#' Agglomerate a \code{SummarizedExperiment} based on several taxonomic ranks
#' \code{agglomerateByRanks} takes a \code{SummarizedExperiment}, splits it
#' along the
#' taxonomic ranks, aggregates the data per rank, converts the input to a
#' \code{SingleCellExperiment} objects and stores the aggregated data as
#' alternative experiments. \code{unsplitByRanks} takes these alternative
#' experiments and flattens them again into a single
#' \code{SummarizedExperiment}.
#' @inheritParams getPrevalence
#' @param ranks \code{Character vector}. Defines taxonomic ranks. Must all be
#' values of \code{taxonomyRanks()} function.
#' @param keep.dimred \code{Logical scalar}. Should the
#' \code{reducedDims(x)} be transferred to the result? Please note, that this
#' breaks the link between the data used to calculate the reduced dims.
#' (Default: \code{FALSE})
#' @param keep_reducedDims Deprecated. Use \code{keep.dimred} instead.
#' @param as.list \code{Logical scalar}. Should the list of
#' \code{SummarizedExperiment} objects be returned by the function
#' \code{agglomerateByRanks} as a SimpleList or stored in altExps?
#' (Default: \code{FALSE})
#' @param ... arguments passed to \code{agglomerateByRank} function for
#' \code{SummarizedExperiment} objects and other functions.
#' See \code{\link[=agglomerate-methods]{agglomerateByRank}} for more details.
#' @return
#' For \code{agglomerateByRanks}:
#' If \code{as.list = TRUE} : \code{SummarizedExperiment} objects in a
#' \code{SimpleList}
#' If \code{as.list = FALSE} : The \code{SummarizedExperiment} passed as a
#' parameter and now containing the \code{SummarizedExperiment} objects in its
#' altExps
#' For \code{unsplitByRanks}: \code{x}, with \code{rowData} and \code{assay}
#' data replaced by the unsplit data. \code{colData} of x is kept as well
#' and any existing \code{rowTree} is dropped as well, since existing
#' \code{rowLinks} are not valid anymore.
#' @details
#' \code{agglomerateByRanks} will use by default all available taxonomic ranks,
#' but
#' this can be controlled by setting \code{ranks} manually. \code{NA} values
#' are removed by default, since they would not make sense, if the result
#' should be used for \code{unsplitByRanks} at some point. The input data
#' remains unchanged in the returned \code{SingleCellExperiment} objects.
#' \code{unsplitByRanks} will remove any \code{NA} value on each taxonomic rank
#' so that no ambiguous data is created. In additional, a column
#' \code{taxonomicLevel} is created or overwritten in the \code{rowData} to
#' specify from which alternative experiment this originates from. This can also
#' be used for \code{\link[SingleCellExperiment:splitAltExps]{splitAltExps}} to
#' split the result along the same factor again. The input data from the base
#' objects is not returned, only the data from the \code{altExp()}. Be aware
#' that
#' changes to \code{rowData} of the base object are not returned, whereas only
#' the \code{colData} of the base object is kept.
#' @name agglomerate-methods
#' @examples
#' data(GlobalPatterns)
#' # print the available taxonomic ranks
#' taxonomyRanks(GlobalPatterns)
#' # agglomerateByRanks
#' #
#' tse <- agglomerateByRanks(GlobalPatterns)
#' altExps(tse)
#' altExp(tse,"Kingdom")
#' altExp(tse,"Species")
#' # unsplitByRanks
#' tse <- unsplitByRanks(tse)
#' tse
.norm_args_for_split_by_ranks <- function(na.rm, ...){
args <- list(...)
na.rm <- TRUE
args[["na.rm"]] <- na.rm
.split_by_ranks <- function(x, ranks, args){
# input check
stop("'ranks' must be character vector.", call. = FALSE)
if(nrow(x) == 0L){
stop("'x' has nrow(x) == 0L.",call. = FALSE)
FUN <- function(rank){
do.call(agglomerateByRank, c(list(x = x, rank = rank), args))
ans <- lapply(ranks,FUN)
names(ans) <- ranks
#' @rdname agglomerate-methods
#' @export
setMethod("agglomerateByRanks", signature = c(x = "SummarizedExperiment"),
function(x, ranks = taxonomyRanks(x), na.rm = TRUE, as.list = FALSE, ...){
if( !.is_a_bool(as.list) ){
stop("'as.list' must be TRUE or FALSE.", call. = FALSE)
args <- .norm_args_for_split_by_ranks(na.rm = na.rm, ...)
