#' Align Datasets through binning
#' @param seuObj A seurat object
#' @param split.by Name of meta.data column containing the factor by which the dataset will be split
#' @param dims Dimensions of reduction to use as input for neighbor graph calculation
#' @param snn.reduction Name of reduction used as input to building the SNN
#' @param anchor_score_threshold Anchor pairs scoring below this threshold will be discarded.
#' @param optim_quan.threshold Percentage of poor connectivity bins to remove on each iteration of connectivity optimization
#' @param optim_k.unique Mean number of datasets represented in each bin at which connectivity optimization will be considered complete
#' @return A binned Seurat object with bin assignments in the "bins" column of the meta.data slot
#' @import dplyr Seurat
#' @export
#' @examples
#' seu <- AlignDatasets(seu, split.by = "time")
AlignDatasets <- function(seuObj, split.by = "time.orig",
dims = 1:50, snn.reduction = "pca",
anchor_score_threshold = 0.5,
optim_quan.threshold = 0.1, optim_k.unique = 6,
verbose = F)
gsub_function = ".*[=]([^.]+)[.].*"
orig_cell_names <- colnames(seuObj)
sample_ids <- paste("project",seuObj@meta.data[,split.by], sep = "=")
new_cell_names <- paste(sample_ids, 1:ncol(seuObj), sep = ".")
seuObj <- RenameCells(seuObj, new.names = new_cell_names)
if(is.null(snn.reduction)) {
message("\nNo reduction for SNN construction provided. Running PCA . . . ")
seuObj <- RunPCA(seuObj, verbose=F)
message(paste0("Constructing neighbor graphs with reduction ",snn.reduction," . . . "))
seuObj <- FindNeighbors(seuObj, dims = dims, verbose = F, reduction = snn.reduction)
message("Splitting object . . . ")
object.list <- SplitObject(seuObj, split.by = split.by) #split object
message("Preparing integration . . . ")
integration.features = SelectIntegrationFeatures(object.list) #prepare for integration
object.ncells <- sapply(X = object.list, FUN = function(x) dim(x = x)[2])
adims <- min(30, min(sapply(object.list, ncol)))
if(adims<30) {
warning("Fewer than 30 dimensions available for integration. Recommend choosing coarser cell type labels. Integration may fail.")
k.filter <- min(200, min(sapply(object.list, ncol)))
message("Generating anchorsets . . . ")
full.anchors <- FindIntegrationAnchors(object.list,k.filter = k.filter,dims = 1:(adims-1)) #Identify anchors
#map anchors to cell names
message("Mapping anchor names . . . ")
full_anchors <- full.anchors@anchors
cell_list <- bind_rows(lapply(seq_along(1:length(object.list)), function(x) {
data.frame(id = paste(x,1:ncol(object.list[[x]]),sep = "_"), cell = colnames(object.list[[x]]))
full_anchors$cell.name1 <- scriabin::mapvalues(paste(full_anchors$dataset1,full_anchors$cell1,sep = "_"),
from = cell_list$id, to = cell_list$cell, warn_missing = F)
full_anchors$cell.name2 <- scriabin::mapvalues(paste(full_anchors$dataset2,full_anchors$cell2,sep = "_"),
from = cell_list$id, to = cell_list$cell, warn_missing = F)
anchors_map <- full_anchors[full_anchors$score>anchor_score_threshold,] #remove anchors with poor scoring
anchor_parts <- unique(c(anchors_map$cell.name1,anchors_map$cell.name2))
#for each cell that participates in an anchor, what are all the other cells it anchors with?
