# Gabriel Hoffman
# May 11, 2023
# Evaluate the sqrt of the variance-covarince
# matrix on result of dream() to
# contrasts
# coefs: cant subset vcov matrix, must do shur complement
# in decorrelate, set eclairs argument to sample size = sqrt(n)
#' Sqrt of co-variance matrix for \code{dream()} fit
#' Define generic \code{vcovSqrt()} for result of \code{lmFit()} and \code{dream()}
#' @param object \code{MArrayLM} object return by \code{lmFit()} or \code{dream()}
#' @param vobj \code{EList} object returned by \code{voom()}
#' @param coef name of coefficient to be extracted
#' @param approx use fast approximation
#' @return Computes factor of covariance matrix so that \code{vcov(object)} is the same as \code{crossprod(vcovSqrt(object))}
#' @examples
#' # load simulated data:
#' # geneExpr: matrix of *normalized* gene expression values
#' # info: information/metadata about each sample
#' data(varPartData)
#' form <- ~Batch
#' fit <- dream(geneExpr[1:2, ], form, info)
#' fit <- eBayes(fit)
#' # Compute covariance directly
#' Sigma <- vcov(fit, geneExpr[1:2, ])
#' # Compute factor of covariance
#' S <- crossprod(vcovSqrt(fit, geneExpr[1:2, ]))
#' @importFrom stats coefficients
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname vcovSqrt-method
#' @export
signature = "object",
function(object, vobj, coef, approx = TRUE) {
#' @rdname vcovSqrt-method
#' @aliases mvTest,MArrayLM-method
#' @export
setMethod("vcovSqrt", c("MArrayLM"), function(object, vobj, coef, approx = TRUE) {
if (missing(vobj)) {
stop("Must include response object as argument")
# Check that model fit and vobj have the same number of responses
if (nrow(object) != nrow(vobj)) {
stop("Model fit and data must have the same number of responses")
# Check that the responses have the same name
if (!identical(rownames(object), rownames(vobj))) {
stop("Model fit and data must have the same responses")
if (object$method != "ls") {
stop("Only valid for models fit with lmFit()")
if (is(vobj, "EList")) {
weights <- t(vobj$weights)
colnames(weights) <- rownames(vobj)
rownames(weights) <- colnames(vobj)
} else {
weights <- matrix(1, ncol(vobj), nrow(vobj))
colnames(weights) <- rownames(vobj)
rownames(weights) <- colnames(vobj)
# check that coef is valid
if (!missing(coef)) {
i <- match(coef, colnames(coefficients(object)))
if (any(is.na(i))) {
txt <- paste("Coefficients not valid:", paste(coef[is.na(i)], collapse = ", "))
} else {
coef <- NULL
# subsetting MArrayLM objects keep all residuals
# so subset manually here
features <- rownames(coefficients(object))
idx <- match(features, rownames(residuals(object)))
resids <- t(residuals(object)[idx, , drop = FALSE])
# use exact calculation for linear model
# vcov = crossprod(P)
P <- eval_vcov_sqrt(
resids = resids,
X = object$design,
W = weights[rownames(resids), , drop = FALSE],
rdf = object$df.residual[1],
coef = coef,
contrasts = object$contrasts,
approx = approx
#' @rdname vcovSqrt-method
#' @aliases mvTest,MArrayLM2-method
#' @export
setMethod("vcovSqrt", c("MArrayLM2"), function(object, vobj, coef, approx = TRUE) {
if (missing(vobj)) {
stop("Must include response object as argument")
# Check that model fit and vobj have the same number of responses
if (nrow(object) != nrow(vobj)) {
stop("Model fit and data must have the same number of responses")
# Check that the responses have the same name
if (!identical(rownames(object), rownames(vobj))) {
stop("Model fit and data must have the same responses")
