rdf.merMod: Approximate residual degrees of freedom

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rdf.merModR Documentation

Approximate residual degrees of freedom


For a linear model with n samples and p covariates, RSS/\sigma^2 \sim \chi^2_{\nu} where \nu = n-p is the residual degrees of freedom. In the case of a linear mixed model, the distribution is no longer exactly a chi-square distribution, but can be approximated with a chi-square distribution.

Given the hat matrix, H, that maps between observed and fitted responses, the approximate residual degrees of freedom is \nu = tr((I-H)^T(I-H)). For a linear model, this simplifies to the well known form \nu = n - p. In the more general case, such as a linear mixed model, the original form simplifies only to n - 2tr(H) + tr(HH) and is an approximation rather than being exact. The third term here is quadratic time in the number of samples, n, and can be computationally expensive to evaluate for larger datasets. Here we develop a linear time algorithm that takes advantage of the fact that H is low rank.

H is computed as A^TA + B^TB for A=CL and B=CR defined in the code. Since A and B are low rank, there is no need to compute H directly. Instead, the terms tr(H) and tr(HH) can be computed using the eigen decompositions of AA^T and BB^T which is linear time in the number of samples.


rdf.merMod(model, method = c("linear", "quadratic"))



An object of class merMod


Use algorithm that is "linear" (default) or quadratic time in the number of samples


Compute the approximate residual degrees of freedom from a linear mixed model.


residual degrees of freedom

See Also




# Fit linear mixed model
fit <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), sleepstudy)

# Evaluate the approximate residual degrees of freedom

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