message("Generating anchor bins . . . ")
n.results <- list()
for (i in 1:length(anchor_parts)) {
n.results[[i]] <- c(anchor_parts[i],anchors_map[anchors_map$cell.name1==anchor_parts[i],"cell.name2"])
n.results[[i]] <- unique(c(n.results[[i]],c(anchors_map[anchors_map$cell.name1==anchor_parts[i],"cell.name2"])))
names(n.results) <- 1:length(n.results)
# #remove anchor bins that do not have anchor cells in each timepoint
# if(filter_anchors) {
# testresults <- lapply(n.results, FUN = function(x) {
# y <- gsub(gsub_function, "\\1", x)
# length(unique(y))
# })
# n.results <- n.results[testresults==length(object.list)]
# }
message("Generating connectivity matrix . . . ")
SNN <- as.sparse(seuObj@graphs[[grep("_snn",Graphs(seuObj),value=T)]])
outerresults <- sapply(n.results, function(v) Matrix::rowMeans(SNN[, v]))
message("Optimizing number of bins . . . ")
success = F
optim_rounds = 50
while(!success) {
#assign cells to anchorset with highest connectivity
ids <- apply(outerresults,1,FUN = function(i){
m <- max(i, na.rm = T)
mi <- which(x = i == m, arr.ind = TRUE)
closest_cluster <- sample(x = names(x = i[mi]),
names(ids) <- colnames(seuObj)
nbs_completion <- data.frame(cell=names(ids),id=ids,ident=gsub(gsub_function, "\\1", names(ids))) %>% dplyr::group_by(id) %>% dplyr::mutate(unique_types=n_distinct(ident))
nbs_unique <- unique(nbs_completion[,c("id","unique_types")])
success1 <- ifelse(mean(nbs_unique$unique_types)>optim_k.unique,T,F)
success2 <- n>optim_rounds
success <- success1|success2
if(verbose) {
message(paste0("Average completion score: ",mean(nbs_unique$unique_types)))
#pull out the worst bins (perhaps those with the fewest unique_types and the lowest overall connectivity)
quan.threshold = optim_quan.threshold
quan.level <- round(unname(quantile(nbs_unique$unique_types,quan.threshold)))
if(sum(nbs_unique$unique_types==quan.level)/nrow(nbs_unique)>quan.threshold) {
nnbs_remove <- round(ncol(outerresults)*quan.threshold)
bad_nbs <- outerresults[,nbs_unique %>% dplyr::filter(unique_types==quan.level) %>% pull(id)]
nbs_remove <- data.frame(value=colSums(bad_nbs),names=colnames(bad_nbs)) %>% top_n(nnbs_remove,wt = value) %>% pull(names)
outerresults <- outerresults[,!colnames(outerresults) %in% nbs_remove]
else {
outerresults <- outerresults[,!colnames(outerresults) %in% (nbs_unique %>% dplyr::filter(unique_types==quan.level) %>% pull(id))]
# message("Finished an iteration")
###Check completion
if(check_completion(nbs_completion)) {
message(paste0("Finished! Found ",length(unique(ids))," bins"))
seuObj$bins <- ids
seuObj <- RenameCells(seuObj, new.names = orig_cell_names)
###Assign anything in a bad neighborhood to one that's more complete
cells_reassign <- nbs_completion %>% dplyr::filter(unique_types<optim_k.unique) %>% dplyr::pull(cell)
bad_nbs <- nbs_unique %>% dplyr::filter(unique_types<optim_k.unique) %>% dplyr::pull(id)
outer_reassign <- outerresults[,colnames(outerresults) %in% nbs_unique$id]
outer_reassign <- outer_reassign[cells_reassign,colnames(outer_reassign) %notin% bad_nbs]
reassign_ids <- apply(outer_reassign,1,FUN = function(i){
m <- max(i, na.rm = T)
mi <- which(x = i == m, arr.ind = TRUE)
closest_cluster <- sample(x = names(x = i[mi]),
names(reassign_ids) <- cells_reassign
new_ids <- ifelse(names(ids) %in% names(reassign_ids),reassign_ids,ids)
names(new_ids) <- names(ids)
new_completion <- data.frame(cell=names(new_ids),id=new_ids,ident=gsub(gsub_function, "\\1", names(new_ids))) %>%
dplyr::group_by(id) %>% dplyr::mutate(unique_types=n_distinct(ident))
new_unique <- unique(new_completion[,c("id","unique_types")])
if(mean(new_unique$unique_types)==length(object.list)) {
seuObj$bins <- new_ids
seuObj <- RenameCells(seuObj, new.names = orig_cell_names)
###Search for cells that can be stolen by incomplete bins
outer_steal <- outerresults[,colnames(outerresults) %in% new_unique$id]
success = F
tps <- unique(gsub(gsub_function, "\\1", names(new_ids)))
steal_ids <- new_ids
stolen_completion <- new_completion
stolen_unique <- new_unique
incomplete_ids <- sample(stolen_unique %>% dplyr::filter(unique_types<length(object.list)) %>% dplyr::pull(id))
for (j in 1:length(incomplete_ids)) {
##for each randomly-sampled incomplete neighborhood
noi <- incomplete_ids[j]
##what timepoint(s) is/are missing?
