transformAssay: Transform assay

transformAssayR Documentation

Transform assay


Variety of transformations for abundance data, stored in assay. See details for options.


transformAssay(x, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'SummarizedExperiment'
  assay.type = "counts",
  assay_name = NULL,
  method = c("alr", "chi.square", "clr", "css", "frequency", "hellinger", "log", "log10",
    "log2", "max", "normalize", "pa", "philr", "range", "rank", "rclr", "relabundance",
    "rrank", "standardize", "total", "z"),
  MARGIN = "samples",
  name = method,
  pseudocount = FALSE,

## S4 method for signature 'SingleCellExperiment'
transformAssay(x, altexp = NULL, ...)





additional arguments passed e.g. on to vegan:decostand or philr::philr.

  • reference: Character scalar. Used to to fill reference sample's column in returned assay when calculating alr. (Default: NA)

  • ref_vals Deprecated. Use reference instead.

  • percentile: Numeric scalar or NULL (css). Used to set the percentile value that calculates the scaling factors in the css normalization. If NULL, percentile is estimated from the data by calculating the portion of samples that exceed the threshold. (Default: NULL)

  • scaling: Numeric scalar. Adjusts the normalization scale by dividing the calculated scaling factors, effectively changing the magnitude of the normalized counts. (Default: 1000).

  • threshold: Numeric scalar. Specifies relative difference threshold and determines the first point where the relative change in differences between consecutive quantiles exceeds this threshold. (Default: 0.1).

  • tree: phylo. Phylogeny used in PhILR transformation. If NULL, the tree is retrieved from x. (Default: NULL).

  • node.labels: Character vector. Linkages between tree and x. Used in PhILR transformation. (Default: NULL).


Character scalar. Specifies the name of assay used in calculation. (Default: "counts")


Deprecated. Use assay.type instead.


Character scalar. Specifies the transformation method.


Character scalar. Determines whether the transformation is applied sample (column) or feature (row) wise. (Default: "samples")


Character scalar. The name for the transformed assay to be stored. (Default: method)


Logical scalar or numeric scalar. When TRUE, automatically adds half of the minimum positive value of assay.type (missing values ignored by default: na.rm = TRUE). When FALSE, does not add any pseudocount (pseudocount = 0). Alternatively, a user-specified numeric value can be added as pseudocount. (Default: FALSE).


Character vector or NULL. Specifies the names of alternative experiments to which the transformation should also be applied. If NULL, the transformation is only applied to the main experiment. (Default: NULL).


transformAssay function provides a variety of options for transforming abundance data. The transformed data is calculated and stored in a new assay.

The transformAssay provides sample-wise (column-wise) or feature-wise (row-wise) transformation to the abundance table (assay) based on specified MARGIN.

The available transformation methods include:

  • 'alr', 'chi.square', 'clr', 'frequency', 'hellinger', 'log', 'normalize', 'pa', 'rank', 'rclr' relabundance', 'rrank', 'standardize', 'total': please refer to decostand for details.

  • 'philr': please refer to philr for details.

  • 'css': Cumulative Sum Scaling (CSS) can be used to normalize count data by accounting for differences in library sizes. By default, the function determines the normalization percentile for summing and scaling counts. If you want to specify the percentile value, good default value might be 0.5. The method is inspired by the CSS methods in metagenomeSeq package.

  • 'log10': log10 transformation can be used for reducing the skewness of the data.

    log10 = \log_{10} x

    where x is a single value of data.

  • 'log2': log2 transformation can be used for reducing the skewness of the data.

    log2 = \log_{2} x

    where x is a single value of data.


transformAssay returns the input object x, with a new transformed abundance table named name added in the assays.


Paulson, J., Stine, O., Bravo, H. et al. (2013) Differential abundance analysis for microbial marker-gene surveys Nature Methods 10, 1200–1202. doi:10.1038/nmeth.2658

See Also

  • vegan::decostand

  • philr::philr


tse <- GlobalPatterns

# By specifying 'method', it is possible to apply different transformations,
# e.g. compositional transformation.
tse <- transformAssay(tse, method = "relabundance")

# The target of transformation can be specified with "assay.type"
# Pseudocount can be added by specifying 'pseudocount'.

# Perform CLR with half of the smallest positive value as pseudocount
tse <- transformAssay(
    tse, assay.type = "counts", method = "clr",
    pseudocount = TRUE

head(assay(tse, "clr"))

# Perform CSS normalization.
tse <- transformAssay(tse, method = "css")
head(assay(tse, "css"))

# With MARGIN, you can specify the if transformation is done for samples or
# for features. Here Z-transformation is done feature-wise.
tse <- transformAssay(tse, method = "standardize", MARGIN = "features")
head(assay(tse, "standardize"))

# Name of the stored table can be specified.
tse <- transformAssay(tse, method="hellinger", name="test")
head(assay(tse, "test"))

# pa returns presence absence table.
tse <- transformAssay(tse, method = "pa")
head(assay(tse, "pa"))

# rank returns ranks of taxa.
tse <- transformAssay(tse, method = "rank")
head(assay(tse, "rank"))

# In order to use other ranking variants, modify the chosen assay directly:
assay(tse, "rank_average", withDimnames = FALSE) <- colRanks(
    assay(tse, "counts"), ties.method = "average", preserveShape = TRUE)

# Using altexp parameter. First agglomerate the data and then apply
# transformation.
tse <- GlobalPatterns
tse <- agglomerateByRanks(tse)
tse <- transformAssay(
    tse, method = "relabundance", altexp = altExpNames(tse))
# The transformation is applied to all alternative experiments
altExp(tse, "Species")

## Not run: 
# philr transformation can be applied if the philr package is installed.
# Subset data b taking only prevalent taxa
tse <- subsetByPrevalent(tse)
# Apply transformation
tse <- transformAssay(tse, method = "philr", pseudocount = 1, MARGIN = 1L)
# The transformed data is added to altExp
altExp(tse, "philr")

## End(Not run)

FelixErnst/mia documentation built on Feb. 26, 2025, 7:53 a.m.