res <- .split_by_ranks(x, ranks = ranks, args)
# Add to altExp if user has specified to do so
if( !as.list ){
# Add results to alternative experiment
res <- .add_to_altExps(x, res)
#' @rdname agglomerate-methods
#' @export
setMethod("agglomerateByRanks", signature = c(x = "SingleCellExperiment"),
function(x, ranks = taxonomyRanks(x), na.rm = TRUE, as.list = FALSE, ...){
args <- .norm_args_for_split_by_ranks(na.rm = na.rm, ...)
args[["altexp.rm"]] <- TRUE
#' @rdname agglomerate-methods
#' @export
setMethod("agglomerateByRanks", signature = c(x = "TreeSummarizedExperiment"),
function(x, ranks = taxonomyRanks(x), na.rm = TRUE, as.list = FALSE, ...){
# splitByRanks
#' @rdname agglomerate-methods
#' @export
splitByRanks <- function(x, ...){
# Hardcode as.list parameter
args <- list(...)[ !names(list(...)) %in% c("as.list") ]
args[["as.list"]] <- TRUE
args[["x"]] <- x
do.call(agglomerateByRanks, args)
# unsplitByRanks
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment reducedDims
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment colData
.unsplit_by <- function(x, ses, keep.dimred, ...){
class_x <- class(x)
args <- list(
assays = .unsplit_assays(ses), colData = colData(x))
args$reducedDims <- reducedDims(x)
rd <- .combine_rowData(ses)
rr <- .combine_rowRanges(ses)
args$rowRanges <- rr
ans <- do.call(class_x, args)
rowData(ans) <- rd
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment altExpNames altExp altExps
.unsplit_by_ranks <- function(x, ranks, keep.dimred, ...){
ae_names <- altExpNames(x)
ae_names <- ae_names[ae_names %in% ranks]
if(length(ae_names) == 0L){
stop("No altExp matching 'ranks' in name.", call. = FALSE)
ses <- altExps(x)[ae_names]
# remove any empty information on the given ranks
for(i in seq_along(ses)){
ses[[i]] <-
.remove_with_empty_taxonomic_info(ses[[i]], names(ses)[i], NA)
ans <- .unsplit_by(x, ses, keep.dimred, ...)
rownames(ans) <- getTaxonomyLabels(ans, make.unique = FALSE)
#' @rdname agglomerate-methods
#' @export
setMethod("unsplitByRanks", signature = c(x = "SingleCellExperiment"),
function(x, ranks = taxonomyRanks(x), keep.dimred = keep_reducedDims,
keep_reducedDims = FALSE, ...){
# input check
stop("'keep.dimred' must be TRUE or FALSE.", call. = FALSE)
x, ranks = ranks, keep.dimred = keep.dimred, ...)
#' @rdname agglomerate-methods
#' @export
setMethod("unsplitByRanks", signature = c(x = "TreeSummarizedExperiment"),
function(x, ranks = taxonomyRanks(x), keep.dimred = keep_reducedDims,
keep_reducedDims = FALSE, ...){
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assayNames assay
#' @importFrom DelayedArray DelayedArray
.get_assay <- function(se, assay.type){
if (assay.type %in% assayNames(se)) {
assay <- DelayedArray(assay(se, assay.type))
} else {
dim <- dim(se)
assay <- DelayedArray(matrix(NA_real_,dim[[1L]],dim[[2L]]))
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics rbind cbind
.combine_assays <- function(ses, assay.type, MARGIN = 1L){
bind_FUN <- switch(MARGIN, "1" = rbind, "2" = cbind)
current <- lapply(ses, .get_assay, assay.type)
combined <- do.call(bind_FUN, current)
rownames(combined) <- NULL
colnames(combined) <- NULL
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assayNames assay
.unsplit_assays <- function(ses, MARGIN = 1L) {
assay.types <- unique(unlist(lapply(ses, assayNames)))
combined <- lapply(
ses = ses,
names(combined) <- assay.types
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowRanges
.combine_rowRanges <- function(ses, prefix) {
rr <- lapply(ses, rowRanges)
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowData
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics rbind
.combine_rowData <- function(ses, prefix) {
rr <- lapply(ses, rowData)
rd <- do.call(rbind,unname(rr))
rownames(rd) <- NULL
cn <- colnames(rd)
# add column
if("taxonomicLevel" %in% cn){
warning("'taxonomicLevel' column in rowData overwritten.",
call. = FALSE)
# If TreeSEs that were combined had names, add names to rowData
if( !is.null(names(ses)) ){
tl <- mapply(rep, names(ses), vapply(ses,nrow,integer(1)))
tl <- unlist(unname(tl))
rd[["taxonomicLevel"]] <- factor(tl, unique(tl))
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