toi <- tps[tps %notin% unique(gsub(gsub_function, "\\1", names(steal_ids)[steal_ids==noi]))]
for (i in 1:length(toi)) {
##create a ranked-list of cells from that timepoint that could be stolen
outer_steal_working <- outer_steal[grepl(toi[i],rownames(outer_steal)),noi]
outer_steal_working <- outer_steal_working[outer_steal_working>0]
outer_steal_working <- rev(outer_steal_working[order(outer_steal_working)])
cells_to_steal <- names(outer_steal_working)
##in order, evaluate if that cell can be stolen without making that neighborhood incomplete
sus_cells <- unlist(lapply(cells_to_steal,FUN = function(x) {
defending_nb <- gsub(gsub_function, "\\1", names(steal_ids[steal_ids==steal_ids[x]]))
##steal the first cell that can be stolen
if(length(sus_cells[sus_cells=="Available"])>1) {
cell_steal <- names(outer_steal_working)[sus_cells=="Available"][1]
steal_ids[cell_steal] <- noi
if(verbose) {message("Stole a cell!")}
else {
if(verbose){message(paste0("Neighborhood ",noi," has no potential targets"))}
##reevaluate completion
stolen_completion <- data.frame(cell=names(steal_ids),id=steal_ids,ident=gsub(gsub_function, "\\1", names(steal_ids))) %>%
dplyr::group_by(id) %>% dplyr::mutate(unique_types=n_distinct(ident))
stolen_unique <- unique(stolen_completion[,c("id","unique_types")])
incomplete_ids <- stolen_unique %>% dplyr::filter(unique_types<length(object.list)) %>% dplyr::pull(id)
if(verbose){message(paste0("Merging partners must be found for ",length(incomplete_ids)," bins"))}
message("Merging bins")
merge_ids <- steal_ids
merge_completion <- stolen_completion
merge_unique <- stolen_unique
##identify incomplete bins
incomplete_ids <- sample(incomplete_ids)
for (i in 1:length(incomplete_ids)) {
noi <- incomplete_ids[i]
toi <- tps[tps %notin% unique(gsub(gsub_function, "\\1", names(merge_ids)[merge_ids==noi]))]
outerresults_merge <- outerresults[,colnames(outerresults) %in% merge_ids]
outerresults_cor <- cor(outerresults_merge)
outerresults_noi <- outerresults_cor[,noi]
outerresults_noi <- rev(outerresults_noi[order(outerresults_noi)])[2:length(outerresults_noi)]
nb_merge <- names(outerresults_noi)
merging_partners <- unlist(lapply(nb_merge,FUN = function(x) {
partner_nb <- gsub(gsub_function, "\\1", names(merge_ids[merge_ids==x]))
ifelse(sum(toi %in% partner_nb)==length(toi),"Good","Bad")
if(length(merging_partners[merging_partners=="Good"])>1) {
nb_to_merge <- names(outerresults_noi)[merging_partners=="Good"][1]
merge_ids[merge_ids==noi] <- nb_to_merge
message("Merged a neighborhood!")
if(max(outerresults_noi)<0) {
if(verbose){message(paste0("Warning! Neighborhood ",noi," is anti-correlated with all bins"))}
else {
message(paste0("Neighborhood ",noi," has no potential merging partners"))
merge_completion <- data.frame(cell=names(merge_ids),id=merge_ids,ident=gsub(gsub_function, "\\1", names(merge_ids))) %>%
dplyr::group_by(id) %>% dplyr::mutate(unique_types=n_distinct(ident))
merge_unique <- unique(merge_completion[,c("id","unique_types")])
message(paste0("Finished! Found ",length(unique(merge_ids))," bins"))
seuObj$bins <- merge_ids
seuObj <- RenameCells(seuObj, new.names = orig_cell_names)
#' Test bin connectivity
#' @param seu_oi A Seurat object with bin identities in the "bins" column of the meta.data slot
#' @param SNN The SNN to use for connectivity testing
#' @param bin Character string of the bin ID to test
#' @param split.by Name of meta.data column containing the factor by which the dataset will be split
#' @param sigtest_cell_types Name of meta.data column containing the cell type labels to use for connectivity testing
#' @return p-value of bin connectivity significance
#' @export
#' @examples
#' random_connectivity_test()
random_connectivity_test <- function(seu_oi = seu_oi,
sigtest_cell_types=sigtest_cell_types) {
true_bin <- colnames(seu_oi)[seu_oi$bins==bin]
bin_comp <- as.data.frame(table(seu_oi@meta.data[seu_oi$bins==bin,split.by],
seu_oi@meta.data[seu_oi$bins==bin,sigtest_cell_types])) %>%
random_bin <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(1:nrow(bin_comp)), FUN = function(y) {
sample(colnames(seu_oi)[seu_oi@meta.data[,split.by]==bin_comp[y,"Var1"] & seu_oi@meta.data[,sigtest_cell_types]==bin_comp[y,"Var2"]],bin_comp[y,"Freq"])
a <- as.vector(SNN[true_bin,true_bin])
b <- as.vector(SNN[random_bin,random_bin])
return(wilcox.test(a,b,alternative = "greater",exact=F)$p.value)
#' Align Datasets through binning
#' @param seuObj A seurat object
#' @param split.by Name of meta.data column containing the factor by which the dataset will be split
#' @param dims Dimensions of reduction to use as input for neighbor graph calculation
#' @param coarse_cell_types Name of meta.data column containing cell type calls for binning. Each set of cell type calls will be binned separately.
