#' Calculate polymorphic positions from a consensus matrix.
#' @param x A consensus matrix or pileup object.
#' @param threshold The threshold when to call a position polymorphic.
#' @param ... Additional arguments.
#' @return A data.frame
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ##
polymorphicPositions <- function(x, threshold)
#' @export
polymorphicPositions.consmat <- function(x, threshold = 0.20) {
## make sure to ignore insertions!
x[, "+"] <- 0
if (!is.freq(x)) {
x <- consmat(x, freq = TRUE)
nuc <- colnames(x)
pos <- rownames(x)
i <- cpp_polymorphicPositions(x, threshold)
rs <- cpp_top2Cols(x[i, ])
position = pos[i],
a1 = nuc[rs$i1],
f1 = rs$v1,
a2 = nuc[rs$i2],
f2 = rs$v2
#' @export
polymorphicPositions.pileup <- function(x, threshold = NULL) {
if (is.null(threshold)) {
threshold <- x$threshold
polymorphicPositions(consmat(x, freq = TRUE), threshold = threshold)
.ambiguousPositions <- function(x, threshold, ignoreInsertions)
.ambiguousPositions.NULL <- function(x, threshold, ignoreInsertions) {
.ambiguousPositions.consmat <- function(x, threshold, ignoreInsertions) {
f_ <- function(row) {
sum(row > threshold) > 1L
if (ignoreInsertions) {
## make sure to ignore insertions!
x[, "+"] <- 0
x <- if (!is.freq(x)) {
sweep(x, 1, n(x), `/`)
} else x
unname(which(apply(x, 1, f_)))
.ambiguousPositions.pileup <- function(x, threshold = NULL, ignoreInsertions = TRUE) {
if (is.null(threshold)) {
threshold <- x$threshold
consmat(x, freq = TRUE), threshold = threshold, ignoreInsertions = ignoreInsertions)
.selectAssociatedPolymorphicPositions <- function(mat,
measureOfAssociation = "cramer.V",
proportionOfOverlap = 1/3,
minimumExpectedDifference = 0.06,
noSelect = FALSE,
resample = NULL,
selectByColSum = TRUE,
...) {
measureOfAssociation <- match.arg(measureOfAssociation, c("cramer.V", "spearman", "kendall"))
indent <- list(...)$indent %||% indentation()
#resample <- floor(NCOL(mat)*0.1)
dist <- .associationMatrix(mat, measureOfAssociation, resample)#, ...)
if (noSelect) {
selected.snps <- structure(colnames(mat), classification = "1")
} else {
selected.snps <- .clusterPolymorphicPositions(
dist, proportionOfOverlap, minimumExpectedDifference, selectByColSum, indent = indent)#, ...)
flog.info("%sRetaining %s high-association polymorphisms", indent(), length(selected.snps), name = "info")
## create correlogram and association plots
plts <- .correlogram(dist, nm = selected.snps)
structure(selected.snps, snp.corr.mat = dist,
snp.correlogram = plts$correlogram,
snp.association = plts$association)
.noRefMatch <- function(mat, ref) {
na.omit(vapply(seq_len(NROW(mat)), function(i) {
# i <- 1
row <- mat[i, ]
m <- colnames(mat)[which.max(row)]
n <- ref[i]
ifelse(m != n, i, NA)
}, FUN.VALUE = integer(1)))
.associationMatrix <- function(mat, method = "cramer.V", resample = NULL, ...) {
## expect a read x snp matrix with elements {G, A, T, C, -, +}
assert_that(is(mat, "matrix"))
method <- match.arg(method, c("cramer.V", "spearman", "kendall"))
indent <- list(...)$indent %||% indentation()
fmat <- factor(mat, levels = VALID_DNA("indel"), labels = VALID_DNA("indel"))
dim(fmat) <- dim(mat)
rownames(fmat) <- rownames(mat)
colnames(fmat) <- colnames(mat)
## this we do for purely exploratory purposess
if (!is.null(resample)) {
col <- sample(colnames(fmat), resample)
for (i in seq_along(col)) {
fmat[, col][, i] <- sample(fmat[, col][, i])
if (method == "cramer.V") {
## Cramer's V association of nxn contingency tables
cmat <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = NCOL(fmat), ncol = NCOL(fmat))
colnames(cmat) <- colnames(fmat)
rownames(cmat) <- colnames(fmat)
cCmb <- utils::combn(colnames(cmat), 2, simplify = FALSE)
cTab <- purrr::map(cCmb, ~table(fmat[, .[1]], fmat[, .[2]], dnn = .))
