# Gabriel Hoffman
# October 1, 2022
# Evaluate vcov() on result of dream() to
# compute covariance between estimated coefficients
# Write vcov for two lm() or lmer() fits
#' Co-variance matrix for \code{dream()} fit
#' Define generic \code{vcov()} for result of \code{lmFit()} and \code{dream()}
#' @param object \code{MArrayLM} object return by \code{lmFit()} or \code{dream()}
#' @param vobj \code{EList} object returned by \code{voom()}
#' @param coef name of coefficient to be extracted
#' @return variance-covariance matrix
#' @importFrom stats coefficients
#' @export
setMethod("vcov", c("MArrayLM"), function(object, vobj, coef) {
if (missing(vobj)) {
stop("Must include response object as argument")
# Check that model fit and vobj have the same number of responses
if (nrow(object) != nrow(vobj)) {
stop("Model fit and data must have the same number of responses")
# Check that the responses have the same name
if (!identical(rownames(object), rownames(vobj))) {
stop("Model fit and data must have the same responses")
if (object$method != "ls") {
stop("Only valid for models fit with lmFit()")
if (is(vobj, "EList")) {
weights <- t(vobj$weights)
colnames(weights) <- rownames(vobj)
rownames(weights) <- colnames(vobj)
} else {
weights <- matrix(1, ncol(vobj), nrow(vobj))
colnames(weights) <- rownames(vobj)
rownames(weights) <- colnames(vobj)
# check that coef is valid
if (!missing(coef)) {
i <- match(coef, colnames(coefficients(object)))
if (any(is.na(i))) {
txt <- paste("Coefficients not valid:", paste(coef[is.na(i)], collapse = ", "))
} else {
coef <- NULL
# subsetting MArrayLM objects keep all residuals
# so subset manually here
features <- rownames(coefficients(object))
idx <- match(features, rownames(residuals(object)))
resids <- t(residuals(object)[idx, , drop = FALSE])
# use exact calculation for linear model
resids = resids,
X = object$design,
W = weights[rownames(resids), , drop = FALSE],
rdf = object$df.residual[1],
coef = coef,
contrasts = object$contrasts
#' Co-variance matrix for \code{dream()} fit
#' Define generic \code{vcov()} for result of \code{lmFit()} and \code{dream()}
#' @param object \code{MArrayLM} object return by \code{lmFit()} or \code{dream()}
#' @param vobj \code{EList} object returned by \code{voom()}
#' @param coef name of coefficient to be extracted
#' @return variance-covariance matrix
#' @importFrom stats coefficients
#' @export
setMethod("vcov", c("MArrayLM2"), function(object, vobj, coef) {
if (missing(vobj)) {
stop("Must include response object as argument")
# Check that model fit and vobj have the same number of responses
if (nrow(object) != nrow(vobj)) {
stop("Model fit and data must have the same number of responses")
# Check that the responses have the same name
if (!identical(rownames(object), rownames(vobj))) {
stop("Model fit and data must have the same responses")
if (is(vobj, "EList")) {
weights <- t(vobj$weights)
colnames(weights) <- rownames(vobj)
rownames(weights) <- colnames(vobj)
} else {
weights <- matrix(1, ncol(vobj), nrow(vobj))
colnames(weights) <- rownames(vobj)
rownames(weights) <- colnames(vobj)
# check that coef is valid
if (!missing(coef)) {
i <- match(coef, colnames(object$cov.coefficients.list[[1]]))
if (any(is.na(i))) {
txt <- paste("Coefficients not valid:", paste(coef[is.na(i)], collapse = ", "))
} else {
coef <- NULL