#' @param sigtest_cell_types Name of meta.data column containing the cell type labels to use for connectivity testing
#' @param snn.reduction Name of reduction used as input to building the SNN
#' @param anchor_score_threshold Anchor pairs scoring below this threshold will be discarded.
#' @param optim_quan.threshold Percentage of poor connectivity bins to remove on each iteration of connectivity optimization
#' @param optim_k.unique Mean number of datasets represented in each bin at which connectivity optimization will be considered complete
#' @return A binned Seurat object with bin assignments in the "bins" column of the meta.data slot
#' @import dplyr Seurat pbapply
#' @export
#' @examples
#' seu <- BinDatasets(seu, split.by = "time")
BinDatasets <- function(seu, split.by = "time.orig", dims = 1:50,
coarse_cell_types = NULL, sigtest_cell_types = NULL,
snn.reduction = "pca", anchor_score_threshold = 0.5,
optim_quan.threshold = 0.1, optim_k.unique = NULL, verbose = F)
if(is.null(coarse_cell_types)) {
warning("It is recommend to specify coarse cell types to improve bin significance testing. \nWhen not specified, Scriabin defaults to generating dataset-wide bins and testing significance based on cluster results.")
# status <- readline(prompt = "Do you wish to continue? (yes/no): ")
# if(status=="no"){
# stop("Terminated by user.")
# }
if(!is.null(sigtest_cell_types) & sigtest_cell_types %notin% colnames(seu@meta.data)) {
stop("sigtest_cell_types supplied but not found in meta.data slot of object")
if(is.null(optim_k.unique)) {
n <- length(unique(seu@meta.data[,split.by]))
optim_k.unique = n*2/3
message("Setting optim_k.unique to ",format(round(optim_k.unique, 2), nsmall = 2))
if(!is.null(coarse_cell_types)) {
message("Binning with coarse cell types")
if(coarse_cell_types %notin% colnames(seu@meta.data)) {
stop("coarse_cell_types not present in meta.data slot of object")
#check coarse cell IDs are present in all samples to be aligned
ct_check <- as.data.frame(table(seu@meta.data[,split.by],seu@meta.data[,coarse_cell_types]))
if(sum(ct_check$Freq==0)>0) {
stop("Coarse cell types must be present in all samples to be binned")
seu_ct_split <- SplitObject(seu, split.by = coarse_cell_types)
bin_ids <- lapply(seq_along(1:length(seu_ct_split)), function(x) {
seu_oi <- AlignDatasets(seuObj = seu_ct_split[[x]],
dims = dims,
anchor_score_threshold = anchor_score_threshold,
split.by = split.by,
optim_quan.threshold = optim_quan.threshold,
optim_k.unique = optim_k.unique,
snn.reduction = snn.reduction, verbose = verbose)
message("Testing bin significance")
SNN <- as.sparse(seu_oi@graphs[[grep("_snn",Graphs(seu_oi),value=T)]])
if(is.null(sigtest_cell_types)) {
seu_oi <- FindClusters(seu_oi)
sigtest_cell_types <- "seurat_clusters"
message("Using clusters to test bin significance")
bin_p <- unlist(pblapply(seq_along(1:length(unique(seu_oi$bins))), FUN = function(j) {
bin = unique(seu_oi$bins)[j]
random_distribution <- replicate(20, random_connectivity_test(seu_oi = seu_oi, SNN=SNN,
split.by = split.by,
sigtest_cell_types = sigtest_cell_types))
names(bin_p) <- unique(seu_oi$bins)
anno.overlap <- as.matrix(t(reshape2::dcast(as.data.frame(table(as.character(seu_oi$bins),
formula = Var1~Var2,value.var = "Freq") %>% column_to_rownames(var = "Var1")))
anno.overlap <- t(100*prop.table(anno.overlap,2))
bin_max <- data.frame(max=apply(anno.overlap,1,max)) %>% rownames_to_column("bin")
