## The first set of functions provide a version of density for
## 'sparse' data (large stretches of empty space where density is 0;
## so large that standard density() would not be able to compute it.
## FIXME: this is definitely not the right place to put this, but I'm
## not sure what is (IRanges has the underlying classes, but that does
## not necessarily make it the right choice).
## The use-case of interest is Kharchencko et al's density-correlation
## method for estimating average fragmet length
## FIXME: the "efficient" summary functions are not as important now
## because IRanges has improved. At some point, should consider
## getting rid of them.
dKernel <-
function(width = 50,
kernel = c("gaussian", "epanechnikov", "rectangular", "triangular", "biweight", "cosine", "optcosine"))
kernel <- match.arg(kernel)
kords <- seq(-width, width)
gaussian = dnorm(kords, sd = width / 3),
rectangular = {
a <- width
ifelse(abs(kords) < a, 0.5/a, 0)
}, triangular = {
a <- width
ax <- abs(kords)
ifelse(ax < a, (1 - ax/a)/a, 0)
}, epanechnikov = {
a <- width
ax <- abs(kords)
ifelse(ax < a, 3/4 * (1 - (ax/a)^2)/a, 0)
}, biweight = {
a <- width
ax <- abs(kords)
ifelse(ax < a, 15/16 * (1 - (ax/a)^2)^2/a, 0)
}, cosine = {
a <- width
ifelse(abs(kords) < a, (1 + cos(pi * kords/a))/(2 * a), 0)
}, optcosine = {
a <- width
ifelse(abs(kords) < a, pi/4 * cos(pi * kords/(2 * a))/a, 0)
## pad a 0 in the beginning to fill in stretch of 0's before
doDensity1 <- function(x, kernel, width) ## calls R's density()
n <- length(x)
from <- x[1] - width
to <- x[n] + width
c(0, n * density(x, kernel = kernel, width = 2 * width, from = from, to = to, n = to - from + 1)$y)
doDensity2 <- function(x, dk, width) ## explicit looping (but dk not recomputed)
n <- length(x)
if (n == 1)
c(0, dk)
x <- x - (x[1] - width - 1)
from <- x[1] - width
to <- x[n] + width
len <- to - from + 1
ans <- numeric(len)
for (xi in x)
si <- seq(xi - width, xi + width)
ans[si] <- ans[si] + dk
c(0, ans)
doDensity3 <- function(x, dk, width) ## loop in C
as.integer(x), as.double(dk), as.integer(width),
PACKAGE = "chipseq")
sparse.density <- function(x, width = 50, kernel = "epanechnikov",
from = start(rix)[1] - 10L,
to = end(rix)[length(rix)] + 10L)
if (!is.numeric(x))
stop("'x' must be an integer vector")
if (!is.integer(x))
x <- as.integer(x)
x <- sort(x)
ix <- IRanges(x-width, x+width)
rix <- sort(reduce(ix))
if (!length(x))
return(Rle(0, to - from - 1L))
## we will calculate density on a range containing the data. If
## necessary, we will subset later (FIXME: TODO).
from0 <- min(from, start(rix)[1] - 1L)
to0 <- max(to, end(rix)[length(rix)] + 1L)
if (from > from0 || to < to0) stop("[from, to] smaller than support not implemented yet (but easy to add)")
## ox <- findOverlaps(x, rix, select = "arbitrary")
ox <- findInterval(x, start(rix)) # equivalent, but a little faster
island.densities <-
dk <- dKernel(width = width, kernel = kernel)
tapply(x, ox, doDensity3, dk = dk, width = width, simplify = FALSE)