# subsetting MArrayLM objects keep all residuals
# so subset manually here
features <- rownames(coefficients(object))
idx <- match(features, rownames(residuals(object)))
resids <- t(residuals(object)[idx, , drop = FALSE])
# use approximate calculation for linear mixed model
resids = resids,
W = weights[rownames(resids), , drop = FALSE],
ccl = object$cov.coefficients.list,
X = object$design,
coef = coef,
contrasts = object$contrasts
# Evaluate variance-covariance matrix in multivariate regression
# This method is exact for linear regression, even when each response has its own weight vector
# @param resids matrix of residuals from regression
# @param X design matrix
# @param W matrix of precision weights
# @param rdf residual degrees of freedom
# @param coef name of coefficient to be extracted
#' @importFrom Matrix bdiag
eval_vcov <- function(resids, X, W, rdf, coef, contrasts) {
# With no weights:
# kronecker(crossprod(res), solve(crossprod(X)), make.dimnames=TRUE) / rdf
# which coefficients to include
if (!is.null(contrasts)) {
if (is.null(coef)) coef <- colnames(contrasts)
coef <- unique(coef)
} else {
if (is.null(coef)) coef <- colnames(X)
# scale weights to have mean 1 for each column
W <- sweep(W, 2, colMeans(W), "/")
# pre-compute square root of W
sqrtW <- sqrt(W)
# all pairs of responses
Sigma <- crossprod(resids * sqrtW)
# store dimensions of data
k <- ncol(X)
m <- ncol(resids)
# matrix to store results
Sigma_vcov <- matrix(0, m * k, m * k)
# Equivalent to kronecker product when weights are shared
# outer loop
for (i in seq(1, m)) {
# define positions in output matrix
idx1 <- seq((i - 1) * k + 1, i * k)
# scale X by weights
X_i <- X * sqrtW[, i]
# evaluate (X^TX)^-1 X^T for i
A <- solve(crossprod(X_i), t(X_i))
# inner loop
for (j in seq(i, m)) {
idx2 <- seq((j - 1) * k + 1, j * k)
X_j <- X * sqrtW[, j]
B <- solve(crossprod(X_j), t(X_j))
# standard method using observed covariates
value <- (Sigma[i, j] / rdf) * tcrossprod(A, B)
Sigma_vcov[idx1, idx2] <- value
Sigma_vcov[idx2, idx1] <- value
# assign names
colnames(Sigma_vcov) <- c(outer(colnames(X), colnames(resids), function(a, b) paste(b, a, sep = ":")))
rownames(Sigma_vcov) <- colnames(Sigma_vcov)
if (!is.null(contrasts)) {
# use contrasts
# extract single contrast
L <- contrasts[, coef, drop = FALSE]
# expand L to multiple responses
D <- bdiag(lapply(seq(m), function(i) L))
# assign names
colnames(D) <- c(outer(coef, colnames(resids), function(a, b) paste(b, a, sep = ":")))
# apply linear contrasts
Sigma_vcov <- crossprod(D, Sigma_vcov) %*% D
Sigma_vcov <- as.matrix(Sigma_vcov)
} else {
# use coef
# subsect to selected coefs
i <- match(coef, colnames(X))
# names of coefficients to retain
keep <- c(outer(colnames(X)[i], colnames(resids), function(a, b) paste(b, a, sep = ":")))
# subset covariance matrix
Sigma_vcov <- Sigma_vcov[keep, keep]
# Evaluate variance-covariance matrix in multivariate regression
# This method is approximate since part of the calculations assume equal weights. This is useful for the linear mixed model where the exact calculation is very challanging
# @param resids matrix of residuals from regression
# @param W matrix of precision weights
# @param ccl list of vcov matrices for each response
# @param coef name of coefficient to be extracted
eval_vcov_approx <- function(resids, W, ccl, X, coef, contrasts) {
if (identical(colnames(contrasts), rownames(contrasts))) {