exempt_bins <- bin_max %>% dplyr::filter(max>95) %>% dplyr::pull(bin)
nonsig_bins <- names(bin_p)[!bin_p]
nonsig_bins <- nonsig_bins[nonsig_bins %notin% exempt_bins]
message("Found ", length(nonsig_bins), " non-significant bin(s)")
if(length(nonsig_bins)>0) {
message("Merging non-significant bins")
for(i in 1:length(nonsig_bins)) {
bins = unique(seu_oi$bins)
bin = nonsig_bins[i]
bin_cells = colnames(seu_oi)[seu_oi$bins==bin]
others = bins[bins %notin% nonsig_bins]
con <- sapply(seq_along(1:length(others)), function(x) {
seu_oi$bins[seu_oi$bins==bin] <- others[scriabin::resample(which(con==max(con)),1)]
seu_oi$bins <- paste(unique(seu@meta.data[,coarse_cell_types])[x],seu_oi$bins,sep = "=")
bin_id_list <- unlist(lapply(bin_ids, function(x) {x$bins}))
bin_rank <- as.character(rank(unique(bin_id_list)))
names(bin_rank) <- unique(bin_id_list)
bin_id_list <- scriabin::mapvalues(bin_id_list, from = names(bin_rank), to = bin_rank)
seu$bins <- scriabin::mapvalues(colnames(seu), from = names(bin_id_list), to = bin_id_list)
#without coarse cell types
else {
seu_oi <- AlignDatasets(seuObj = seu,
dims = dims,
anchor_score_threshold = anchor_score_threshold,
split.by = split.by,
optim_quan.threshold = optim_quan.threshold,
optim_k.unique = optim_k.unique,
snn.reduction = snn.reduction,
verbose = verbose)
message("Testing bin significance")
SNN <- as.sparse(seu_oi@graphs[[grep("_snn",Graphs(seu_oi),value=T)]])
if(is.null(sigtest_cell_types)) {
seu_oi <- FindClusters(seu_oi)
sigtest_cell_types <- "seurat_clusters"
message("Using clusters to test bin significance")
bin_p <- unlist(pblapply(seq_along(1:length(unique(seu_oi$bins))), FUN = function(j) {
bin = unique(seu_oi$bins)[j]
random_distribution <- replicate(20, random_connectivity_test(seu_oi = seu_oi, SNN=SNN,
split.by = split.by,
sigtest_cell_types = sigtest_cell_types))
names(bin_p) <- unique(seu_oi$bins)
anno.overlap <- as.matrix(t(reshape2::dcast(as.data.frame(table(as.character(seu_oi$bins),
formula = Var1~Var2,value.var = "Freq") %>% column_to_rownames(var = "Var1")))
anno.overlap <- t(100*prop.table(anno.overlap,2))
bin_max <- data.frame(max=apply(anno.overlap,1,max)) %>% rownames_to_column("bin")
exempt_bins <- bin_max %>% dplyr::filter(max>95) %>% dplyr::pull(bin)
nonsig_bins <- names(bin_p)[!bin_p]
nonsig_bins <- nonsig_bins[nonsig_bins %notin% exempt_bins]
message("Found ", length(nonsig_bins), " non-significant bin(s)")
if(length(nonsig_bins)>0) {
message("Merging non-significant bins")
for(i in 1:length(nonsig_bins)) {
bins = unique(seu_oi$bins)
bin = nonsig_bins[i]
bin_cells = colnames(seu_oi)[seu_oi$bins==bin]
others = bins[bins %notin% nonsig_bins]
con <- sapply(seq_along(1:length(others)), function(x) {
seu_oi$bins[seu_oi$bins==bin] <- others[scriabin::resample(which(con==max(con)),1)]
#' Helper function to check completion of bins
#' @param nbs
#' @return logical indicating if binning is complete
#' @export
#' @examples
check_completion <- function(nbs) {
x <- nbs$unique_types == length(unique(nbs$ident))
sum(x) == nrow(nbs)
#' Heatmap of bin-annotation overlap
#' @param seu A seurat object with binning IDs in the "bins" column of meta.data
#' @param cell.type.calls Name of meta.data column containing cell type calls on which to visualize overlap
#' @return A heatmap depicting cell type calls within each bin
#' @import ComplexHeatmap
#' @importFrom tibble rownames_to_column
#' @importFrom tibble column_to_rownames