## result will be a "Rle" object. Need to compute @values and
## @lengths. We have the pieces, each of which will have
## values=island.densities[[i]][-1] and lengths=rep(1,width(rix)).
## In between, we have stretches of 0.
zero.lengths <- c(start(rix), to0) - c(from0, end(rix)) - 1L
all.values <- c(unlist(island.densities, recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE), 0)
all.lengths <- rep(1L, length(all.values))
all.lengths[cumsum(c(1L, sapply(island.densities, length)))] <- zero.lengths
## ans <- Rle(all.values, all.lengths) # has unnecessary fancy checks
ans <- new("Rle", values = all.values, lengths = as.integer(all.lengths))
basesCovered <- function(x, shift = seq(5, 300, 5), seqLen = 100,
verbose = FALSE)
if (!is.list(x))
stop("'x' must be a list object")
if (!all(c("+", "-") %in% names(x)))
stop("x must have named elements '+' and '-'")
if (!any(sapply(x, length) > 0))
return(data.frame(mu = seqLen + shift, covered = NA))
maxShift <- max(shift)
rng <- range(unlist(x))
if (!length(rng))
rng <- unlist(x)
rng <- rng + c(-1, 1) * maxShift
cov.pos <- coverage(IRanges(x[["+"]],
width = rep(seqLen, length(x[["+"]]))),
shift = 1-rng[1], width = 1+diff(rng)) > 0
cov.neg <- coverage(IRanges(end = x[["-"]],
width = rep(seqLen, length(x[["-"]]))),
shift = 1-rng[1], width = 1+diff(rng)) > 0
n <- diff(rng) + 1L
## ans <- shiftApply(shift, cov.pos, cov.neg, function(x, y) sum(x | y), verbose = verbose)
ans <- shiftApply(shift, cov.pos, cov.neg, RleSumAny, verbose = verbose)
data.frame(mu = seqLen + shift * 2L, covered = ans / ans[1])
## An efficient version of sum(e1 | e2), where e1 and e2 are Rle objects
RleSumAny <- function (e1, e2)
len <- length(e1)
stopifnot(len == length(e2))
x1 <- runValue(e1); s1 <- cumsum(runLength(e1))
x2 <- runValue(e2); s2 <- cumsum(runLength(e2))
as.integer(x1), as.integer(s1),
as.integer(x2), as.integer(s2),
PACKAGE = "chipseq")
## correlation from Rle objects.
similarity.corr <- function(pos, neg, center = FALSE)
## pos, neg are "Rle" objects
if (center)
pos <- pos - mean(pos)
neg <- neg - mean(neg)
RleSumProd(pos, neg) / sqrt(RleSumProd(pos, pos) * RleSumProd(neg, neg))
## this needs chromosome lengths, and includes all the 0-s on either
## side. Not exported, as
correlationProfile <-
function(x, chrom,
shift = seq(5, 300, 5),
center = FALSE,
dl <- lapply(x[[chrom]], sparse.density,
from = 1L, to = chrom.lengths[chrom], ...)
if (center) dl <- lapply(dl, function(x) { x - mean(x) })
len <- length(dl[[1]])
wid <- len - max(shift)
cl <-
function(s) {
sumxy <-
RleSumProd(subseq(`+`, start = 1L, width = wid),
subseq(`-`, start = 1L + s, width = wid)))
data.frame(mu = shift, corr = cl / with(dl( sqrt( RleSumProd(`+`, `+`) * RleSumProd(`-`, `-`) ) )))
### really really slow
## RleSumProd <- function (x1, n1, x2, n2)
## {
## ok <- e1 != 0 & e2 != 0
## sum(e1[ok] * e2[ok])
## }
## An efficient version of sum(e1 * e2), where e1 and e2 are Rle objects
## About twice as fast as direct interaction with Rle
RleSumProd <- function (e1, e2)
len <- length(e1)
stopifnot(len == length(e2))
x1 <- runValue(e1); s1 <- cumsum(runLength(e1))
x2 <- runValue(e2); s2 <- cumsum(runLength(e2))
## rle_sum_prod_prototype(x1, n1, s1, x2, n2, s2, len)
as.double(x1), as.integer(s1),
as.double(x2), as.integer(s2),
PACKAGE = "chipseq")
## a prototype, should go away.
rle_sum_prod_prototype <- function (x1, n1, s1, x2, n2, s2, len)
i1 <- i2 <- k <- 1 #i: RLE pointer, k: virtual pointer of underlying seq
ans <- 0
while (k <= len)
if (x1[i1] == 0 || x2[i2] == 0) # both 0, no contribution
i1 <- i1 + 1
i2 <- i2 + 1
## move lagging pointer ahead to location of the one ahead
while (s1[i1-1] < s2[i2-1]) i1 <- i1 + 1
while (s1[i1-1] > s2[i2-1]) i2 <- i2 + 1
k <- 1 + max(s1[i1-1], s2[i2-1])
else # at this point, moving the lagging one forward by one must reach or jump over the other
next.k <- 1 + min(s1[i1], s2[i2])
ans <- ans + (next.k - k) * x1[i1] * x2[i2]
if (s1[i1] == next.k - 1) i1 <- i1 + 1
if (s2[i2] == next.k - 1) i2 <- i2 + 1
k <- next.k
setGeneric("densityCorr", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("densityCorr"))
setMethod("densityCorr", "GenomicRanges",
function(x, ...)
applyPosByChrAndStrand(x, densityCorr, ...)