contrasts <- NULL
# which coefficients to include
if (!is.null(contrasts)) {
if (is.null(coef)) coef <- colnames(contrasts)
} else {
if (is.null(coef)) coef <- colnames(X)
# scale weights to have mean 1
W <- sweep(W, 2, colMeans(W), "/")
# store dimensions of data
k <- ncol(ccl[[1]])
m <- ncol(resids)
# residual correlation
scale_res <- scale(resids * sqrt(W)) / sqrt(nrow(resids) - 1)
Sigma <- crossprod(scale_res)
# matrix to store results
Sigma_vcov <- matrix(0, m * k, m * k)
# Equivalent to kronecker product when weights are shared
# outer loop
for (i in seq(1, m)) {
# define positions in output matrix
idx1 <- seq((i - 1) * k + 1, i * k)
# Use eigen-decomp and transforming eigen-values
# since using contrasts can make this matrix singular
sqrt_inv_i <- matrExp(ccl[[i]], -0.5)
# inner loop
for (j in seq(i, m)) {
idx2 <- seq((j - 1) * k + 1, j * k)
sqrt_inv_j <- matrExp(ccl[[j]], -0.5)
value <- Sigma[i, j] * ccl[[i]] %*% crossprod(sqrt_inv_i, sqrt_inv_j) %*% ccl[[j]]
Sigma_vcov[idx1, idx2] <- value
Sigma_vcov[idx2, idx1] <- value
# assign names
colnames(Sigma_vcov) <- c(outer(colnames(ccl[[1]]), colnames(resids), function(a, b) paste(b, a, sep = ":")))
rownames(Sigma_vcov) <- colnames(Sigma_vcov)
# select coefficients
if (!is.null(contrasts)) {
coef <- coef[coef %in% colnames(contrasts)]
# names of coefficients to retain
keep <- c(outer(coef, colnames(resids), function(a, b) paste(b, a, sep = ":")))
Sigma_vcov <- Sigma_vcov[keep, keep, drop = FALSE]
} else {
# use coef
# subsect to selected coefs
i <- match(coef, colnames(X))
# names of coefficients to retain
keep <- c(outer(colnames(X)[i], colnames(resids), function(a, b) paste(b, a, sep = ":")))
# subset covariance matrix
Sigma_vcov <- Sigma_vcov[keep, keep, drop = FALSE]
# if( !is.null(contrasts)){
# # use contrasts
# # subsect to selected coefs
# coef = coef[coef %in% colnames(contrasts)]
# # names of coefficients to retain
# keep = c(outer(coef, colnames(resids), function(a,b) paste(b,a, sep=':')))
# # subset covariance matrix
# Sigma_vcov = Sigma_vcov[keep,keep]
# }else{
# # use coef from design matrix
# # names of coefficients to retain
# keep = c(outer(coef, colnames(resids), function(a,b) paste(b,a, sep=':')))
# # subset covariance matrix
# Sigma_vcov = Sigma_vcov[keep,keep]
# }
# Like standard sign function,
# except sign(x) giving 0 is reset to give 1
sign0 <- function(x) {
# use standard sign function
res <- sign(x)
# get entries that equal 0
# and set them to 1
i <- which(res == 0)
if (length(i) > 0) {
res[i] <- 1
# Raise eigen-values of a matrix to exponent alpha
matrExp <- function(S, alpha, symmetric = TRUE, tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) {
# pass R check
vectors <- values <- NULL
# eigen decomposition
dcmp <- eigen(S, symmetric = symmetric)
# Modify sign of vectors, so diagonal is always positive
# This removes an issue of sensitivity to small numerical changes
values <- sign0(diag(dcmp$vectors))
dcmp$vectors <- sweep(dcmp$vectors, 2, values, "*")
# identify positive eigen-values
idx <- dcmp$values > tol
# a matrix square root is U %*% diag(lambda^alpha) %*% U^T, alpha = 0.5
# make sure to return to original axes
res <- with(dcmp, vectors[, idx, drop = FALSE] %*% (values[idx]^alpha * t(vectors[, idx, drop = FALSE])))
rownames(res) <- rownames(S)
colnames(res) <- colnames(S)
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