## following up on an idea in the Kharchenko et al paper, try to
## estimate average fragment length by strand shifting
gsample <- function(x, ...)
if (length(x) == 0) x
else sample(x, ...)
combineLaneReads <- function(laneList, chromList = names(laneList[[1]])) {
names(chromList) = chromList ##to get the return value named
function(chr) { ## sample() to make order random
list("+" = gsample(unlist(lapply(laneList, function(x) x[[chr]][["+"]]), use.names = FALSE)),
"-" = gsample(unlist(lapply(laneList, function(x) x[[chr]][["-"]]), use.names = FALSE)))
combinedLanes <-
list(controlmyo = combineLaneReads(myodMyo[c("8")]),
controlfibro = combineLaneReads(myodFibro[c("8")]),
cblasts = combineLaneReads(myodMyo[c("1","3","6")]),
ctubes = combineLaneReads(myodMyo[c("2","4","7")]),
cfibro = combineLaneReads(myodFibro[c("1","3","6")]),
cfibromyod = combineLaneReads(myodFibro[c("2","4","7")]),
methyl0 = combineLaneReads(solexa54[c("1","2")]),
methyl96 = combineLaneReads(solexa54[c("3","4")]),
realtube = combineLaneReads(solexa54[c("7","8")]),
ctcf = combineLaneReads(ctcf[c("1", "2", "3")]))
combinedLanes <-
list(ctcf = combineLaneReads(ctcf[c("1", "2", "3")]))
## some measure of similarity. Works on data from a single
## chromosome, in the form of a list("+" = ..., "-" = ...)
## latest attempt: measure goodness by number of bases covered after
## shifting. For the best mean shift, this would be low.
computeCoveredChr <-
function(x, chr, shift = seq(0, 10),
chrlens = seqlengths(Mmusculus))
max.shift <- max(shift)
xchr <- x[[chr]]
n <- chrlens[chr]
cov.pos <- coverage(extendReads(xchr, seqLen = 35, strand = "+"), width = n) > 0
cov.neg <- coverage(extendReads(xchr, seqLen = 35, strand = "-"), width = n) > 0
total <- sum((cov.pos + cov.neg) > 0)
sapply(shift, function(s) {
cat("\r", s, "/", max.shift)
sum(subseq(cov.pos, start = 1L, end = n - s) +
subseq(cov.neg, start = s + 1L, end = n) > 0)
}) / total
## computeCoveredChr(combinedLanes$cblasts, "chr3")
covdf <-
expand.grid(chr = factor(sprintf("chr%s", 1:19), levels = sprintf("chr%s", 1:19)),
sample = factor(rev(names(combinedLanes)), levels = rev(names(combinedLanes))),
shifts <- 0:300
cov.list <- vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(covdf))
for (i in seq_len(nrow(covdf)))
with(covdf, message(chr[i], "\t", sample[i]))
cov.list[[i]] <-
chr = as.character(covdf$chr[i]),
shift = shifts)
save(covdf, cov.list, file = "shift_coverage.rda")
covdf$mu.est <- sapply(cov.list, function(x) (seq_along(x)[which.min(x)] -1L)) + 35L
sort(with(covdf, tapply(mu.est, sample, median)))
stripplot(reorder(sample, mu.est) ~ mu.est, jitter = TRUE, data = covdf)
## any systematic chromosome effect? No.
stripplot(reorder(sample, mu.est) ~ mu.est, jitter = TRUE, data = covdf,
type = "a", groups = chr)
anova(lm(mu.est ~ sample + chr, data = covdf))
splom(do.call(cbind, with(covdf, split(mu.est + runif(length(mu.est)), sample))),
pscales = 0)
## plot the curves
covdf$index <- seq_len(nrow(covdf))
xyplot(mu.est ~ index | reorder(sample, mu.est), groups = chr,
data = covdf, curves = cov.list,
type = c("p", "g"),
prepanel = function(x, y, curves, ...) {
crv <- unlist(curves[x])
list(xlim = range(shifts) + 35,
ylim = range(crv))
panel = panel.superpose,
panel.groups = function(x, y, curves, ...) {
crv <- curves[[x]]
panel.lines(shifts + 35, crv)
## FIXME: what do we see in paired-end data? Two sets: one as
## reported by the paired-end alignments, and the other by this
## method. Our method first:
paired.covdf <-
expand.grid(chr = factor(sprintf("chr%s", 1:19), levels = sprintf("chr%s", 1:19)),
sample = factor(names(pairedReads), levels = names(pairedReads)),
shifts <- 0:300
paired.cov.list <- vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(covdf))
for (i in seq_len(nrow(covdf)))
with(paired.covdf, message(chr[i], "\t", sample[i]))
paired.cov.list[[i]] <-
chr = as.character(paired.covdf$chr[i]),
shift = shifts)
save(paired.covdf, paired.cov.list, file = "paired_shift_coverage.rda")
paired.covdf$mu.est <- sapply(paired.cov.list, function(x) (seq_along(x)[which.min(x)] -1L)) + 35L
sort(with(paired.covdf, tapply(mu.est, sample, median)))
stripplot(reorder(sample, mu.est) ~ mu.est, jitter = TRUE, data = paired.covdf)