if (is(vobj, "EList")) {
weights <- t(vobj$weights)
colnames(weights) <- rownames(vobj)
rownames(weights) <- colnames(vobj)
} else {
weights <- matrix(1, ncol(vobj), nrow(vobj))
colnames(weights) <- rownames(vobj)
rownames(weights) <- colnames(vobj)
# check that coef is valid
if (!missing(coef)) {
i <- match(coef, colnames(object$cov.coefficients.list[[1]]))
if (any(is.na(i))) {
txt <- paste("Coefficients not valid:", paste(coef[is.na(i)], collapse = ", "))
} else {
coef <- NULL
# subsetting MArrayLM objects keep all residuals
# so subset manually here
features <- rownames(coefficients(object))
idx <- match(features, rownames(residuals(object)))
resids <- t(residuals(object)[idx, , drop = FALSE])
# use approximate calculation for linear mixed model
resids = resids,
W = weights[rownames(resids), , drop = FALSE],
ccl = object$cov.coefficients.list,
X = object$design,
coef = coef,
contrasts = object$contrasts
eval_vcov_sqrt <- function(resids, X, W, rdf, coef, contrasts, approx) {
# which coefficients to include
if (!is.null(contrasts)) {
if (is.null(coef)) coef <- colnames(contrasts)
} else {
if (is.null(coef)) coef <- colnames(X)
# scale weights to have mean 1 for each column
W <- sweep(W, 2, colMeans(W), "/")
# pre-compute square root of W
sqrtW <- sqrt(W)
# weighted residuals
R <- resids * sqrtW
# number of features
m <- ncol(resids)
res <- lapply(seq(m), function(i) {
X_i <- X * sqrtW[, i]
a <- R[, i, drop = FALSE] / sqrt(rdf)
if (approx) {
b <- matrExp(solve(crossprod(X_i)), 0.5)
} else {
b <- t(solve(crossprod(X_i), t(X_i)))
kronecker(a, b, make.dimnames = TRUE)
P <- do.call(cbind, res)
if (!is.null(contrasts)) {
# use contrasts
# extract single contrast
L <- contrasts[, coef, drop = FALSE]
# expand L to multiple responses
D <- bdiag(lapply(seq(m), function(i) L))
D <- as.matrix(D)
# assign names
colnames(D) <- c(outer(coef, colnames(resids), function(a, b) paste(b, a, sep = ":")))
# apply linear contrasts
P <- P %*% D
} else {
# use coef
# subsect to selected coefs
i <- match(coef, colnames(X))
# names of coefficients to retain
keep <- c(outer(colnames(X)[i], colnames(resids), function(a, b) paste(b, a, sep = ":")))
# subset covariance matrix
P <- P[, keep, drop = FALSE]
eval_vcov_sqrt_approx <- function(resids, W, ccl, X, coef, contrasts) {
if (identical(colnames(contrasts), rownames(contrasts))) {
contrasts <- NULL
# which coefficients to include
if (!is.null(contrasts)) {
if (is.null(coef)) coef <- colnames(contrasts)
} else {
if (is.null(coef)) coef <- colnames(X)
# scale weights to have mean 1
W <- sweep(W, 2, colMeans(W), "/")
# store dimensions of data
k <- ncol(ccl[[1]])
m <- ncol(resids)
# residual correlation
scale_res <- scale(resids * sqrt(W)) / sqrt(nrow(resids) - 1)
res <- lapply(seq(m), function(i) {
a <- scale_res[, i, drop = FALSE]
b <- matrExp(ccl[[i]], 0.5)
kronecker(a, b, make.dimnames = TRUE)
P <- do.call(cbind, res)
if (!is.null(contrasts)) {
coef <- coef[coef %in% colnames(contrasts)]
# names of coefficients to retain
keep <- c(outer(coef, colnames(resids), function(a, b) paste(b, a, sep = ":")))
P <- P[, keep, drop = FALSE]
} else {
# use coef
# subsect to selected coefs
i <- match(coef, colnames(X))
# names of coefficients to retain
keep <- c(outer(colnames(X)[i], colnames(resids), function(a, b) paste(b, a, sep = ":")))
# subset covariance matrix
P <- P[, keep, drop = FALSE]
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