## Extract (a subset of) reads from a bamfile
.extractFastq <- function(x, qnames = NULL) {
bam <- Rsamtools::scanBam(x)[[1]]
qn <- if (!is.null(qnames)) {
} else if (is.null(qnames)) {
.trimSoftclippedEnds(bam, qn)
# todo add length and cut option
.filterReads <- function(bam, qnames = NULL, preserveRefEnds = TRUE, ...) {
indent <- list(...)$indent %||% indentation()
readlength <- 250
i <- if (is.null(qnames)) {
} else {
match(qnames, bam$qname)
if (preserveRefEnds) {
notTrimStarts <- which(bam$pos[i] == 1)
notTrimEnds <- which(bam$pos[i] > max(bam$pos[i]) - readlength)
cigar <- bam$cigar[i]
id <- if (!is.null(attr(qnames, "q"))) {
bam$qname[i] %<<% " q=" %<<% round(attr(qnames, "q"), 4)
} else bam$qname[i]
sc <- .mapSoftclip(cigar)
if (preserveRefEnds) {
sc[notTrimStarts, "start"] <- NA_integer_
sc[notTrimEnds, "end"] <- NA_integer_
trim <- sc %>%
dplyr::transmute(keep = ifelse(is.na(.data$start) & is.na(.data$end),
readlength -
abs(ifelse(is.na(.data$end), 0,
.data$end) -
ifelse(is.na(.data$start), 0,
alignmentScoreThreshold = 0.3*readlength # Change to dynamic
badScore <- bam$qname[bam$tag$AS < alignmentScoreThreshold]
trim <- id[trim < 0.3 * readlength]
flog.info("%sFiltering %s softclipping reads from %s reads in total;" %<<%
"removing reads < %s bp", indent(), length(trim), length(id),
0.3*readlength, name = "info")
flog.info("%sFiltering %s reads with an alignment score < %s ...",
indent(), length(badScore), alignmentScoreThreshold, name = "info")
unique(c(trim, badScore))
.trimToRefLen <- function(bamfile, fqFileWrite) {
bam <- Rsamtools::scanBam(bamfile, param = Rsamtools::ScanBamParam(what = c("qname", "pos", "seq", "qual", "cigar")))[[1]]
sc <- .mapSoftclip(bam$cigar, which = "start")
clipPos <- sc - bam$pos
clipPos[clipPos < 0 | is.na(clipPos)] <- 0
clipPos[clipPos > 0] <- clipPos[clipPos > 0] + 2
clipPos[clipPos == 0] <- 1
ids <- bam$qname
if (!grepl("_\\d+$", ids[[1]])) {
ids <- paste(ids, seq_along(ids), sep = "_")
fqrClip <- ShortRead::ShortReadQ(sread = bam$seq, quality = Biostrings::BStringSet(bam$qual), id = Biostrings::BStringSet(ids))
fqrClipped <- ShortRead::narrow(fqrClip, start = clipPos, end = Biostrings::width(bam$seq))
fqFileWrite <- .fileDeleteIfExists(fqFileWrite)
ShortRead::writeFastq(fqrClipped, fqFileWrite, compress = TRUE)
.trimSoftclippedEnds <- function(bam, qnames = NULL, preserveRefEnds = FALSE) {
i <- if (is.null(qnames)) {
} else {
match(qnames, bam$qname)
if (preserveRefEnds) {
notTrimStarts <- which(bam$pos[i] == 1)
notTrimEnds <- which(bam$pos[i] > max(bam$pos[i]) - 250)
cigar <- bam$cigar[i]
sread <- bam$seq[i]
qual <- bam$qual[i]
id <- if (!is.null(attr(qnames, "q"))) {
bam$qname[i] %<<% " q=" %<<% round(attr(qnames, "q"), 4)
} else bam$qname[i]
sc <- .mapSoftclip(cigar)
if (preserveRefEnds) {
sc[notTrimStarts, "start"] <- NA_integer_
sc[notTrimEnds, "end"] <- NA_integer_
s <- sc$start + 1L
e <- Biostrings::width(sread) - sc$end
rs <- ShortRead::ShortReadQ(
sread = XVector::subseq(sread, s, e),
quality = XVector::subseq(qual, s, e),
id = Biostrings::BStringSet(id)
if (preserveRefEnds) {
rs@sread@metadata <- list(
notTrimStarts = notTrimStarts,
notTrimEnds = notTrimEnds
.mapSoftclip <- function(cigar, which = "both") {
m <- gregexpr("^\\d+S", cigar)
sc <- regmatches(cigar, m)
sc[!vapply(sc, function(x) length(x) > 0, FUN.VALUE = FALSE)] <- NA_character_
scStart <- as.integer(gsub("S", "", unlist(sc)))
if (which == "start")
m <- gregexpr("\\d+S$", cigar)
sc <- regmatches(cigar, m)
sc[!vapply(sc, function(x) length(x) > 0, FUN.VALUE = FALSE)] <- NA_character_
scEnd <- as.integer(gsub("S", "", unlist(sc)))
if (which == "end")
start = scStart,
end = scEnd
#' Generate reference sequences in a FASTA file
#' @param locus Locus name (HLA or KIR).