## this version only uses the range of the data
setMethod("densityCorr", "list",
function(x, shift = seq(0, 500, 5), center = FALSE,
width = seqLen * 2L, seqLen = 100L, maxDist = 500L, ...)
if (!all(c("+", "-") %in% names(x)))
stop("x must have named elements '+' and '-'")
if (!all(sapply(x, length) > 0))
return(data.frame(mu = shift, corr = NA))
if (!is.null(maxDist))
x <- lapply(x, removeIsolated)
maxShift <- max(shift)
rng <- range(unlist(x)) + c(-1, 1) * (maxShift + width)
dl <- lapply(x, sparse.density, width = width,
from = rng[1], to = rng[2], ...)
if (center) dl <- lapply(dl, function(x) { x - mean(x) })
cl <- shiftApply(shift, dl$"+", dl$"-", FUN = RleSumProd,
simplify = TRUE)
data.frame(mu = seqLen + shift * 2L,
corr = cl / with(dl, sqrt( RleSumProd(`+`, `+`) *
RleSumProd(`-`, `-`) ) ))
## densityCorr <- function(x, shift = seq(0, 500, 5), ...)
## {
## nShift <- length(shift)
## maxShift <- max(shift)
## rng <- range(unlist(x)) + c(-1, 1) * maxShift
## dotArgs <- list(...)
## if ("n" %in% names(dotArgs)) {
## n <- dotArgs[["n"]]
## } else {
## n <- min(65536, round(diff(rng) / 2))
## }
## d1 <- density(x$"+", from = rng[1], to = rng[2], n = n, ...)
## d2 <- density(x$"-", from = rng[1], to = rng[2] + maxShift, n = n, ...)
## d2Shifted <- approx(d2, xout = as.vector(outer(d1$x, shift, FUN = "+")))
## d2Y <- matrix(d2Shifted$y, ncol = nShift)
## data.frame(mu = shift, corr = as.vector(cor(d1$y, d2Y)))
## }
## Jothi et al method
## For every tag i in the sense strand, the nearest tag k
## in the antisense strand, downstream of i, is identified. Let j be the
## tag in the sense strand immediately upstream of k. Note that i and j
## could be the same tag. The mean DNA fragment length F is given by
## 2/n \sum_i (d(i,j) + d(j,k)/2),
## where n is the number of sense tags for which there exists a
## k and a j tag, and d(i,k)<=500
jothi.estimate <- function(x, maxDist = 500L)
i <- x$"+"
pos <- sort(unique(x$"+"))
neg <- sort(unique(x$"-"))
whichK <- findInterval(i, neg) + 1L
whichK[whichK > length(neg)] <- NA_integer_
k <- neg[whichK]
whichJ <- findInterval(k - 1L, pos)
whichJ[whichJ < 1L] <- NA_integer_
j <- pos[whichJ]
keep <- !is.na(j) & !is.na(k) & abs(i-k) < maxDist
i <- i[keep]
j <- j[keep]
k <- k[keep]
2 * sum(abs(i-j) + 0.5 * abs(j-k)) / sum(keep)
## point estimates for the other methods
removeIsolated <- function(u, min.close = 500L)
u <- sort(u)
du <- diff(u)
min.dist <- pmin(c(Inf, du), c(du, Inf))
u[min.dist <= min.close]
coverage.estimate <- function(x, ...)
d <- basesCovered(x, ...)
with(d, mu[which.min(covered)])
correlation.estimate <- function(x, maxDist = 500L, ...)
if (!is.null(maxDist))
x <- lapply(x, removeIsolated)
d <- densityCorr(x, ...)
with(d, mu[which.max(corr)])
.estimate.mean.fraglen <-
function(x, method = c("SISSR", "coverage", "correlation"), ...)
method <- match.arg(method)
SISSR = jothi.estimate(x, ...),
coverage = coverage.estimate(x, ...),
correlation = correlation.estimate(x, ...))
## adapts GRanges to this ancient API
applyPosByChrAndStrand <- function(x, FUN, ...) {
strand <- as.vector(strand(x))
splitData <-
split(data.frame(pos = ifelse(strand == "+", start(x), end(x)),
strand = strand),
function(y) {
setGeneric("estimate.mean.fraglen", signature = "x",
function(x, method = c("SISSR", "coverage", "correlation"), ...)
setMethod("estimate.mean.fraglen", "AlignedRead",
function(x, method = c("SISSR", "coverage", "correlation"), ...) {
estimate.mean.fraglen(as(x, "GRanges"), method = method, ...)
setMethod("estimate.mean.fraglen", "GRanges",
function(x, method = c("SISSR", "coverage", "correlation"),
weighted.mean = FALSE, ...)
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(weighted.mean))
stop("'weighted.mean' must be TRUE or FALSE")
ans <- applyPosByChrAndStrand(x, .estimate.mean.fraglen,
method = match.arg(method), ...)
if (weighted.mean) {
ans <- weighted.mean(ans, table(seqnames(x))[names(ans)])
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