#' @importFrom circlize colorRamp2
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' BinAnnotationPlot(seu)
#' }
BinAnnotationPlot <- function(seu, cell.type.calls = "celltype.l2") {
anno.overlap <- reshape2::dcast(as.data.frame(table(as.character(seu$bins),seu@meta.data[,cell.type.calls])),
formula = Var1~Var2,value.var = "Freq") %>% column_to_rownames(var = "Var1")
anno.overlap <- t(100*prop.table(anno.overlap,2))
rowanno <- as.data.frame(table(as.character(seu$bins)))
colnames(rowanno) <- c("bin","freq")
bin_max <- data.frame(max=apply(anno.overlap,1,max)) %>% rownames_to_column("bin")
rowanno <- merge(rowanno,bin_max,by = "bin") %>% column_to_rownames("bin")
rowanno <- rowanno[match(rownames(rowanno),rownames(anno.overlap)),]
la = rowAnnotation("Bin size" = rowanno$freq, "Max Overlap" = rowanno$max)
Heatmap(as.matrix(anno.overlap), name = "% within single\ncell type", cluster_rows = T, cluster_columns = T,
col = colorRamp2(c(0,50,100),c("lightsteelblue","yellow","red")), show_row_names = F,
left_annotation = la)
#' Plot composition of each bin
#' @param seu A seurat object with binning IDs in the "bins" column of meta.data
#' @param split.by Name of meta.data column defining how sub-datasets were binned
#' @param fill.colors Character of colors for each sub-dataset ID
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' BinCompositionAnalysis(seu)
#' }
BinCompositionAnalysis <- function(seu, split.by = "time.orig", fill.colors = NULL) {
tp_props <- as.data.frame(table(seu$bins, seu@meta.data[,split.by]))
tp_counts <- as.data.frame(table(seu@meta.data[,split.by]))
tp_props$total <- as.numeric(as.character(scriabin::mapvalues(tp_props$Var2, from = tp_counts$Var1,
to = tp_counts$Freq, warn_missing = F)))
tp_props$Freq <- 100*tp_props$Freq/tp_props$total
colnames(tp_props) <- c("bin","tp","Freq","total")
bin_mean <- aggregate(tp_props$Freq,by = list(tp_props$bin), FUN=mean)
tp_props$mean <- as.numeric(as.character(scriabin::mapvalues(tp_props$bin, from = bin_mean$Group.1, to = bin_mean$x, warn_missing = F)))
tp_props$tp_dev <- abs(tp_props$Freq-tp_props$mean)
tp_mat <- reshape2::dcast(tp_props[,c("bin","tp","Freq")], formula = bin~tp, value.var = "Freq")
data_plot <- data.frame(bin = tp_mat$bin)
bin_sd <- aggregate(tp_props$Freq,by = list(tp_props$bin), FUN=sd)
data_plot$dev <- as.numeric(as.character(scriabin::mapvalues(data_plot$bin, from = bin_sd$Group.1, to = bin_sd$x, warn_missing = F)))
bin_size <- as.data.frame(table(seu$bins))
data_plot$size <- as.numeric(as.character(scriabin::mapvalues(data_plot$bin, from = bin_size$Var1, to = bin_size$Freq, warn_missing = F)))
data_plot$region <- 1:nrow(data_plot)
data_plot <- cbind(data_plot,tp_mat[,2:ncol(tp_mat)])
data_plot$dev <- data_plot$dev/data_plot$size
data_plot$dev_scale <- scales::rescale(data_plot$dev, to = c(0,max(data_plot$size)))
data_plot$dev <- data_plot$dev_scale/10
p <- ggplot() + geom_scatterpie(aes(x = size, y = dev_scale, group = region, r = dev),
data = data_plot, cols = colnames(tp_mat)[-1]) +
coord_equal() + theme_cowplot() +
theme(axis.ticks.y = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_blank()) +
labs(x = "Bin size", y = "Total bin deviance\nfrom expected composition", fill = "Dataset")
if(!is.null(fill.colors)) {
p <- p + scale_fill_manual(values = fill.colors)
else {
p <- p + scale_fill_igv()
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