#' @param allele Allele name or NULL.
#' @param outdir Output directory.
#' @param dirtag TODO
#' @return Path to refseq fasta file.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' ###
.generateReferenceSequence <- function(locus, allele = NULL, outdir,
utrLength = NULL, dirtag = NULL) {
if (is.null(allele)) {
## fetch the generic reference for <locus>
allele <- .normaliseLocus(locus)
sref <- findRef(allele)
} else {
## fetch the allele-specific reference for <locus>
locus <- .normaliseLocus(locus)
if (startsWith(locus, "KIR")) {
ipd <- .ipdKir()
} else {
ipd <- .ipdHla()
if (startsWith(locus, "MIC"))
locus <- paste("HLA", locus, sep = "-")
if (!allele %in% ipd$getAlleles(locus))
stop(sprintf("Allele %s not found in database", allele))
sref <- foreach(i = allele, .combine = "c") %do% {
sref <- ipd$getClosestComplete(i, locus)
srefFeatures <- ipd$getStructure(names(sref))
names(sref) <- gsub(" +", "_", names(sref))
if (!is.null(utrLength)) {
assert_that(all(c("start", "end") %in% names(utrLength)))
if (utrLength$start == -1) {
start <- 1
} else {
start <- srefFeatures[srefFeatures$name == "5' UTR"]
start <- IRanges::end(start) - utrLength$start
if (utrLength$end == -1) {
end <- Biostrings::width(sref)
} else {
end <- srefFeatures[srefFeatures$name == "3' UTR"]
end <- IRanges::start(end) + utrLength$end
sref <- Biostrings::subseq(sref, start = start,
end = end)
assert_that(is(sref, "DNAStringSet"))
file.path(outdir, dirtag), mustWork = FALSE))
# Strip illegal characters from filenames
alleleNm <- strip(allele, "_")
filename <- ifelse(is.null(dirtag), alleleNm %<<% ".ref.fa",
file.path(dirtag, alleleNm %<<% ".ref.fa"))
outpath <- normalizePath(file.path(outdir, filename), mustWork = FALSE)
Biostrings::writeXStringSet(sref, outpath)
.trimPolymorphicEnds <- function(fq, minLen = 50) {
#message("Entering .trimPolymorphicEnds")
sr <- fq@sread
if (length(sr@metadata) > 0) {
notTrimStarts <- sr@metadata$notTrimStarts
notTrimEnds <- sr@metadata$notTrimEnds
preserveRefEnds <- TRUE
} else {
preserveRefEnds <- FALSE
start <- rep(1, length(sr))
i <- if (preserveRefEnds) {
} else seq_along(start)
pos <- 1
while (length(i) > 0) {
#message("Trimming ", length(i), " reads from start")
i <- i[Biostrings::width(sr[i]) > pos]
if (length(i) == 0)
i <- i[Biostrings::subseq(sr[i], pos, pos) == Biostrings::subseq(sr[i],
pos + 1,
pos + 1)]
start[i] <- start[i] + 1
pos <- pos + 1
start[start > 1] <- start[start > 1] + 1
end <- Biostrings::width(sr)
i <- if (preserveRefEnds) {
} else seq_along(end)
pos <- end
while (length(i) > 0) {
message("Trimming ", length(i), " reads from end")
##i <- i[Biostrings::width(sr[i]) > pos]
i <- i[pos[i] > 1]
if (length(i) == 0)
i <- i[Biostrings::subseq(sr[i], pos[i],
pos[i]) == Biostrings::subseq(sr[i],
pos[i] - 1,
pos[i] - 1)]
end[i] <- end[i] - 1
pos[i] <- pos[i] - 1
end[end > 1] <- end[end > 1] - 1
## filter low complexity reads
if (any(j <- (end - start) <= 0)) {
remove <- which(j)
fq <- fq[-remove]
start <- start[-remove]
end <- end[-remove]
fq@sread <- Biostrings::subseq(fq@sread, start, end)
fq@quality@quality <- Biostrings::subseq(fq@quality@quality, start, end)
fq[Biostrings::width(fq) >= minLen]
.getSeqsFromMat <- function(mat){
seqs <- apply(mat, 1, function(t) c(unlist(paste(t, collapse = ""))))
seqs <- seqs[nchar(stripIndel(seqs, replace = "")) > 0]
.collapseHomopolymers <- function(path, n = 5) {
path <- normalizePath(path, mustWork = TRUE)
seq <- Biostrings::readBStringSet(path)
seqname <- names(seq)
seq <- strsplit1(as.character(seq), "")
seq <- rle(seq)
seq$lengths[seq$lengths > n] <- n
seq <- paste(inverse.rle(seq), collapse = "")
seq <- Biostrings::DNAStringSet(stripIndel(seq))
names(seq) <- seqname
Biostrings::writeXStringSet(seq, path)
.mat2rle <- function(mat) {
assert_that(is(mat, "consmat"))
.makeProbConsensus_(x = mat, suppressAllGaps = TRUE, asRle = TRUE)
.seq2rle <- function(seq) {
rle(strsplit1(as.character(seq), ""))
#' Get a distribution of homopolymer counts in alleles
#' @param x a DR2S object.