## any systematic chromosome effect? No.
stripplot(reorder(sample, mu.est) ~ mu.est, jitter = TRUE, data = paired.covdf,
type = "a", groups = chr)
anova(lm(mu.est ~ sample + chr, data = paired.covdf))
## plot curves
paired.covdf$index <- seq_len(nrow(paired.covdf))
xyplot(mu.est ~ index | reorder(sample, mu.est), groups = chr,
data = paired.covdf, curves = paired.cov.list,
type = c("p", "g"),
prepanel = function(x, y, curves, ...) {
crv <- unlist(curves[x])
list(xlim = range(shifts) + 35,
ylim = range(crv))
panel = panel.superpose,
panel.groups = function(x, y, curves, ...) {
crv <- curves[[x]]
panel.lines(shifts + 35, crv)
## next: reproduce Park et al paper calculations. Seems like they
## compute correlation between strand-specific densities after
## shifting.
## older approach: shift then compute coverage
## computeCovered <-
## function(x, chr, shift = 0,
## chrlens = seqlengths(Mmusculus))
## {
## xchr <- x[[chr]]
## xchr[["-"]] <- xchr[["-"]] - shift
## n <- chrlens[chr]
## cov <- coverage(extendReads(xchr, readLen = 35, seqLen = 35),
## width = n)
## s <- slice(cov, lower = 1)
## sum(as.numeric(width(s)))
## }
## for (i in seq_len(nrow(simdf)))
## {
## with(simdf, message(chr[i], "\t", shift[i], "\t", sample[i]))
## simdf$sim[i] <-
## computeCovered(combinedLanes[[as.character(simdf$sample[i])]],
## chr = as.character(simdf$chr[i]),
## shift = simdf$shift[i])
## }
## A slightly different and more useful question is: how much should
## be extend. This needs some way to evaluate an extension. Here's
## one idea: for a given extension, take covpos + covneg, and
## pmax(covpos, covneg). The difference in their sum() (area under
## coverage) is a measure of overlap.
computeOverlap <-
function(x, chr, seqLen = 100,
chrlens = seqlengths(Mmusculus))
xchr <- x[[chr]]
n <- chrlens[chr]
covpos <- coverage(extendReads(xchr, readLen = 35, seqLen = seqLen, strand = "+"), width = n)
covneg <- coverage(extendReads(xchr, readLen = 35, seqLen = seqLen, strand = "-"), width = n)
cov <- covpos + covneg
c(total = sum(cov), diff = sum(cov - pmax(covpos, covneg)))
simdf <-
expand.grid(shift = seq(from = 0, to = 200, by = 5),
chr = factor(sprintf("chr%s", 1:19), levels = sprintf("chr%s", 1:19)),
sample = factor(rev(names(combinedLanes)), levels = rev(names(combinedLanes))),
sim = NA_real_,
simdf$total <- NA_real_
simdf$diff <- NA_real_
for (i in seq_len(nrow(simdf)))
with(simdf, message(chr[i], "\t", shift[i], "\t", sample[i]))
ansi <-
chr = as.character(simdf$chr[i]),
seqLen = 35L + simdf$shift[i])
simdf$total[i] <- ansi["total"]
simdf$diff[i] <- ansi["diff"]
frag.size <- simdf
save(frag.size, file = "frag.size.rda")
diff0Plot <- function(which = "cfibromyod")
xyplot(diff/total ~ (shift + 35) | chr, frag.size,
subset = (sample == which), main = which,
scales = list(y = list(relation = "free", draw = FALSE)),
type = c("l", "g"),
xlab = "Amount of extension (bases)",
ylab = "Difference between total and pairwise max coverage / Total")
diff1Plot <- function(which = "cfibromyod")
xyplot(diff ~ (shift + 35) | chr, frag.size,
subset = (sample == which), main = which,
## scales = list(y = list(relation = "free", draw = FALSE)),
type = c("l", "g"),
xlab = "Amount of extension (bases)",
ylab = "First derivative of Difference",
prepanel = function(x, y, ...) {
prepanel.default.xyplot(head(x, -1), diff(y), ...)
panel = function(x, y, ...) {
panel.xyplot(head(x, -1), diff(y), ...)
panel.abline(h = 0)
diff2Plot <- function(which = "cfibromyod")
xyplot(diff ~ (shift + 35) | chr, frag.size,
subset = (sample == which), main = which,
scales = list(y = list(relation = "free", draw = FALSE)),
type = c("l", "g"),
xlab = "Amount of extension (bases)",
ylab = "Second derivative of Difference",
prepanel = function(x, y, ...) {
prepanel.default.xyplot(head(x, -2), diff(diff(y)), ...)
panel = function(x, y, ...) {
panel.xyplot(head(x, -2), diff(diff(y)), ...)