cV <- purrr::map_dbl(cTab, cramerV)
cmat[lower.tri(cmat, diag = FALSE)] <- cV
cmat <- t(cmat)
cmat[lower.tri(cmat, diag = FALSE)] <- cV
else if (method != "cramer.V") {
nmat <- as.numeric(fmat)
dim(nmat) <- dim(fmat)
rownames(nmat) <- rownames(fmat)
colnames(nmat) <- colnames(fmat)
cmat <- abs(stats::cor(nmat, method = method))
diag(cmat) <- NA_real_
attr(cmat, "method") <- method
.clusterPolymorphicPositions <- function(dist,
proportionOfOverlap = 0.1,
minimumExpectedDifference = 0.05,
selectByColSum = TRUE,
...) {
## @param proportionOfOverlap We perform an equivalence test on the two clusters:
## calculate the lower 1-sigma bound of the high-association cluster i.
## calculate the upper 1-sigma bound of the low-association cluster j.
## reject clusters, if this bounds overlap by more than <proportionOfOverlap> of
## the average distance (dij) between clusters.
## @param minimumExpectedDifference The absolute difference in mean association
## between clusters that must be exceeded to accept the clusters as a secondary
## check performed after the equivalence test
indent <- list(...)$indent %||% indentation()
diag(dist) <- 1
bic <- mclust::mclustBIC(dist, G = 1:2, verbose = FALSE)
mc <- mclust::Mclust(dist, x = bic, verbose = FALSE)
if (mc$G == 2) {
selected.snps <- .checkClusterMerge(
dist, mc, proportionOfOverlap = proportionOfOverlap, indent = indent,
minimumExpectedDifference = minimumExpectedDifference,
selectByColSum = selectByColSum)
} else if (mc$G == 1) {
selected.snps <- structure(
colnames(mc$data), classification = as.character(mc$classification))
attr(selected.snps, "mclustBIC") <- bic
attr(selected.snps, "mclust") <- mc
.checkClusterMerge <- function(dist, mc, ...) {
## @param proportionOfOverlap We perform an equivalence test on the two clusters:
## calculate the lower 1-sigma bound of the high-association cluster i.
## calculate the upper 1-sigma bound of the low-association cluster j.
## reject clusters, if this bounds overlap by more than <proportionOfOverlap> of
## the average distance (dij) between clusters.
## @param ...minimumExpectedDifference The absolute difference in mean association
## between clusters that must be exceeded to accept the clusters as a secondary
## check performed after the equivalence test
# sigmaLevel = 1
assert_that(has_attr(dist, "method"))
indent <- list(...)$indent %||% indentation()
sigmaLevel <- list(...)$sigmaLevel %||% 1
proportionOfOverlap <- list(...)$proportionOfOverlap %||% 1/3
selectByColSum <- list(...)$selectByColSum %||% FALSE
minimumExpectedDifference <- list(...)$minimumExpectedDifference %||% 0.05
measureOfAssociation <- switch(attr(dist, "method"),
"cramer.V" = "Cramer's V",
"spearman" = "Spearman's Rho",
"kendall" = "Kendall's Tau")
diag(dist) <- NA_real_
classification <- mc$classification
i <- names(which(classification == 1))
j <- names(which(classification == 2))
selectFun <- function(dist, x, selectByColSum = FALSE) {
if (selectByColSum) {
return(mean(colSums(dist[], na.rm = TRUE)[x]))
} else {
if (length(x) == 1 )
return(mean(dist[, ], na.rm = TRUE))
return(mean(dist[x, x][lower.tri(dist[x, x])]))
## infer the high-association (h) the low-association (l) cluster
mi <- selectFun(dist, i, selectByColSum = selectByColSum)
mj <- selectFun(dist, j, selectByColSum = selectByColSum)
h <- list(i, j)[[which.max(c(mi, mj))]]
l <- list(i, j)[[which.min(c(mi, mj))]]
## test for equivalence of within-(h)-cluster association and
## between-(h,l)-cluster association
muW <- mean(dist[h, h][lower.tri(dist[h, h])])
siW <- sd(dist[h, h][lower.tri(dist[h, h])]) %|na|% 0.001
muB <- mean(dist[h, l])
siB <- siBhl <- sd(dist[h, l])
ovl <- .OVL(muW, siW, muB, siB, sigmaLevel = sigmaLevel, proportionOfOverlap = proportionOfOverlap)
if (ovl$reject) {
flog.info("%sReject SNP clusters: mean difference <%0.3f> %s with <%0.2f%%> overlapping %s-sigma limits",
indent(), ovl$dij, measureOfAssociation, 100*ovl$ovl, sigmaLevel, name = "info")
selected.snps <- c(h, l)
} else {
## perform a secondary test to see if dij is less than the minimum expected
## absolute difference between mi and mj
if (ovl$dij < minimumExpectedDifference) {
flog.info("%sReject SNP clusters: mean difference <%0.3f> %s does not exceed threshold <%s>",
indent(), ovl$dij, measureOfAssociation, minimumExpectedDifference, name = "info")
selected.snps <- c(h, l)