#' @param hpCount the minimal length of a homopolymer to be checked (10).
#' @param map Which result to use. Either "mapFinal" or "remap".
#' @return plot a pdf with length histogram and write mode to log
#' @examples
#' ###
#' @export
checkHomopolymerCount <- function(x, hpCount = 10) {
assert_that(is(x, "DR2S"))
hptypes <- x$getHapTypes()
x$consensus$homopolymers <- list()
plotname <- "plot.homopolymers.pdf"
#hp <- "A"
p <- foreach(hp = hptypes) %do% {
bamfile <- ifelse(x$hasShortreads(),
ref <- ifelse(x$hasShortreads(),
seq <- Biostrings::readDNAStringSet(ref)
seqrle <- .seq2rle(seq)
n <- which(seqrle$lengths >= hpCount)
if (length(n) == 0) {
bam <- Rsamtools::BamFile(bamfile)
#pos = n[1]
homopolymersHP <- foreach(pos = n, .combine = rbind) %do% {
positionHP <- sum(seqrle$length[seq_len(pos - 1)])
lenHP <- seqrle$lengths[pos]
range <- c(positionHP - 10, positionHP + lenHP + 10)
msa <- .msaFromBam(bam, range)
covering <- vapply(msa, function(a, lenHP) {
nchar(gsub(pattern = "\\+", "", toString(a))) == lenHP + 21
}, lenHP = lenHP, FUN.VALUE = logical(1), USE.NAMES = TRUE)
msa <- msa[covering]
readsOI <- names(msa)
ins <- .getInsertions(bamfile,
inpos = positionHP,
reads = readsOI,
readtype = "illumina")
if (length(ins) > 0) {
ins <- ins[[1]]
s <- msa[names(msa) %in% names(ins)]
pre <- Biostrings::subseq(s, start = 1, width = 11)
post <- Biostrings::subseq(s, start = 12, end = length(s[[1]]))
s <- Biostrings::xscat(pre, ins, post)
msa[names(s)] <- s
msarle <- lapply(msa, .seq2rle)
lens <- vapply(msarle, function(a) max(a$lengths), integer(1))
tibble::tibble(haptype = hp, position = positionHP, length = lens,
read = names(lens), cons = lenHP)
modes <- homopolymersHP %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data$position, .data$cons) %>%
dplyr::summarise(mode = .getModeValue(.data$length)) %>%
x$consensus$homopolymers[[hp]] <- modes
if (!x$getHomozygous()) {
cl <- dplyr::pull(x$srpartition$A$srpartition$haplotypes, .data$read)
} else {
cl <- homopolymersHP$read
homopolymersHP$clustered <- homopolymersHP$read %in% cl
plots <- ggplot(data = homopolymersHP) +
geom_histogram(aes(length, fill = clustered), binwidth = 1) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(min(homopolymersHP$length),
max(homopolymersHP$length), 2)) +
facet_wrap(. ~ position, scales = "free") +
ggtitle(paste("Homopolymer length", hp)) +
cowplot::theme_cowplot() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5),
panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank(),
panel.grid.major.x = element_line(size = .1, color = "black"),
panel.grid.minor.x = element_line(size = .005, color = "black") )
list(n = n, plot = plots)
if (!all(is.null(unlist(p)))) {
plots <- lapply(p, function(x) x$plot)
n <- max(vapply(p, function(x) length(x$n), FUN.VALUE = integer(1)))
p1 <- cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = plots, ncol = length(n))
cowplot::save_plot(p1, dpi = 150, filename = x$absPath("plot.homopolymers.png"),
base_width = 7*length(hptypes),
base_height = 7*length(n),
title = dot(c(x$getLocus(), x$getSampleId())))
cowplot::save_plot(p1, filename = x$absPath(".plots/plot.homopolymers.svg"),
base_width = 7*length(hptypes),
base_height = 7*length(n))
.getAmbigPositions <- function(seqs) {
## Check for ambiguous bases
seqLetters <- Biostrings::uniqueLetters(seqs)
ambigLetters <- seqLetters[which(!seqLetters %in% VALID_DNA(include = "del"))]
ambigPositions <- list()
if (!length(ambigLetters) == 0) {
ambigPositions <- stats::setNames(lapply(ambigLetters, function(l, seqs)
unlist(Biostrings::vmatchPattern(l, seqs)), seqs = seqs), ambigLetters)
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