panel.abline(h = 0)
coveredPlot <- function(which = "cfibromyod")
xyplot(sim ~ (shift+35) | chr, frag.size, type = "o",
subset = (sample == which), main = which,
scales = list(y = list(relation = "free", draw = FALSE)),
xlab = "Estimated mean fragment size",
ylab = "Second derivative of Difference",
panel = function(...) {
panel.abline(v = 140, col = "grey", lwd = 3)
pdf("strand-shift.pdf", width = 11, height = 8)
stop("End of file")
## A demo of this
frag.mu <- 150
frag.sd <- 5
peak.locs <- c(0, 50, 350)
nreads <- 150
strand <- sample(c(-1, 1), nreads, replace = TRUE)
peak <- sample(peak.locs, nreads, replace = TRUE)
x <- round(peak - strand * runif(nreads, min = 0, pmax(0, rnorm(nreads, mean = frag.mu, sd = frag.sd)))) - ifelse(strand > 0, 0, 35)
stripplot(factor(strand) ~ x, jitter = TRUE,
panel = function(...) {
panel.abline(v = peak.locs)
reads <- split(x, strand)
names(reads) <- c("-", "+")
plotOverlap <- function(seqLen = 100, main = as.character(seqLen), ...)
rng <- as.integer(range(reads)) + c(-300L, 300L)
shift <- 1 - rng[1]
width <- rng[2] + shift
cov.pos <- coverage(extendReads(reads, readLen = 35, seqLen = seqLen, strand = "+"), shift = shift, width = width)
cov.neg <- coverage(extendReads(reads, readLen = 35, seqLen = seqLen, strand = "-"), shift = shift, width = width)
cov.total <- cov.pos + cov.neg
cov.max <- pmax(cov.pos, cov.neg)
df <- data.frame(coverage = c(as.numeric(cov.total), as.numeric(cov.max)),
location = seq(from = rng[1], to = rng[2]),
which = gl(2, length(cov.max), labels = c("total", "pmax")))
if (require(mosaiq))
print(mosaiq.xyplot(coverage ~ location, data = df, groups = which,
type = "l", main = main, ...))
c(total = sum(cov.total), diff = sum(cov.total) - sum(cov.max), depth = max(cov.total))
foo <- data.frame(seqlen = seq(10, 400, by = 5))
foo <- cbind(foo, t(sapply(foo$seqlen, plotOverlap)))
xyplot(diff + total + (diff/total) + depth ~ seqlen, foo,
outer = TRUE, scales = list(y = list(relation = "free", rot = 0)),
panel = function(...) {
panel.abline(v = frag.mu + c(-2, 0, 2) * frag.sd)
type = c("l", "g"), as.table = TRUE, layout = c(1, 4))
xyplot(diff(diff) ~ seqlen[-1], foo,
panel = function(...) {
panel.abline(v = frag.mu + c(-2, 0, 2) * frag.sd)
type = c("l", "g"))
xyplot(diff(diff(diff)) ~ seqlen[-(1:2)], foo,
panel = function(...) {
type = c("l", "g"))
## older experiments
sum.xrle <- function(x)
sum(as.numeric(as.integer(x@values)) * as.numeric(as.integer(x@lengths)))
setMethod("sum", "XRleInteger",
function(x, ..., na.rm = FALSE) sum.xrle(x))
## cross-correlation
similarity.cc <- function(pos, neg)
## pos, neg are external-vector integers
sum(pos * neg)
## a version of uncentered correlation. Other thoughts: contingency
## table indices
similarity.corr <- function(pos, neg)
## pos, neg are external-vector integers
sum(pos * neg) / sqrt(sum(pos * pos) * sum(neg * neg))
computeSimilarity <-
function(x, chr, shift = 0, chrlens = seqlengths(Mmusculus),
xchr <- x[[chr]]
xchr[["-"]] <- xchr[["-"]] - shift
n <- chrlens[chr]
covpos <-
coverage(extendReads(xchr, readLen = 35, seqLen = 35, strand = "+"),
width = n)
covneg <-
coverage(extendReads(xchr, readLen = 35, seqLen = 35, strand = "-"),
width = n)
## ans <- numeric(100)
## for (i in seq_along(ans))
## ans[i] <-
## similarity(subseq(covpos, start = 1, end = n - i + 1),
## subseq(covneg, start = i, end = n))
## ans
similarity(covpos, covneg)
## for (i in seq_len(nrow(simdf)))
## {
## with(simdf, message(chr[i], "\t", shift[i], "\t", sample[i]))
## simdf$sim[i] <-
## computeSimilarity(combinedLanes[[as.character(simdf$sample[i])]],
## chr = as.character(simdf$chr[i]),
## shift = simdf$shift[i],
## similarity = similarity.corr)
## }
xyp <-
xyplot(sim ~ shift | chr + sample, simdf, type = "o",
subset = (sample == "cfibromyod"),
panel = function(...) {
panel.abline(v = 60, col = "grey", lwd = 3)
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