} else {
## perform yet another test to see if the putative high-association SNPs
## are likely to differ by a location shift within the gene. If this happens,
## it is quite likely that one cluster is a local high linkage block.
if (.locationShift(h, l)) {
flog.info("%sReject SNP clusters: significant location shift.",
indent(), name = "info")
selected.snps <- c(h, l)
} else {
flog.info("%sAccept SNP clusters with mean difference <%0.3f> %s",
indent(), ovl$dij, measureOfAssociation, name = "info")
selected.snps <- h
o1 <- order(as.numeric(selected.snps))
o2 <- order(as.numeric(c(h, l)))
classification = c(rep("1", length(h)), rep("2", length(l)))[o2],
dij = ovl$dij, ovl = ovl$ovl, ovl.coef = ovl$ovl.coef, ovl.plot = ovl$ovl.plot)
.locationShift <- function(i, j, p.value = NULL) {
i <- as.numeric(i)
j <- as.numeric(j)
ni <- length(i)
nj <- length(j)
if (is.null(p.value))
p.value <- (ni + nj)^-log(ni + nj)
## we test the hypothesis that a randomly selected location from set i will be less
## or greater than a rondomly selected location from set j (Wilcoxon rank-sum test)
rij <- rank(c(i, j))
Ri <- sum(rij[1:ni])
Rj <- sum(rij[(ni + 1):(ni + nj)])
Wi <- Ri - (ni*(ni + 1))/2
Wj <- Rj - (nj*(nj + 1))/2
W <- min(Wi, Wj)
2*stats::pwilcox(W, ni, nj) < p.value
.correlogram <- function(dist, nm) {
## @param nm Names of clustered SNPs to be highlighted in the association
## plot as selected.
measureOfAssociation <- attr(dist, "method")
## Set up labels
if (measureOfAssociation == "cramer.V") {
y.lab <- "Mean Cramer's V"
legend.label <- "V"
} else if (measureOfAssociation == "spearman") {
y.lab <- "Mean Spearman's Rho"
legend.label <- "rho"
} else if (measureOfAssociation == "kendall") {
y.lab <- "Mean Kendall's Tau"
legend.label <- "tau"
## Correlogram
cl <- stats::hclust(stats::as.dist(1 - dist), method = "ward.D")
ocmat <- dist[cl$order, cl$order]
ocmat[upper.tri(ocmat)] <- NA_real_
cDf <- tibble::as_tibble(ocmat)
ppos <- colnames(cDf)
cDf$pos <- factor(ppos, levels = ppos, labels = ppos, ordered = TRUE)
cDfLong <- tidyr::gather(cDf, pos1, Assoc, -pos, na.rm = TRUE) %>%
dplyr::mutate(pos1 = factor(pos1, levels = ppos, labels = ppos, ordered = TRUE))
p1 <- ggplot(cDfLong, aes(x = reorder(pos, dplyr::desc(pos)), y = pos1)) +
geom_tile(aes(fill = Assoc, height = 0.95, width = 0.95)) + coord_flip() +
scale_fill_gradient2(mid = "#e1e7fa", high = "#13209d", midpoint = 0, limit = c(0, 1)) +
labs(x = "Polymorphic positions", y = "Polymorphic positions", fill = legend.label) +
theme_bw() +
theme(panel.grid = element_blank(),
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90))
## Association plot
cm <- colMeans(dist, na.rm = TRUE)
rDf <- tibble::tibble(
Position = factor(names(cm), levels = names(cm), labels = names(cm), ordered = TRUE),
meanAssoc = unname(cm),
selected = ifelse(names(cm) %in% nm, "yes", "no"),
cluster = attr(nm, "classification") %||% 1
p2 <- ggplot(rDf, aes(x = Position, y = meanAssoc, colour = selected, shape = cluster)) +
geom_point() +
