName(this, ...)

  # Get the "struct-inferred" sample name, if any
  name <- NextMethod("getSampleName")

  # Nothing more to do?
  if (name != default) {

  # Trim it?
  ver <- getFileVersion(this)
  if (is.na(ver)) ver <- "<gzipped; unknown>"
  if (ver == "Casava_v1.4") {
    barcode <- getBarcodeSequence(this)
    # AD HOC patch for observing ATGNCA when expected ATGTCA. /HB 2012-10-01
    barcode <- gsub("N", ".", barcode, fixed=TRUE)
    pattern <- sprintf("_%s_L[0-9]+_R[0-9](_[0-9]+)$", barcode)
    if (regexpr(pattern, name) == -1L) {
      throw(sprintf("The fullname (%s) of the %s with version %s does not match the expected pattern (%s): %s", sQuote(name), class(this)[1L], sQuote(ver), sQuote(pattern), getPathname(this)))
    name <- gsub(pattern, "", name)
  } else {
    warning("Unknown Illumina FASTQ file version. Using fullname as sample name: ", name)


setMethodS3("getPlatform", "IlluminaFastqDataFile", function(this, ...) {

setMethodS3("getLane", "IlluminaFastqDataFile", function(this, ...) {
  info <- getFirstSequenceInfo(this)

setMethodS3("getInstrumentId", "IlluminaFastqDataFile", function(this, ...) {
  info <- getFirstSequenceInfo(this)

setMethodS3("getFlowcellId", "IlluminaFastqDataFile", function(this, ...) {
  info <- getFirstSequenceInfo(this)

setMethodS3("getBarcodeSequence", "IlluminaFastqDataFile", function(this, ...) {
  info <- getFirstSequenceInfo(this)

setMethodS3("getReadDirection", "IlluminaFastqDataFile", function(this, ...) {
  info <- getFirstSequenceInfo(this)

setMethodS3("getPlatformUnit", "IlluminaFastqDataFile", function(this, ...) {
#    PU: the "platform unit" - a unique identifier which tells you what
#        run/experiment created the data.  For Illumina, please follow this
#        convention: Illumina flowcell barcode suffixed with a period and
#        the lane number (and further suffixed with period followed by
#        sample member name for pooled runs). If referencing an existing
#        already archived run, then please use the run alias in the SRA.
  parts <- c(getFlowcellId(this), getLane(this), getSampleName(this))
  paste(parts, collapse=".")

setMethodS3("getFirstSequenceInfo", "IlluminaFastqDataFile", function(this, force=FALSE, ...) {

  info <- this$.info

  if (force || is.null(info)) {
    pathnameFQ <- getPathname(this)

    ##  Really inefficient way to find the first sequence information.
    ## /HB 2013-11-19
    ## ff <- FastqFile(pathnameFQ)
    ## on.exit(close(ff))
    ## rfq <- readFastq(ff)

    fqs <- FastqSampler(pathnameFQ, n=1L, ordered=TRUE)
    on.exit(if (!is.null(fqs)) close(fqs))
    rfq <- yield(fqs)
    close(fqs); fqs <- NULL

    id <- id(rfq)[1L]
    info <- as.character(id)
    rfq <- NULL # Not needed anymore

    patternA <- "^([^:]+):([0-9]+):([^:]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)"
    patternB <- " ([^:]+):([^:]+):([0-9]+):([^:]+)$"
    pattern <- sprintf("%s%s", patternA, patternB)
    if (regexpr(pattern, info) == -1) {
      throw(sprintf("The (first) sequence of the FASTQ file has an 'info' string (%s) that does not match the expected regular expression (%s): %s", sQuote(info), sQuote(pattern), sQuote(pathnameFQ)))

    infoA <- gsub(patternB, "", info)
    infoB <- gsub(patternA, "", info)

    info <- list(
      instrumentId=gsub(patternA, "\\1", infoA),
      runIdx=as.integer(gsub(patternA, "\\2", infoA)),
      flowcellId=gsub(patternA, "\\3", infoA),
      laneIdx=as.integer(gsub(patternA, "\\4", infoA)),
      tileIdx=as.integer(gsub(patternA, "\\5", infoA)),
      x=as.integer(gsub(patternA, "\\6", infoA)),
      y=as.integer(gsub(patternA, "\\7", infoA)),
      read=as.integer(gsub(patternB, "\\1", infoB)),
      isFiltered=gsub(patternB, "\\2", infoB),
      controlNumber=as.integer(gsub(patternB, "\\3", infoB)),
      indexSequence=gsub(patternB, "\\4", infoB)

    this$.info <- info

}, protected=TRUE)

setMethodS3("getDefaultSamReadGroup", "IlluminaFastqDataFile", function(this, ...) {
  # SM: Sample
  # PL: Platform unit
  # PU: Platform
  SM <- getSampleName(this)
  PL <- getPlatform(this)
  PU <- getPlatformUnit(this)
  SamReadGroup(SM=SM, PL=PL, PU=PU)
HenrikBengtsson/aroma.seq documentation built on Feb. 15, 2021, 2:21 a.m.