expand_limits(y = 0) +
labs(x = "Polymorphic position", y = y.lab) +
theme_bw() +
scale_colour_manual(values = c("#4c8cb5", "#e15a53")) +
theme(panel.grid = element_blank(),
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 60, hjust = 1, vjust = 1),
legend.position = "bottom")
invisible(list(correlogram = p1, association = p2))
cramerV <- function(x) {
## x is an nxn contingency table of observations
## calc chi2 stats first
n <- sum(x)
nr <- NROW(x)
nc <- NCOL(x)
sr <- rowSums(x)
sc <- colSums(x)
expected <- outer(sr, sc, "*")/n
chi2 <- sum(abs(x - expected)^2/expected, na.rm = TRUE)
## Cramer's V
k <- NCOL(x)
V <- sqrt(chi2/(n * (k - 1)))
.OVL <- function(muW, siW, muB, siB, sigmaLevel = 1, proportionOfOverlap = 1/3) {
min.f1f2 <- function(x, mu1, mu2, si1, si2) {
f1 <- dnorm(x, mean = mu1, sd = si1)
f2 <- dnorm(x, mean = mu2, sd = si2)
pmin(f1, f2)
## expected percentage by which each sample distribution overlaps the other
rs <- stats::integrate(min.f1f2, -Inf, Inf, muW, muB, siW, siB)
## calculate average difference (Dwb) of within-(h)-cluster association and
## between-(h,l)-cluster association:
Dwb <- muW - muB
## perform an ad hoc equivalence test:
## calculate the lower n-sigma bound of within-(h)-cluster association.
## calculate the upper n-sigma bound of between-(h,l)-cluster association.
## reject, if this bounds overlap by more than 10% of the average distance
## (dwb) between clusters.
ovl <- ((muB + sigmaLevel*siB) - (muW - sigmaLevel*siW))/Dwb
reject <- ovl > proportionOfOverlap
## plot
xs <- seq(muB - 3*siB, muW + 3*siW, 0.01)
f1 <- dnorm(xs, mean = muB, sd = siB)
f2 <- dnorm(xs, mean = muW, sd = siW)
ys <- min.f1f2(xs, muB, muW, siB, siW)
xs2 <- c(xs, xs[1])
ys2 <- c(ys, ys[1])
grDevices::pdf(NULL, bg = "white")
grDevices::dev.control(displaylist = "enable")
plot(xs, f1, type = "n", ylim = c(0, max(f1[f1 < Inf], f2[f2 < Inf]) + 0.1*max(f1[f1 < Inf], f2[f2 < Inf])),
xlab = "association", ylab = "density", bg = "white")
lines(xs, f1, lty = "dotted", lwd = 2) ## between cluster
legend(xs[which.max(f1)], max(f1), legend = "btn(h,l)cluster assoc", bty = "n", xjust = 0.5, yjust = 0)
lines(xs, f2, lty = "dashed", lwd = 3) ## within cluster
legend(xs[which.max(f2)], max(f2), legend = "wtn(h)cluster assoc", bty = "n", xjust = 0.5, yjust = 0)
polygon(xs2, ys2, col = "gray80", density = 20)
abline(v = c(muB + sigmaLevel*siB), lty = "dotted", col = "red")
abline(v = c(muW - sigmaLevel*siW), lty = "dashed", col = "red")
abline(v = muB, lty = "dotted", col = "green")
abline(v = muW, lty = "dashed", col = "green")
p.base <- grDevices::recordPlot()
list(reject = reject, dij = Dwb, ovl = ovl, ovl.coef = rs$value, ovl.plot = p.base)
findCutpoint <- function(d, m) {
c1 <- m$posterior[, "comp.1"]
c2 <- m$posterior[, "comp.2"]
d1 <- d[which(c1 > c2)]
d2 <- d[which(c1 < c2)]
lower <- which.min(c(mean(d1, na.rm = TRUE), mean(d2, na.rm = TRUE)))
if (lower == 1) {
(max(d1) + min(d2))/2
} else {
(min(d1) + max(d2))/2
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